Propeller from the bottom of a plastic bottle. Do-it-yourself mole scarer from plastic bottles: step-by-step instructions, diagrams, photos

The invention of the weather vane is rooted in the distant past. Windmills were made of metal in the shape of animals or birds. In addition to indicating the direction of the wind, the weather vane was considered a talisman of the city from enemies. Now the product is used more as a decorative ornament, making it with your own hands from scrap materials. At dachas, many make a weather vane from a plastic bottle, not only for fun. Its sound and rotation scares birds away from the harvest.

General structure of the weather vane

Different weather vane differs in shape and material, but their general design has remained unchanged over the years.

The wind turbine consists of the following parts:

  • The body supports the rotating shaft. For metal structures, a pipe with two bearings is used. An ordinary wooden block can serve as the body of a product from a plastic bottle.
  • The protective cap is located on the axle. In shape, it resembles a cone and serves as an umbrella for the body, covering it from the rain. In addition, the cover serves as a limiter for the axle, keeping it at a certain height.
  • The axis connects the vane to the body. The upper part rotates on it from the influence of the wind. They make an axis with their own hands from a flat steel bar. Even a nail is suitable for a PET bottle.
  • The wind rose represents a cross made of stripes or rods with fixed letters indicating the cardinal points. Wind roses recognize the direction of the wind by the weather vane and arrows.
  • A vane is a rotating part. It is she who indicates the direction of the wind along the wind rose. For beauty, the weather vane is given the shape of a bird or an animal. The simplest design is made with your own hands from a PET bottle. The arrow serves as the pointer of the weather vane, and the counterweight is necessary for centering on the axis.

By the same principle, a wind turbine is made from a plastic container. If there is no need to determine the direction of the wind, the wind rose can be excluded from the design. And the protective cap does not play a significant role due to the lack of bearings.

Advice! By making a wind vane from a plastic bottle to determine the direction of the wind, the design can be improved with a gust measuring device. The device consists of a metal plate suspended by a rope from a weather vane. A scale is installed next to it. When the plate is deflected, the wind force is recognized on the measuring scale.

Self-production of a wind turbine from PET bottles

Making a windmill with your own hands from a PET bottle will not take much time. The hardest part here will be the process of cutting out the propeller. For beauty, it can be made from a container of a different color. For example, the body will be transparent and the propeller will be brown.
But first things first:

A DIY windmill is ready. It remains to fix it to the mast and set it as high as possible.

This video shows a musical weather vane:

What functions does a bottle product perform?

Weathervanes are most in demand by residents of coastal villages. For example, fishermen know the direction of the wind and determine if there will be a storm.
A self-made PET bottle weather vane installed in the yard can perform the following functions:

  • If you use your imagination, the weather vane can become an advertisement for the owner's activities. It is made by occupation. For example, a windmill made in the shape of a boot will help a shoemaker to make a sign.

Previously, people considered the weather vane to be an amulet protecting the house from evil spirits by rotating elements. If someone still believes in this, then making a talisman from a bottle will not be difficult.
This video shows a PET bottle spinner:

Installing a PET bottle windmill in the country will not take much time, but it will bring maximum joy to the children, plus it will add decoration to the yard.

Sergey Novozhilov is an expert in roofing materials with 9 years of practical experience in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

The mole looks like a cute, harmless animal, but it can cause destructive harm to a planted land plot. The mole lives underground and, breaking through the tunnels, damages the root system of plants.

The methods of dealing with moles are as follows:

  1. Ultrasonic scarers;
  2. They poison with food;
  3. Fall asleep holes for the exit of the mole outside.

Some gardeners use homemade traps. About, how to make a mole repeller yourself and which of them are more effective, described in this article.

Types of deterrent devices

All scarers, even homemade ones, are divided into 4 types:

  1. Mechanical. They are effective in that their parts generate noise and vibration when moving, scaring the animal away;
  2. Biological - capsules containing aromatic oils. Their smell is not tolerated by pests. This group also includes plants whose smell is not tolerated by moles;
  3. Electronic mole scarers. They are usually vibrating, powered or powered by batteries;
  4. Ultrasonic. They scare off small pests by emitting frequency sound waves. When hitting the ground, such sounds send a warning signal to the animal's brain.

