Facial cleansing at home - effective methods to cleanse your face at home. Cleaning your face at home How to clean your face at home

The face is the most open area of ​​our body, where any defects become noticeable, be it pimples, blackheads or increased oily skin. Therefore, it is required to regularly cleanse the face. To do this, it is not necessary to contact a beauty salon, but it is quite possible to do it at home.

How to cleanse your face at home

The very first and simplest way to care for your skin, but at the same time the most important, is to daily cleanse it with washing. We have to wash ourselves twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

As a rule, in the morning we wash our face with ordinary tap water at room temperature. For some, this is normal and does not cause any side effects. But in fact, washing with plain tap water does not reflect very well on our skin, and for the majority it causes dryness, tightening, and sometimes even severe peeling. In this regard, ideally, it is recommended to wash with boiled, mineral water or herbal decoctions.

Firstly, it is not very convenient, and secondly, not everyone can afford to wash with mineral water or fiddle with broths every morning.

Therefore, there is another proven method - this is frozen cubes from a decoction of chamomile or green tea. Its advantage lies in the fact that such cubes can be prepared in advance and for several days, thus saving time. They perfectly tone the skin, do not cause flaking, and give it a healthy color.

Evening face wash. Most women put on makeup every day, but even those who do not use makeup need an evening cleanse to remove dust and dirt that accumulates in the pores during the day. To do this, there are many different means, when choosing which it is necessary to take into account the type of skin, carefully study the composition of the product, and also be prepared for the risk, since it is not always possible to choose the ideal “washing” option the first time, and often our skin temporarily becomes a “testing ground” for testing ". This is not good, but it is often inevitable.

The most common means for cleansing the skin of the face include: cream and milk - cleanse the face of dirt and make-up, while also moisturizing it. If you have dry skin, this is what you need; foams and gels - gently cleanse the pores without overdrying the skin. If the skin is normal or dry, then preference should be given to the foam, if it is oily or combined, then your version of gels; tonics and lotions - their counterpart at home are herbal teas or lemon juice. If you have oily skin, then it is better to use these products for alcohol, and if dry, then you need to choose a lotion or tonic without alcohol. After cleansing the skin, it is recommended to use a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Steam baths

Steam baths are beneficial for all skin types. They cleanse the skin well, stimulate blood circulation and open clogged pores. For dry skin, steam baths once a week. For very oily skin, they can be done daily. To create steam, there are special electrical devices, such a process (steaming the face) is called a sauna for the face.

Heat the water in a large bowl and, leaning over it and covering your head with a towel, like a canopy, sit over a bowl of hot water.

The steam opens pores and makes it easier to remove blackheads. Avoid leaning too close to boiling water, as very hot steam can rupture small blood vessels and cause burns. To enhance the healing effect of the procedure, you can add a tablespoon of dried plants. Elderberry and chamomile flowers have long been known for this, lavender, thyme and rosemary can be added to enhance the cleansing effect of the steam bath. These herbs flavor the steam.

Keep your face over steam for 10-20 minutes. Steaming makes it easier to remove blackheads. For purulent acne, steam baths are not recommended, as heat and steam contribute to the spread of infection. After removing the blackheads, make a mask containing cottage cheese, kaolin, cucumber, or comfrey. With dilated blood vessels of the facial skin, steam baths are contraindicated.

Massage way to cleanse your face at home

The massage method is a scrubbing or exfoliation of the face. One of the easiest, fastest and most popular ways to remove dead skin particles. In addition, in addition to cleansing, you additionally do a self-massage of the face. Pre-moisten the skin, and then massage the scrub along the massage lines. If you are the owner of oily skin type, pay special attention to the so-called T-zone. If the skin is prone to dryness, do the procedure in a more gentle way, using stroking instead of massaging. After the scrub is washed off with cold water.

Pros: Perhaps the most gentle way to cleanse your face at home.

Cons: Not able to deeply cleanse the skin and remove comedones.

