The cabinet around the window is the original ideas of design. Features of the design of the cabinet around the window: Practical implementation of the shelf in the window opening

Installing a design with a wardrobe around the window opening is one of the effective ways to save space in small apartments. An unusual solution to the storage issues in the room was still strange in the recent past, and in modern apartment design confidently conquers positions and gaining popularity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Often the owners of apartments with a small square lack space for a comfortable location of things. The cabinet, located around the window, is suitable for any room and perfectly fit into the most diverse interior.

When designing the window opening, it is not necessary to install curtains. Due to this, a larger amount of sunlight will fall into the room. Instead of curtains, in a niche above the window, the lamps can be built, which in the evening will set the mood in space.

If the curtains are still planned, then you can install a cornice or a bus, as well as choose the model you like among the blinds, rolled or Roman curtains.

The windowsill, fenced on both sides by cabinets, can also be turned into a functional space. This place can be equipped under a written or desktop. For lovers to retire with a book you can organize along the window opening of the relax zone with a cozy sun bed and a view from the window. Only it is not necessary to forget about security in this case.

Cabinets, located near the window opening, have a fairly wide functionality. Here you can arrange a small dressing room, to organize a place of storage of a home library or training materials, or simply decompose all sorts of household trifles, photos, letters and notebooks.

Installation of fitted wardrobes suitable to the interior will help harmoniously complete the design and will make the atmosphere of comfort. In order for the design does not seem bulky and occupying a lot of space, you should give preference to light pastel colors.

So, the open-air shelves are suitable for the minimalism-style room without any decor, decorative eaves and planks are suitable for classics, and cute lockers with glass doors draped by light fabric inserts will fit into the style of Provence.

The only significant problem that can stand on the way of implementing this idea is the presence of heating under the window. After all, if they close them with cabinets, the heat will remain in the closed space. Therefore, designers have to think good about it, if the room does not provide an alternative heating system.

To disadvantages This designer idea can be attributed to the absolute immobility of the design. It may make it difficult to clean the cleaning process if the cabinets remain free space in which dust can be gathered. If the owners want to make a permutation, then only the dismantling of all cabinets around the window space will be the only solution.

Use in the interior

Small kitchens In the houses of the last century, a great place to arrange such a design, namely the cabinet under the window.

Such space can be used for direct purpose, then the cabinet is mounted dense, non-skipping cold from the street. Sometimes the inner space of the cabinet is insulated and used for storing kitchen utensils. It is possible to meet the options with the moster installed in the niche under the window, then the water disposal system is located under the windowson.

It is also possible to mount lockers and on the sides of the window, but they must be more decorative. However, with a sharp lack of space in the kitchen, you can pay attention to the selection of ideas with the full frame of the window.

If the battery is located directly under the kitchen window, then you can install on the site of the windowsill, a worktop with ventilated holes, and the facade is closed with a mesh blade.

In the interior of the bedroom This design occurs infrequently. In the case of the installation of cabinets in the bedroom window space, it is better to limit only by side structures. Side lockers can be equipped as a shelter without doors, and in a niche under the window to position the headboard or a small sofa for relaxation.

If the space allows you, on the sides, you can arrange wardrobes in which the wardrobe will be stored separately for each of the spouses.

In the living room The elongated form, the installation of side window cabinets will make it possible to make space more proportionally and at the same time release it from excess furniture at the walls. In a niche near a wide window, you can arrange a sofa or chairs with a tea table.

To create an atmosphere of comfort to the upper cabinets you can mow point lights to achieve proper illumination even in the evening.

In a nurserythe design from the cabinets around the window opening will allow the most efficiently arranged accessories for classes, toys and other little things. Baby cabinets must be arranged in accordance with the age of the child so that it can easily get to all boxes. In addition, they should not have sharp corners and drop-down parts.

When planning and installing structures from cabinets around the window, some points should be taken into account:

  • Depending on the functions of the cabinet, you should count the necessary recesses for the shelves. For books enough and 30 cm, but for clothes you need about 60 cm.
  • The height of the shelves of cabinets also need to be calculated so that all the necessary things could be placed there. On both sides, different niche sizes can be placed, creating an original asymmetric design.
  • When installing cabinets with doors, you need to place them so that the doors opened more than 90 degrees and did not fight on the wall. In general, for cabinets around the window space, it is customary to use deaf or glass doors, a combination of two of these species, or the shelf without doors. Also there are unusual wicker from rattan or fabric partitions, as well as cut-off openwork doors.

