The cheapest material for building walls. What is better to build a house from - choose material for the walls of the house

This article is useful for those who are looking for the cheapest materials for building a house with their own hands. With the emergence of the latest technologies on the market, the owners of summer cottages have a real opportunity to install cheap houses with very good performance characteristics suitable for permanent residence.

Nowadays, there are plenty of methods for building economical and reliable housing.

We propose to consider in more detail the inexpensive materials used for the construction of houses.

When deciding where the walls of housing, its floors and roof will be erected directly, it is necessary to focus on the corresponding features.

Place of residence. Climate. In areas with a cool climate, it is preferable to use materials in the construction of a house that retain heat well.

In the southern regions, the choice is much wider, which means that it is possible to use completely different innovative materials at an affordable price.

Features of the materials used. Of course, houses from SIP panels either cost less than from timber or brick.

Regional market. In wooded areas, wood will serve as the most inexpensive material for a house, in steppe areas - concrete.

Material cost analysis

Take a closer look at which one for building a house. Very economical and comfortable housing can be built using materials such as those described below.


Outcome: about 2,000 rubles, for 1 sq. m, excluding work. It is important to remember that the construction of a house from gas blocks requires a lot of labor of workers, therefore we take into account the payment of specialists, and this is in the region of 1300-1600 rubles.


House from wooden beam will cost:

  • timber 200x200x6000 mm - 0.8 pcs. - 1416 rubles;
  • mortar for plastering walls - 70 rubles.
  • insulation (vapor barrier or mineral wool) - 0.1 cubic meters m - 400 rubles;

Outcome: 1900 rubles, plus workers' wages 1700-1800 rubles.

They are good for small housing construction intended for families or friends, but not for permanent residence.

Calculation of materials for a frame house

  • timber - 0.05 cubic meters m - 375 rubles;
  • softboard - 230 rubles.
  • insulation, vapor barrier, waterproofing - 270 rubles;

Outcome: 875 rubles, plus the wages of the construction team 1500-1700 rubles.


Having collected all the information about cheap materials for the house with our own hands together, we draw final conclusions based on the cost.

Timber houses are the most expensive type of housing. Frame houses can be considered the most acceptable.

But there is one BUT! It's important not to forget. Thicker walls need a well-reinforced foundation. Therefore, the total cost of houses will be approximately the same.

Many people are looking for an option on how to build a house yourself cheaply and quickly. Now we know a lot of materials and technologies in construction, which can significantly save money, but at the same time get a high-quality building.

Aerated concrete blocks

You can build a small house from aerated concrete blocks. This is a good alternative to regular brick. It is much more profitable to build such a box. The thickness of the wall is allowed to be made less by a third, but no deterioration in thermal insulation properties is observed. The material itself is much lighter, so you can also save on the foundation. In addition, the blocks are larger than standard bricks, so few aerated concrete blocks are needed for a small house. Another advantage is that aerated concrete blocks are breathable so that air exchange is not disturbed. But in terms of waterproofing properties, such a material is considered not the best. And if you still do not follow all the rules when building a house, then the structure will also be blown through. It is very important to get a quality finish.

As for the period during which you can build a house with your own hands, it will take much less time if you use aerated concrete blocks, not bricks. The process will take about 3 times less time. In addition, there is practically no shrinkage. To connect the blocks, a special compound with adhesive properties is used. It is not recommended to use cement mortar, as the seams will be thick, which will lead to the formation of cold bridges.

Aerated concrete has the following advantages:

  1. The walls won't burn.
  2. Walls don't rot.
  3. The material is considered environmentally friendly.
  4. Due to the low weight of the material, it is not necessary to make a reinforced foundation.
  5. Due to the large size of the blocks, it will be possible to build a house in less time than using bricks.
  6. The material is easy to process, so that the walls can be made in different configurations.
  7. It has good thermal and sound insulation properties.

However, it is necessary to take into account the following disadvantages:

  1. It is able to absorb water, so the building needs to be periodically heated.
  2. To avoid deformation of the walls, it is recommended to make your foundation of a tape type or from reinforced concrete slabs.
  3. Due to the porous structure of the blocks, finishing is imperative.
  4. It is prohibited to violate the technology.

