Screen under the bath from the tile. How to make a screen under the bath with tile: Ways to independent arrangement The screen under the bath do it yourself from the tile

The screen is called a fencing, visually hiding all communications installed near the bath and under it. This design has both aesthetic and practical value: if there is a free space in the on-screen design, additional shelves are installed, in which cleaning products can be stored or cosmetics.

Finished, solid or sliding screens are sold in almost all building stores. They can be made of a wide variety of materials.

Most often used the following types of screen structures:

  • plasterboard;
  • puzzle plates;
  • mirrors;
  • plexiglass;
  • acrylic;
  • tile;
  • mDF or PVC panels.

One-piece (solid) screens are the easiest way to solve the problem with a non-psychic type of communications. Most often, it is facing the same tile as the walls in the bathroom, so the screen makes great fit into its general view.

However, solid structures have a significant drawback: they do not give opportunities if necessary to approach the water supply, and also do not allow domestic chemistry under the bathroom and different tools. If you need to change or repair pipes, you can only disassemble this design.


Plasterboard is the most affordable material from which the screen can be made. It is distinguished by a relatively small value and low weight, and it's not difficult to carve out the planned design from it. Most often from the sheets of moisture-resistant drywall make a solid screen structure, and then finish it with a tile.

Independent manufacture of plasterboard structures

Not all homemade masters know how to make a screen for a bathtub from drywall do it yourself, and meanwhile it is not at all difficult and forces to any of them. Plasterboard on-screen structures are installed on frames from wooden bars and start the process from making such a frame.

Making a metal frame under the bath

To do this, it will take a ram with a square cross section of 4 cm, a metal corner and fasteners. First of all, all the necessary measurements should be carried out, after which the markup lines are applied onto the walls and on the floor, and then parallel to them lines shifted to the inner surface of the bath for 2.5 cm. Available wooden bar must be divided into four horizontal rails, two Of which they will be equal to the length of the bath, and two - width (the length of the rail can be less than 0.8-1.2 cm) and four vertical, equal height of the bath to connect the structure with the floor. If the bath has a big length, you will need a few more intermediates.

Installing the screen for the bath with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  1. Vertical rails are placed in the corners of the bath, horizontal are fixed at the top and bottom between them. You will need two such elements (one for each of the narrow sides) and another one designed for wide. In the details that are supposed to be installed near the wall, two holes should be done in advance for attaching to it.
  2. Attach parts to the wall and make all the elements of each other with screws. In order for the design to have greater stability, you can additionally attach its lower part to the floor.
  3. Moisture-resistant plasterboard, door loops and a latch made of metal will be needed for the manufacture of the on-screen design. First, measurements are required, and then, according to the results, it will be necessary to cut from a plasterboard sheet of the part (on the wide side of each of them leave a 0.56 cm size tolerance), not forgetting the need for the door device to access the water supply. Based on how the bath itself is located, the door can be arranged in any convenient part of the design: it is cut into the selected drywall part and is installed using a latch and loops.
  4. Plasterboard parts are fixed on frame racks with screws. After that, it is recommended to check the structure for stability.

It should be remembered that the specified method is suitable only for traditionally rectangular baths.

Screen with a curvilinear form

Those who are the winner of a round bath, also interest how to install the screen under the bath with their own hands. The frame for such a design is collected from profiles designed specifically for drywall. If you make the corresponding cuts on the profile, it can be given any desired form.

Making a non-standard bathtub

It is necessary to make two metal profiles that copy the shape of the bath, and then fasten them at the level of the upper and lower parts, leaving the distance equal to the width of the drywall. If the finished design is planned to be fermented with tiles, then you need to take into account the thickness of the tile and the adhesive layer. Vertical rails are attached through the corners of the bath.

When the frame will be installed, the drywall is wetted with water and secured on the frame, giving it the desired shape.

Steel design for niche under the bath

Puzzle plates

In essence, the puzzle plates are building blocks that are connected between themselves structurally provided by the groove compounds. Before building the screen, the place of its installation should be projected from such plates.

The markup is applied to the surface of the floor using a plumbing (it is important not to forget to retreat towards the center of the bath at the half-meter). After that, on the markup, the screen is laid out of the plates. In addition to the groove connections, the plaster plaster (or adhesive adhesive tile) is laid between the plates) in order to continue to connect them between themselves.

The view from the screen from such plates is not presentable, so it is recommended to sneak it from above the ordinary tile.

Sliding type screen

A sliding screen under the bath allows you to use a free space under it for storing the necessary (and if desired - and unnecessary) things: powders or detergents, basins, buckets, materials left after repair, etc. In addition, it makes it possible to repair the most Bath or pipes at any time, since it will not be necessary to disassemble it as a stationary screen.

Housewives, characterized by increased cleanliness, also prefer opening screens, since their design allows them to be easy to wash the floors and sweep away dust from there and other trash. Such a screen can be purchased ready, and its height is easily adjusted independently.

Moving screens are easiest to make out of plastic panels, but sometimes they are made from other materials. Such screens are much more convenient to use, although it looks far from so elegant as solid.

Screen for baths of their plastic panels

Plexiglass screens

Plexiglas is great for complex bathroom conditions: its only disadvantage is a low level of strength. However, ease of care, durability and resistance to moisture, as well as the variety of colors presented in the range and textures are quite capable of compensating for this flaw.

Mirror screens

In addition to its usual destination, the mirror can significantly increase the small area and provide an additional and very spectacular light game. Mirror elements in the bathrooms are sometimes located in a wide variety of places, so the screens with a mirror coating under the bathroom look like more naturally.

However, making screens from the mirrors are impractical because they have brittleness, and plexiglass screens with a mirror spraying on the surface are much more appropriate in bathroom conditions. These moisture-resistant, easily washable and durable products do not deliver any problems and can become a real highlight of the interior.

Mirror screen under the bath

Acrylic screens

Acrylic baths are often sold along with screens made of plastic panels covered with acrylic. Universal such screens do not, but for each model, the bath is designed and produced its screen.

