House made of kbb wall 40 cm. My ventilated facade for a house made of expanded clay concrete empirically

At one time, I bought a box of a house on a plot of 10 acres. The box was assembled from expanded clay concrete blocks (CBC) 40 cm thick. The box was brought under the roof, then ceilings were made, windows were inserted, floors were laid and the walls were plastered from the inside.

After that, they made the wiring of the heating system and installed two boilers. The first boiler - wood - was the main one in the heating system. The second boiler - - was supposed to heat the system when the main boiler went out. Thus, it was possible not to get up at night and not throw firewood into the firebox of a wood-burning boiler.

And in the very first winter it became clear that for our Ural frosts 40 cm of expanded clay concrete is very weak. In order to somehow correct the situation, right in the winter, in December, the process of warming the house began.

What facade options did I consider?

Now let's see what facade options I had in mind, which ones then disappeared and why.

After that, it was decided to try to insulate the walls from KBB and make a ventilated facade. On top of the insulation, it was decided to sheathe the house vinyl siding- under the lining and basement - under the wild stone.

The process of insulation and installation of a ventilation facade

So in January, in the very frosts, we began warming the house. Bars 50x50 mm were mounted on the KBB walls, which were pre-treated with Senezh fire and bioprotection. First, vertical rows of bars were sewn and sheets of insulation were laid vertically. The next row of 50x50 mm bars was mounted horizontally. Accordingly, the sheets of insulation were laid horizontally.

So we got the overlap of the wooden frame with sheets of insulation. The thermal resistance of a 50 mm pine bar across the fibers is lower than the thermal resistance of a 50 mm stone wool sheet at a density of 45.

After that, the Isospan membrane was attached to the stapler to the bars, which was supposed to protect the insulation from moisture, and the house from blowing.

Then, 50x25 mm bars were vertically mounted on top, which formed a ventilation gap along the entire facade.

Vinyl and basement were then attached to them.

The main facade was made from such siding ...

They didn’t do vapor barrier from the side of the house, because living in a plastic bag is not the best option.

What are the mistakes and what would I redo now

3 years have passed since the house was insulated and the ventilation facade was installed. What should I redo now, and what errors in the installation of the facade and insulation revealed three years of operation?

Firstly, it was necessary to do instead of those 100 mm that they did. Because energy carriers are getting more expensive every year, firewood is now generally insane money. And this is in the Urals, where there are forests around.

Secondly, when insulating and sheathing the facade, we did not think to remove the hemming of the cornices, as a result of which the insulation rested against the metal of the hemming. And the wall insulation layer on the upper corner of the house did not close with the insulation layer attic floor. Which year I'm going to disassemble and redo everything and I can't get together.

Thirdly, while insulating the facade, they completely forgot about the balcony. But he butt adjoins the wall, bearing beams balconies pass through the wall at the level of the floors between the first and second floors. It is necessary to disassemble the floor covering of the balcony and insulate the space between its load-bearing beams.

No more errors in the insulation and installation of the facade were found. Vata feels great in wooden frame, does not slip and does not open access to the cold to the wall.

Vinyl siding was installed according to all the rules, the screws were fastened strictly in the center of the holes and were not screwed in half a turn. Thanks to this, the entire structure "breathes" under the summer and winter sun, and the vinyl planks do not break.

The only negative is the upper mounting J - profiles. It was possible to do without them, and fasten the siding directly to the screws. Under is not visible, but in strong wind it happens that one or two strips begin to crawl out of the J-profile fasteners. You have to get a long ladder and climb under the very roof, fix the siding.

Artem Stebanov, Chelyabinsk.

One of the most popular building materials is expanded clay concrete. Sex screeds are made from it, walls and partitions are poured with its use.

Most often, blocks are made from this material - individual elements created for the construction of structures.

The thickness of the wall of expanded clay concrete blocks can be different. This parameter depends on the size of the product itself, for what purposes the block is used and on the area in which you use it.

Features of expanded clay concrete blocks and material properties

Expanded clay blocks have good performance thermal conductivity

Expanded clay is natural material, which is made from carbon clay by firing at high temperatures, resulting in the formation of separate fractions. The smaller the fraction, the higher the value of the material.

The product itself has good thermal conductivity, it is often used to insulate the floors of buildings and frame partitions of walls with it. But most often, with the addition of expanded clay and concrete, blocks are produced that are very popular with both professional builders, and for ordinary people planning to build their own home.

