International charitable organizations of the world. The largest charities in the world

Helping sick children, supporting sports organizations, as well as theaters and museums. This year, the fund spent about 13.75 billion rubles on the implementation of various projects. The sources of funding are Usmanov's personal funds, as well as money allocated by companies under his control.

The Sistema Charitable Foundation was created in 2003 for the charitable activities of the corporation of the same name and the companies controlled by it. The main areas of the foundation's activities include science, culture and art, sports and social development. The fund spends about three billion rubles annually to support more than 50 projects. Funds for the fund come from commercial organizations, as well as from individuals.

The Russian Aid Foundation (Rusfond) was created in 1996 by the Kommersant publishing house to support the readers of the Kommersant newspaper in need of help. The founder and head of Rusfond is journalist Lev Ambinder. In the first half of this year, the fund managed to raise almost 607 million rubles, over the past year - more than 1.7 billion. Rusfond specializes in helping seriously ill children, promoting the development of civil society, and introducing high medical technologies. - individuals and organizations.

The Volnoe Delo Foundation was founded by Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska in 1998. The Foundation supports projects in the fields of science, education, culture, territorial development, healthcare and animal protection. In 2014 for the projects of the fund. According to the Expert magazine, the fund is financed from the personal funds of Oleg Deripaska and contributions from the Basic Element group of companies.

The Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Foundation, which became the first charitable organization in Russia with a regional strategy of work, was established by businessman Mikhail Prokhorov in 2004. - systematic support of culture in Russian regions. For 10 years of operation, the fund's budget has exceeded two billion rubles. There is no exact funding.

The Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation was established in 2010. The main activity of the foundation is the implementation of programs: "Older Generation", "Family and Children", "Sport", "Culture". For the first three years of operation, the fund's budget amounted to $ 330.2 million. The main source of funding for the fund is the personal funds of the Timchenko family.

The Give Life Foundation was founded in 2006 by actresses Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun. The foundation's field of activity is helping sick children. In 2015, the fund raised more than 326 million rubles. Funding sources - Russian, international and foreign organizations, individuals in Russia and abroad, as well as "stateless persons".

The Victoria Charitable Foundation for Children was founded in 2004 by the President of the Uralsib Corporation, Nikolai Tsvetkov. The foundation specializes in helping children who are left without parental care and who find themselves in difficult life situations. In 2013, spending on charitable programs amounted to more than 184 million rubles. There is no more recent data. Sources of financing, also according to data for 2013, are personal funds of Nikolai Tsvetkov, income from endowment capital, fundraising, funds of Uralsib Bank.

OU lists the ten largest charitable foundations in Russia, compiled on the basis of Rusfond data published in early 2016.

1. Charitable foundation to help seriously ill children, orphans and disabled people "Rusfond"

This is the largest fundraising fund in the Russian Federation. Fees in 2014 - 1 billion 709 million 445 214 rubles.

The fund was created by the Kommersant Publishing House in 1996. The main office is in Moscow, there are also a number of regional offices.

The method of work is targeted journalistic fundraising. The main task is to help seriously ill children.

Rusfond regularly publishes targeted requests for help on the pages of the Kommersant newspaper and on its website, as well as on information resources of partner media outlets. The fund's expert group informs readers about the results of using their donations. Motto: "We help to help."

2. Charitable Foundation for Helping Children with Hematological Oncology and Other Serious Diseases "Give Life"

In 2014, the fund raised 1 billion 253 million 207 461 rubles.

It was created in 2006 on the initiative of Galina Chalikova, who became its first director, with the cooperation of volunteers and doctors of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after V.I. Dmitry Rogachev (FNKTS DGOI). The founders of the fund are actresses Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova. The office is in Moscow.

The largest Russian fund specializing in oncology. Among the areas of his activities are fundraising for the purchase of medicines and equipment for specialized clinics, helping children who have not been able to obtain a quota for high-tech treatment, organizing volunteer work in hospitals, developing free blood donation, providing access to pain relief, etc.

Among other things, the fund provides outpatient apartments for children who have come to Moscow for treatment from other regions. Usually three or four mothers live in one such apartment with their children.

3. Valery Gergiev Foundation

In 2014, the fund raised 471 million 140,000 rubles.

The foundation was established in 2003 on the initiative of Valery Gergiev, artistic director and director of the Mariinsky Theater.