Cosmetic cleansing masks

Homemade masks can be a wonderful way to cleanse your face and perform many other useful procedures. The composition of the mask determines its benefits for your skin.

Clay mask

One of the most effective cleansing masks for the face are masks based on cosmetic clay.

White, blue and green clay works well for oily and problem skin.

Pink clay, which combines a mixture of red and white clay, is perfect for cleansing combination (mixed) and normal skin.

Black clay also has good cleansing properties, masks from which can be suitable for both oily and drier skin types.

The simplest recipe for a clay cleansing mask is to dilute its powder with a small amount of clean cool water so that, when stirring, you get a homogeneous mass of medium density, without the presence of lumps.

It is necessary to keep such a mask on the face for 10-12 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, and then lubricate the skin with a moisturizer that you use daily.

Cleansing Ingredient - Raw Chicken Egg

Recall that the yolk was suitable for dry skin, and the protein was suitable for oily skin. And then we will consider how you can cleanse the skin of the face even with the help of eggshells.

Grind the shells of one boiled egg to flour in a mortar. Mix ground shells with an incomplete tablespoon of rice flour, add one teaspoon of honey, two teaspoons of lemon juice. Stir and, if the mixture is too thick, add a little water. This mask is suitable for oily or oily combination skin. Apply it on the skin for 15 minutes and rinse off with not very cold water.

Care after cleaning

If after cleaning you find small wounds on the skin, treat them with iodine so that pimples do not appear in their place the next day.

The first days after cleaning the skin will restore its protective mechanisms, therefore, do not expose it to sudden changes in temperature and do not expose your face to direct sunlight.

For washing at first, use mineral water or wipe your face with an alcohol-free toner.

Every time you go outside, lubricate your skin with sunscreen. It is necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation even in cloudy weather.

To keep the pores less dirty, you need to regularly apply a tightening mask. Lotions and masks to tighten pores are available at your local beauty supply store. Homemade masks are very effective.

A pore-tightening face mask can be made with clay. Dilute clay with tonic or aloe juice, apply on face until dry. Then wash off the clay mask with cool water.

Also, a cucumber mask helps a lot. Take a medium-sized cucumber, chop finely and apply the resulting gruel to your face. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.

If your skin flakes after cleansing, allow yourself a little more moisturizer than usual. Do not touch your face with your hands unnecessarily. Use less powder and foundation for a longer lasting effect after cleansing.

The effect of cleansing your face at home is slightly weaker than that of salon treatments. But the main advantages of facial cleansing at home are accessibility and ease of use, as well as the ability to perform procedures at any time convenient for you. And if you clean it regularly, then the action will be compared with professional methods.

The question of how to clean your face at home is very popular among the beautiful half of humanity, since in this case large financial investments are not needed. Also, cleansing your face at home gives excellent results, not much different from the results after going to beauty salons.

Modern girls and women very often suffer from lack of sleep and stress, eat the wrong food. All this negatively affects the condition of their facial skin. As a result, the complexion becomes unhealthy, wrinkles, acne, blackheads, and blackheads appear.

Sometimes, even when using branded expensive products, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. In this situation, facial cleansing will help, which can be carried out not only in beauty salons, but also at home, without unnecessary financial costs.

Toner, as well as foam for washing, does not help to get rid of 100% of blackheads that are in the deep layers of the skin. As a result, dust and sebum accumulate in the pores, the process of inflammation begins, which leads to the appearance of acne.

Deep cleansing facial skin will help remove accumulated dirt in the pores.

The advantages of this procedure are in the following:

  • microbes will not enter the bloodstream;
  • subcutaneous microcirculation will improve;
  • vessels will be effectively strengthened;
  • dirty pores are gently and intensively cleansed;
  • the inflammation will be removed;
  • the protective functions of cells will increase.
  • the complexion will acquire a healthy, radiant appearance.

Cosmetologists recommend cleaning the face not only in cases of deep pollution, but also as a preventive measure, because every day our skin is under the influence of external irritants: dirt, dust, sebum.

