New heating plan. Features of installation of a heating plan

One type of modern electric heating, and this is exactly what PLEN heating is - the best proof that ongoing developments and innovative technologies in this area are able to create options that surprise with their simplicity and efficiency. Moreover, it is quite possible to install this heating system, consisting of film-radiant electric heaters, with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists.

To begin with, let us clarify that all heating systems in operation today are divided into three types according to the method of heat transfer from the coolant:

  • convection,
  • with direct heat transfer
  • based on electromagnetic radiation in the infrared range.

The traditional and most common method is convection, but it is not the most optimal if it is not possible to use gas heating.

A more rational option in this case would be to install a PLEN based on the use of long-wave infrared heaters consisting of multilayer resistors located between plastic films.

Attractive moments for the owner of the house will be the opportunity self installation PLEN system and its rather comfortable operation. But such heating, as well as any other, will be sufficiently effective only if certain preparatory work, namely, the arrangement of thermal insulation of the house. The most heated part of the room when using this heating system will be the floors; in this case, the “warm floor” equipment will not be needed.

Installation and principle of operation

The PLEN heating we are considering is positioned as energy-saving. Its installation consists in installing film radiant heaters on a pre-prepared ceiling surface (its thermal insulation and an additional layer with good reflective properties will be required).

To obtain a sufficiently good effect, it will be necessary to install an infrared film on 80% of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. If necessary, it is possible to hide the heating elements under decorative trim containing no metals.

The principle of operation of the PLEN is to heat the resistors, the radiating film, convert the waves into infrared, having a length in the range from 10 to 15 microns, which in turn leads to heating of the floor surface. The accumulation of thermal energy by the floor allows it to become part of the heating system. The work is carried out in a cyclic mode, and the period of infrared radiation takes only 10% of the working time, during the remaining 90% heat is transferred from the floor surface.

Scheme of the heating system PLEN

In addition, for this modern technology characterized by high efficiency, equal to 95% and the possibility of automation of work. The presence of a temperature controller, namely setting it to a certain position, will ensure the operation of the system until the desired result is obtained.

Price and reviews

Attractive points for the consumer are high efficiency PLEN-heating and its efficiency, fire safety.

The price of PLEN heating depends on the price of electricity, the approximate consumption of which for heating 1 m² is from 15 to 20 W / h. The cost of equipment and installation of the system pays off within two years, and long-term operation will not require additional costs, such as paint for heating radiators, by the way, you won’t need to look for a place to install them either.

The owners of country and residential buildings, who have experience in installing and using the PLEN heating system, note its environmental friendliness, efficiency, comfort and give positive feedback. The use of the system proved to be effective when it was installed for heating greenhouses, balconies, etc.

The heating system is considered one of the main ones in any room, therefore the most stringent requirements are imposed on it: efficiency, safety, durability, environmental friendliness, reliability and maximum efficiency. The number of heating methods is huge, but they all have their pros and cons. Choosing between them a couple of years ago, I had to sacrifice some qualities for the sake of others.

Recently, demand has begun to gain heating plan, developed on the basis of advanced scientific technologies. It is based on the properties of infrared radiation:

  1. It easily passes through objects or is reflected from them.
  2. Most materials absorb heat and retain
  3. Rays are scattered

Heating meets all the requirements of users and is safe for their health.

Video review

What it is? Principle of operation

In decoded form, PLEN means "film radiant electric heater." When viewed in cross section, one can see a resistive element located between a pair of polymer films. The basic principle of operation is based on the interaction of infrared radiation with the environment.

Consider the principle of operation of PLEN heating in more detail:

  1. The basis is a resistive element, which is located between the polymer films and is a multilayer circuit consisting of resistors.
  2. When the film is connected to the mains, electricity passes through each of the resistors, while heating them to a temperature about 50 degrees
  3. When a certain value is reached, the material begins to emit infrared radiation, which heats the room

It is possible to warm up the resistors by 10 degrees on average in a short 1.5-2 hours. This is 10% of the time it takes to heat an average room to the desired temperature from zero. Then heating system starts to function in an automated mode, turning on for a modest 15-20 minutes every hour and maintaining the desired temperature set on the thermostat.

