Chimney brush with convenient immersion device. Homemade chimney brush Causes of clogged chimneys

Furnace soot is removed from chimneys as follows:

  • burning carbon-rich plaque with the help of a rather complex technology and an expensive tool;
  • dissolving the settled crust with chemicals introduced into the furnace during fuel combustion;
  • scraping from the inner surface and removing from the outlet channel through pre-arranged hatches for cleaning.

At the same time, the first method of struggle is extremely dangerous and is practiced only in the case of cleaning the chimneys of industrial heat-generating units. The second technique involves the destruction of the body of the outlet pipe, which survived the impact of chemically active drugs.

The third technology - mechanical cleaning - guarantees high level security, while ensuring the safety of the chimney itself. Therefore, most household flue gas outlets are cleaned only with their own hands mechanically.

Why is a ruff needed and how is it used?

This tool works like a scraper or brush, breaking up the soot crust and "sweeping" the combustion products to the cleaning hatch, for subsequent removal of the collected deposits. That is, the mechanical cleaning of the channel is carried out precisely with its help.

The chimney sweep introduces the ruff into the outlet channel from the side of the roof and, making reciprocating movements, knocks soot off the inner walls.

Having finished processing the vertical channel, the chimney sweep proceeds to cleaning the horizontal sections, introducing the ruff into special hatches and making reciprocating movements already in the horizontal plane.

The mass accumulated at the hatch is removed from the channel using a scraper and a scoop.

How is the main tool of a chimney sweep arranged?

A typical oven brush consists of such structural elements as:

  • flexible cable - a spring with a minimum gap between the turns;
  • a spherical or cylindrical brush - a brush - with "working elements" protruding 360 °;
  • suspension - a removable weight at the end of the cable, located behind the brush.

When working in a horizontal plane, the suspension is dismantled - in this case, we need the flexibility of the spring cable. Do-it-yourself cleaning of the vertical channel involves working with a rigid structure. Therefore, in this case, a suspension is fixed at the end of the cable, which levels the flexibility of the spring due to the influence of gravity.

In addition, for a professional tool, the brush is removed by twisting it from the cable, because the diameters of the chimneys can be different.

How to make a ruff for cleaning with your own hands?

To do this, we need the following tools and supplies:

  • A plumbing cable is the basis for a future brush. However, if only a vertical channel is to be processed, then the spring cable can be replaced with a wire analog or a fine mesh chain.
  • A coil of soft wire - a cleaning nozzle will be made from it. If there is no wire, then you can use a cord from a tire, having previously burned out the rubber. Another version of the "building" material for the nozzle is a plastic bottle.
  • Any small-sized cargo is a heavy nut, a cast lead ingot. A coffee can filled with sand or shot.
  • Steel stud 8-10 mm, two nuts, two carabiner fasteners, copper tube.
  • Two tiles with dimensions of 5x5 centimeters made of plywood or metal with a thickness of at least 2 mm

The very process of making a brush for a chimney sweep with your own hands is as follows:

  1. At the intersection point of the diagonals of 5-centimeter tiles, we drill through hole the diameter of a stud.
  2. We cut the cord or wire into measured segments, the length of which is equal to 2-2.5 chimney diameters.
  3. We take a hairpin, fix it in a vice and bend the free end into a loop or weld washers with a large inner diameter to it.
  4. Next, turn the stud in a vice with the threaded end up, screw the first nut on this side and put on the first tile.
  5. We bend the measured segments of the cord or wire in half, around the hairpin, forming a ruff. In this case, the wire bristles should be evenly spaced around the entire circumference for maximum area cleaning.
  6. We put the second tile on the hairpin and wind the second nut, fixing the wire sticking out in different directions.
  7. By welding, we fix a second washer on the free end of the stud or make a loop.
  8. We pass clasps-carabiners into loops or vertically fixed washers, getting a removable nozzle on a ruff for cleaning.
  9. Welding or soldering to the load mounting ring. If a nut is selected as a suspension, then this operation can be omitted.
  10. We fasten the load to one of the carabiners of the assembled nozzle.
  11. We put on the free end of the spring or weeding cable copper tube 4-5 centimeters long. The tube diameter is equal to 2-2.5 cable diameters.
  12. We form a loop at the end of the cable, passing a free section into the tube.
  13. We rivet the copper tube, fixing the loop for hanging the nozzle with a weight.
  14. We fix the cleaning nozzle on the loop with the help of a free carabiner.

