Weight of swing metal garage doors. Metal door weight

Household plots of private houses are enclosed with a fence, in which, regardless of the type, a gate for the passage of people and a gate for a car must be installed. Most often, swing structures are used for these purposes, less often - retractable structures.

Metal is usually used as a material for gates, since metal, unlike wooden ones, will last longer.

What should be the gate

When self-manufacturing or buying ready-made gates, it is necessary to take into account the basic requirements that they must meet. The gate must be:

  1. durable and tough, as well as resistant to breaking and entering the territory;
  2. moderately heavy - their weight must withstand gusts of wind, and at the same time light so that they can be easily opened - closed;
  3. aesthetic and individual - swing gates can be made more beautiful and graceful than standard and monotonous metal sliding or sectional.

GOST No. 31174-2003 regulates all requirements for metal gates, as well as describes all their main types. In addition to swing and retractable structures, there are 9 more options - these are sectional, folding, etc. However, all these systems for fencing are not often used, since their installation is accompanied by some difficulties: the installation of a technological arch or niche for the canvas.

Video: Metal gates and gates for the garage.

Standards and specifications

The requirements for swing gates are defined in GOST 31174-2003, it contains general provisions, but specific characteristics are determined directly during design. For reliable locking and blocking of the opening, the gate must be installed on massive pillars and have a strong frame.

The strength of the frame is ensured by the presence of a large number of metal elements, which entails an increase in the mass of the structure. This, in turn, increases the load on the frame and hinges of the system. Therefore, in order to avoid breaking the hinges, as well as sagging of the sashes and other emergencies, the GOST prescribes a condition - mechanisms and assemblies for swing metal structures must be made strictly according to the design documentation and the manufacturer's calculations:

  • hinges and awnings, as well as the frame and frame must have a double margin of safety, and the quality of technical solutions must be confirmed by certificates of conformity of the standardization center and the sanitary and hygienic conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision;
  • on metal swing gates there should be no defects in the metal surface that are visible to the naked eye;
  • welds must comply with the strength and continuity standards;
  • the difference in the height and width of the racks should not be more than 5 mm;
  • permissible deviation along the diagonal of metal flaps up to 2 m - 3 mm, for flaps more than 2 meters - 5 mm;
  • the paint layer must be at least 30 microns and must not cause allergic reactions in contact with the skin.

See also: Fence from plastic bottles

The shock resistance of the structure is checked by dropping the assembled sashes onto a hard surface. After all tests have been carried out, the manufacturer draws up a technical passport of the product and a marking is applied, which indicates: VM model (metal gates), GOST number and dimensions.

Dimensions and weight

The height of swing gates used in the private sector usually does not exceed 3 meters, for industrial structures - 5.5. With an increase in height, the mass of the sashes and their windage increase, which leads to difficulties in operation.

The width for each case is calculated individually. The main criteria for the calculation are:

  1. availability of free space;
  2. the width of the transport that will pass through them: the maximum width of the car is taken and a margin is added so that it can freely pass, 3 m is enough for private houses - the width of a passenger car does not exceed 2 m and 50 cm on each side for free passage.

It is not always practical to make large gates without an urgent need: firstly, a large area will lead to an increased wind load, and secondly, the structure will turn out to be heavy, therefore additional reinforcement will be required.

The weight of metal swing gates depends on what material was used for their production. An approximate calculation is done as follows:

  • The frame is a profile pipe 40 × 20 mm with a wall width of 2 mm. The weight of 1 m of a profile pipe is 1.7 kg. For gates 3 m wide and 2 m high, out of 2 leaves, the perimeter will be 12 m. Each leaf is reinforced with transverse beams - 1.5 m for each. It turns out that you need 15 meters of profile pipe, the total weight of which will be 25.5 kg;
  • Sheathing - sheet steel. The thickness of the metal sheet is 1.5 mm, the total weight will be within 70 kg.

It turns out that the weight of metal swing gates will be about 95.5 kg. We add to it the weight of locking fittings, decorative elements, and more.

Advantages and disadvantages

Swing gates are both excellent protection of the territory from penetration, and a simple and convenient design. They have a number of advantages, namely:

  • in the manufacture, you can use modern metal profiles, and this, in turn, gives room for the implementation of design ideas;
  • a special polymer coating is applied to most metal elements, which protects against corrosion, temperature extremes, etc.
  • there are no visible fastening elements on metal swing gates, so it is more difficult to crack them;
  • the structure can be made according to an individual project, using elements of artistic forging, automation for opening and much more.

See also: Fence made of a metal euroshtaketnik

But, just like any other gate designs, swing doors also have disadvantages. Since the flaps are quite heavy, they can be skewed and lowered. This problem is solved by installing more powerful supports made of brick, reinforced concrete or steel.

If the gate leaves are wide, which means they are heavy, it is more difficult to avoid their sagging, as well as wear and bending of the hinges. With an increase in the area, the windage and, accordingly, the load from the wind will increase.

Swing gate designs

There are several types of swing structures, each of which performs its own specific functions and also reflects a modern view of the gate. The most popular ones are:

  1. forged - protective decorative functions;
  2. aluminum - lightness and speed;
  3. from a professional sheet - reliable and comfortable.

Wrought iron swing gates

They serve not only to protect the passage, but also decorate the territory of a private house. All doors can be forged completely, from the frame to the lintels and small parts - the most expensive, but beautiful models. In cheaper options, the main elements, such as the sash frame and lintels are made of pipes, and the details of artistic forging are used as decoration.

The doors of forged structures are most often hinged to mortgages in brick pillars. The upper part of the sash can be either fully open or with decorative polycarbonate inserts. The lower part is usually covered with a metal cladding.


