Izospan a am vapor permeability technical characteristics. Izospan modification A - an innovative waterproofing material: convenience, advantages, purpose

Any building under construction now, or already built, industrial or residential, is literally surrounded by heat-insulating materials on all sides. They create comfort in the room, save heat, reduce the influence of atmospheric phenomena such as rain, snow, wind, etc.

But, as it turned out, this reliable thermal insulation layer, which protects buildings, itself requires protection from both moisture and wind. And it serves as such a protection modern material, one hundred percent polypropylene, which is called isospan A, B, C, D, the instructions for use for which we will consider.

Creating a barrier for an existing barrier is the main purpose of Isospan. Let's take a look at the general specifications new Izospan heat insulator, let's see photos and videos, talk about its types and methods of installation different types material, and which side to put it to the insulation.

Izospan: technical characteristics

- highest strength
- good elasticity
environmental Safety(Isospan does not emit harmful substances)
- ability to withstand high pressure

To the above, it can also be added that some types of isospan have fire-fighting properties, if special refractory particles were added to them at the production stage. All types of isospan are well resistant to ultraviolet rays and withstand temperatures environment from -60 to + 80 degrees.

Taking into account the fact that isospan has been developed in several forms, let us touch on in detail the characteristics of the main modifications of the insulator: these are types A, B, C and D. This is necessary to know if you intend to use isospan in the construction or insulation of buildings.

Roof covering with isospan

Izospan A- This is a kind of membrane that protects the structure from moisture (waterproofing), and helps to remove water vapor from the insulation. It is used to protect walls and facades of premises for any purpose. With its protective properties, it extends the service life of the insulation. It can be safely called wind and waterproofing protection for your home.

Material tensile strength: 190/140 mm (long / cross)
UV stability: 3-4 months
Water resistance: 300 mm
Water vapor permeability: not less than 2000

Izospan type A reliably provides thermal insulation of the insulation and has:

- good resistance to external mechanical stress
- resistance to harmful substances (chemistry, bacteria)

When installing isospan, the following question often arises: which side to the insulation to lay it?

Izospan A is mounted from the outside of the insulation. When installed on an insulated roof, it is cut into wide strips and overlapped so that the smooth surface remains outside.

Installation starts from the bottom of the roof. When working with Isospan A, do not allow it to come into contact with itself, since the waterproofing properties of Isospan are greatly reduced with such direct contact.

Make sure that during the installation of this type of isospan there are no different kinds of swelling or sagging, because in gusts of wind, it will create popping, banging and other unpleasant noises in the room. Isospan A is fastened with rails with nails. A free space of 5 cm is left between the sides of the insulator. We are watching a video about izospan: which side to lay on the insulation.

If Isospan A is used as a wind and hydro-barrier for insulation, then isospan B you can call it a vapor barrier. Any insulation, even the most modern, is saturated with water vapor over time. The task of Isospan B is to create a barrier to these vapors inside the building.

The material has 2 layers and is used to preserve the surface:

- sloped roof
interior walls
frame walls
- attic, basement floors

Isospan B properties:

- breaking load prod. / Trans. N / 5 cm not less than 130/107
- vapor permeability about 7
- water resistance 1000 mm water column

Since isospan B consists of two layers, each side has its own functions. Its smooth part provides the adhesion strength of the insulator to the main insulation layer. The rough or fluffy side helps to retain moisture particles and drain condensation.

Izospan B is laid on the inside of the heat-insulating layer when using a stapler. Installation is carried out in the direction of the bottom-up, overlapping, while ensuring a tight contact of materials. On the side with a fleecy surface, create a free space of at least 50 mm.

Izospan B

Izospan S has very similar characteristics with isospan B, they are similar in structure, they also have a structure of 2 layers, but isospan C is more durable, heavy-duty, used to protect the floor, floor slabs, cold roof. The extra strength and special reliability of this type also determine its price, which is higher than the price of Isospane V.