These screens are inexpensive, weigh little, while they differ in durability and look very carefully. Only a specific fastening mechanism can be attributed to their disadvantages, which allows you to install them only on a specific bathroom model.

Screens from PVC panels

Drawing and color design of panels can be selected from those that are in a particular store, and you can come up with your own design. Multicolored PVC panels look very original, and it is not difficult to close and open them. The screen of such panels can last long enough, if powerful mechanical effort will not be attached to it.

Screens from MDF.

The on-screen design from the MDF panels stylized under natural wood pattern, perfectly fit into the classic bathrooms and indoor rooms with Eco or Country style. Thanks to a large range of colors, they can be easily pick up so that they are perfect for furniture. In modern building supermarkets, you can find quite a lot of different models of screen structures from MDF, but they are usually suitable for the bathroom with typical sizes.

Screens from MDF are relatively inexpensive, but they look elito and noble. However, due to the low moisture resistance of this material, it should be calculated that MDF is deformed and swells, if not to handle the panel with a special moisture-repellent coating.

Installation of tile screens

Many not very experienced homemade masters are interested in how to make a screen under the tile bath with their own hands and mounted it. In fact, the process of installing such a design is not complicated at all. To begin, collect the framework and strengthen the foundation on it to which the tile will later be posted.

Screen under the bath from tile

It should be understood that it should not be small compared to the floor area of \u200b\u200bthe screen to neglect the tile layout. The layout should be thought out thoroughly, given those places on the screen where trims will have to be installed.

The floor or wall layout does not have to match the screen layout. This means that if a chess or classical tile layout is applied on the wall or on the floor, then the "kaleidoscope" or mosaic layout is performed on the screen.

For a frame, you should select the most lightweight material, which can be quite a sufficiently sustainable basis for having a significant tile weighing and create a rigid and solid construction. Best of all, plasterboard is suitable for the base under the tile, which allows not only to create a solid foundation, but also to provide all the necessary niches and revisions without much effort.

I welcome everyone on my channel. In this video lesson, I will talk about the installation of the screen under the bath from the tile, when repaired in the bathroom. For the construction of the screen, we will need: metal products 60 * 27 mm, guide profile 27 * 28 mm.

Although it would be possible to do and simply guides. If you think that guides and profiles, I will be mounted to the floor and walls of a dowel, drilling with them tiles, then no friends. In this video, I will show you a completely different option, how you can build a screen under the bathroom without unnecessary noise, dust, and, accordingly, without unnecessary holes in the tile, as the installation of profiles in the floor and walls will be carried out using the plumbing silicone sealant.

chinat, understandable, need from marking. We take to start the level and exhibit it on board the bath, according to a clearly vertical level.

Then, removing the size of the wall to the wall, cut off the first two guide profiles of this length.

And pre-degreased the surface solvent, applying a silicone sealant, glue one of the profiles, focusing on the label located on the floor.

Usually, for these purposes, I use transparent color. But specifically for filming so that you can be better visible - I used white color.

Then measure the side: cut off the desired length of the profile, and pre-inserting into the previous one, glue them to a clearly vertical level. If the silicone sealant rose along the edges from the front side, it is not necessary to touch it. When it dries, then it will be possible to remove all this matter with the help of a sharp cutter blade.

While the profiles are grabbed, I will do other things in the next room.

2 hours later. Now you can set the upper horizontal profile, which was previously cut off one size with the bottom. And then, the profiles 60 * 27 are exhibited between two these guides. Create these profiles with each other, both self-drawers and a rod.

But with the installation of the screensing frame under the bath - this is still not all. And now I will tell you another secret of high-quality and reliable mounting frame under the bath.

For this, we will again need profiles and silicone sealant. The essence is that it is necessary to increase the strength of the frame in the central part of it.

There was a couple of hours after drying the sealant. And this was done as follows: a piece of profile was covered with a vertical profile and with the help of silicone sealant was glued to the side of the bath.

The same with the top horizontal guide profile. As you can see, he also was tightly glued to the bath. But that's not all. To achieve a better quality of installation, still propening between the upper heading of the profile and the side of the bath, pre-moistened by these proper surfaces with a sprayer. Who does not know why this is done, then this is done, friends, in order for foam to adhere to the surfaces.

An hour has passed. Well, that's all, friends. Now it's time to sew all this business with a gypsum fiber sheet. First, measure, place and cut off everything too much. Before installing the prepared sheet, first lay the location of the profile of their central part on the floor or pencil.

Next, when installing a sheet, take care that the sheet does not come into contact closely with the floor surface, that is, it is necessary to leave a small gap into several mm between the sheet and the floor. Then, sticking the sheet to the metal frame, focusing on the labels located on the floor, put the lines on the sheet on the vertical level. These labels and will be landmarks for fasteners of a sheet to a frame using self-samples clearly in the central part of metal products.

Fixed GBL to the metal frame with such self-tapping screws.

As you can see, they differ from the self-tapping screws that are used with the fasteners of plasterboard sheets. These self-tapping screws, as you see, a cone-shaped head and double thread. These self-tapping screws are screwed into metal products, easily in a solid surface of the drying sheet, i.e. It is not necessary to pre-annoy the drill.

She pulled rightly flush with terns.

In my own case, I was still easier. I first braced them, and then brought and secured. Therefore, to laying the tile, in its case, I will start right now.

But first, it is clear, you need to prepare tile glue. Who does not know how it is done and never did, about everything about it manufacturers in all details are written on the back of the bag. In general, there is nothing particularly difficult in this.

Place how to cut the tile, where the hatch will be approximately located - very simple. We put the tile, given the gap for the seam. Next, we take a pencil and simply note the rear side with a pencil at the edges of the opening.

Next, these labels are transferred to the front part. Pre-sticking the greasy tape for it is better visible to the label. How it's done. It is done very simple: turn the tile, take the usual corner. I remembered the size, turned over and on this side were stated, and flashed.