That's all. You have made a ruff for cleaning the vertical channel of a chimney or chimney with your own hands, and it is ready for use.

But for processing horizontal or inclined channels, you will need a completely different nozzle, which you can also handle with your own hands:

  • Take a plastic bottle of 1.5-2 liters and cut off the bottom of this container.
  • Dissolve the body of the bottle into strips 3-4 mm wide, cutting them along the vertical axis from the remote bottom to the neck of the container.
  • Punch a hole in the lid, the diameter of which matches the diameter of the cable.

After that, you will have to string a perforated lid onto the cable and, having previously removed the “vertical” nozzle from the loop, wind the bottle turned into a scraper onto it. Moreover, for rigid fixation of the nozzle on the ruff, it is necessary to pierce the neck and cork with a self-tapping screw, passing it through the loop on the cable.

When making parts with your own hands, you should consider:

  • The brush diameter is 0.8-1.2 of the chimney diameter.
  • The diameter of the load is 0.3-0.35 of the diameter of the channel being cleaned.
  • The length of the spring or wire rope = the length of the channel to be cleaned + 10-15 percent.

Periodic cleaning of the chimney is important point in service heating equipment. It is needed even when using high-quality expensive firewood and modern stove installations. Fine particles of combustion products gradually accumulate on the walls of the smokers and impair the operation of the system. Even a person who does not have special skills and experience in such a matter can clean the chimney.

The main tool to help will be a cleaning brush, which you can do yourself. This tool helps to keep the fume extraction system clean and therefore maintain draft for quick removal gases, and ensure the efficient operation of the furnace device.

The use of solid fuel for furnace heating has a lot of advantages, such as efficiency, autonomy, heat transfer.

However, if used incorrectly, the efficiency of the heating system can deteriorate significantly. It is recommended to clean the chimneys at least once every six months. But first you need to identify the main causes of clogging and try to minimize them.

Interesting! When wood is burned, gas and smoke are produced. The smoke emitted may be white or black. The first is a consequence of water vapor, evaporating from wood or coal, and black comes from coal and soot. It is the second type of smoke that leads to the deposition of the smallest soot particles and pollution of the chimney.

In addition to this natural process, pipe clogging can lead to:

  • Burning in the furnace of various garbage containing a large amount of hydrocarbons (plastic, polyethylene, foam, hard paper, cardboard).
  • Application of damp and tar-containing firewood or briquettes.
  • Wrong laying of firewood in the firebox.
  • Rare cleaning of pipes from ash.
  • Malfunction of the heating boiler.

The accumulation of soot and ash inside the outlet pipe leads to the following consequences:

  • The passage for smoke narrows, which can cause reverse thrust, when carbon monoxide go to the apartment.
  • Large soot particles fly out of the chimney, creating a fire hazard.

A chimney brush is the main tool for oven “hygiene”. Its design is similar to a bottle brush - between two twisted thick wires that form a central rod, bristles of fine wire. The bristles create several round layers (2-3). The length of the bristles determines the diameter of the pipe that this tool will effectively clean. The central rod has an eyelet at one end and a thread at the other. The eyelet and thread allow you to attach extensions to the ruff, which allow you to pull this tool into the pipe to peel off soot from the walls.

Ruff made of plastic

Some offer making ruffs with their own hands from plastic bottles. Unfortunately, such a device containing plastic will in most cases be ineffective, since soot deposits on the walls of the chimneys can be harder than the plastic tool itself. Soot deposits are especially strong after repeated firing. firewood from pine and other conifers.