Aluminum structures are used with an automatic drive in service parks and company premises. They look modern and business-like. The doors close quickly, easily and almost silently.

The doors are made of an aluminum profile 96 × 177 mm or sandwich panels, and are protected from deformation by an internal diagonal brace made of a cable. The manufacturer guarantees 25 - 28 thousand operations, and the absence of corrosion for 15 years.

From profiled sheet

The structure of metal pipes sheathed with a profile sheet is considered the most popular, modern and practical. Such doors are practically not inferior in strength to forged gates, and the ability to make a structure on their own only increases their popularity.

See also: Decorative fence

In the manufacture of this option, the same technology is used as in the production of a fence from corrugated board. The cladding is easy to match the color of the fence. The weight of the 3-meter-high sash will be about 300 kg. And the cost is much less than the aluminum and forged options.

Estimated prices for the above designs:

When choosing a gate for your site, experts recommend being guided by the following principle: if the fence is made of metal profiles or modular sections, swing gates made of aluminum or steel profiles are the best option for it, and a forged option would be an excellent choice for a stone fence.

Video: Making an iron gate


How much does the gate weigh

Very often the customer is interested in the question of the ratio of the size of the gate leaf and the pillar on which it is attached. Let's try to understand this issue using the example of a gate made of corrugated board.

Frame material

The frame of the gate leaf is made of a profile metal pipe with a section of 40 × 20 or 40 × 25 with a wall thickness of one and a half to two millimeters. Let's calculate the mass of the frame for the sash. To do this, you need to know the weight of one meter of the profile pipe, from which the fabric of the future structure will be made. So, 1 meter of 40 × 20 × 1.5 pipe weighs 1.4 kilograms, and one meter of 40 × 20 × 2 pipe weighs 1.7 kg. For ease of calculation, we will give examples of common gate designs.

Sketches for calculating length and mass

Sheathing material

In our case, the material for cladding will be corrugated board for fences marked C20 with a thickness of 0.5 mm. A square meter of such material has a mass of about 5 kilograms. For swing gates with a width of 4 meters (the most common size is from 3 to 4 m) with a fence height of 2 meters - 4 sheets are needed, two for each leaf, i.e. a maximum of 20 kilograms is obtained.

So, the mass of one gate leaf is about 40 kg. This is the weight the average person can handle. The welded seam with which the gate is attached by means of a hinge to the post is able to withstand a load much more than that created by the indicated mass. Therefore, two loops for each half are sufficient.


Metal swing gates

Which gate is better

Wrought iron swing gates

Aluminum swing gates

Steel framing schemes



Metal swing gates: GOST, weight, dimensions

In a fencing of any type and design, a wicket and an entrance gate, most often swing or sliding, should always be provided to ensure the passage of a car or even a truck into the territory of the site. Today, metal swing gates are most often used for private properties. Less often - recoil lungs. The larger the fenced area, the higher and more serious the building, the more monumental the fence, the higher the gate, the more metal is used to make the frame and supports that ensure the stability and strength of the structure. Not surprisingly, instead of cast iron and welded profiles, modern swing gates are increasingly using aluminum and forged bars.

Which gate is better

Today the manufacturer strives to make gates for private estates:

  • The most durable and tough, ensuring the resistance of the protective fence to burglary and penetration into private territory;
  • Heavy enough so that the weight of the gate and inertia make it possible to withstand wind bursts, and at the same time light enough so that the installation and operation of swing metal gates does not require the use of huge massive pillars and supports;
  • Beautiful and graceful. As old as the world, swing gates can look hundreds of times more attractive than the monotonous and boring design of metal sliding, lifting or sectional entrances.
For your information! The system of two leaves on vertical hinges has one important advantage - the swivel unit on canopies has twice the resource and reliability of the mechanism than similar "flat" structures. The standard resource determined by GOST for all types of swing metal gates is 20 thousand opening-closing cycles.

In reality, for high-quality metal swing gates, these values ​​can easily be exceeded by 50-70%.

GOST No. 31174-2003 summarizes and describes all the main types of metal gates. In addition to swing and sliding systems, nine more options can be used to "lock" the passage, from sectional to folding. But in structures for fencing the territory, such devices are used quite rarely, since their use requires the arrangement of special technological arches and niches for cleaning the door leaf or panels. In rare cases, roller shutter systems can be used to lock and block the passage, but in this case, the installation will require the re-equipment of the open base of the gate into a closed structure with the installation of a technological archway or crossbeam above the passage.

To open the heaviest metal systems with swing leaves without using an electromechanical drive, just one person's effort is enough, while it is much more difficult to open or move sliding structures without using a standard electric drive.

Norms and specifications for swing metal systems

To ensure reliable locking and blocking of the passage, metal swing gates have to be installed with a massive frame or pillars, and most importantly - with a large number of steel power elements that ensure the strength of the main frame. This leads to an increased mass of metal swing gates and a huge load on the frame and hinges in the first place.

To avoid the suspension breakage, sagging of the sash or an emergency in case of strong gusts of wind, GOST established the requirement that all mechanisms and units of swing metal structures should be manufactured only according to the design documentation and strength calculations of the manufacturer:

  • Hinges, awnings, inner frame, frame of swing metal gates must provide the required double margin of safety, while the quality of technical solutions incorporated in the structure must be confirmed by certificates of conformity of the standardization center and the sanitary and hygienic conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision for the product;
  • The workmanship of metal swing gates is checked for the absence of metal surface defects visible to the naked eye, compliance of the welded seams with the strength and continuity standards. The difference in the height or width of the gate of opposite posts should not exceed 5 mm, the difference in the diagonals of metal leaves up to 2 m in size should be 3 mm, for large openings - 5 mm;
  • Paintwork with primer - not less than 0.03 mm, while the protective coating should not cause allergic reactions when it comes into contact with the palms of the hands.
  • For your information! In addition to the above list, GOST prescribes checking the quality of seals, the condition and performance of locking mechanisms and hinges.

