Construction of a shell house. The use of shell rock in the cladding of the facade of a modern house The use of shell rock in construction

Shell rock is formed as a result of pressing the shells of molluscs, sand, lime and many various elements created by nature. Rakushnyak has been used in construction for a very long period of time, and has established itself as a versatile and very reliable material with unique properties and at a very good price.

Surprisingly, the stone has properties that humans have not yet been able to artificially reproduce. Thermal conductivity of shell rock very low and allows the stone to maintain the desired temperature in the structure, regardless of environment... In that shellfish contributes to its porous structure. The porosity of the stone is different. From very high (stone of grade 15) to 60%, medium (stone of grade 25, 35) so-called meotis and cap, up to 30% and low-porosity stone, the same stone of 25 grade, only containing large quantity sand and lime. In a shell rock house in winter period warm, and cool in summer, sultry days.

Also porous structure shell rock makes it a perfect natural filter. Its porous structure, like a sponge, filters all harmful substances and prevents them from entering your house.

Another advantage of the porous structure of the stone is that it is a very good sound insulator and your house will always be quiet, warm and comfortable.

Chemical composition seashells especially surprising. Shell rock contains sea salts. They release iodine into the environment, which is so beneficial for the human body. Also thanks to iodine, shell rock has a completely unique property, it repels radiation and itself is neutral, which is confirmed by research and documented in a radiation-hygienic study.

In a house built of shell rock, rodents do not start.

Now a little in numbers:

Thermal conductivity of stone 0.3 - 0.8 W / (M.K)

Average density (bulk density) up to 2100kg / m3.

Porosity 30-60%

Dimensions 380x180x180 mm.

Moisture absorption 17 -20%

Frost resistance 25 cycles.

Shell rock- a unique building material, quarried on the Crimean Peninsula, has bearing qualities, allows you to build structures at a height similar to American skyscrapers. The walls are laid on lime mortar 1: 3 (lime: sand) or cement-lime composition 1: 1: 9 (cement: lime: sand), literature "Advice for those who build or rebuild a house" V.E. Lepa -K .: Harvest, 1987. p. 47. One and two storey houses can be built without the use of cement ( clay mortar 1:3).

Shell rock is one of the best noise isolators- 85%, heat insulator - up to 70% efficiency, moisture assimilation - 65%. A house made of this material saves energy resources 3 times - coal, gas, as it is the best battery.

Shell rock - an elite building material, the uniqueness of this material lies in the fact that when interacting with natural phenomena, such as rain, snow, sun, the chemical composition changes, becoming stronger, turning into calcium. It is scientifically proven in Germany that Crimean shell rock is not only a protective, but also a repulsive material of radio emission (there are no similar materials on the planet). This information gives you the right to think about your future and the future of our offspring. It is not for nothing that the old saying “my home is my castle” exists. In the construction of houses from shell rock, it is recommended to lay the walls on a lime mortar 1: 3 (lime and sand) or a cement-lime composition 1: 1: 9 (cement: lime: sand) literature "Advice for those who build or rebuild a house" V. E Lepa-K: Harvest, 1987 page 47. One and two-storey houses can be built without using cement (clay mortar) 1: 3

Shell rock (shell rock, shell, shell rock)- organic sea stone.

Shell limestones consist of cemented whole and crushed mollusc shells.

They were formed in the coastal zones of the Sarmatian, Meotic and Pontic seas, which existed on the site of the foothill and lowland Crimea in the Neogene period. These are light, sparse (porosity up to 50%) rocks, they are suitable for producing small wall blocks.

Shell rock refers to the so-called pure limestone, as a result of which its chemical composition remains practically unchanged. By its geological type shell rock belongs to rocks of zoogenic origin. They consist of shells and their individual particles, connected by calcite compounds.

The presence of iodine and salt in the molecular composition of the shell rock, the porous structure allows filtering substances from the external atmosphere, as well as saturating the internal microsphere with bactericidal compounds that increase immunity and reduce the activity of harmful microorganisms indoors on a permanent basis. The therapeutic effect of these substances in small doses has been proven for prophylaxis and for diseases. of cardio-vascular system and respiratory diseases.

Absolutely inert. Does not react with substances contained in other building and finishing materials.

Yellow pontic shell rocks mined in the area of ​​Evpatoria, pos. Oktyabrsky, in the Starokrymsky quarry on Agarmysh and in many other places of the flat Crimea. At the same time, the used land resources are not always rationally spent and optimally reclaimed.

