Homemade garage equipment. DIY garage attachments - make a home workshop out of a caravan! Garage rack: step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Many men rave about building a comfortable garage, but when the building is finally ready, they think about how to make it functional, practical, spacious at the same time.

After all, a motorhome should be used not only for the purpose of storing a car, but also for placing gardening equipment, tools, additional sets of tires, which will allow not to litter a residential building with these items. To endow such a small space with the described qualities will allow homemade products for the garage: original solutions with a minimum of material costs further.

Arrangement of a motorhome is not just a one-time selection in the garage with your own hands, pieces of furniture, various storage systems, all kinds of tools, a home craftsman, but a system of measures aimed at rational planning of space, giving it high functionality, the maximum level of comfort.

It is important not only to select the items of the garage interior, but also to arrange them correctly so that the space is comfortable to use, and it itself is filled with coziness.

A cool environment inside a garage building is not at all an unattainable dream, but the reality of many experienced car owners. How to do this if there is no big money?

You can think over, design and manufacture unique accessories for the garage, which will rationally solve the issue of storing many items of different size, shape, purpose inside the building.

Alarm from a mobile phone.

DIY homemade products for a garage house allow you to solve many issues related to the storage of specific items inside the motorhome:

  • how to arrange tires and wheels so as not to preserve the ability to move freely across the area;
  • how to organize a workplace in order to repair a car, perform locksmith work;
  • where to store summer cottage tools important for the economy;
  • is it possible to make carriers without owning a drawing, or is it impossible to do without a homemade scheme for a garage during work;
  • how to construct a compressor with your own hands: a homemade product for advanced craftsmen.

We will try to describe the topics raised in as much detail as possible below.

Storage of tires and wheels

Not a single car owner will pass over the problem of storing off-season “shoes” of his vehicle. Where to put the tires so that they do not clutter up the garage structure? If you use the ideas of experienced car owners, this problem will not be difficult to solve.

The choice of storage method for puller tires is influenced by the nature of their installation. Products with discs should be hung by luggage belts, chains, metal cables with a diameter of 4 mm, or stored in stacks lying down. Belt fasteners must be of high quality, reliable. They are organized under the ceiling on the wall surface and fixed on the top beam.

How to store tires in the garage?

You can also drive pins or hooks into the wall surface, the bend of which is not very large. Products are mounted with a step slightly larger than the diameter of the tire. Choose such a length of pins that such accessories for the garage stuck out above the tire by 1-2 cm, no more. It is worth filling them not under the ceiling surface itself, but slightly below so that the wheels fit without difficulty.

Tires without disks cannot be stacked in stacks: only while standing. It is better to organize separate shelves by welding a structure from a 20x20 or 30x30 mm profiled pipe. In addition, you can apply a corner. It is worth abandoning the use of a round pipe, since it is difficult to weld with an inverter welding machine.

Make crossbars out of it so that the tires fit and hold better.

Make the shelves in the following sizes.

Lead the shelf on the wall where no light will fall on the rubber, otherwise it will deteriorate.

Important! When setting up a motorhome, it is important to adhere to safety rules. If a person is inside a building, the doors should be opened instantly, without obstacles! No tool storage device should unnecessarily clutter up the garage without leaving a passage for a person.


Most home-made garage accessories car owners are made with the aim of equipping a comfortable workplace, as well as creating a well-thought-out tool storage system.

Various kinds of shelves, smart shelving are the most popular ways to solve this problem, but there are others. Let's describe the sequence of actions that any car owner can follow to create a comfortable working area inside the motorhome.

Bearing remover.

At the initial stage, we will determine where to place the desktop with the tools.

There are several options:

  1. Use the entire width of the far wall for it.
    This solution is relevant when the motorhome is quite spacious, characterized by a sufficient length, the ability to "steal" about 1.5 m of the main area. The positive side of this solution is the possibility of compact arrangement of products. Nothing will interfere with the passage along the vehicle in the garage building. The weak point of this idea is the fact that a person will have to cover a decent distance to the desktop in order to take the tool when working on the street.
  2. Apply one of the long walls.
    This idea suits a wide, short garage. Place the table, workbench to the left of the entrance and from the driver's door. It will be much easier to take out the current inventory from the garage, but you will need to move carefully along the car.
  3. Corner table arrangement.
    It is a good option, as it allows you to rationally plan the space of a free corner. Experts advise: you can increase the functionality of the working area by making one side of the table longer than the other. There will be a lot of space in the garage for the car.