Isospan C properties:

- made of 100% polypropylene
- breaking load 197/119 prod. / Trans. N / 5cm
- resistance to vapor permeation - 7 m2hPa / mh
- water resistance - 1000 mm water column

Isospan C use:

1. Water and vapor barrier of non-insulated sloped roof
2. Flat roof
3. Water and vapor barrier of frame walls
4. Vapor barrier of horizontal type wooden floors
5. Steam and moisture insulation of concrete floor

On pitched roof surfaces, it is installed horizontally, with an overlap (15 cm), the work takes place from the bottom up. A special tape is applied to the formed joints. Fasteners are made using rails.

When working with ceilings, Isospan C is placed on top, overlapping, leaving a small gap of 50 mm from the film, heat insulator and floor. When working with concrete floors, Isospan of this type is mounted directly on concrete surface, and a screed is carried out on top.

Roof waterproofing with isospan

Izospan D is a modern high-strength vapor and waterproofing material. This type of isospan can be called a polypropylene woven fabric having a two-layer structure.

A feature of Isospan D is that, in comparison with other types polypropylene materials, it has the ability to withstand very significant mechanical stress during installation, and is also able to withstand a large snow load.

Scope of isospan D

It is used in construction as a waterproofing and vapor barrier for under-roofing, in non-insulated pitched roofs, as well as for protection various designs made of wood. Serves as a reliable barrier on the way of under-roof condensate, as well as atmospheric phenomena in the form of snow, wind, especially in those places where the roof is not laid tightly enough.

Izospan D is used to form a temporary coating layer for waterproofing the roof and walls of buildings (up to 4 months). Also, this type of isospan has proven itself well as a waterproofing layer when working with floors on a concrete and earthen base, and when insulating basement floors in buildings with high humidity.

Used for insulation:

flat roof
- floors on a concrete base
- basement floors
- sloped roofs

Izospan D

Physical and mechanical properties isospana D:

- breaking load prod. / Trans. N / 5cm: 1068/890
- resistance to vapor permeability m2hPa / mh: not less than 7
- water resistance: 1000 mm water column
- UV resistance: 3-4 months.

Izospan D finds its application during work, in order to preserve the internal parts of the house and insulation from the influence of water vapor accumulating inside the room. It should be noted that the installation of Isospan D, like other types of Isospan, is easy enough, which in itself provides a good, constantly growing demand for this modern insulating material.

When laying Isospan D on an uninsulated roof of an inclined shape, the material is cut directly on the rafters. It does not matter which side of the insulator is mounted to the surface. Isospan D canvases are laid horizontally, with an overlap.

Work starts at the bottom of the roof and continues upward. The joints formed during the laying of the material are connected with a special adhesive tape. The stretched, ready-to-use material is fastened vertically to the rafters with wooden slats and carnations.

As you can see, at very good characteristics, modern insulating material isospan it is quite simple to use and does not require any special skills and knowledge when installing it. But the functions that Izospan undertakes will ensure the reliability and durability of your entire thermal insulation system. Watching the video.

Is a line of polypropylene nonwovens designed for steam and waterproofing structures.

Izospan protects structural elements and insulation from:

  • rain, snow and wind;
  • moisture generated inside the building;

Isospan is used in structures:

  • roofs;
  • insulated walls;
  • attic floor;
  • floors on a concrete base;

The nonwoven fabric manufacturing technology is fully automated. But at the same time, quality control is necessarily carried out at each stage.

Izospan has a hygienic and fire certificate. Also, the products have been tested for compliance building codes and GOSTs. As a result, a GOSTSTROY certificate was issued for it. Izospan has no analogues among similar domestic products.


Isospan B, C, D, DM characteristics:

When choosing vapor barrier materials, you must pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Water vapor permeability.
  2. Strength.
  3. Density.
  4. Water resistance.
  5. UV stability.