Limestone mining produces a lot of chips (sawdust, known as tyrsa), which are now often successfully used as filler in high-strength reinforced concrete structures.

Many former mining quarries shell rock known as the catacombs, for example the Akmonai. Shellfish mining here it was stopped just before the war and was no longer renewed.

Limestone since ancient times it has been widely used for the construction of household and temple structures, sculptures. Limestone is used for masonry walls, cladding. As facing stone, limestone is used both in the form of untreated slabs (the so-called "torn stone"), and in processed. The porous structure of the shell rock makes it a unique natural sound-heat insulator.

A house built from this material is always dry and warm. According to scientific research, it is one of the few building wall materials that offers high radiation protection. In tougher natural conditions middle lane, using limestone shell rock as facing materials, in the form facing tiles, as well as when used for landscaping adjacent territories, gardens and courtyards, when using small architectural forms (columns, gazebos, arches, pergolas, trellises, garden furniture, barbecue, flowerpots, fountains, waterfalls, sculptures, pedestals, abstractions, etc.) it is recommended to use hydrophobic impregnations, which will significantly increase the resistance of the material to atmospheric and other external influences.

The natural look of the stone, the color, the imprints of the shells allows you to create unique design compositions in combination with the flowers and greenery of your garden. The natural stone used in landscape design is constantly under the influence of water. Due to its qualities, limestone is widely used in gardening. Insofar as limestone- porous stone, then after the completion of construction and finishing works, for durability and emphasizing the beauty of the stone, it must be covered with a special water-repellent compound. For decoration and sculptural work, marble-like limestones are mainly used. Warm, lively to the touch, with rich colors the stone does not leave indifferent those who wish to make their home and the surrounding part of wildlife truly cozy, beautiful and exclusively decorated. Facing limestone tiles, being a natural material with filtering properties, have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the room decorated with it.

М15 - brand of shell rock, shell rock having a relatively low density, strength and high porosity. The characteristic color is light yellow, popularly called yellow. With a significant fall, the impact splits into three or more parts. It is used, as a rule, in the construction of fences, one-story structures and houses.

М25 - brand of shell rock, shell rock having a higher density, strength and lower porosity in comparison with the M15 grade. The characteristic color is light yellow. With a significant fall, the impact splits into two parts, less often into three. In construction, the M25 brand is most widespread, as a rule, this brand of stone is used in the construction of houses with one-, two- or more floors, as well as when laying walls and partitions in monolithic-reinforced concrete frame construction multi-storey buildings: five, seven, nine or more floors.

М35 - brand of shell rock, shell rock having the highest density, strength and lower porosity in comparison with the M15 and M25 grades. The characteristic color is yellow-white. The people got the name - a cap. With a significant fall, impact, in most cases, it does not fall apart, remains intact. Quite a heavy stone. In construction, it is used in the construction of foundations, plinths, basement walls, first floors.

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The Crimean shell rock, also known to us by the nickname shell rock limestone, as well as yellow, cap, meotis, sandstone - is a scientific confirmation of this. The properties of the shell rock are distinguished by their uniqueness.

Main advantages Crimean shell rock:
- low thermal conductivity of the shell;
- high density of shell rock pressed in the ground;
- shell rock is easy to process;
medicinal properties iodine which contains small shell rock;
- radiation-inert qualities, shell rock does not allow radiation to pass through;
- an excellent level of soundproofing of the shell;
- excellent absorption rate harmful substances;
low price shell rock;
- environmental friendliness of the material.

The main difference between this wall material, like shell rock, is that it is used in the creation of various architectural structures. Shell rock is traditionally used for the construction of houses, garages, etc. The stone is easy to process and does not enter into chemical interaction with other building facing materials. Another far from unimportant positive feature shell rock is that it absolutely does not need a procedure for leveling its surface - the shell has a porous structure and is automatically leveled using a bonding mortar.

Shell rock properties:

Low background radiation. All substances on the surface of our planet have a natural background radiation. For example, in Lugansk, on average, 19 mcg / hour (the norm permissible in Ukraine is 25 mcg / hour). The natural radiation background of shell rock is 13 mcg / hour. Based on the above facts, it can be argued that the background of the shell rock is at least neutral.

Low thermal conductivity. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the shell rock stone varies in the range from 0.2 to 0.35 kcal m.h. This is due to the presence air layers inside the shell rock, blocks made of it have a very low thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of a shell rock wall is two or even three times lower an ordinary wall made of concrete.

