What is the performance of the pump baby. Baby pump, varieties, segment of use

The convenient submersible pump Malysh will help solve the problem of supplying water to many owners of private households and cottages that are not connected to the water supply. The electric pump Malysh is not a powerful device for pumping water from artesian wells, but it will quite cope with the tasks of lifting water from wells, small wells, open reservoirs.

The lineup

3 main models are produced under the Malysh brand, which differ not only in technical parameters and in the intake system, but also differ in scope.

The standard submersible pump Kid has a lower water intake. These units are designed for:
pumping water from far located open reservoirs;
drainage of flooded basements and lower floors;
pumping water to a minimum level.

If the name has a K mark, then additional thermal protection is built into the design. That is, there is a thermal relay in the case, which will turn off the device in case of overheating. Such equipment can be left unattended for a long time without fear that it will burn out.

If the name is marked M, it means that the body is made of durable plastic. By default, it is made of aluminum. Without a doubt, the aluminum case is more durable, but it costs more.

The design of the Malysh-M and Malysh-3 pumps includes an upper water intake. The Malysh M pump is similar in technical characteristics to the basic modification. The device Malysh-3 has significant differences from it.

Top suction devices are used to draw liquids from wells / wells. In these places, units with a lower water intake may fail if they are not equipped with an additionally installed filtration system. Electric pumps with an upper intake during operation do not suck in silt from the bottom, which can clog the system.

Application area

The vibration pump Malysh has gained wide popularity due to its good technical characteristics, inexpensive cost and ease of use. Compact and not heavy (weighing up to 3 and a half kilograms), the devices cope with a wide range of tasks.

They apply for:
uninterrupted rise of water from wells / wells with an internal diameter of 8 cm to 11 cm and from any reservoirs in which the ambient temperature does not exceed 35 degrees;
for pumping liquids from a distance of 100-150m, which is quite enough to provide a small area;
pumping water from the tank to the water supply;
creating a water supply for agricultural or domestic needs;
pumping flood waters from flooded basements;
filling/draining pools.

Gardeners also include these electric pumps in automatic irrigation systems for tending horticultural crops or spraying shrubs using spray nozzles. The water pump Malysh works with liquids in which the amount of mechanical impurities does not exceed 0.01%. These models are not suitable for pumping more polluted waters, as the parts are subject to increased wear, which shortens the life of the devices.

Construction and connection

Vibration pump Malysh consists of a hermetic case, inside which there is an electric drive and a vibrator. The inlets of the models are closed by a valve. The operation of the device is based on the power of alternating current, under the influence of a shock absorber, which causes the armature and piston to oscillate, while simultaneously pushing water into the nozzle.

The reason for the popularity that the Malysh vibration pump deserves is also the fact that it can be used to create a full-fledged pumping station included in the auto water supply system. To do this, you will have to supplement the design of the pressure switch, a hydraulic accumulator and a check valve. The relay will help maintain the desired liquid level, as it will automatically turn on / off the pump when the water level changes. The pressure of the Kid will be quite enough even for the installation of an autonomous water supply system in a country house, which reduces the cost of organizing water supply.

Such a unit is highly reliable, largely due to the proven design. And if a breakdown occurs, then this is not a problem at all, because thanks to the wide distribution of spare parts, it is not difficult to repair the Malysh pump today.


It is very important to connect the Baby pump correctly. Its working position must be strictly vertical, without distortions. The submersible pump baby is fixed with a strong nylon cord, for which grooves are provided on the body. At the bottom of the unit, you need to hang a weight with a spring to dampen the vibration.

The pump body is separated from the casing pipe by special elastic cuffs or simply by a wide ring of dense rubber. Do not lower the electric pump on the wire, as it will resonate vibration, which will lead to wear of the fastening. There must be a distance of at least one meter from the bottom to the pump housing.

Pump Toddler Specifications

All modifications of the line work from a 220V household network. They can dive up to 3 meters deep. They are produced in several modifications differing in the length of the power cord, power and pressure.

In wells with a low flow rate, deeper lowering is acceptable. The water intake rate for all models is the same - 430 l / h.

Malysh, Malysh-M have a head of 40m - 60m, Malysh-3 - 20m - 25m.