Next, you need to understand which table is worth constructing. You can use the option of boards sheathed with plywood. Such devices for a garage will cost a little money, but at the same time they will be quite comfortable.

If the car owner owns welding, you can make a frame from a corner with your own hands, and then sheathe it with moisture-resistant plywood. More expensive materials can be used if the budget allows.

Where to store small tools? Install shelves under the table surface, make drawers. The second option is more convenient, but it is much more difficult to make it than shelves. You can pick up ready-made plastic baskets with thick walls.

On a note! You can use an original idea and design racks for tools from used canisters with a handle on top. Cut out one of the sides, use the canister as a box.

Tool storage

It is very important to organize the storage of tools for the garage, summer cottage, car service. in such a way that everything is in accordance with the chosen order, is always at hand, and is quickly available for work.

It is possible to prepare homemade closed boxes, but with such a storage system it is difficult to remember where a particular item is. If you do not return the tool to its place, after a while it will be extremely difficult to find it: you will need to open the structure and rummage through the contents of all the boxes.

There are several ideas to keep your little things and tools efficiently:

Metal mesh made of 2 mm wire with 10 cm cage

It is attached to the wall surface by biting off, bending back some twigs. Having created a kind of hooks, supplementing the cage with crossbars, you can use it for storing small items. The stores sell special hooks that can be attached to the net if you do not want to make them yourself.

Making a special shelf for screwdrivers

Take a board or plywood with a thickness of 15 mm. Sand the material well so that it does not remain from touching it. Next, drill one or more rows of holes of different diameters. If the width of the board allows, make some holes large. They will fit the chisel, hammer handles.

On a note! Be sure to clean the resulting chips with sandpaper. Such a shelf is hung on the wall using a conventional bracket.

Pliers, pliers and wire cutters

Creation of a board for pliers, pliers, wire cutters. Such inventory is extremely difficult to store in a convenient way. Sometimes they are hung on a net, but this is inconvenient. It is better to attach a narrow board to the wall where you put the tool on. To achieve comfortable use, one side of the board needs to be ground off. Then in the cut it will look like an isosceles triangle, and the tool will sit more reliably.

Accumulators and batteries

To store tools on batteries, chargers and spare batteries, it is worth making a box with a transverse shelf for them. Make cuts of different sizes at the bottom of the box and insert the power tool into it, and use the transverse shelf, the box lid as ordinary shelves.

Homemade garage carriers

Even a well-lit motorhome has one drawback: it is dark underneath the car, almost like at night. To create a highlight of this area, it is worth using portable carriers for the garage. These are the simplest, but very useful accessories for the garage, which are easy to make with your own hands.

The design of the product is simple: a cartridge with a small screen and a hook is attached to the wire. An ordinary incandescent light bulb or housekeeper is inserted into it. In order not to break the light bulb through carelessness, it is important to find a convenient place to hang the carrier.

It is also important to choose such an arrangement of the light bulb so that the light emitted by it is directed in the right direction. In other words, the system can be improved, but how, we will tell later.

Unbreakable lamp holder

It is important to provide for every little thing in the garage: everything for repairing the car must be safe. Therefore, it is worth modifying the usual cartridge, giving it unbreakable qualities. Make a kind of lampshade out of a plastic bottle that will reliably protect the fragile bulb of an energy-saving light bulb.

You can also apply an LED lamp to such a lamp shade, and the incandescent lamp will heat up and melt the plastic.

To create a plastic lampshade, you need to do the following:

  • find a semi-transparent bottle with medium thick walls;
  • organize a window in it in 1/4 of the diameter of the bottle itself;
  • cut off the neck so that the lamp can be mounted inside the product, but in such a way that the screwed bulb presses it to the cartridge;
  • assemble the structure, try it out.

Carrying LED recessed light

We continue the heading "advice from a garage homemade product". Another way to modify a conventional carrier for working in a garage pit is to replace the incandescent lamp with a flat LED recessed lamp operating from a 220 V network. And how to do this from a conventional product, we will tell you below.

Drawing of a LED lamp.

You will also need a cord with a plug, a piece of plastic windowsill, slightly larger than the lamp itself, for mounting the light fixture.