Noise isolation. The natural porosity of the material is 40-70% and this gives its results. Shell rock has a developed capillary system filled with air in its microstructure. Due to this characteristic, the shell has good noise canceling properties.

Frost resistance. The resistance of shell rock to frost can reach 50-70 cycles. The compressive strength of a stone in an air-dry state is 105 kg / cm, in a moisture-saturated state it is equal to 74 kg / cm. The surface of the shell rock "breathes" freely. With the help of a porous structure, excess moisture is displaced, and at the same time the stone itself is not destroyed. That is why the house, which is made of shell rock, will always be dry and comfortable.

Inertia. The shell does not react with substances contained in other building materials.

Chemical properties. The shell is a natural filter. It contains iodine and salt, substances characterized by antibacterial properties. People who are in such an atmosphere improve their mood, raise their vitality, and strengthen the general condition of the body.

Summing up everything that has been said, we can say with confidence that shell rock is durable and at the same time lightweight construction material... This material has excellent thermal insulation properties. Shell rock prevents the penetration of radiation and is excellent soundproof material... Another indisputable advantage of this stone is that it contains a large amount of iodine, which makes this building material not only of high quality, but also useful for the body. Shell rock has a unique natural texture and color, it can withstand the impact of the environment quite persistently.

This material is relatively cheap, which is a big plus in the construction of houses. V recent times many structures, they began to build from shell rock. They even build multi-storey cottages from it.

For many generations, people have been building their houses from shell rock. Due to the fact that this natural stone has stood the test of time and proved to be so popular. Recently, shell rock is used more and more often not only in private construction, but also in industry.

Lime rocks form the basis of shell rock. From the origin and structure of limestone, shell rock is divided into a large number of varieties.
It happens that some types of limestone are cemented into cells and are formed from shell particles.

Limestone, consisting of small spherical minerals, the size of fish eggs, bound together is called an oolite. Pisolite is a limestone consisting of spherical minerals already the size of a pea, but with a core, a grain of sand or a fragment of a shell.

If limestone was formed from calcite sediments from a source of saturated carbon dioxide, this is travertine. With a porous structure, such limestone is called calcareous tuff.
Shell rock is a type of limestone rock, usually white or milky... As already mentioned, it is widely used in construction. Due to its structure, it lends itself very well to processing. If desired, you can cut the shell rock to any size.

The only limitation is that large shell rock is inconvenient to transport and use in construction.
Due to its porosity, the shell rock has good sound and heat insulation properties. If you look closely at the cut of the stone, you can see representatives of flora and fauna, for example, well-preserved shells of mollusks that existed millions of years ago. So, coupled with the building material, you hold in your hands real story Cretaceous period. For the construction of housing, shell rock is used mainly because of the properties mentioned above, excellent sound and thermal insulation, which are explained by its increased porosity. At the same time, it can accumulate and transfer solar heat very well, thanks to which excellent living conditions are created in the room.

In addition, many more can be added to these main advantages. useful properties. Wall blocks from shell rock have a relatively small mass, because of which it is easy to transport and use in construction, the material is heat-resistant, frost-resistant, you can build housing in cold climates. As already mentioned, it is easy to process, you can get blocks of almost any size.

There is another attractive factor, it is not only environmental friendliness, but also beneficial influence on the human body. This is due to the high salt and iodine content in the shell.
Another advantage of easy processing of shell rock is that, because of this quality, it remains one of the best cladding materials in terms of price and quality. Having built a house from shell rock, you will forget what dampness, fungus and mold on the walls are.

Shell rock has numerous pore-passages in which air is located. As we all know from the physics course, air is a poor conductor of heat and sound, which is what we need. Thanks to these qualities, it does not require high energy consumption for heating and retaining heat in a shell rock house. It turns out a shell rock house also saves us fuel.

Shell rock compared to others masonry materials began to be used in the construction of houses much faster than all modern building materials, since it is much easier to extract shell rock than to produce any modern material... As we know, the shell rock consists of the shells of the mollusks, either crushed into parts or whole. The shell rock has a porous structure, that is, air spaces, due to which heat is retained. Geographically, shell rock can be found in the Neogene deposits of the southern part of our country - on the Crimean peninsula and Odessa region, Azerbaijan and so on. It is also mined in countries such as Romania and Poland.