Raises funds from both companies and individuals. The tasks of the foundation: support of creative projects and tours of the Mariinsky Theater, assistance, including targeted assistance, to young artists, musical groups, talented Russian performers. The Foundation is the main organizer of such events as the Stars of the White Nights Music Festival and the Moscow Easter Festival. The office is in Moscow.

4. Charitable Fund for Food "Rus"

In 2014, the fund attracted donations for 458 million 452,000 rubles, mainly in natural form - with products and goods.

The Rus Food Fund was founded in 2012 as the first Russian food bank. The founders of the fund, including businessman Konstantin Loboda, adapted the international technology of feeding those in need in Russia, thanks to which the fund became a member of the World Association of Food Banks. The office is in Moscow.

The Foundation accepts donations from Russian food producers and distributes them through non-profit organizations, social services and parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Together with the Orthodox Relief Service "Mercy" (which ranks 10th in the Navigator in terms of collection), with the support of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church, it is implementing the "People's Dinner" project: volunteers gather to pack the products received by the fund into sets, and each set is a single dish that includes several ingredients in the correct proportions. So, in 2015, 1 million 653 800 free meals were prepared in 20 workshops for those in need.

5. Foundation "Center for Social Programs"

In 2014, the DSP received 426 million 677 thousand rubles.

The corporate fund was established in 2004 by the United Company RUSAL to manage its social activities.

The main task is to develop the most useful social initiatives and improve the quality of life of people in the regions where the company operates. The head office of the CSP is located in Krasnoyarsk.

The foundation actively involves regional partners and local communities in the implementation of its projects. To date, more than 500 organizations are partners of the CSP.

The Foundation helps educational institutions, charitable organizations, families in difficult life situations, children and adults with disabilities, the elderly, orphans, etc.

6. Fund for the Support of Islamic Culture, Science and Education

In 2014 attracted 408 million 235,000 rubles.

It was created in 2006 by Muslim organizations with the participation of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Internal Policy. The office is in Moscow.

The goal is to support traditional Muslim religious organizations in Russia and their projects.

The Foundation finances the maintenance and repair of religious buildings, the purchase of furniture and office equipment, the purchase of educational, religious, educational and scientific literature, as well as products for religious holidays. Implements the creation of uniform educational standards for Islamic religious education in Russia, supports the Islamic media. Established scholarships for the best students in Islamic educational institutions.

7. Charitable Foundation "ADVITA"

In 2014, the fund raised 309 million 146,000 rubles.

Founded in 2002, co-founders were 13 doctors of the Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic of St. Pavlova and current executive director Pavel Grinberg. The office is in St. Petersburg.

Specializing in hematology oncology, the purpose of its creation was to raise funds for the search for bone marrow donors in the international registry. The Foundation provides assistance to medical institutions dealing with the treatment of cancer patients, as well as targeted assistance to children and adults with cancer. However, according to executive director Pavel Grinberg, the fund will move towards financing programs, rather than helping individual patients.

8. Charitable Foundation for the Rescue of Seriously Ill Children "Life Line"

In 2014 collected 298 million 315 146 rubles.

The Life Line charitable program to rescue seriously ill children emerged in 2004, and in 2008 a foundation was registered. The office is in Moscow.

The purpose of the fund is to reduce the rates of infant mortality from serious diseases that are curable at the current level of development of medicine. He assists in the establishment of the following diagnoses: congenital heart disease (CHD), heart rhythm disturbance (arrhythmia), cerebral vascular pathology, craniostenosis, scoliosis, cranial hernia, and epilepsy.

In addition to targeted assistance to patients, the foundation supports clinics in purchasing instruments and materials necessary for treatment.

Among the fund's numerous charitable projects, there is the well-known action "Someone's life is no longer a trifle!" During its holding, reception points operate in cities, where everyone can bring and return coins.

9. Vera Hospice Foundation

In 2014 attracted 224 million 750,000 rubles.

The Foundation was established in November 2006 primarily to support the First Moscow Hospice, but now it helps more than 20 regional hospices. The Foundation is named after Vera Millionshchikova, the founder and chief physician of the First Moscow Hospice.

The chairmen of the board of trustees are actresses Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Tatiana Drubich.

It exists not only at the expense of donations, but was also the first in Russia to create endowment capital (endowment) in the field of healthcare.