When cutting the tile, be sure to protect your eyes, wearing glasses, or such a mask.

When laying the same tile, knocking on it with a queen or hands, as some do it - no need. Just make several such light movements and all.

The tile glue, applied by a grained spatula with a teeth of 6 mm, is thus blossoming into a layer of 3 mm. And for high-quality laying of the indoor tiles at an ideally smooth surface, this is the standard magnitude of the tiled glue under the tile.

The next day it will be possible to raise the seams.

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All rights to video belong: Repair with your own hands

After the shower room was repaired, a new plumbing was installed and the floor covering was laid on the arrangement of the room. The final stroke is the screen under the tile bath. It not only complements the interior, but also hides unsightly places under the bathing, masks communications. In addition, the partition allows caustic products or inventory from foreign eyes.

The screen under the bathroom under the tile gives space a finished look. In addition, if there are animals in the house, this design will be a good barrier to prevent unpleasant situations. Usually, when cladding the floor, the partition is also decorated with the same material, although exceptions are possible. To date, make the screen with your own hands - this is a reality, but you need to know how!

Currently, bath manufacturers make products that possess presentable appearance and high performance characteristics. The surface is often covered with a special layer - enamel. It usually has white color, however, may differ in other shades. In addition, the image of plumbers complement the legs supporting it above the floor. It is this space that causes concern.

You can close this gap using a special septum - a tile bath screen. This method allows not only to hide a non-sustainable appearance, but also an unsightly fork of bathing, if it is such. Separately, it is worth noting that the design will harmoniously look at the surrounding interior, as it is performed in a single style with the use of the same material, for example, ceramics.


Thanks to modern technologies, the screens for the bathtub can be made with their own hands for a relatively short period of time. In addition, the design options are quite large quantity. The main thing is to choose one that is suitable in appearance and functionality to this room, i.e. Bathroom.

Summary partitions are divided into the following types depending on the design:

  • deaf;
  • with niche for feet;
  • sliding;
  • with a revision hole.

Deaf or capital models

Are a product without any additional elements. These screens under the bath under the tile make it easiest way. Due to the absence of various parts, the partition is also characterized by its simplicity. The basis of this model is a deaf frame of monolithic material, such as drywall or bricks. All surface is decorated with tiles, hiding interval distance and communications.

With all its advantages, this method of finishing in practice is applied very rarely. First of all, it is due to the impossibility of operational access to sewage, if there is a flow. Therefore, it will be necessary to disassemble the masonry, and then again to collect it, which will require significant financial and physical costs. Thus, the deaf screen is best established in the absence of other options.

Audit-hole products

The screen is a slightly modified type of deaf partition. The main difference is the presence of a technological hole - the door or window. This option is more practical than the previous one. The revision opening opens access to communications located under the bath. It can be fully used to check or repair the sewer system. The window is often covered, however, it may be left open.

Sliding design

The next screen model for the bathroom is characterized by accessibility to communication systems. When facing a tiled with their own hands, the design becomes unnecessary to the cumbersome, so it is recommended to make a choice in favor of plastic. In addition, ceramics constantly affects its mass on the sliding frame, which reduces its service life. Thus, the tile is very rarely used as a shield on a sliding basis.

Screens with leg niches

It is best to make the screen with your own hands with a niche for the legs. This design is characterized by high functionality without prejudice to other parameters. Usually the bath is applied not only as a place for swimming, but also for laundry laundry, pets wash, bathing small children or other cases. It all will require an excessive tension, as it is necessary to stand close to the board of plumbing.

However, it is usually impossible if a typical blend screen is used, which leads to the need to lean even more. The load on the spine then significantly increases, creating additional stress and inconvenience. Therefore, the way out of the current situation is a niche for feet. It can be located in the middle of the design or in another convenient place, and also be throughout the entire length of the screen.

Build a screen yourself from drywall

To have a visual example how to assemble the screen with your own hands, you should disassemble the mechanism of actions on the example of the design of plasterboard. To do this, it is necessary to build a frame that is drawn up with ceramic tiles. In addition, you need to make a basis using various building materials. It is often recommended to use puzzle plates or moisture resistant plasterboard. The design is mounted from sheets with wooden bars or metal profiles. Stages:


Decorating the bath with ceramics occurs after assembling the plasterboard screen. This allows, without any extra effort to make competent laying of the tile, given all the possibility of coating. The tile fasteners on the surface of the product is carried out using conventional tile glue, however, liquid nails can be used for convenience. To properly install ceramic elements, you must comply with the following recommendations:

  • In the upper left corner it is necessary to attach the first tile, even its level.
  • With the help of special elements - plastic crosses for mounting, the gaps between the tile products are adjusted.
  • After performing the previous steps, the seams should be grown.
  • On the provided screen door, you also need to apply tiles.

These recommendations will help securely and effectively finish the screen in the shower room with their own hands. To date, almost every person can independently finish any model with tiled from typical products to designs with footrest. The protective frame allows you to hide an unsightly space with laid communications, and it is not difficult to access them in case of an emergency.

Video instruction

Open space under the bathroom has a not very aesthetic look, since there are pipes of sewage and water supply, fastening elements and other unsightly details. That is why such a place wants to close as efficiently as possible and beautiful. It is worth considering such wonderful devices in the interior as the screens under the baths, types and advice on their choice.


The screen under the bath completely covers the floor space before its board, can be made of various materials and have a different design. The main task is to hide the pipes and other functional details of the bathroom, cleaning products and economic utensils. In addition, it will protect the space under the bathroom and there are objects from moisture, steam and splashes. For example, dry abrasive powders used for washing and cleaning are afraid of a wet environment, and a reliable waterproof damper can effectively protect them.

The screen in the bathroom can be self-made, made of the same finishing materials as its walls, the floor - in this case, it seems to continue the interior of the room. There are options and finished products that can be purchased in building stores and easy to install yourself. The screen for the bath can be removable or non-removable, with dampers or opening doors, in addition, in design and functionality there are a wide variety of species.