Shell rock (shell rock, shell limestone, shell) is a stone that belongs to the class of natural masonry building materials. This material is extracted from whole deposits of limestone rocks by the method of mechanical sawing in places where there are natural deposits of this material, in particular in the Crimea. Formed as a result of pressing shells of molluscs, sand, lime and other natural elements, it has a low bulk density. By its composition, shell rock has a porous microstructure that is filled with air. Due to this feature, the shell rock has a unique heat and sound insulation.

The shell is used in the construction of the walls of houses. The use of shell rock significantly saves money on the purchase of insulation, fire-resistant and noise-suppressing materials.

The shell is considered one of the most environmentally friendly building materials. The unique chemical composition of this material has a beneficial effect on the human body. Content sea ​​salt, emitting iodine, which is so useful for the human body, protects against many diseases of the respiratory tract and heart. The air in a house built from shell rock is cool in summer and warm in winter. Rodents do not live in this house.

Completely inert material. Shell rock does not react with substances contained in other building materials.

Shell is considered to be the only material in the world that has protective properties against radiation.

The technical characteristics of the shell rock make it possible to use it in the construction of a wide variety of architectural structures. Due to its porous structure, it acts as a natural filter. The porous structure of the stone, like a sponge, absorbs all substances harmful to humans, thereby preventing them from entering the house.

The thermal conductivity of a shell wall is two to three times lower than that of a conventional concrete wall. due to the air layers inside the stone, it has a low density and very low thermal conductivity. It is thanks to this characteristic that shell rock has excellent noise-canceling properties. Shell rock is the best wall material for the construction of houses using technology permanent formwork... Those. in addition to the wall frame, with correct processing stone, you get additional cladding on both sides.

Now a little in numbers:
Thermal conductivity of stone 0.3 - 0.8 W / (M.K)
Average density (bulk density) up to 2100kg / m3.
Porosity 30-60%
Dimensions 380x180x180 mm.
Moisture absorption 17 -20%
Frost resistance 25 cycles.

Crimean shell rock is a unique building material of natural origin... This stone belongs to the family of limestone rocks. It is mined in quarries and cut into blocks.

Rakushnyak is great for construction individual houses and buildings, and for "laying" the walls in multi-storey buildings... Today it is the most demanded building material in Crimea.

Characteristics of the Crimean shell rock

The shell stone is not very heavy and is characterized by a rather high density.(depending on the brand of the stone).

Thanks to its rectangular shape, it is ideal for masonry.

The main characteristics of the shell rock:

  • thermal conductivity is from 0.3 to 0.8 W / m * K;
  • density on average 2100 kg / cubic meter;
  • water absorption 17-20%;
  • frost resistance 25 cycles;
  • compressive strength 14.4-16.7 kg / cc;
  • softening factor 0.71;
  • bulk density 1508-1870 kg / cubic meter
  • radiation quality 1 class of use.

As you can see from the above characteristics, the shell stone is excellent for construction.

There are several brands of shell rock, depending on its density:

  • brand M-10;
  • brand M-15;
  • brand M-20;
  • brand M-25;
  • brand M-30;
  • brand M-35.

The most popular is the shell rock of the M-25 brand. since its characteristics allow it to be used for almost any type of construction.

Dimensions of the Crimean shell rock

In quarries, stone is cut into blocks standard sizes: 180mm * 180mm * 380mm... This size is provided for by GOSTs of the Russian Federation.

"In practice" the deviation of the stone along the length is allowed, but not more than 1 cm... The deviation of width and height is not allowed (standard 180mm.).

Where to buy Crimean shell rock

It is best to order the stone at the quarries... Thus, you can buy the Crimean shell rock directly from the manufacturer with delivery to your facility.

Contact our company and we will bring you a custom-made stone... The minimum delivery quantity is 1000 blocks. Delivery takes 2-4 days after ordering (depending on the workload of the quarry and the availability of free vehicles for transportation).

Shell rock masonry is a porous material (porosity 40-70%), with a low volumetric weight (700-1800 kg / m 3), with a pronounced lamination and relatively low mechanical strength, which ranges from 10 to 40 kg / cm 2. A characteristic property of shell rock wall stone is its easy workability (sawnness).

Construction shell rock is divided according to its external features into 2 groups: yellow shell rock, having a compressive strength of 10 to 20 kg / cm 2, and white shell rock, having a compressive strength of 15 to 35 kg / cm 2. The thermal conductivity coefficient of shell rock ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 kcal. m hour. hail.