Expanded clay blocks are denser concrete structures

They can be created both at specialized enterprises and independently, the main thing is to have the appropriate molds for pouring the product and know the proportions and production technologies. This material has certain characteristics, which can be found in detail in the table below.

The construction of partitions and walls from expanded clay concrete blocks is popularized every day. In addition to the fact that the blocks have good thermal conductivity, they are quite easy to install and have excellent performance properties.

Block structures of a load-bearing wall and various partitions mounted much faster than brick and have a lower cost (in terms of material consumption). Despite the fact that visually, the brick seems to be a more integral product, the density of expanded clay concrete blocks is much higher.

The product in question is most often produced in two types:

  • partition block;
  • wall.

Expanded clay concrete block designed for outdoor and bearing walls, is created with a size of 390 x 190 x 188 mm, and a product designed to create partitions between rooms in rooms - 390 x 190 x 90 mm. When purchasing claydite-concrete blocks as a material for the construction of the outer walls of houses and various buildings, one should take into account the factor that it includes all environmentally friendly materials that do not emit harmful impurities.

The choice of masonry for the outer wall of the house

In colder areas, use thicker blocks

Almost every owner, when building his house, is faced with the question: “How thick should the outer wall be made?”, It is not always easy to get an unambiguous answer to it. Since its thickness depends on the masonry that is used in the construction of the structure. Masonry, in turn, is different in different regions countries depending on climatic conditions.

In addition, the outer wall is not always created only from expanded clay blocks. In the cold regions of the country, so that minimum thickness walls, use combined masonry. In addition to blocks, various ( stone wool, polystyrene foam) and brick.

Only after the final choice of the masonry option is it worth starting to calculate the thickness expanded clay concrete wall.

The outer masonry should be 40 cm thick

There are certain postulates and rules that should always be taken into account and observed when organizing walls from expanded clay blocks. These include:

  • when laying out the supporting wall with ordinary ones, the outer masonry must be at least 40 cm thick;
  • if the premises are lined with large blocks of expanded clay concrete measuring 590 x 290 x 200 mm, then the outer wall is erected 60 cm thick, and the insulation is placed in special gaps.

When choosing and shaping a wall cake, each owner should take into account such a parameter as the coefficient of thermal conductivity. It is present in every building material used for the construction of walls.

How to calculate wall thickness?

The calculation of the base thickness depends on the thermal conductivity coefficient

For self erection buildings little to know , how the outer wall will be built, and from what materials it will be made, each owner should learn how to calculate the thickness of the structure. They can vary significantly depending on the construction site and the parameters of the materials used.

The main parameters for calculating the thickness of the outer walls are the coefficient of thermal conductivity and the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity λ has each material depending on the thickness of the product used. The heat transfer resistance coefficient is denoted as Rreg, and directly depends on the area where the structure will be erected. Each region has its own coefficient, it can be found in various construction documents (SNiPs and GOSTs).

The wall thickness is denoted as δ and equals:

δ= λ * Rreg. For more information on how to lay block walls, see this video:

Our country has certain established practices, which are followed by many builders who build houses from expanded clay concrete blocks. They believe that the walls of this material in northern regions should be at least 60 cm, in the central - 40-60 cm, and in the southern 20 - 40 cm.

Summing up the written material, it should be said that in order to erect a structure, it is necessary to qualitatively calculate all the parameters, including the thickness of the walls of expanded clay concrete.

This material is now used in construction more often than many others, so it's worth "digging" in the literature and finding the required values ​​​​if the goal is to create a reliable and warm home.

Necessary and sufficient thickness of the KBB wall. Need your opinion.

For example, I am no less than KBB, I was interested in the Polystyrene concrete block
Our production is in Ufa.
I really want to hear the opinion of those who built from such material, or live in it.
Here is what I pulled from the website of the manufacturer of this material:


Polystyrene concrete (GOST R 51253 - 99) is a type of lightweight concrete that has a uniform cellular structure and has the lowest density - from 150 kg / m3 (widely known today gas silicate concretes 2 or more times heavier). The material was developed about 25 years ago at NIIZHB, and was created primarily in order to exclude such short-lived insulation materials as mineral wool boards, as well as such low-tech materials as foam plastic, from the construction of the outer wall.