If the window cabinet is planned to be used for clothing storage, you should take a place for retractable niches.

  • This type of furniture is better to have a ceiling so that the cabinet is a harmonious continuation of indoor walls. Therefore, before going to the finished furniture, you need to carefully remove all the measurements. However, the best option will be the manufacture of furniture for individual orders.

Placement features

A selection of designer ideas for harmonious fitting design from cabinets around the window will determine the appropriate option:

  • Effective and unusually look at the design from the cabinets near the window, made in the tone with the walls. In this case, it will not look massively, and such an unusual color decision will bring guests delight.
  • If the ceiling is standard or low in the room, it is necessary to give preference to a narrow and reaching the ceiling by side lockers. This technique will visually increase the height of the room and make it more sophisticated.
  • Harmoniously built-in wardrobes in the window area will look at the same style with shelves or couches located in the same room. It will also be nice to make a pretty ensemble from the cabinet around the window and built-in furniture.

The cabinet around the window is not only a fairly effective way to save a useful area, but also is a very unusual interior solution that specifies the premises of a special style.

Features of the location of the cabinet

There are several main nuances:

  • In order for the wardrobe to look less massively, it is possible to decorate it into a tone with wall decoration.
  • Indoor with low ceilings, it is better to establish narrower structures that will visually increase the height.
  • The small room should not be issued with too cumbersome and large models.
  • If the design around the window does not perform a serious functional load, you can use more laconic and elegant lockers.
  • On the balcony or loggia, combined with the internal space, with the help of embedded models, it turns out to zonite the room.
  • When designing a zone under the window opening, you need to consider the ventilation holes for the closed heating battery.

Options for the window

Window furniture has several functional zones. The layout of products depends on the size of the room and the overall design plan.

On both sides

Symmetrically arranged products can have an open or closed execution. If the window is placed not in the center, the asymmetric structures are chosen, for example, in the form of a wardrobe and racks.

In the photo, hinged cabinets located on both sides around the window opening in the bedroom interior.

Corner cupboard

This model is perfect for filling the corners, especially in a small room. Such lockers are most often performed by decorative, rather than a practical function, but at the same time they are a rather roomy design that is characterized by an ergonomic form.

In the photo, a children's room with a balcony opening, a decorated corner cabinet.

In the center of the window

In the area under the window, it can also be easily placed a locker, which can turn into a cozy seat or work zone. The main thing at a similar location so that warm air from the radiator freely penetrates into the room. No less interesting designs in the form of annetsol over the window opening, however, at a low height of the ceilings, this decision will not be completely appropriate. In this case, at the top of the window opening, it is better to hang curtains or construct a box of plasterboard for highlighting.

Between the Windows

In the simplest, the wardrobe or built-in model will be especially harmonious, which seems to be merged with the plane and visually does not stand out on a shared interior background.

The photo cabinet placed between two windows in the living room interior.

How can I combine furniture near the window?

Several options allocate:

  • Cabinet with table. It is a very organic solution, perfectly suitable for small-sized rooms and the presence of natural lighting.
  • With a sofa. A similar recreation zone is undoubtedly turning into the central element of the entire interior and provides an opportunity to achieve the most functional and practical design.
  • With bed. This combined design allows not only to achieve a cozy situation, but also due to the competent streamlining of things, to significantly save space.

In the photo Interior of a teenager room with wardrobes around the window opening, combined with a writing desk.

Combined furniture, allows you to properly save the free space and empowers the desired comfort. The only disadvantage of such structures is not mobility.

In the photo of a nursery with a window opening, around framed cabinets with a bed.

Types of cabinets

Types of models often installed around the window zone.


At the expense of its exactly created sizes and forms under the dimensions of the designated room, it allows you to properly organize the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and provides the appropriate use of each centimeter.


Compact and practical transformer models are distinguished by stylish and modern design and can have different mechanisms and simultaneously perform several functions at once.

In the photo of white-colored cabinets around the window opening in the interior of the room for two children.


It is a product equipped with shelves of the most diverse size and shape. The rack is quite harmoniously combined with the rest of the interior furniture and is perfect for almost any stylistic solution.

Wardrobe with open shelves

Open structures add to the setting more ease and airiness, as well as due to their visual and affordable filling, allow you to give the surrounding design of individuality, characteristics and aesthetic.