Isospan A has the highest vapor permeability (3000gr / m2 / day), but it has the lowest water resistance index (330 mm water column), which makes it possible to use it only on roofs with an angle of inclination greater than 35 °. But nothing prevents you from using this material in.

Izospan AS and AD have a vapor permeability coefficient of 1000 and 1500 g / m2 / day, respectively, but they are favorably distinguished by a water resistance index - 1000 mm.w.st. As a result, they have become the main materials used in roof insulation.

If it is expected that the roof will remain uncovered for some period of time, it is necessary to use Isospan AQ proff. He alone has UV stability for 12 months.

Isospan D's best tensile load is 1068/890 N / 5cm, but it has the lowest vapor permeability - 3.7 g / m2 / day. This allows the material to be used as a temporary roof for 3-4 months.

Isospan B has a vapor permeability of 22 g / m2 / day, and a rupture rate of only 130/170 N / 5cm. In this regard, it is necessary to involve qualified specialists in its installation and not leave the material in the open air.

Izospan C is an intermediate option.


  1. Polypropylene film with a smooth top and fleecy bottom. The villi are necessary to trap condensing moisture and prevent it from rolling onto Decoration Materials. Installed in front of the insulation in such structures:
    • insulated roof;
    • walls;
    • overlapping;
  2. Laminated fabric with a smooth and fleecy side. Due to the increased density, the field of application of this material is expanding. It is used:
    • On unheated roofs, as moisture insulation.
    • In ceilings (including above basements and attics), as a vapor barrier.
    • In floor structures.
    • V concrete screed as a hydro-barrier.
  3. Polypropylene fabric laminated with a film. Izospan D is widely used as:
    • Additional moisture insulation on unheated roofs.
    • Vapor barriers for any structures requiring protection from water vapor.
    • Waterproofing layer in the screed.
    • Temporary roof.
  4. Diaphragms marked A, AS, AM, AQ proff protect the insulation from getting wet, weathering and drain condensate from the roofing or wall cake into the drainage system. Benefits of using:
    • Remains of moisture trapped in the insulation layer from the room are easily removed.
    • The likelihood of penetration into thermal insulation material atmospheric precipitation.
    • It becomes impossible to weather mineral wool.
  5. Membrane A. The polypropylene membrane has a smooth water-repellent side and a rough, condensate-retaining side. A membrane of this type has a low coefficient of water resistance, therefore its main purpose is to protect the insulation on the facade.
  6. Izospan AS, AM, AQ proff. AS, AM are a membrane made of a vapor-permeable material and a dense, air-tight backing. Used to protect:
    • Frame-type walls.
    • Ventilated facades.
    • Insulated roof.
  7. Heat-reflecting vapor barriers FB, FD, FS, FX trap in the room the smallest particles of moisture and radiant energy. Advantages of using thermal insulation reflective films:
    • Heat loss through the building envelope is reduced.
    • Heating costs are reduced.
    • Eliminates the likelihood of mold formation in wet rooms;
  8. Steam barrier FB. Izospan FB is made of kraft paper, which is covered with a layer of metallized lavsan. Due to the fact that the material is environmentally friendly and can withstand temperatures up to + 120 ° C, it is used to insulate walls, roofs and saunas.
  9. Vapor barrier FD, FS. Izospan FD, FS is a polypropylene film reinforced with a metallized layer. Isospan FD uses a grade D vapor barrier film as a base layer, while FS uses grade B. Manufacturers recommend using the described vapor barrier for interior decoration:
    • steam room;
    • attics;
    • as a heat-reflecting screen;
  10. This material is polyethylene foam backed up with a metallized film. Polyethylene with a layer of bubbles is an excellent heat and sound insulator, and the metallized layer prevents heat leakage, retains steam and water. Izospan FX is the most cost-effective, safe and durable steam, noise and heat insulator. Its disadvantage is the maximum operating temperature - + 90 ° С, which makes it impossible to use it in steam rooms. It is actively used as:
    • Substrates when installing a warm floor.
    • Reflective screen for.
    • Insulation on mansard roofs in tandem with classic materials.

