Approximate calculation of the cabbage of the bar on the house. Calculation of a bar on a bath - the main features of this process Calculator Cubature Bruus Online

Many think about the construction of a country house, but most postpone it for tomorrow in connection with ignorance, how to calculate the number of timber to the house. Why? Yes, because the counting process itself is not free, but pay for what may not be implemented - no one hunt.

Let's try to understand with you how to correctly calculate the amount of this product for the construction itself.

Calculation of products for building buildings

Factors that affect numbers

The main thing is that it is necessary to take into account when calculating the amount of material on the house is:

  • what kind of timber will be used in construction;
  • how much we need it;
  • how many pieces in 1 cubic meter;
  • what.

Calculation of lumber in cubic meters

Consider how to calculate the number of timber in Cuba in the easiest way, one can say this is the main principle of calculations. It should be noted that the example is not accurate. To carry out more accurate numbers, you need to have a project of the future at home.

So, attention instructions:

  1. Calculate the perimeter of the building.
  2. Multiply the perimeter to height.
  3. The result is multiplied by the thickness of the product.
  4. As a result, the result of the number of bar cubes required to build a building was obtained.

To calculate the product for inner walls, we use the same method. If desired, it is possible to calculate not only the material cubage, but also its number in pieces. Consider a separate example, how to calculate the number of timber on a bath 3 m at 5 m high 3 m.

We agree that during construction will be used in size 150 by 150 mm.


  • (3 Width + 5 Length) × 2 \u003d 30 m is the perimeter of the building.
  • 30 perimeter × 3 Height \u003d 90 sq. M - wall area.
  • 90 Square × 0.15 Material thickness \u003d 13.5 cubic meters - you need to build a box with a bar 3 × 5 with a height of 3m.

Thus, the number of vehicles for the walls is 13.5 cubic meters. But, it should be noted that the window and doorways will reduce the amount of material used.

In most cases, the masters do not take into account the moment, it is believed that even better to throw about 20% of the margin, as a result, we will succeed:

  • 13.5 + 20% \u003d 16.2 cubic meters. We will need for this type of building.

When building a house from a bar, the first crown should be a little thicker than the main product used to build walls.
In our count, it is not taken into account, it is necessary to calculate it separately.
The first crown is laid out of the thicker, as in the future it will fall on it the mass of the whole house, it is additionally recommended to process it with machine oil or antiseptic.

Calculation in pieces

Having calculated how many lumber cubes for the construction of the house, you can easily find out how much a bar is needed in pieces. It is necessary first when buying. Knowing the exact number of pieces, you will protect yourself from possible fraud from the seller.

Consider the table of common sizes of this product length 6m:

100x100 1 PC. - 0.06 Cuba 16.67 pcs. cubed
100x150. 1 PC. - 0.09 Cuba 11.11 PC. cubed
150x150 1 PC. - 0.135 Cuba 7.41 pcs. cubed
100x200 1 PC. - 0.12 Cuba 8.33 pcs. cubed
150x200. 1 PC. - 0.18 Cuba 5.56 pcs. cubed
200x200. 1 PC. - 0.24 Cuba 4.17 pcs. cubed

On the above example, where we marked the cube of a bar for a bath, we will carry out further calculation of materials in pieces.

So, in order to find out the amount of material to the house in pieces, we carry out the following calculation, for this, a system of 13.5 m.kub, which is needed for the construction of the bath, divide into the cubic volume of the used bar, in our case it is equal to the table 0.135 M. Kub :

  • 13.5: 0.135 \u003d 100 pieces

Knowing the right amount of product in pieces, you do not have to go to run with a tape measure and calculate the volume to find out whether you got the material on the invoice, you will only need to calculate the product.

The role of the height and thickness of the material

Before calculating the amount, you need to decide on the choice of thickness and height of the product.

The material may have different thickness and height, list the main dimensions:

  • 100x100 mm.
  • 100x150 mm.
  • 150x150 mm.
  • 150x200 mm.
  • 200х200 mm.

With a height, everything is simple, the higher the bar, the smaller the interventic seams - construction work undergo faster, and naturally, the number of pieces of material for the construction of the house decreases. But the width is more important, especially during construction for all-season accommodation.

Not all lumber manufacturers are honest with the buyer, sometimes it happens that the ram 150x150 mm actually has a size of 140x140 mm.
What will lead to, it is not difficult to guess if a height of 150x150 mm in size is needed at a height of 3 meters 20 pcs., Then at a rate of 140x140 mm - 21 pieces and a half, and this is a half of the weft row.

