The technical condition of the engineering systems of the building. Inspection of engineering networks of a building


Completion of construction installation works in engineering systems is not a final stage and does not provide an opportunity to put the building into operation. This is preceded by important stagecommissioning works.

Commissioning works in engineering systems

A. N. Orekhov, general manager LLC "SF ZEVS"

A. V. Taran, commercial director of LLC "SF ZEVS"

Completion of construction and installation work in engineering systems is not the final stage and does not make it possible to put the building into operation. This is preceded by an important stage - commissioning. Only after their completion, the building object can

It will be appropriate to consider the implementation of commissioning works on the example of a building saturated with engineering systems. Let's say kindergarten with built-in medical center, built according to an individual project. The building in question is rectangular in plan, variable number of storeys (1-3 floors), for 180 seats. There is a basement under the part of the building, and above the part of the third floor there is a ventilation chamber for air pressure. The buildings (premises) of the preschool educational institution must be equipped with systems of drinking, fire and hot water supply, sewerage and drainage in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01–85 *.

The following systems are designed and installed in the building:

  • water supply;
  • fire-fighting water supply;
  • household sewerage;
  • storm sewer;
  • heating;
  • ventilation;
  • smoke ventilation;
  • individual heating point;
  • pool water treatment.

The procedure for commissioning is regulated by SNiP 30505–84 “Technological equipment and process pipelines”, SNiP 30505–86 “Electrical devices”, SNiP 30507–85 “Automation systems” and SNiP 30501–85 “Internal sanitary systems”.

Commissioning and testing are specific and individual in each case. Depending on the type of equipment, it can take up to 72 hours. The quality of commissioning works largely depends on the level of technical knowledge, the experience of the specialists conducting them, as well as on the quality of the project, construction and installation work.

The complexity of commissioning depends on the specifics of the equipment of each specific facility. The biggest challenge is finding the underlying causes of hardware failures.

Engineering systems testing

Before performing commissioning works, it is necessary to pressurize the systems. Crimping is hydraulic test closed system excessive pressure. Upon completion of the installation work, the installation organizations must perform:

  • trials heating systems, heat supply, internal cold and hot water supply and boiler rooms by the hydrostatic or manometric method with drawing up an act as well as flushing systems;
  • system testing internal sewerage and drains with the preparation of an act;
  • individual tests of the installed equipment with drawing up an act;
  • thermal test of heating systems for uniform heating of heating devices.

Testing of systems using plastic pipelines should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of СН 478–80. The tests must be carried out before starting finishing works... The pressure gauges used for testing must be verified in accordance with GOST 8.002–71.

During individual tests of the equipment, the following work should be performed:

  • verification of the conformity of the installed equipment and work performed working documentation and the requirements of regulatory documents;
  • testing equipment for Idling and under load for 4 hours of continuous operation. At the same time, the balancing of the wheels and rotors in the assembly of pumps and smoke exhausters, the quality of the stuffing box packing, the serviceability of the starting devices, the degree of heating of the electric motor, the fulfillment of the requirements for the assembly and installation of equipment specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturers are checked.

Hydrostatic testing of heating systems, heat supply, boilers and water heaters should be carried out at a positive temperature in the premises of the building, and cold and hot water supply systems, sewerage and drainage systems - at a temperature of at least 5 ° C. The water temperature must also be at least 5 ° C.

In this article, we will consider the commissioning of water supply systems, household and storm sewers of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution). Next, we will consider the features of the building systems, as well as the main aspects of the ongoing commissioning.

Water supply

The building is equipped with a hot and cold water supply system made of a standpipe system of galvanized steel pipes. On all branches, as well as in front of all water-folding devices, shut-off taps are installed, the systems are equipped with downstream pressure regulators, which ensure equal pressure in cold and hot water supply systems.

Heated towel rails in the bathrooms, as well heating devices in closets for drying clothes, they are connected to the hot water supply system.