Aerated concrete blocks are the cheapest material for building a house. The cost of the box itself from such blocks, together with a reinforced concrete foundation (without a basement), as well as a roof made of metal tiles, will be as follows:

  1. For a house with 1 level with an area of ​​86 m² - 910 thousand rubles.
  2. A house with an attic and a total area of ​​106 m² - about 1150 thousand rubles.
  3. A house with two levels, with a total area of ​​about 240 m², - more than 3 million rubles.

All this must be taken into account when choosing such a material.

Brick buildings

When choosing what material to build a house from, some people prefer brick. This option is considered classic. Brick is the most popular material. However, buildings made of it are difficult to call cheap. The walls must be made thick, additionally insulated. This leads to the fact that the house is not economical at all. Such a structure weighs a lot, so it is also necessary to fork out for a solid foundation, on which it is difficult to save money. The disadvantages of this design include the complexity of the process, its duration. But on the other hand, if you build a small house, and not a large mansion, you will need much less money. In addition, the advantages are the durability of the structure, fire safety, practicality, so that it will pay off the costs. So it’s not surprising that some people decide it’s better to build a house out of bricks.

In addition, if you build the box yourself, you will need to spend only on materials. It will turn out to save on wages of workers, and this is a large amount. But this option is only suitable for those who already have experience in such work. The main thing is to think carefully about the whole project.

  1. Good sound insulation properties.
  2. Durability and strength of the structure.
  3. The material does not rot.
  4. Differs in fire resistance.
  5. It is considered environmentally friendly.

But there are also disadvantages to such buildings:

  1. Too much weight, which will require a reinforced foundation.
  2. High heat capacity.
  3. Difficult enough to handle.
  4. Low thermal insulation performance, so additional insulation is needed.
  5. The building is not suitable for seasonal use. If the house is not warmed up for a long time in winter, then it will cool down quickly, and you will have to wait until it heats up.
  6. The construction is very long - it will take about a year to make a solid foundation, and then another year for the walls to shrink before starting finishing work.

As for the cost of brick houses, the indicators will be as follows:

  1. If your house has only 1 level with an area of ​​52 m², and the foundation without a basement is made of reinforced concrete, plus there is a roof of tiles, then the cost will be about 800 thousand rubles.
  2. If the area of ​​a 1-storey building is 89 m², then the price will be about 1.5 million rubles.
  3. If you make an attic, and the area of ​​the whole house is 170 m², then the cost will be more than 2.8 million rubles.

This must be taken into account when calculating.

Timber structures

When choosing what is better to build a house from, some pay attention to the timber. You can get economical structures from this material. For buildings, timber is considered more profitable than other materials. If we compare walls made of timber and brick in terms of heat saving properties, then a structure made of spruce with a thickness of 22 cm and brick with a thickness of 60 cm will have approximately the same indicators, so that both buildings will be warm.

As a rule, to make a house, they choose a beam of 20 cm.In addition, they use insulation, the thickness of which should be about 10 cm.In addition, they also make a layer of plaster with a thickness of 2 cm.

The advantages of a bar include the following:

  • enocomicity;
  • speed of building a house - it will take only a few weeks for construction;
  • the technology for erecting the structure is quite simple;
  • the material is considered completely safe from the point of view of the environment;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • the material is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature;
  • walls warm up quickly after frost;
  • good sound insulation;
  • the material does not deform after drying;
  • the timber is very durable;
  • timber lends itself to processing;
  • the material maintains an optimal indoor climate;
  • the design is very light;
  • the exterior of the building is quite beautiful, so no finishing is needed.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages of this option:

  1. If the material is poorly dried, then the wall can lead.
  2. The walls at the beginning of the use of the structure must be caulked.
  3. Walls, especially from below, need to be protected from decay and water, insect pests.
  4. Fire safety is very low.

Timber is considered an excellent alternative to brick. This option is a win-win. A cheap house from a bar will need much less money than building from a brick. For example, if you build a house with an attic, the total area of ​​which is about 110 m² (no basement), then the costs will be as follows:

  1. If you use a beam with a cross-section of 15 * 15 cm - about 13 thousand rubles per 1 m².
  2. Round logs with a diameter of 240 mm - about 16.5 thousand rubles per 1 m².
  3. Round logs with a diameter of 300-350 mm - about 21 thousand rubles.
  4. Glued timber with a cross section of 21 * 27 cm - 36 thousand rubles per 1 m².

