How to repair garage doors and insulate them with your own hands. How to increase the opening of a garage door with your own hands

From the article you will learn how to strengthen swing and sectional Garage Doors to increase the strength of structures and the level of protection against burglary. We will consider the most popular and effective ways... Tips and tricks will help you keep your car and other valuable property safe.

How to strengthen a garage door: increasing the protection of hinged leaf structures

Before reinforcing garage doors equipped with swing doors, identify all the weak points that intruders can use.

A list of the most common problems:

  1. loose flaps adjoining each other;
  2. protruding hinges for padlocks;
  3. the presence of handles and other elements to which the cable can be tied;
  4. hinges placed outside for hanging sashes;
  5. weak locks;
  6. sashes without stiffeners, made of thin steel sheets;
  7. lack of alarm.

Ideally, garage doors should be free from all of the above disadvantages. Next, we will talk about how to strengthen the hinges and sashes, as well as the nuances of choosing and installing locks.

How to strengthen the hinges of swing gates

There is only one way to reinforce the outside loops. Weld special metal rods on them. This will make sawing much more difficult.

Important! This method is used only in cases where it is impossible to install the gate so that the hinges are inside the garage. If the attacker is armed with an acetylene cutter, the reinforcement will not save.

To exclude the possibility of removing the gate from the hinges, weld metal pins or plates to the doors as shown in the photo below.

Photo # 1: amplification swing gates to protect against being pulled off the hinges

When the sashes are closed, the metal plates move out to the sides and enter the holes in the walls. In this case, the gate will not open and will not fall out even after cutting the hinges.

How to reinforce swing gate leaves

To begin with, for maximum reliability, swing gates should be made of steel sheets at least 3 mm thick, and the frame and the frame are made of channels No. 6.

To strengthen the doors, additional stiffeners are welded to them. For their manufacture they usually take:

How to further strengthen the protection of swing gates from burglary

  1. Padlock hinges, handles and other elements to which the cable can be tied are best removed altogether or installed on internal surfaces.
  2. Make sure that the sashes fit as tightly as possible to each other. If necessary, weld a metal plate onto one of them. A tight fit is also achieved by installing eccentric locks and vertical latches.
  3. For additional protection of the room, lattice leaves can be installed behind the main gate, which will be locked on the inside the padlock... Weld a steel plate on the outside to hide the locking device from prying eyes. You will have to open the lock by touch.

Selection and installation features of locks for swing gates

When choosing locks, immediately ask the seller to show models designed specifically for garages. Such locking devices are marked with the letter "G". Lever and disc locks are optimal. Burglary resistance must be at least 3rd class.

Basic rules for installing locks.

  • Mechanisms and fasteners must not protrude outside the door plane.
  • For fixing, use reliable bolts (thickness - 8 mm and more).

Important! Install 2-3 locking devices different types at a distance of 30–40 cm from each other. Experts recommend to additionally protect the locks with metal windows.

How to reinforce sectional doors

Sectional doors can be reinforced with steel profiles. The need to strengthen structures arises in three cases.

  1. The doors are installed in a room where significant temperature changes are possible or air humidity exceeds permissible values.
  2. Sandwich panels are subject to constant high wind loads.
  3. The entrance to the garage is located on the sunny side (heat deformations are possible).

Image # 1: canvas sectional doors with amplifiers

If steel profiles were not included in the delivery, you will have to buy them separately. Prices are more than acceptable.

Important! If you order a sectional door with the option remote control, do not skimp on electronics and ask if the equipment is equipped with systems remote monitoring, protection against interception of signals and their encryption.

To monitor the state of structures, connect the automation to the Internet and install the application on your smartphone. This will allow you to monitor the garage in real time.

Break-in protection of sectional doors is also enhanced by installing secret locking mechanisms. This security enhancement is best for hand models, since hidden locks are not associated with automation.

Image no. 2: Secret locking mechanism for sectional doors

Garage door alarm

Installing a security system is a great way to protect both manual and automatic sectional garage doors from burglaries. In Moscow, alarms connected to centralized surveillance consoles of private security agencies are popular. When an alarm is received, rapid response teams are dispatched to the facilities.

You can also equip the gate with a “howler” alarm that emits loud sounds when an unauthorized entry is attempted. Remember to install and mask the switch.