For the period of the preventive summer shutdown of the hot water supply system, the heat supply of these devices should be provided by boilers connected to electric power plants. The project did not provide for their installation. The absence of boilers was identified at the installation stage and an additional agreement was concluded for their installation.

The main feature of the system is the presence of mixing thermostats in some of the bathrooms (for children), which limit the temperature of the water flowing to the taps to 40 ° C to prevent hot water burns in children.

In the complex of commissioning works in DHW systems and HVS include:

  • testing of the water supply system;
  • flushing systems from sludge, dirt and scale;
  • cleaning filters;
  • adjustment of pressure regulators on the lines of cold and hot water at 3.5 bar;
  • setting the thermostats to the required temperature.

Testing of water supply systems. Internal cold and hot water supply systems must be tested by the hydrostatic or manometric method in compliance with the requirements of GOST 24054–80, GOST 25136–82.

The value of the test pressure for the hydrostatic test method should be taken equal to 1.5 excess working pressure. Hydrostatic and gauge tests of cold and hot water supply systems should be carried out before installing the water fittings.

The systems are considered to have passed the tests if, within 10 minutes. being under test pressure with the hydrostatic test method, no pressure drop of more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm 2) and drops in welded seams, pipes, threaded connections, fittings and water leaks through flushing devices.

At the end of the tests by the hydrostatic method, it is necessary to release water from the internal cold and hot water supply systems.

Gauge tests of the internal cold and hot water supply system should be carried out in the following sequence: the system should be filled with air with a test excess pressure of 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf / cm 2), if installation defects are detected by ear, the pressure should be reduced to atmospheric and the defects should be eliminated; then fill the system with air with a pressure of 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2), hold it under test pressure for 5 minutes. The system is recognized as having passed the test if, when it is under test pressure, the pressure drop does not exceed 0.01 MPa (0.1 kgf / cm 2).

Flushing of water supply systems. Flushing of water supply systems is carried out before the installation of water fittings. When flushing, the water supply system is completely filled with water, then the valve connecting the system with external networks is closed. Further, to the drain taps, which serve to empty the risers, hoses are connected to drain the contaminated water into the sewer.

This flushing cannot guarantee that all sludge will be removed. Now on the Russian market, special devices are widely represented for flushing water supply systems, heating, as well as heat exchange and other similar equipment.

The principle of operation of the device for washing is to create a mixture of air and water, supplied to the system impulsively. Compressed air is supplied by a compressor connected to the sink. The mixture of air and water passes through the equipment to be washed and is discharged into the sewer. The pulsation can be changed (optimized) step by step by lengthening or shortening the distance between pulses, depending on the purpose of the application.

If the unit is not yet connected to a potable water system, the nearby hydrants should be used. Using two flexible hoses, the sink is connected to the system immediately after the water meter and water filter. If the water supply system is not connected to external networks, then hydrants located in the immediate vicinity of the building can be used to flush the system. To operate the sink, a certain actual pressure in the network is required (for a number of manufacturers - at least 2 bar). If this value is not reached, you need to install a spare tank with a booster pump that maintains the required pressure. Washing direction from bottom to top. If the length of the pipeline exceeds 100 m, it is necessary to flush the system in parts using an intermediate sink connection.

It is necessary to sequentially open the plugs covering the places of future connection of the water fittings and rinse until the flushing water discharged into the sewer becomes transparent.

After flushing, it is necessary to carry out cleaning filters... A hose is connected to the tap in the bottom plug of the filter, which serves to remove sludge, dirt and scale, which is designed to be discharged into the sewer. The valve after the filter closes. The water from the main goes into the drainage and carries with it mechanical impurities deposited on the filter mesh.

The next stage of commissioning is adjustment of pressure regulators... A pressure regulator is a type of control valve that is installed on the pipeline and serves to equalize the pressure in the system. This type of pipeline valves is most often direct-acting valves, i.e. works without using additional sources energy.

