When to add a girl. Learning to sit down the girl correctly

Which parent does not want the child to grow up as soon as possible? The appearance of a crumb into the world foreshadows a series of fascinating and interesting discoveries both for the child himself and for mom and dad. Small victories, inept attempts to sit down and the first steps are very touching.

The development of boys and girls is not the same. As you know, little princesses begin to learn the necessary skills first, and this is due to their physiology. Many people think about how many months can girls be imprisoned... Moms go online and see many different opinions from fellow parents or pediatricians. Some have heard that it is worth planting boys and girls not earlier than 6 months from the moment of birth. In this article, we'll go over all aspects of squatting, as well as learn more about adaptations to help you master this skill.

So, how many months can you start planting girls? Methods of preparing a child for adulthood are passed down from generation to generation - from great-grandmothers to grandmothers, from grandmothers to mothers, from mothers to us. And so we begin to follow the advice, sometimes not wondering if they are correct. Put the girl on the pillows or wait until she sits down by herself? How much to wait? A series of these questions does not give mothers peace of mind. Yet many believe that 6 months is the most appropriate age.

Newborn development process

Why is so much attention given to sitting down? It would seem that you put the girl in when you think it's necessary and you don't have to worry. But it’s not that simple. In newborns, the spine is still thin and flexible. At first, the child can only lie down, and then with each raising of the head and turning on the tummy, the spine becomes stronger and less vulnerable.

In order for the spine to acquire the correct shape, girls need to be seated according to all the rules and in no case should the process be rushed. Spinal development is something that happens in infants of both sexes the same way. Therefore, these tips will be relevant for parents of both boys and girls.

Why girls can't sit down early

Why is it undesirable to put girls on the buttocks early? The fact is that accelerating the natural process of sitting down can harm the health of the newborn. This is especially true for children with rickets, whose muscle frame is flaccid and weak. If you start to seat the baby before the required age, the spine bends, and the muscles are not yet ready to support it. In this case, posture disorders occur at a young age. How many months can girls still be imprisoned? To answer this question, pay attention to the signs of the body's readiness to master squatting.

Signs of readiness to sit down

No matter how the crumb pulls pens to you from 2 to 4 months - this does not mean a call "Mom, I want to sit already"... Physiologically, the spine of boys and girls at this age is absolutely not ready to sit down. Even if you plant a crumb, it will be hunched over, which leads to a deterioration in breathing and health in general.

To put girls and boys on the ass should only be when they sit down themselves. And here you do not need to impatiently glance at the calendar and check the tables of the child's development. Let everything happen naturally for the baby.

Usually the age of readiness is six months or more. Most often, it happens that the baby first raises its head, then he holds it more confidently. After that, it begins to roll over from the back to the tummy and vice versa. Then he tries to crawl and only then he wants to sit down himself. Until the baby independently masters this path and sits down without your help, you are prohibited from interfering!

What time can you put girls on walkers, jumpers and other devices?

After parents start to sit down boys and girls, they are eager to buy them all kinds of equipment to improve their skills.

Walkers- not always needed. Pediatricians think so. The fact is that walkers are not needed for girls and boys, because they can learn to walk without them. It is enough to hold onto the sofa or mother's hand. But there are situations when mothers need free time, in which case a walker will not interfere with girls and boys. You can put the baby in this device, and do household chores yourself, without worrying that the baby may hit or fall on something.

Keep in mind, however, that having a walker for boys and girls is not always beneficial. During movement, they do not use the muscles that are needed to master walking. The spine and feet may begin to form incorrectly, and the back may not experience the necessary load. The baby can get so used to the walker that without them he will be afraid to take a step.

Also, this device is harmful to children with rickets. At first, it is important to wait until the girls or boys sit on their butts, begin to stand steadily, and only then can they master walking.

Jumpers can be harmful. All parents know how interesting the baby is in jumping! But this is not a completely harmless adaptation, especially if you have not started to sit down your girl yet. In jumpers, the load on the back increases, and the perineum is strongly squeezed. If the girl is not sitting down yet, does not know how to stand on her legs and does not try to walk, she does not need jumpers.

Cushions- is no longer a panacea. Several decades ago, pillows were very popular for squatting girls and boys. However, pediatricians unanimously say: wait 6 months for the baby to sit down by itself. And no pillows are needed.