The chemical composition of shell rock is fairly constant for different deposits. So the content of calcium oxide in yellow shell rock ranges from 52.06 - 55.66%, carbon dioxide - 41.16 - 43.62%, magnesium oxide - 0.19 - 0.71%. The material is frost resistant.

Shell rock properties

  • absolutely energetic. Does not react with substances contained in other building and finishing materials;
  • is a natural filter, it enriches the air with iodine and salt, has antibacterial properties. People who are in such an atmosphere improve their mood, their vitality rises, and the general condition of the body is strengthened;
  • has acceptable abrasion resistance. It can be safely used for cladding flights of stairs and entrance groups living quarters;
  • heat resistant rock. You can conduct an experiment at home: put a 20 mm thick shell rock tile on gas burner and after a couple of minutes touch back side surface. The hand suffers! This means no more than +50 degrees, although on the opposite side everything is +300!

The use of shell rock

Shell stone wall tiles are intended for external and internal cladding of buildings as a wall material, as well as decorative finishing elements of architectural structures. Using water-repellent impregnations, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in the durability and strength of the material to harsh weather conditions.

Shell rock has acceptable abrasion properties. It can be safely used for facing staircases and entrance groups of residential premises. The steps of the stairs, cast from concrete, are faced with tiles 2-2.5 cm thick. It is advisable that the stone is not polished, but with a bush hammered or sawn texture so as not to slip.

Shell rock is a heat-resistant rock. Connoisseurs of beauty have a high esteem of fireplaces with portals made of shell rock. The stone is ideal for artistic processing... A professional stone carver will easily transfer any artistic idea to your fireplace portal.

Shell rock myths and facts

Leaving aside the origin, the exclusivity of the shell rock is undeniable in terms of design attractiveness and architectural possibilities! This natural stone is used to create any architectural elements and the embodiment of even the most non-standard design solutions.

Moreover, the stone is absolutely unique in technical specifications! Shell rock has a well-developed capillary system in its microstructure, which is filled with air. Due to this, the stone has high noise-suppressing properties and minimal thermal conductivity, which saves on expensive energy resources.

Radiation background

Well, of course not 0 mcg / hour. Everything on the surface of our planet has a natural background radiation. In Yekaterinburg, for example: it is 17 mcg / hour. The natural background radiation of the COLLAIN is 13 micrograms / hour. We can safely say that the background is at least neutral. Although, according to the scale for measuring the background radiation of natural rocks of the stone, the COLLAIN was assigned the number "0".

Low thermal conductivity

This is true. You can conduct an experiment at home: put a 20 mm thick shell rock tile on a gas burner and after a couple of minutes touch the back of the surface. The hand suffers! This means no more than +50 degrees, although on the opposite side everything is +300!

Noise isolation

Not hard to guess. The natural porosity of the material gives its results.

Can the tiles come off the wall?

In no case! Unless, of course, this is not planned by the project! Due to its natural porosity, the SHELL has increased adhesion! Stone is the best wall material for the construction of houses using the PERMANENT FORMWORK technology! Imagine, in addition to the wall frame, with proper stone processing, you get additional cladding on both sides !!!

Shell rock, shell rock, limestone, consisting mainly of shells of marine animals and their debris. It is usually formed in the littoral and sublittoral zones.

It is subdivided according to the composition of its shells into brachiopod, gastropod, congeria, ostracod and other shell rock. In terms of granulometric composition, it corresponds to gravel-pebble sediments. shell rock is characterized by high porosity (macroporosity), equal to 22-60%; bulk density of shell rock 1100-2240 kg / m 3, thermal conductivity coefficient 0.29-0.99 W / (MChK); ultimate compressive strength 0.4-28 MN / m 2 (4-280 kg / cm 2). The shell rock is easy to saw, trim and different processing... It is widely used in construction as wall and facing material; crushed stone and sand from shell rock - aggregates for lightweight concrete. In addition, shell rock is used in the production of lime and other binders.

It is obtained in quarries. Shell rock is widespread in the Neogene deposits of the south of the USSR: in the Moldavian SSR, in the Crimean (Mamayskoye, Kuturskoye, Bagerovskoye, Karalarskoye deposits), Donbass (St. Abroad, shell rock is known in Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, etc.