Photo in the interior of the children's room

In this room, the design installed next to the window zone provides the most efficient placement of toys, accessories for classes and other things. In the equipment of lockers, first of all, take into account the age and growth of the child, so that it has free access to all boxes and shelves, as well as safety criteria that suggest the absence of sharp corners.

In the photo two cabinets with a workplace located around the window space in the interior of the children's.

A similar ergonomic solution also contributes to additional free space for games in the middle of the room. The place around the window opening is mainly designated under the work area with a written or computer table.

In the photo of the children's style in the style of Provence with the zone around the window opening, decorated with narrow cabinets with the table.

Cabinets in the nursery may differ in a variety of design, constructive forms and color performance.

In the photo of cabinets combined with a writing table, placed around the window opening in the bedroom for two children.

Sample cabinets in the bedroom

For the bedroom, only side lockers with open shelves are often chosen, and in the resulting niche under the window, there is a chair, a small sofa or headboard. In more spacious rooms, it is possible to use structures with a small sofa or toilet table, which will undoubtedly become an interesting complement of the entire design.

In the photo of the bedroom in the Loft style with a blue cabinet in the design of the zone around the window opening.

Also in the bedroom with sufficient sizes, around the window is possible the location of spacious wardrobes in which two different wardrocks are equipped.

In the photo window opening in the interior of the bedroom, around equipped with narrow cabinets.

Cabinets in the living room near the window

For a room that is distinguished by an elongated form, side models for books and other accessories will be especially appropriate, allowing the placement of proportionality and free the space from excess furnishings. Along the window in the interior of the living room you can install a sofa or a tea table with a chair. To achieve the most cozy atmosphere, over the window opening, the point lamps are assembled. With this decision, it turns out to achieve a very spectacular and unusual interior.

On the photo a small living room with wardrobes around the window, decorated point illumination.

Photo accommodation in the kitchen

In the design of the kitchen, quite often there is a huge variety of original ideas of the frame of the zone around the window. It uses not too bulky products that are more characterized by aesthetic function, and the windowsill are often transformed into a worktop, a dining or desktop.

In the photo cabinets for dishes, placed around the window opening in the interior of the dining room.

Also, the kitchen space is complemented by various racks or small models having glass doors. In the dining room installed buffets or dishwashes at the edges of the window, endowing the situation with traditional notes and forming a cozy home atmosphere.

In the photo of the zone around a small window, decorated with gray cabinets in the kitchen interior.

Cabinet Design Options in the Cabinet

The interior of the cabinet involves the placement of the home library, in the form of bookcases with shelves, which can be diluted with the help of photoframes, souvenirs and other decorations, thereby giving the design even more interesting and attractive look. Here are racks, models equipped with many drawers for storing documentation and other personal items or products with a central part under the workplace.

This room is distinguished by a special design. Due to the beveled walls, the installation of traditional lockers is practically impossible on the attic. Here the place around the window is obtained to arrange homemade furniture designs or models made to order.

Photo Gallery

The cabinet around the window is a practical and original designer solution, it is characterized by a spectacular, quite interesting view and allows you to add space of maximum functionality.

Modern design decisions are surprised by their practicality and originality. They save space, add functionality to simple things and look spectacular and unusual. The wardrobe around the window - such registration in the recent past would consider a movietone or a rather strange step. Today, such renewal is sometimes even a necessary solution.

In our age of abundance and consumption in any family, from time to time, a bunch of things we do not use are going to. Throw out a pity, it is inconvenient to give, so they lie in anticipation of their o'clock. It is in this case that the wall with a window that turned miraculously into the closet will be an indispensable salvation in the interior. It will help unload space, create comfort, comfort and order. The unusualness of such a decision will find a confirmation in the enthusiastic surprise of your home and those who complain to visit.


The deficit of square meters is a frequent problem of small-sized apartments, so sometimes you have to be sick, in the good sense of the word. Sometimes a narrow room is difficult to visually pull out, but today there is a simple and very convenient solution to this issue. The cabinet around the window is suitable for the bedroom, children's room and even for the living room.

This design is ideal for those who do not like curtains, which, by the way, adds natural sunlight into the room.

The space under the window can also be used with benefits - make a cozy bed-podium or desktop. If we talk about the difficulties, then when creating such an interior, you only need to take care of the room freely it is warm from the battery. Perhaps this is the only negative, which in our time is very easily solved, but in general, the pros of the window cabinet is much more.