Productivity increases when working without pressure up to 1 500 l.

Electric pumps also differ in size and power.

The power of the basic modification Malysh and M is 240W.

Dimensions in length - 25.5 cm, and weight - 3.4 kg. The modification Malysh-3 has a lower power - 185W, the length of the unit does not exceed 24cm, weight - 2kg.

Electric pumps Malysh and Malysh-M can be used to lift liquids from wells with a diameter of more than 100mm from a depth of up to 40m, and Malysh-3 is designed to work with wells with a diameter of more than 80mm and up to 20m deep.

Where to buy a baby pump

It will not be difficult to buy a Baby pump due to its widespread use. The price of such a device, depending on the modification, is in the range of 1500 - 3000 rubles.

Baby water pump has the following advantages:
The location of the suction holes at the bottom of the body in the electric pumps Malysh allows you to pump water from the bottom.
The location of the suction holes on top in the electric pumps Malysh-M, Malysh-3 allows you to operate the device without supervision, since the unit will not overheat.
Electric pumps can also be used for pumping clean drinking water.
They do not require maintenance.
Long service life.

Video about the pump Baby

Household electric pumps are used to provide water supply to personal plots and small farms. Universal submersible pump Kid can be optimally used in places with low water consumption. The name Malysh electric pump was due to its compact miniature size and light weight. Despite the modest power characteristics, the kid submersible pump provides a fairly good water pressure, depending on the feed height.

To provide water supply to summer cottages and household plots, as well as small farms, household electric pumps are produced. The universal submersible pump Malysh is rational to use at facilities with low water consumption. The product justifies its name with its compact size and low weight, not exceeding four kilograms. The engine of the unit is able to operate from a home electrical network, the voltage of which is 220 V. Despite the modest power indicators, the equipment provides a fairly good water pressure, which depends on the height of its supply.

Scopes of the submersible pump Malysh

Rural residents and summer residents use the Malysh water pump for various purposes, namely:

  • provide water to both residential and non-residential facilities;
  • supply water to gardens and summer cottages;
  • include in automatic watering systems that facilitate the care of horticultural crops;
  • provide spraying of shrubs and plantings using spray nozzles;
  • pump out water.

Important! These models of pumps should not be used for pumping heavily polluted water, as they are subject to rapid wear of the parts of their structures, which leads to a decrease in the service life.

This pumping equipment, manufactured by Russian manufacturers, has become widespread due to its reliability, affordable cost and unpretentiousness in operation. The lack of editing also played a role in this. After all, the pump is ready for operation immediately after immersion of its body in water.

Main technical characteristics

  • pump performance Kid is 432 l / min without lifting water;
  • cable length varies from 10 to 40 meters;
  • the diameter of the intake pipe must be at least 80 mm;
  • water intake, depending on the specific model, can be upper or lower;
  • rise in water pressure to a height of up to 40 meters;
  • motor power is not more than 250 watts.

Important! This pump is capable of pumping and lifting water not only from wells with a diameter of more than 80 mm, but also from open reservoirs and wells.

Installation of a household submersible electric pump Malysh

The figure shows schematically how the Malysh deep-well pump should be placed: in a well and in a well with a filtration casing.

Scheme of installation of a vibration submersible pump Malysh in a well or in a well

The principle of the device and basic repair

The device of the Malysh pump is based on the properties of electromagnetic oscillations, which are transmitted to the float valve, forcing the membrane to oscillate and thereby push water through. With the help of an automatic device, the operation of the engine is controlled, which is turned off when overheated, as well as after pumping the entire volume of water.

Pump models may differ in the location of the suction holes. or after pumping all the water. It is preferable to purchase a Baby pump with an upper intake, since in this equipment the electric motor is located below, and therefore it cools better. The suction hole, located on top, does not capture silt deposits and other impurities from the bottom of the water intake. Such equipment can work without problems in the immersed state for a long time at a water level below the suction holes.

A similar situation will not be tolerated by models with a lower water intake. Therefore, their work must be monitored, not leaving the switched-on equipment unattended for a long time. When buying, it is advisable to choose models with thermal protection that prevents the engine from overheating. It is possible to repair the Baby pump with your own hands in case of replacing leaky valves and other minor breakdowns. It is necessary to resort to the help of specialists if the product has not expired the warranty period, as well as when replacing a burned-out engine.