Use of reflective films to insulate walls and ceilings is possible only in rooms with forced ventilation, since these materials have zero vapor permeability.

Pros, cons and varieties

Heat reflective vapor barrier film


  1. Environmental Safety.
  2. Wide range of.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Reliability and durability.
  5. Persistence to the formation of mold.


  1. Low durability to the fire.
  2. Carries out its functions only when properly installed.

By appointment, the material is divided into three types:

  1. Steam and moisture insulating films.
  2. Moisture and windproof vapor permeable membranes.
  3. Heat reflective vapor barrier films.

The first type includes vapor barrier films of grade C, B, D that protect the insulation layer from moisture evaporating outward through the enclosing structures.

Benefits of using vapor barrier film:

  1. The service life is increased insulation.
  2. Reduces the likelihood of condensation and contamination of structures with fungus and mold.
  3. The possibility of penetration into the premises is excluded volatile insulation particles.


Installation diagram of isospan on an insulated roof

To lay the material you will need:

  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • construction stapler;
  • nails;
  • wooden slats;
  • Scotch;

Isospan laying on the roof:

  1. Roof insulation begins with fixing the vapor barrier film(B, C, D) to supporting frame or to the rough skin.
  2. Fix the material with staples or galvanized nails. For additional sealing, the seams are fastened with special tape isospan SL or KL.
  3. The sheets are rolled horizontally in the bottom-up direction. An overlap of 15-18 mm is made between adjacent canvases.
  4. During installation, you need to monitor the tight fit of the film to the insulation.
  5. Over thermal insulation A, AS, AM, AQ proff.
  6. Isospan A is fastened with antiseptic locks to the rafters nails or self-tapping screws, so that a gap of 5 mm is formed. Izospan AS, AM, AQ proff, on the contrary, should fit snugly to the insulation. Therefore, it is attached to the rafters with staples or galvanized nails.
  7. Installation starts from the bottom of the slopes. Along the slope overhang, the membrane is inserted into the gutter. The canvas is rolled horizontally, making sure that there are no distortions. It is important to secure the material with an interference fit. The permissible sagging is no more than 2 cm. The canvases should overlap each other by 15 cm horizontally, and 20 cm vertically.
  8. So that condensation can evaporate, in the area of ​​the ridge and in the lower part of the roof, ventilation holes are provided.
  9. Over the vapor barrier membrane mount the crate.

Izospan will perform its function only if it is properly laid. The fleecy side of the material should face the room, and the smooth side should face the insulation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that Isospan A is the most affordable material, but its installation, due to the need to create a ventilation gap, is more expensive than the cost of stronger and more durable analogues.

Wall insulation:

  1. For ventilated facades Isospan A and AM are suitable. In cases where there is a possibility of fire, use a material with OZD.
  2. The membrane is fixed on top of the insulation with the smooth side out. The sheets are rolled out so that there is an overlap of 10 cm.
  3. Isospan is fastened along the building frame with staples. On top of the vapor-permeable membrane, the locks are vertically fixed, on which they are attached facing material... To prevent the effect of acoustic pops from appearing during operation, there should be no loose and sagging sections along the entire length of the canvas.
  4. To remove moisture, the design necessarily provides for ventilation gap at the bottom of the casing. Izospan is laid so that the moisture accumulated under the casing drains into the drainage system.

Izospan is a membrane film used during construction to protect load-bearing surfaces from wind, moisture and steam. The material differs in characteristics and technical properties depending on the type and purpose.

Isospan insulation is made of polypropylene, resistant to mechanical stress, low and high temperatures, mold and mildew. The film is characterized by a long service life and environmental safety.

Isospan vapor barrier is used to insulate roofs, walls, and is used in elements attic floors, is laid on concrete floors under cement screed and flooring... The films are divided into 4 groups - A, B, C, D, each of them is used for a different purpose.