The principle of operation of the equipment is quite simple: the regulator is adjusted to any pressure value (which is maintained before or after it) or differential pressure by adjusting it using a restricting ring according to the readings of a pressure gauge on the valve body. When the pressure in the pipeline changes, the force on the membrane changes accordingly, which plays the role of a sensitive element and reacts to changes in pressure in the pipeline. The difference between the force acting on the diaphragm and the force of the spring moves the regulator cone to a new position, equalizing the pressure.

The regulator is adjusted to the required pressure by changing the compression of the tuning spring. Adjustment is performed using adjustment diagrams in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions or pressure gauges.

Drawing ()

Flushing diagram of the water supply system in accordance with DIN 1988


The building is designed with a system of household and storm sewage. In the building, according to the standards, the following installation height of sanitary devices for children is adopted from the floor of the room to the top of the side of the device:

  • washbasins for children 3-4 years old - 0.4 m;
  • for children 4–7 years old - 0.5 m;
  • deep shower tray - 0.6 m;
  • shallow shower tray - 0.3 m (when the height of the shower net above the bottom of the tray is 1.6 m).

In the shower rooms, the laundry room, as well as in the washing and preparation shop of the catering unit, the floors are equipped with drain ladders with corresponding floor slopes towards the openings of the ladders.

Due to the absence in this building of any technical devices in the sewerage system (pumps, valves with an electric drive), commissioning is reduced to checking the tightness and patency of the systems.

Tests of internal sewerage systems are carried out by the method of spilling water by simultaneously opening 75% of the sanitary devices connected to the inspected area during the time required to inspect it.

The system is considered to have passed the test if, during its inspection, no leakage was found through the walls of the pipelines and the joints.

Tests of sewerage branch pipelines laid in the ground or underground canals are carried out before they are closed by filling with water to the floor level of the first floor.

Tests of sections of sewage systems hidden during subsequent work should be carried out by pouring water before they are closed with the drawing up of an inspection report hidden works according to the obligatory Appendix 6 of SNiP 3.01.01–85.

The test of internal gutters should be carried out by filling them with water to the level of the highest gutter. The test duration should be at least 10 minutes.

The drains are considered to have passed the test if no leak is found during inspection, and the water level in the risers has not dropped.

The need for such research as a technical examination of building communications may arise from many people. Basically, it is carried out in order to determine the quality of installation work. Also expertise engineering communications allows the equipment under study to comply with design requirements. So this service is often used by a wide variety of organizations.

What includesexamination of engineering systems and communications?

During its implementation, various studies can be carried out. These include:

    Expertise of power supply.

    Expertise of water supply.

    Examination of ventilation systems.

    Heat supply examination.

    Expertise of sewer systems.

    Television research.

The purpose of the engineering expertise

Independent examination of engineering communications aims to establish the state of engineering networks at the time of the inspection. It also allows you to identify boundaries. functionality networks and their compliance with the information specified in the documentation. Expertise of communications also allows you to determine to what extent engineering networks are suitable for further use. In some cases, the expert opinion may describe measures to improve the system. It can be both modernization and repair.

Research objects of communication expertise

In addition to studying engineering communications, during the examination, various documentation related to this building is also checked. This also applies to documents on the design and operation of the building.

Terms of examination

Many factors influence the duration of the study. For example, the size of the building is of great importance. The more massive it is, the more time it takes to study its various elements. It is important to note that the investigation of some building systems requires the use of specialized equipment. Therefore, only experienced specialists with the right tools should carry out the examination. Can also be applied different methods... In particular, when studying electrical system an electrical audit can be performed.

In what cases is an examination of communications carried out?

Basically, this research is carried out:

    In the event of a dispute between the customer and the contractor. This may be due to an increase in the terms of work and an increase in the estimate.

    Various emergencies affecting engineering networks. These include fires, floods and more.

    At startup, as well as debugging engineering networks.

    When buying and selling a building. The study allows you to assess the state of the engineering networks.