Visual scheme of work

It is very important to properly insulate the room. If the heat quickly goes outside, the system will start to function much more often, increasing the consumption of electricity.

Application area

One of the advantages of PLEN heating is that it has no restrictions regarding the scope. The film can be laid on any surface (from floor to ceiling), using it as an additional or main heated system.

Most efficient heating plan will be in rooms with high air exchange. However, before starting work, you should consider a number of requirements:

  1. It is recommended to place the thermostat at a height of 1.5-1.7 m from the floor surface, while the wall under it should be covered with a foil film
  2. When laying the PLEN, the electrical network should be de-energized
  3. The device must not be subjected to mechanical stress, the film must not be independently cut (lengthened, shortened), connected to the network folded sections
  4. If the total power of the heating system does not exceed 5 kW, it is allowed to use single-phase connection, otherwise you will have to resort to a three-phase
  5. The surface must be clean and as even as possible, insulated in accordance with the requirements of SNIP
  6. It is not recommended to make the connection yourself, entrusting the work to a professional electrician

Advantages and disadvantages

A huge number of consumers have already managed to test PLEN heating and compare it with other popular methods (installation of radiators, convectors, underfloor heating, etc.). The system has many advantages, among them are:

  • Surfaces will always be in a warm state - prevention of colds and similar diseases
  • Can be used on almost any surface finishing materials metal-free
  • It becomes possible to automate the support of the established temperature regime
  • Allows not only to heat the premises, but also helps to fight mold or dampness
  • The film is thin and does not pick up usable space rooms
  • Heating costs are reduced by up to 70% compared to classic radiator systems
  • The operational period declared by the manufacturer is from 25 years, in practice it is up to 45-50 years

Several disadvantages of the PLEN system should be noted:

  • Despite the fact that the electromagnetic field is small, it is still present and can affect a person with a very long exposure.
  • It is necessary to take care of a constant supply of electricity, installing backup power sources just in case.
  • Any mistakes made during the self-assembly process can be detrimental.
  • If the surfaces are not properly insulated, the heating efficiency drops significantly
  • High initial costs, the payback of which will be 2-5 years


After considering the pros and cons, everyone should do independent choice in favor of PLEN heating. To be sure to compare it with other types, we present the main specifications:

  • Ratings (current and power) - 1.2 A and 170 W, respectively
  • Rated voltage - 220 V (for systems with a total power of 5 kW), 380 V (for systems with a total power of more than 5 kW)
  • Surface temperature - up to 50 degrees
  • Width of canvases - 0.33 m, 0.51 m and 0.65 m
  • Thickness of cloths – 0.55 mm
  • The length of the paintings - from 1 to 5 m
  • Veg (per sq. m.) - 550 grams
  • Efficiency - up to 90%

Features of installation work

Having chosen planner heating as the main system, you need to think about the level of air exchange. The higher this indicator, the greater the efficiency. The film is recommended to cover up to 80% of the surfaces in the room.

Video instruction

You need to think before you start self-assembly similar heating system. Mistakes and even small inaccuracies can negatively affect security, which costs more than a specialist's rates.

  1. First of all, it is recommended to prepare the work surfaces. All of them must be qualitatively and reliably insulated, leveled and cleaned.
  2. Since IR radiation is scattered in different sides, it is necessary to direct it inside the room - for this, foil is glued on the surface under the PLEN, touching the foil part with the surface of the walls, ceiling or floor
  3. You can replace the foil-based film more modern material- penofol, fasteners are allowed to be carried out with a construction stapler with staples
  4. Fastening of PLEN strips is allowed to be done with a stapler
  5. The heat-reflecting foil sheet must be applied with an overlap of 2-3 cm, gluing with a foil adhesive tape, but heating strips can be placed leaving a gap of up to 20 cm

It is recommended to fasten the cable channel into which the wiring of the IR heaters will be connected directly near the heating film. You should be as careful as possible so as not to damage the tightness of the system, otherwise it will become unusable.