When planning year-round accommodation in the house, it is recommended to use a timing of 200 mm thick. It is necessary to warm such walls, but for our climate there are enough such a foam or mineral wool with a thickness of 10 cm.

When building a bath, it is recommended to use a thickness of a material of 150 mm, it is enough for short-term maintenance of temperature. Well, if you decide to build a country house for a summer holiday, then in this case the walls from the bar 100x100 mm will be just right.

When building a wooden house, in which it is not planned to stay all year round, the thickness of the bar is not important.
After all, such a building is only necessary for short-term use and mainly in the spring-autumn period.

Pay attention!
Despite the large thickness of the product, the walls will still have to warm the walls.
After all, in order for the house fully fulfilled its thermal insulation properties, the wall thickness should be about 50 cm.

Why do you need a project of the house

When calculating the material for the construction of the house, the project of the house is played an important role. After all, only in the finished project you can see not only the appearance of the building, but also the inner location of the walls and elements that need an additional calculation of the required material.

Get a project of a wooden house in different ways:

  • do it yourself;
  • order from a specialist;
  • buy a finished project;
  • buy on the Internet;
  • find on the Internet.

You can make your own hands the project at home, but it is difficult, as you should have special knowledge. And the point here is not only to draw a future house, you need to take into account the specifics of climate, soil, air humidity and other points.

The most correct solution is to order a specialist project, the price of such services is not cheaper, but this is the best option, the specialist will take into account all your wishes and the possibility of terrain. This will protect against many possible troubles, and will also ask anyone when there is problems.

Do not buy projects on the Internet from untested persons, most often they sell those projects that are posted on the Internet for publicly available use.


Making the right counting, you will provide easy construction. It will not be necessary to think later - where to do extra products or, worse than the construction of construction because of their shortage.

If you have some other questions, see the video in this article, you will not only learn how to calculate the timber on the calculator, but also be able to calculate the approximate cost of the future at home. You definitely will not be any doubt in your ability to calculate the material with your own hands.

Building a house from a bar is always associated with considerable financial expenses. But that they do not exceed the allotted limit and you have enough materials, you need to calculate the construction of the house from the bar.

Our portal "Repair" offers step-by-step stages of the calculation of a bar for the construction of the house:

Board consumption at home.

The formula for calculating the consumption of material for the bearing walls of the construction.

Material consumption for roof frame house.

Factors affecting the number of materials required for the roof frame.

Calculation of the amount of material for the crate and rafters.

The number of blanks for the device beams.
Calculation of the amount of floorboard.

Regardless of whether you plan to build housing on your own or for this you decide to hire workers, you need to make a estimate. It is she who will be the basis of all work.
The house of timber contains the following design elements:

  • walls;
  • roof;

  • lags for the floor and ceiling;
  • doom;
  • rafters;

  • fasteners and insulation;

  • windows and doors;

  • bind.

Board consumption for building a house

For the construction of a house for permanent residence, a ram 150x150 mm, 150x100 mm, 200x200mm or 100x100 mm is used. Before starting work, it is worth choosing the size of the billets and calculate how much the bar may be needed. Typically, calculus pass in cubic meters, and not in pieces.

Form calculating a bar for bearing walls

The calculation of the bar for the construction of the house can be held according to the following formula:

  • to begin with, the sum of the length of all walls of the construction is calculated, and not just external, but also internal;
  • the perimeter must be multiplied by the height of the house, excluding the fronton (the facade of the building, which is limited by the cornice and ropes of the roof);
  • the value you get is to multiply to the thickness of the timber for the construction.

As a result, you will receive the number of cubes that will be needed for the construction of the house. As a rule, limited to one or two floors.

As a result, for the construction of a house you will need 13.5 m 3 of a bar having a cross section of 150x150 mm. If you plan to use more walls, then they are important to consider in the calculations.

For the convenience of building the construction of the house from the bar and facilitate the choice, you can use the data given in the table (with a length of 6 meters):

Section of bar Pieces in Cuba Volume of one thing
200х200 mm 4,1 0.24 m 3.
150x150 mm 7,4 0.135 m 3.
100x150 mm 11,1 0.09 m 3.
100x100 mm 16,6 0.06 m 3.

To accomplish the correct settlement of the construction of the house from the bar, you need to take into account what you will not be able to avoid in individual construction - even a proven supplier in one batch will be several marriages. It must be taken into account during the purchase and order blanks with a small margin.