* Polystyrene concrete belongs to slow-burning materials, has a combustibility group - G1
* Density (according to GOST R51253-99) from 150 to 600 kg/m3
* Frost resistance from F 100 and more
* Strength characteristics from B 0.5 to B 2.5 (500-600 kg/m3)
* Tensile strength - class B 12.5 (for lightweight concrete on porous aggregates)
* Thermal conductivity coefficient - in the range from 0.55 to 0.12 W / m C0

Areas of use

* Monolithic thermal insulation of walls, floors, attics, roofs, in well masonry, frame structures with non-removable (left) formwork, etc.
* Hollow elements for prefabricated monolithic walls
* Solid and hollow blocks
* Tongue-and-groove partitions
* Plates for insulation of facades and roofs, etc.
* Small architectural forms
* Casting joints of external panels


With the release of GOST R 51253-99, polystyrene concrete began to be actively used in civil and residential construction.

In addition, over the past 20 years, a number of normative documents for polystyrene concrete mixtures and products:

* Polystyrene concrete TU 65USSR152-81
* Single layer Wall panels from polystyrene concrete - TU 69-329-85
* Roofing heat-insulating monolithic polystyrene concrete - TU 67-983-85
* Covering of buildings from steel profiled flooring with thermal insulation from monolithic polystyrene concrete and roll roofing TU 110-024-88
* Three-layer wall panels made of polystyrene concrete TU 480-2-140-92
* Building blocks hollow polystyrene concrete TU 5741-0110319659-93
* Blocks of polystyrene concrete wall small - TU 5741-008-04779210-95

If we compare polystyrene concrete with foam concrete, aerated concrete, it turns out that the only advantage of foam concrete blocks is relatively low price, but:
Unlike polystyrene concrete, foam concrete blocks have several negative qualities:

1. Feedstock for foaming foam concrete blocks, cattle serum is used, which attracts various rodents that destroy your homes and injure your loved ones.

2. Foam concrete has increased water permeability (it sinks in water), so it is prone to destruction with repeated exposure negative temperature on moisture inside the block and, as you know, water sharply reduces the thermal insulation qualities of the insulation.

3. Foam concrete is very fragile, even with a small impact of dynamic load - it collapses. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the transportation of blocks (when transporting foam concrete, losses reach 7-10%), and in the presence of special packaging, it leads to an increase in the cost of the material.

4. Since foam concrete is 1.5 - 2 times heavier than polystyrene concrete, labor costs for construction work increase.

5. The thermal conductivity of any wall material is absolutely linearly dependent on its specific gravity, i.e. a wall of 800 mm made of foam concrete weighing 800 kg/m3 and a wall of 400 mm made of polystyrene concrete weighing 400 kg/m3 are similar in terms of thermal insulation, i.e. gain in wall weight by 2 times. And, accordingly, the pressure on the foundation increases by 2 times, and the imaginary savings on cheap building material ultimately turn into tangible material losses.

Estimated thermal performance of building materials and products

The data are presented on the basis of the Code of Practice for Thermal Protection of Buildings

SP 23 - 101 - 2004". Estimated thermal conductivity coefficients under operating conditions in zone "A" according to SNiP 23-02.

The thermal insulation characteristics of D200 polystyrene concrete and PPZh 200 mineral wool board are the same, but:

The warranty period for PZh 200 provided by the manufacturer is 5 years. And the durability of polystyrene concrete is tens of years. It doesn't shrink with time. Water passes through the polystyrene concrete insulation through and through, like through a sieve, so a small insulated area gets wet directly at the place where the waterproofing is broken. Monolithic insulation with polystyrene concrete has no seams, and therefore cold bridges. You can walk freely on the insulation made of polystyrene concrete, i.e. the attic can be used.

All of the above is direct evidence of the indisputable advantage of polystyrene concrete over foam concrete, aerated concrete and such traditional material as brick.

The choice is yours!
Technology "LAVA" »

In the mind of an ordinary builder with the term "expanded concrete block" there are stable associations with a hollow block made of fine fraction expanded clay (expanded clay sand), cement (usually low-grade) or waste slag from metallurgical production. The latter are fillers, although the slag works as an additional binder.

In everyday life, such a block is most often referred to as a "cinder block". Cement (in most M400 ShPTs D20) as a percentage can take 35 - 40%. The rest of the volume is occupied by expanded clay sand or fly ash from thermal power plants. In this case, the block has a characteristic dark color.