Expertise on the eve of the overhaul networks. Obtaining accurate information about engineering networks allows you to optimize the costs of their repair.

Order an independent examination of engineering communications

Employees of our Center for Independent Construction Expertise have been carrying out studies of various engineering networks for a very long time. Thanks to the great experience they have accumulated, they are able to carry out expert examination at a high level and in a short time. Separately, it should be noted that our employees have all the necessary modern tools at their disposal. Thanks to this, any additional research is carried out without delay and with high precision... We are ready to fulfill an order of any level of complexity at an affordable price.

Price and terms for Expertise of engineering communications

Price from 15000 rub.

Term from 5 days.

Conducting communications- an important stage in the preparation of the structure for commissioning.

Inspection of engineering systems is carried out in new structures and in buildings that have already been commissioned. This is a whole range of works and activities. In their course, specialists assess engineering networks, their technical condition. As a result, the building owner receives information about network defects. Their functionality is described in detail, as well as ways of correcting shortcomings. It is analyzed how the engineering networks correspond to the project, sanitary requirements, building regulations.

The survey of networks is carried out both separately and during the assessment of the building.

Procedure value

Regular check-up technical condition networks relieves of major accidents, damage to property, injuries to residents and employees.

A survey of engineering networks is necessary if:

  • There are frequent accidents in the building,
  • The systems have gone through a renovation,
  • There was a major overhaul,
  • The building was transferred to another owner.

Engineering systems are assessed:

  • Plumbing (hot, cold water),
  • Heating,
  • Sewerage, water disposal,
  • Ventilation, air conditioning,
  • Fire alarm,
  • Power supply.

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What are we doing

Highly qualified specialists are engaged in technical research of engineering networks. They find out:

  • Have the project requirements been met,
  • Are there any defects in systems
  • Do the systems comply with modern standards, sanitary and hygienic standards,
  • Do the systems have unused areas and how much they are needed for the operation of all systems,
  • How worn out are the building systems, is it necessary to repair them, to what extent it should be carried out,
  • How to modernize engineering networks, increase their functionality.

The result of the experts' work- a detailed document describing the current state of networks, their malfunctions, features, leading to a decrease in their efficiency. Experts give recommendations on elimination of defects, modernization, scheduled repairs.

Stages of work

The survey of engineering networks consists of 4 stages:

  • Initial - preparation for the survey, analysis of technical documentation. The package of papers includes passports for network elements, breakdown reports, drawings, projects.
  • Preparation - inspection of external elements, valves, fittings,
  • Detailed - examination by instrumental, laboratory methods. For measurements technical parameters high-precision instruments are used. The survey work is automated thanks to the new software... The customer receives a detailed description of the state of each unit, its defect, and operating parameters.
  • Documentary - the last stage, when all the revealed data are brought together into a single document. This defect description is used to renovation works, modernization. Experts give recommendations on improving the building's life support systems, replacing individual sections, dismantling obsolete units.

Expert opinion

All information obtained during the research is documented in the final technical report. It describes the state of communications, the possibilities of increasing their efficiency, the causes of accidents, potential losses in certain areas. Confirm the report data by others technical documents: drawings, projects, reports, photographs showing the initial state of communications, lists with a description of defects.

The procedure is the same for examining engineering systems of different buildings. Regular inspection of engineering networks guarantees the safe operation of residential and industrial buildings.

We guarantee a professional, fast study of communications in every detail. Order from us an assessment of the technical condition of water supply, sewerage, heating and air conditioning systems. Research is carried out in our own laboratory, which ensures accurate results. We carry out construction examinations of various sizes of objects in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Do you want to make sure that your communications are working properly before buying a building? Order a technical study of communications in our company! We will save your money and save you from irrational purchases!

Inspection of engineering systems- a set of measures carried out to assess their current state and functionality, compliance of the structure of engineering systems with the existing design and (or) executive documentation, applicable rules and regulations, as well as the suitability of engineering networks for further operation, modernization or repair.