Material consumption for roof frame

For a brusade house, a rafter system is used, which acts as a carrier roof frame. The tree is a solid material, but despite this, it is not necessary to overload, otherwise you can provoke the destruction of the bearing walls and an uneven shrinkage.

The rafal system refers to the category of pitched roofs. Cheaper and easier to build a double roof with your own hands. The technology is available for a novice, and it takes a lot less material.

Factors affecting the amount of material required for roof frame

If you want the roof to be not just beautiful, but also reliable, do not save on construction materials. It is important not to deviate from technology with its independent construction.

The wooden roof frame contains the following mandatory elements:
  • rafters or rafter legs;
  • fronton consisting of a bar similar to the carrier walls;

  • boxes (lags) - horizontally located bars, represent the basis for laying a geepboard;
  • mauerlat is a thick layer, which is over the perimeter of the walls, is used for the same distribution of the frame weight;
  • the lamp is attached to rafters and acts as the basis for mounting the roof.

How to calculate the cost of building a high-quality house from a bar

According to SNiP 31-02, any roof has a number of requirements, considering which, you need to calculate building materials. That is, that the framework is fully consistent with the stated standards and ensure protection of the house from snow, rain and melt water, did not let the cold air, you need to figure out how much the workpieces need.

Calculation of the amount of timber for the frame: Mauerlat

The amount of material directly depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe coating. For example, we can consider the house 6x6. For a qualitative base, you will need a thick strong beam 150x150 mm or 150x100 mm. It is placed on four bearing walls, respectively, to make Mauerlat, you need four bars, each 6 meters.

Attention! If the house does not assume the presence of inland bearing walls, it is important that the distance between them does not exceed 8 meters. If another support is located inside the house, then it is worth the distance to 14-16 meters.

For example: 6 + 6 + 9 + 9 \u003d 30 meters.

Perimeter, namely, 30 meters need to be divided into one bar: 30 m / 6 m \u003d 5 pieces.

As a result, for the construction of Mauerlat for home 6x9 m, it is necessary 5 bars 6 meters.

Calculation of the amount of material for crate and rafted

The rafting system is the main support for roofing material that protects the house from snow and wind.

The calculation of the bar, which will go to the construction of the rafter is done according to the following formula:

  1. The total load of wind and snow per 1 m 2 roofs - it is calculated on the basis of SNiP 2.01.07-85 "load and exposure". Therefore, for a skate with an angle of 45 degrees, the length of the roof is 6.5 meters and the length of the rafted 3.5 meters the load is 226.3 kg / m 2.
  2. Total load - 5148 kg. Now we multiply 6.5 m by 3.5 m and we get 22.75 m, which represents the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe skate (5148 kg).
  3. Then you need to find out the length of all rafters and how much it is necessary to purchase a bar for their construction. To do this, considering that 1 mongrel meter can withstand weight per 100 kg, divide 5148 kg on the facilities and get 51.48 m. This will be the minimum length of the rafted.
  4. The roof slice hangs over a wall of approximately 50 cm, which means you need to buy wood 4 meters.
  5. Calculate the number of pieces very easily: 51.48 / 4 \u003d 12.87, and if more precisely, 14, since they are located in pairs. That is, you will need 7 pairs.
According to the instructions, the distance between the rafters should be equal to the number that it turns out if it is divided by the length of the roof per unit less than the number of pairs of rafted, namely 6.5 / 6 \u003d 1.08 meters. The cross section of the blanks 150x150 mm or 100x150 mm.

The rafter system contains a wooden crate. For it, boards are used by a thickness of about 2.5 cm. They need to be arranged horizontally, namely, parallel to the skate.

In this case, the width of the board should not be more than 15 cm. There are two methods of laying, on which the number of the purchased timber is depends.

The first is a solid laying when the distance is no more than 1-2 cm and discharged. In this case, the flight can reach 10 and more centimeters. The more often the boards will be lying, the warmer and the stronger construction, but at the same time its cost increases.

Calculate the number is very simple. The length of the board and skate is measured. Then the installation of the skate must be divided into the boarding board. Thus, you can find out how much the boards needed for the support strip.

If the width is 15 centimeters, and the gap 5, then the number obtained after the addition should be divided into the skate length. As a result, you will receive the number of blanks.

Calculation of the cost of building a brusade house - a painstaking occupation. Therefore, it is important to take into account the fact that everything needs to be purchased with a margin. Roof consumption is calculated taking into account the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. At the same time, the natural holes are not taken into account - a place for an attic door and a chimney door, if such is in the project.