Not only the hardness of the cleaning element of the ruff is required, but also the strength of the fastening of this element. Significant efforts arising from dragging the brush inside the chimney will quickly destroy the plastic elements of its design.

The same applies to devices with plastic bristles. Such ruffs are cheaper than all-metal ones, but in terms of cleaning quality and service life they are noticeably inferior to all-metal ones. Ruffs with plastic bristles are suitable only for cleaning chimneys after applying products chemical cleaning from soot. Since, under the influence of such agents, soot becomes brittle and is much easier to remove from the walls, a ruff with plastic bristles may be quite enough.

If chemical products have been repeatedly used, and there is confidence that the strength of soot deposits is low, you can make a brush with your own hands and clean the chimney with it.

Plastic manufacturing

To make a ruff with your own hands you will need:

  • thin steel cable, longer than the chimney, 2-3 mm thick;
  • two plastic bottles of 1-2 liters, depending on the diameter of the chimney to be cleaned;
  • wire with a diameter of 1-2 mm;
  • used or damaged welding electrode 3-5 mm in diameter or a piece of straightened wire of the same diameter and length;
  • two covers from plastic bottle;
  • a load weighing 2-5 kg, such that it can easily pass suspended in a pipe that needs to be cleaned;
  • cut the wall of each bottle from the bottom to the neck in 1.5-2 cm increments, like a Chinese lantern;
  • make a hole in the center of each bottle cap so that an electrode or the same piece of wire can be inserted into it;
  • screw caps tightly on bottles;
  • insert one bottle into another with caps in one direction;
  • attach the electrode or a piece of wire with one end to the load so that, holding the electrode, you can lift the load;
  • make a hole in the center of the bottoms of both bottles with a piece of wire or a heated electrode;
  • pass the electrode attached to the load or a similar piece of wire through the holes in the bottoms and caps of the bottles;
  • bring the caps and bottoms of the bottles as close as possible and fix their position by bending the free end of a piece of wire or electrode into a ring;
  • straighten the cut walls of the bottles, pulling them out;
  • attach the cable to the ring on the electrode or the same piece of wire with a clamp;
  • we attach any handle to the free end of the cable, for which it is convenient to hold the cable.

We can say that a chimney brush is the main tool that is used for the hygiene of this design. In some ways, the device is similar to a toothbrush for cleaning bottles, the principle and overall appearance are very similar, of course, only the dimensions are much larger. The ruff consists of the main spire (it is also the central perpendicular), on which several circles of large “bristle” are made. Often used thin steel wire, in some cases only soft wire types may be used.

Despite a generally general understanding of the cleaning procedure and the presentation of the entire device, many are not aware of the significant factors when buying finished products. It should be borne in mind that the tool is not suitable for every type of channel. For example, for brick structures, a ruff with a hard “bristle” is suitable, where the “bite” soot “settled” quite tightly on the walls. If you are buying for steel pipe, purchase soft remedies, With soft wire either plastic or nylon. Otherwise, hard wire is likely to damage the structure. As you can see, the nuances of choosing ruffs are enough and it is important to pay attention to them.

Ruff for cleaning a brick chimney

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can buy such a device at any hardware store. For lack of it, you can buy a ruff for your chimney on the Internet, as a rule, the cost does not seriously differ. The average price is within 2,000 rubles.

How to make a homemade ruff?

If the price seemed too high for you, you can make such tools with your own hands. The main thing is to determine which shape you need and for which pipe. There are three main types of brushes:

  • Ruff - a classic brush made of metal, in the shape of a cylinder. Additional devices included in the kit can be either a simple long rope, usually 5 meters, or a kettlebell weighing up to 2 kg. with extension.
  • An ordinary brush equipped with steel or nylon "bristles". Has a special handle.
  • Scraper. He saves when there are soot growths on the channels, with which two previous options are not coping. May be any suitable shape.