Many owners of private land give Special attention their arrangement, independently inventing various useful gizmos.

One of these products is the courtyard gate, which to some extent acts as the face of any private area.

For hand-made production, standard swing gates are best suited. But in order to make a really solid structure that will last more than one year, a reliable foundation should be carefully prepared.

For swing gates in the yard, this structural element is decisive. The fact is that the evenness and normal functioning of the flaps depends on the strength of the foundation.

If, during the construction of the gate, an unreliable underground foundation is made, after a while during use, the supports will first begin to sag and tilt, and then loosen.

As a result, the deformation of the entire structure will occur.

To prevent this from happening, you need to pay special attention to preparation monolithic foundation, which is made using a special construction technology.

A good foundation for home gates is carefully reinforced with rubble and cement mortar underground foundations of pillars or the entire underground space in the area of ​​the structure.

Today, there are several types of such foundations:

  • Fundamental strengthening of the supports. First, measurements are taken in the established for support pillars places, holes are dug. Then racks in the form of metal pipes are installed in them according to the level and the recesses are filled up and strengthened with cement mortar. This is the simplest type of foundation.

For greater reliability, many craftsmen line pipes facing bricks... In this case, in certain places to the pipe, special tab-holders are welded for the future fastening of the hinges.

If necessary internal framework brick pillar reinforced with reinforcement of iron rods and filled with mortar.

  • Solid foundation of a trench type. Such a device for the underground base of the gate is the most reliable. In this case, not only pits are dug for the bearing supports, but a whole trench is pulled out along the entire length of the gate. The oblong recess is strengthened from the inside reinforcing mesh, then, in certain places, support pillars are installed in separate pits along the vertical level. As a result, the entire trench is covered with rubble and filled with a cement mixture.

Each of these types of foundations is prepared based on size and weight. overall design gate. If you plan to make small swing gates up to 5 meters wide and up to 2 meters high, you can choose the first option and simply strengthen the support pillars.

If you want to make a massive metal gate with a wicket up to 10 meters wide, you'd better dig a trench and prepare a solid solid foundation.

We make the foundation on our own

The durability of your swing gate will depend not only on the quality of the materials you use to build the product itself, but also on a properly prepared foundation.

Therefore, when building a foundation, you will need detailed drawing... If you will be strengthening the pillars, the standard scheme, which is presented below, will suit you.

For a more solid solid trench foundation, you can use the figure below for clarity.

Having decided on the structure of the fundamental foundation most suitable for you, you will need to prepare a certain set of materials and tools for work, it should include:

  • building level and tape measure;
  • shovel and hand drill(if necessary);
  • concrete mixer or electric drill with a mixer attachment;
  • crushed stone;
  • three or two metal pipes the right size with a minimum diameter of 10 cm;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • fittings;
  • welding machine (if necessary);
  • brick (if necessary);
  • cement.

Now you can get to work. First you need to take measurements and dig holes for the support pillars or dig a trench, it all depends on what type of foundation you want to use.

The depth of the holes should be at least 1 meter, and the diameter is 10 cm more than the cross-section of the pipes themselves. The same parameters apply to the trench, it should be from 1 meter deep and 10 cm wide on both sides from the edges of the support pipes.

If you make a trench, you will still need to make grooves for the posts at the bottom.

Now it's time to properly tamp the bottom of the recesses and fill them with sand so that the pillow is at least 5-10 cm.After that, install the pipes into the openings, measuring the vertical building level.

If you are simply strengthening the supports, fill the holes to half the depth with rubble, and then start making the mortar.

To do this, pour cement and sand in a container in a ratio of 1: 3, add water in a ratio of at least 25% of the total mass. For more strength, you can add a little rubble to the mixture.

Now use a concrete mixer or electric drill with a mixer attachment and mix the mortar thoroughly. Let it brew for a few minutes.

After cement mix ready, fill the remaining indentations at the base of the pipes with it. The simplest foundation for strengthening the supports is almost ready, now it remains to wait a few days until it dries up and, if necessary, overlay the supports with facing bricks.

Then the gate can be installed.

If you are using a trench base for your swing gates, you need to prepare the reinforcement before installing the posts. To do this, take the right amount metal rods of a certain size, weld them using a welding machine to each other to get an oblong, rectangular parallelepiped.