The chemical composition of the limestones we offer
Content of main components in%
p.p. SiO 2 Al 2 O 3 Fe 2 O 3 CAO CACO 3 MgO MgCO 3 O 3
From 24,15 3,75 0,63 0,72 29,24 52,19 0,16 0,21 0,03
Before 39,26 39,53 2,5 4,53 47,6 84,96 0,88 1,85 0,12
The average 30,41 21,96 1,52 3,16 36,19 69,01 0,48 0,98 0,06

Limestone, consisting mainly of the shells of marine animals and their debris is called shell rock (shell rock).

Shell rock is a durable and at the same time lightweight building material. Thanks to its unique properties, this material is an excellent heat insulator. Shell rock prevents the penetration of radiation and is an excellent soundproofing material. Another indisputable advantage of this stone is that it contains a large amount of iodine, which makes this building material not only of high quality, but also useful for the body. Shell rock has a unique natural color, it tolerates the influence of the environment quite persistently.

Shell rock characteristics

  • The porosity is 40 -70%.
  • Volumetric weight - 700-1800 kg / m 3
  • Pronounced layering.
  • Mechanical strength from 15 to 35 kg / cm 2
  • Easy workability.
  • High frost resistance.
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient from 0.2 to 0.6 kcal. m hour. hail

According to its external features, construction shell rock is divided into two groups:

Yellow shell rock. Compressive strength from 10 to 20 kg / cm 2
The content of calcium oxide is in the range of 52.06 - 55.66%, carbon dioxide - 41.16 - 43.62%, magnesium oxide - 0.19 - 0.71%.

White shell rock. Compressive strength from 15 to 35 kg / cm 2

Shell rock properties:

  • Completely inert material.
  • Has increased adhesion.
  • It is a natural filter.
  • Enriches the air with salt and iodine.
  • Possesses antibacterial properties.
  • Has acceptable abrasion resistance.
  • According to the existing scale of the radiation background of natural rocks of the stone opposite the shell rock is "0".
  • The thermal conductivity coefficient of this unique stone ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 kcal. m hour. Grad.
  • Perfectly inhibits all kinds of noise

V housing construction stones and blocks of sawn limestone-shell rock are used. The relatively low cost of shell limestone allows it to be used as an inexpensive natural building material.

Wall stone from limestone-shell rock

* - in accordance with GOST4001-84

Natural stone shell rock in modern construction is a valid alternative to other natural materials for the construction of load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, as well as their cladding.

Its use as a facing material is advisable with a modest budget, however, although its cost is very low, many people like the decorative properties of shell rock.

It is worth noting its environmental friendliness and even a beneficial effect on humans: the material consists of shells of marine life-molluscs, which are rich in salt, calcium and iodine. In this, shell rock surpasses most of the others. natural stones, even expensive semi-precious rocks.

Types of grades of shell rock, the choice of the optimal one for facade cladding

It is very important to have an understanding of the brands of shell rock, because in different quarries there are no stones of the same composition and strength. Accordingly, the durability and cost of a material is dictated by its brands; for masonry and wall cladding, grades from M10 to M35 are used (quality class referred to as "elite").



water absorption

thermal conductivity

frost resistance

(number of cycles)

M10 10,0 12,5 — 15,3 17-20 0,23

not less than 15

in fact from 50 to 70

M15 15,0 15,4 — 18,5 0,28
M20 20,0 18,6 — 23,2 0,45
M25 25,0 23,3 — 27,6 0,6
M35 35,0 29,3 — 35,1 0,85

A couple of shell rock myths - the material is fragile and short-lived. Today, many are skeptical about the use of this stone in construction, especially for facade cladding. Of course, the material has its own specifics and is not intended for construction in regions with harsh climatic conditions. In addition, for the construction of houses higher than two floors (maximum + attic), it is not suitable.

It is also believed that construction and decoration with shell rock should be made only from high grades of it, but still there are often houses that have stood for centuries and have survived in fair condition.

But in those days it was not possible to extract high-strength stone, it was mined by hand from raw materials corresponding to the modern M4-M7.

Of course, in the case of modern ones, which weigh tens of times more than wooden ones, you need to take the M35, but otherwise you can get by with shell rock of lower brands. But this applies only to the construction of walls, and not to cladding them with stone.

Thermal conductivity of shell rock , as can be seen from the table, the less, the smaller its brand. This is due to its high porosity (up to 60% for M15), that is, there are cavities in the block with air, which is a heat insulator.

However, it is important to mention that thermal conductivity increases significantly when the material gets wet, and high porosity contributes to saturation and long storage moisture in the pores.