Preparatory stage for cleaning your face at home

Preparation for cleansing the skin of the face is based on the following important point. You need to clearly know your skin type: oily, dry or combination.

If you have dry skin, then you need to cleanse it with extreme care and thrift. But oily skin, on the contrary, should try to cleanse as thoroughly and intensively as possible.

How to clean your face at home?

You can clean your skin at home in different ways, which are no less effective than those that beauticians will select for you in the salon.

Let's take a look at two of the most well-known home cleaning methods.

Using natural masks

This method of cleaning the skin is suitable for those who want to cleanse the skin deeply, but very gently. These masks include an oatmeal mask, a clay mask, a body mask, a soda scrub mask with salt, and a honey mask.

Let's take a closer look.

  • ... Oatmeal is very rich in vitamins and minerals. A big plus of this mask is that, thanks to its components, it not only exfoliates the skin, but also absorbs all the fat. This mask is more suitable for oily skin types. Preparation: Pour milk over 1 tablespoon of oatmeal until it completely covers the oatmeal. Cover the resulting mixture for 7-10 with a lid. The mask is ready.
  • Clay mask... The most effective clay is black. It perfectly cleanses pores from blackheads, while drawing out toxins from the skin. Most importantly, it is suitable for all skin types, be it oily, dry or combination skin. Preparation: dilute black clay with warm water and add sour cream. Stir the resulting consistency and apply on the skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • Body mask. When cleansing the skin of the face, bodyaga is considered the most powerful vasodilator, very intensively smoothes small wrinkles. In addition, it perfectly exfoliates the skin. This mask can be used if your skin is not prone to irritation. Preparation: it is necessary to mix the bodyagi powder with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, stir well and apply a thin layer on the skin of the face for 15 minutes.
  • Soda scrub mask with salt. It is customary to use this mask during the appearance of blackheads (once a week). If you regularly do such a mask, then the skin of the face will become even and clean. Suitable for all skin types. Preparation: The first thing to do is to lather your face with soap to create a lather. Then, in small proportions, dilute salt with baking soda in water and apply the resulting mixture on the face, massaging the face in places where blackheads accumulate. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.

Using folk remedies

Folk remedies for cleansing the skin include egg yolk, sour milk, vegetable oil, bran, fresh milk.

  • Ideal for all skin types. You need to place 1 raw yolk in a small container, add 1 teaspoon of lemon and grapefruit juice. Stir all this thoroughly. Then divide the resulting consistency into 2 parts: one will be used for cleansing, and the second can be refrigerated for use next time. Application done with a cotton pad. A cotton pad is slightly moistened with water, then the prepared mixture is collected with a cotton pad and, with quick movements of the hand, apply to the face and rub until foam appears. After just a few minutes, you can wash your face and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Spoiled milk... It can be used at any time of the year, and this method is also suitable for all skin types. A very effective remedy for lightening freckles. As a result, freckles become lighter, and the face takes on a fresh and well-groomed appearance. If you have normal to oily skin, then simply washing your face with milk serum will be enough. Application carried out with a clean cotton pad. A cotton pad is moistened in sour milk, and then the skin of the face is rubbed with it. If the skin is very dirty, then you will need to use several cotton pads. The last cotton pad is carefully wrung out, then you can remove the remaining sour milk from the skin. After the procedure, the skin should be moist; for this, a nourishing cream should be applied to the face.
  • Vegetable oil. Place a few tablespoons in a glass container and place the container with oil in hot water for 2 minutes. When the oil is slightly warm, you can take a cotton swab and wipe your face. Then the oil from the skin can be removed with a cotton pad dipped in tea or lotion.
  • Bran. Oat, rice, and wheat bran are great options for this method. You can also use brown bread crumb. Before using the bran mixture, wet your face with warm water. Then you can start applying the bran mixture. 1 tablespoon of flakes (bran) is mixed with a small amount of liquid and applied to the skin of the face. After the bran begins to feel, you need to rinse the bran mixture from the face with water. To achieve a good result, you need to repeat this procedure for a month, at night. If you have oily skin, then once a week will be enough.
  • Fresh milk. An excellent remedy for dry and irritated skin. Milk is diluted in hot water. Using a cotton pad, the skin is moistened with milk. Then the skin is lightly dried with a soft towel.