Now install the resulting frame in the trench and insert the pillars into the holes, filling them with mortar.

Then completely fill the entire trench with cement mortar and wait a few days for it to dry. Such a foundation device will serve you for a long time.

So, given all these features, you can build an excellent foundation for swing gates.

The main thing is to carry out high-quality measurements, check the verticals of the supports with a building level and do not disrupt the sequence of actions.

anti-burglary of garages (protection against burglary)

We offer several types of protection against burglary (opening) garages:

1. Installation of protective rings from a Ø219mm pipe on external locks - with such protection it turns out that it is impossible to cut the padlock and it is very difficult or impossible (still depends on the lock) to slip a crowbar or a pry bar under the lock's door and break it.

2. Installation of "Crabs" - corners or pins are welded onto the gate from the inside, which, when closed, go beyond the gate frame. Thus, when cutting the hinges from the outside, the gate will not open, because will not give "Crabs".

3. Installation of a good garage interior lock, with a large cross-section and bolt movement, having a simple and reliable design.

4. Additional welding of the hinges through the corner or reinforcement.

5. Reinforcement, if necessary, of the gate with thicker-walled metal.

6. Reinforcement of walls and ceilings with reinforcement bars.

7. Welding additional ears for external padlocks.

8. Installation or replacement of internal bolts on a large diameter bar up, down or between themselves.

9. Floor concreting with reinforcement.

10. Welding to neighboring garages (if not against the owners)

also other ways of anti-burglary of garages are possible and metal doors, after individual measurement.

Departure for measurement (inspection) in Samara is free of charge.

If you do not have electricity, this is not a problem, we have a generator-power station.

For those who are interested in garage safety, we recommend reading:

Some car owners consider the garage to be a safe hideaway for storing a vehicle. But statistics say that it was here that a lot of cars were looted. The intruders are quite professional in robbing and stealing cars from garages that are well closed. How can such troubles be prevented?

Let's take into account that there are different types of garages. Reinforced concrete garage is the most reliable one. Of course, they can hack it too, but only with the help of a bulldozer or jackhammers. The second most secure garage will be a brick garage. Much depends on the material from which it is made. Silicate blocks can also make holes with a simple crowbar, the robbers do it quickly and without noise. And the most vulnerable are metal garages. Experienced thieves can crack them in 5 minutes. Especially available are those metal structures that do not attach to the floor, they can be opened even by a group of budding teenage robbers.

Consider a number of recommendations for garage locks:
- It is necessary to install casings made of metal (rings from a pipe) so that the suspension lock becomes an inaccessible object for the raiders. Of course, if they have a crowbar, it probably won't help. But then you can use locks with hidden rods. They have a fairly streamlined shape. Use also internal locks in your garage. It is important that they cannot be opened from the inside.
- If there is no wicket, put several locks on the garage door. Make the distance between them equal to 40 cm. This is important to distribute the load when trying to break with chains or crowbar.
- Observe this rule when installing locks: there must be elements of its mechanism hidden inside the lock. Then the thief cannot unscrew them.

Great value has the design of the gate itself. It happens that they are hacked by force. They rip it out right by the root. Of course, this is done in deserted places. Make the gate monolithic, without external handles. Do not forget that around the entire perimeter of the gate, there must be strong corners or a profile inside. The hinges must be well welded to the frame of the garage itself, and it is better to strengthen it. Do not bolt them down as this will make the job easier for the burglars. It is better to screw, weld, nail in a timely manner, in other words, to firmly connect the visor and the frame at the garage. You will have to spend a lot of time on this, but it will not steal your car. The most unprotected boxes with a tin or slate roof, especially if it is nailed down. It is also good to weld the garage to neighboring garages, if not against the owners.

A number of other recommendations:
- Choose a garage in busy areas.
- The area should be well lit.
- Most reliable way protection in this case - alarm. It is triggered when entering garages, sends special signals to the security services. While the robber is busy in the garage, a patrol arrives and detains him. The owner is informed by SMS about the arrest of the thief.
If you need professional advice in Samara, call us and we will come for a measurement and help you choose the optimal list of burglary protection.