It is imperative to take such costs into account when designing a building.

Frame type house building

You can build a house for permanent residence with a frame structure. A structure using this method can be erected in a period from several weeks to a couple of months - it depends on whether a team of workers is engaged in the construction or only the owner of the future house himself.

It is better to build a house with such a structure, since it is considered durable. Differs in resistance to deformation. According to calculations, the service life of such a building is about 80 years. The supporting structures are very convenient for further finishing work, since all parts are unified. Thanks to this, there are many options for cladding a building. For example, you can use a block house, cassette panels, siding. When using such skins, the strength of the structure increases, but this does not significantly affect the weight.

There are 2 main technologies. The first is the frame-panel technique. In order to assemble such a structure on your own, you need not only the appropriate equipment, but also skill. The only drawback is that you will have to purchase additional materials for building insulation. The frame is made of wood, and then the sheathing is made from sandwich panels. All elements must be mounted separately, so that the process is quite laborious.

The second option is frame-panel technology. It is considered more expensive, but it is reliable. Another advantage is that labor costs are much less. The structure is assembled from shields, which are made in factories by prior order. Moreover, they are already additionally insulated, so that they are completely ready for assembly.

If we compare panel and panel buildings, then the former are more expensive, but the final price may be the same if workers are recruited to assemble panel buildings, and not do everything yourself. This is due to the fact that you will have to pay for all the work on assembly, cladding, thermal insulation, and finishing.

The advantages of this option include the following:

  • profitability;
  • light weight;
  • short construction time.

It is believed that houses that are built using this technology are the cheapest, but the cost depends on many factors: the selected materials (including finishing), the area of ​​the building, etc. As for the shortcomings, there are not many of them. You will need to have special skills and tools in order to assemble the structure. Not every developer will be able to cope with such work on their own. If you hire a team, the costs will be much higher.


When choosing what is better to build from, you need to pay attention to various indicators and characteristics. Some people prefer to rely only on prices. As for them, the most profitable option is the frame construction. The cost of 1 m² will be about 900 rubles. If you use a brick, then the price will be about 2.5 thousand rubles. For timber it is up to 1.9 thousand rubles, and for aerated concrete and foam concrete - no more than 2 thousand rubles. But in addition to prices, it is also necessary to take into account the nuances in the use of such materials, their advantages and disadvantages. Inexpensive - does not always mean that it is of high quality and fast, so all factors must be taken into account.

The use of modern materials for the construction of private houses involves two main technologies. The first is brick or block masonry in a monolithic structure, this method is also called "wet", since it requires a batch of mortar. In the second case, an assembly of a constructor from individual building elements is used, while most of the wall is made up of hydro, sound and thermal insulation.

Both methods allow you to create durable houses, but if there is a desire to save money, you need to know which materials to give preference to, including in order to independently cope with all the work (see).

Based on the average pricing policy, the estimated cost will be as follows:

You also need to take into account the costs of the floor and flooring (about 30,000), plumbing structures - another 10,000 and heating, which with aluminum radiators, boiler water heating and plastic pipes will cost 46,000. construction will amount to 349 - 360,000 rubles.

How to reduce the cost of construction

A prerequisite is that a private house must be planned and built on one floor. The project should have the most economical solution for the erected frame, finishing materials, ergonomic use of the internal space. Many architects offer no alternatives and only sell finished work. Therefore, it is worth knowing a few nuances. To use the cheapest materials for building a house, you need to:

  • erected according to a rectangular plan with a pitched roof;
  • did not have intermediate floors, stairs, a large number of windows, unusual elements in the form of arches, columns, balconies;
  • was without basements, otherwise costs will increase by at least 30%;
  • had a low-depth foundation, a low plinth and floors level with the ground.

It is also advisable to independently calculate (based on the size of the plan) the required amount of building material and decide on the manufacturing company. To save money, you need to spend a lot of time searching and ordering each type of material. But as a result, a new house will cost 25-40% less.