Taking care of your face skin, you take care of the entire body as a whole. Regular skin care will give your skin a fresh, healthy look, cleansed, velvety and soft skin.

Deep cleansing of the face at home is a very effective procedure. which helps to solve major skin problems.

Thanks to this manipulation, you can get rid of the accumulation of dead cells and cleanse the pores that are clogged with sebum, dust and cosmetics.

So, how to do a deep facial cleansing at home?


Facial cleansing at home carried out with the appearance of comedones - blackheads... They appear as a result of clogging of the sebaceous glands by secretions that rise to the top of the epidermis and combine with pigment, resulting in their oxidation.

Inflammation of blackheads is extremely rare. That is why carrying out cleaning allows you to completely cope with them.

The same cannot be said for white comedones., which are even mechanically removed with great difficulty.

In order not to harm the skin, cleaning the face at home from acne should be carried out in compliance with all the rules of hygiene. The basic rules for performing the procedure include the following:

  • first, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned;
  • to perform the procedure, it is recommended to use only sterile instruments;
  • before starting manipulations, hands should be thoroughly washed to prevent infection;
  • it is recommended to refuse the procedure if there are wounds or inflammations;
  • it is not necessary to carry out manipulations in the presence of skin pathologies;
  • after the end of the session, you should use a moisturizer.

If there are rashes on the skin, it is better not to deep cleanse. This will help prevent further spread of the infection.

After the rash has healed you need to cleanse your skin regularly- it will become a reliable prevention of acne formation.

  • normal skin should be cleansed every two weeks;
  • oily skin needs weekly cleansing;
  • dry skin can only be treated once a month.

Facial cleansing is carried out in the following sequence:

  • first you need to steam the dermis over the bath;
  • exfoliate the top layer;
  • apply a moisturizing, purifying or nourishing mask.

After cleansing the pores of the epithelium, you need to develop a comprehensive care that will help narrow the enlarged pores.

To deep cleanse your face yourself, dermis should be thoroughly steamed... Thanks to the action of steam, it is possible to soften the dried layer of the epithelium, eliminate dead particles and melt sebum.

To carry out this procedure, you need to do the following:

    1. Before you start steaming, you need to get rid of cosmetics.... For this, it is recommended to wash with foam or gel.

  • Prepare steam bath solution... For this purpose, a decoction of medicinal plants is made. Pour 1 liter of water into a wide saucepan and put a couple of tablespoons of the herb. Then the composition should be boiled for several minutes. Owners of oily skin can take linden, mint, nettle. For girls with dry dermis, thyme and oregano are more suitable. If you have a tendency to inflammation, it is recommended to use calendula and celandine. Universal herbs include chamomile and lavender.
  • If you don't feel like using herbs, you can add essential oil to boiling water in a proportion of 10 drops per 1 liter. Owners of oily skin can choose tea tree, bergamot. For girls with dry dermis, rose, jasmine and orange are suitable. For problematic epithelium, sage and patchouli are used.
  • The pot with the broth must be placed on the table and let cool slightly under the lid... Then the container should be opened and the face should be tilted over the liquid at a distance of 30 cm. Cover with a towel on top. A quarter of an hour will be enough to open the pores.

After completing the procedure, you can lie down for a while, covering your face with a towel... The skin can then be rinsed with water. After steaming, do not go outside for 2 hours.

Deep Cleansing Recipes

After steaming the skin, you must immediately proceed to the next stage. It is recommended to choose suitable recipes according to skin type... Otherwise, there is a risk of irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

This composition successfully copes with blackheads, enlarged pores, acne and pimples. This recipe is ideal for those with oily skin types.