The dimensions are chosen by the car owner at his discretion, and the sequence of work is as follows:

  • on one side, cut a hole in the window sill, the diameter of which is less than the diameter of the lamp body;
  • remove the standard fixture of the device;
  • pass the wiring through the windowsill cells, bring it out into the organized hole;
  • connect the lamp;
  • glue it to the base;
  • cut off strips of plastic from the windowsill and glue the sidewalls with them;
  • bend the bracket from a piece of tin by screwing it to the lamp with self-tapping screws.


The main idea when arranging a building for a car, a country house, which should be adhered to in work, is rational space planning. Place items so that they are all at hand, kept in order.

Interesting and useful homemade products in the garage will help to do this. Then the cottage, the garage will always look neat, and it will be cozy to be inside the building.

For the rational use of space, communications and devices for the garage are used with their own hands from scrap materials. It is necessary to use walls, an underground level in the process, place machines inside the room, organize normal lighting.

DIY garage accessories

For the comfortable operation of a room intended for storing a car, you should adhere to certain recommendations:

  • the tool must be as accessible as possible;
  • storage areas equipped with shelves / racks are much more convenient;
  • do-it-yourself workbenches, a viewing hole, home-made machines and garage accessories expand the capabilities of the car owner;
  • the cellar allows you to save space on the site;
  • the quality of lighting depends on the productivity of work, minor repairs.

Organization of the working space inside the garage

Depending on the size of the building, the area occupied by equipment, fixtures, and communications should not be more than 10 - 20% of the size of the garage floor.

Storage locations, racks, workbenches

In 80% of cases, do-it-yourself garage fixtures are constructed to store accessories, tools, and vehicle equipment. It should be borne in mind that the most bulky parts of the car are sets of winter / summer tires, depending on the season.

Tire storage rules

It is more convenient to store wheels on brackets of the following design:

  • two triangular frames from the corner, connected by jumpers from any rolled metal;
  • the triangles are attached to the wall, the wheels are installed perpendicular to the supporting structure, falling slightly between the lintels.

Wheel storage brackets

This is the most economical option for storing rubber in the off-season. Straight and corner workbenches are most in demand by car enthusiasts. The lower space is usually filled with shelves or drawers, sharpeners and vices are located on the table top.

Homemade garage workbench

An example of organizing a corner workplace

A folding workbench can be very convenient.

Wood is a versatile material for both workbenches and shelving

A wooden workbench is easier to build on your own, but it has a lower resource than an analogue from rolled metal, which needs to be welded. If no corners for shelves are laid in the load-bearing walls during construction, it is easier to make racks from rolled metal or sawn timber.

Homemade garage racks

Use for glass bottle racks

Built-in wardrobes are very compact

Original hanging shelves are suitable for storing long items

The design and arrangement of shelving within each garage is too individual to follow general guidelines.

Inspection pit and cellar

An inspection hole becomes a necessary device for a garage with your own hands. Moreover, the owner does not have to make all the repairs on his own. Underground communication can be used in the following cases:

  • inspection of the chassis, steering, brake system before a long trip;
  • oil change, which allows you to save, does not take much time;
  • minor repairs that allow for the qualifications of the owner.

Inspection pit in the garage

It is more convenient to enter the cellar from the pit, as this will allow several steps to be concreted instead of using a ladder.

Cellar under the garage

The main nuances of these designs are:

  • swelling of clayey soils is harmful to underground structures;
  • therefore, all elements of the pit and cellar are insulated with expanded polystyrene outside;
  • in the underlying layer before concreting, backfilling the sinuses of the pits, sand or crushed stone is used;
  • along the perimeter of underground structures at the level of the sole, drains are laid to collect and drain water.

The width of the pit should allow the driver to enter it without lighting.

Lighting and ventilation

In garages, parallel lighting circuits are more often used. One lamp allows you to use a specific area, several devices are turned on during major repairs, visiting the cellar. The minimum power consumption is ensured by LED lamps. Daylighting devices have a great resource.

In cars, poisonous, harmful fuels and lubricants are used, therefore, do-it-yourself devices for ventilation of the garage, allowing you to create air exchange, become relevant. The inflow is organized from below:

  • garage - air vents in the masonry, protected by gratings;
  • cellar - a pipe from the garage or from the street.

Ventilation of the garage and cellar under it

The hood is mounted under the ceiling of the cellar, the roof of the garage, or has the form of vents in the main walls at the highest points.