Submersible pump Kid with top water intake and thermal protection

Properly selected power, careful operation and compliance with the recommendations given by the manufacturer allow you to prevent breakdown of the purchased pumping equipment.

Buyers who are attentive to the operation of the pump are satisfied with its work and give the most positive feedback. You can choose the right pump model with the help of specialists who will help you install and connect it.

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H and today, domestic manufacturers are in no way inferior in performance to foreign firms. What's more, you can get a similar set of features for much less. Thus, now there is no need to spend huge sums in pursuit of "imported quality", because our equipment has ceased to lag behind foreign ones. For example, you can buy an inexpensive but high-quality Baby pump, the technical characteristics of which you will find in this article.

This unit is an excellent alternative to foreign manufacturers

Application area

Due to its versatility, the "Kid" pump can be used for a number of purposes, including the use of equipment on any subsidiary and farm enterprises, garden plots, and even summer cottages.

Taking into account the above, it is possible to single out the main tasks to be solved by this device:

  • Any irrigation work in fields, gardens and other agricultural areas.
  • Filling or pumping water from various artificial reservoirs, such as pools.
  • The intake of water in a well or well, and its supply to the water supply system of the house.
  • Pumping water from the premises in case of emergency situations that led to flooding.

Thus, we conclude that the "Kid" pump, whose technical characteristics we are analyzing, is quite universal.

The principle of operation of the pump "Kid"

The principle of operation of this device is quite simple: it is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic oscillations. When the equipment is connected to the network, a special drive converts electrical energy into electromagnetic vibrations, which are then transferred to a valve that acts on the membrane and causes it to oscillate at a frequency of about 50 times per second.

It is thanks to these movements that pressure increases and water flows upward. These devices, due to their structure, react negatively to overheating, therefore they are always equipped with an automatic shutdown system, in case the water level drops below the level of the pump.

Pump "Kid": technical characteristics of various types, criteria for choosing a device

On the modern plumbing market, several types of the Baby pump are presented at once, each of which we will now consider in detail. Before choosing a water pump "Baby", the price of which is about 1-2 thousand rubles, carefully study each of them.

Classic pump "Baby"

The technical feature of this model is that it is capable of pumping water over quite impressive distances - about 100-150 meters, so it is often used to service large areas. Such a pump cannot function properly in a heavily polluted environment. Thus, the concentration of various kinds of impurities should not be higher than 0.01%. In addition, serious requirements are also placed on the temperature of the water - it should not exceed 35 degrees.

This model is basic and therefore lacks some necessary additional parts such as automatic overheating protection, filter and pressure regulating device. The classic unit cannot dive to a depth of more than 5 meters, and supplies water through the bottom valve.


This device, in terms of its technical characteristics, is absolutely identical to the basic model "Baby", but differs from it in that water is taken through the top valve. Thus, this model is perfect for transferring water in conditions of a high content of impurities and various kinds of pollution.


Such a device is an absolute analogue of the classic version of the pump with only one difference: it has a built-in overheating protection system. Thus, you can safely, if necessary, leave the site for a long time, and leave the unit unattended, be sure that everything will be in perfect order with it.


This model boasts significant structural changes compared to the classic version, but their prices, in turn, differ only slightly. We list the main modifications of the device:

Like the base model, this unit is not equipped with any filter, but this insignificant minus is easy to fix: just buy a regular filter on the plumbing market and install it yourself.

Model "Kid-3"

So, we have analyzed the types of pump "Kid", the technical characteristics of each model.

Pump Selection Criteria

Carefully read the criteria for choosing a device, because the correct operation of the unit depends entirely on the decision made.

So, you have to take into account the following indicators: voltage, performance, power, possible immersion depth and which valve is used to draw water.

The last point should be highlighted separately. Bottom intake devices are especially effective when used in wells or wells, as well as when pumping water from flooded premises. The disadvantage of using such models is the high probability of getting various kinds of debris into the body of the device. Thus, lower intake models are an excellent option for pumps for the “Kid” well.