Such a mask for cleansing the face at home involves performing the following actions:

  • put two small tablespoons of gelatin in a glass;
  • add 3 crushed charcoal tablets;
  • pour the composition with 100 ml of hot water;
  • leave to infuse until dissolved.

Sometimes, during the process of removing the mask, you may experience discomfort. This is considered a variant of the norm.

Thanks to the use of this recipe, you can immediately see an excellent result.

White clay effectively removes pigmentation, whitens the dermis and has a narrowing effect on the pores. It is recommended for dry and sensitive skin care.

Black clay helps eliminate deep impurities, blackheads and improve the work of the sebaceous glands. This product is ideal for oily skin prone to acne and acne breakouts.

Traditionally, these recipes include clay powder and warm water. These ingredients are mixed until a thick mass is obtained.

To improve the result, you can use additional components:

  • for dry skin, sour cream or vegetable oil is suitable;
  • owners of oily epithelium are better off using soda or salt;
  • Olive or macadamia oil is suitable for aging skin.

This tool not only successfully cleanses the dermis, but also noticeably hides wrinkles, removes pigmentation and improves metabolic processes. Thanks to its use, it is possible to improve the penetration of nutrients.

  • crush succinic acid tablets into powder;
  • mix them with water to get a gruel consistency;
  • apply the composition to the face with a brush or cotton pad;
  • wash with warm water after 10 minutes.

This substance perfectly cleanses the dermis. However, it is allowed to use succinic acid maximum once every 2-3 weeks.

You should not carry out the procedure if there is damage to the skin. It is not recommended to use acid for owners of sensitive skin.

Mechanical cleaning of the face at home is considered the most difficult and responsible procedure.

Before holding it be sure to treat your hands with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide... After that, you can start cleansing.

This method is suitable exclusively for girls with oily or normal dermis.... Owners of dry skin can only be cleansed in a salon. At home it is permissible to use only masks.

After cleaning, be sure to tighten the pores.... For this, experts advise using a natural tonic. It should not contain alcohol or preservatives.


Do not deep cleanse for chronic inflammatory lesions of the sebaceous glands. It can manifest as acne vulgaris or pustular acne.

Besides, the main contraindications include the following:

  • any type of dermatitis;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • rosacea;
  • demodicosis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • pustular or other skin rashes.

Typical mistakes women often make include the following:

  • cleaning if there are contraindications;
  • attempts to squeeze out deep acne in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • too intense rubbing into the skin of cleansers;
  • burning the dermis with too hot steam;
  • applying a scrub or mask to the eye area;
  • applying cosmetics after deep cleaning.

Deep cleaning is considered an effective procedure, which allows you to cope with blackheads and acne breakouts. Thanks to the application of useful formulations, the condition of the dermis can be significantly improved.

Wherein it is important to strictly adhere to the rules for carrying out such manipulations.

Periodic cleansing of the skin of the face is an important procedure that allows you to free the ducts of the sebaceous glands from oxidized secretions, pores from dust, and also exfoliate dead keratinized cells from the surface of the epidermis. As a rule, this procedure is included in all salon care programs. But cleansing your face at home is sometimes just as effective and saves you money.

With special devices and cosmetics at your disposal, you can roughly reproduce almost any salon method of skin cleaning.


Deep cleaning is used when it is required to get rid of not only impurities on the surface of the epidermis, but also to remove sebaceous plugs from the pores, and also to stimulate regeneration. A signal that a person needs such a procedure is an increase in the oily skin, a change in its color and tone, the appearance of acne and comedones, uneven relief, and wrinkles.

Deep cleansing of the face in salons is carried out in different ways. The most commonly used chemical peeling is the effect on the epidermis with acid-containing substances that remove the top layer of the skin. This is a complex procedure that requires professional knowledge and skills. Performing acid exfoliation on your own is quite dangerous - it often leads to severe burns. At home, you can replace it with a safer enzyme.