Although the modern market offers a huge number of mole-repelling devices to choose from, home-made devices also enjoy considerable success. If you use home-made scarers in a comprehensive manner in the fight against a pest, then the land plot can be completely cleared of annoying animals.

Watch the video! DIY mole scarer

How to make a mole repeller from a plastic bottle

A plastic bottle is an indispensable versatile item used to create a variety of tools in the garden. It can be used to make an excellent tool against moles, the so-called windmill.

Method number 1

For making a windmill from a plastic bottle necessary:

  • large scissors;
  • plastic container for 1.5 liters;
  • permanent marker;
  • awl;
  • stationery knife;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • metal plates with a hole in the middle (washers);
  • strong stalk.

The manufacturing process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Use a permanent marker to mark the bottom of the plastic bottle. Draw a strip just above the bottom along the bottom border;
  2. Cut off the curly bottom of the bottle with a clerical knife along the drawn strip;
  3. In order for the spinner to rotate clockwise, the bottom of the bottle must be correctly marked. First, draw a line with a marker, draw it from the center of the bottom of the bottle to the center of any of the convex irregularities. Next, draw a line that goes from the center of the bottom and ends in the concave part. And thus we put markings all over the bottom.
  4. Cut out unnecessary elements with large sharp scissors. The result is a propeller-shaped device. Cut out the first element and then cut through one.
  5. 5 such parts must be removed;
  6. In the resulting bottom, in the center, pierce a hole with an awl heated on a fire.
  7. We put a washer on the prepared self-tapping screw and insert it from the inside of the propeller. After we put on it three more washers;
  8. We take the remaining element from the bottle. We make a hole in the lid with a heated awl and screw in a self-tapping screw there. This is how the propeller is attached to the plastic bottle. It is not necessary to screw in the screw all the way. The plates should rotate freely;
  9. Attach spinner to the support.
  10. Two holes are made on the neck and a small nail is inserted into them, which is then hammered into the handle.

The principle of operation of such a windmill is simple, gusts of wind, falling into the propeller, begin to turn it, and the largest element turntables revolves around the nail too. The washers generate noise, which scares away small pests.

Method number 2

This method requires fewer items to use. You will need a stick, pruning shears and a bottle:

  1. We make wide cuts in the walls of the plastic bottle from top to bottom;
  2. From these holes we make two more smaller ones perpendicular to the main one. One above, the other below;
  3. We bend the resulting elements to the sides, blades should turn out;
  4. We put the resulting mechanism on the support after making a hole in the bottom of the bottle.

The wind rotates the blades, creating a noise that scares away moles. Such devices are usually placed near the animal's burrow.

Advice! If you eventually manage to catch a mammal, it is worth remembering that it can bite painfully. To protect yourself from an unpleasant surprise, you should wear thick gloves or mittens.

Method number 3

For the construction of a structure to scare off moles, you will need elements from the second method, as well as a plate cut from the wide part of another bottle:

  1. In a plastic bottle, we will make slots 15 cm long;
  2. From the additional part, it is necessary to cut out the blades for the propeller of about the same length;
  3. The blades must be inserted into the holes to make a propeller;
  4. Several holes must be made in the lid and metal rods inserted into them. Then attach the device to the stick.

When rotating, a rustling is formed, accompanied by vibration. Hearing it, the mammal is frightened and feels discomfort, so it moves to another habitat.

Method number 4

Sticks should be stuck along the perimeter of the land plot, placing several supports in one place. They must be put on empty plastic bottles or beer cans.

In gusts of wind, plastic or metal will beat against each other, creating a noise that prevents the approach of a harmful mammal.

Method number 5

This is the so-called electronic mole repeller... It is made from a hollow metal tube. The scheme is as follows:

  1. The pipe is dug into the ground and an inexpensive electronic squeak from a battery-operated alarm clock is placed inside;
  2. At the top, the pipe is covered with a cloth so that the noise does not roll out around the neighborhood, and a cut-off bottle to protect the structure from rain.