The end screens cover the front part of the space under the bath, are made of plastic, PVC, aluminum or other light metal with a protective coating, have different colors. Most often they are solid - from the wall to the wall, prevent the slightest moisture from entering the inside and completely close internal communications. The protective screen can be non-removable, in this case, to access the pipes and storage of economic utensils, do the doors or dampers.

Licarnantly looks a bath screen with swing doors. They are usually planted on the hinge in the case, close with a latch or a lock with a tongue. Such swing doors not only have an excellent look, but also easy to use, with full opening it is convenient to repair pipes, easy access to the space under the bathroom. But more space is required for opening, problems may arise with a small area.

To save space, the end screen can be equipped with a sliding door. One or more openings for opening - closure move along a guide in the form of a metal rail. Access to the space under the bathroom is also very simple, such screens can be installed indoors with a small area. The simplest projects of such devices are made of plastic or polyvinyl chloride, but the screen can be mirror, metallic, wooden.

The folding screen under the bath has an original design and the ability to store in niches a set of attributes for washing. For a smooth opening, it must be equipped with a special mechanism with hinges and handles. Inside the folding dampers, it is convenient to arrange the shelves for shampoos, soap, cleaning products and other necessary items. The complexity of the installation of such a screen compensates for the impressive view and maximum comfort when used.

The removable end screen can be made in the form of a simple screen on the legs, close the bath on one side or from several. The advantages of such a design in the absence of the need to install, low-cost, can be removed in one second to remove the entire screen, providing convenient access at the bottom. But such a product will not be completely sealed - the slots between the screen and the floor remain.

Economical and easy-to-install option is a curtain screen, which can be made of waterproof tissue, plastic film, oilcloth or blinds. Usually, a well-strained fishing line is mounted under the border of the bath, and the curtain itself is rolling on decorative loops. It is possible to make such a screen alone from the girlfriend, it will ensure reliable protection of the space under the bathroom and easily open, providing convenient access inside.

For an angular bath or shower, there is an opportunity to make a non-standard project with your own hands. A similar screen will usually have two sides, a door or damper is created on a more accessible to access communications. The place of joints of the two sides is best to decorate a decorative plastic corner. Corner screens can be provided with swing or sliding doors.

The screen design can be a solid, repeating the interior of the walls. In this case, it uses the same finishing materials for its creation as for the bathroom. For example, when finishing the walls with a tile, the same tile can be located on the flap mounted on the frame from metal and drywall. Such a method allows you to achieve the most harmonious interior, but it is worth helping the hatch or door to access the bathroom.

In their form, such screens may be the following types:

  • "Deaf Wall" - a solid vertical damper covering the entire space under the bathroom;
  • the inclined screen - the floor closes the maximum, protecting it from steam and moisture;
  • with a notch for the legs - allows you to close to the bath for cleaning, washing and so on.

A multifunctional screen may be a very original and practical idea.It closes the floor under the bath, protects it from steam and splashing, plus it contains open shelves for accessories, cabinets with folding, swinging or sliding doors, and it also provides access to tap pipes. Having a set of necessary tools at hand, you can create a chic project of such a multifunction screen.

Pros and cons

The protective screen under the bath is worth purchasing or making yourself.

This is due to the number of advantages of these non-hard devices:

  • it effectively protects pipes, floor and other items under the bathroom, it is very relevant for the wet room;
  • the bathroom acquires a completely different appearance if available;
  • in addition to the damper, dust and dirt do not accumulate;
  • the screen will provide convenient access to communications with doors or folding hatches;
  • this accessory can be as functional as possible if you make it with your own hands and provide boxes and shelves.

From numerous reviews, you can allocate the main disadvantages of the screen under the bathroom. The main minus is the complication of access to the floor and communications, but above has already been described how to get rid of this problem. It is also noted that the floor with such a device is more difficult to wash, and the screenshots of the screen and the floor are the main foci of the mud accumulation. But with due care, it will not make problems in the bathroom perfect cleanliness.


For acrylic or cast-iron bath, you can set a screen from a variety of materials. Plastic models are the most common thanks to their cheapness, ease of carrying and simplicity of installation. For wet rooms, various polymeric materials are used, differing in coloring, invoices and patterns. The plastic panel does not rot, it is not deformed and can maintain its original view of several decades. The huge advantage of this material is that its surface is easily washed with a conventional wet sponge.

Plastic and PVC panels are installed on a metal-powered framewhich is attached to the floor, walls and sides of the bath. For doors, the steel guide rail is most often used, that is, in most cases sliding. If necessary, you can easily adjust the existing plastic sheets under the size of the bath, they can easily be cut in a conventional knife. The variety of this material allows you to choose screens for any bathroom design: under the tile, marble, monotonous or textures, light and dark.

Cheap, durable and lung is a metal screen covered with a protective layer, it is not terrible moisture. Most often occurs an aluminum option that is easy to close the niche under the bathroom. You can secure the screen from aluminum to ordinary anchors or screws. The simplicity of material treatment allows you to make openings for doors and ventilation holes. Like plastic, an aluminum sheet covered with a polymer coating can mimic a lot of more expensive materials, have different textures and colors.

Wooden screen under the bath will look very impressiveHe is recommended to those who love natural natural materials. From the tree it is easy to make any designs: swing or folding doors, shelves or lockers. Since natural wood is subject to moisture, it is necessary to process the details with protective varnish. The dignity is that the tree does not need special care, it is enough just to wipe its surface.

A glass screen for the bath looks as exquisite as much as possible. The only disadvantage of the material is recognized by its fragility. For beautiful design it is worth choosing a matte or translucent glass, with a rifer or a color tinge for the overall color of the walls and the floor. The material is easily clean, perfectly protects against moisture and is not afraid of high temperatures. To install the screen, it is best to take a thick missed mineral glass.