    The resistance of swing metal structures to shock loads from the wind is checked by the fall of the bundles assembled on the frame under their own weight onto an indestructible object. Based on the results of the tests carried out, the manufacturer draws up a passport, and in accordance with GOST, the marking is applied. The VM model is indicated in the coding - metal gates, GOST number, product dimensions.

    Features of the device of metal gates with swing leaves

    Each gate structure has its own drawbacks, and systems with swinging halves also have them. The use of the principle of drop-down metal halves is very convenient for small openings of 2-2.5 m.

    In the standard design of small driveways, the structure of the entrance gate is assembled similarly to the structure of a metal garage door. In this case, hinges are welded onto the steel vertical posts from the channel or I-beam and the sash made of sheet metal with a thickness of 3-5 mm is hung. Due to the fact that the design of the doors is heavy, and the upper horizontal beam, as in metal garage doors, is absent, there is a risk of the pillars skewing and lowering the leaves. Stiffness problems can only be solved by installing very powerful support pillars, steel, brick or reinforced concrete.

    The wider the passage, the more the gate leaf will weigh, which means it is more difficult to ensure a stable position and the absence of sagging of heavy leaves due to wear and bending of the hinges. In addition, the area of ​​the gate structure increases, which means that windage and horizontal load from gusts of wind increase. ...

    Therefore, for a passage with a width of more than three meters, special designs are used:

  • Forged swing gates. Very beautiful and expensive designs from a forged bar with an individual style and pattern of artistic forging;
  • Frame systems made of profiled sheet and tubular frame. Lightweight and inexpensive, available in do-it-yourself manufacturing;
  • The doors are made in the form of two frames of a metal tubular profile with struts and struts. The front surface is sewn up with profiled sheet or panels.
  • Swinging aluminum gates. They have high rigidity and moderate weight of the structure, unlike the forged version, aluminum doors are always of the same type, differ only in the front surface cladding elements and the drive system.
  • Important! The safest option was to purchase swing metal gates from a specialized company or an organization that supplies finished products. Thus, you can avoid most of the errors associated with incorrect calculation and manufacture of basic elements, for example, installing hinges on the frame and leveling the supporting frame to the horizon.

    Practical swing gate designs

    Each of these options, in fact, reflects a modern view of the main functions of the gate. Option one - protective and decorative functions typical of forged steel structures. The second is a fast and lightweight version of aluminum swing schemes, the third is reliable and convenient, inherent in steel gates made of profiled sheet.

    Wrought iron swing gates

    Best suited to protect access to private property. The forged steel frame of the sash is capable of withstanding the most serious load, significantly exceeding the standard 200 kg, defined by GOST as a base value. In the most expensive beautiful options, all parts of the doors are made forged, from the outer frame to the inner lintels and decor details. In cheaper metal versions, the main power elements, the sash frame and lintels are welded from a regular pipe, with forged parts only complement the appearance.

    Forged sash frames are hung on hinges to the embedded elements of brick pillars. The lower part is covered with a sheet metal cladding, the upper part of the sash can be completely open or have decorative inserts made of darkened polycarbonate.

    In the manufacture of forged "undershirts" is much more difficult than conventional frame gates due to the large number of parts to be welded. To reduce the effect of thermal stresses and obtain a standard two-millimeter gap between the sash and the stationary frame, metal gates are welded in the form of a single sheet, hinges are welded and hung on poles, and only after that they are cut into two sashes.

    Aluminum swing gates

    The second style is a modern business style, in which the doors open and close quickly, clearly, as much as possible using modern drive mechanisms. For example, the stopping power of aluminum swing gate leaves is not considered by the manufacturer as the main property; quick and flawless operation of the device is much more important. Most often, service parking areas and controlled areas of companies and firms are equipped with aluminum frame swing and retractable structures. In addition to automatic hinged panels, a security guard controls the entry mode.

    The gate is a classic example of a swing system. The structure is made of high purity aluminum by argon welding of a profile with a cross section of 96x177 mm. Each sash is suspended from a concrete post using triple hinges with an oversized support surface. Internal diagonal braces made of cables and a support "snout", which serves as a support and movement limiter, help to compensate for possible deformation.

    The manufacturer of swing gates declares a device resource of 25-28 thousand operations, with a guarantee for the absence of corrosion for 15 years. The door leaf is made in the form of cladding from an aluminum profile or sandwich panels. The cost of the structure strongly depends on the width, for example, a 2000x3500 mm gate of the ADS400 system will cost a little more than 50 thousand rubles, a 2300x3500 mm canvas is estimated at 75-77 thousand rubles, and 2300x5000 mm - all 90 thousand rubles.

    Steel framing schemes

    Frame metal doors made of pipe and profiled sheet can be called the most modern and practical option. Firstly, such a structure is quite capable of assembling with your own hands. Secondly, the steel frame made of pipe is only slightly inferior in strength to forged gates. Thirdly, such metal door systems will cost significantly less than aluminum and, moreover, forged ones.

    The outer cladding can be easily selected from a huge number of colors of the profiled sheet. At the heart of the construction of frame options, the same technology is used as for the construction of a fence. The average weight of two leaves of a three-meter gate will not exceed 300 kg.


    When choosing the size of swing metal gate structures, experts recommend to be guided by the principle of sufficiency and expediency. For an area fenced with a metal profile fence or modular sections, a metal swing scheme made of an aluminum or steel profile is perfect. For a stone fence, a forged scheme will definitely be the best choice. Thus, the style and strength of the gate will match the material and structure of the fence.