The overlap from the beams is especially in demand in low-rise construction. They differ relatively low cost, they are quickly and easy to make, the tree is a durable material and has a small weight. It does not give substantial loads on the design of the foundation.

For overlapping from the beams, exclusively wood coniferous rocks is used. In most cases, this is a larch, since it is the most reliable and durable material capable of withstanding high weight:

  • good resistance to temperature drops;
  • stable tightness;
  • practically does not give a shrinkage.

It is necessary to give preference to the best billets that dried in steam chambers and have no more than 14% humidity. In this case, the aspect ratio should be the following 150x200 mm or 150x100 mm.

For proper design to perform a competent calculation of materials for construction from a bar, you need to take into account the width of the span. The more it will, the more often the beams are stacked, and their number increases. To overlap the attic at all, it is not necessary to lay the blanks very close to each other.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the table, which allows you to decide how many pieces it will be necessary:

Split width in meters Distance between beams in meters The optimal cross section of the workpiece in mm
3 1 150x100.
4 0,5 150x100.
4 1 150x150
5 0,5 150x200.
6 0,5 150x200.
7 0,5 150x250

This means that for a flight in 4 m you need to buy 6 blanks for laying overlap beams, pushing out from the step in 1 m. That is, 4 pieces will be used to close the span and 2 will go to the edges near the walls. The cost directly depends on the length of the bar.

Calculation of the amount of floorboard

Before calculating how much the floorboard is needed, it is necessary to determine its size:

  • the optimal is the length of 4, 4.5 and 6 meters;
  • thickness is represented by the following dimensions: 32 mm, 25 mm and 30 mm;
  • standard width - 105 mm or 100 mm.

If you plan to make the floor from the whole boards, it is worth cutting the amount of waste.

The calculation of the material for the construction of the house from the bar is carried out on the basis of the width and length of the area covered and on how the board will be cheated - across or along.

Perform calculations simple enough. If you know the parameters of the workpiece, then you define the useful area, it is 5-7 mm less from the actual as a result of the tongue.

Typically, manufacturers make up 6 meters long boards. It is necessary to take into account the number of waste that you cannot avoid.

Calculations are performed as follows:

  • Exercise the famous area of \u200b\u200bthe room on the size of the board area, considering only useful - this is the amount required for laying.
  • When the room has parameters other than 6 meters, it is important to consider the amount of the whole material. For this, the width of the room is divided into the working width of the floorboard.

Based on the information received, you can easily learn what approximately the amount will cost you the construction of a bar. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account such consumables as the material for the roof, insulation and additional fasteners. Their number directly depends on the terrain, the project of the house and other factors.


The construction of the house from the bar will be much easier than brick, and accessible to every novice host. By calculating construction, you will get an approximate amount of an object to be focused on budget planning.

An online calculator calculating timber is designed to determine the required number of timber and additional materials for the construction of the house. Also, on the online calculation of the timber, you can take into account the cost of fastening, impregnation for flame-traasty and rolled insulation. Correctly spent calculations will avoid additional costs for the purchase of extra build materials and avoid problems with their lack during the construction of the house.

Bruce calculator widget for your site

Here you can set a list of JSON blocks, where:
"T" Type of timber:
"Name" name
"WEIGHT" weight in kg,
Shrinkage shrinkage.

"Beam" timber:
"Name" name
"Height" block height in mm,
"width" block width in mm,
"Long" long block in mm.
For splitting the whole and fractional part, use "."


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Text color

Place this code on the page of your site:

For information on purpose

In this calculator, all possible types of timber are taken into account for the calculation, namely:

  • Bar of natural humidity;
  • Dry bar;
  • Profiled scarce of natural humidity;
  • Profiled bar dry;
  • Glued bar.

You can also find out the number of timber required for the construction of internal partitions. In the calculator of the calculation of the timber, the type and quantity of fasteners, impregnation to protect wood and insulation. It is possible to understand the estimated rates for the timber and the consumables required for the construction of the house. The area of \u200b\u200bthe doors and the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows are intentionally not deducted, since they need to be cut after the shrinkage of the structure (in the doorways it is fixed partially for the organization of passage).

An online calculator calculating the timber determines the load from the walls from the bar on the foundation, which is quite important at the construction planning stage. This building calculator will help to avoid unnecessary costs of purchasing construction materials and avoid problems with their lack during the construction of the house.

