Nikolay Sobolev's blog youtube. Nikolay Sobolev - biography, photos, videos, personal life, height, weight

Nikolai Sobolev is a well-known Russian video blogger, who is known as the author of the SOBOLEV ("Life YouTube") channel. And as the founder of the project called Rakamakafo Pranks.

Nikolai is a native of St. Petersburg. He has a higher education, which he received there, at the SPbSPU Polytech, Faculty of Economics and Management.

He also wrote several books that are very useful and interesting for many, especially for beginners who want to conquer and climb YouTube Olympus.

His books are titled “Video Blogging Basics”, “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions”, “Rakamakafo Project Creation Stories”.

He became famous in the Russian-speaking YouTube space as a pranker. Through his various social experiments.

Therefore, when he had a question about what topic to lead his channel, he decided to analyze all niches on YouTube and realized that without options it would be prank, pranks and various social experiments. And he made the right decision. He created the Rakamakafo Pranks project and this brought him overwhelming fame and money. Yes, yes, exactly money, since Nikolai earns very decently.

Nikolay Sobolev - complete biography, age and height.

Nikolay Sobolev on VKontakte, Instagram and YouTube.

  • VKontakte -
  • YouTube -

Be sure to check out Nikolai's pages to be aware of what exactly he does.

The most popular video of Nikolai Sobolev - Blue whale

This is the most popular video on Nikolay's channel, which has gained more than 6,300,000 million views. The blue whale is a dangerous game that can lead the participants to suicide.

Also, Nikolay is a regular guest and participant of Widfest festivals for video bloggers, which are very often held in Russia. She also conducts master classes on promoting her brand on social networks and feels very good thanks to her work and her creativity.

Nikolai Sobolev is a popular Russian blogger who covers the current and acute problems of society on his YouTube channel Sobolev: the rallies of Alexei Navalny, the rape of Diana Shurygina, the Khabarovsk knackers, showdowns between fellow bloggers. For the "hype" on fried topics, he was dubbed "Andrey Malakhov of the Russian YouTube".

Despite the criticism, Nikolai Sobolev is confidently moving forward, and the account of his subscribers has long gone into the millions. And his career began in 2014, when Sobolev, together with his comrade Guram Narmania, founded the Rakamakafo project, in which young people arranged social experiments on passers-by.


Nikolai Sobolev was born on July 18, 1993 in St. Petersburg, on Vasilievsky Island. His parents are well-to-do people: his mother is a musician at the Mariinsky Theater, and his father is the owner of the St. Petersburg Souvenirs retail chain.

In 2000, Nikolai went to first grade. Until 2005, he studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum №30, then moved to the gymnasium №56 with an intensive study of economics and linguistics.

From the age of five, Kolya was fond of oriental martial arts: karate, taekwondo. At the age of 14, he was injured and temporarily left sports activities. Not knowing what to do with himself, the teenager became interested in computer games.

The world of gamers captivated the guy for a short time. Already at the age of 16, he returned to sports, began to actively go to the gym and achieved good results. He would have become a fitness trainer if he had not taken his niche in the Russian YouTube segment.

After leaving school, he entered the Faculty of Economics and Management of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic, from which he graduated in 2015.


Nikolai Sobolev was a creative person from childhood. Nature generously rewarded him with a good voice. At first, he occasionally sang in a cabaret, and at the age of 19 he was already involved in a professional show program and earned good money. He also wrote very good stories from school, so later he had problems with creating scripts for videos.

In 2010 Nikolay Sobolev registered his first video channel on YouTube. But since the guy did not yet have a clear idea of ​​what he wanted to show to other people, his first project turned out to be a failure. And in 2013, together with Guram Narmania, whom Nikolai met at a party with friends, Sobolev launched the video blog "Rakamakafo". The main idea of ​​the project is a humorous demonstration of social problems and how ordinary people behave in unforeseen situations.

The very first prank Rakamakafo

In 2014, after a detailed study of the idea and the purchase of the most simple video equipment, young people begin to act and launch a project from which their career growth began. Videos with rallies, social experiments on the brink of a foul, turned out to be attractive to users.

The first social experiment of friends was the video "Group Sex". Bloggers approached passers-by and recorded their reaction to an offer of an intimate nature. In the following issues, young people tossed people a wallet with money (return to the owner or take it for themselves?), Checked whether someone would separate the two fighting guys or stop the rape, who would be given more money - a person with a Slavic or non-Russian appearance, introduced themselves to a stranger and watched how the false memory system works.