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    DIY installation of a socket box

    The fencing of the site should be planned taking into account traffic. Swing gates, complemented by a wicket for a more comfortable entrance without a car, will perfectly cope with this task. In most cases, metal structures are installed, since they last much longer than wood.


    Installing a wicket or an additional exit is a practical solution, since it is very uncomfortable to open heavy doors every time when moving around the territory.

    A purchase or a self-made option involves the calculation of some factors that swing gates must comply with:

    • The gate is a kind of protection of a private area from penetration. They must be strong, tough and tamper-resistant.
    • The structure should not be heavy. The large size increases the load on the bearing support in windy conditions. An unreliable foundation will provoke breakage of the hinges. Also, the weight prevents free passage - it is not easy to move the massive sash every time.
    • Standard metal swing gates are not aesthetically pleasing. Their main priority is protection, but not a decorative component. Decorating and giving them a unique style is possible thanks to the forged elements in tandem with a harmonious color.

    In addition, the gate must comply with international standards. These parameters must be observed for safety reasons. The main provisions are described in GOST 31174-2003. The fence must have a supporting structure of adequate size and weight, which is able to withstand changes in weather conditions.

    The installation of a gate system implies the presence of preparatory steps. Before installation, you should clear the space for swing gates, as well as pre-build the supporting structures. It is necessary to take into account the terrain, as parts of the gate can cling to hills when moving. Rises and protrusions should be aligned beforehand.


    Advantages and disadvantages

    Despite the fact that the construction market is replete with an abundance of various materials, metal still holds a leading position in terms of long-term operation, being durable and reliable.

    Metal structures have significant advantages:

    • Easy operation. Strong hinges fix the structures in one position, allowing you to freely swing open and close the sashes.
    • Easy installation. It is possible to carry out the installation with your own hands, having experience with a welding machine. If you follow the instructions carefully, even a layman will quickly complete the installation.
    • Free choice. The wide range of materials contributes to the creation of a unique design in a modern style, the formation of which will not hit the wallet.

    • Special protection. The polymer coating prevents the development of corrosion under various climatic conditions.
    • Shield against thieves. Thanks to the locking device on the inside and the complete absence of fastening, it is almost impossible to open the metal gate.

    However, any design has disadvantages along with advantages. Swinging metal gates require installation in free space due to the wide opening radius. In addition, for unobstructed plowing, it is required to clear the winter snowdrifts every time.

    The design has a rather heavy weight, which in the future will affect the appearance - distortions and lowering are possible.

    But this problem is easily resolved by pre-installing stronger reinforced concrete or brickwork supports.


    Swing gate designs are divided into two main types: single-leaf and double-leaf. However, in most cases, site owners prefer to combine both types and install a wicket. Thanks to the space saving, installation takes place mainly in garages. Installation at the entrance as the main exit of the entire fence involves the use of various forged decorations or the creation of an individual sash design.

    Metal gates with wicket installation next to - a current choice. Manufacturing is made from corrugated board, steel or metal. The last element is the most popular for creating a design, among which there are:

    • Forged gates combine an object of protection and decoration at the same time. Creative forging, which does not have a supporting structure, is used mainly as a decoration of the territory. The more expensive, fully walled gates are reinforced with a strong foundation of brick pillars.
    • Aluminum gates are lightweight, therefore they are widely used in urban conditions as a fence element that does not warp or fall over a long time due to excessive pressure. The aluminum is protected by an internal diagonal cable tie that can provide protection for 10 years.
    • Profiled sheet is a kind of structure made of metal pipes. The modern design and the ability of the metal profile to be made by hand helped to gain great popularity for this type of gate.

    The gate can be coated with any paint that will serve as additional protection against temperature extremes. Correctly selected color will add variety to the outdoor interior.

    Experts recommend using insulated metal structures. At the same time, swing gates are not difficult to operate. They consist of two metal plates, between which a thermal insulating material is installed. As this element, simple polystyrene, mineral wool, and basalt insulation are used. When buying, you should choose a heat insulator that does not burn.

    Thus, the gate will be fire resistant.

    Dimensions (edit)

    During the installation and further operation of metal gates, their size is of great importance. The size also has a significant effect on the weight of the structure, which is why there is a need for additional reinforcements.

    In most cases, the height of swing gates does not exceed 3 m in private territory, and for industrial institutions, sashes are used that are twice the classical parameters. Due to the increase in size, the mass of the valves increases proportionally.

    To install massive elements, appropriate conditions are required:

    • Each width calculation is made on an individual basis.
    • Before installation, take into account the availability of free space.
    • Accounting for the entry of a particular mode of transport is also important. To do this, measure the parameters of the car in width, and then add a margin in order to calculate the free passage. The size of cars does not exceed 2 m, which allows taking a spare distance of half a meter on each side, so a width of 3 m is required for installation.

    Installation of large metal doors is impractical without urgent need. The large area creates additional load on the support under strong wind pressure, which requires strengthening the supporting structure both to eliminate windage and to take into account the heavy weight.

    The weight of a metal structure depends not only on its size, but also on the material during manufacture.

    The calculation is performed according to the following algorithm:

    • The frame consists mainly of shaped tubes. Each unit has dimensions of 35 x 15 mm with a wall width of 2 mm. A profile pipe of a meter length has a weight of 2 kg. Provided that the height and width of the metal flaps are 3 meters each, the total perimeter of both will be 12 m.Each flap will require an amplifier in the form of 1.5 m cross beams.It follows that installation will require a profile pipe 15 m long with with a total weight of 30 kg.
    • The cladding consists of a metal plate with a thickness of about 2 mm, which means that its weight will vary within 75 kg.

    Thus, the weight of a metal gate is approximately 100-105 kg. Decorative elements, locking devices are capable of weighing the structure up to 25 kg.