Initial data

The source data for calculating the bar in the online calculator and their description:

  1. It is necessary to add the lengths of all outer walls (for example, a house 6x6, 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 \u003d 24) a unit of measurement of meters. Door and window openings are not taken into account, as they are usually drunk at the place after the shrinkage of the structure.
  2. Enter the parameter of the design height at the corners, units of measurement - meters. In the event that the height of the walls is different, specify the middle height (fold the height of the walls and divide them on their number).
  3. If you wish to take into account the inner partitions, enter their number if the inner partitions do not need to consider, leave the value "0".
  4. Enter the internal partition height parameter, measurement units - meters.
  5. Enter the parameter length of the internal partition, units of measurement - meters.
  6. Choose a timing type that is used for construction. Depending on the type of timber, the weight of the structure and the approximate shrinkage of the structure will be calculated.
  7. Select the size of the segment of the timber (if necessary, set your values \u200b\u200bin the following order of the BCHHhD) of the dimension unit millimeters.
  8. If desired, find the cost of the required amount of timber for the structure, enter the price for 1 m3. Not mandatory parameter. Unit of measurement - rubles.
  9. Choose a mount for a bar (bell or spring node force).
  10. If you wish to find out the cost of the required quantity of fastening for a given structure from the bar enter the price for 1 pc. Not mandatory parameter. Unit of measurement - rubles.
  11. If you wish to find out the cost of the required amount of impregnation for firebikes of the structure from the bar, enter the price per 1 liter. Not mandatory parameter. Unit of measurement - rubles.
  12. If you wish to find out the cost of the required number of rolled insulation for the construction of a bar, enter the price per 1 meter running. Not mandatory parameter. Unit of measurement - rubles.

Result of the calculation

Description of the results of a bar for an online calculator:

  1. The total length of the outer walls is a parameter that is specified by the user is equal to the perimeter of the structure from the bar
  2. The height of the corners of the corners parameter asked by the user,
  3. The number of crowns on the outer walls is the number of horizontal rows from the bar, a specified size, which is suitable for the specified strontium height.
  4. The number of timber on the outer walls is the required amount of timber in pieces for the construction of external walls in the structure from the bar on the specified parameters
  5. The number of internal partitions is the parameter asked by the user.
  6. The volume of total timber - the volume of the entire bar needed for the construction of an object according to the specified parameters, including internal partitions (when specifying them in the source data for the calculation). Units of measurement m3.
  7. The weight of the total amount of timber is the weight of the entire volume of the bar needed for the construction of an object according to the specified parameters. Units of measuring kg.
  8. Shrinkage (in cm per 1 meter structure) - Approximate shrinkage in centimeters per 1 meter of structure of the structure of the specified type of timber.
  9. Approximate shrinkage of the structure - the estimated value of the total shrinkage of the structure, according to the specified parameters.
  10. Total Fastening for timber - Approximate amount of selected mount for a bar, which will be needed to build a structure. Unit of measurement pieces.
  11. The total number of rolled insulation is the approximate number of insulation, which will be needed for the construction of an object according to the specified parameters. Measurement unit of meters.
  12. The estimated amount of impregnation (taking into account the processing of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe timber surface) - the required approximate volume of firebounds for the impregnation of the bar, units of measurement of liter.
  13. The load on the foundation from the wall is this parameter is necessary to select the foundation. It is shown without taking into account the weight of overlaps and roofs.

Brous houses are very popular and have a number of advantages compared to log wooden houses. The geometrically correct form of timber (in the section it turns out a rectangle or square) allows you to create more useful space, and calculate the amount of material necessary for the construction of the house, it becomes much easier. To do this, you need to know the length and height of all sides of the structure and multiply to the thickness of the bar.

Types of brusade products

To date, the construction of various sections can be found in the construction market. So, often buy brusade products with a cross section of 120x120, 150x100, 180x180, 200x150, 150x150, 100x100, 140x140 mm. All of them are purchased for certain structures. But the most popular is considered to be the section of a bar of 150x150 mm, since it combines good cost and excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Also, the brusade products section 150x150 mm are simply fit, a pronounced number of suture of the stupid joints is obtained.

Plus, from recently, a collection-glued brusade material was supplied to the market, that is, profiled. If you compare it with a typical sawn timber, then it has increased strength properties, heat-saving characteristics due to tie joints, as well as more reduced sitting. Therefore, it is recommended to use it many experts. There is only one minus - the high cost of the material. A combined bar has a higher cost, but it is fully justified, since the service life exceeds the use of conventional timber.