First and foremost for the safety of your garage is knowing that you are at risk. Excessive self-confidence in such matters is the first assistant to the criminal. A few more tips on how to protect your garage.

Often, criminals entering the garage are not even interested in your car. The garage can even be opened because of food supplies for the winter in the cellar or an expensive radio. Somehow, the garage of your humble servant (before the work on its strengthening) was opened only in order to break through the “entrance” in the wall to the neighboring more protected garage and take a foreign car out of it. So much for you ..

Rule # 1:

When choosing a garage, you need to look not only at the strength of your future doors and walls, but also those of the neighboring ones.

Rule # 2:

The concept of "safety" refers not only to the garage itself, but also to the surrounding area. If your garage is located in a not very prosperous area of ​​the city, it is poorly lit, and besides, it is poorly visible from the outside - be sure sooner or later it will be visited uninvited guests unless it is properly reinforced.

Rule # 3:

What if you already have a garage? Then take a look around. If there are bushes nearby or there is an old fence blocking the visibility of your garage, then it is advisable to remove these obstacles. Garage lighting is also worth considering. It is especially easy to solve this issue by installing powerful lights on the roofs of the outer garages in garage cooperatives. In this case, energy costs can be divided among all garage owners.

WITH external protection seems to be sorted out. Now let's go directly to the garage itself. What can you do to strengthen your garage?


The gates, by virtue of their specificity, are the weakest link in the external wall complex. In order to make the gate impenetrable, their sashes must be made of metal with a thickness of at least 2-3 mm and welded onto the frame from a profile of at least 50 mm. It is advisable to make a gate frame from any profile of at least 60mm (preferably more). The box itself must be securely connected to the walls or beams, because very often seemingly impregnable gates fly out, it is worth pulling them with a cable tied to the car.

You can also weld rods onto the loops - this will significantly increase their resistance to sawing. The same applies to the eyelets for the locks.

I think there’s no need to remind you of a strip of metal that prevents you from pushing the crowbars between the gate leaves - everyone should have it.

Now let's remember about "latch" type slide locks that fix the gates, usually you close these simple metal rods, and the door still hangs, but it is worth weld metal on them so that the fit is tight.


I will not talk about the castles. Better to give you a quote from the 8th issue of the magazine "Autoreview" for 2002:

“… There are many relatively inexpensive and at the same time very worthy domestic products. Pay attention to the products under trade marks ZGTs, Class, METTEM, Gerion, Kerberos. When starting a conversation with the seller, ask to see locks specially designed for installation in the garage (the letter "G" must be present in the labeling of such a product). Immediately return back those that can be opened from the inside without the help of a key (having climbed into the garage through a tunnel or a hole in the wall, the thief should not be able to open the gate). After that, select products certified for at least the third class of burglary resistance (this parameter must be indicated in the passport). If the letter "L" is present in the marking of the lock, it means that it is intended for installation on the left (when viewed from the side of the hinges) gate leaf. And vice versa.

What type of security mechanism is optimal for a garage lock? Suvaldny, the key of which is made in the form of a double-sided "butterfly". Disc locks also work well.

If the gate of your garage does not have a wicket, then it is better to buy two or three mortise or overhead locks. They must be installed so that the vertical distance between the key holes is 300-350 mm - this will provide more even distribution loads when trying to brute force. Regardless of the type of locking device you choose, it design features and models, three basic rules should be strictly observed. Firstly, the secrecy mechanism of the lock installed in the garage should in no case protrude beyond the leaf of the wicket or gate. Secondly, the fasteners must be made with bolts with a diameter of at least 8 mm, or better to weld the lock. And thirdly, you need to make sure that the fastening elements of the locking device cannot be turned off from the outside.


For walls, you can recommend creating a powerful frame from the corners and scalding this frame with a metal mesh, you can also advise for the ceiling. Note! Often concrete floors just lie on the walls. It is very easy to lift them with a hydraulic jack and get inside. Ceiling slabs must be connected to the walls with strong metal pins.


1) Installing a howler (you need to place it in a hard-to-reach place) that is triggered when the gate is opened can scare anyone uninvited guest... The howler monkey can turn off both outside and from the nutria.

2) It is advisable to make a secret button for lighting or to unscrew the plug from the flap when leaving. The lack of light will make life difficult for any burglar.