Mirror screens are expensive and complex in the installation, but they look gorgeous. Another of the advantages is a visual increase in space. Even in a small room, they will create a unique interior.

A practical and cheap option will be the installation of a protective screen from MDF.Of all the considered materials, they will have the lowest cost, but are not inferior in strength. Thanks to the laminated surface of the MDF panel, there are many colors and textures, can imitate any noble material. They are easy to care, it is easy to cut, you can create any type of doors. There are disadvantages - a small service life of 3-5 years and the probability of deformation in a humid environment.

Protective screens from tile or ceramics are very widespread, as the most durable and allow this part to fit into the interior. It is only necessary to purchase the same tile in advance that was used for lining walls and floor in the bathroom. The most practical option is to put the tile on the frame from metal products and drywall. For installation, moisture-resistant GLC varieties and conventional aluminum profiles are selected. Tiles are attached to any cement-based tile glue. When the project of this screen, you need to take care of the installation of opening doors or dampers and ventilation holes.


Finished products can be chosen in accordance with standard bathroom dimensions, then you don't have to shorten anything. There are similar products in a length of 120, 130, 140, 150 cm from plastic, PVC, aluminum and other materials. Almost all of them are equipped with sliding doors or removable hatches. If the size of the bathroom is greater, for example, in a rustic cottage, that is, the ability to purchase longer screens to 160, 170 and 180 cm or place the order of products with your dimensions.

The height of the finished screens is also done in accordance with the dimensions of standard acrylic and cast iron baths and can be 55, 60, 80 cm, and other options can also be found. The width varies from 50 to 80 cm. Models from many manufacturers are produced with adjustable height. Finally, there is always the ability to create protective screens with your desired size.


It is worth considering the most popular manufacturers of baths for baths that have positive feedback.

Manufacturer "Metakas"releases reliable screens with PVC frames and panels from cellular polypropylene. The view of the screen is very stylish, the models "Metakas" in their colors are stylized under the ice. The design has sliding doors with two sash, the length is 148 mm, and the height can be adjusted from 55 to 60 cm. It is possible to make models to order with color photo printing, while the solvent print absorbs deep into the structure of the plastic, it does not fade with time, and the screen You can safely wash, including cleaning agents. There are adjustable legs.

Russian manufacturer Alavann.releases practical and very beautiful screens under a laminated MDF bath. The three-dimensional coupe model has a size of 1470x520x50 cm, the height can increase to 60 cm. The device is equipped with elegant chrome-plated handles, can be installed directly to the floor or on the adjustable legs with a maximum height of 10 cm. The case, frame and doors are made of high-quality moisture resistant material, The product gives an annual warranty.

Face screens "Vanbok"Made from high-quality varieties of polyvinyl chloride, will help close the entire space under the bathroom with good sealing. Models have a length from 150 to 170 cm, equipped with sliding doors with chrome-plated handles. Their advantage is the originality of the design and a large number of trendy drawings and patterns on the panels. Products can be installed on the floor or removable legs, differ in the strength and ease of installation.

Bathroom Furniture Manufacturer Vod-OK It offers luxury models of screens that can fit even in an elite design. There are options for textures "Oak", "Wenge", "White" made from high-quality MDF. Doors can have 2 or 3 sash, be swinging or sliding. The models are equipped with elegant built-in chrome handles, there are adjustable metal legs. Presented options for various lengths and widths, it is possible to choose a suitable for any interior of the bathroom. The goods are warranty 2 years.

Emmy Bath Screens They are distinguished by high strength and unique design, which is suitable for any interior of the bathroom. The hulls are made of aluminum frame, and the walls and sliding doors from color laminated MDF. Materials are not susceptible to rotting, the development of fungus and mold, moisture and steam are not afraid. Models from producer Emmy "Malibu" have 3 sliding flaps with beautiful metal handles. Emmy "Blanca" protective screens have two wide doors, there are different sizes, 3 years warranty is given for all products.

Europlex Releases protective widths for baths from moisture resistant MDF. Frame and guides for sliding doors are made of durable aluminum, there are adjustable metal legs and chrome knobs for sash. There is an opportunity to choose any favorite design and coloring: white, beige, wenge. The laminated surface of the body is glossy and is very easy to clean. The height can be adjusted from 50 to 60 cm, various models are presented in length.

Goods "Hammer"represent the original projects of invisible hatches. In the closed form, the screen looks like a whole wall, without any unnecessary parts. The lid is very simple, providing access to the space under the bath. The goods are equipped with removable adjustable legs of chrome steel, there are various sizes. Screens "Hummer" have many coloring options, textures and design, suitable for any apartment.

TRITON panels Made of white acrylic, they will be mixed as much as possible with acrylic baths from the manufacturer of the same name. It is possible to choose the desired length from 120 to 170 cm. Triton screens have a deaf design, that is, completely seal the space under the bathroom, there will not penetrate moisture and dirt there. All goods are made in the original form with bulk embossed, the glossy white surface is easily mounted and protected from mechanical damage.

Santek bath panelsmade of different shapes and sizes, it is possible to install and corner options for this manufacturer. Screens have a deaf structure, completely sealed and have a bright white well-washed surface. For the manufacture use high quality acrylic, the products are very simple in the installation. In stock There are products from 120 to 170 cm long, quality assurance is provided with all products.

How to choose?

The selection of the screen depends, above all, from the size of the bath itself and the room where it is installed. It is best to choose the damper in full length so that all the sites are closed, the greatest tightness and protection against moisture and dust will be ensured. In addition, no extra details of the water supply will be rushed into the eyes. For urban apartments, standard planning specifically created appropriate dimensions. They can slightly differ in a couple of centimeters, it is easy to fix this problem, embedded with a sealant, silicone or rubber seal.

The finished screen for the bath with standard sizes is optimally choosing with opening doors, as no one is immune from the proposed pipes and sewage pipes, you may need access to them at any time. If the partition is solid and not removable, then in the event of an accident you will have to partially or completely dismantle it, destroying an expensive internal finish.