Of course, first of all, the cabinet must harmoniously fit into the shared style of your home or room.Furniture color is better to choose light - so the room will be lighter and cozy. If we talk about functionality, then it can be both a wardrobe, book, and just a wardrobe for small household items. The design itself can be shelves, racks or doors with glass elements or all together. Such a solution with different elements can turn the window into the real pearl of your home.

In a nursery

A properly equipped children's room will allow the child to grow harmoniously and with benefit to carry out their leisure. For kids it is very important to have free space for games, so the design of the zone around the window with a cabinet will be an interesting and ergonomic solution. As a rule, for children's rooms, it will be ideally spaced under the window to determine under the workspace. This design can be represented in a variety of color solutions.

This setting saves space perfectly, creates a comfort and allow you to take all the children's things.

Cabinet library

For lovers to spend their leisure with the book. Framing around the window is the perfect option. This design can be placed both in the living room and in the bedroom. The home library does not take much space, and your favorite books will always be at hand. Dilute the shelves with books with photo frames and souvenirs, which will make your closet even more interesting and attractive. Another interesting idea is to combine the bookcase with a ward.

In the bedroom

We spend a lot of time in the bedroom, so anyone wants to have a cozy situation in it. The wardrobe around the window in the bedroom will help beneficially use space for sleep and rest. In this case, the location by the window can be used as a wardrobe or other wardrobe. If the dimensions of the windows allow, the place along the window can be used under a small sofa or as minide for a computer table. In the window opening, you can make an interesting design that will coincide with the style of the room.

In the living room

The living room is the most important room in the house, because there are celebrations and just receiving guests. The framing of the window or two windows cabinet is an unusual and spectacular idea that will be appreciated. In the hall they will organically look the shelves with books, accessories and other your favorite things that will warm your soul. Against the background of such a wall, sofas, chairs and other furniture items look very impressive.

The rest of the space exempted according to this principle can be used as functional as possible.

In the kitchen

The kitchen is an important place for any house where everyone wants to use with benefit and comfort. But for the kitchen there are original solutions for the design of the zone near the window shelves or cabinets. As a rule, such a wardrobe should not be cumbersome and more to perform aesthetic function. The choice of the correct shade will allow you to visually simulate space. The windowsill itself can be used as a place under the worktop.

How to locate?

Most often the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a wardrobe around the window occurs at the stage of repair. Of the many options, a decision is made about whether it will be a wardrobe or corpus built into the wall. The design creates and the necessary measurements for the product are manufactured. Special attention should be paid to the rules of operation of heating and free ventilation obtained from the window. Thus, the usual wall turns into a cozy and organized corner.

Your future cabinet style will tell you the overall interior of your apartment or your character. It should be noted that the bedroom should not choose bulky productsSince the spirit of peace should prevail here. Children's rooms love different paints, so the brighter will be the room, the more interesting for the child. The living room allows you to say, "break through full", so in it you can embody the most courageous ideas. The kitchen loves order and functionality, so it should be adhered to this principle.

Important nuances

Perhaps below the selection of designer designs of the zone around the window will inspire you and tell me what direction you move. Depending on which room you are going to embody this idea, You should consider several nuances:

  • The cabinet around the window under the color of the walls will be a very extraordinary solution, which will add your room not only effectitude, but also some mysteriousness;
  • The sophisticated wardrobes on the sides of the window will make the ceilings visually above and will look like architectural decorations;
  • If the cabinets around the window are complemented by the same shelves in the room, it looks like a kind of ensemble in a single stylist solution;
  • Built-in sofa or table with a closet around the window will be able to create an amazing office or reading corner;
  • It is not necessary to get involved in the depth of the cabinet, since greater capacity is very stealing precious meters;

  • If square meters allow you to make a wardrobe in the form of a shortened letter "P", where the protrusions go to the adjacent walls;
  • It looks very interesting to the interior in which the window around the cabinet is combined with integrated furniture;
  • Pay attention to the focallement principle. If the window in the room is opposite the door, then the wall around the door can also be decorated with the same cabinet or shelves;
  • If you do not decide to get a standard cabinet, then you may be suitable for a closet or shelf in the Mini format. It will include souvenir products and photo frames.

The window can not only skip the sunlight into the house. It can be useful and very interesting object of decor. Today in the age of advanced technologies, you can afford the most courageous ideas in the design of housing space.