The wiring that is laid along the cable channel must be connected in parallel with respect to the main line. The cross section of the wire may be different and depends on the total power of the heating system.

Next, you need to choose the optimal place for the thermostat. It is placed at a height of up to 1.7 m in any accessible place. The surface under the device must be warm, otherwise its performance will be characterized by a large error. IN small room the device can be connected to a break in the line, otherwise you will have to run the power wire from the shield and connect using a magnetic contactor.

Starting the last stage - finishing, it is recommended to start the heating system and make sure that it is working. Any materials sold on the market may be used as finishes, with the exception of metal panels. It is forbidden to glue wallpaper paper on the walls under the PLEN film.

Summing up

High efficiency and economy are the main positive sides, which characterizes the heating plan. The issue of cost remains to be resolved. The main item in the cost estimate for the arrangement will be the price of the film, the square of which will cost at 30-40 $. The cost of mounting one square will be 1-1.5 thousand per square.

With regard to space heating costs, for each square meter will be spent in the process of work up to 20 watts per hour. A lot will depend on how much of the space is covered and what the local electricity rates are.

In our time, when technology is developing extremely rapidly, many owners of private houses and apartments are concerned about the question: is it possible to choose a really economical, affordable and environmentally friendly type of heating? The answer is simple - of course, it is possible, because PLEN heating ideally meets all such requirements.

This is an extremely convenient, economical and productive type of heating, which is universal, perfect for any property, whether private house or city apartment.

Features, characteristics, design

The main idea of ​​​​heating PLEN is to use the ceiling as a working platform. This is an innovative solution, because the system works similarly to the sun, heating the entire room evenly from above.

It should be noted that in addition to increased efficiency, such a heating system also differs high level security - maximum working temperature in the system is only 50C. In addition, it is also the most economical way to heat a house, since the equipment consumes little electricity.

What is PLEN

For those people who do not know what it is heating using the plan system, some explanations should be made.

Essentially, PLEN special resistive heater, flexible and with a film embedded in the laminate layer. The film thickness is 0.35 mm, while the laminated coating helps to effectively protect the system from the negative effects of moisture.

As mentioned earlier, the PLEN heating system is in most cases mounted on the ceiling in the room. Nevertheless, the technical characteristics allow you to easily install the heating system on any surface, from walls to floors, regardless of the coating (tile, plastic, MDF). The entire system is powered by 220V.

Basics of the PLEN system

Film ceiling system heating plan has a rather interesting principle of operation. In particular, heating captivity begins to radiate heat after a current passes through its resistors. Thanks to film elements, plan heating systems can create an invisible thermal wall, up to 10 microns long wave.

Heat (and the elements themselves heat up to 45-50C) from the plan heating system is absorbed by the surfaces of objects and walls, floors and other elements of the room. As a result, it is possible to create a unique comfort and coziness in the room, to make living more enjoyable and interesting.

It should be noted that, despite the existence in the domestic market, quite a large number all kinds of heating systems, infrared ceiling, nevertheless, remains the most efficient, reliable and economical.

If you correctly calculate the PLEN heating, you can provide the highest quality and cheapest space heating, save on paying energy bills.

Advantages of PLEN heating systems

PLEN-based heating system is an excellent choice for modern home, office or other institution.

Compared to more traditional options, PLEN has a lot of features and advantages:

  • The power (as the instructions show) of the system is about 110-120 W / sq.m;
  • Quick pickup required amount heat. As a rule, the PLEN system, if you install it correctly with your own hands, makes it possible to quickly heat the air in the room. According to calculations, for every 10C there is about 1.5-2 hours of pure time;
  • There is no need for complex and specialized equipment, which can be expensive;
  • Ability to maintain low temperature conditions. In the absence of people in the room, the PLEN system can easily maintain a constant temperature, thereby reducing the price of paying for heating;
  • Ecological cleanliness, safety, efficiency, the ability to quickly heat any area, room, object. As you can see in many photos and videos on the net, PLEN are actively used both in residential buildings as well as in offices medical institutions, trading floors;
  • No use of fossil fuels. This is extremely important for environment, reduces the level harmful emissions in atmosphere.