Related article:

Do-it-yourself garage ventilation. From this publication you will learn why garage ventilation is so important, what air exchange schemes exist, and the nuances of installation.

Other helpful ideas

Useful accessories for a garage with your own hands can be made from used utensils, inventory, materials left over from construction. For example, by gluing the lids of plastic cans horizontally / vertically, the owner gets a convenient transparent utensil for tooling or hardware, which is always at hand.

Device for storing small parts, tools, hardware

Interesting PVC pipe screwdriver storage rack

Homemade machines

From a power tool, you can assemble homemade machines and accessories for the garage:

  • drilling - a drill fixed with clamps in a device moving a gear along a rail;

Drill boring machine

  • detachable - similarly clamped angle grinder with equipment for metal or wood;

Cutting machine from angle grinder

  • wood lathe - headstock from a drill, back from a chuck, fixed on a frame made of a square tube.

Drill lathe

The advantage of the machines is a more accurate positioning of the tooling relative to the workpiece. The equipment turns out to be collapsible, the drill and angle grinder can be removed and used as intended.

Related article:

Metal lathe for garage. Machine types, technical characteristics, design, overview of popular models in a special publication of our online magazine.


The simplest design of a hydraulic press is derived from an automobile hydraulic jack. To press out / press in bearings, press / compress parts, you will need to build a frame and a removable movable stop. The frame consists of 4 channels welded to each other. At the top, the structure is reinforced with stiffening ribs (kerchiefs), at the bottom, transverse corners are added, giving the frame stability.

DIY hydraulic press from a jack

The stop is pulled in a normal position to the upper crossbar of the frame by powerful springs. A hydraulic jack is installed between them, if necessary, pressing the stop to the lower crossbar of the frame. The force of the press is regulated by a jack, the dimensions of the working area are selected depending on the size of the workpieces.

And finally, a few more examples of useful things for the garage.

Shelving at the ceiling

Storage pockets for cutting discs made from disposable plates

Device for the convenient use of threads and ropes

PVC pipe trims are ideal for creating convenient storage areas

Convenient pull-out racks for storing tools

Interesting homemade products for the garage with your own hands

The finished "motorhome" over time is overgrown with a large number of tools. Ordinary homemade garage products provide practical benefits without overpayments. Any hand-made machines will not be inferior in quality to factory counterparts. Let's take a look at some of the fixtures.

Knife sharpener

So, a useful device gets a hole for the stem in the bolt. The stem is made by hand from a thin wire. The thread is made according to the length of the whetstones.

A bar clip can be created from:

  • organic glass;
  • ebonite;
  • saw clamp.

The upper part of the plate acts as a clamp. The surface with two drilled holes is applied to the bed. Then a common through hole is made closer to the knife. A thread is cut in the bed.

So, a self-made device with your own hands is almost ready. The second hole is made only on the plate farther from the knife. Then cut the thread for the bolt (needed for tightening). A simple DIY garage mechanism allows you to sharpen your knives in the field.

A block made of artificial diamonds is affordable and very durable.

Pulley for adjusting the speed and load on the machine motor

  • metal;
  • textolite;
  • plywood (something between wood and metal).

One small and two larger circles are cut in plywood with a jigsaw. The center of the molds must match the diameter of the shaft. So that there are no problems with further manipulations, the circles are glued together or sit on the screw and tightened with a nut.

The parts of the useful device are tightened with screws. Then the pulley should be processed with sandpaper or a file, placing the structure on the drill chuck. The finished piece of the machine can be additionally rolled.

  1. Avoid vibration and keep the center of gravity on the pivot.
  2. You can make a gear pulley. Small tubules are made near the central circle until all stages of assembly.
  3. If necessary, a small pulley is made from a thick piece of plywood (one circle). A groove is made in the mold, the part is pushed onto the screw. A narrow file is applied to the rotating wheel.

DIY vacuum forming of plastic sheets

  • upper and lower frames;
  • molding plastic;
  • tie bolts;
  • perforated MDF;
  • opening for the discharge chamber;
  • plywood base with a hole in the middle.

A hole is made in a piece of MDF or plywood (50 by 50 cm) for a PVC pipe with a three-inch diameter. A frame of beams (30 by 30 cm) is attached to the resulting base with glue. To obtain tightness, all cavities are sealed with a sealant.

The edge of the water pipe is glued to the base with one end, and the other is attached to the hose of the vacuum cleaner. The whole structure stands on its legs.