Also strength characteristics and the durability of the stone when it gets wet, especially when freezing / heating, is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is worth taking the shell rock material of the M25-M35 grades, the porosity of which does not exceed 30%. But at the same time, there should be no sand material falling out of the block.

The best option is low-porosity M25-M35, which have a large admixture of sand. This is IMPORTANT so that later, after facing with it, its smooth, low-porous surface can be easily opened with modern facade varnishes, which will prevent moisture absorption.

Surface preparation for cladding

It is produced in the same way as for other stones. Here, not only the base of the wall is important, but also the type of stone processing, more precisely, its dimensions. If it comes about facing with shell rock blocks 180x180x380 (masonry, for the construction of walls), then the preparation is carried out as for facing brickwork... In the case of cladding the facade with shell rock tiles, preparation is carried out accordingly.

Preparation for facing with blocks shell rock (shell rock) 180x180x380, ideally, should begin with masonry load-bearing wall: in height, with a step of about 40-60 cm, embedded parts - reinforcing pins with curved edges should fit into the horizontal seams.

One end is in the masonry, the other protrudes from it. The protruding reinforcement will later be in the seams of the blocks facing masonry.

In the manufacture of such reinforcing fasteners, it is important to take into account the distance from the main wall to the cladding, because a gap is often made, into which the insulation is then poured. The device of reinforcing outlets is a necessary measure by which the dressing is achieved, the fastening of the facing masonry to the main wall.

There is also an option when the main wall, before laying the facing blocks, is insulated with plates of foam or mineral wool.

In this case, the facade is finished with shell rock on reinforcing pins, which are hammered into the dowels with "umbrellas" - fasteners with a wide head (as opposed to simple mounting dowels).

They ("umbrellas") press the slabs to the wall after they are laid on a layer of glue.

Such a device is unreliable, because the umbrella dowel is not able to withstand the strong tensile forces from the weight of the thick block facade cladding. Also, in the device of the wall "pie", according to new technologies, there should be a roll-up waterproof film - a vapor barrier or a hydro-barrier, however, that is another topic.

Preparation for facing with slabs shell rock on the facade of the house previously produced an insulation device from foam / mineral wool slabs.

When the work comes to securing the plates with umbrellas, it is superimposed (or even better - masonry). They fix it with the same umbrellas, thereby simultaneously pressing and securing the layer of insulation.

However, there are cases when the installation of the insulation layer is not performed, then the cladding with shell rock in the slabs, its preparation is slightly different. In any case, the mesh is packed, but before that the surface is processed: it is cleaned of dust, defects, primed, potholes and cracks are repaired. It is important to identify and remove efflorescence, as well as to solve the problem of excessive absorption of the surface with a primer in 1-2 layers.

Preparation of shell rock for cladding

Today, many mistakes are made in the work of cladding with shell stone, because, unlike many modern ones, it needs additional processing.

Firstly, the blocks intended for masonry have only a rough finish, do not have a smooth surface, and the geometry is also broken.

Secondly, they have pores that are clogged with sand, which reduces the adhesion of the masonry layer. So, in the worst case, if the shell rock blocks are made of very low quality raw materials and poorly processed, they will have to be prepared by all three processes:

  • calibration;
  • grinding;
  • cleaning.

This does not apply to facing blocks (this is a shell rock, dimensions 350x150x150), which are perfectly sized and polished. However, the cost of such processed shell rock is ten times higher, so people who build a house with their own hands will save a lot of money by preparing a masonry block for facing.

Is the process of giving them the same overall dimensions. This process can be done with a cutter machine.

Of course, we are not talking about expensive industrial equipment, but about a simple, homemade frame with a circular saw with a disc on a stone. You can also purchase an inexpensive off-the-shelf machine.

But first, you need to sort the blocks by size, since the dimensions 380x180x180 are purely conditional, they can differ up or down by 10, in the worst case - 20 mm. If a solid part of the blocks has a size, for example, 370x170x170, then it makes sense to configure the machine to cut all blocks to this size.

Grinding of shell rock blocks for cladding the facade with them, it is almost always necessary, because cuts remain on them - traces that an industrial cutter leaves when forming blocks from a rock layer.

The grinding process in this case is easy, because the shell rock soft material and is easy to process.

It is worth processing only the surface of the front facet, which will "please the eye", and you can also slightly process the ends. You can even grind shell blocks manually, using a paint sander, but the best option for processing low grades of material, the use of a surface grinding vibration machine will be used.

