How to make ventilation in the cellar: we make natural and artificial circulation. We do ventilation in the cellar with our own hands How to make ventilation in the cellar

A cellar is a room, most of which is below ground level. However, its functions are not limited only to a place for storing vegetables and other family supplies. In a modern private house, you can equip a workshop, a sauna, a sports hall, a billiard room, a boiler room and much more. But the main purpose of the cellar is storage of vegetables, wines and other homemade products, which significantly frees up space in the house. To increase the shelf life, it is necessary that the temperature is within 5 degrees, the humidity does not exceed 90%, and the supply of fresh air is carried out constantly. Therefore, proper ventilation of the cellar is extremely important to maintain the microclimate.

In addition, ventilation for the cellar is still necessary so that the wiring laid in the cellar for its lighting is not exposed to excessive moisture. Of course, electrical cables are laid in special sleeves, but proper ventilation serves as an additional protective factor.

Purpose of cellar ventilation

It is precisely designed and installed that ensures its correct functioning as intended. With an inflow of air in the amount necessary for storing vegetables, their shelf life in a state suitable for eating increases significantly.

If the cellar room is poorly ventilated, then the air in it stagnates, the microclimate is disturbed, vegetables and other products deteriorate. After all, not only vegetables are stored in cellars, for example, many types of homemade sausages can be made there, and for them, a violation of at least one of the storage and cooking indicators threatens to quickly rot.

However, excessive ventilation is also undesirable. After all, then a draft is created, which leads to an acceleration of the drying of vegetables and sausages. So proper ventilation of the cellar must be ensured.

Therefore, when it is necessary to take into account all factors: the size of the room, the possibility of supplying electricity for the arrangement of forced artificial ventilation, waterproofing of the walls of the cellar, materials of the ceiling, foundation.

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Natural ventilation device

The principle of natural ventilation is based on the difference in air pressure in the room.

To equip the natural system for the cellar, 2 pipes are needed: an exhaust and a supply. Exhaust air flows out through the exhaust air. Into the supply air - air enters. In order to make ventilation, galvanized or asbestos-cement products are used. In this case, the diameter of the pipe is calculated by calculation: an area of ​​1 square meter will be provided by a pipe of 26 cm.

The chimney is usually laid along the corner of the cellar. Its lower open end is located at a height of 140-150 cm above the level of the cellar floor, that is, practically under the ceiling of the room.

The exhaust duct structure is laid vertically through all rooms, going outside, it should be 50 cm higher than the ridge of the roof. In order to prevent condensation from accumulating on it, the part must be insulated. It is best to use a larger diameter pipe for these purposes, into which the duct pipe will be inserted, and the gap between them will be filled with insulation, which can be used as mineral wool 50 mm thick.

The supply pipe of the ventilation duct is placed in the opposite corner of the cellar in relation to the exhaust pipe. Its open end is located below the exhaust end and is located at a level of 40-60 cm from the level of the cellar floor. The supply pipe of the air duct rises above the level of the zero point of the house at a height of about 80 cm.

It is this arrangement of ventilation ducts that allows you to create the required pressure difference for air movement in the cellar. If the temperature difference inside the cellar is significant, then a draft is inevitable. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a special valve that will regulate the flow of circulating air. Such valves are installed both on the inlet and on the exhaust pipe. In addition, to prevent insects and midges from entering the cellar, the upper opening of the supply pipe is closed with a net, which is periodically cleaned or replaced.

The advantages of natural ventilation in the cellar are:

  • low cost: the costs will affect only pipes and insulation;
  • energy saving;
  • the possibility of self-assembly;
  • no need for constant monitoring - regulation is required only with a large temperature difference;
  • compatibility with other ventilation systems installed in the house, which allows you to additionally build forced ventilation for the cellar.

After finishing the installation of ventilation pipes, it is necessary to check their performance. To do this, attach a sheet of plain paper to one of the ventilation pipes. Moreover, if you attach it to the exhaust pipe, the sheet should be attracted to the pipe, and slightly push off from the supply pipe. In addition to the sheet, a candle flame can be used as a test for ventilation. To do this, light a candle and bring it to the exhaust pipe - the flame will change its direction towards the pipe. When the candle is brought to the supply pipe, the flame, on the contrary, will be directed towards the cellar. After a successful check in one of the ways, the cellar ventilation system will be ready for operation.