Useful advice! When using a model with a lower water intake, do not be too lazy to install a filter for the “Kid” pump - this way you will limit the ingress of small particles and dirt into the device, and significantly extend its service life.

The pump with the upper intake is most often used to ensure the autonomous operation of the water supply, since it has a much better cooling system than its lower intake counterpart.

Useful advice! If the water pollution level exceeds 0.01%, we recommend installing an upper intake device. The difference in cost will be small, and you will see the improved one right away. Thus, the use of the "Kid" pump with a top water intake is an excellent solution for dirty water.

We connect the pump: proper installation and operation

Unit installation

In order to minimize vibration of the device, one end is tied with a medical tourniquet, or any other suitable material, and the other is fixed with a special nylon cord. To cushion the device in case of possible impacts against the walls of the tank, put a rubber ring on its body.

The pump must be installed in a vertical position not lower than the dynamic level. Also pay attention to the diameter of the hose: it must exactly match the pump, so the efficiency of the device will be maximum.

Do not connect the unit to the mains during installation and make sure that the cable connections are located outside the tank.


The baby is produced in Russia by several factories. An inexpensive device is used on farms for water supply, as a drainage or watering device. A characteristic feature of the tool is simple maintenance, low weight and the lowest cost in the segment.

Scope of application of pumps

The universal pump is used in farms diversely. Limits the use of the tool only power and pressure. The Malysh pump is used for pumping water mixed with sand or silt, but with a small amount of suspension.

Tasks performed with the tool:

  • lifting water from a depth of up to 40 meters;
  • pumping into tanks with a height of less than 4 meters, supply to the water supply;
  • watering the site with water intake from an open reservoir;
  • drainage buildup of flooded premises or pools;
  • to create a pressure when washing cars, buildings outside, paths.

For use in different directions, water intake is provided from below and from above. But for trouble-free operation, any pump must be equipped with a suction filter and automation, protection against engine overheating. Manufacturers of modern models guarantee the operation of the equipment for a year and a half. But in the farms you can meet the pump Malysh at the age of 25 years. The first models were more viable. The cost of the pump, depending on the configuration, is 1300-2500 rubles.

For permanent year-round use, a vibration pump can be installed without considering the consequences. Despite the rubber gasket, vibration during operation is transmitted to the walls of the casing, destroying it. Over time, a tool worth a thousand will destroy a well, the cost of which is measured in tens of thousands of rubles.

Device, principle of operation and water pumps

Vibration pump Malysh has a membrane chamber as a working unit. The membrane is an elastic jumper. The pump is powered by 50 Hz AC mains. Electromagnetic oscillations with the same frequency act on the core when changing the pole, causing it to oscillate in the axial direction. In this case, the core is connected to the membrane through a float. An increase in the volume of the water chamber creates a vacuum, water enters. When compressed, it is squeezed out through the valve. Structurally, the water inlet can be from above or below. The location of the intake determines the application of the pump.

The design of the water pump Kid is simple. But in order for the pump to work for a long time, it is proposed to equip it with automation:

  • dry running sensor that allows you to stop work in case of airing the chamber or clogging it with sand;
  • float switch that operates at a given level;
  • network voltage stabilizer;
  • thermal relay to prevent overheating of the pump housing;
  • check valve;
  • manometer;
  • hydraulic accumulator.

Tooling will extend the life of the unit, but will add installation cost. In some models, the necessary equipment is installed, and the richer the equipment, the more expensive the pump.

The vibration pump Kid has several modifications. The lower water intake is made on the Malysh and Malysh-K series. The pump can be used for pumping out containers with moderately dirty water or installed in wells and wells with an internal section of more than 100 mm.

The lower water intake means that in some cases the engine can run in air space and get hotter. Therefore, Malysh-K is equipped with built-in overheating protection. When using these devices, one should take into account the possibility of getting into the chamber of a large amount of sand in the lower holes with a small layer of liquid. Therefore, the Kid is installed a meter from the lower boundary of the water intake on a suspension. When pumping out of the tank, there must be level control, a float switch will not interfere.