A grinder with an appropriate surface grinding attachment is especially useful in cases where blocks are made of durable brands... Also, a grinder can remove a solid layer of irregularities in a quick period of time.

Cleaning shell blocks is made in any case, preferably before laying it.

To begin with, the block is carefully processed with a broom, sand and dust residues are selected from its pores after processing by the above methods.

Before the installation itself, wet cleaning end faces (those on which they are laid) using a hose, or the block is completely dipped in a container of water.

This allows the residual sand and dust to be washed out of the pores, and the shell rock material collects water. It is MANDATORY to wet the stone before laying, if this is not done, it will instantly draw water out of the layer masonry mortar turning it into sand.

If the stone is spoiled, used or of unsatisfactory quality initially, you can try to restore it with the help of strengthening impregnations of deep penetration. It is better not to build from such a stone, and impregnations will not cost much less than buying a new material.

Facade cladding with shell rock

According to the technology of execution, the facing masonry is significantly different from the wall, since for the latter the aesthetic appearance is not important, the main thing is level, straightness and an even angle.

Much more requirements arise when the house is finished with shell rock, in addition to the above, it is also the thickness of the seams, the plane of the wall, symmetry and the selection of stone blocks of the same color.

It is not easy to cope with this, but correctly prepared blocks and correctly made markup make the work much easier.

Laying the first row of blocks shell rock begins not with the formation of corners, but with the determination of the axis of symmetry so that they are symmetrically located at both corners of the wall.

To do this, lay the row on dry, then make the necessary adjustments. The first row is laid on the foundation, it happens that you have to top up if there is not enough width.

It is imperative to lay waterproofing, play it safe and put it in two layers, if the budget allows.

First of all, the corner blocks are laid out and with the help of a water / laser level, or even better - a level, they are adjusted so that their upper edges are at the same level in the horizontal. Further, a "mooring" is pulled between them - a thread along the outer upper corner of the block. The first row is laid out on it, which should have an ideal level and straightness.

Laying the second and subsequent rows it is also made on the dock, but there are ways in which shell cladding of a house is made easier and faster, while the seams are ideally the same thickness.

To do this, you can take a metal square or a corner as thick as a seam, lay it on the first row end-to-end to the outer corner. It is especially convenient if he has long length as it can be used instead of a dock. In addition, when laying the mortar, it serves as a guide along which a perfectly even and uniform layer emerges.

It is best to work in pairs: the first one applies the mortar along the rail to an area equal to 2 blocks, moving it to the next section of the wall and continuing the working operation. The second worker places the blocks and moves to the next section, where the first one has finished applying the mortar. IMPORTANT: on the side edge of the block, before the installation itself, a solution is applied under the batten, so as not to stain the block and to achieve uniform application for the same thickness of vertical joints.

Processing the seams of facing masonry from shell rock is produced to improve aesthetic appearance, as well as preventing moisture from penetrating deep into the stone.

The work is carried out with a high-strength elastic mortar, based on white cement with an admixture of lime, and plasticizers, possibly with the addition of a dye.

If the facade is made of shell rock, the solution is applied into the seam using a pastry syringe so as not to stain the front surface. To level the mortar and give the seam one form or another, use a tool - jointing.

This process can be carried out during masonry, which is generally better given the adhesion of the fresh masonry layer to the decorative trowel. In addition, many find an attractive recessed seam, in which the masonry layer is visible, neatly made under the batten during masonry (that is, the processing of the seams of the cladding masonry is not performed at all).

Veneered facade processing shell rock in temperate and subtropical climates is necessary to prevent its destruction by moisture and temperature extremes.

At a minimum, a special impregnation is used - a water repellant, which creates an invisible, moisture-tight film on the surface.

But the best option to protect the shell stone is facade varnish. Manufacturers give different guarantees, but as a rule, not less than 10 years; when using high quality materials - up to 50 years.

Whether it is a water-repellent impregnation or varnish, the work of applying it to the surface of the shell rock should be done using a paint sprayer. It is the ideal tool for applying paintwork ( paints and varnishes) onto porous surfaces. When using a low porosity stone, you can use a bristle brush.

If you don’t spare the money for the two-layer varnish treatment, then the shell cladding of the facade will last for many years. In the video, you can see how spectacular the correctly executed facade masonry with shell rock, which the owner of the house made with his own hands, is.

You may be interested in the article "", which describes the properties of stones other than shell rock.