Life does not stand still. More recently, heating systems that seemed to be the last word in technology are slowly crowding, giving way to new developments. Cost-effectiveness and efficiency are the main indicators that the average buyer focuses on. It is these qualities that distinguish Plane heating, one of the latest achievements in the field of developments that maintain heat in the house.

What is Film Radiant Electric Heater?

All existing heating systems today use one of the known ways heat transfer:

  • electromagnetic radiation in the infrared range;
  • convection;
  • with direct heat transfer.

As practice shows, the first option turns out to be the most effective and economical, which underlies the new method of space heating.

Equipment internals

The PLEN heating system is arranged quite simply. It consists of aluminum foil with resistive heating elements. The device is laminated on both sides with a special durable film.

In general, the thickness of the structure does not exceed 1.5 mm. The materials used for the production of the system are characterized by increased heat resistance and strength. The equipment is attached to the ceiling of the heated room.

Plane is a film-laminated system of resistive heaters deposited on aluminum foil.

Principle of operation

After the power is connected, the resistors in the film begin to heat up. They emit infrared waves with a length of 10-15 microns, which, in turn, heat the surfaces below them. It can be the floor or even large furniture. Sex accumulates thermal energy, after which it begins to gradually give it away. Thus, it becomes part of the heating system.

The principle of operation of the plan system is simple, but very effective.

It should be noted that the ceiling heating plan works cyclically. The first stage is the emission of infrared waves, the second is the absorption, accumulation and release of heat by the floor. In this case, the first stage takes only 10% of the system operation time, and the remaining 90% is heat transfer. Therefore, the equipment is very economical. The device can be provided automatic system control and thermostat, which ensures the inclusion of the system and maintaining the set temperature without human intervention.

Why choose this type of heating?

infrared heating devices, which replaced the traditional ones, have many advantages, the film ceiling heating system is no exception. Its use allows:

  • Save cash. Unlike many other devices, the plan will require financial investments only at the stage of purchase and installation. Maintenance during the entire period of operation, which is more than 50 years, will not be required. In addition, electricity is needed for the functioning of the system so little that it very quickly pays for itself. For this, almost 1.5-2 years is enough. Practice shows that on average, the cost of heating a house is reduced by 70%.
    Heat the room environmentally clean way. Infra-red rays do not change humidity and do not burn oxygen. There are no combustion products hazardous to humans that need to be removed. The system works absolutely silently, its electromagnetic radiation is at the background level, there are no harmful substances is not emitted, there are no convection currents carrying dust and other contaminants. Heat is distributed in the most comfortable way for the body, leaving the floor warmer and the air around the human head less heated. Physicians consider such heating optimal.

Compared to traditional heating systems, plank distributes the temperature in the room in the most comfortable way for a person.

  • It is easy to carry out installation and, if necessary, dismantling of the structure. The infrared film does not take up a usable area and can be laid under anything other than metal, ceiling covering. After proper dismantling, it retains all its properties and can be mounted elsewhere.
  • Use high efficiency safe heating. Premises are heated very quickly, about 15C per hour, while the temperature in the room is easily regulated. The overall efficiency of the system is 95%. Modern infrared heating plan is absolutely fireproof and is equipped with special protection against accidental electric shock. The device is not afraid of temporary shutdowns and power surges.

The nuances of installing the system

The device is quite simple to install, which, nevertheless, is best entrusted to a professional electrician.

If you decide to install it yourself, you need to pay attention to some points:

    • The room must be well insulated. Without proper thermal insulation, it is impractical to use the system.
    • It is forbidden to shorten or lengthen the film. It is also not recommended to disassemble the device yourself, turn it on rolled up and allow mechanical damage designs.
    • The Plen infrared heating film system should only be installed on a smooth, even surface without protrusions and defects with sharp edges.

Plen infrared heating system is very easy to install

Infrared films - practical and very effective solution for home heating. Deciding to use them, you can significantly save money on maintenance and operation of the system, get efficient, safe and extremely easy to install heating, which will allow the house to always be cozy and warm.