The effectiveness of homemade devices

The mole is a blind animal. This makes his hearing and sense of smell impeccable. When constructing structures from simple elements, either ultrasonic mole repeller, or scarers that create noise and vibration.


It must be clearly remembered that moles live in families consisting of a couple of adults and several growing ones. Some families of moles unite. And the passages that they break through are several meters deep.

Moreover, each underground passage has several exits, which complicates the exact location of the family.

All of the above devices have been repeatedly tested by gardeners. And their production is inexpensive. Therefore, even when buying a modern device for fighting harmful animals, do not be too lazy to make a couple of homemade ones.

Watch the video! Wind turbine from a plastic bottle

Everyone loves the singing of birds, it is interesting to watch the snake in the circus and it is curious to look at the mole in the picture. It would seem, what do moles, birds and reptiles have in common? First, the bad thing: we don't like all of them as uninvited guests. Those who read this do not need to explain why. Now for the good: all these animals are afraid of noise!

Here I am: I suppose they didn’t wait?

Suppose that they cannot agree with each other and do not attack all at once. However, there are folk remedies that help get rid of all of the listed pests in the garden indiscriminately.

What to oppose uninvited guests?

Of course, progress has worked on this issue and offers a choice of ultrasonic repellents or chemicals. However, it is not a fact that these techniques will work in your case, but “money cried”.

Of course, you can record the scream of an eagle, the songs of cats in the spring and turn on all this "music" to the intruders. This is called a “bioacoustic unit”. Note that this method is good to use in a nature reserve. In our case, it is completely unknown who will not stand it first: moles, neighbors, or you.

So it makes sense to try to build a pest repeller from auxiliary materials with your own hands: moles, snakes and birds. If you can't get rid of uninvited guests, then the money will not be wasted.

Another "potential criminal"

The simplest skewer - a do-it-yourself noisemaker

The simplest thing is to make a turntable, which, spinning from the wind, makes noise. The vibration is transmitted to the ground through the stand and scares the animals away. Birds and reptiles also prefer to stay away from the unknown. It should be borne in mind that the "colorful ribbons" really have a "quarrelsome" character and may be offended by the unfriendly reception. For several days, in the case of snake fighting, it is best to wear reliable shoes and trousers. Here is a master class for making a repeller from plastic bottles:

Another option is to make a ratchet to repel pests in a summer cottage from a beer can. As follows from the photo, the design is about the same.

The bank will emit sounds of a different frequency, which can be useful in conjunction with already manufactured repellents. A few cans are also useful to simply slide over the metal pins that are stuck in the ground. They will add new sounds to the overall "symphony".

Beer can guarding the interests of the garden

We almost forgot about the "wind instruments". To control pests on the site, it will be useful to bury several glass bottles in the ground up to half. The wind will surely whistle in their necks that the pests will definitely hear.

Monument to a good drink and mole repeller in one bottle

Strategic bomber B-52 against moles

It seems to me that noise turntables from moles for pest control at their summer cottage do not look very aesthetically pleasing and can be improved. At the same time, children can be involved in useful joint activities. Based on this, we have invented together a three-engine plane to repel pests.

B-52 bombing positions of moles

To implement the idea, it took eight plastic bottles. A master class for making crafts is as follows:

Bomber - scarer of moles, birds and reptiles can be installed in the garden. We wish you a productive and interesting time. Let a specially selected video help you.

A weather vane is a special device used to measure the strength and direction of the wind. It has long since migrated from meteorological laboratories, where more accurate electronic devices have appeared, on the roofs of houses, becoming a successful and useful element of decor. Windmills in the form of exotic animals or birds with moving parts set in motion by a gentle breeze look elegant and always attract attention. Complex forged products are easier to buy or order from an experienced craftsman, and we will tell you how, if you have a creative approach and a plastic bottle with your own hands with a propeller.