From a plastic bottle

Homemade ruff for can be made from regular bottle from underwater. Manufacturing steps:

  • In the center of the bottom, we make a small hole.
  • A hole is made in the lid of the same diameter.
  • Next, we cut the bottle into small ribbons, and fasten a hairpin with a hook on one side.
  • On the other hand, a hairpin is also inserted, which are connected together.
  • Using nuts, squeeze the bottle and attach a weight on one side.

The process of making a plastic brush

This design is suitable for cleaning metal, ceramic channels.

From a broom

A chimney brush can be made from an ordinary plastic broom, which is now a network in almost every household. Manufacturing stage:

  • Cut off the stem.
  • We straighten the “bristle”, you can use a hair dryer. After straightening, we clamp with a hairpin with a washer.
  • From the side of the handle we wind the hairpin with a hook.
  • The structure is tightened on both sides, after which a cable with a sinker is attached.

Great for cleaning wide channels.

From a metal brush for a grinder

A metal ruff or brush can even be made from such a device. On the this moment the price is not so high, so we recommend to buy ready product. If you decide to make a chimney brush with your own hands, remember that you will need two sheets, a threaded stud and nuts. Also, do not forget to use a hard wire or, in some cases, nylon as a "bristle".

From a metal cable, a difficult option

A cable can also be used to clean chimneys. The manufacturing process is much more complicated and requires certain efforts and skills. You will need a cable, preferably from 1 cm in diameter. An edge of about 10 cm is unraveled into individual fibers. They unfold into different sides, and in order to hold the form to clean the pipe, two plates are taken and compressed. A counterweight must be attached to the bottom edge to break up lumps and soot growths.

Furnace heating systems need regular maintenance. One of the mandatory procedures is the periodic cleaning of the chimney, which eventually becomes clogged, overgrown with soot.

For this task, a special brush can be used, with the help of which the inner walls of the chimney are cleaned.

What is a cleaning brush, what does it look like and what does it consist of?

Structurally, the ruff consists of the following parts:

  1. Brush. O main element,almost always has a round shape. It is he withcleans plaque from the inner walls of chimneys.Can be made of metal, plastic or nylon.
  2. Sinker. It is used only if the brush is attached to the cable. If it is attached to a telescopic pole, then a weight is not needed.The approximate weight of the weight is 2-3 kg.Purpose - to weight a light brush. Without additional load, a ruff on a cable simply will not normally clean off even a light layer of plaque.
  3. T rose or pen. A brush is attached to this element, and on it it is lowered into the chimney.

Of the main quality characteristics can be distinguished:

  1. D cable length (handle).Cables are usually used for 10-15 meters, handles - for 1-1.5 meters.
  2. Brush diameter (rectangular products are found, but less often than round ones).Can be from 20 to 250 mm.The most common range is 150-200.

Types and products by material and design

O The main differences between all products are in 2 nuances:

  1. The material from which the brush is made.
  2. The way the brush will go down the chimney.

By material- the following options are currently used:

  1. Metal. Such brushes last longer, are stronger and more reliable. Of the minuses, less convenient use can be distinguished: if the metal bristles catch on something, it will be more difficult to “release” it. In addition, metal products are more expensive than plastic ones (but since the cost of any brushes rarely exceeds 2000 rubles, this is not critical).
  2. Plastic. It is easier to make such products on your own - this is done quickly and easily (how exactly - we will describe below). Plastic brushes wear out and break easily and quickly. In addition, they cope much worse with complex and chronic blockages.
  3. Nylon. Relatively new version, in fact - an intermediate solution between plastic and metal.

By way, by which the brush is lowered into chimney:

  1. On a cable/rope. It can only be used from above - the ruff is lowered into the pipe under the weight of the sinker. The option is relatively simple, but poorly suitable for cleaning horizontal areas.The cable can be metal, nylon or rope.
  2. On a flexible cable (as well as for cleaning sewer pipes). Of the pros: it can be used both from above and from below, and on horizontal sections.
  3. On a rigid handle (rod).Universal and moreeffective option - allows you to quickly clean the accumulated soot, can be used both in vertical and horizontal sections.The length of the handle is usually adjustable - for this they are made telescopic, and if necessaryfold or unfold.