The building material has undeniable advantage- this is versatility in use and ease of installation. The vapor barrier is certified, complies with the GOST of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation.

Waterproof film

Izospan, which protects structures from wind and moisture, is presented in several modifications:

  • Vapor-permeable isospan A - the technical characteristics of this type of material make it possible to use it to protect frame walls and roofs from wind and atmospheric moisture, condensation. WITH outside the film has a smooth, water-repellent coating. The back surface is porous and promotes the removal of vapors from fibrous insulation materials.
  • Isospan AS brand has the form of a three-layer, vapor-permeable membrane film with increased water-repellent properties.

  • Izospan AF protects against wind and moisture, does not burn. This type of film is intended for use when insulating buildings made of flammable materials.
  • Two-layer isospan AM has high water-repellent properties, thanks to the additional layer, the possibility of damage to the material during installation, construction works... Recommended for furnishing pitched roof and load-bearing structural elements, insulation of attic floors. The film ensures the removal of vapors from the insulation, protects the room from weathering and accumulation of moisture from under the roofing space.

The difference between the films is in the density of the material, breaking capacity, vapor permeability and hydro-repellent properties. The most dense is isospan grade A and AF (110 g / m²). The AS film has the maximum water resistance, and the AF version is the least vapor permeable.

Metallized films

Izospan with a metallized layer is designed to reflect infrared radiation, thanks to this property, not only protection from moisture and wind is achieved, but also excessive heating of the building in hot weather is excluded.

  • FD polypropylene film is used for laying a protective layer during insulation of roofs and walls. The material is highly resistant to tearing and mechanical damage.
  • Isospan FX foils are used as a base for infrared heated floors.

  • Isospan FS modification is budget option, has a lower density. At the same time, the material retains steam and waterproofing properties. The film is also used as an infrared screen.
  • Izospan FB has a high vapor resistance, is designed for the isolation of baths, steam rooms, saunas and other rooms with high temperature and the accumulation of condensation. Buildings must be equipped with mechanical ventilation.

The difference between metallized films is density, tensile strength and vapor permeability. The thermal reflection coefficient is the same for all types of isospan in this group.

Vapor barrier films

A type of film designed to protect external and internal surfaces from steam and moisture, has a laminated outer layer and a porous inner side. The special structure allows the condensate to be collected and does not allow it to evaporate. Thanks to this, moisture does not accumulate on the walls, there is no steam in the room, the walls do not get wet.

  • Isospan C vapor barrier has high protective properties, can be used for insulating unheated rooms as a substrate for laminate flooring, insulation under the roof. The film is able to prevent even leakage in places of loose installation and installation defects of the roofing.
  • According to the instructions for use, Isospan B is used to protect mansard roofs, insulation materials from moisture, steam, fungus and mold. The material prevents the penetration of vapors from the inside of the room, and also insulates the living space from the penetration of particles of wall and roof insulation. Suitable for vapor barrier of premises made of any building materials, installation of attic, interfloor and basement ceilings.

  • Universal isospan D has a high density, is able to withstand significant mechanical stress. The film is used in all construction elements to protect roofs, walls, floors and wooden floors in attic spaces. This material can be used in the arrangement of flat and pitched, non-insulated roofs, foundations, basement structures.
  • The DM modification includes vapor barrier, moisture resistant, anti-condensation and heat-reflecting properties. This type of isospan has a wider scope than brand D.

The innovative material is the RS and RM type of Isospan film. Their distinctive feature is an additional reinforced layer of polypropylene mesh. Due to this, the breaking capacity increases, the blade can withstand high mechanical loads.

In the construction of frame walls, isospan B is used, the material is laid on the inside of the mineral wool to the supporting elements of the frame using a stapler or nails. The film is fixed with the laminated side to the insulation, the panel overlaps from bottom to top with a margin of 15–20 cm. For greater tightness, the material is fastened together with a special Isospan SL tape. On top, galvanized profiles are mounted to strengthen the drywall with a ventilation gap of 4–5 cm.

For the construction of a non-insulated pitched roof, Isospan D is used, which provides waterproofing of structures. The material is laid on wooden roof rafters which side to lay the film on does not matter. The web is fixed starting from the bottom pitched roof, in the horizontal direction, with an overlap at the joints of 15–20 cm or more. It is recommended to glue the seams with isospan KL or SL double-sided connecting tape. The vapor barrier is fixed to the rafters with a construction stapler. A plank flooring is mounted on top for further laying of the roofing material.

Instructions for the use of isospan B in the construction of a pitched insulated roof: the film is strengthened from the inside of the insulation on wooden rafters. The smooth side should fit snugly against insulation material, the rough surface remains at the bottom. Installation is carried out from bottom to top, horizontally styling. The sheets are fixed with an overlap with a margin of at least 15 cm at the joints. Double-sided adhesive tape provides additional tightness at the seams. In places where isospan contacts metal, concrete and other surfaces, the surfaces are glued with one-sided ML proff tape.

For the installation of attic floors, a vapor-permeable hydro-, windproof film AM or AS is used. The membrane is laid on top of the insulation with the light side inward and fixed with a stapler. The overlap of the panels should be at least 15–20 cm. Counter-battens and a floor covering are laid on top of the isospan.

Izospan is a versatile building material that can be used to protect walls, roofs and floors from moisture, wind, internal steam and condensation. Films have high wear resistance and long service life.

Izospan is a non-woven building material that is used to insulate residential and non-residential premises. In addition, it is essential for moisture and water resistance. This is especially important when creating a plan for a house with an attic and a garage, which must be properly insulated with water and heat.

The reader will find out in this article what types of isospan exist, what advantages this material has.

Izospan: material characteristics

Isospan film is now very common for construction market... It is used as the first barrier layer during the installation of insulation: it excludes the ingress of moisture on the main insulation layer of expanded polystyrene or other insulation. The material consists of pure polypropylene, is completely synthetic, therefore it does not completely absorb water. When creating an insulation plan, Izospan should be taken into account in the work.

Attention! Izospan is recognized as very effective material for insulation of attics, garages, one-story buildings.

An attic is an attic space that can be used for storage or living space. The roof itself becomes the walls of this room, which should be well insulated. Izospan insulates and protects against moisture and wind, maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the attic and the whole house.

Similarly, isospan coating is used to insulate garages and other one-story non-residential premises:

  • protects metal from corrosion, wood from decay;
  • prevents the formation of condensation and moisture insulation, which reduces the thermal insulation properties;
  • reflects air currents, protecting the room from cooling and drafts;
  • maintains a stable indoor temperature, does not release heat.

The following advantages of isospan can be distinguished:

  • waterproof;
  • durable and environmentally friendly (does not emit harmful impurities);
  • has high elasticity;
  • protects from ultraviolet radiation;
  • protects from the wind;
  • does not release, reflects heat;
  • withstands high pressure;
  • durable (lasts about 50 years);
  • retains its properties in the range from minus 60 to plus 80 degrees Celsius.

In terms of creating comfortable conditions inside living quarters, Izospan plays important role, especially when arranging a house with an attic, garage and other one-story extensions in the Russian climate.

Varieties of material, their technical features

Now quality manufacturers create pure polypropylene and a film from it using technological equipment, controlling the quality of production. Domestic companies are opening in Russia that offer building materials similar in quality to foreign companies and more favorable in price.

When choosing products, you need to focus on the availability of quality and safety certificates from Isospan. Famous manufacturers coordinate their production plans with legal requirements.

Now, when decorating houses and non-residential premises, 4 main modifications of isospan are used, which have their own characteristics.

Izospan A

This is a film (membrane) that perfectly waterproofs and helps to remove moisture, its vapors, from the insulation. This modification is used to protect against wind and water, increasing the service life of the insulation. It is used for insulation of private houses, attics, garages and any other premises.

This isospan is resistant to mechanical stress and pressure, completely neutral to biological effects (mold, bacteria, etc.). Can stretch:

  • longitudinally by 190 mm;
  • transversely by 140 mm.

The material is fixed from the outside of the insulation as an additional barrier. For example, when insulating the attic, it is mounted on the roof with an overlap in wide strips.

Important! The smooth surface should remain outside, the film itself should not come into contact with the insulation material. Otherwise, Izospan will not be able to waterproof the room and insulation with high quality.

It is necessary that the membrane lies flat, does not protrude, swell or sag. Izospan A is fixed with wooden slats and nails.

Izospan A can be seen in the photo:

Izospan V

This modification perfectly blocks the way for water vapor, which makes it possible to exclude the impregnation of the insulation with steam.

Important! When creating a garage plan, it can be very important to avoid moisture build-up in the room where the vehicle is stored.

Izospan B is two-layer, used:

  1. On pitched roofs.
  2. On the walls: external and internal.
  3. To preserve the floors in the basement, attic (attic).
  4. In garages and other non-residential premises.

The vapor permeability index is 7, the material can also stretch: in the longitudinal direction by 130 mm, in the transverse direction - at least 107 mm.

Each layer of this material has its own functions:

  • the fleecy layer retains moisture and condensation;
  • the smooth part allows you to firmly fix the film with insulation.

Unlike the previous modification, Isospan B is mounted on the inside of the insulation. Fixed from bottom to top and overlapped. In order for the film to capture vapors, condensate, there must be a free space of at least 5 cm above the fleecy layer.

The appearance of Izospan B packaging can be seen in the photo:

Izospan S

It also consists of two layers, but is used to protect an insulated roof, floors between floors, floor insulation. Possesses high strength.

The film is used for steam and water insulation:

  • non-insulated pitched or flat roof;
  • frame, load-bearing walls;
  • wooden floors parallel to the floor;
  • concrete floor.
  1. Installation of non-insulated roofs (slopes) is carried out with an overlap (with a depth of about 15 cm), and is also attached using wooden battens. When arranging the attic of a house, this material perfectly insulates the room from moisture from the environment.
  2. If we talk about wooden floors, then here the film is attached directly to the insulation with a small free space from the floor (4-5 cm).
  3. When insulating a concrete floor, Isospan C is placed directly on the floor and pulled together on it.

Izospan C can be seen in the photo:

Izospan D

This modification is very durable, capable of withstanding a lot of pressure and stress. It is used for finishing roofs. In terms of waterproofing and protection against condensation, it perfectly withstands even a large crust of snow on itself.

Great for arranging the attic of a house or garage in regions with heavy snowfall. Material protects wooden structures and non-insulated roofs. Izospan D is insulated:

  • flat and pitched roofs;
  • concrete floors and ceilings at the level of the basement of the house.

High strength of the film allows you to protect living space from wind and moisture, even in cases where the roof is permeable to moisture.

It is also overlapped horizontally in strips, fixed to the roof rafters of the house with slats. Installation on a concrete floor is similar to the previous modification of Isospan, because Isospan C and D are in many ways similar in their characteristics.

Izospan D can be seen in the photo:

The main modifications are described above. building material, there are also varieties of these modifications that have different densities or additional qualities, for example, fire retardant additives, which give a large fire safety and protect against fire.

Also, manufacturers took care of the creation of additional Supplies, which allow you to isolate seams and minor damage. It is about Isospan adhesive tapes - these adhesive tapes allow you to isolate the seam lines, uneven surfaces... Enough to working surface was dry and cleaned - Isospan FL, SL scotch tape will provide good impermeability to such places. There is even a metallized tape with a high durability.

Important points for the installation of isospan

In the instructions for the use of isospan, the following points can be highlighted:

  1. Laying this insulating material does not require any special knowledge, it can be done by hand, taking into account individual characteristics membranes.
  2. The sales kit always comes with instructions, which must be read carefully and acted upon. For example, if you fix isospan reverse side, then all the work will be meaningless - no isolation will happen.
  3. Fastening to a tree is carried out with a stapler, one should not forget about sealing the seams, possible cracks using Isospan adhesive tape.
  4. When a heat-insulating film is mounted, the metallized part should look inside the room, and the laying work itself is done joint-to-joint, without overlap. The seams are also sealed.

Izospan allows you to make life in your home comfortable and warm. The use of this foil in the basement or in the attic extends the service life rafter system, wooden floors, creates a stable microclimate in living quarters. Insulation of the garage from moisture and condensation, allows you to keep the room dry and safe for metal coating car and other equipment.

Modern technologies greatly simplify the arrangement of your home. Approaching the issue responsibly, each person will not be aware of the problems in their home for a long time!

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Modern construction requires innovative integrated approaches at all stages, including when arranging wind and vapor barriers. Reliable protection structures from wind, moisture is impossible without materials belonging to brands well-known in the construction world. Izospan is one of the new generation building materials used at construction sites throughout the country.

What is Izospan?

A person, for the first time faced with the construction of any structure, begins to analyze the building materials on the market. Questions arise about Izospan: what is it, what is it for, what are its features?

Vapor barrier Izospan on this moment represented by a fairly wide range of films and membranes. They are designed to extend the life of thermal insulation in buildings. of various types... At the moment there are more than 14 of them. All brands can be divided into 4 large groups: A, B, C, D. They include many varieties, each of which has its own characteristics.


All varieties of this building material are designed to isolate structural elements from moisture, wind or steam. It is used to protect all structural elements: roofs and facades, walls and floors, floors. Izospan's properties allow it to be used both in small-scale construction and on large construction projects. The specific scope of application depends on the variety.

Application Izospana A makes it possible to protect the internal parts of structures and thermal insulation from moisture, excluding the accumulation of condensate. These membranes are impervious to moisture and wind on one side, and the other side allows you to remove water vapor. It is mounted with outside insulating elements. How this is done can be seen in the photo and video.

main feature Izospana B- vapor permeability. The structure of the coating differs depending on its purpose. The side to be mounted to inside thermal insulation - smooth. And the part that will face the room has the smallest villi. These fibers will retain moisture. It is used to protect interior walls, insulated roofs, floors, interfloor or attic floors.

Reviews indicate that Izospan S in many ways it is similar to the previous version, but it is more reliable. Therefore, it has a higher price. It is based on an ultra-dense polypropylene sheet, capable of effectively protecting structural elements from capillary moisture, steam, condensate. This type of product is used to protect "cold" type roofs, frame walls, floors in wet rooms. This material is able to isolate building construction from the negative effects of the atmosphere, even from snow in places where the roofing elements do not fit tightly.

Specifications Izospana D allow us to classify it as a universal variety, capable of protecting from both internal and external influences. It is used in the arrangement of flat and pitched non-insulated roofs, floors, foundations, basement floors. Differs in special durability, UV resistance.

Technical characteristics of Izospan

Vapor-permeable waterproof and windproof Izospan membranes:

Vapor-permeable waterproof and windproof Izospan membranes with fire protection:

Izospan vapor barrier waterproofing films:

Izospan vapor-proof reflective heat-insulating, waterproofing and vapor-insulating materials:

Reflective insulation Izospan on gas-foamed polyethylene foam NPE:

Technical characteristics of Izospan mounting tapes:

Features of the new varieties

Relatively new developments are such varieties as Rs and RM... The difference between these films is that they are reinforced with a polypropylene mesh. This makes it possible not only to serve as protection against steam, moisture, but also to withstand the breaking stress.

Stamp materials FS, FD, FB and Fx supplemented by the ability to use infrared radiation to enhance thermal insulation. This is a great opportunity to develop energy conservation. But they have drawbacks. These varieties do not provide for the passage of steam, so they can be installed exclusively in rooms with mechanical ventilation.