However, in the future, you should carefully monitor the state of the air in the cellar. If mustiness, dampness, condensation appear on the wall or ceiling, the efficiency of the ventilation system should be increased. This can be done by opening the dampers or by installing forced ventilation.

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Forced ventilation of the cellar: features

Installation diagram of ventilation pipes in the cellar: A - Supply pipe; B - Exhaust pipe.

However, natural ventilation is far from always enough to provide a room with fresh air. Therefore, if the area of ​​the room is significant, and the height approaches 2 m, or the natural hood does not cope with its functions properly, then a forced cellar system will be required.

The construction of an artificial structure is a rather complex engineering task, for the implementation of which significant efforts or the involvement of specialists will be required.

Structurally, this ventilation is a sequential installation on the supply or exhaust pipe of such elements as:

  • duct heater;
  • duct fan;
  • muffler of sounds;
  • filter cassette;
  • duct fan;
  • check valve;
  • blinds and pipe lathing.

At the same time, duct fans differ in their types and other technical characteristics, for example, capacities. The direction of the fans must be such that the air flows outward when installed on exhaust pipes and directed inward when installed on supply pipes. In this case, the pipes themselves can be placed horizontally or vertically. The efficiency and durability of the ventilation system directly depends on the technical parameters of the fans.

The forced ventilation system is automatic and mechanical.

The presence of a cellar in the house allows you to store vegetables and preserves for a long time. The most important condition for this room is to maintain optimal temperature and humidity conditions. After all, moisture can have a detrimental effect not only on food, but also on other things stored in the cellar.

To avoid negative consequences, important attention is paid not only to waterproofing and insulation of the foundation, but also to the correct organization of ventilation.

Effective use of the premises is possible only when maintaining comfortable conditions for keeping the fruits. To ensure their long-term storage, it is necessary to create a microclimate in which it would be possible to regulate the level of air humidity ().

A poorly ventilated room is filled with moisture, which later settles in the form of condensation on the walls and fruit boxes. All this becomes the cause of rotting vegetables and the appearance of a characteristic odor.

It is important to know how to properly ventilate the cellar, since the draft also has a detrimental effect on the fruits, drying them out.

The main factors for the stable operation of the system

The principles of the system are:

  • air movement due to heating of the ventilation duct;
  • the effect of the wind blowing air masses from the pipes.

That is, to ensure high-quality circulation work when installing the main elements with your own hands, you need to create traction. The deflectors used in this case become less effective in calm weather. However, the efficiency of ventilation is not lost, as the main role is assigned to thermal induction.

Despite the presence of many advantages, such a system still has some disadvantages associated with the effect of temperature. So during the heat, due to the lack of wind, the ventilation of the cellar at home may deteriorate. In winter, frost can form on the pipes, therefore it is recommended to additionally insulate them.

Arrangement of natural ventilation

This system is ideal for small spaces. Its installation does not require special efforts and significant financial costs. Among its advantages, there are also such indicators as: reliability, low price, durability, the ability to combine with artificial air circulation using an air conditioner or fan, as well as maintaining efficiency in the absence of electricity.

Natural air circulation installation technology

The installation process is not time consuming. Everyone can do all the work with their own hands without the help of specialists.

Let's figure out how to make the ventilation of the cellar. For these works, we need pipes made of plastic or metal, as well as deflectors and clamps, through which the pipes will be fastened.

The diameter of the ventilation ducts used affects the volume of passing air, and the speed of its movement depends on their height. Since air circulation depends on weather conditions, it is difficult to determine the exact parameters of the pipes.

For a cellar with an area of ​​40 square meters, pipes with diameters of 120 mm will be required. However, to increase the speed of air flows, it is recommended to take pipes of a larger diameter.

The following instructions describe how to install the system.

  1. In the case of arranging ventilation at the stages of building a house, difficulties should not arise. It will only be necessary to organize holes in the structure of the house of a diameter suitable for pipes.
  2. After that, pipes are installed in these openings and fixed with polyurethane foam or cement composition.
  3. The exhaust ventilation duct should be located under the ceiling, as shown in the photo. The pipe itself rises above the roof, at a distance of half a meter from the top of the roof. The supply channel is completely inside the room so that there is 500 mm between the outlet and the floor, and the inlet is half a meter above the ground.

  1. Since condensation tends to form in the supply pipe, its end is equipped with a special moisture collector equipped with a tap for draining water.