The weather vane was originally considered a purely meteorological instrument, with the help of which scientists observed the speed and direction of air currents. But people, who noticed the useful properties of this simple device, began to make with their own hands from improvised means and install wind turbines on the roofs of houses. Over the years, the weather vane has not changed its design, which consists of the following elements:

  • Housings. The body is called the part into which the axis of rotation of the windmill is placed. It can be cylindrical or rectangular. For steel models, a piece of pipe is used as a housing, into which a bearing is inserted. For homemade wind turbines, the body is made of a wooden block.
  • Cap. The cap is a funnel-shaped or round piece that fits over the pivot shaft to protect the body from moisture penetration. In addition, it acts as a limiter, fixing the axis of the weather vane at the required height.
  • Axis of rotation. This is an indispensable element of the design of the windmill, on which the weather vane is put on. It is inserted into the body and rotates the weather vane due to the impact of wind gusts on the weather vane. The axis can be made with your own hands from metal rods, wire, sticks or even a nail.
  • Rose of Wind. This term is called a device for determining the cardinal points. It consists of two, cross-linked sticks or pipe segments, each of which points to a certain direction (gray, south, west-east). When the wind sets the weather vane in motion, the arrow points to one of the cardinal points, which helps to determine the direction of the gust.
  • Weathervane. A wind vane is called a rotating element of a windmill, which indicates the direction of the wind. It consists of an arrow and a counterweight and is fixed on the axis of rotation. A weather vane can be made in the form of a simple pointer, an animal, a bird, or a whole plot. It is made of galvanized steel, copper, wood, and the easiest way to make a weather vane from a plastic bottle with your own hands.

Note! Some models determine not only the direction of the wind, but also the strength of the gusts. For this, the weather vane is equipped with a hanging piece on a rope and a special scale. The suspension can be made from a metal plate or a piece of wood. This element is fixed to the weather vane. The force of the blowing wind is determined by the deviation from the vertical position using the scale.

Making from bottles

If you do not want to spend money on an expensive metal wind turbine, you can make it yourself from scrap materials, for example, from plastic bottles, which accumulate in a country house a lot. You can turn this activity into a fun workshop for children or enjoy the creative process on your own. To make a weather vane in the form of an airplane with a propeller, you will need 2 large bottles with lids, a wooden block, a long nail, wire, cardboard, a marker and a sharp stationery knife. The work is done in the following order:

Important! During the manufacture of the weather vane, make sure that all materials used are light and moisture resistant. A heavy wind turbine will not spin well in a weak wind, and a cardboard craft will quickly get wet in the rain. If you want the weather vane to accurately show the wind direction, it must be fixed at a height of at least 4-5 meters.

Windmill functions

A weather vane is an invariable attribute of seaside towns and villages, where the winds blow constantly, and knowledge of the direction of air movement is not useless information, but a means of survival. Sailors, fishermen and other people whose lives are closely connected with the sea install wind turbines to know if there will be a storm. A properly made and installed weather vane performs the following functions:

    • Helps to determine the direction and strength of air currents. This information is useful for going out to sea, for performing some agricultural work (sowing, treatment with fungicides and other chemicals). Helps to keep nature observation diaries.
    • It is a striking decorative element that distinguishes the house from its neighbors. The weather vane complements the architectural image of the home, making it certified and showcasing the individual style of the homeowner. Models with moving details, depicting plot paintings, immediately attract attention, and hand-made windmills from bottles or plywood speak of the owner's creativity.
    • Rotating parts and the sound produced by the weather vane will scare birds away. Some bird species are malicious pests that destroy the harvest of fruits or berries in a matter of hours. A weather vane made of plastic bottles or sheet metal, rotating, scares away uninvited feathered guests with the help of noise and brilliance.
    • A windmill can serve as a signboard, symbolize the occupation of the owner of the structure. For example, shoemakers often installed a weather vane in the form of a boot, millers in the form of a mill, and a hairdresser could make a vane in the form of scissors.

Interesting! In the old days, the weather vane was considered a powerful amulet that protected from the evil eye, evil spirits. Rotating parts, noise were supposed to confuse and scare away all hostile forces from the home. Even if superstition is alien to you, a beautiful weather vane can become a kind of talisman or family name.

Video instruction