    When buying a wide gate, it is necessary to install an upper tie in order to create additional support.

    Many metal gates do not require special maintenance, since the manufacturer pre-applies a polymer coating that protects the structure when climatic conditions change. The only part that requires periodic maintenance is the hinges. They need to be lubricated.

    Forged decorative fences are often problem areas. The application of anti-corrosion paint is difficult due to the crimped elements. However, the problem is easily solved thanks to aerosol application methods.

    From time to time, forged structures require cleaning and additional painting. Dust and dirt are easily rinsed off thanks to the water jet from the garden hose.

    To paint faded openwork decoration elements soldered to a metal frame, the latter should be covered with thick paper.

    Examples of projects

    If you look at a few examples in practice, you can make sure that all projects are implemented within two main groups:

    • Swing gates are the dominant part of the entire fencing of the territory. At the same time, additional decorations are used in the form of decorative forged elements and massive load-bearing structures.

    • The second option involves the covert design of metal gates. In such conditions, they practically do not differ from the entire fence of the site. It is more popular because it does not distract attention from the garden landscape or street area.

    A classic example of a successful project is a tall stone fence that fulfills its original function of protecting against intruders. In the middle of the massive walls, a wrought-iron construction of metal gates, equipped with alarms and automatics, winds. The most common cladding for a graceful entrance is brickwork pillars.


    General specifications



    M osqua


    The Eurasian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) is a regional association of national standardization bodies of states belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the future, it is possible for national standardization bodies of other states to enter the EASC.

    The EASC has an Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in the Field of Construction (MNTKS), which has been granted the right to adopt interstate standards in the field of construction.

    The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions "and MSN 1.01-01-96" System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic Provisions ".

    Information about the standard

    1 DEVELOPED by JSC TsNIIPromzdaniy and by LLC DoorHan "With the participation of the Center for Certification of Window and Door Technology

    2 INTRODUCED by Gosstroy of Russia

    3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTC) on May 14, 2003

    Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

    Country code by MK ( ISO 3166 )004-97

    Abbreviated name of the state construction management body


    Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia


    Kazstroycommittee of the Republic of Kazakhstan


    Goskomarkhstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic


    Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Development of the Territory of the Republic of Moldova

    Russian Federation

    Gosstroy of Russia


    Komarkhstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan


    Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan


    5 PUT INTO EFFECT from March 1, 2004 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by the decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated June 20, 2003 No. 78

    Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard and changes to it on the territory of the above states is published in the indexes of national (state) standards published in these states.

    Information about the changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) Interstate standards ", and the text of the changes is published in the information indexes" Interstate standards ". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding information will be published in the information index "Interstate standards".


    dateintroduction 2004-03-01

    1 area of ​​use

    This standard applies to metal gates (gate systems) installed in the wall openings of buildings and structures for various purposes, including garages. It is allowed to extend the requirements of the standard to gate structures used in fencing systems in open areas.

    The standard does not apply to lift and sluice gates, special-purpose gates in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, burglary protection, etc., as well as automatic gate drive mechanisms.

    The scope of application of specific brands of products is established depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the current building codes and regulations, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

    Requirements for the design of safety devices and for the safe operation of the doors are established in the regulatory and technical documentation for specific types of products.

    The standard can be applied for certification purposes.

    2 Normative references

    5.3 Characteristics

    5.3.1 The main operational characteristics of the doors are given in the table.

    5.3.7 The appearance of the products (color, gloss, surface quality) must correspond to the reference samples approved by the head of the manufacturer.

    Surface defects visible to the naked eye from a distance of 1.5 m under illumination of at least 300 lux are not allowed.

    The front surfaces of the sandwich panels and aluminum profile elements of the canvases must be protected with a self-adhesive film, removed after the installation of the product.

    5.4 Requirements for materials and components

    5.4.1 Materials and components used for the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of standards, specifications, technical certificates approved in the prescribed manner.

    5.4.2 Materials and components used for the manufacture of doors must be resistant to climatic influences.

    5.4.3 Rubber elastomers and seals installed around the perimeter of the door and between panel elements must be resistant to climatic and atmospheric influences and meet the requirements of GOST 30778.

    5.4.4 Drums, hinges, brackets, torsion springs, cables, rollers and other parts must have certificates or other documents confirming the safety of their use under the design operational loads.

    5.4.5 Aluminum profile elements used for the production of door leaves must comply with the requirements of GOST 22233.

    5.4.6 Steel parts of structures should have grades that ensure the strength characteristics of structural elements, welded, bolted and other joints, depending on the nature and conditions of their work.

    5.4.7 Wooden glued panels of filling must meet the requirements of GOST 30972, profile molded wooden parts - GOST 8242.

    5.4.8 For the glazing of door leaves, tempered glass is used in accordance with GOST 30698, laminated glass in accordance with GOST 30826, double-glazed windows in accordance with GOST 24866, as well as glass from polymeric materials in accordance with ND.

    5.4.9 Glazing elements are installed on elastomeric gaskets in accordance with GOST 30778, while touching the edges of the glasses to the metal surfaces of structures is not allowed.

    5.5 Requirements for locking devices and hinges

    5.5.1 In the manufacture of products, locking devices and hinges, specially designed for use in gate structures, are used.

    5.5.2 The type, location and method of fastening of locking devices and hinges are established in the working documentation based on the size and weight of the opening elements of the product, as well as the operating conditions of the products, taking into account the requirements established in the technical documentation.

    5.5.3 Locking devices must ensure reliable locking of the opening elements of the products. Opening and closing should be easy, smooth, without jamming.

    5.5.4 The design and fastening of locking devices and hinges should ensure the impossibility of opening or dismantling products from the outside.