3) A small bolt, inconspicuous among the rest, firmly presses the flaps to the box (in this case, you will have to carry and wrench) is another obstacle for a cracker.

We can also make a metal safe from 3-4mm steel with internal locks for storing valuables, weapons, etc. and weld it to the garage wall.

Call us and we will help you to reliably protect your garage and car in Samara! We also carry out any repair of garages in Samara.

The garage space is primarily necessary for the safe storage of the car. In addition, many motorists equip a workshop, a cellar, a warehouse in it, keep numerous spare parts, tools, seasonal tires in the garage. It is important to know how to protect your garage from being opened. Today we will consider the most significant factors, effective methods... Let's find out how the protection of the premises differs depending on the type of materials from which the garage is built. Having learned the numerous useful tips, everyone will be able to ensure safety in their garage.

It turns out that protecting a garage largely depends on what material it is made of. Consider all the main types of garages, find out how safe it is to store a car in them, and how you can enhance protection.

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete structure. it the best way for the garage, so that it is really strong, reliable, and provides security. Such a structure can be ordered at a Russian factory of reinforced concrete products. Undoubtedly, you will need a master, the appropriate specialized equipment for its transportation and installation. But in this garage it is quite difficult to break through the wall. With good hinges and locks, gates, the structure will become unapproachable.
  • Brick garages. These structures can also be very durable. But everything depends on the material, the quality of the masonry. In addition, there is a weak spot: the floor slabs on the gate. Criminals raise them with jacks to provide clearance for themselves. Experienced garage operators simply attach such a plate directly to the garage door frame, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the structure.

  • Metal structures. Unfortunately, widespread professional sheet garages are becoming the least secure. Even teenagers cope with them without much difficulty. The metal panels themselves are vulnerable. In addition, there is a danger that the entire structure will simply be lifted off the ground. The problem is also in the thickness of the metal: if it is thin, the garage is opened. simple device that resembles a familiar can opener. Therefore, it is important to use thick, durable metal. Good decision- a sectional garage that is assembled on site. Of course, the floor must be connected to the walls. It is also worth taking care of pouring the foundation so that it would not be possible to undermine it.

When there is an opportunity to choose, it is better to stop at a ready-made monolithic reinforced concrete garage. If it is not there, you will need to strengthen the existing structure.

Important points

The following factors are also essential. If you have to choose a new garage, pay attention to the following points.

  • It is desirable to have neighbors with safe, well-equipped and secure garages. This is especially true in cooperatives. If the premises adjacent to you are very poorly protected, it is through them that intruders can get into your garage. This risk factor is very serious.
  • An important role is played by the specificity of the area, as well as the level of crime in it. When the place is poorly lit, little visited, it is hardly visible from different sides, the likelihood of the appearance of criminals increases dramatically. Better to get a more expensive garage, but safe place, in a quiet area.
  • Finally, the presence of an expensive car next to you can become a negative factor. It so happens that an elite car is stored in the garage, but it is well protected, closed, stands on an alarm. And then the criminals can try to enter it through the adjacent room. That is, the neighboring garage is under threat.

Be careful. To help protect your garage, try to eliminate all risk factors and take additional safety measures.

Strengthening the garage

Now we will find out how to protect garages from opening, consider different options... We have already found out that metal structure should be welded from thick material. It is necessary to strengthen well not only your garage, but also the neighboring ones. It is required to prevent undermining, lifting of the box. Now let's move on to the gate.

Gate protection

The weak link is the garage door. Unfortunately, quite often criminals use forceful opening of the gate: they make jerks with the help of cars, attaching a cable to the doors or the handle of the gate. This method is quite effective, especially if the place is poorly viewed and illuminated, the area is deserted. To increase the level of safety, it is necessary to make the sash solid, without cracks and gaps.

Make additional stiffeners on metal gate... This is a good way to strengthen them. The best option- made of iron with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The frame also needs to be solid. It is desirable to weld it from channel number 6, like the box. An additional measure is to fasten the box with a reliable weld seam to the walls, garage beams.

Remember that it is not uncommon for intruders to squeeze the gate using a crowbar. Here you need to eliminate the gap between the two leaves of the swing gate. Weld on a strip of metal so that the crowbar cannot be pushed into the slot.