How to choose the right chimney brush?

Let's summarize the basic rules of choice:

  1. Rigid handle or rope? Ideally, to have both options on the farm: they are inexpensive, and it will be much more convenient to work.If you need to choose one thing, and there are no hatches in the chimney, then it is better to take a cable. If there are hatches in the chimney, and it is low, then it is more convenient to use a rigid handle.
  2. What brush material to choose? For stainless chimneys, you need to choose only plastic - it will not scratch the stainless steel. For brick and asbestos chimneys, it is better to take a metal or nylon brush.
  3. What brush diameter should befor round chimney? Selected according to the diameter of the pipe.
  4. What brush diameter should be for a square/rectangular chimney? For right choice need to measure the length and width chimney, and choose a brush with a diameter equal to the larger side.
  5. What should be the length of the cable/handle? Selectedunder the length (height) of the chimney. It is not necessary to take the cable / handle to its full height: cleaning is carried out not only from above or below (from a fireplace or stove), but also through hatches that are located in different parts of the chimney.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

E rshiki various kinds and sizes are sold in stores that sell equipment for fireplaces, stoves, baths.

Such a tool is relatively inexpensive:

  • polypropylene ruff, with a diameter of 100-120-200 mm: cost - about 700-1000 rubles;
  • plastic ruff, 200-250 mm in diameter: cost - about 1700-2000 rubles;
  • metal ruff, 150-200 mm in diameter: cost - about 1500-1800 rubles;
  • metal ruff, 250 mm in diameter: cost - about 2200-2500 rubles.

Please note: the amounts shown are only for the ruff itself and the load. A cable or telescopic extension is usually sold separately. approximate cost extension cord for 1-1.5 meters - about 400-600 rubles, cable (for 10-15 meters) - up to 100-200 rubles.

A ready-made kit (the brush itself, a cable or extension cord and a weight) will cost around 1500-2500 rubles.

From the manufacturers in the market of the CIS countries you can meet:

  1. Hansa.
  2. Sitecn.
  3. Biltema.
  4. Ragar.

How to make a homemade ruff?

To clean the stove pipe, it is not necessary to go to the nearest store. Homemade brush done quite simply and quickly. True, the effectiveness of such a product is likely to be lower than a special purchase. Therefore, it is suitable for cleaning a not very dirty chimney.

There are many ways to create a ruff with your own hands. Here are 5 step by step instructions:

  1. From a plastic bottle for a round chimney.
  2. From a plastic bottle and plywood / board for a rectangular / square chimney.
  3. From a broom.
  4. From a metal brush from a grinder.
  5. From a metal cable.

In all cases, we need:

  1. Metal cable (about 2-3 mm thick, longer or at least as long as the height of the chimney) with a carbine.
  2. A weight of about 3 kg is large enough to easily pass into the chimney. For example, it can be a small metal rectangle, or an old dumbbell pancake, or a plastic bottle with sand.
  3. A coil of wire, about 2-4 mm in diameter, or a metal hairpin (length about 10-12 cm, diameter about 5 mm), with unscrewing lugs on both sides.
  4. A product from which we will make a brush with our own hands.

The problematic moment: there is a bottle, and wire, and something for the load, and the cable can be purchased at the nearest store if you are not at home. But finding a suitable hairpin will be more difficult. Therefore, instead of it, it is easier to take the wire. It will need to be twisted several times to get a tourniquet 5-7 mm thick and 10-12 cm long (that is, use it instead of a hairpin).