Removable screens or shirms on the legs are good with their easeThey should not be fixed and mounted to the wall and floor. Such options can be used as a temporary partition. It is optimal to buy portable screens for a bath on metal adjustable legs of plastic, polyvinyl chloride or aluminum.

For acrylic baths, it is best to select solid screens or deaf removable designs. They are suitable for all rectangular options, made of plastic or molded marble. Usually such products have a white glossy shade, which coincides with the surface of the bath itself. Many plumbing manufacturers produce their own screen partitions to the corresponding models.

For the traditional cast-iron bath there is the ability to choose almost any finished or homemade screen, the main thing is that it reliably protect the floor and fit into the interior. Strict stationary structures, such as profiles, drywall and tile, will serve for a heavy cast-iron bath with an additional support. It is important to make a spacious opening in it, through which it will be convenient to penetrate internal communications. It can be made in the form of a metal frame, a hole of the desired length is cut in the drywall, and a shield from plywood, MDF or PVC can be used for the flap.

For non-standard forms of baths, for example, angular, often unable to find on sale appropriate screens.Then they can be made according to individual projects. PVC panels are selected as materials, which are easily cut, they are put into corner or P-shaped aluminum profiles, swing or sliding doors are made. If you want to wash and at the same time have access to soap accessories: shampoos, gels, washcloths, then it is best to put the screens with the folding doors, then it is possible to get inside the objects, without getting out of the bath.

And it is also worth noting that some elite bath models have decorative legs designed specifically in order to be in sight. Such products are installed on the floor with finishing, communications are maximally hidden or the pipes with a decorative coating are used. In this case, the screens are inappropriate.


Most easily install the sliding screen supplied in the assembled form. Initially, the bath is filled with water, knobs are attached to the leaf doors, to the bottom of the case - removable legs. The screen is entered under the front side of the bath so that it is located strictly vertically. In the end, it is necessary to simply adjust the legs to the desired height so that the opening is completely closed.

A little more difficult to make the screen with sliding doorswhich is sold unchanged. First, it is necessary to place the floor and walls in places where the housing and guide rails will be. For marking, you need to take a pencil or marker, roulette and construction level. Then the guides and vertical parts of the frame are mounted on the line, the facade panels and sash are inserted inside, the system is adjustable in height so that the doors are free to slide horizontally. When this is done, then further installation occurs just as for the collected screen.

All these procedures also apply to screens with swing or folding doors, only the components differ. There is no guide metal rail, but there are ordinary door loops or brackets. Mounting such varieties either will not be much difficult.

With a non-standard bath form, or if there is a desire to create your own unique design, you can implement an independent manufacture of damper under the bathroom. To cover the tile, it is worth choosing options with a notch for the legs or inclined, such a choice will be very practical for a long time. For installation, you will need a certain amount of tile combined with decoration trim, tile glue, metal profiles, water-resistant plasterboard sheets.

For starters are placed and installed on the walls and floor P-shaped metal profiles.It is necessary to secure them on screws with dowels, the holes in the concrete are made by a perforator, the attachments are tightened with a screwdriver or a screwdriver. The frame is the transverse vertical ribs of stiffery with the help of metal screws. Then the desired piece of drywall is cut off and is attached to a metal frame for special screws. In the partition is made opening for the door.

When the vertical surface of the screen is ready, then proceed to decorative trim. The surface of the leaf of plasterboard is ground, the tile glue is divorced, the tile fit on the partition. In the end, you need to make the door or hatch and consolidate it on the opening. For finishing such a non-removable screen, a ceramic wall tile is usually taken, the size of the standard 15x15, 20x20 or 20x30 cm. You can choose a monotone coloring for the overall color of the bathroom and furniture located in it, or compound a stylish pattern. It all depends on the designer fantasy of the owner.

Very simple and without special financial costs can be installed under the bathroom protective curtain. For her, waterproof material is taken: oilcloth, polyethylene film or rubberized fabric. In the upper part of the canvas, holes are cut, in which metal or plastic loops are placed. Then it is necessary to pull the line on which the installed curtain will hang, it is possible to take a steel or nylon thread for it. It is stretched on screws that are attached from opposite walls adjacent to the bath.

A successful solution for the bath in an urban apartment or a country house can be the creation of a homemade screen from a tree. The dignity is that wooden rails are very easy to cut with hacksaw and put on nails. From the tools you will need only a hammer, saw and roulette. Wood breeds can choose different, the main thing is that the rails are well polished and covered with waterproof varnish.

The frame of a wooden screen can be made of the same tree or metal profiles, then you will have to fix rails on the metal screw. In the partition, swinging double binding doors on iron loops are easily installed. You can show your designer fantasy and make comfortable niches with shelves and cabinets in such a design.

Without difficulty, it is possible to make a removable screen of plastic sheets or PVC. Depending on the needs, one can be single, two- or trilateral. For rigidity, a frame of metal or plastic profiles is created, then the sheets are cut in size and inserted into the frame. From the bottom to the same screen it is easy to screw the adjustable legs. To create such a design, approximately 0.6 - 1.5 square meters will be required. M Least PVC and 3 - 5 robust meters of profiles. The advantage of the self-made screens from plastic consists also in the fact that on its surface you can create any beautiful photo printing.

Best options

For clarity it is worth considering some of the most interesting and beautiful screens for the bath. Construction of MDF with folding doors. Such a solution allows you to easily take the desired accessory from the locker, without leaving the bath. The project is very simple, you can collect it with your own hands using the laminated MDF panels by providing them with brackets and snap-down locks.

Decorative screen for corner bath. Claimed on a frame of plasterboard and metal-roll from tile, it is perfectly combined with the rest of the interior. The surface is durable, no moisture is afraid and is easy to clean. With this project, you can create a hidden hatch that will not disturb the integrity of the picture, and access to the bath can be made without dismantling.