A survey of engineering communications can be carried out both within the framework of a comprehensive survey of a building (structure), and separately, in the following cases:


    Major overhaul;

    Change of the asset holder, tenant, operational manager;

    Systematic violations of the functioning of engineering systems.

Inspection of engineering networks is carried out, as a rule, in three stages:

    preparation for the survey;

    preliminary (visual examination);

    detailed (instrumental examination).

The survey is preceded by study and analysis of the initial data on the following technical documentation:

    working and executive drawings;

    acts of acceptance, testing;

    passports and certificates for equipment, materials and products;

    repair magazines;

    other documentation reflecting the impact on survey performance functional purpose and building maintenance.

The list of activities carried out as part of the survey of engineering networks:

    study of technical documentation for design, construction and operation;

    visual acquaintance with the object of the survey;

    full-scale inspection - measuring linear dimensions, diameters, sections, identifying deformations, defects and damages, collecting data on loads and / or costs;

    establishing the need for instrumental measurements and their volumes, determining their locations;

    identification of the degree and causes of physical wear and tear of engineering communications based on the analysis of the survey results, information provided by the customer on the operating conditions of verification calculations;

    drawing up a list of defects;

    development and selection of diagrams, sketches and photographs of damaged areas;

    drawing up an opinion ( technical report) with conclusions about the possibility of operation or overhaul of the surveyed engineering networks, recommendations for eliminating defects and increasing reliability.

The scope and timing of survey work depends on the size of the building, their saturation with utilities and are determined in each specific case by the terms of reference for the survey.

39. The system of strategic, tactical and operational management and planning

    Strategic, tactical and operational management real estate

Strategic management is based on the strategic thinking of the manager. Strategic management requires a manager to be able to logically structure his actions in the form of a strategic matrix, which represents the whole range of goals, opportunities, chances, necessary conditions, direct and indirect influences, as well as long-term consequences.

The main directions in which the strategy is being implemented are as follows

Innovation and investment

Market share growth

Achieving job and team satisfaction

Making a profit mainly due to the turnover of intangible assets

Crisis prevention by increasing the stability of the economic system even in the face of growing uncertainty and staff errors.

The main management strategies include




Marketing strategies are designed to grow market share.

HR strategies help to get closer to other important goals - achievement of satisfaction of each employee with work and work collective.

Innovation strategies aim to increase productivity and product quality through periodic updates Innovation strategies are revolutionary, pioneering, modification, and imitation.

Tactical control associated with maximizing the market value of the real estate portfolio and minimizing the costs of its formation and retention. Management tactics reflect the financial side of real estate and allows us to talk about management as a change in the value of a portfolio. Real estate portfolio value Is the monetary expression of its consumer utility. Tactical property management- management of assets belonging to a particular owner. In practice, asset management occurs when the manager solves the following tasks:

Implementation of the tactical instructions of the owner;

Analysis of the ratio of the value of assets and their profitability;

Development of an effective asset management policy;

Definition of a group of consumers, users of assets, market niche, functional segment, etc .;

Formulation of instructions for the operational manager.

Is the entire set of operations with a portfolio or with a separate object, the implementation of which leads to one of three possible results:

Financial equilibrium arises;

Prospects of bankruptcy, collapse, crisis are seen;

Superprofits are obtained, the profitability is much higher than the normal one, and the profitability is the industry average.

Operational property management- This is the management of a separate object in its material and material form. Often this type of management is defined as "property management", which is implemented through the following actions of the manager:

    implementation of operational instructions (implementation of planned transactions with the property);

    increase in net profit through collection of rent and other income;

    contacts with tenants and users, handling complaints;

conclusion of contracts and performance of work related to the maintenance, maintenance and operation of the property, etc.

Tactical planning is a tool for implementing a planning strategy. Developed taking into account the strategic and current situation.

Operational planning - determines the list of actions and operations, their number and timing, taking into account the qualitative aspect.