Certain holes are cut in the upper and lower frames to accommodate the vacuum chamber frame (firmly glued to the base). Along the frame perimeter, cavities for fasteners are made at an equal distance.

Types of thermoplastic plastic used:

DIY jigsaw

  1. A steel square with a bolt soldered into it is made by hand as a file holder block.
  2. The redesigned block is soldered to the old saw holder.
  3. Attention is paid to the desktop. Plywood is chosen as the base. The narrow table area is the same size as the jigsaw.
  4. Furniture legs are mounted in the front plane of the table, a small wooden stand is fixed to the back plane of the working area.
  5. Use only hardwoods to create the leverage.
  6. The lever hole needs to be created with a slightly larger diameter of the stud (it regulates the spring tension).

The described self-made craft should stand on a "sole" that will not interfere with the work process. If necessary, cut a corner in the baseplate area.

A set of cutters for artistic turning with your own hands

A semicircular grooved chisel-cutter is used for rough turning. The part is made from tool steel strips.

The universal cutter is used for finishing parts. The tool is made from standard straight chisels.

Shaped cutters:

    chisel scraper.

a tool based on a straight chisel with one-sided sharpening levels the surface of cylindrical workpieces;

a homemade fixture helps to thread and apply decorative marks on a wooden rod.

The cutting tool for soft wood (aspen, linden) has a smaller sharpening angle compared to the sharpening angle of the device for processing boxwood, oak, birch.

Homemade extension cord with two sockets

The "branded" extension reel is made of two plywood discs, which are bolted together. The fragments are separated by a duralumin tube and washers.

On one side of the reel, the bolts are recessed so that contact with the handle is without injury. On the other side, at a certain distance, two holes are drilled for the sockets. The socket boxes are fixed with screws.

Proper storage and use of the tool

Each pipe is fastened with a plywood plate with self-tapping screws through a slot. To prevent the pipe fragment from loosening during operation, pieces of glazing beads are glued under the sides of the holder with PVA glue.

When it is necessary to hang the holder on the garage wall, the handle is inserted into the holder tube. The handle stand fits snugly into the slot and is fixed. With this additional equipment, the coil is mounted on the ceiling or on the bottom of the shelves.

To make the extension bar easy to rotate, a small handle is mounted on the edge of the device disk, which consists of tubular segments of various diameters. The larger diameter pipe is slipped onto the smaller hose and fixed firmly with a flat screw.

DIY homemade products for the garage: the best ideas with photos

Useful homemade products for the garage with your own hands

Most often, during the initial arrangement, all the necessary furniture is ordered. But if you rent a room or do not want to take money out of the family budget for this, then you can easily settle down on your own, especially if you know how to hold basic tools in your hands. To help yourself and for inspiration, you can use the video from homemade products for the garage with your own hands (YouTube can please you with a variety of ideas), or you can take into account the tips for arrangement, which will be the basis for a successful layout.

If you look at a photo that demonstrates the optimal set of useful furniture elements, then note the useful nuances for yourself. First, the location of any storage system should be located at a certain distance from the walls. It is believed that there should be at least half a meter between the machine standing inside the room and the rack for normal, comfortable work inside. If the shape of the storage of your car is more like a rectangle than a square (this happens quite often), then it is worth moving the entire storage for tools and useful things into one zone along the far wall opposite the door. It is here that you can place with maximum convenience not only a table or a rack, but even a carpentry or lathe. It is not superfluous to mention that all the storage of your tools should be placed inside the garage only if it is securely closed or is protected by a tightly closed gate in the country. Otherwise, it is better to place there only the most necessary, preferably not of particular value to the robbers.

If you envisage installing windows with your own hands in a separate room, which is located on the territory of your suburban area, then it is better to make them of the so-called attic type, that is, located in the roof, and, moreover, choose a place just above such a working area. In the summer and spring, such an arrangement of windows will help you save on lighting, there will be enough sunlight for all types of work, besides, you can also ventilate the room, because ventilation cannot always cope normally, especially if you are going to study inside. like in a workshop.