From a plastic bottle for a round chimney

In this case, we will make a brush from an empty plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters (suitable for cleaning a chimney with a diameter of up to 200 mm).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. A hole is burned, drilled or punched in the lid and in the bottom of both bottles. Its diameter should be equal to the diameter of the stud.
  2. The sides of both bottles are cut through. It is necessary to make cuts not reaching the neck and literally 1-2 cm to the bottom. Between each cut, make a distance of about 1.5-2 cm.
  3. A pin is inserted into the holes made, “pulling together” 2 parts of the bottle. The cut sides are bent at the same time, forming a circle of bent ribbons. It is their edges that will clean off the soot from the walls.
  4. Eyelets are screwed onto both sides of the stud. A rope is attached to the upper eye. On the bottom - the load.

From a plastic bottle for a round chimney (video)

From a plastic bottle for a rectangular / square chimney

The instruction is suitable for those who have a square or rectangular chimney.

To create a brush for such a ruff, we need:

  1. Plywood sheet. Plywood is not very thick, a small sheet 6-12 mm thick will suffice.
  2. Plastic bottle, volume from 5 liters.
  3. Screws (such that they can fasten both pieces of plywood together) - 5-10 pieces.

The cut plastic protrudes between the plywood sheets, the photo does not show it very well

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. From plywood, you need to cut 2 identical sheets, 1-2 cm smaller in size than the size of the chimney. Example: a rectangular hole, with a size of 260x130 mm - we cut out 2 pieces of plywood with a size of 240x120 mm.
  2. The neck and bottom of the bottle are cut off, after which an incision is made on the side.
  3. The plastic unbends (a rectangular sheet is obtained).
  4. A piece is cut out of a bent plastic sheet, 3-6 mm larger than the chimney opening. Example: the chimney hole has a size of 260x130 mm, we cut a sheet of 26 from plastic 5x135 mm.
  5. Along the perimeter of the plastic sheet with scissors (or a knife) with a distance of 1-1.5 cm are madecuts, 5-10 mm long. It is these narrow parts that will clean off plaque from the walls.
  6. P an eraser sheet is placed between 2 cut pieces of plywood - so that the "bristle" sticks outthe same distance on each side.
  7. Pieces of plywood and a plastic sheet between them are bolted together.
  8. A hole is drilled in the center into which a pin or coil of wire is inserted.(or any another detail on which it will be possible to fasten the cable and load - it is easier to do this with plywood).

This option can be improved. To do this, you need to cut not 2 pieces of plywood, but 3, and 2 sheets of plastic with small cuts. In this case, we get 2 layers of "bristle" (and 3 layers of plywood).

From a broom

FROM you can make a brush from an old broom. Important nuance: a round broom with synthetic (polypropylene) dense fibers is suitable for us.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The tip of the broom is removed (or cut off).
  2. The bristles are straightened in such a way that all the villi stick out in different directions (like a toilet brush).
  3. In the part on which the bristles are collected, a hole with a diameter of about 5-7 mm is melted or drilled (for a hairpin or wire).
  4. A pin with unscrewed eyes (or twisted wire) is inserted into the hole.
  5. A cable was attached to the eyes (or by the wire) on one side, and a weight on the other.

From a metal brush for a grinder

AT The option is suitable if you have a disc brush for a grinder lying around, and in diameter it fits under the chimney.

In this case, a load is attached to one end of the axle, and a cable is attached to the other.

From a metal cable (difficult option)

The manual is suitable for those who have welding machine. According to this scheme, you can make a fairly effective brush with your own hands, which will not yield

To create a brush you will need:

  1. Metal cable, with a diameter of about 10-15 mm.
  2. Welding machine.
  3. Saw for metal.
  4. Pliers.
  5. Wire cutters (optional).
  6. Threaded stud, about 8-12 cm long (or better, a fully threaded bolt, 8-12 cm long).
  7. Nuts per stud (or bolt), 5-7 pieces or more (depending on how dense the bristles need to be).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. 2-5 pieces are cut off from the metal cable. The length of each piece is approximately 5-10 mm longer than the diameter of the chimney. You can take more, and then, if necessary, cut off the excess with wire cutters.
  2. Scraps are untwisted with pliers.
  3. A nut is screwed onto one end of the stud (so that the thread protrudes slightly from it). This will be the bottom "support" for the first row of bristles. If you use a bolt, you don’t need to tighten the nut: the head will play the role of “support”.
  4. A piece of wire (from a untwisted cable) is laid on top of the nut, and twisted crosswise (so that it wraps around the stud). Pieces of wire should protrude
  5. More pieces of wire are taken, and wound in the same way, so that the result is a round layer of bristles. An important nuance: the bristles should stick out evenly, forming an even circle.
  6. A nut is screwed on top, and tightly presses the wound wire (brush bristle) to the first nut (or bolt head).
  7. In the same way, several more layers of bristles are made. Each subsequent layer is fixed with a nut. It will be enough to make 3-4 rows.
  8. Eyelets are welded from below and from above - for fastening the load and the cable, for which the brush will be lowered into the pipe. As an option - they can be attached to the thread.

From a metal cable (video)

What you need to know and do before cleaning: Basic Rules

Before starting work, you need to know (and follow) the basic rules:

  1. Cleaning is done before heating season(ideally - in front of everyone, at least for the purpose of prevention). So you can prepare the stove pipe for effective work, and you will be sure that it will not have blockages, leaves, debris, soot build-up or bird nests.
  2. Work is best done on a calm and dry (and ideally also warm) day. Therefore, at the beginning of autumn, it is already worth paying attention to the forecast, choosing a suitable date for cleaning.
  3. Work on the roof must be carried out with insurance (safety belt), in comfortable non-slip shoes.
  4. Prepare a more powerful flashlight - with its help you can see the condition of the chimney and the results of your work.
  5. For work, it is better to change into closed clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Even with the most careful cleaning, soot will still get somewhere.
  6. Use eye and respiratory protection: wear goggles and a respirator. Naturally, there will be no great harm from the soot that has fallen, but sneezing or washing your eyes from it is not very pleasant.
  7. Since all debris and soot will fly down, all holes in the chimney (hatches), as well as the firebox, must be closed. If the fireplace is cleaned with an open firebox, then it should be tightened with plastic wrap.
  8. The cleaning process is done from top to bottom. If you clean first lower part chimney (through the firebox) - then when cleaning the upper part, falling debris can again pollute the already clean bottom.

How to clean the chimney with a brush: step by step instructions

Cleaning the chimney with a ruff is done as follows:

  1. Overalls, work shoes, gloves, goggles, a respirator are put on.
  2. Before starting work, you can look into the chimney by lighting it with a flashlight. So you can assess its condition in advance and see where it is heavily polluted.
  3. All hatches of the chimney and the firebox are closed, except for the opening through which cleaning will be carried out.
  4. The deflector (or spark arrester), if any, is dismantled.
  5. The brush (it does not matter, on a cable or on a handle) is lowered from above, through the outlet of the chimney. Cleaning is done with up and down movements. If there are blockages in the process, it is better to use a weight on a cable (without a brush).
  6. Periodically evaluate the result of the work, looking into the pipe.
  7. When the top of the pipe is clear, go down to the manhole and work through it.
  8. Upon completion of cleaning, the firebox opens, and the debris that has fallen into it is removed.

Ideally, it is worth combining two cleaning methods: mechanical and chemical. First, clean the chimney with a brush, and then use any of the products that are ignited in the firebox.

The cleaning process (video)

Advantages and disadvantages of application compared to other cleaning methods

If we consider existing methods cleaning the chimney and comparing them with the use of a ruff, then this option has a number of disadvantages:

  • you have to work with a brush yourself, while chemical cleaners only need to be set on fire in the firebox;
  • even the most careful work does not guarantee that all deposits will be removed;
  • work takes a lot of time, even if the chimney is straight and low;
  • the work is uncomfortable, unpleasant, physically difficult, and if you have to work on the roof, it is also dangerous;
  • it is safe to clean only in dry (and ideally calm and warm) weather to reduce the risk of falling from the roof.