Design of a beautiful lacquered tree. Easily mounted and simple in care, it looks very exquisite, combined with any furniture and plumbing. The housing with swing doors allows you to store inside household items. The tree always looks more nobly than cold plastic or acrylic.

An example of a bivalve sliding screen with photo printing. Plastic surface allows you to select any bright drawing, pattern, photo. Modern technologies give a resistant color, which remained for a long time. The material is cheap, so you can replace the picture at any time.

Comfortable multifunctional screen with shelves and cabinet. White surface is successfully combined with acrylic bath. Construction with swing doors Easy and easy to install.

The outer panel, which is installed on the outdoor bath, adorns the room and gives it some completion. Such a screen can be bought in the store plumbing - the choice is great enough. The lack of such products is one - they stand sometimes hardly more than the bath itself. But nothing prevents the fashionable detail independently. How to make a screen under the bath from tiles or other materials? This will be discussed in our article.

Why do you need a screen?

Before starting to do something, it is always useful to understand the goal. For many decades, the baths stood without any additional panels - and nothing. Even now, many owners neglect such "excess". It is really superfluous if you have a beautiful bath with elegant legs and decorative enamel on the outer part. And if it is worth the most common font - cheap, but rough. It is better to close the ugly bottom, but at the same time and hide the water pipes.

Other functions

In addition to a purely decorative function, this screen will allow you to arrange something under the bathroom like an additional locker, where you can store:

  • detergents;
  • various chemicals;
  • some tools.

Important! The screen under the plasterboard bath with their own hands or a brick partition, plywood is especially important if there are minor animals in the house. You definitely do not have to pull out from under the bathroom lost to the turtle or hamster faithful.

What screens do?

Panels that allow you to close the space for the fonts, differ from each other:

  • material;
  • montage;
  • type of construction.

As for the material, you can find the panels in the apartments:

  • from acrylic;
  • from plastic;
  • from plasterboard;
  • from plywood;
  • metal.

Ready models:

  • You can buy a screen from the ceramics that will be presented as ready. But it does not quite correspond to reality. The kit includes a frame and a set of tiles, everything else will have to be mounted by itself, and this is not much different from the manufacture of the screen completely.
  • Acrylic panels are easily attached, they are relatively durable, but they look not very impressive.
  • As for plastic, manufacturers offer quite a few options, but everyone has one very significant disadvantage - plastic is very fragile. In addition, poor-quality plastics is quite quickly destroyed, highlighting the substances harmful to health.

Homemade screens

Finished screens Mount easy, but expenses may be too significant. But you can always do something interesting from where less than less. Homemade screen can be:

  • painted:
  • lined ceramic tiles;
  • with mosaic.

The form

The use of this or that technology depends on the form of the screen itself. She may be:

  • simple rectangular;
  • complex - with all sorts of bends.

In the first case, the tile is suitable, in the second - small fragments from which mosaic panels can be made.

Complex form

For mosaics are suitable:

  • stained glass (for example, broken bottles);
  • bitted multicolored porcelain dishes;
  • special mosaic modules.

Important! A special flexible mesh is used as a mosaic basis, which can take any form and on which modules are perfectly attached.

Rectangular screen

For a simple rectangular screen, you need:

  • tile:
  • frame.
  • plasterboard.


Before making a tile bath screen, let's discuss the performance of this material. A lot of them:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • hygienicity;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • spectacular appearance;

The tile is widely used for decoration of rooms with high humidity. The abundance of water vapors in the air does not act on it and does not reduce operational qualities. To the temperature drops, this material is also not sensitive. In addition, it is easy to keep in order, not only dirt is removed from it with a regular sponge, but also mold if it suddenly appears.

It will be great to serve such a screen for a long time, and with the next repair it will be enough to replace several tiles if they suddenly break, or change the frame and put the same tile again. Ceramics cannot be scratched, and such a screen can be out of order only in one case - if you will be drumged with a hammer on it every day.

Choose tile type

The screen under the bath do it yourself from the tile will delight you for a long time with your magnificent qualities and spectacular appearance, if you choose the material correctly. You need to pay attention to several parameters:

  • specifications;
  • tile shape;
  • color.

To begin with, decide on the color - it significantly narrows the circle of searches, and accordingly - will save time. Many options:

  • screen for the color of the walls already decorated with a tile;
  • screen under the color of plumbing;
  • slightly lighter or slightly darker of walls and equipment;
  • contrast color.

As for the form, then the choice is small. Tile most often happens square or rectangular. The first option is more convenient in many ways, besides, the choice of square tile in stores is wider.


These characteristics include:

  • area;
  • thickness.


The bathroom is a relatively small room (although in a private house there can be any square), so you choose from the entire abundance of tiles:

  • small size (preferable);
  • medium size (if there is no small, suitable for other parameters).

The advantages of the tile of a small area are obvious:

  • less chances that will have to cut;
  • you can make interesting patterns.

Important! Most convenient options - squares 10x10 or 15x15 cm.


It is entirely dependent on the frame and the base. What they are stronger, the thicker can be a tile. Standard tile, which is usually lined with walls, is suitable for both the screen.

Important! One of the possible solution options is the screen from the same material as the walls. Such an approach greatly facilitates the choice.

Constructive features

What functions will make your screen? It depends on the choice of its design. It happens:

  • capital, or deaf;
  • with the ability to arrange something from something like storages under the bath;
  • with niche for feet.

The first option is easier to develop and mounted, however, it has a significant minus. If suddenly a pipe under the bathroom flows - you have to disassemble the design and re-on. But these troubles can be avoided, taking care of revision windows - holes through which it can be penetrated under the bath.

If you need access

Access can be provided in two more ways:

  • using sliding walls;
  • leaving a niche at the bottom.

Deaf screen

The basis is made most often of the two materials:

  • brick;
  • plasterboard.