With a total shortage of money or out of love for art, you can make an original storage system using old empty canisters. Every motorist accumulates a lot of them over the course of a year, and if you ask fellow neighbors, there will be enough for each compartment of such an interesting locker. Of course, there is nothing difficult here, and for performing such homemade garage do it yourself video-the lessons are not needed at all. You need to take a plastic canister, wash it well so that no traces of its contents remain. Armed with scissors for metal, a knife or other tool, we cut off the front cover from the canister, but so that the sides remain, and the contents do not overflow. To make the structure more stable, you can fix it on the back wall with self-tapping screws, but we will, of course, not drive them into the wall, but into a wooden rail, which we attach to the dowels.

Homemade garage do-it-yourself photos

The same option, as shown in the photo, can be used in homemade products for a summer residence, because there, too, often you need to equip a workshop, and even less space is allocated for it than it remains in the garage. For such a design, you will need to build a frame of wooden planks, and make notches along its upper and lower edges, where the cells will be inserted. Most likely, the inspiration for this design was the classic hives that are used for breeding bees, the system is exactly the same. Sheets that are inserted inside have a perforated surface and the presence of these small holes will allow you to screw nails inside, hang hooks in order to hang tools and useful devices as conveniently as possible so that they do not fly off when sliding in and out.

The exact same perforation can be incorporated into a furniture set. With such a complete set of everything you need for a home craftsman, you can build many useful homemade products for the garage with your own hands, video with which there is on the network. In terms of popularity, such resources may soon overtake popular hand-made projects, because men, no less than women, want to make the space around them, their kingdom, beautiful, functional, and comfortable.

Interesting DIY homemade products for the garage

We are accustomed to either just throwing away the worn-out tires, or making crafts from tires for the garden with our own hands. Having examined the last winter set for a swan or a flowerpot, this year you can easily allocate it to yourself by making a whole furniture set. Frankly speaking, for this purpose, you will need not only car tires, but also bicycle tires, because they can be used to design backs by turning a stool into a chair.

Practice making such furniture and soon you will be able to replace your coffee table with such a table in the living room with your own hands, crafts from tires look not only beautiful, but can also become part of the original design concept.

A table and chairs are great, there will be where to sit, but with the question of what to cook a delicious shish kebab, our next idea will help here. The fact is that an ordinary folding brazier may not maintain the required temperature of the coals for a long time, and if you like to sit near the fire for a long time, you should make something larger. We will modernize crafts from a wheel for a garden and present to your attention a brazier made on the basis of a wheel rim. In order for the rim to maintain the set temperature well and not let the coals cool down, it needs to be lined with bricks, but for the maximum decorative effect of such a homemade product, it is better to file them a little with a grinder to fold them in a circle. The bottom must be covered with any available material that does not support combustion, for example, fine crushed stone.

Homemade garage do-it-yourself drawings

If you plan to spend a lot of time in your impromptu workshop, then among those you are interested in homemade do-it-yourself garage - heating, lighting, ventilation, that is, the arrangement of a full-fledged comfortable stay inside for a long time. Some people prefer to install infrared heaters, but from the point of view of the cost of electricity, this will not be a very rational option. Hot water heating can be a good option, but it is best designed in garages that are located next to a residential building.

You can place solid fuel boilers of any design inside a garage of any type, even make your own stove-stove made of metal using a welding machine. But do not forget that with this type of heating, the interior decoration must be made of non-combustible materials, and the ventilation is done with high quality, even at the stage when we build the roof with our own hands in order to timely remove all combustion products from the room.

DIY homemade machines for the garage

If you have a need for some specific work, then you can use special machines, for example, a pipe bending machine, which can be useful not only for motorists, but also for motorcycle owners.

DIY garage attachments - make a home workshop out of a caravan!

Required tools and materials

Any car enthusiast is able to make a variety of garage accessories with his own hands, using inexpensive materials and the simplest tool. Such homemade homemade craftsmen turn the motorhome into a full-fledged workshop.

Garage workbench - hard to do without it!

If you plan to self-service your vehicle in the garage, as well as perform a variety of repairs and make your own crafts, it will be difficult to do without a workbench. It is usually made from wooden planks, which are mounted on a reliable base (metal profiled pipe or thick wooden bar).

It is allowed to make a work table from metal blanks. They can be easily cut to the required dimensions and assembled into one solid structure by means of steel corners and hardware (universal screws, screw connections, bolts, and so on) or using a welding machine.

The manufacture of a wooden or metal workbench always begins with drawing up a detailed design drawing. You must correctly assess the working space of your garage and fit the desktop into it as harmoniously as possible. It is advisable to provide for the presence of shelves and drawers (pull-out) on the workbench. They allow you to keep all kinds of tools close at hand. It is recommended to install a small vice on the countertop.