If the building will be used only in the summer, it is better not to make a warm house, or spend on thermal insulation to a minimum. The cost will be affected by the delivery of all the necessary elements, the quality, conscientiousness and the number of workers hired for the construction site.

A cheap home doesn't mean it's not sustainable. The main thing that should be given special attention is proper ventilation and interior wall decoration. For example, the use of chipboard sheets is fraught with the ingress of phenol vapors into the air; it would be more correct to turn to drywall.

Recently, fewer and fewer people want to live in a cramped and stuffy city, preferring to move to their own country house. It would seem, what are the problems? You just need to sell an apartment and buy real estate outside the city. But this property is, alas, several times more expensive than the largest apartment.

Do not despair, there is a way out - to build a house on your own. If you figure it out, there is nothing difficult in building a house, the main thing is to draw up an action plan and strictly follow it.

The problem of cheap housing is becoming more and more urgent. Many scientists have worked on it, and some have achieved some success. Among them, it is worth noting Berok Khoshnevis, a professor from the United States who developed a 3D printer. This device is capable of building a house with a total area of ​​300 m² per day. Agree, not a single even the most experienced team is capable of investing in such a period.

But the cost of a 3D printer (in fact, like its operation) is very expensive, not everyone can afford it. Therefore, during construction, it is more expedient to use a less expensive way to save money - to use cheap building materials.

Do-it-yourself cheap house: where to start?

Let's make a reservation right away that an unauthorized building must be legalized and you need to register it as property. To do this as quickly as possible, follow all government standards. First of all, draw up a competent plan of the site and the future house (it is better to entrust this matter to a qualified architect). In this plan, engineering communications are distributed, the method of pouring the foundation and building materials are chosen. With a plan in hand, you can easily bring your low-cost home project to life.

In addition, during the preparatory work, determine the order of construction. It will look something like this:

  • pouring the foundation;
  • building a "box" at home;
  • carrying out all the necessary communications;
  • floor laying;
  • roof construction (preferably in autumn or spring).

Following a simple technology, you can easily build a cozy, inexpensive home.

Stage one: foundation of the house

Step 1. First of all, decide what type of foundation is suitable for the soil in your area. Dig a meter-long hole, if the soil is sandy, clayey or stony, and there is no water at the bottom, then you can safely build a strip foundation about 70-80 cm deep. But if there is still water, then the depth of the base should exceed 1 m.

Step 2. Then remove the top layer of earth and mark the perimeter. Using the markings, dig a trench to the required depth and fill the bottom with a sand cushion.

Step 3. Build the formwork using boards or plywood. Then mix the foundation mortar using cement, crushed stone and coarse sand. In this case, the thicker the solution, the stronger the base (ideally, the consistency should be like thick sour cream). Make the width of the foundation 20 cm wider than the width of the walls. Be sure to reinforce it with metal reinforcement.

Step 4. Install a waterproofing layer - this will prevent the formation of cracks on the foundation and, therefore, increase its service life. Use roofing material for this, putting it in two layers at ground level. Then add the base to the required height.

Step 5. After the insulating layer, lay out the foundation with concrete blocks or bricks. Make ventilation holes in two opposite walls to prevent moisture build-up in the floor. Then give the structure a little time to dry and install the waterproofing (here you can use any available material).

Note! The final drying and shrinkage of the foundation will occur only a few months after the construction, so do not rush to build the walls.

Stage two: walls

There are two ways to build walls.

  1. A more reliable and, accordingly, expensive method consists in the construction of reinforced columns at the corners of the future house. Gather the reinforcement rods in a "bundle", set them in the corners and fill them with concrete. In this case, you first need to build wooden formwork and after that start pouring.
  2. If for one reason or another you cannot use the first method, then when building walls, simply reinforce them with reinforcement.

For walls, use one of the following materials:

  • foam concrete;
  • brick;
  • shell rock;
  • adobe;
  • clay and glass bottles.

The cheapest of them is foam concrete, but it will not allow the walls to "breathe". Rakushnyak is more expensive, but it is it that experts recommend when building inexpensive houses. In this case, window and door openings will need to be strengthened, so equip them with metal corners.