Advice! If the decision on the organization of ventilation was made after the completion of construction, it will be necessary to pierce the channels for the installation of pipes. For this, a foundation is dug out, in which holes are then made for installing pipes. In this case, the exhaust ventilation duct is attached to the wall with clamps, and a deflector is placed on top of it, preventing the penetration of precipitation.

Arrangement of forced ventilation

To enhance air exchange and as close as possible to the microclimate to natural conditions, they resort to the use of artificial circulation. The principle of operation of this option is based on the induction of air to move through the action of special devices ().

Installation of a forced system

The result of this scheme depends on the type of fan used.

Forced air circulation is carried out in the following ways.

  • Automatic is characterized by autonomy... The system is monitored by installed sensors, therefore, if necessary, it can be turned off or on itself.
  • Mechanical ventilation involves human intervention to turn on and regulate the fans. Also, in this case, it will be necessary to regulate air flows using valves, which is especially important in the cold season. Strong cravings can cause the fruit to freeze.

Homemade forced ventilation of the cellar provides for the same arrangement of pipes as in the first version. A fan is installed in the exhaust pipe, by means of which it will set the air in motion. The outward flow of air creates a vortex that brings in fresh air from the outside.

Cellar ventilation should be as efficient as possible. Every owner of a private house, especially those living in the village, thinks about how to do this.

Only a properly equipped supply and exhaust ventilation in the underground storage of a private building will allow you to keep the freshly harvested crop for a long period of time.

If you do not take care of the ventilation system in the basement in a timely manner, then only photos will remain in memory of the fruits and vegetables stored there.

Such a system is needed in order to create a comfortable environment for storing crops and constantly maintain the required temperature and humidity.

When arranging it, it is necessary to take into account many factors and correctly calculate and do everything.

There is nothing complicated here, which means that the ventilation of the cellar with your own hands, if you have the necessary material and tools, can be arranged by everyone.

Features of ventilation systems

Any ventilation in the cellar under the house can be of only two types, namely: natural and mixed-combined.

Both the one and the other ventilation scheme (if done correctly) allows you to store the freshly harvested crop for a long time.

Before you start installing the ventilation system in the cellar, you should make the appropriate calculations.

First, it will be necessary to calculate the area of ​​space and the required cross-section of the ventilation channel. To do this, you will have to use some special formulas.

As a rule, for each square meter of the cellar, the required duct section must be at least 25 square centimeters.

Also, it will not be superfluous to know the air consumption.

It should be remembered that excessive ventilation of the cellar space can adversely affect the crop stored there, therefore, the inflow and outflow of air must be done within the permissible parameters.

Also, the ventilation device for the cellar of a private house presupposes the presence of good waterproofing.

In addition, in the case when the cellar is an integral part of the whole house and is small in size, it will be advisable if the supply and exhaust system is equipped directly in the basement of the foundation.

The video below shows how to make your own cellar ventilation.

In such a cellar, special vents should be made, which, when the temperature on the street decreases, are closed with a rag to protect against excessive moisture.

In the event that the cellar occupies a large area and has sufficiently high ceilings, air vents alone will not be enough to ensure normal air circulation all year round.

It is necessary that natural ventilation of the cellar be provided, which will create an optimal microclimate in the room.

It is quite simple to make such a natural system with your own hands. Its principle of operation is mainly based on the temperature difference in the basement and outside.

In order to do it, it is only necessary to mount the supply and exhaust ducts, which will ensure an effective exchange of air in the basement.

You can watch such a ventilation system in the cellar in operation in the video.

Natural ventilation device

It is quite simple and quick to make such ventilation. For work, you will need two pieces of PVC pipe of the appropriate length with a cross-section, which must be correctly calculated.

They will be needed to make supply and exhaust ducts in the basement itself. One piece of plastic pipe should be mounted at a height of about half a meter from the ground.

It will act as a supply channel.

The second piece of pipe is installed at the opposite end of the cellar under the upper ceiling. This will be the hood.

This scheme of supply and exhaust ventilation will provide the necessary circulation of air masses throughout the space.

It is worth noting that asbestos pipes cannot be used for these purposes, as this can adversely affect health.

You can also equip air ducts in the form of square channels. This will require planed boards, the thickness of which should be at least forty millimeters.

They must be fitted as closely as possible to each other. When installing such a system, it is necessary that its supply part is slightly higher than the exhaust part.