Russian VS Non-Russian

Six months after the opening of the channel, Sobolev and Narmania recorded an experiment that instantly flew around the Runet. The video was divided into two parts, one was filmed in the USA, the other in Russia, well, the essence was the same - the main character of the video simulated a heart attack, and the camera recorded the reactions of passers-by. Alas, the results were not in favor of the Russians.

A person feels bad (the most popular rakamakfo experiment)

A year later, the channel already had more than a million subscribers, both vloggers became recognizable, young people were included in the list of the 50 most famous media personalities of St. Petersburg. It is interesting that in the entire history of the channel, Sobolev and Narmania have invested just over one hundred thousand rubles in it.

In October 2015, in the wake of popularity, Sobolev decided to open his personal YouTube Life channel, dedicated to the analysis of conflicts of famous bloggers and their criticism. His videos told, for example, about the relationship between Ivangai and Maryana Ro, the cost of the blogs of Sonya Esman and Maria Wei, the conflict between Dmitry Larin and Yuri Khovansky, the arrest of Ruslan Sokolovsky. In 2016, the blogger released his book, on the pages of which he shared the secrets of YouTube's monetization success.

In 2016, the channel changed its name to "SOBOLEV" and the topic of video clips moved towards the discussion of scandalous topics and acute social problems of society. Sobolev undertook to demonstrate everything that is interesting to ordinary people.

Nikolay Sobolev about Diana Shurygina's PR

One of the landmark points in the blogger's career was her participation in 2017 in the talk show "Let Them Talk" with Vladimir Solovyov. And in August 2017, the social network VKontakte launched the Sobolev Bombs project - a weekly show to test erudition.

Sobolev Nikolay biography

Real name- Nikolay Yurievich Sobolev

Hometown- St. Petersburg

Activity- Blogger

Who is Nikolay Sobolev

Nikolay Sobolev is a Russian video blogger, blogger, singer better known as the creator of such projects as Rakamakafo, Ready Steady Go and of course as the author of his solo YouTube channel "Sobolev", where he covers well-known events exciting the public.

Nikolay Sobolev before he became famous

Nikolai's passion for creativity began from an early age, he attended various acting and creative circles at school. But sports had a place in Kolya's life, he is the champion of St. Petersburg in taekwondo. Also in high school, he was closely engaged in bodybuilding and weighed about 120 kilograms.

After school, Nikolai decides to enter the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, which later graduates with a master's degree.

Sobolev YouTube

In 2014, Sobolev came up with the idea to create a YouTube channel, together with his friend Guram Narmania, on which they would shoot videos with pranks and pranks. And they call him Rakamakafo / Rakamakafo. Since the guys filmed videos on acute social topics, the videos were gaining great popularity, and the channel, accordingly, had subscribers. So in the first year, the Racamacafo channel gained 1,000,000 subscribers and its creators were included in the "TOP50" of the most popular people in St. Petersburg.

An interesting fact - the first video on the rakamakafo channel, where Kolya and Guram offered passers-by to have group sex with them, was filmed for fifteen days, due to shyness and inexperience.

Life YouTube and SOBOLEV

In 2016 Nikolay Sobolev becomes the host of the channel " YouTube life“, Where he covered the latest interesting events from the life of YouTubers. Soon on November 8, 2016, Nikolay changes the name of the channel to “ SOBOLEV"And begins to cover news already, not only from the YouTube environment, but also from around the world, touching upon such tough topics as" Khabarovsk knackers ", criminal cases opened against various bloggers, etc.

Ready steady go

In 2016, Nikolai Sobolev, together with Ilya Strekalovsky and Alexander Murataev, launch the channel Ready steady go, which at some point becomes the fastest growing in the world in terms of subscriber growth. On it, the guys shoot reviews of cars and everything connected with them.

Nikolay Sobolev's book "YouTube: The Path to Success"

In August 2016 Nikolai released the book "YouTube: The Path to Success" in which he describes the basics of creating, developing and promoting his channel on YouTube.

Sobolev and Shurygina

In 2017, Nikolai Sobolev was invited to the program "Let Them Talk - In the Middle of the Party", where the rape of Diana Shurygina was discussed, the veracity of which is doubted by the whole country. Appearance on this program brings Kolya to the channel over 250,000 subscribers and in total he gains 1,000,000 on the channel.