Shelves on the window: ideas for indoor flowers, dishes and trifles

This way of decor of the window is the original solution in the case when you have windows that are not fundamentally open due to the specific frame design. However, such windows can only be opened partially. You can "beat" such windows with the help of shelves, decorate which you can taste - indoor plants, dishes or compositions from small decor.

In addition to the decorative effect, such a decision may have a fairly practical meaning: hide an unsightly look from the window or "disguise" a room from curious views, if you live on the first floor.

If there is a lot of indoor flowers in your house, - such a window can be turned into a real winter garden, where the plants will be very comfortable.

If such windows are available in the kitchen or dining room, the shelves for dishes can be suspended. Especially spectacular - with vintage products or if you like to admire smooth white porcelain.

However, do not forget: if such a window is the only one in this room, do not overload the shelves with the contents so that the natural light is in sufficient.

shelves on the window for room colors:

Kevin Lee Jacobs Gardening Connoisseume Blog on Color and Landscape, shows how such shelves on the window and changes in the composition may look like this:







glass shelves for plants on the window:

The most "light" (thanks to the transparency of the glass) and for this reason - the most popular solution. Such shelves for indoor plants can be fixed in the window opening using conventional "tukanans" (sheets for glass) or - on remote brackets that are suitable for glass shelves.

Optimal safety option is a collection of small plants. If the deaf window has a width of more than 60-70 cm, it is preferable to choose other shelves material, also for security reasons.










shelves from chipboard and wooden:

Any brackets are suitable here, and there are much more ways: in the opening, to the walls around the window, to the ends of the hinged cabinets (if it comes to the kitchen) or even to the window frame, if it is wooden. The severity of the pots and the width of the window no longer has such a value as in the case of glass shelves.







shelves made of metal:

Such shelves can be found in the "kitchen" or "for the bathroom" departments. The only requirement - they should be resistant to moisture, as excess water in the pallet during irrigation - inevitability.




shelves on the window for dishes and displays:

This idea, as a rule, like those who are fascinated by 2 solutions: (1) Open shelves + (2) Dining room dishes. If you have a deaf window in your kitchen, we safely implement this non-standard move.













displays for beautiful stuffings:

If you do not want to be limited only to dishes or only by plants, create an interesting composition on the shelves suspended to the deaf window.










several windows in one line:

If there are several windows "in a row" on one wall, - try setting long shelves or connect a few in a single design.




other Creative Ideas for Shelves on the window:

Winter garden will be more impressive if you use the windowsill. On the "remote" window design, you can create a semblance of greenhouse. If there are other windows in the room, the winter garden can be arranged on a wide one. So that the pots do not fall because of the curiosity of the cat, stretch along the shelf rope or fishing line.

If you prefer the blinds, - they can be attached to the slope, and the shelves are "tied" to the wall. Want the curtains certainly - attach the cornice from the bottom side of the shelf. Two adjacent deaf windows can be issued with a single composition of the shelves.

If you are looking for super-original solutions - pay attention to 2 latest photos in this section: Rear walls are removed from mounted kitchen cabinets. And then the cabinets are suspended above the window. As a result, an interesting "Aquarium effect" is born: you are visible not only dishes on glass shelves, but also a landscape outside the window, while all this is perfectly protected from dust. And if you still add an internal illumination of the cabinet, - the spectacle will be incredible!










shelves on the suspension:

And the shelves (or the shelf module) can be suspended on the rope - to the upper slope or on remote brackets attached to the wall - similar to those used for flower baskets on the terrace.




in details:

And one more implementation in details are the shelves on the window for the smallest box + the way to hang curtains.




Repair is a real headache. The color of the walls, the design of the ceiling and the lighting can still be chosen, but competently furnish the space of furniture - this is already a task more complicated, especially if the room is small. And for some reason, very often the owners bypass the party zone around the window, Just placing it with huge curtains. But there is a more stylish and practical idea.

Cabinets around the window - it is beautiful, functionally and fashionable. You can easily turn the window into a very cozy corner or in the working area. And the most pleasant thing - you will not need to break your head, how to wrap and dry huge curtains. Editorial "So simple!" prepared 10 inspirational ideas for window design.

Cabinet around the window

All corners of your dwelling are very important in the interior. Even the window can be used not only for lighting and beautiful view. Share these with your friends in social networks!

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