Making a metal workbench

If your garage has shelves or racks (or you want to mount them), experts advise installing a workbench next to them.

Then you will get an excellent work area where you can do any homework, producing original and useful homemade products for your home.

  1. Assemble a tabletop from boards with geometric parameters suitable for you (for example, 200 x 10 x 5 cm), connecting wooden products to each other with metal ties and good glue. For a standard workbench, suitable for any garage, 20 of these planks are sufficient.
  2. On the tabletop, make special grooves (on 5 and 16 boards in a row) under the stops. The parameters of the grooves are 2.5 by 2.5 cm.
  3. After the glue dries, the worktop must be planed so that a perfectly flat work surface is obtained.
  4. From 80 x 10 x 10 cm bars you make legs for the workbench. Grooves should be provided in the front supports. You will insert the brackets into them, which you then connect to the beam (longitudinal).
  5. Assemble the base of the underframe from two frames made of 10 x 5 cm boards and fix it to the support. The frames are cut into the legs of the workbench by about 2.5 cm, and then they are fastened with bolts.
  6. Attach the supporting walls (back and side) to the resulting structure. They can be made from centimeter plywood or chipboard sheets.

Now you need to connect the top frame to the table top. This operation is carried out without any problems using the bolts. Do not forget to apply drying oil on the made wooden workbench and varnish it. On such a table, you will make any crafts with special pleasure!

Shelving is a must for a garage!

Over time, any vehicle owner turns into a kind of warehouse where a variety of items and tools are stored. All of them need to find a comfortable place so that each device is easy to find. A do-it-yourself rack allows you to efficiently organize the storage of tools.

You can make such a structure out of metal and wood. In the latter case, use a solid wood - beech or oak. Shelves and drawers from them are able to withstand quite serious loads. The rack, according to the accepted standards, is obliged to maintain a pressure of at least 150–160 kg. At the same time, it is not recommended to load home-made structures with things that generally weigh more than 500 kg.

Shelving made of wood

Let's see how you can quickly make a garage rack, spending a minimum of money on the purchase of materials. The work flow chart is as follows:

  1. Take a 9 cm wide board and cut it into pieces of different sizes (18-30 cm). We will use these pieces as supports for the rack.
  2. Make the shelves from a more powerful board - 19 cm thick. To do this, you will need to saw it into pieces of the desired length.
  3. Mark the board for the base of the structure, indicating on it the points for the location of the spacers (they are usually removed from the edge of the base by 2.5-3 cm). Now you need to attach (preferably using construction glue) the top spacer and nail the top shelf of the rack to it (with ordinary nails of suitable sizes). Then repeat these manipulations with the other shelves and spacers. Lastly, the lower spreading element is attached.
  4. Turn the assembled structure over, tighten the base of the rack with the spacers using screws.

The facility for storing various tools and things is almost ready. You just need to sand the rack and then apply oil varnish to the wood (it is better to make two layers), and then attach the homemade structure to the wall with anchor screws. The racking attachment points to the wall are under the lowest and highest shelf.

Useful technical homemade products for the garage - press and cyclone vacuum cleaner

A homemade clamping device, which is sometimes impossible to do without in home art, is done very simply. You will need:

  • hydraulic jack;
  • metal platform bed;
  • profile pipes with a cross section of 6x6 and 4x4 centimeters (each will require two pieces).

The press is done in this way:

  1. Attach two vertical guides (4 x 4 cm pipes) to the base of the structure.
  2. Weld between them (at the very top) a piece of pipe 6 by 6 cm.
  3. Install another 6 by 6 cm pipe so that it can easily move along the mounted guides.

Homemade garage press

The use of such a technical homemade product is elementary - you put the products that you want to connect on the working surface of the press, cover them with a thick plywood sheet, lower the jumper pipe with the jack placed on it. You only need to pump pressure into the jack to glue two products or your own crafts for centuries.