Brick screen

It is just a wall to the edges of the font, and in order to build it, not only whole bricks can be used, but also halves. Installation is not much different from construction, for example, partitions. First, the wall is laid out of the brick, then plaster, and only after that we are covered with a tile. The main complexity is to make a strictly vertical wall. The requirements in this case are the same as to the usual wall, that is, the surface must be almost perfectly smooth.

Important! The brick screen can not be covered with tiles at all - now it is very fashionable to leave fragments of walls without finishing. But the surface should be cleaned of cement residues and lacquer.


How to make the screen under the plasterboard bath? It will be even somewhat easier than the brick, since this material is sold by large sheets, and it is enough to immediately cut it. It is not necessary to stucify it. But when working it is necessary to take into account some subtleties. First, two words about the merits to which include:

  • strength;
  • ease;
  • flexibility;
  • the ability to apply different types of finishes;
  • affordable price.

Important! Plasterboard is not afraid of mechanical impacts. Will break the screen is quite difficult. It has a small weight, which is important when installing. In addition, it can make a screen of even quite complex shape - for example, oval.

For work you need the most common tools. Cut the plasterboard with a conventional sharp knife, fasten on the frame - self-drawing. As for the diversity of finishing, the plasterboard screen can be:

  • tile;
  • paint;
  • overlap
  • process decorative plaster;
  • make a mosaic.

The only problem

But there is a significant drawback. Plasterboard pretty badly tolerates increased humidity, because consists of cardboard sheets, between which layers of gypsum are laid. And the one and other materials under the influence of water are deformed. This is certainly possible to use if you need to handle the complex surface (for example, rounded sheets).

  1. Treat a needle roller sheet.
  2. Water.
  3. Remove the right form.

Important! This does not mean that plasterboard can not be used in the bathroom. You just need to pick up a suitable primer - then the material does not twist, and the fungus is not settled on it. It will not be possible to buy this option - in construction stores you will be offered several compositions specially designed to handle drywall with a cafeter. Prices are the most diverse, so you can choose a soil that will not cause tangible damage to your pocket.

Make a screen of plasterboard

The work will consist of several stages, each of which needs to be fulfilled as high quality. You will come:

  • markup;
  • frame assembly;
  • sewing;
  • finish.


To correctly cut sheets, they need to be placed. For this we need:

  • building level;
  • several cords with cargo;
  • marker.

Operating procedure:

  1. In the construction level, make several points on the side of the bath.
  2. Lower from these points to the floor vertical (using laces with cargoes - but you can use a large metal square).
  3. Make marker marker.
  4. Connect the points of the straight line - should not go out for it ..

Marking Stand

To make the desired marks, you need to know:

  • the thickness of the plasterboard;
  • the thickness of the finish.

Fold these two measurements and retreat such a distance from the lines of the line towards the bath. Decide how many racks will keep your screen, make places for them.

Important! If you are going to glue the tile, the thickness of the tile with 10 mm glue is usually accepted, and the thickness of the CD47 profile is 47 mm.

Collect the carcass

After all is marked, you can start a frame assembly. You need some tools and materials:

  • scissors for metal;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • dowel-nails;
  • priming;
  • sealant.

The frame is made of two types of profile - L and CD. Better to adhere to the following sequence:

  1. Draw on paper frame scheme.
  2. Slip dimensions.
  3. Cut the profile, strictly observing the dimensions.
  4. On the bar, which will be at the bottom, take a place for holes every 15-20 cm.
  5. Lay the bar on the planned line.
  6. Perforator Do openings.
  7. Fix the bar with a dowel-nail.
  8. Take the end planks - they are also more convenient to mount a dowel-nail dowel.
  9. Put the remaining vertical strips, and then the upper, fix them with self-draws.

Osserving and facing

The next stage is the trim. Sheets of drywall are put on the frame and fasten with self-draws. Then it is necessary to close all seams with silicone sealant. You can also paint the drywall oil paint.

But the screen is not all. It is necessary that he look beautifully, and for this apply different facing options.

Important! Before that, it is necessary to put a layer of deep penetration in front of the surface and give it to dry.

Wasing the primed screen as well as any other plasterboard surface. Tile sticks with rows using a toothed spatula and special glue. Of course, the preliminary layout makes sense to do in this case.

Important! If you decide to paint the screen, polyester and acrylic paints are suitable, they are very well tolerated with high humidity, they are easily applied and dried quickly.

Revision windows

Such windows can be bought in construction stores. They can be mounted in the screen. They have already done doors. Moreover, in building stores, you can even find the sheets of plasterboard, already equipped with such windows - it remains only to determine the place for them, to correctly cut the sheet and mount the entire system.

Sliding screens

From the drywall, such models are practically not done. For such a design, more suitable:

  • plastic;
  • plywood;
  • metal sheets.

A lining with a cafeter of a similar model is also unprofitable - a very cumbersome and inconvenient is the whole system. Therefore, they are applied as follows:

  1. Metal strips are installed on top and bottom.
  2. The planks glue and fix the "rails" screws - strips of plastic having a groove (suitable, for example, fragments from the old side of the sliding doors).
  3. Between the furrows are inserted sheets of plywood or metal, which go through such "rails".

Screen with niche

Niche below is a very convenient thing if you have to fly in a bath or bathe babies. If there is a screen, you will have to lean harder, and this is not very convenient. To avoid unnecessary loads, a niche for legs is cut at the bottom of the screen. It can be placed both in the center (or where you most often stand) and throughout the entire length.

On other materials

Instead of profile, you can use wooden bars, and instead of drywall - Phaneur. However, it should be borne in mind that the tree is very sensitive to high humidity, therefore it will wet without special processing, and then dispel. Without impregnation in this case can not do. In the same other, the acts will be almost the same as when working with plasterboard, only fixing wooden parts can be ordinary nails.

Stock foot

Now you know everything you need in order to make the screen under the bath with your own hands. From the tile it will be, hitchpocarter, plywood or tree - now define yourself, because only you know the planned design of the bathroom and only you know how much money, time is ready to highlight on this repair process.