Personal life of Nikolai Sobolev

Nikolai is a very serious young man and is not a supporter of casual relationships with girls. At the moment, he had about two serious relationships, one of which continues to this day. The first serious relationship was with Yana Khanikeryan and they lasted 3 and a half years.

Parting with Yana Khanikeryan

Nikolay never advertised his parting with Yana, but subscribers somehow found out about this and at the moment Kolya's personal messages are inundated with the question: "Why did you break up with Yana?" He comments on it this way: “Yes, indeed, after 3.5 years of relationship, we broke up, I don’t know, unfortunately, or fortunately it happened, but we just are not together. "

Sobolev's new girl

At the moment, Nikolai Sobolev is dating a very pretty girl, Polina Chistyakova, and as Nikolai himself says: "This is the girl with whom I want to live my whole life."

Interesting fact: Kolya and Polina met through one of the "Rakamakafo" pranks. Kolya and Guram filmed a video on the topic: "how many people recognize them on the street", they were periodically approached to be photographed and one of these people was Polina, Kolya, of course, noticed this beautiful girl, but no more, since at that time he was in a relationship with Yana. And now, after 9 months, Nikolai breaks up with Yana, falls into a stupor and remembers such a girl from the video as Polina. After a week and a half, Kolya writes to her on VK, makes an appointment, word for word, and now a year later they already live together. Yana's ex-girlfriend is also already in a new relationship.

At the moment, Nikolai Sobolev is one of the most popular bloggers on the Russian segment of YouTube. He shoots videos for several channels at an enviable frequency, and he also has an official Instagram account.

If you closely follow YouTube trends, then you have definitely heard about Nikolai Sobolev. In this post, we will tell you in detail about Sobolev, about his channels on YouTube. You will also find out who you were before you became famous, and also talk about the content that this popular YouTuber produces. Nikolay lives in the northern capital. He turned 24 in June. Very little is known about the blogger's family, but it can be argued with some certainty that the family is not in poverty. Already from childhood and Kolya, there was a craving for music, he grew up as a creative person. He was actively involved in sports. There was a time when he just did not get out of the gym, which now, of course, cannot be said for him. In his youth, he even won the St. Petersburg championship in karate, but over time, as he himself says, he gave up this martial arts. Now all the time Nikolai is occupied with his projects on YouTube. He also quite successfully reads various trainings, writes books on making money on channels. He knows exactly how to attract and tons of money. One could refute this statement, but all of Nikolai's channels are quite successful - they have millions of subscribers. For example, there are more than 3.6 million subscribers on Sobolev's official channel today (see the picture below).

If you want to see for yourself what the blogger is filming and uploading to the network, go to YouTube and search for “Sobolev” or go directly to the following address: “”. On his channel, Sobolev reviews the most discussed news and events. He also tries to appear periodically on television. Was a guest of such popular shows as: "Comedy Club" and "Evening Urgant", about which in our previous publication. If you click on the link: "Video" on the blogger's personal channel, then sort the results by popularity, you will see that Sobolev's stories are gaining millions of views. This suggests that he perfectly feels the audience, its preferences, interests and experiences. We already talked in the previous post about his ability to stay in the frame, when necessary, to joke, and sometimes to choose a serious intonation. Of course, subscribers feel and see all this.

Of course, there are youtubers out there who are trying to capitalize on Nikolai's popularity. That is why you can find fake Sobolev channels on Youtube and on other sites (see an example below). To recognize such channels, you just need to look at the number of subscribers, which does not exceed a couple of tens of thousands of people. Speaking of subscribers, we at SocPRka will quickly and efficiently increase the number of your fans on YouTube. Follow this link: "", and you will find out about everything.

As mentioned above, not a single resonant event goes unnoticed by Nikolai. But he began his career in video blogging not with news, but with the Rakamakafo channel, on which he and Guram Narmania staged various social experiments. We will discuss this in detail below.

But before that, it is worth mentioning another YouTube channel of Nikolai Sobolev, which is called: "Ready Steady Go". More precisely, Sobolev is one of the founders of this project (see the bottom picture). On the channel, the presenters talk, show and take apart in detail the fastest and most expensive cars in the world. If you are a fan of the automotive theme and love everything connected with it, then we advise you to watch this channel.