Kangaroo or better sling? It is undesirable to purchase a kangaroo for children. Firstly, a girl who has not yet been seated can experience a strong load in this device. The reason is that despite the development of the hip joints in a kangaroo, the crumb's back is overloaded. When the child gets older, you will already experience the load on the back. Therefore, it is more suitable for newborn babies.

The pot will wait. When should you potty boys and girls? You can forget about "toilet" matters until 11 months, when the child will be able to control this process. If you want to teach earlier, wait until the baby learns to sit.

High chair- with a reclining position. You can sit girls in such a chair only after they learn to sit on their own. If the baby still does not know how to sit, buy her a chair that can be installed in a reclining position.

Sitting in a wheelchair? When can you put girls in the stroller? Some parents, having waited six months of age, try to plant the baby for a walk so that he can observe the world around him. If the child still does not know how to sit, it is better to lay him out on his tummy and lower the bottom of the stroller so that the view is not obstructed.

Car seats - from birth. You can put girls and boys in a car seat if it has an orthopedic back. To find a good car seat, see its crush test rating.

Sitting exercises for boys and girls

Strengthen your baby's muscles with specific exercises before planting half-year-old girls.

1. Lay the baby on the back and let your palms grab your hands. The girl will try to get up, thereby straining and strengthening the abdominal muscles.
2. Put the girl on her stomach and hold any bright toy in front of the ring. This will stimulate crawling.
3. Place the baby on your lap with its tummy, also holding the toy above eye level. Thanks to this, the muscles of the back and abdomen will tense, as the girl wants to get the toy.

It is not worth planting girls at the age of six months on the ass, even if you have practiced these exercises with her. Better to wait for self-planting. The body knows best when it is ready.

Dispelling early landing myths

There is a persistent myth that it is undesirable to plant girls early, because the uterus may bend. Pediatricians believe that this is, in principle, impossible. No kink will happen if you put girls on the ass when they try to do it themselves.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

A well-known doctor advises that it is better not to put girls in bed with assistive devices. Wait until the body of the crumbs gives all the signals of readiness - it starts to roll over and wants to take a sitting position. How many months can boys and girls sit down? The doctor believes that by 7 months the body is already ready for this skill.

The birth of a child is always a joyful event in the family, albeit a troublesome one. Parents need to prepare in advance for the appearance of the unborn baby. It is advisable to get acquainted with useful information on caring for a newborn, master massage techniques, and also figure out how many months girls can be imprisoned.

Each little man is already a unique individual, not only from the physical side of the issue, but also from the psychological point of view. It is very important for parents to know the developmental features of the baby in order to help him adapt more easily and better to the world around him, and not try to sit him down too early. Every day, newborn babies become more active and agile. Toddlers begin to show attempts to change their posture. They begin to crawl, roll over from side to side, sit, walk.

But sometimes mothers stop the child's early attempts to sit down, since many orthopedists do not recommend planting children before six months of age. This is especially true in relation to girls: since they are expectant mothers, it is extremely important for them to prevent deformation of the bones of the small pelvis and spine.

What is the danger

Of course, attempts to start sitting a child under the age of four months can only bring negative consequences - this is already a proven fact. A fragile spine, which does not have support in the form of a muscle corset, receives an overload in such a position, which can cause the following consequences:

  • scoliosis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • lordosis.

At the same time, the vertical posture taken by girls at a very early age is also dangerous because it can cause curvature of the bones, as well as a change in the shape of the uterine cavity. In addition, as an adult, a girl will begin to suffer from pain during menstruation. She can not avoid complications during pregnancy.

Although there are slight differences between boys and girls, they still need to be taken into account. The bone tissue of the female body is more fragile in comparison with the male. It is for this reason that girls should begin to sit down much later in time.

So after all, when can you plant a girl? You can confidently sit down a child from six months of age - and then taking into account individual physical characteristics. During this period, many children are already showing their independence and desire for activity, they are trying to sit. Parents who notice that their child can already easily rise on the arms, easily lifts his body when he lies down with his stomach down, and try to help him, make a mistake.

Using artificial support to start sitting down, which makes it easier for the child to maintain the required position, moms and dads do not take into account that putting bolsters or pillows under the girl's back, that is, a vertical load on the still fragile spine, is quite harmful. In order for the child to be able to sit better, it is enough just to carry out special exercises that help strengthen the body.