To prevent the formation of condensation in such a system, it is imperative to insulate its exhaust part.

Also, each channel separately should be protected with a special mesh from rodents.

In order to regulate the flow of incoming air, if necessary, a damper should be mounted on the supply side. You can see such a system in operation on the presented photos and videos.

Forced ventilation device

In the summer season, especially when there is intense heat outside the window, the natural ventilation of the basement of a private house may lose its effectiveness.

In this case, the way out of the situation can be the arrangement of forced-type flow and exhaust ventilation.

The scheme of its device is a little more complicated than the natural-type ventilation scheme, however, everyone can cope with the task of installing it on their own.

Before equipping ventilation in a forced-type cellar, you should make all the necessary calculations, draw up a step-by-step work plan and prepare the required material and tools for work.

The main element in this case will be an electric fan, and a low-power one will do.

In this case, it is also necessary to install two pipes in opposite corners, in full analogy with the natural ventilation system of the basement.

The fan can be connected to the network according to the simplest scheme, but it is recommended that it be powered from a reduced voltage source.

Such a forced ventilation system will make it possible to regulate not only the temperature in the room, but, if necessary, also the humidity.

You can learn more about the device for forced ventilation in the cellar in the presented photos and videos.

The video below describes what forced ventilation is.

There is another way to create forced ventilation without using an electric current.

To do this, you should acquire deflectors. This versatile device is mounted at the top of the chimney.

In its work, it uses the force of the wind, due to which it creates a vacuum in the air inside the entire ventilation system.

This allows you to create a so-called surplus draft, which carries out the necessary air exchange.

You can also use special mini-turbines that work on a similar principle to the deflectors.

When equipping a forced ventilation system, remember that it will interfere with the natural circulation of air.

Monitoring the operation of the ventilation system

This is easy to do and all that is required is a box of matches. You should go down to the cellar itself, light one of the matches, and then watch how quickly it goes out.

If the flame on the match goes out almost instantly, then forced ventilation must be started, since in this case there is an increased content of carbon dioxide in the air.

In addition, you can control the very temperature inside the cellar using a thermometer, which should be hung on the wall.

Only proper ventilation of the cellar is able to provide the required air parameters.

From time to time, any ventilation system requires inspection and, if necessary, cleaning.

The cleanliness of both channels should be checked regularly, and if plaque is observed in them, it should be removed as it accumulates.

Without a ventilation system device, not a single basement room can be limited, since if there is a lack of a constant flow of cool air, dampness cannot be excluded. In basements and cellars, as a rule, not only canned food is stored, but also fresh vegetables and fruits that "breathe", from which moisture will certainly accumulate in the room. In addition to this problem, the walls can suck in moisture from the ground from the outer edge if the waterproofing of the base of the house and the basement was poorly organized during construction.

  • Hood ventilation pipe rises above the ridge for superior traction or embankments above the ceiling of the cellar, at least 1500 millimeters.
  • For good ventilation, they often only use plastic pipes. assigned for the purpose of performing sewerage. For not very large rooms, such a diameter is usually sufficient.
  • If the basement is located in front of a car garage or in front of another home place, then as an exhaust opening, it is allowed to operate the entrance opening.

In this case, 2 doors are made, one insulated - for winter, and the second - in the frame version, with a small mesh attached to it. The fence is needed so that small rodents do not make their way into the cellar.

The insulated opening is removed in the summer in order to continuously ventilate the cellar... If the room above the basement is insulated, in this case it is allowed to carry out airing sessions during the winter period.

Version - cellar in the basement under the house

Inlet pipe, narrowed by a grille

  • It is recommended to install dampers stabilizing the intake and decrease of air in these two pipes, which is especially needed in the winter stage. They can help to measure the arrival of cool air in extreme cold weather and, therefore, decrease in warm air, to strengthen the required local climate in the cellar.

Umbrella for chimney head

If the pipe heads are placed exactly in a vertical position, they should be protected from the ingress of precipitation, dust and debris by defining a metal umbrella or a ventilation deflector on top.

Natural ventilation based on the difference in pressure and temperature indoors and outdoors. Effective work largely depends on the correct placement of the pipes. So, the inlet opening must be at the top of a maximum of 250: 300 millimeters from the floor, and the exhaust outlet must be 100: 200 millimeters lower than the ceiling.

It is unacceptable to place it lower so far, otherwise the ceiling will get wet.