For enzymatic peeling at home, special cosmetics are produced:

Drug nameManufacturerMode of applicationaverage price
Enzyme Exfoliator"ReNew", IsraelApply to the skin with a thin layer, massage gently for 3 minutes and leave for 15-30 minutes, covering your face with a warm damp towel. Wash off with warm water.1800 rubles for 70 ml
"Algologie Purifying enzyme peel mask"Algologie, FranceCombine the powder and gel from the sachets, apply with a brush to the skin, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water.4500 rubles for 10 sachets of powder and 10 sachets of gel
"GIGI Classic Enzymatic peeling gel for all skin types""Gigi", IsraelApply the gel to clean, dry skin, massage, leave for 20-30 minutes, covering your face with a damp warm towel, rinse with warm water.3200 rubles for 250 ml


Mechanical means cleaning the face with abrasive compounds - scrubs or masks.

The easiest and most affordable way at home is to cleanse with soda and salt:

  • in 1 tablespoon of regular baby cream, mix 1 teaspoon of fine salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • apply the mixture to the skin with massaging movements, leave for 5 minutes;
  • wash off the scrub with warm water.

Mechanical face cleansing is also carried out using a clay mask:

  • Dilute 2 tablespoons of blue clay with a little water to a creamy consistency;
  • add 3 drops of olive oil to the mixture;
  • apply on a clean, steamed face for 20 minutes;
  • wash off with warm water.

These treatments are especially suitable for oily skin. If it is dry or sensitive, it is better to choose a ready-made cosmetic scrub that is suitable for these skin types.


The term "manual face cleansing" means that the pores of the skin are cleaned by hand. In salons, sometimes they additionally use special tools - Vidal's needle or Unna's spoon.

The algorithm for performing the procedure is as follows:

  • the face is cleansed of cosmetics and surface impurities using masks or scrubs;
  • the skin is steamed so that the pores open well;
  • black dots, milia acne and other formations are squeezed out of the pores with the fingertips;
  • an anti-inflammatory cream is applied to the skin.

Manual cleaning is a painful process that requires skill, knowledge of the structure of the skin, patience, sterility, good vision and lighting. It can be produced at home, but only if the above requirements are met.


Vacuum cleaning of the skin is a standard hardware procedure performed by every beauty salon. Its essence is drawing out impurities from the pores using a special device. Now such devices have become portable and it is not difficult to acquire them. The cost ranges from 800 to 5000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and configuration.

Self-cleaning of the skin with a vacuum includes the following steps:

  • cleansing the face of cosmetics and surface dirt with a scrub or mask;
  • steaming the face;
  • lubricating the skin with a moisturizer or gel;
  • facial treatment with an apparatus;
  • applying a soothing cream.

Before the final stage, you can wipe your face with an ice cube - it relieves swelling well and tightens pores.


A good alternative to vacuum is ultrasonic cleaning.

This method has many advantages:

  • does not injure the skin;
  • does not require preliminary steaming;
  • performed quickly and painlessly.

For ultrasonic cleaning of the face at home, you need to purchase a device - an ultrasound scrubber and a special gel.

The steps in the procedure are as follows:

  • cleanse the face of cosmetics and external impurities with a scrub;
  • wipe your face with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide or "Chlorhexidine");
  • apply gel for ultrasound scrubbers to the skin;
  • set up the device and treat the face along the massage lines for 5-10 minutes;
  • wash off the remains of the gel and wipe the face with a tonic.

Ultrasonic cleaning has a number of contraindications - it cannot be performed in the presence of acne on the skin, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with herpes and rosacea.


Combined facial cleansing is a method that combines elements of deep, manual and ultrasonic cleansing.

If you have an ultrasound scrubber and peeling cosmetics, you can independently carry out combined cleaning according to the following algorithm:

  • cleanse the skin of cosmetics and external impurities;
  • use an enzyme peeling agent or serum based on AHA acids;
  • apply a UV scrubber gel and treat your face for 10 minutes;
  • remove the remaining black dots manually;
  • treat your face with tonic and apply a soothing cream.