For water wells, it is better to use pumps with an upper water intake, when the engine is at the bottom, it has better working conditions. The suction hole takes in clean, not turbulent suction water. With the same technical characteristics, the Malysh-M and Malysh-3 pumps have a smaller body in cross section. They can be installed in smaller diameter casing pipes.

Technical characteristics of the pump Kid:

  • productivity - 432 l / h;
  • pressure - 4 bar;
  • power consumption - 245 W;
  • weight - 3.5 kg;
  • outer diameter of the sleeve - 100 mm;
  • maximum installation depth - 40 m.

Malysh-3 has a weight of 3.2 kg, a cross section of 76 mm, while reducing network power consumption to 160 watts. At the same time, it can lift water from a depth of 20 m.

The Brook, a Belarusian manufacturer, belongs to the same category as the Malysh pump. The model of the vibration submersible pump Brook -1 corresponds to Malysh-M, with an upper water intake and with overheating protection. The pump body is somewhat more massive, 4 kg, section 98 mm, which allows it to be installed in casing pipes larger than 4 inches.

Brook-1M has a lower fence, this allows you to use the tool as a drain, for draining clean water pools. The cost of the Belarusian pump and its quality does not differ from the Russian model.

Complete set and operation of pumps Malysh and Brook

When buying a pump, it is necessary to determine in advance where to apply the equipment. So, if you need to supply water from the tank for irrigation, it is better to buy a Malysh pump with a lower intake. Then you can almost completely drain the tank. To use water for lifting from the depth, a device where the fence is taken from above is more suitable. When installed in a well, the vibration pump must be isolated from the walls with rubber cuffs. They dampen vibration, but make it difficult to lower and raise the structure.

The pump for water the Kid differs in instant start. In the factory, the minimum set includes:

  • pump;
  • hoses for watering and raising water from the horizon;
  • inlet filter;
  • spare parts, incl. necessarily valve, piston;
  • connection cable with a plug for a single-phase network;
  • user manual.

It is better if the product is manufactured at the sites of the CIS or in Russia. In a more expensive configuration, a nylon cord for deep mounting is provided. There is a thermal relay, pressure switch, protection against dry running. The wider the equipment, the more expensive the device.

Proper installation of the pump is important, the working position must be vertical, without distortion. The pump should be fixed with a strong nylon cord, passing it through the grooves. At the same time, a load with a spring must be suspended below to dampen vibration. The pump housing is separated from the walls of the casing pipe by elastic cuffs.

You should never lower the deep pump using wire, it does not dampen, but resonates vibration. This will wear the mounting and the pump may fall.

Pumps in this category are not designed for continuous operation. Careful handling of the device and repair can extend the service life. After the end of the warranty period, repairs in the workshop will become irrational. But parts are cheap and repairs are easy. If the engine is running, the housing can be easily disassembled, the installation sequence can be found in the instruction manual.

The universal pump will become an indispensable assistant in the country. When you leave, you can take it with you.

High efficiency combined with economy
- simple design, maximum work efficiency
- low price
- ease of launch and further operation.

Where can I use this brand of pump.

Water sources:
- as a submersible vibration pump for a well, while taking into account its diameter, debit (how much water a well can produce per hour).
- as a submersible vibration pump for a well, while taking into account its depth, water level.
- any body of water with sufficient water level.
Water consumers:
- drinking or technical water supply of a small house.
- watering the garden or garden plot. For home, for summer cottages, for gardens, for greenhouses, etc.

How to choose a baby pump

In order to navigate in the model variety of the "Kids" pumps, we present a number of summary tables reflecting the technical characteristics of various modifications. This will help you choose and later buy this water pump with the necessary performance and design features to solve specific water supply problems.

Pressure characteristics

Flow-pressure characteristics are approximately the same for all modifications. It follows from this diagram that the higher the level to which water should be pumped, the lower the pump performance, and vice versa - the lower the lift height, the greater the performance.

Pump "Kid" with a lower water intake

Pump Toddler with bottom fence is the classic basic model. This household vibration pump is used to lift water from wells and wells. In this case, their diameter must be at least 100 mm. Also, this pumping unit can be used to take water from various open reservoirs, while the water temperature should not exceed 35C. So the water intake for this model is lower, you should control its operation, make sure that the water level does not fall below the water intake, which can lead to a “dry run” and overheating of the pump.