Today, there are various techniques and exercises for this purpose, which effectively strengthen the fragile children's spine and form the correct posture. The number of classes conducted is regulated by the parents. Constant physical exercises enable the girl to start sitting faster, and then walk and sit on her own. But in this matter, you should not be very zealous, children should perceive classes as a game.

Already from one and a half months, it is allowed to start performing pull-ups of the child. When starting the exercise, it is imperative to stretch the joints, as well as the fragile fingers of the girl. Then invite her to catch your hands, and then slowly pull the baby towards you, each time increasing the angle of ascent. After a while, the baby will independently begin to perform these exercises.

Other exercises will also help to cope with the task:

  • let the girl pinch your fingers without interfering with her pulling herself up on them, as if on a horizontal bar,
  • after six months of life, sit the baby on your knees, by all means supporting her slightly,
  • Hang toys over the bed so that she tries to reach them.

The coups will make it possible to teach the child to turn independently. These manipulations can be carried out from birth without thinking at what age they are allowed. One has only to put the girl on her tummy. In the future, the baby will begin to raise her head herself, then she will completely turn over on her own. These activities will help you develop motor habits. Exercise promotes the development of the joints of the limbs, and also begins to strengthen the muscles of the neck. All these actions will help the baby to sit down on its own.

Now it is clear when you can plant the girl. By the age of 6 months, the baby is still uncertainly sitting, constantly falling to the side. Although there are also such young princesses who immediately sit perfectly, confidently tilting their bodies and reaching for the toys.

After a month or two, the girl becomes confident in mastering this skill. She is already able to keep balance and sit without support. Even begins to sit down from any position without support. It is no longer difficult for a baby to take a pose from the side, from the back or abdomen. She manages to sit for a long time and at the same time not get tired.

The main thing for parents during this period is to start watching how the baby sits and sits down. It is necessary that her head is slightly tilted forward, the upper part of the spine and neck are unbent, but the hip joints and lower back are bent, slightly tilted forward. Children's legs should be divorced, at the same time turned outward, and the little hands should be located, as a support, in front of the body. Why is it so important? It is this position of her body that will help to form the natural curves of the vertebral tissues, muscles and ligaments in the correct way.

i-3 "> Individual feature

Doctors recommend that parents not rush things and do not sit down the baby if the girl is in no hurry to sit. She should not be forced or taught - everything should happen naturally. The child himself will feel confident and then he will be ready to force events. The baby will be able to sit on its own.

When parents are still worried about the long lack of urge to accept such a position, you should contact your pediatrician, consult him and get recommendations on how to help the baby and at what age, is it worth sitting down if she does not sit down herself. Most likely, these will be physical exercises, massage, water procedures. All these manipulations will contribute to the development of sitting skills.


The following signs will help to indicate the girl's ability to sit: self-rolling over on her stomach, the child holds her head well in an upright position, the baby is able to stand and lean with her hands, she makes the first attempts to sit on her own. After noticing such attempts, you can begin to gradually help the child, guiding him and not allowing him to sit down too early.

One of the key moments in the life of a young child is the period when the baby begins to sit. Parents are looking forward to this moment, because in this way the possibilities of games and knowledge of the world, as well as the possibilities of complementary feeding, expand.

How many months do babies start sitting, and how can you help them learn the skill faster? This is always a question of concern.

At what age does the child begin to sit?

With the question of when the child should sit, parents often go to the doctor, and they are very worried if by six months the child has not yet begun to sit on his own. But it is worth knowing that the development of a child is an individual process, and the baby does not owe anything to anyone.

Sitting age of six months is the average time for the formation of a skill when a child begins to make his first attempts to sit on his own.

Individual terms for the formation of the skill range from 6 to 8 months, and it is difficult to say exactly what time your child should sit.

He will be ready for this as he strengthens the muscles of his back and limbs, masters the skills of flips from the abdomen to the back and back, and attempts to crawl.

Parents often mistake some of their children's actions for wanting to sit down when they try to raise their heads at 4-5 months of age to see their surroundings.

If these children are pulled by the handles, they can sit down.

When do children start sitting? By about the age of six months, many babies are already actively controlling their muscles, which allows them to sit for a while without support. But more often than not, they can sit more or less confidently only with support or in pillows, an armchair or a chaise longue.