The already finished "box" needs to be insulated. Use glass wool and brick for this. Lay the brick on the outside of the "box" so that there is a small gap between it and the shell. Fill this gap with glass wool - this material will not only insulate the house, but also protect it from the penetration of insects and rodents.

Note! Not all partitions can be used with drywall or brick. In the central part of the house, there should always be load-bearing walls, erected taking into account the running communications (that is, with the places left under them).

For load-bearing partitions, use metal profiles - install them, sheathe them with drywall and plaster.

Stage three: communications

Any house, even the cheapest one, needs water supply, heating and other communications. In this case, all communications must be carried out, having previously coordinated them with specialists - this will be a guarantee of safety and correct installation.


Use a gas boiler as a heat generator. This will significantly reduce heating costs, especially in winter. And in view of the fact that the cold comes mainly from the ground, give preference to a "warm floor" - make it from plastic pipes and fill it with a concrete screed. So you will completely heat the house, but if this does not seem enough, then carry out the main heating system.

Another heating option is an alternative, based on the use of solar and wind energy. Having built a solar panel with your own hands, you will not freeze in your house even in winter.

Plumbing, sewerage system

Lay both communications before finishing and pouring the floor. Decide in advance on the location of the rooms and household appliances that need drainage, and lay the pipes in accordance with the drawn up plan.

If the central sewerage and water supply is not available, it is worth considering building a small septic tank, for example, from euro cubes or concrete rings, as well as water supply. You can build a well or drill a well as a source of water. However, the second option will hit your pocket hard.

Stage four: floor

At the end of the installation of communications, fill the floor with a concrete screed. Then cover with any suitable material - linoleum, tiles, laminate, etc. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use tiles, as the most practical and damage-resistant material. It is easy to clean and never cold when using underfloor heating. Moreover, you can pick up the cheapest tile and cover it with cozy paths.

Stage five: roof and slab

At this stage of the work, build a concrete belt around the walls to fasten the beams. Then, after laying the beams, fill the boards from below. When building a two-story house, it is better to use concrete slabs for overlapping.

For the roof, first assemble the facing grid - this is necessary in any case, regardless of the roofing material you choose. The lattices can only differ in the different pitch of the beams. It is recommended to use one of the following materials (for financial reasons):

  • ondulin;
  • metal tile;
  • corrugated board;
  • slate.

From environmentally friendly materials, wood, straw, reeds are applicable.

Whatever material you choose, the roof must be insulated. Use glass wool for this - this is the most affordable and easy-to-install material.

Completion of construction. Internal arrangement

Building a roof is the last step in building a house. Then you can proceed with the interior decoration. There are a lot of technologies and methods of internal arrangement, almost all existing design projects can be implemented with your own hands at low cost.

In a word, everything depends only on the richness of your imagination. Stretch ceilings can be an excellent option - having a relatively low cost, they visually expand the free space with their glossy coating. They perfectly reflect light, while creating an extraordinary effect.

Arches and openings also look good in the interior (they are easy to mount from drywall and metal profiles, or use wood and clay). Cover the walls with textured wallpaper (paint-like wallpaper, as they are also called), which you can make yourself. Various plasters are quite cheap. Decorating the house with wood looks great.

If you approach the matter competently and with heart, then the construction and arrangement of your own family nest will be inexpensive. The main thing is to clearly know what you can save on and what it is better not to do.

What you can't save on

  1. Don't skimp on technical supervision. Read at least a thousand articles on construction, but without experience you still will not be able to control the quality and understand the essence of construction work. Hire an engineer or an experienced builder - in general, someone you would trust.
  2. Don't skimp on communications. Heating, water supply, access to the courtyard, etc. are essential elements of a comfortable life. Don't neglect any of the systems!
  3. Do not skimp on the project - it must be drawn up by a specialist, taking into account the climatic conditions of your area. Be sure to tie the project to specific building conditions. So, it often happens that the developer did not want to pay the designers for anchoring the foundation, having listened to the advice of the contractor (for whom the more expensive, the better), as a result of which the foundation turned out to be with an excessively large margin of safety. The binding will allow you to minimize the cost of building the base of the house.

We also note that construction and design should be carried out by different people with different opinions and interests. This will allow you to make the right decision and avoid unnecessary costs.

Video - How to build a house inexpensively