When combined, the methods complement each other, and their disadvantages are minimized. The skin is deeply cleansed, but practically not damaged and quickly returns to normal after the procedure.


Atraumatic cleansing is a step-by-step peeling technique with fruit acids. The term itself implies a very gentle attitude to the skin. It is perfectly cleaned, respiratory and regenerative processes are improved in it, however, the tissues are not injured, as, for example, during chemical peeling or manual cleaning.

You can carry out atraumatic cleaning at home as follows:

  • cleanse your face from cosmetics and external pollution;
  • apply a peeling product based on fruit acids (for example, preparations of the brands "Skinlite", "Meishoku" or "Bark");
  • reapply the peeling agent, accompanying the application with massage movements;
  • apply an enzyme peeling agent, soak according to the instructions and remove;
  • apply a cool wet compress from napkins to your face, hold for 10 minutes;
  • treat your face with lotion or tonic, apply a soothing cream.

In order not to select separately preparations for each stage of atraumatic cleaning, you can purchase them immediately as a set. Such kits are produced, for example, by the Israeli trade mark "Holy Land".

Hollywood method

"Hollywood cleansing" is called calcium chloride peeling. The method works well on oily to combination skin, but is not suitable for dry, thin and sensitive skin.

To carry out the "Hollywood cleansing", you need to purchase from the pharmacy 5% calcium chloride in ampoules and a piece of baby soap without fragrances and dyes.

The procedure is performed like this:

  • cleanse your face from cosmetics;
  • open the ampoule, moisten a cotton pad with calcium chloride and apply it on a dry face;
  • after waiting for the solution to dry on the face, apply it again, and then repeat the action 2 more times;
  • lather a clean cotton pad and massage the skin with foam along the massage lines;
  • after the formation of flakes, rolls them along the massage lines from the face;
  • wash your face with clean soft water;
  • apply a soothing cream.

During the procedure, slight tingling is possible. If severe discomfort and burning occurs, it must be stopped immediately by rinsing off the solution with plenty of water.

How to properly prepare your skin

An obligatory stage in preparing the skin for cleaning is washing. All cosmetics are removed with a sponge with cosmetic milk or gel.

Pre-steaming is required for many procedures. It is convenient to do this with portable vaporizers and steam facial saunas. If such devices are not available, you can hold your face over a container of hot water, covering yourself with a towel.

Before vacuum or ultrasonic cleaning, it makes sense to exfoliate your face with a mild scrub. This will increase the efficiency of the procedures.

Recipes for cleansing the skin in traditional medicine

Some expensive cosmetic preparations can be replaced with recipes from the arsenal of traditional medicine:

  • Strawberry and tomato mask. Mash 2 ripe strawberries and a little tomato pulp and apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse. The mask partly replaces peeling products with fruit acids.
  • Kefir and currant mask. Grind 1 tablespoon of black currant in mashed potatoes and mix with 1 tablespoon of fatty kefir. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse. Also replaces peeling preparations with fruit acids.
  • Scrub with honey and aspirin. Crush 3 tablets, drip a little water to get gruel, mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Use the mixture to clean your face for 2-3 minutes, leave for 10 minutes and rinse.
  • Chamomile compress for steaming. Brew 3 tablespoons of chamomile with 1 glass of boiling water. Soak for 15 minutes, filter, dip the napkin in the infusion and apply on the face before the cleaning procedure. With the cooled infusion, you can rinse your face after cleansing.

Any cleaning product - home or professional - should be applied gently, avoiding the skin of the eyelids. In the event of severe discomfort or allergic reactions, the face is immediately washed with water.

Home or professional cleaning - which one to choose?

If there is a financial opportunity, it is better to entrust the cleaning of the facial skin to a specialist. A good cosmetologist will correctly determine the type of skin, assess the presence of contraindications for a particular procedure, and select competent tactics and a suitable method.

Home facial cleansing is an alternative for a modest budget. In this case, you have to take all the risks. To reduce them, you need to carefully study the instructions for devices or cosmetics.