This ventilation method may be undoubtedly not enough for a large-sized cellar room, or if it consists of many rooms.

V method of forced ventilation there are always the same channels (pipes), however, fans are installed in them to form forced air movement.

In the lightest forced-type modes, the cooler is brought out to the exhaust duct. In a similar way, artificial milling is formed in the room, which promotes the proactive flow of cool air into the basement through the supply passage. The performance of the selected propeller will depend on the size of the room.

They also act differently - they put fans on both the supply and exhaust paths. This happens significantly in voluminous, complex basement rooms. Here you will certainly need the support of a professional in order to calculate the coherence of the intake and output of the atmosphere, that is, the diameters of the channels and the power (performance) of the fans installed in them.

For each type of ventilation, it is imperative to correctly make your choice with the pipe diameters. The calculation methods used by high-class designers are very difficult, and it makes almost no difference to present them in full. However, when installing ventilation in a small private cellar, it is allowed to use a simple counting methodology.

So, with certain assumptions applicable in the information criteria, it is allowed to assume that for the purpose of 1 square meter of the cellar section, 26 square cm of the section of the ventilation channel is needed. So, you can estimate for a sample what pipe diameter will be needed for a cellar with a scale of 3, multiply 2 meters.

We find the area of ​​the room:

S = 3 by 2 and = 6 square meters

According to the confirmed compliance, it will require a pipe of the following size:

T = 6 times 26 = 156 square centimeters

It remains to find this pipe radius:

R = root (T divided by PI) = root (156 divided by 3.14) will be approximately 7.05 cm

Therefore, the diameter of the supply pipe:

The diameter will be approximately 14 cm = 140 millimeters.

If only the supply channel is introduced in the basement, and the hole will play the role of the exhaust, in this case it is allowed to slightly increase the profile of the inlet channel by defining a pipe with a diameter of 150 millimeters.

To ensure air exchange, it is customary to install a pipe with a diameter on the exhaust duct, we expect 10% more than at the inlet.

Dw = Dn add 15% = 140 add 21 and approximately it will be 160 millimeters.

Ventilation installation

Having made the necessary calculations, taking into account all the above-described nuances, it is allowed to proceed to the installation of ventilation.

The approximate location of the supply and exhaust pipes.

The supply pipe is permanently located below.

  • In another corner of the cellar, a passage is made in the ceiling or wall, and a supply pipe is introduced and fixed into it, which is lowered to the floor. It must be placed at least 200 millimeters from the floor and no more than 500 millimeters;
  • On the street, the supply pipe does not need to be placed high. If it comes out through the ceiling, raise it sufficiently by 200–250 millimeters. It must be taken into account that the pressure difference at the inlet and outlet is much more powerful and has sufficient pressure, and therefore the flow of atmosphere into the cellar;
  • If the supply pipe is introduced through a wall, then a fan guard or a plastic reflector is put on it.

Possible location of the supply pipe.

However, in order for food to stay in it for a long time, it is necessary to provide effective ventilation. In this article we will tell you how to properly make a hood in a cellar.

How it works?

Natural ventilation must have 2 pipes: supply and exhaust. It is best to use a galvanized or asbestos pipe when constructing a structure. It is also important to correctly calculate the diameter: 1 square meter of the basement should be provided with 26 square meters. cm of the area of ​​the duct.

It is necessary for fresh air to enter the cellar. For greater efficiency, it must be installed in the corner, which is located on the opposite side from the place where the hood is installed.

Important! Choose a place for installing the supply air duct so that it does not get clogged with snow in winter.

The supply air duct should be positioned so that its open end is 40-60 cm from the floor. It should completely penetrate the ceilings and rise above the roof by about 80 cm.

Thanks to her, there will be an outflow of stale air from the cellar. It is recommended to install it along the corner so that the lower end is under the ceiling.
It should run in an upright position through the entire cellar, the roof and extend beyond it by 50 cm.

In order to collect less condensate or frost in the duct, it is insulated - another one is inserted into it, and the distance between them is filled with insulation.

Ventilation in the cellar with two pipes is carried out due to the different specific gravity of warm air inside and cold outside.

If a large temperature difference occurs, there is a risk of a draft, which will lead to freezing of the cellar.
To prevent this, during construction, gate valves are used on the air ducts, which allow you to adjust the air circulation.

Types of systems

Today, two types of ventilation systems are installed: natural and forced... The choice of one or another option is influenced by the volume and layout of the basement.