The main tasks of the foundation, in addition to supporting hospices, are helping terminally ill children, developing the volunteer movement, publishing, and creating public interest in the problems of terminally ill people.

The foundation's motto is: "If a person cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot be helped."

The office is in Moscow.

10. RPO "Mercy"

In 2014 collected 199 million 604,000 rubles.

The regional public organization "Mercy" is the title legal entity of the Orthodox Relief Service "Mercy" (an association of Orthodox legal entities and individuals, jointly implementing 25 social projects in Moscow).

Registered in 2005. The office is in Moscow.

Motto: "There is love in this world."

The Orthodox Relief Service “Mercy” raises funds for service projects and for targeted requests for help. Among the projects of the "Mercy" service are the St. Spiridonevskaya almshouse, the St.Dimitrievsky orphanage for girls, the St.Sophia orphanage for disabled children, the Elizabethan orphanage, the Center for Family Placement, the Dimitrievskaya secondary school, where pupils of orphanages and children study from large families, Homeless Assistance Service, Rescue Hangar for the Homeless, HIV Palliative Care Service, home health care service, projects Helping disabled children in state boarding schools, Help in a neuropsychiatric boarding school, Nursing in hospitals ”, the ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) care service, the Home for Mom Crisis Center, where they help pregnant women who are on the verge of abortion to get out of a difficult situation, the Mercy telephone inquiry service, the Mercy charity portal. ru, Volunteer service, Petitioner group, Children's mobile palliative service, Respis for heavy lobolny children, Rehabilitation center for children with cerebral palsy, Day care group for disabled children, Recreation center for families with disabled children, camp for large families "Voskresenskoye".

The photo:
Winter holiday of the Life Line charitable foundation, 2016 /

Charity in the United States of America

In the United States of America, in fact, for the first time, they faced the problem of the need for acts and manifestations of charity. In addition, the United States became the first country where the support of people involved in direct charitable activities has gained relevance.

Remark 1

Back in the first half of the 20th century (and specifically in 1921), serious amendments were made to the tax legislation of the country, which provided for a decrease in the level of taxes on those funds that went as donations in order to provide assistance to the most needy categories of citizens.

About 7 new charitable foundations are created annually in the United States of America, which makes America a real world leader in their number and, most importantly, in the quality of their activities. People are very clearly aware of their mission, they are specially trained so that their activities are professional. In charitable work, mistakes should not be made, since work is carried out with the most unstable categories of citizens who can react rather critically to incorrect behavior.

The charity system in the United States has some specifics:

  1. Donations to charitable organizations are tax-free - we mentioned this earlier. For example, wealthy Americans donate large sums to aid funds, but this is more likely not because they want to help someone (although this is the direct goal of charity). Often they do this also so that the donated amount can reduce their personal tax deductions several times, which is undoubtedly very beneficial;
  2. Young people and older people are rather stingy with donations. Thus, deductions from working adults are much lower, but older people and children differ in their desire to help those in need, therefore, they mainly fund the accounts of charitable organizations. In addition, they strive to help not only financially, but also morally, and also give away their old unnecessary things, buy clothes, food and medicines on their own, and then send them to organizations;
  3. America has a secret list of benefactors. Everyone knows about their existence, but their data is encrypted. Data and volunteers are also encrypted, because they can then be used by other charities without notifying the owners directly. Many people prefer to remain anonymous philanthropists, because for them this is not a matter of gaining popularity and recognition: the highest mission is to provide all possible help to other people who have nowhere to take it.

Charity in Europe

Many researchers who analyze charitable activities in European countries emphasize that in Europe today the third sector is flourishing quite actively. Almost every country has tax breaks that go to charitable organizations. This practice suggests that heads of state and their residents recognize the important role of private philanthropy.

Remark 2

The history of the development of philanthropy (charity) in Europe is quite rich. Some organizations that exist to this day were created during the Middle Ages, but their support led to the fact that, having a rich history and foundation, they are still very active today, and not only within their country, but also in international arena.