    5.5.5 Locking devices, locks, hinges and fasteners must meet the requirements of GOST 538 and have a protective and decorative (or protective) coating in accordance with GOST 9.303.

    5.5.6 Locks used to close the gate must comply with GOST 5089.

    5.5.7 Panels of sectional doors are connected on one-piece hinges, which are fixed with self-tapping screws or bolted connections.

    5.5.8 The force of manual opening and closing, the strength of fastening the handles to the canvas must meet the requirements of the table.

    5.6 Factory readiness level and completeness

    5.6.1 The complete set of products during their delivery to the consumer must comply with the requirements established in the order (agreement) and agreed with the consumer.

    5.6.2 Cloths of products must have installed sealing gaskets and have a protective film on the front surfaces.

    5.6.3 In case of delivery of products of incomplete factory readiness, responsibility for the quality of finished products installed by third-party organizations is established in the supply agreement.

    5.6.4 The delivery set should include a specification of parts, assemblies and shipping elements of the kit, a quality document (passport), as well as an instruction manual for the products. The delivery of collapsible products is accompanied by instructions for their assembly.

    5.6.5 Locks, locking devices, translucent elements and other component parts included in the product must be accompanied by technical documentation for these products, if this is provided for by the terms of the contract.

    5.6.6 At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer provides him with standard instructions for the installation of products.

    5.7 Marking

    Each product is marked with waterproof paint or a label (label) indicating the name (trademark) of the enterprise, symbol, date of its manufacture and (or) order number, sign (stamp) confirming the acceptance of products by technical control. The product is usually marked on one side of the web. Marking must be weatherproof and prominently displayed.

    Responsible units and products of door systems may have their own markings, as defined in the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

    6 Acceptance rules

    6.1 Products must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer for compliance with the requirements of this standard, as well as the conditions specified in the contract for the manufacture and supply of products. Confirmation of the acceptance of products by the technical control of the manufacturer is their marking, as well as the execution of documents on the acceptance (quality) of products.

    Products are accepted in lots or by the piece. When accepting products at the manufacturing enterprise, the number of products manufactured within one shift and issued with one quality document is taken as a batch. The batch size can be taken as the number of products of one design, manufactured according to one order.

    6.2 The requirements for product quality established in this standard are confirmed by:

    incoming inspection of materials and components;

    operational production control;

    acceptance control of finished products;

    control acceptance tests of a batch of products, carried out by the quality service of the manufacturer;

    periodic testing of products in independent testing centers;

    qualification and certification tests.

    6.3 The procedure for conducting incoming control and operational production control at workplaces is established in the technological documentation.

    9.1 Requirements for the installation of products are established in the working design documentation for construction objects, as well as in the standard installation instructions approved by the head of the manufacturer.

    9.2 Installation of products should be carried out by specialized construction firms or assembly teams beforeacceptance - the manufacturer of the gate in accordance with the installation instructions for specific types of doors, approved by the head of the manufacturer. The completion of installation work must be confirmed by an acceptance certificate, which includes the warranty obligations of the manufacturer of the work.

    9.3 Typical installation instructions for doors should include: drawings (diagrams) of typical installation assemblies;

    list of materials and parts used (including fasteners);

    the sequence and content of technological operations for the installation of the gate (including construction work);

    safety rules during installation and construction work.

    9.5 The sag of the curtain of sliding and swing gates and wickets should be no more than 1/250 of the width of the opening.

    10 Manufacturer's Warranties

    10.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of products with the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer observes the rules of transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope established in the regulatory and design documentation.

    10.2 The warranty period for the gate is stipulated in the supply contract and the product passport.


    Examples of designs of various types of gates

    1 - load-bearing elements of the frame of the opening; 2 - panel board; 3- ledge strip with a sealing gasket; 4 - lock; 5 - handle; 6 - gate valve; 7 - loop; 8 - metal profile of the frame (frame) of the canvas; 9 - filling the canvas (sandwich panel)

    Figure A.1 - An example of the design of a swing gate with a heat-insulated panel board

    1 - panel board; 2 - elements of the frame of the opening; 3 - a pen; 4 - locking device; 5 - lower support beam; 6 - drive unit; 7 - power (bearing) frame; 8 - roller supports

    Figure A.2 - An example of the design of a sliding gate with a lower support beam

    1 - elements of the framing of the wall opening; 2- guide profiles; 3 - gate safety devices; 4 - rotary balancing system; 5 - locking devices; 6 - door leaf; 7 - seal

    Figure A.3. - An example of the design of an overhead gate

    1 - door leaf; 2 - web balancing system; 3 - sealant; 4 - elements of the frame of the opening; 5 - drive; 6 - guide profiles; 7 - gate valve; 8 - handle; 9 - locking device

    Figure A.4 - An example of the design of an overhead sectional door

    Figure A.5 - Schemes of options for lifting overhead sectional doors

    1 - door leaf; 2 - guide profiles; 3 - web balancing system; 4- drive; 5- valve; 6 - seals; 7- handle

    Figure A.6 - An example of a vertical overhead door construction

    1 - gate leaf leaves; 2 - elements of the frame of the opening; 3 - guide profiles; 4 - roller displacement device; 5 - loops; 6 - locking devices and a lock; 7 - handles; 8 - sealant

    Figure A.7 - An example of the design of a folding gate

    1 - door leaf; 2 - guide profile; 3 - web winding device; 4 - drive, 5 - seal; 6 - protective box

    Figure A.8 - An example of the design of rolling shutter gates

    TV Vlasova, Center for Certification of Window and Door Technology;

    DN Shvedov, Center for Certification of Window and Door Technology;

    BN Kiyashko, TsPKTB Gosstroy of Russia;

    V.E. Ivashkevich, JSC VNIIDMASH;

    Mogutov V.A., NIISF RAASN;

    SI Tikhomirnov, NIUPTs "MIO";

    Savic B. C ., FSUE TsNS Gosstroy of Russia;

    V.G. Milkov, Federal State Unitary Enterprise FCS;

    Shvedov N.V., Gosstroy of Russia.