The design of the forced system includes pipes, but in order to provide forced air movement, fans are built into them.

Did you know? The necessity and benefit of ventilation was known many centuries ago. However, then there were no special structures - just airing was carried out.

Typically, the fan is installed in the exhaust duct. With its help, it is possible to achieve an artificial vacuum in the cellar, thanks to which fresh air can enter the room through the inlet.

Fans of different power are selected depending on the volume of the cellar. If the basement has complex configurations, fans are installed on both channels.
When constructing a forced exhaust, you cannot do without the help of a specialist who will help you correctly calculate the intake and output of air flows, the diameters of the required air ducts and the power of the fans.


The main idea of ​​creating a natural hood is to take into account the difference in pressure and temperature in the cellar and outside it. It is very important to correctly determine where the pipes will be located.
It is better to place the inlet opening at a height of 25-30 cm from the floor, while the exhaust outlet should not be lower than 10-20 cm from the ceiling. If you place it below, dampness and mold will soon appear on the ceiling.

How to make calculations?

If you decide to make an extractor hood in the cellar with your own hands, you should pay special attention to calculations related to pipe diameters.

When constructing professional ventilation, complex calculations and formulas are used that are inappropriate for a homemade design. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technique that will be suitable for the construction of homemade ventilation.

Important! Be sure to cover the opening of the pull-pipe with a metal mesh, as without it, rodents and insects can enter the cellar.

S = 3x2 = 6 sq.m.

Taking into account the ratio that we took as a basis, the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe channel will be:

T = 6x26 = 156 sq. Cm.

We calculate the radius of the ventilation duct using the formula:

R = √ (T / π) = √ (156 / 3.14) ≈7.05 cm

D≈14 cm = 140 mm.

If there is only supply ventilation (the exhaust is represented by a hatch), the cross-section of the inlet pipe can be slightly increased - an air duct with a diameter of 15 cm is quite suitable.

To ensure effective air exchange, it is recommended to install a chimney with a diameter 10-15% larger than that of the inlet.

An air duct with the following diameter is suitable for the exhaust duct:

Dv = Dp + 15% = 140 + 21≈160 mm.

Installation of ventilation pipes

In this section, we will tell you how to properly ventilate the cellar and what you should pay special attention to.

Where to locate

The supply air duct is led out from the ground surface. Its lower end should be located almost near the cellar floor, at a distance 20-30 cm.

To install the chimney, choose the opposite corner of the basement, carry it close to the ceiling. One of its ends is brought out through the ceilings to the roof.

To improve the efficiency of the ventilation structure, use the following advice: place a deflector on the pipe above the roof surface.

By covering the pipe with a cap, you can create negative pressure, which will increase the efficiency of the ventilation system.

Did you know? In ancient Egypt, ventilation was first actively used. Priramida Cheops has a huge number of air ducts.

Material selection

For the construction of the hood, the following materials are usually used:

Asbestos-cement pipes are very similar to slate pipes, which is why they received the same name. Both materials are quite durable, highly reliable and durable. Installation of polyethylene pipes is easy to carry out independently.


When installing the ventilation system, pay attention to such moments:

  • When installing the system in a ready-made cellar, you will need to make a special hole in the ceiling.
  • Through this hole it is necessary to lower the pipe into the basement - it will draw air. Fix it at the top, next to the ceiling.
  • The part of the pipe that is outside the room must be raised at least by 1500 mm above the ground or above the roof.
  • In the opposite corner of the basement, it is necessary to make a hole in the roof and install a supply pipe through it. It must end in the distance 20-50 cm from the floor.
  • The supply air duct should not protrude too much from the roof. It will be enough to raise it to 25 cm.
  • When installing the supply pipe in the wall, a deflector must be put on its outer end.
  • If the house has a fireplace or stove, the exhaust pipe should be installed near the chimney.

Important! Improper ventilation or lack of it will lead to musty air, which must seep into the house and can negatively affect people's health. To prevent this, regularly check the presence of traction.

There is nothing difficult in installing a ventilation system, the main thing is to follow all the rules and recommendations.

In order to maintain the cellar in good condition and store food in it for a long time, you need to take care of the microclimate.
It is very important to maintain low humidity in the basement. To do this, it is worth periodically ventilating the room. It is recommended to keep doors and dampers open during summer. Gusts of warm wind will quickly drain the cellar.