Today there are four models of NPOs operating in Europe. They were highlighted by researchers McDonald and Tyart and formulated as follows:

  • Anglo-Saxon model NPO, which includes private non-profit organizations. They were created in opposition to the state, and for this reason, initially, their activities were not regulated by the authorities, remaining aloof from political proceedings and activities in general;
  • Rhine model NGOs. In contrast to the Anglo-Saxon, the Rhine model allows the state to take part in the activities of non-profit organizations, to regulate the rules of their activities, to restrict them in case of exceeding their powers;
  • Latin model NPO (in other words, it is also called Mediterranean). The church plays the main role in it, and the state acts as a mediator, although it cannot be said that it remains on the sidelines. In fact, in any country, the state has an impact on the religious sphere, and, accordingly, has a direct impact on charitable organizations and their activities;
  • Scandinavian model NGOs. This model is built on the basis of a sufficiently developed state social system, as well as on the established traditions of volunteering. Thus, the influence of the state is strong, but rather through social policy, which regulates the processes of charity.

Among the countries where the largest number of residents who are ready to donate to charity live, it is worth highlighting the Netherlands (almost 83% of the total population living in the country), Switzerland (70%) and Poland (also 70%). Thus, residents of countries located in northern Europe are ready to provide assistance much more often and in large volumes than those who live in southern Europe. Only 30% of Italians and 19% of Spaniards donate their funds to non-profit organizations, as shown in a 2014 study by the Obeservatoire de France.

Different countries prioritize different types of assistance. For example, in Germany, Switzerland and Belgium the most widespread international and humanitarian aid. In France and Spain, they prefer to provide material support to their fellow citizens who are at risk. Also, a large amount of funds are donated for the implementation of social projects to combat poverty, poverty, illiteracy, as well as for the treatment of especially dangerous diseases that require a large amount of funds.

Many Russian Internet users have a desire to engage in charitable activities and create thematic sites that can send money to citizens in need of financial support. Philanthropists who once began to provide such assistance put this activity at the first step, which plays a more important role in their life than anything else.

What is charity?

Love and compassion are the foundation of charity.

Charity in Russia is a fairly common activity among financially wealthy citizens. It implies assistance (gratuitous / preferential terms) to persons in need of it. Each benefactor has the right to independently choose the type, time, place and type of the benefit itself.

Regulation of charitable activities is vested in Federal Law No. 135 of August 11, 1995, as well as Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code.

Financially wealthy citizens who want to provide assistance with money on an ongoing basis create organizations to attract funds from outside. Thus, the founder of the Gift of Life foundation is the famous actress Chulpan Khamatova.

Speaking about how many charitable foundations there are in Russia, it should be noted that the information can only be approximate.

According to 2017 data and according to Rosstat information, there were more than 9.6 thousand foundations and 1.7 thousand organizations involved in charitable activities in Russia.

Funds to help people in need of money

The main fear of a potential donor of finances to a charitable organization in Russia is considered to be interaction with fraudsters. To avoid meeting with adventurers, you should choose an open and transparent organization with an excellent reputation.

Funds for helping citizens in need of money, as a rule, post publicly available reports on expenses (salaries to employees, rent, etc.), which should not exceed 1/4 of the total amount of funds from benefactors. All data on organizations are located on the website of the Ministry of Justice and have public access.

Large charitable organizations of the Russian Federation will never collect funds in the metro, at a bus stop, underpass, or on the street.

The allocation of funds implies the following areas:

  1. Financial or other assistance to citizens in need of support (children, old people, etc.) due to illness or situations that led to a difficult financial situation.
  2. Supporting talented children and organizations engaged in scientific activities that can lead to a breakthrough in socially significant areas through the provision of grants.

The transfer of finances to charitable organizations is carried out by:

  • volunteers (businesses and individuals);
  • local administration / federal authorities (grants, subsidies, etc.);
  • third-party organizations (targeted funding and grants);
  • legal commercial activity and its results;
  • dividends (deposit accounts, securities, etc.).

The transfer of finance to a citizen in need is made through a personal meeting (cash), transfers to bank details or to the account of a medical institution providing treatment.

Charitable foundations to help children in Russia

The most demanded support is helping children.