Now it's time to talk about the “Rakamakafo” channel mentioned above. This is a kind of prank channel, where acute social topics are raised, it is said about the actions of people, about how important it is to start changing life for the better, show compassion and not be indifferent to other people and their problems. The presenters say on their channel that changes for the better need to start first of all with yourself. It should be noted that many users and even subscribers of the channel do not really believe everything that happens in the videos of Nikolai and Guram. They often blame the guys for the fact that their videos are staged, but nevertheless, the channel has its own audience, and this, for a minute, is more than 3 million people. Follow the link: "", and decide for yourself whether you like this channel or it is not worthy of your attention.

Nowadays, videos rarely appear on the channel, which has given rise to many different rumors: from a quarrel between bloggers to a complete one, but just yesterday the guys denied these rumors and told their subscribers how things are with Rakamakafo. Video link: "".

Member Name: Nikolay Yurievich Sobolev

Age (birthday): 18.06.1993

City: Saint Petersburg

Education: SPbSPU Polytech, Faculty of Economics and Management

Job: blogger

Family: not married

Height and weight: 1.83 m

Directionality of channels: Rakamakafo - social experiments, SOBOLEV - discussion of current Internet news, Ready Steady Go - about cars

Channel created: 03/08/2014 / 10/16/2015/05/17/2016

Number of subscribers: more than 3 million on the Rakamakafo channel, and more than 3.5 million on the personal channel, more than 375 thousand on the Ready Steady Go channel

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Read from this article:

Nikolai Sobolev was born in St. Petersburg and always grew up as a very active boy. At school, the young man played in an amateur theater. The young man was always distinguished from his peers by an active life position and a love of public speaking.

And sobolev's assets include singing, cabaret performances and bodybuilding! At one stage in his life, the young man even weighed 120 kilograms. After leaving school, Nikolai entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, who graduated with a master's degree.

The craving for video blogging has pursued Sobolev for a long time, which is why he registered his first channel already in 2010. True, he did not have popularity, and therefore in 2014 the young man easily decided to join his friend Guram and create a whole prank show.

By this they understood the creation of a channel on which various rallies will be posted, which show the true face of ordinary people. The project was named "Rakamakafo".

The creators of the channel admit that by their actions they urge ordinary people not to be cruel and indifferent. Through the videos, the guys show the problems that exist in modern Russian society.

An interesting fact - the very first video, in which prankers approach passers-by with indecent proposals, was filmed for 15 days! And this happened because Nikolai and Guram were wildly shy.

During the first year of the existence of the Rakamakafo project, it gathered a million subscribers, which in 2015 allowed its creators to become laureates of the TOP 50 of the most famous people of St. Petersburg.

We should also mention the blogger's charitable activities. Despite the fact that the main mission of his project he singles out the idea of ​​stirring up society, Nikolai is ready not only to do it in words, but also in deeds.

In May 2016, the guys organized a charity fundraiser for orphanages. For several months, thanks to the video of Nikolai and Guram, about 2 million rubles were collected. An interesting fact - the prankers personally said thank you to people who transferred more than 1000 rubles, recorded individual signals.

An active position regularly brings Nikolai to various festivals, including Widfest. And at the St. Petersburg VK Fest in 2016, the young man even held a master class on the successful promotion of a personal brand in modern social networks.

Also Nikolay the host of the channel LIFE YouTube, constantly provides the Internet community with the latest news from the world of Youtube. At the same time, Nikolai himself is a participant in several conflicts on YouTube, the most famous is with, thanks to the clip of Dima Kolya, he received the nickname #colleader.

D 2016 together with Alexander Murataev and Ilya Strekalovsky created the channel Ready steady go, where various shows about cars and everything connected with them come out.

In August 2016, Nikolai Sobolev's book "YouTube: The Path to Success" was published, which describes the basics of video blogging, answers to the most popular question of novice bloggers and the history of the creation of projects by Nikolai and his friends.

Nikolay met with Polina Chistyakova for a long time, their joint photos can often be seen on his instagram. In 2019, it became known that the guys decided to leave.

Nikolai Sobolev took part in the program of Channel 1 "Let the Talk", where there was a discussion of rape. In turn, the blogger defended Sergei Semenov (a guy accused of rape) and opposed Diana Shurygina.

Nikolay's photo

Kolya constantly pleases fans with new photos on Instagram, the guy demonstrates his personal life and footage from the filming of various projects.