Such a block is often used on low-budget construction sites. But in the understanding of a “normal” builder, a cinder block is suitable for building fences (good), garages, sheds and other non-residential structures (except for baths). For the construction of enclosing and internal walls of residential premises, such a block cannot be used for many reasons, primarily environmental ones.

The claydite-concrete block (KBB) we are considering has little in common with the cinder block, except for the name. It differs in all parameters, from production methods to the method of laying without mortar.

table comparative characteristics expanded clay constituent blocks.



regular block

Production method



Quantity of expanded clay

water absorption

% by volume

Medium strength

50-100 (depending on brand)

Volumetric weight of 1 cubic meter

frost resistance

Possibility of laying without mortar

Only without solution

Mandatory layer 2-3 cm.

Subsequent warming


Thermal conductivity

W/m hail

Average st-t 1 sq.m of the finished wall

5000 (with insulation)

Brand Variations

From 500 to 1500

Even a cursory examination of both blocks shows a difference in texture and internal configuration. Ordinary blocks are also produced in full-bodied, but then specific gravity one cubic meter reaches 1500 kg.

In KBB, expanded clay of large fractions is used, which is usually in low demand. In this regard, the cost of blocks (ceteris paribus) is less than that of a conventional block produced by steaming, which in turn also increases its cost.

Texture expanded clay concrete block made by vibrocompression.

The absence of mortar in the masonry makes it possible to nullify the influence of "cold bridges" and significantly reduce the cost of masonry work. When constructing external walls from KBB, two factors that ultimately affect the cost of the finished product are eliminated. square meter– external insulation and external finishing (except putty and painting).

Groove comb lock with precise fit allows you to perform masonry work yourself or teams with "low qualifications" many times faster than masonry traditional materials for cement mortar.

The back side of the block has a smooth concrete texture, which allows to reduce the cost of interior decoration. It is enough to apply start - finish putty without preliminary plastering of surfaces. This is facilitated by the absence of a layer cement mortar between blocks.

When laying blocks Special attention they should be given close fitting with each other. Otherwise, gaps are formed in the wall, which, apart from mounting foam(which is not good) there is nothing to repair.

Walls built from CBB differ in better side and for such a parameter as “nailing”. On a wall made of a conventional hollow block, it is extremely difficult to mount hinged elements of furniture or home appliances. In a solid block, this cannot be done without first drilling a hole.

In KBB, self-tapping screws are screwed in without dowels and are tightly held in them.

To place hanging elements (both external and internal) on KBB walls, dowel plugs are not required. It is enough to drill a concrete edge and then screw in the fastener.

Communications are easily laid inside such walls, and the linear expansion coefficient of expanded clay and its thermal conductivity indicators make it possible to install water pipes and heating networks without using a melon jacket.

The big advantage of CBB over others wall materials is the absence of the need to cast a stiffening belt (crown beam) during the construction of buildings on one floor. Regulatory documentation construction of buildings from KBB with a height of no more than three floors is allowed.

At the same time as an advantage and a disadvantage can be considered appearance outer walls. In the processed and painted state, they have an attractive appearance. But further than the texture applied to the blocks, it is impossible to modernize the facades of houses. Therefore, houses built from KBB look monotonous, although quite attractive.

KBB due to low cost finished walls can be easily transported over long distances. Logistics in this case will not greatly increase the estimated cost of the built house.

On the background undeniable advantages KBB has a number of significant shortcomings that limit the occupied segment of the building materials market.

  1. KBB can only be used in the construction of low-rise private buildings. Laying of openings multi-storey frame structures or building modern designs in modern style using CBB looks problematic.
  2. The foundation of the house, intended for the KBB, must be powerful and have a "winter downtime".
  3. It is problematic to build various architectural forms from KBB - bay windows, towers and other rounded structures. This requires professional skills in synchronous trimming of the side faces. Such work is beyond the power of amateur builders, which increases the final cost of the finished object. Such structures have a large radius and not always "the game is worth the candle."
  4. Recent studies by ecologists have shown that expanded clay emits inert gases into the atmosphere of the premises throughout its “lifetime”, which have an extremely adverse effect on human health. These secretions are not so intense and are eliminated by simple daily ventilation of the premises. However, if this is not done, health can be harmed.
  5. When designing houses from KBB, it is necessary to think over and calculate the project for the distant future. An extension to the house or alteration of the KBB from the outer walls to the inner ones is extremely difficult in the future.