    Key words: sliding gates, swing gates, sliding gates, spring, drum, safety


    Fire Safety Certificate:

    The enterprise ___ manufactures smoke-proof fireproof metal gates:
    VMP 02/60 with fire resistance EI-60, TU 5284-005-51740842-2005

    Fireproof swing gates are designed to block the spread of fire through building openings, as well as to create conditions for the safe evacuation of people and protect the paths along which extinguishing is carried out in buildings and structures for various purposes. The design and characteristics of the gates comply with the fire safety requirements established in SNiP 21-01-97 *.

    Constructive scheme:

    Fire gate characteristics

      Gate design: The gates are made of a steel box and hinged leaves made of metal panels, three-layer, wall panels with three-layer mineral wool insulation (hereinafter referred to as PMTS), fixed along the perimeter in a metal profile. In one of the gate leaves there is a wicket (in terms of design, the wicket is identical to the door of the metal fire-prevention dummy series DMP-G 01/60). The gate can be made with a threshold, or without it, with a wicket, or without it (at the request of the Customer). To seal the gaps in the event of a fire between the gate leaves and the frame, as well as between the frame and the wicket leaf, a thermally expanding elastic material and a rubber seal are used.


      Gates complete set: hinges, levers (for opening gate leaves), lock and handle, cylinder mechanism, door closers (for both leaves); anchor bolts and decorative caps for them. Instead of a closer, it is possible to install an automatic drive (at the request of the Customer).

      Wicket complete set(identical to the DMP-G 01/60 configuration): self-closing hinges - spring-loaded and structural (apart from their direct functional purpose - opening / closing doors, they also act as a door closer), a Nemof lock and handle, a cylinder mechanism, a door closer (on request Customer); anchor bolts and decorative caps for them.

      Coating, appearance:

      The gate is painted with polymer powder paint; basic colors are light gray shagreen (Ral 7032), or in PMTS color (Ral 9002). On the outer surface of the Gate there is a metal nameplate with a fire safety sign, fire resistance rating (EI), serial number and date of issue, information about the manufacturer.

    Gate weight

    Mounting in the prepared building opening (license of the State Administration of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 2/21813) of swing gates - 10% of the cost (see section ""). It is possible to manufacture gates for non-standard openings.

    To place an order for a fire gate, you need to fill in.

    In a fencing of any type and design, a wicket and an entrance gate, most often swing or sliding, should always be provided to ensure the passage of a car or even a truck into the territory of the site. Today, metal swing gates are most often used for private properties. Less often - recoil lungs. The larger the fenced area, the higher and more serious the building, the more monumental the fence, the higher the gate, the more metal is used to make the frame and supports that ensure the stability and strength of the structure. Not surprisingly, instead of cast iron and welded profiles, modern swing gates are increasingly using aluminum and forged bars.

    Which gate is better

    Today the manufacturer strives to make gates for private estates:

    • The most durable and tough, ensuring the resistance of the protective fence to burglary and penetration into private territory;
    • Heavy enough so that the weight of the gate and inertia make it possible to withstand wind bursts, and at the same time light enough so that the installation and operation of swing metal gates does not require the use of huge massive pillars and supports;
    • Beautiful and graceful. As old as the world, swing gates can look hundreds of times more attractive than the monotonous and boring design of metal sliding, lifting or sectional entrances.

    For your information! The system of two leaves on vertical hinges has one important advantage - the swivel unit on canopies has twice the life and reliability of the mechanism than similar "flat" structures. The standard resource determined by GOST for all types of swing metal gates is 20 thousand opening-closing cycles.

    In reality, for high-quality metal swing gates, these values ​​can easily be exceeded by 50-70%.

    GOST No. 31174-2003 summarizes and describes all the main types of metal gates. In addition to swing and sliding systems, nine more options can be used to "lock" the passage, from sectional to folding. But in structures for fencing the territory, such devices are used quite rarely, since their use requires the arrangement of special technological arches and niches for cleaning the door leaf or panels. In rare cases, roller shutter systems can be used to lock and block the passage, but in this case, the installation will require the re-equipment of the open base of the gate into a closed structure with the installation of a technological archway or crossbeam above the passage.

    To open the heaviest metal systems with swing leaves without using an electromechanical drive, just one person's effort is enough, while it is much more difficult to open or move sliding structures without using a standard electric drive.

    Norms and specifications for swing metal systems

    To ensure reliable locking and blocking of the passage, it is necessary to install with a massive frame or pillars, and most importantly - with a large number of steel power elements that ensure the strength of the main frame. This leads to an increased mass of metal swing gates and a huge load on the frame and hinges in the first place.

    To avoid the suspension breakage, sagging of the sash or an emergency in case of strong gusts of wind, GOST established the requirement that all mechanisms and units of swing metal structures should be manufactured only according to the design documentation and strength calculations of the manufacturer:

    1. Hinges, awnings, inner frame, frame of swing metal gates must provide the required double margin of safety, while the quality of technical solutions incorporated in the structure must be confirmed by certificates of conformity of the standardization center and the sanitary and hygienic conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision for the product;
    2. The workmanship of metal swing gates is checked for the absence of metal surface defects visible to the naked eye, compliance of the welded seams with the strength and continuity standards. The difference in the height or width of the gate of opposite posts should not exceed 5 mm, the difference in the diagonals of metal leaves up to 2 m in size should be 3 mm, for large openings - 5 mm;
    3. The paintwork with primer is not less than 0.03 mm, while the protective coating should not cause allergic reactions when it comes into contact with the palms of the hands.