The largest charitable foundations in Russia dealing with children's problems:

  • "Ray of Childhood" was created for material, social and psychological assistance to orphans who ended up in a children's home without parental care. Age category of wards - from 1 month to 4 years;
  • "Adeli" transfers funds for the treatment of children with an established diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Provides information about the treatment and methods of rehabilitation, psychological support for relatives, training in rehabilitation actions at home, etc.;
  • "Luchik" assists children who find themselves in difficult living conditions or have disabilities;
  • The Foundation of Light provides support to children with disabilities;
  • Renaissance. The action of the interregional organization is based on helping children suffering from rheumatic diseases;
  • "Baby ". Treatment and rehabilitation of children with cancer;
  • "The world of childhood ". Intellectual, physical, mental and social rehabilitation, adaptation of children, improvement of their standard of living;
  • "High tide". Assistance to children with serious illnesses, as well as large families;
  • "Help the". Providing assistance to children with various serious illnesses;
  • "Thanks to ". Support for children with diseases of the nervous system. Payment for treatment and rehabilitation, purchase of medicines, devices, consultations, etc.

Charitable foundations for adults

Often, individual adults or entire families need financial support. Therefore, in Russia there are charitable aid funds that help adults in difficult situations and the homeless.

  • ORBI. Treatment and rehabilitation of citizens who have suffered a stroke. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, stroke prevention;
  • "In the name of life." Providing assistance to people suffering from cystic fibrosis disease (qualified treatment, lifelong therapy, etc.);
  • "Live" - ​​the fund (located in Moscow) provides charitable assistance to adults (from the age of majority to 60 years) with serious illnesses;
  • Larion. Support for single mothers and people with disabilities;
  • Doctor Lisa's Fair Help. Support for citizens with serious or fatal diseases, retirement age and people with disabilities without a place to live;
  • Gulf Stream. Support for children, adolescents and adults with diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, cerebral palsy and circulatory system;
  • "Help.Org". Assistance to homeless people without citizenship and people with serious illnesses;
  • "Nika ". Rehabilitation of drug addicted citizens and people in difficult life circumstances;
  • "Blessing". Personal restoration, acquisition of the meaning of life, psychological assistance;
  • "Right choice ". Support for people with alcohol or drug addiction. Rehabilitation, prevention of addictions.

How do I get help from a charitable foundation?

To apply for and get help, follow the instructions:

  1. Make sure the required support is in line with the direction of the chosen fund.
  2. Get acquainted with the terms of assistance of the selected organization and their compliance with the regulations of the Russian Federation.
  3. Submit an application for assistance using the standard form on the foundation's website, with a detailed statement of the current situation and the attachment of the necessary documents.
  4. Interact with the fund when collecting the necessary finances (posting posts, attracting attention, etc.).
  5. Choose a method of transferring funds and receive material support.

Charitable foundations reserve the right to refuse citizens applying for help. This usually happens when the current conditions of the organization do not meet or there is insufficient documentary support.

Video: How to get help from a charitable foundation.

Charity sites from wealthy people

In addition to assistance from foundations, there is an opportunity to get support from wealthy people who create personal charity sites. Such gratuitous assistance is in the nature of sponsorship.

To find charitable sites that can send money, you should use the Internet and the search bar of your browser.

Today, charity from rich people has firmly entered our lives. Here are examples of the most famous wealthy citizens who are ready to provide material or other support to the needy segments of the population:

  1. Bill and Melinda Gates. Financial assistance to the poor worldwide and the transfer of funds for the treatment of various diseases.
  2. Wood Johnson. The private foundation's activities are focused on healthcare and medical treatment.
  3. Howard Hughes. The scientist created an institute that provides an opportunity to study issues related to fundamental science.

How to raise money for charity on the Internet?

When collecting money for charity, any amount is important.

Charity means collecting money that will go to meet the vital needs of the needy.

A person who collects money and donations on the Internet that will go to charity should follow the following instructions:

  1. Find out the rules and regulations for collecting money in your region of residence. A certain type of charity is regulated by law. In addition, some donors are required to pay taxes on the funds received.
  2. Study the actions of successful philanthropists. This will help you achieve the desired result and raise funds in a short time.
  3. Find people who can provide support in disseminating information about fundraising.
  4. Place an announcement about the beginning of the collection, providing the necessary documents and details (bank account or account of a medical institution) for everyone to see.

You can post announcements on various thematic forums, in groups on social networks, on Internet message boards, or create your own website on Tilda.

As a conclusion

To ask for financial assistance, you can use the form on our website. Remember that philanthropists help, as a rule, citizens who are not shy and describe the situation in the most detail. Perhaps your cry for help will be read by a wealthy person who wants to help someone in need.

In addition, we draw the attention of sympathizers who can send certain funds to the account of a desperate person.

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