Gradually, the muscles become stronger, and children can maintain a sitting position for longer and longer.

By the age of 7 months, the baby can sit, leaning slightly with the arms and not for very long, since his muscles are still very tired, but by 8 months the skeleton is strengthened so much that the child can already sit confidently and evenly for a long time.

That is, the age when a child sits on his own is approximately 7-8 months.

When do boys start sitting?

There is a misconception that boys can be imprisoned earlier than girls, and they can sit as early as 5 months. This is not true, and the pace of development of boys is also individual.

What time a child begins to sit depends largely on the strength and degree of development of previous skills, muscle tone and the activity of maturation of the nervous system, as well as on the complexion and weight of the child.

On average, a child sits down by the age of 7-8 months, confidently holding his back and not changing position for a long time.

When do girls start to sit?

It is popularly believed that girls cannot be planted early, otherwise they will develop a bend of the uterus - this is a misconception, early sitting of a girl does not affect the internal organs, which cannot be said about a fragile spine.

How many months a child begins to sit depends not on gender characteristics, but on the pace of development, muscle tone and skill development.

It is believed that girls are slightly ahead of boys in development and usually sit down between 6 and 8 months. Although there may be individual fluctuations in terms within a month.

How does a child begin to sit?

When children start to sit, they do it in a certain sequence.

If the muscle tone of the child is developed according to his age, then in the period of 4.5-5 months they can sit with the support of the handles from a reclining position. At the same time, they will fall forward or fall on their side, since the muscle frame is still too weak to fully hold the body in an upright position.

You should not often plant children in such a way so as not to negatively affect the spinal column.

Such sittings a couple of times a day can be considered training for the future already independent sitting, and when the child begins to sit on his own, he will no longer need such support.

The first time the baby begins to sit, he will need support for his back, or he will lean on the handles, gradually more and more actively manipulating them and maintaining balance while sitting.

Special situations

When babies do not begin to sit by the age of six months, as they write in many books on child development, parents begin to worry and try to persistently plant their child. But this is not worth doing, since often children can be more interested in moving around than sitting in a static position.

If, by the age of seven to eight months, children are actively crawling, while almost not sitting, this indicates the active development of the muscles of the arms and legs, and insufficient development of the muscles of the back. Such children sit down a little later, actively learning about the world in crawling.

Children often sit down on their own after they have learned to get on all fours and try to crawl. They just lower the ass on its side and sit on it, releasing the handles.

Hence the conclusion, at how many months the baby begins to sit - this is approximately a period from 6 to 9 months, as he masters the skills of crawling.

How many months can a child sit with support or on an adult's lap? If the back of the baby is weak, you should not rush him to the seat, before 5-5.5 months, you should not even sit down the children for a short time, this is harmful to their spine.

Moreover, it is impossible to put them in pillows or highchairs during this period - usually children begin to bend to the side due to muscle weakness.

If, by the age of 8-9 months, the child does not make attempts to sit down and crawl, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor for advice, as it may be necessary to prescribe therapeutic massage and gymnastics to strengthen muscle tone and help in the formation of a skill.

Video Reverse lunges for girls

Analysis of the exercise

Anatomy exercise

Back lunges are a compound exercise, biomechanically identical to the basic version (direct lunges). As in the classic variation of the movement, the main load falls on the gluteus maximus muscle and the frontal area of ​​the thigh, represented by the quadriceps.

In addition to the target musculature, the load is distributed between the following muscle units:

Exercise preparation

Since reverse lunges are difficult coordination exercises, most novice athletes may have difficulty maintaining balance. In such cases, it is recommended to practice the mechanics of movement without weight or in the Smith machine.

Before you start performing the basic approaches, you should warm up your knee joints and muscles well. For these purposes, you can perform a 10-minute jog and joint gymnastics.

How to do it right?

Errors when performing reverse lunges

Inclusion in the program

It is optimal to include lunges in the final part of the leg complex after basic exercises - squats, leg press or deadlift.

Athletes interested in muscle separation are advised to focus on repetitive sets of movement - 12 to 15 times.

However, the exercise may well acquire a "mass-growing" character if you use more weights and move to the average repetition range of work - from 8 to 12 times. At the same time, it is important to perform back lunges in an explosive style, that is, the downward movement is performed emphatically slowly, and the return to the starting position should be dynamic and powerful.

Improving efficiency