In general, CBBs have more advantages than disadvantages. Two years of experience with such material has proved it. good reviews buyers and builders. For the latter, work with KBB increases their earnings - during the season, a team of three people, due to the absence of wet processes and finished outdoor decoration manages to build two to three houses.

One of the most important appointments external walls any home is protecting it from external natural influences, weather phenomena and the creation of the strength of load-bearing structures.

Building material expanded clay concrete is inexpensive and fairly easy to install.

What is this material?

Expanded clay concrete contains expanded clay in the bulk - it is foamed and fired special clay with cement and water.

When enough high level strength this material has a relatively light weight. Walls built of expanded clay concrete, in contrast to concrete structures, have good heat and sound insulation properties and much lighter, which allows you to build a house on a lighter foundation.

The period of preservation of the operational properties of such walls can be approximated by the age of 75.

What should be the thickness of the wall of expanded clay concrete blocks?

The thickness of the walls of expanded clay concrete depends on several factors:

Considering natural conditions, then for the central region it is enough to build single-layer block walls thick from 400 mm to 600 mm. For regions with a colder climate, the walls are insulated with heat-insulating materials.

Varieties of designs

By appointment, the walls are divided into internal and external. According to the distribution of the load - bearing and non-bearing. A load-bearing wall is a wall that experiencing a lot of pressure and serves as a support for ceilings and roofs.

Non-bearing divide the room into separate rooms. From the purpose of the walls depends on the type of construction. The outer ones are mostly load-bearing. Internal walls they can also be load-bearing, but there is no need to insulate them as much as external ones.

Masonry options

Depends on the size of expanded clay concrete blocks, how to produce masonry for residential premises:

  1. If the blocks have a size of 590:290:200 mm, then the width of the wall must be 600 mm. In this case, only voids in the blocks are insulated.
  2. If the blocks have a size of 390:190:200 mm, then the masonry should be 400 mm thick without external finishing layers and insulation.
  3. If the blocks have a size of 235:500:200 mm, then wall thickness 500 mm plus external and interior decoration plasters.

Wall masonry made of expanded clay concrete blocks depends on the purpose of the design itself:

  1. During construction storage, utility rooms, do not require special insulation. The wall is laid in one layer along the width of the block (200 mm). The inner surface of the wall is plastered, and the outside surface is covered with insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, or expanded polystyrene) with a layer of 100 mm.
  2. If erect small building, for example, a bath, then the principle of laying is similar to the option of laying utility rooms, only the insulating layer will be 50 mm.
  3. Three-layer masonry is performed predominantly in residential buildings . Leave a small gap between the blocks. The total thickness of the wall is 60 cm. Its inner part is covered with a layer of plaster, and insulation is placed in the spaces between the blocks.
  4. Laying of expanded clay concrete blocks for regions with cold climates. Installing outer wall, build two partitions parallel to each other, which are connected with reinforcement. Then insulation is laid between the partitions, then they are plastered on both sides.

Expanded clay blocks can be corpulent and hollow. corpulent more durable and are more suitable for load-bearing structures.

How to calculate?

In order to understand what optimum thickness should be near the walls of expanded clay blocks, we must understand that wall thickness directly depends on its function.

If you follow the rules building codes and rules, then floors and walls erected from expanded clay concrete blocks must be thick, necessarily together with insulation, not less than 64 cm.

Walls of this thickness are suitable for living quarters. In order to correctly calculate the consumption of the required amount of building material for the construction of walls from expanded clay concrete, you need to know the total length of all walls of the building being erected together with all partitions and the height of the floor.

These figures are multiplied. However, it is necessary to take into account the approximate thickness of the cement mass for cement screeds and joints (approximately 15 cm).

The number that turned out as a result is necessary multiply by wall thickness and divide by the volume of expanded clay concrete block.

As a result, we get right amount blocks needed for construction works. To find out approximate cost erected expanded clay concrete wall, it is necessary multiply the number of blocks by the price one block plus the cost of purchasing materials for thermal insulation.

Expanded clay block has a number of advantages, ease, ease of installation (the area of ​​​​one block is equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200babout seven bricks), high performance properties all this makes it possible for this material to be more in demand.

See in the following video - laying of expanded clay concrete blocks: