Garage equipment inside. Arranging a garage with your own hands - a functional and beautiful "motorhome"! Oil and water separator

The garage should not only be a safe and reliable shelter for the car, but also a place where the car owner would like to spend time and, most importantly, it is convenient to perform all kinds of work related to the maintenance of the vehicle and not only. The interior arrangement of the garage requires a responsible, competent and balanced approach. Therefore, before taking on such work, be sure to read the proposed instructions.

The work on the interior arrangement of a private garage begins with drawing up detailed plan... From the beginning, you need to organize your work by clearly breaking it down into sequential steps. The plan will allow you to avoid many inconveniences, to imagine in advance what the garage will look like after the completion of the interior arrangement and to calculate the approximate costs of the work.

If you wish, you can make a plan not on paper, but with the help of a special software for computer. Modern applications give ample opportunities design and visualization. You will be able to immediately see how the room will look after finishing work on finishing and arrangement.

Drawings are drawn up in the following order:

  • the contours of the walls of the garage are drawn. Choose a convenient scale and outline the main dimensions every wall;
  • thought out interior layout... Make a note of the parking lot, different work areas, storage space for all kinds of supplies, etc .;
  • the zoning of the inner space of the garage is carried out and a kind of design project is created. Think about the best locations for installing a workbench, shelving, sink, and other necessary accessories, which will be discussed later.

When designing a garage, focus primarily on your needs. Do everything in a way that suits you, as long as the result is a cozy and productive work environment.

Pay special attention to the colors. The garage room does not have to be gray and inconspicuous. The best option is a light, cheerful color scheme with warm, unobtrusive undertones.

There are many design techniques, allowing you to visually increase the space and hide a variety of imperfections. For the rest, be guided by your individual preferences.

The choice of materials for interior decoration

Primarily materials for interior decoration the garage must be practical. Color and price are secondary issues. The finish should be beautiful, non-marking, easy to maintain and safe.

Among the basic requirements for interior finishing materials for the garage, it should be noted:

  • incombustibility. Choose materials that do not support combustion and do not emit toxic substances when heated;
  • resistance to aggressive effects of various chemical substances;
  • resistance to all kinds of mechanical stress;
  • unpretentious care;
  • resistance to various pollution.

When choosing between color and ease of use, focus on the second indicator. Wear resistance, long service life and whenever possible environmental Safety- all this should be present in the characteristics of finishing materials.

In a relationship colors be guided by your taste, because you will have to work in this garage and you should be comfortable in it.

What equipment must be present in the garage?

If an elementary wheel change can be performed using a jack and a set of simple tools, then for more serious work, the garage must be equipped with special equipment.

Thanks to this device, you can organize your workspace as conveniently as possible. The workbench is the most convenient and easiest to assemble from wood. It is recommended to lay and fix a sheet of metal on the working area in order to protect the tree from quick damage.

If possible, build a two or even three tier workbench. This setup will allow you to place maximum amount necessary things.

Car repair often requires application welding machine... For a garage, it will be enough to buy a simple carbon dioxide model that works with wire. A shielding gas tungsten electrode unit is also a good option.

Water-oil separating spruce

With this device you can clean the air from various impurities in the form of water, oil and other elements. The spruce oil separator provides invaluable assistance when painting a car. Thanks to this device the most uniform distribution of the coloring composition will be ensured.

Of course, you cannot equip a full-fledged sink in a private garage, but you can create basic conveniences. You just need to bring to the garage water pipe or at least a hose and organize the discharge of used water into the sewer.

Basic engineering systems

When interior arrangement of the garage, special attention should be paid to engineering systems such as drainage and moisture insulation. In the absence of these systems, the air in the garage will always have high humidity, which will not the best way will affect the condition of the car and, in general, everything that is in the room.

The work on the engineering arrangement of the garage begins with the installation of a drain. To do this, it is enough to fix the drain gutter in such a way that all kinds of moisture does not drain down the walls of the garage, but is discharged through the gutter.

Fit a shower vent at the bottom of the garage door and at the bottom of the vent pipe. Install protective grilles on the ventilation openings. For a small garage, this will be enough. In case your garage has large area, consider installing special fans to ensure maximum air exchange efficiency.

Arrangement of the entrance

V this moment you need to focus on the floor level. If the floor is above ground level, make a concrete blind area. If the floor is below ground level, arrange drainage system to drain moisture.

The most optimal and popular option for arranging an entrance is based on creating a floor with a slope of about 15-20 degrees. The resulting design will be comfortable, safe, efficient and functional. You will be able to drive into the garage normally, and thanks to the slope, the risk of icing will be eliminated.

The most important work on the interior arrangement of the garage

For the full use of the garage, it must be equipped with a comfortable and well-finished inspection pit.

First step. Insulate inspection pit. Special efforts and accuracy is not required when decorating this object. It is enough to attach the expanded polystyrene to the pit walls with special glue.

Second phase. Install portable lights for maximum comfortable work in the inspection pit.

Stage three. Make an air vent at the bottom of the viewing hole.

Stage four. Fit the cover to the size of the inspection hole. It is best to install the cover so that its top edge is flush with the floor surface.

If you have a cellar, pay attention to its arrangement.

First step. Make ventilation holes in the basement walls.

Second step. Lime the walls of the cellar.

Step three. Install comfortable stairs with a slight slope for descent into the cellar.

Work on the interior arrangement of the garage requires the mandatory implementation of thermal insulation. For insulation, mineral wool or foam is usually used.

First step. Fasten a frame made of wooden blocks on the surfaces to be insulated. Fasten the frame elements in increments of 1-1.5 cm less than the width of the insulation plates.

Second step. Cover the frame vapor barrier film and secure it with a construction stapler.

Step three. Place insulation in the space between the frame bars.

Fourth step. Cover the thermal insulation layer plastic wrap and secure it with a construction stapler.

Fifth step. Sheathe the insulated surfaces with the chosen finishing material.

For ceiling decoration it is most convenient to use lining or plastic panels... More a budget option- plastering. Walls can be plastered and painted, sheathed with siding, all kinds of wood paneling, drywall, etc.

You can simply align with concrete screed and treat with special protective impregnations. If there is a desire and available funds can be laid on the floor ceramic tiles or even equip a modern loading structure. In this moment, focus on your own preferences.

After insulation, proceed to work on the electrification of the garage. The main thing is to provide uniform illumination of sufficient power. Consider where the sockets should be. There must be at least two lamps in the garage: a common one and above a workbench. It is also advisable to install a separate lamp where the hood of the car is usually located.

For convenient storage a variety of accessories, install several or at least one cabinet in the garage. However, there is not always enough space and money to install a complete cabinet system. A more budgetary and ergonomic option for solving the problem of storing various accessories is to install functional shelving and hanging shelves.

Any place is suitable for installing racks and shelves. The most important thing is that the furniture does not interfere with your normal work in the garage and move around the room. The only important requirement is that the distance between the car and the hinged shelf must be at least 90-100 cm.

In the end, all that remains is to equip the garage with small pieces of furniture such as chairs and a variety of accessories at your discretion.

Thus, the internal arrangement of the garage, although it is a rather simple task, must be approached with the utmost responsibility and knowledge of the matter. Follow the recommendations received, and your garage will become the most convenient and beautiful.

Happy work!

Video - DIY garage arrangement inside

Competent arrangement of the garage inside with your own hands is a process that is carried out immediately after the construction of its walls and roof. At first glance, this is a fairly simple procedure that does not require a special approach. However, many car enthusiasts are lost when faced with the problem of how to equip a garage inside with their own hands. It is especially difficult for those who own a rather cramped room measuring 6 x 4 x 2.5 m. There is barely enough parking space in it. And I want to place spare parts, tools and various household items in the garage, the need for which arises from time to time. Let us dwell on the main ways of how to equip a garage so that it turns into a comfortable and multifunctional room where you can spend hours performing a wide variety of work.

Interior finishing options

The improvement of the garage must begin with its insulation and interior decoration. If this is not done, then dampness will be present in the room, fungus and mold will start.

Consider the methods and materials with which you can decorate and insulate the garage with your own hands:

    Floor... As a rule, the basis is used reinforced concrete slab... You can isolate it from the dampness and cold of the earth with foam or expanded clay of a large fraction. Do not forget about external cladding concrete. The best option is to arrange a warm floor, on top of which porcelain stoneware or corrugated steel sheets are laid. More fast way to prepare the floor for use is the polishing of the concrete and its processing with special penetrating impregnations.

    Walls... In order not to reduce the already small volume of the garage, thin finishing materials with low thermal conductivity should be used. Styrofoam covered with thick, waterproof plywood works well for cladding steel panels. Brick and aerated concrete walls better cover facade plaster... This material has decent strength and very low thermal conductivity due to the presence of special fillers and plasticizers in its composition.

    Ceiling... When equipping a garage with your own hands, you should remember that this is a fire-hazardous room. When choosing a material for lining the ceiling, you should focus on gypsum plasterboards... Above them can be wired and ventilation ducts... After installation on a steel frame, drywall is treated with a primer, putty and covered with acrylic paint. It is even easier and faster to build a steel frame, put slabs of stone wool and sheathe with corrugated board.

After finishing finishing works you can move on to planning the interior decoration of the garage. In this structure, its owner will have to spend many hours doing a variety of things. Therefore, equip the garage so that your stay in it is convenient and comfortable.

Functional area planning

Correct zoning in a garage is just as important as for any residential or office space. Its functionality will depend on how well the garage space is distributed. The optimal division of the area into zones will make it possible to place various wardrobes, racks, shelves and garage equipment.

Zones with the following assignments should be highlighted:

    Car parking... It doesn't have to be in the geometric middle of the garage. The machine can be parked against one wall or in a corner. The parking space should be chosen so that the nearest interior item is at least 50 cm. To avoid accidentally hitting the wall when parking, a strong wheel bumper is installed.

    Passage place... It will be equipped directly at the entrance. Do not place bulky items in this area that will obstruct the passage. The best option for arranging the passage area is to install a small hallway, which can be used to store outerwear, umbrellas, shoes, keys and documents.

    Quick Access Zone... This is a place that is easy to reach without using a stepladder or pushing bulky items away. It is advisable to equip it in the form of an open rack. Things that are used every day fit on it. These can be purchases from the store, groceries, towels and rags, dishes, necessary household chemicals.

    Space for long and thin items v. A small and narrow rack can be used to store shovels, brooms, scythes and other equipment used for work inside and outside the garage. Another storage device option is to equip suspensions above the entrance or against the far wall.

    Warehouse for large items... It is equipped in one of the corners of the room. This includes things that are rarely used or in a certain season. This can be a fake tree, camping equipment, or folding furniture to accommodate guests.

    Storage for fuel, oil and lubricants... A metal cabinet with sealed doors is best suited for this. Old refrigerators are a good option.

There should be a workshop in the garage. Every person has a hobby. In addition, a wide variety of tools may be needed to repair a car.

To combine the ability to perform diverse tasks, you need to install a wide workbench on which it will be convenient to work with any tools. So the craftsman will be able to use the interior space for making crafts, souvenirs and auto parts.

Garage tools and equipment

In order to carry out the improvement of the garage, you must purchase various devices and fixtures. Subsequently, they will be useful more than once for performing a wide variety of work.

The garage needs to be equipped with:

    Standard set of tools... This set should include wrenches of all types and sizes, a vise and a jack. It is advisable to purchase all devices from a trusted manufacturer.

    Workbench... You can make it yourself or buy a finished product the right size... In order for the workbench to serve for a long time, it is advisable to upholster its tabletop with sheet metal.

    Welding machine... It is better to have an electrical unit of sufficient power. Such equipment is completely safe; it can be used to repair a garage, restore gates and doors, and make cabinets and shelves.

    Air purifier... Such a device removes dust, the smallest particles of fuel and oil from the air. The cleaner is needed to ensure high-quality painting of the metal and create a comfortable microclimate in the room.

    Steel sink... Car maintenance involves removing many parts and cleaning them from oil, dirt and carbon deposits. It is advisable to install a hood above the tank in order to remove volatile compounds of oil products from the room. The sink must be equipped with a drain to collect dirty liquid.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on furniture. An equipped garage will only be considered as such if it has a sufficient amount of compact and functional furniture.

How to choose shelves and racks

The garage is in most cases a station Maintenance, warehouse and workshop at the same time. The abundance of various property requires quite a lot of storage space. And all this needs to be placed in a limited space. There are several options for arranging the room with furniture so that it does not interfere with free movement and the production of various works.

There are such solutions for arranging a garage:

    Closed cabinets under the ceiling... This technique allows you to make maximum use of the space that usually remains unclaimed. Lower part shelves can be used as a base for lamps, fixtures and LED strips... For ease of access, it is better to equip cabinets with sliding doors.

    Open shelves on the walls... Such devices allow not only placing a lot of property on them, but also quickly finding what you need, since everything is in plain sight. It is advisable to use prefabricated shelf models in order to be able to expand, reduce or dismantle them for cleaning and repair.

    Wardrobes... This is very comfortable furniture, which has proven itself well when used in cramped conditions. Roller shutters are an alternative to roller doors. They allow you to access the entire space of the cabinet, while taking away useful space.

Folding tables on casters will be a very useful accessory for the garage. They will complement the workspace when carrying out repairs, will serve as a gathering place for friends during their holidays.

Little design tricks

There are so many different things stored in the garage that motorists often forget where and what they have. In many cases, there is also a shortage of free space.

To expand your living space and avoid confusion, it is recommended to use the following techniques:

    Label all shelves, doors and boxes... Don't write directly on furniture. It is better to stick adhesive plaster or white masking tape on the products. The inscriptions should be made in black marker, in large block letters and without abbreviations. Such marking will greatly facilitate the search for the necessary property and streamline its storage.

    Use magnetic stripes... This is an inexpensive but very useful tool. It is convenient to attach tools and parts to it, which include iron. In the process of performing any work, tools, small parts, bolts and nuts are fixed on the magnetic strips. It is recommended to install magnetic stripes above tables, workbenches and near the entrance.

    Attach perforated panels to the walls... With these tools, you can keep your workplace tidy during renovation or creative work. It is convenient to attach an awl and screwdrivers, bolts and screws, hooks and scissors in the holes. Hangers and fixtures for lamps can be screwed into the holes.

    Hang a few transparent plastic containers ... It is convenient to store various repair tools in them or to use them as containers for consumables.

Almost every family has a bicycle. There are always certain problems with the storage of this vehicle. They can be easily solved by hanging the bike on a free section of the wall with hooks or hangers from the ceiling.

Garage ventilation and lighting

Quite often, motorists do not pay due attention to these issues. This is a big mistake.

High-quality ventilation allows you to rid the room of humidity, unpleasant odors and harmful vapors. There are options for supply and forced ventilation. In the first case, holes are made in the lower part of the gate and under the ceiling of the building. The holes are closed with a grill. Installation helps to increase traction chimney height 1-2 m. The forced system involves the installation of a powerful exhaust fan on the ceiling or in the upper part of the wall.

With regard to lighting, it is necessary to install several light sources. Depending on the size of the building, 1-2 lamps with a power of at least 400 W each are fixed to the ceiling. It is advisable to equip every corner of the garage with lamps so as not to look for the desired property in the dark. One luminaire should be installed above the tables and workbench. It is imperative to make a carrier for highlighting hard-to-reach areas.

Using these recommendations, you can equip any garage with your own hands with high quality, turning it into a convenient and comfortable room, adapted for carrying out activities of any level of complexity and just having a pleasant stay.

The garage is a second home for car enthusiasts. This building serves not only to shelter the car in bad weather, but also as a place for storing all kinds of tools; it is often the owner's "mini-workshop", where almost any repair can be done. Each owner equips his garage for himself. Some people are not very serious about the equipment of the room, and it begins to bring more problems than good. But still, most motorists try to adhere to certain requirements that are important to fulfill for more convenient maintenance of their car. So, arranging a garage with your own hands requires compliance with certain requirements.

Primary requirements

Arranging a room for a garage means that it will be warm and dry enough.

Your car should not freeze even in very severe frosts. If possible, you can provide a system for quickly warming up the garage.

It is very important to reliably protect the premises from intruders. When setting up your garage, remember that access to tools or equipment that will be located in the garage should be as convenient and simple as possible. Therefore, it is better to think in advance about the location of the storage locations.

In general, this is only the very minimum of requirements that it is desirable to take into account for your own comfort. You can also complement and equip the garage as you wish. additional funds for the repair and maintenance of your vehicle. A workbench with tools and a viewing hole can be a great addition to the equipment of the room.

How to install racks and shelves

For the most comfortable arrangement of the garage, a lot of space is required, and this is often a problem. The storage of working tools and equipment also takes up quite a lot of space. Therefore, at self-arrangement garage, try to adapt as much space as possible for shelves or cabinets, but so that they do not interfere with free movement around the room. The shelves can be hung wherever you will not cling to or bump into them, over tables, windows, shelves, and so on.

The distance to the machine when hanging shelves on each side must be at least 1 meter.

Quite often, it is convenient to equip a wall for various shelves and equipment, which is located farthest from the gate. It is there that the main working tools, a compressor, a workbench, and more are located. Everything is at hand and does not interfere with moving around the room.

A large number of shelves in the garage is a big plus, but it is also worth thinking about a small locker where you can hang work clothes and put some rags.

How to properly equip an inspection pit

The question of the presence or absence of a viewing hole is quite individual. First, you need to decide how high the need for arranging such a pit is. There is no point in equipping it if you often use the overpass on the street.

If you decide that you need such a pit, then you must take into account that the walls and the bottom must be concreted. The edges of the pit should be reinforced with iron corners. It is also worth considering what and how you will close the inspection hole during its non-use.

In the corner of the pit, a drainage hole is needed, all the water that accidentally falls down will collect in it. The hole must be made of such a size that it is convenient to scoop out the accumulated water from it. In order not to accidentally step into the hole during auto repair, it must be covered with a lattice.

Small equipment can be placed in the pit, which can be useful for repairs; niches can be prudently made in the walls so that it is convenient to put the used tool. Also take care of the lighting for the inspection pit, install a luminaire, or equip a place for a portable lamp.

Necessary equipment

A standard set of tools and a jack are enough for a regular wheel change or disk replacement, for carrying out the most common work under the hood of a car. But to fulfill more complex work- special equipment is required.


It is best to use wood and metal to make a workbench. It is best to cover the working area with a piece of metal, protecting the wood from rapid wear. It is better to make a workbench in two or three levels in order to arrange as many necessary things as possible.

For normal body repairs, a welding machine with either tungsten electrodes, which are in a shielding gas, or a carbon dioxide machine, which welds metal with wire, will be enough for you.

Such an apparatus is used to purify the air from vapors, oil droplets, water and other small particles that may be present in it. This is very convenient device, used when painting a car, and contributing to even distribution paints for metal.


Of course, this is not a professional car wash. And just about the one that everyone can equip in their garage. To do this, you just need to bring a hose or pipe for supplying water to the garage and drain it into the sewer. However, remember that electrical wiring and lighting will need more protection.

High-quality ventilation and lighting

It is very important to create in the garage high-quality ventilation, it will not only rid the room of unpleasant and harmful odors, but also protect it from the formation of dampness and excessive dustiness.

Ventilation holes are usually made on both sides of the gate at a low height and covered with grilles. The same holes are made on the opposite wall, but already under the ceiling.

Of course, the best lighting is natural, so if possible, consider having a window. If this is not possible, then make several lighting zones: above the work area, general and portable, with which you can highlight the most necessary.


An example of arranging a garage inside, you can see below:


Also, to equip the garage, you will need to buy metal tool cabinets, racks, workbenches and other garage equipment that will fit into the interior of the garage.

A garage is not only a place for a car, but also a source of invaluable additional space that can be used truly rationally if you design useful devices with your own hands.

DIY garage accessories

Since the garage for its intended purpose is a home for a car, you should be careful to ensure that the place for the tools is well organized. Also in the room there are probably several square meters in order to take out some of the objects from the apartment, so as not to clutter up the living space.

During installation various devices indoors, it is important to consider that all available equipment is at hand. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

The rational organization of space in the garage creates many tangible benefits:

  • it becomes possible to independently carry out small-term repairs of auto parts and other mechanisms, due to which you can significantly save money;
  • convenient placement of tools significantly speeds up the progress of work and saves time;
  • the creation of additional places for storing tools, old things, clothes makes it possible to unload the apartment from things that are rarely used in the household;
  • finally, well-thought-out internal logistics of the premises allows it to maintain its attractive appearance and avoid littering.

NOTE. At the stage of project development, it is important to proceed from the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room, as well as take into account several mandatory utility compartments - for storing summer and winter tires, cans, jacks, etc.

Video TOP of the best ideas for arranging a garage with your own hands

Garage rack: step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Since the garage always contains a lot of items, ordering their arrangement is a fundamental requirement for proper storage... The simplest and at the same time convenient option is to create a rack with shelves.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the installation of the structure, several important requirements should be taken into account:

  • The total mass of the rack should not be more than 4-5 centners - otherwise the structure will be very difficult to move if necessary. It will also press on the floor noticeably, which can impair the quality of the coating.
  • When choosing materials, it is important to proceed from considerations of strength and durability of the structure. Metal is optimal, as well as wooden crafts beech or oak. Plastic shelves not suitable - they are not durable and, moreover, may not withstand temperature changes.
  • Choosing between metal and wooden structure, you should proceed from your specific needs. Metal is more durable and stronger, but wood is more affordable. If you need to place a few tools, a small wooden rack is enough.
  • Since all tools are very heavy, the strength of the structure should be calculated immediately so that it can withstand at least 100-150 kg on one shelf.

Installation of a wooden structure

To make such a device for a garage with your own hands, you will need ordinary working tools:

  • hacksaw for wood and metal;
  • hammer, nails;
  • screwdriver, self-tapping screws;
  • construction tape;
  • construction level;
  • electric drill.

All wooden parts must be primed and varnished prior to assembly. In the garage, there may be high humidity or temperature difference - therefore, without processing, the tree will not last long.

Video - DIY technology for making a wooden rack

Installation of a metal structure

Metal structures are distinguished by their exceptional durability and strength. In addition, they do not need to be treated with special materials to prevent decay.

Metal can be used as a rack or separate structures, for example, for storing rubber.

In this case, you should take into account the rules for storing tires, which are schematically shown in the figure.

At the design stage of a metal rack, it should be taken into account that all the necessary items can be freely accommodated in it. You can take such a drawing as a basis.

Or this option.

The easiest option is to purchase a modular design and assemble it yourself. But you can make this device for the garage with your own hands. The sequence of actions is as follows:

The heaviest equipment is best placed on the lower shelves for optimal load distribution throughout the rack. At the same time, the best option is when the lower floors are made of corrugated metal, and for the upper ones it is quite acceptable to use strong chipboard.

Hanging shelves: quick and practical

Not in all cases there is a need to create a rack, since it will take up a lot of space. On the other hand, in a garage of any size, there is always an unused overhead space that can easily be occupied by hanging shelves.

Structurally, it is quite realistic to do with your own hands any version of such a device for a garage:

Of the tools, you will need a standard set described above. The sequence of actions is as follows:

If the shelf is mounted to the ceiling, you can strengthen its connection to the wall using metal corners - then the product will not sway and will last much longer.

The whole technology is shown schematically in the figure.

Manufacturing of a shelf-shield

The do-it-yourself manufacturing technology of such a garage device has its own differences compared to the installation of conventional shelves:

  • The shield itself is made of durable plywood, the parameters of which are selected according to the situation. Visually, the shield should completely cover the surface of the desktop.
  • Space is allocated on the board for all shelves and the corresponding notes are made.
  • Further, in the surface of the structure, all holes are made into which the dowels enter. It is on them that the hooks will be attached, on which all the tools will be placed.
  • The panel is fastened to the wall using brackets. The corresponding holes are made with a hammer drill.

All steps are shown schematically in the figure.

Toolbox above the workbench in the garage in-house

Garage workbench: step by step instructions

Another design that is likely to be needed for repair, plumbing and other types of work is a workbench. It can be purchased in the store, but if you have a certain skill, then it is quite possible to make such a device with your own hands and put it in the garage.

Before carrying out the actual installation works it is important to clarify several important details:

  • Where the table will be located.
  • What kind of work will be mainly carried out on it.
  • Which work surface material is suitable - metal or wood.

All these questions are closely related to the purpose of the product. If the work is supposed to be done often, then it is better to choose a durable metal. And for standard household tasks, a durable tree will do.

At the same time, it is important to understand that a workbench is not easy working surface... Often, it combines the function of a wardrobe, a small chest of drawers and even a metal safe - such a set of parameters depends on the specific configuration of the product.

Varieties of workbenches

The key classification of workbenches is based on the types of work that are supposed to be carried out on it:

At the same time, you can combine these functions, so this classification is largely arbitrary. The best option for this garage fixture Is a construction on metal frame with wooden surface tables and drawers. It is more reliable than a wooden counterpart, and allows you to save on manufacturing due to the fact that some parts will be made of wood. The surface of the table can be reinforced with a metal sheet - then the workbench will serve for a very long time.

Manufacturing technology of a workbench from a metal frame

To mount the structure, you will need a standard set of tools and materials:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder for metal;
  • building level;
  • jigsaw for wood;
  • screwdriver, drill;
  • self-tapping screws, anchor bolts;
  • hammer and nails;
  • metal corners with parameters 5 * 5 cm;
  • square pipes 6 * 4 cm, total length about 24-25 m;
  • steel strip 4 cm thick, up to 8-9 m long;
  • paint for wood and metal processing.

Such parameters are intended for the manufacture of a finished product with table parameters 220 * 75 cm, as shown in the figure.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Even at the design stage of the workbench, it is important to decide whether the device will be collapsible or whether it will stand permanently in the garage. In the case of a collapsible version, all parts are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the principles of technology will be different.

Manufacturing technology of a wooden workbench

A wooden workbench is less durable than a metal one. It is well suited for those cases when the work is supposed to be done not so often - several times a year.

To make this device for a garage with your own hands, you can use the same drawing that was given above, or take the diagram shown in the figure as a sample.

The algorithm will be something like this:

DIY garage tipper: step-by-step video tutorial

Along with the creation of the considered devices for the garage, you can also take care of making your own hand tools that you will need directly for car maintenance.

One of the most useful attitudes- a tipper for inspecting the bottom of the machine. The need for such a product is most relevant for Russian realities, since not in every case there is a real possibility of building a viewing hole.

Detailed video instruction with step by step scheme making

Before making such a unit, it is extremely important to consider the issue of safety. Even a light car, if dropped, can cause an accident and, at the very least, be seriously injured. Therefore, it is possible to take on the creation of such a structure only if there is sufficient skill.

Self-production of garage fixtures allows you to rationally organize the internal space and, in fact, get your own workshop, in which you can perform any current repair work.

Original ideas for organizing space in the garage

And finally - a photo selection visual ideas to create spacious structures from a variety of items that are sure to be found in any garage.

A garage is required for storing vehicles. But if it is properly equipped, it can also become a storage for tools and equipment, a pantry, a workshop. In this article we will tell you how to arrange a garage so that it becomes a comfortable multifunctional space with a stylish masculine design.

Process interior arrangement garage space should begin with the development of a garage layout. This is necessary in order to properly distribute the available space. The first step, of course, is to mark the place for the car. Then the location of the racks for storing all the necessary automotive equipment is determined. All the remaining space can be filled at your discretion.

At the same stage, it is worth deciding on the color of the finish. It is better to make the walls light so that the garage does not seem too cramped. In addition, light shades of the interior will smooth out the imperfections of the technical room. Against the backdrop of light surfaces, shelves with tools and spare parts will look less messy.

Finishing materials

After drawing up a simple project, you need to decide on finishing materials for walls, floors and ceilings. In this case, first of all, the specifications various finishes. But aesthetics are also taken into account, since the design of the garage is not the least important in its arrangement.

The main requirements for materials for interior decoration of the garage:

  • incombustibility;
  • non-toxicity;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • unpretentious care.


The most economical option for wall decoration is plastering. A well-applied plaster will last for many years. The main advantage of this option is the absolute Fire safety... Of the minuses, it is possible to note the duration of the plastering process and the need to involve qualified specialists in the process.


Walls for painting must be primed and putty. The result should be a flat surface with good adhesion. Often, water-based facade paints are used for interior decoration of the garage. They resist moisture and are highly abrasion resistant.

Acrylic paints are often used, which are suitable for working with any substrate. This paint can be used to cover a plastered wall, a wall made of bricks or, for example, concrete. This is the most economical paint option for garage walls.

Experts recommend painting brick walls facade paints deep penetration. They fill the pores evenly ceramic wall and concrete seams. The result is a reliable protective and decorative coating.

If the wall is concrete, it is better to decorate it with acrylic paint based on organic resins. In this case, the room will not lose the ability to self-ventilate, and the garage will always have an optimal level of humidity.


Ceramic tiles are used for wall cladding in any premises with high humidity and temperature changes. It is reliable and durable material easy to clean and low maintenance. However, tile finishes are rarely used in garages due to their relatively high cost.


The garage can be finished with wooden or plastic clapboard. Wooden one is distinguished by its increased flammability, but, despite this, many motorists choose just such a cladding option for their garages. Aesthetic appeal plays a huge role here. wood panels which make the technical room more comfortable for a long stay.

In addition to aesthetics, wooden lining is easy to use. You can easily hang a shelf or a hanger on it. Therefore, the number of garages designed in this way does not decrease. It's good that there is currently a risk of fire wooden lining in the garage, you can (and should) reduce it with the help of special impregnations.

Plastic panels, despite the fact that they are mounted in the same way as wooden ones, represent a fundamentally different finish. Plastic is a much less flammable material. But it has another significant drawback - it is very fragile. In a garage with such a finish, you cannot rely on wall-mounted equipment; all racks should only be floor-standing. Besides plastic lining it is very easy to be damaged mechanically.


Siding is mounted on the crate, just like the lining. For interior decoration of the garage, plastic or metal siding... Metallic is better in several respects - it is fireproof, immune to aggressive cleaning compounds, resistant to temperature extremes and strong enough.

The interior decoration functions of the garage are to design and protect the walls. Choosing a material option for interior design it must be remembered that it must be durable, reliable and aesthetic.

Ceiling decoration

The ceiling is often finished with the same material as the walls. It can be painted, covered with plaster, sheathed with siding or clapboard. And you can apply a different type of material and make a ceiling of plasterboard or profiled sheet.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most - from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".


The garage floor carries a tremendous amount of stress. In addition to the car itself, it must withstand heavy equipment. Moreover, in the process renovation works the floor is exposed to serious mechanical stress. Therefore, very high requirements are imposed on the floor covering.


The most widely used option is concrete casting. High-strength concrete is used for the concrete screed. Often the screed becomes the basis for laying one or another decorative material... But in a technical garage, just a concrete floor looks quite logical.


Wood floors can be installed in your garage as a temporary, cost-effective floor covering. Wood does not have high abrasion resistance, therefore it quickly loses its original characteristics. Wood planks not only deform under the weight of a car and heavy equipment, but also absorb all kinds of automotive fluids that are often spilled in the garage. But in a small garage that is not intended for repair work, a wooden floor can last for a long time - about 5 years.

Self-leveling floor

A cement-based self-leveling floor has characteristics similar to those of a concrete screed. But bulk mix more moisture resistant than concrete, besides, they do not absorb dirt. They are generally very attractive in terms of their technical performance. As a disadvantage, the high cost of such a coating option can be called. The self-leveling floor looks like wet concrete, and car owners who are annoyed by the glossy shine of the floor cover it with additional decorative material.

Porcelain stoneware

The garage floor can be laid with special technical ceramics with increased strength and anti-slip surface. This option is quite practical. At the same time, it provides attractive design the room, as it exists in various colors. But the ceramic coating can crack and split, and the seams between the tiles absorb fuels and lubricants.

Choice flooring is carried out taking into account many factors, such as the size of the budget allocated for the arrangement of the garage, the amount of work to be performed in the garage, the aesthetic preferences of the car owner, etc. Experts recommend the use of filling materials, since they correspond more than others to the operational characteristics of the garage.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of project development and installation of garages and other small forms on a turnkey basis. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.


A gate has a special function in the garage. It is necessary to choose the best option for the gate, which will fully meet the technical and aesthetic requirements of the owner.


The simplest view garage doors... Swing leaves are made of durable metal and reinforced with a reliable frame. In one of the doors, a doorway is usually made so that you can enter or exit the garage without opening the gate completely.


The recoil mechanism is very convenient. With it, the door leaf moves to the side along the fence or the wall of the building adjacent to the garage. This option is usually used when arranging garage buildings located at the entrance to the site.


They are single-leaf structures that rise up to the ceiling of the garage. A good option for small garage spaces. But the lifting line of such gates must be taken into account when thinking over the arrangement of the garage inside so that they do not touch the lamps or ceiling decoration.


They work on the lifting principle, but when opened, they are divided into sections and fold under the ceiling. They move along the guides using a spring mechanism.

Roller shutters

Convenient and inexpensive option gates that are in open position folded into a box above the opening. Roller shutters are installed in those garages that are located in a protected area, since this type of gate is easy to burglary.


The garage needs to have a good ventilated system. Otherwise, unpleasant car odors will accumulate in it. The easiest and most rational way to arrange ventilation is to do two ventilation holes on both sides of entrance gate at a low height, and two more on the opposite wall high under the ceiling.


Artificial lighting should provide enough light for renovation work. It should be especially well lit work zone premises. Modern design ideas for a garage involve multi-level lighting, including an overhead light, side light, and a set of portable lighting fixtures.

Storage system

In the garage, you need to store many items with which you can take care of your car. All this inventory should be arranged in such a way that order is maintained in the room, and that nothing threatens the safety of the car and people in the garage.

The best way to organize storage of garage accessories is to install special ready-made racks. Today you can purchase racks of various sizes and configurations. The main thing is to think in advance what kind of storage system should be in terms of size and number of shelves.

Instead of shelving, you can make a storage system from a set of shelves mounted on the wall. This option is only suitable for garages with solid, solid walls and appropriate finishes. When installing shelves or racks, remember that there must be a distance of at least 1 meter from them to the car.

Video description

Shelves and racks in the interior of the garage

The storage system can be supplemented with perforated panels. These garage equipment are wall panels with hooks and attachments for tools, work clothes, hoses, ropes and more. If you attach the panel to a secure bracket, it will become a great solution for storing tires, wheels and bicycles.

Video description

Perforated panel for garage

Observation pit

The inspection pit does not have to be in the garage. If the car owner prefers to independently inspect and repair his car, he can use the flyover installed on the street for this. If it is decided to make a viewing hole, several important conditions must be taken into account:

  • the floor and walls of the pit must be concreted;
  • its edges need to be reinforced with metal corners;
  • for a convenient arrangement of tools, it is advisable to equip niche-shelves in the walls of the pit;
  • the walls of the pit should be insulated with expanded polystyrene plates;
  • the pit must be closed with a lid, the upper edge of which should be flush with the floor;
  • to collect water that has fallen into the pit, a drainage hole should be made in its corner, and covered with a grate;
  • it is necessary to install lamps in the pit.

Video description

Options for inspection pits in garages


Like any technical room, the garage must be equipped in accordance with all norms and requirements. Moreover, it may well be interesting and attractive in design.