Facial care after the procedure

After cleansing the face, the amount of sebum secreted usually increases. You need to prepare for this and purchase a lotion or toner for the care of oily skin.

In addition, the following rules should be observed:

  • in the first week, exclude exposure to the sun or strong winds, do not use foundation and powder;
  • wash only with soft water, without soap and chlorine;
  • do not touch your face with dirty hands;
  • use moisturizers.

Usually, after light home procedures, long-term rehabilitation is not needed. But if suspicious inflammation, irritation, peeling, age spots appear on the skin after cleaning, it is better not to delay the time and contact the nearest cosmetologist or dermatologist as soon as possible.

You can spend a lot of money to keep your skin clean and healthy. Or you can act wiser and make the funds yourself. Folk remedies are considered no less effective, and the experience of previous generations allows you not to be afraid of unexpected consequences.

Mask that cleanses the skin of the face in

To prepare it, you will need very little. 2 tsp each. lemon and olive oil and 1 yolk. Mix everything well, preferably in a blender and apply to the skin of the face. Before use, the skin must be moistened with plain water, and the application of the mask can be facilitated by using a cotton pad. After holding the mask for a few minutes, it can be washed off. Easy preparation, quick application and excellent effect have made this mask popular.

There is another type of mask. But you need to apply it for 20 minutes. It is made from protein from 1 egg and 2 tablespoons. corn flour. The ingredients are brought to a state of gruel and then applied to the face.

How to cleanse your face with baking soda

Soda is used in many folk recipes, especially for rinsing the mouth. But baking soda can also have a great effect on the skin of the face. There are 2 classic recipes for light peeling baking soda masks.

You can mix half a teaspoon of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of honey. And then the mixture is applied to the skin of the face. At the same time, rubbing a little with light circular movements.

Or you can apply a mixture of baking soda and orange juice on your face. The main thing is that the mass is thick enough and does not run down the face. When applying, care must be taken that the mixture does not get into the eyes. As you know, citrus juice will sting your eyes. After application, you can do a light facial massage and then rinse.

Coffee scrub

Coffee scrubs are popular in all spas. In stores, you can see a huge number of cans of coffee-based scrubs and peels. But do not spend money, because such a scrub can be easily done on your own.

To prepare a scrub, you need to mix in a 1 to 1 ratio of coffee grounds and cottage cheese. Apply in circular motions for at least 2 minutes. And then hold the scrub for another 10 minutes. Then the scrub is washed off with warm water.

Honey tincture for face cleansing

Honey is an effective folk remedy that helps get rid of many problems. So honey tincture will become an excellent face lotion. It will gently cleanse the skin, help get rid of pimples and nourish the skin with vitamins.

To prepare the lotion, stir well 1 teaspoon of glycerin and honey. Then add 30 ml of water with the addition of 3 grams of borax. Everything is thoroughly mixed. And now 1 tbsp is added. vodka and mixed again. The resulting lotion is used to wipe the face with a cotton pad.

Stages of deep cleansing of the facial skin

first, you need to cleanse the skin of grease and dust. To do this, wash your face well and apply skin lotion. Then the face is steamed. It's easy to do: just wash your face with moderately hot water. The next step is to apply a scrub. It will help unclog pores and allow your skin to breathe better.

After applying the scrub, some blackheads will disappear, but not all. The rest must be carefully squeezed out with clean hands. if there are acne on the face, then do not squeeze them out. In this case, it is better to contact a professional.

Now the skin needs to be treated with an antibacterial agent. It can be peroxide or chlorhexidine.

After processing, the pores must be closed so that dust and dirt do not get into them. This can be done by rinsing your face with cold water. Ice cubes are helpful. Or you can make a mask by dissolving blue clay in water and applying it to your face.

The last step is a mask that moisturizes and soothes the skin.

You can do face cleansing no more than 12 times a year for oily skin. And if the skin is dry or normal, then you need to do cleansing no more than 6 times a year.