The vulnerability is often associated with loops. They are additionally strengthened by welding bolts. But this does not always help, since the bolt heads are cut off with a grinder, knocked off with a chisel.

Optimal modern solution- install internal hinges. By their design and structure, they resemble car hinges. Of course, they will be more difficult to establish, but it is extremely difficult for criminals to get to such loops.


Locks must be extremely reliable. It is advisable to use combinations of several locks of different types. The external lock protects the metal casing quite well. True, experienced criminals also get rid of the casings by threading a crowbar into the bow. Castle structure with hidden rods more reliable. They have a streamlined shape, which does not allow you to easily throw on the chain.

Most effective solution- install, which will reliably close from the outside. Also, experts advise to install several locks, keeping a distance of 30 cm between them. Then, even when trying to burglary, the load will be distributed. Be sure to make sure that the locks are well recessed, in no case protrude beyond the gate.

Electronic protection

It is most prudent to install an alarm system with a remote control in the garage. Then, when fixing the penetration or hacking attempt, the outfit will immediately leave the place. You do not have to pull the telephone wires, since the radio channel is currently in use. If you just want to scare off intruders, install audible alarm: A siren will sound when intruded. Carefully mask the alarm switch.

Video: we provide reliable protection for the garage

Worth seeing and useful materials on the video. Here motorists tell how to protect garages from opening, show everything on specific examples... For example, you can make a reliable garage door by equipping it with a special lock hatch. This will significantly increase the level of security.

You also need to pay attention and correct installation modern reliable locks on the garage door. The following video explains in detail how to do this.

If you follow the advice, act in a comprehensive manner, do not leave weak points in the protection of the structure, you will be able to ensure safety in the garage.

You will need

  • - pipe Ø100 mm;
  • - corner 100x100 mm;
  • - angle grinder ("grinder");
  • - welding machine;
  • - cement;
  • - sand;
  • - edged board and timber for formwork;
  • - carpentry tool;
  • - shovel and bayonet shovels.


Cut the blanks for the gate. For racks, use a Ø100 mm pipe or a 100x100 mm angle. Their length is determined by the sum of the height of the gate and the length of the ends embedded in the ground (0.8-1 m). With a planned door height of 2 m, the length of the workpieces should be 2.8-3 m.
Make the jumper connecting the posts from a corner 100x100 mm. Its length must be equal to the width of the gate. For standard gates, it is taken equal to 3 m. If a pipe is used as a rack, cut off one corner shelf on both sides at an angle of 30 ° and give its edge a concave shape. This is done so that the edges of the corner fit well to the posts when they are welded.

Assemble the gate frame from the blanks on the ground, choosing a more even place for this. It should look like the letter "H" - two posts and a jumper laid between them at a distance of 2 m from their top (or 0.8-1 m from the bottom). In this case, two conditions must be ensured: the parallelism of the racks to each other and the perpendicularity of the lintel in relation to the racks.

Weld the jumper to the uprights. Both corner shelves must be securely welded with a continuous seam. Weld any pieces of metal to the jumper in two or three places, pointing them down. They will play the role of reinforcement, firmly connecting the lintel to the foundation.

Dig a trench to fill the foundation. Its width should be 350-400 mm, length - 3.5 meters (for 3-meter gates). The required depth of the trench is determined taking into account the depth of soil freezing, its type, level groundwater... For simplicity, you can take it equal to the depth of freezing of the soil in your area, which can be found on construction sites.

Make wooden shields using edged boards and assemble the formwork from them. Its dimensions in the plan should be 0.3x3.3 m. It is advisable to make the walls of the formwork slightly expanding to the bottom - in order to avoid the pushing effect of the soil on the foundation.

Install the gate into the formwork so that the lintel is flush with the ground and the posts are vertical. To do this, place supports made of stones or metal under the posts or the lintel and fix the posts on both sides with stops. Place reinforcement made of any kind of metal in the formwork - wire, scrap metal profile, etc.

Prepare sand-cement mortar with a ratio of 1: 4 (cement: sand) and pour it into the formwork. To use less mortar, fill the formwork with stones and broken bricks. While pouring, tamp the mortar with a shovel. The surface of the poured foundation must be level with the ground and the lintel. Before hanging the gate itself, allow the solution to harden - at least a week.