Its design features:

Lower water intake

Baby pump. Video.

Pump "Kid-3" with an upper water intake, pump diameter 76mm.

Producer - JSC "GMS Livgidromash", Livny

The household pump "Kid-3" is used to lift water from wells and wells. Moreover, their diameter must be at least 80 mm. Also, this pump can be used to take water from various reservoirs, the permissible temperature of the pumped ox is 35C. Due to its small diameter, it is convenient for use in narrow wells, but it can be used to pump water from any source. The upper water intake ensures constant cooling of the pump.

Its features:

Upper water intake
- the cable with the pump is connected monolithically
- ease of installation, launch and further operation
- a special filter is used to protect against solid impurities in the water.

Pump "Malysh-K" with a lower water intake, with thermal protection

Producer - JSC "GMS Livgidromash", Livny

The household vibration pump "Malysh-K" is used to lift water from wells, wells and other water sources. At the same time, their borehole diameter must be at least 100 mm. Permissible maximum temperature of the pumped water - 35C. An important detail - this model is equipped with thermal protection: if the pump overheats, it turns off. However, its mode of operation should be monitored.

Its features:

Lower water intake
- Complete thermal protection
- the cable with the pump is connected monolithically
- ease of installation, launch and further operation
- a special filter is used to protect against solid impurities in the water.

Pumps "Malysh-M" with upper water intake

Producer - JSC "Livgidromash", Livny

The Malysh-M pump is used to pump water from wells, wells, ponds and other water sources. Thanks to the upper intake, the pump housing is constantly in the water, which ensures its cooling during operation.

Its features:

Upper water intake
- the cable with the pump is connected monolithically
- ease of installation, launch and further operation
- a special filter is used to protect against solid impurities in the water.

Name Power, W Cord length, m Head, m Productivity, l/h Water intake
Pump "Malysh-M" 6m., (upper water intake) 240 6 40 950 upper
Pump "Malysh-M" 10m., (upper water intake) 240 10 40 950 upper
Pump "Malysh-M" 16m., (upper water intake) 240 16 40 950 upper
Pump "Malysh-M" 25m., (upper water intake) 240 25 40 950 upper
Pump "Malysh-M" 32m., (upper water intake) 240 32 40 950 upper
Pump "Malysh-M" 40m., (upper water intake) 240 40 40 950 upper

When choosing this brand of vibration pump, you should pay attention to the following technical characteristics:
- pump performance
- pressure
- cable length (it differs for each model)
- pump power
- upper or lower water intake.

Instructions for the pump

What does the price depend on

The price of the vibration pump "Kid" will directly depend on the technical characteristics and the length of the cable that is connected in one piece to the pump. The greater the performance of the pump or the length of the cable, the greater its cost.

We recommend as an inexpensive pump for a summer cottage or a small house. It can be used both for technical (watering the site, using water for sanitary needs) water supply, and for drinking. Small dimensions combined with low weight, but at the same time sufficient performance, ease of use - all these factors explain its popularity. Another important advantage is the low cost. Sales statistics in the spring-summer period confirm that this is indeed a small market leader in vibration pumps. Positive feedback from numerous customers confirms this.

Important! To extend its working life - we recommend using a special filter to prevent solid impurities from entering.

To prevent the pump from affecting the walls of the well, we recommend putting special rubber rings on the pump.

How to order and buy

Knowing what parameters a well or well has, it is not difficult to choose the right model of this pump.
By contacting our specialists, you will receive comprehensive advice and assistance in choosing the right model. We know everything about this pump. In our store you can purchase all modifications of this equipment with the required cable length. Upon purchase, a warranty card is given, after the warranty period, post-warranty service is carried out. In addition, a protective filter is always available.

If you need a Malysh pump in Moscow, we can deliver within the city. Pickup from the warehouse is also possible. For buyers from the Moscow region - delivery to the nearest suburbs.

For buyers from other regions, we can send the goods to your address by any transport company as agreed.

You can buy this equipment by making a purchase directly on this site, or by calling the phone in the Contacts section - our manager will take the order and arrange delivery.