    For your information! In addition to the above list, GOST prescribes checking the quality of seals, the condition and performance of locking mechanisms and hinges.

    The resistance of swing metal structures to shock loads from the wind is checked by the fall of the bundles assembled on the frame under their own weight onto an indestructible object. Based on the results of the tests carried out, the manufacturer draws up a passport, and in accordance with GOST, the marking is applied. The VM model is indicated in the coding - metal gates, GOST number, product dimensions.

    Features of the device of metal gates with swing leaves

    Each gate structure has its own drawbacks, and systems with swinging halves also have them. The use of the principle of drop-down metal halves is very convenient for small openings of 2-2.5 m.

    In the standard design of small driveways, the structure of the entrance gate is assembled similarly to the structure of a metal garage door. In this case, hinges are welded onto the steel vertical posts from the channel or I-beam and the sash made of sheet metal with a thickness of 3-5 mm is hung. Due to the fact that the design of the doors is heavy, and the upper horizontal beam, as in metal garage doors, is absent, there is a risk of the pillars skewing and lowering the leaves. Stiffness problems can only be solved by installing very powerful support pillars, steel, brick or reinforced concrete.

    The wider the passage, the more the gate leaf will weigh, which means it is more difficult to ensure a stable position and the absence of sagging of heavy leaves due to wear and bending of the hinges. In addition, the area of ​​the gate structure increases, which means that windage and horizontal load from gusts of wind increase. ...

    Therefore, for a passage with a width of more than three meters, special designs are used:

    1. Forged swing gates. Very beautiful and expensive designs from a forged bar with an individual style and pattern of artistic forging;
    2. Frame systems made of profiled sheet and tubular frame. Lightweight and inexpensive, available in do-it-yourself manufacturing;
    3. The doors are made in the form of two frames of a metal tubular profile with struts and struts. The front surface is sewn up with profiled sheet or panels.
    4. Swinging aluminum gates. They have high rigidity and moderate weight of the structure, unlike the forged version, aluminum doors are always of the same type, differ only in the front surface cladding elements and the drive system.

    Important! The safest option was to purchase swing metal gates from a specialized company or an organization that supplies finished products. Thus, you can avoid most of the errors associated with incorrect calculation and manufacture of basic elements, for example, installing hinges on the frame and leveling the supporting frame to the horizon.

    Practical swing gate designs

    Each of these options, in fact, reflects a modern view of the main functions of the gate. Option one - protective and decorative functions typical of forged steel structures. The second is a fast and lightweight version of aluminum swing systems, the third is reliable and convenient, inherent in steel gates made of profiled sheet.

    Wrought iron swing gates

    Best suited to protect access to private property. The forged steel frame of the sash is capable of withstanding the most serious load, significantly exceeding the standard 200 kg, defined by GOST as a base value. In the most expensive beautiful options, all parts of the doors are made forged, from the outer frame to the inner lintels and decor details. In cheaper metal versions, the main power elements, the sash frame and lintels are welded from a regular pipe, with forged parts only complement the appearance.

    Forged sash frames are hung on hinges to the embedded elements of brick pillars. The lower part is covered with a sheet metal cladding, the upper part of the sash can be completely open or have decorative inserts made of darkened polycarbonate.

    In the manufacture of forged "undershirts" is much more difficult than conventional frame gates due to the large number of parts to be welded. To reduce the effect of thermal stresses and obtain a standard two-millimeter gap between the sash and the stationary frame, metal gates are welded in the form of a single sheet, hinges are welded and hung on poles, and only after that they are cut into two sashes.

    Aluminum swing gates

    The second style is a modern business style, in which the doors open and close quickly, clearly, as much as possible using modern drive mechanisms. For example, the stopping power of aluminum swing gate leaves is not considered by the manufacturer as the main property; quick and flawless operation of the device is much more important. Most often, service parking areas and controlled areas of companies and firms are equipped with aluminum frame swing and retractable structures. In addition to automatic hinged panels, a security guard controls the entry mode.

    The gate is a classic example of a swing system. The structure is made of high purity aluminum by argon welding of a profile with a cross section of 96x177 mm. Each sash is suspended from a concrete post using triple hinges with an oversized support surface. Internal diagonal braces made of cables and a support "snout", which serves as a support and movement limiter, help to compensate for possible deformation.

    The manufacturer of swing gates declares a device resource of 25-28 thousand operations, with a guarantee for the absence of corrosion for 15 years. The door leaf is made in the form of cladding from an aluminum profile or sandwich panels. The cost of the structure strongly depends on the width, for example, a 2000x3500 mm gate of the ADS400 system will cost a little more than 50 thousand rubles, a 2300x3500 mm canvas is estimated at 75-77 thousand rubles, and 2300x5000 mm - all 90 thousand rubles.

    Steel framing schemes

    Frame metal doors made of pipe and profiled sheet can be called the most modern and practical option. Firstly, such a structure is quite capable of assembling with your own hands. Secondly, the steel frame made of pipe is only slightly inferior in strength to forged gates. Thirdly, such metal door systems will cost significantly less than aluminum and, moreover, forged ones.

    The outer cladding can be easily selected from a huge number of colors of the profiled sheet. At the heart of the construction of frame options, the same technology is used as for the construction of a fence. The average weight of two leaves of a three-meter gate will not exceed 300 kg.


    When choosing the size of swing metal gate structures, experts recommend to be guided by the principle of sufficiency and expediency. For an area fenced with a metal profile fence or modular sections, a metal swing scheme made of an aluminum or steel profile is perfect. For a stone fence, a forged scheme will definitely be the best choice. Thus, the style and strength of the gate will match the material and structure of the fence.