VBRUS \u003d Height of the wall x Wall Length x Brous Thickness

Conducting calculations in this way, we obtain the required amount of material for the construction of the house. Let's give an easy example. If you are going to build a house, the height of the walls of which will be 3 meters, and the length of the walls is equal to 9 and 6 meters from a bar of 150x150 mm, then it is necessary to calculate the perimeter to begin. That is, we fold the length of all walls: 9 + 9 + 6 + 6 \u003d 36 meters of the route. Next, multiply the resulting number of 3 meters and get 108 square meters. In the last stage, we multiply on the thickness of the bar, that is, 0.15. As a result, 16.2 meters of cubic leaves. Thus, the question of how to calculate the number of timber to the house should not occur.

Example of calculation

As you know, the sale of bars, the market on the market is carried out in meters of cubic. This very often enjoy many sellers, allowing you to take superior to your pocket, because buyers do not know how to calculate the cube of a bar. In this case, find out the necessary cube is not so difficult. There is one uncomplicated method. So, if you acquire a lumber of the same size, then the length of the bar is to multiply on its cross section. Thus, you will find the number in meters of cubic in one unit of lumber. And then you multiply this number on the number of units.

Let us give an example: if you bought 20 units of timber 6 meters long and a cross section of 150 x 150 mm, then first we will find the area of \u200b\u200bthe secting of the lumber. For this, 0.15 multiply by 0.15 \u003d 0.0225 m2. Then the resulting number multiplied by 6 (timing length). As a result, it turns out 0.135 m3. Well, in the last stage, we multiply on the total number, that is, by 20. The total cube of the acquired timber will be 2.7. Such a fairly simple method can be calculated to the cube for any lumber. Applying this formula, you will save a lot of financial resources.

When the idea to build a house approaches the stage of practical actions, it always necessitates the counting of the required amount of material. Accurate calculations are carried out on the project of a particular home (see).

  1. Calculation of the perimeter of the house by adding the lengths of the outer walls.
  2. Obtaining an area of \u200b\u200bexternal walls of one floor, multiplying the perimeter with the height of the walls.
  3. Calculation of the number of cubes, multiplying the area with a width of a bar.

So the material required for one floor is obtained. When the house is planned to establish internal additional partitions from the bar, then they should also be considered. Knowing the total volume of material in 1m³, you can calculate it in pieces.

And so the formula for counting the volume of the bar in cubic meters:

  • p - the length of the walls of the house (meters).
  • h is the height of the walls (meters).
  • l is the thickness of the bar (meters).

On the example of the house (dimensions of 6 × 9m, 6 meters, an additional inner wall, height 3m, a timing of 0.150 × 0.150m), the calculation of the required material on it looks like this:

  • p \u003d 9 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 6 \u003d 36m.
  • h \u003d 3 meters.
  • l \u003d 0.150 meters.

After multiply, the volume of the required bar is obtained:

V \u003d 36 m * 3 m * 0.150m \u003d 16.2m³.

Calculations of the volume of building materials are slightly complicated, if for the construction of a house from a bar need a material of different lengths and sections. Then first calculates the volume of the vehicle of each section, and the values \u200b\u200bare folded.

The most running material has a length of 6m, the wall in the example is longer, then they plan the capital wall, which is made carrier.

The size of the bar, of course, plays a role, but it is important to estimate economic feasibility and take into account the thermal conductivity parameters of the material.

Brous width becomes relevant when year-round accommodation is planned in the house, but any house can be insulated with high-quality thermal insulation. When it is planned to build a cotton house, you can choose a material with dimensions 0.100 × 0.100m.

It is possible to calculate the volume of one bar, moving its width, thickness and length. Then the volume of the six-meter bar is 0.150 × 0.150m. It has a volume of 0.135m³. After calculating the total volume and number of timber in 1 cube, you can estimate the approximate value of the material.

The most accurate calculation of the volume of the bar is carried out if the area of \u200b\u200bwindows, doors, and the resulting value obtained to the known thickness of the timber are taken from the walls of the walls.

We must know that when the house is built from a profiled bar, then 10mm. The crown "includes" into the profile and requires a larger amount of material than calculated according to the above methods.

Not taken into account in simple formulas and the length of the releases formed when the "in the bowl" ringing, they also increase the common cub.

Conducting calculations, you can also determine how many pieces of timber is needed to the house, dividing the total amount of material (cubic meters) to the volume of one product.