But with the help of the next home-made product - a cyclonic vacuum cleaner, you can always put the perfect order in the garage. It is made from a dense plastic or (which is better) from a metal container. It must be sealed. The scheme for making homemade products for effective garbage collection in a motorhome is as follows:

  1. Make two holes in the lid of the container. Place the first at the edge, the second in the central part. The diameters of the holes must match the cross-sections of the hoses that you will connect to the device. One hose is supplied to the hole from the edge, it is designed to collect debris, the other is needed to connect a conventional vacuum cleaner.
  2. In the inlet pipe of the described homemade product, you need to install a plastic elbow. It will ensure the process of swirling (cyclonic) air in the tank. Due to this knee, the efficiency of such a homemade product increases, which will easily and quickly suck in small stones, lumps of dirt, sawdust and other solid contaminants. They will all collect in the tank that you connected to the vacuum cleaner.

Tool for making strong rope from plastic bottles

When heated, the material from which bottles for mineral water and various drinks are made is able to shrink. This gives us the opportunity to make an excellent rope out of such containers. With its help, you can very tightly connect a variety of parts and assemblies in a motorhome and in general in a household.

Rope from a plastic bottle

To make a device for making homemade cords, you need to stock up on two bolts with washers and nuts, metal washers, a piece of thin board or plywood, a stationery blade and an electric drill. We do the device like this:

  1. Place two washers in the middle of the board or plywood, mark their centers.
  2. Drill holes in the marked centers with a drill.
  3. Drill holes from the back side (this is a mandatory procedure to ensure that there is no twist or rotation when using the device).
  4. Screw in the bolts.

The use of such a craft is simple. It is necessary to put several washers on the protruding sections of the bolts (their number determines the thickness of the rope to be cut). Then a clerical knife should be placed on top of the washers (you can even use a piece of it) and strengthen the structure by installing a few more washers and tightening the nuts all the way. After that, the homemade device must be fixed with clamps on a garage workbench or other work surface.

Next, we take a plastic bottle with a volume of two liters, cut out the bottom of it, cut a strip (very small) of the required length and set our "blank" under the knife. Pull the tape with one hand, while holding the container to be cut with the other. From one bottle of 2 liters, you will get about 25 meters (linear) of excellent rope with high shrink characteristics.

Under the tool - useful homemade products for the garage with your own hands

I live in the city of Veliky Novgorod, our plant for the production of tanks, they produce drainage EP and EPP. For any city, this is a very useful thing. Since these drainage units are needed to drain oils, oil, fecal waste. On the site, I learned a lot of useful information, quality, dimensions, purpose of drainage tanks. The NOVZERO company provides us with various containers for water towers, air collectors. You can order everything in Veliky Novgorod, there are numbers for orders. Also, this company provides a guarantee, services, such as installation of equipment and more. Each city should have such factories and such products. novzero.com www.novzero.com/produktsiya/emkosti-ep-i-epp

No. 15 Homemade accessories for the garage

DIY garage accessories

DIY garage gadgets #tool

Homemade machines. DIY machines

Do-it-yourself things # 8 you can't do without in your garage

DIY hydraulic press

No. 15 Homemade accessories for the garage

Under the tool - useful homemade products for the garage with your own hands

DIY garage accessories

DIY accessories for home workshop and garage

Homemade Garage Accessories, ROLLING JACK

Tidy in the garage means convenient open storage of all frequently used tools and compact storage of various little things "in reserve".

Often the garage and home workshop are co-located, so all tools and supplies must have a convenient storage system.

As soon as the storage system becomes not very convenient for regular maintenance, the garage again turns into a spontaneous warehouse.

It is best to use open shelves for storing tools in the garage. It is very convenient if these shelves are removable.

In the garage of the workshop, it is necessary to place not only the usual set of tools for a car enthusiast and a home craftsman, but, sometimes, gardening tools and camping equipment.

Make the most of the entire height of the room. In plastic boxes under the ceiling and on the floor, you can fold those things that you use from time to time.

The garage tool storage system uses the entire wall area as a stand. Separate sections-shelves for storing tools and consumables are suspended on horizontal rails.

Wooden guides are used here, but it is better to use metal pipes for these purposes. If, over time, the guide that we see in the photo crumbles, the box with the heavy tool may fall right on your foot.

You can make such an organizer for storing consumables yourself from sheets of plywood, which are connected with loops in the form of a book.

A lockable stand-box for DIY tools will allow him to easily maintain the desired order in the garage.

Metal nets are convenient for storing paint cans, fertilizer bags, etc.

Metal rails and metal shelves not only ensure safe storage of the tool, but are easy enough to clean.

It is inconvenient to keep a power tool in a branded suitcase; it is much more convenient to make such an open stand for storage.

The owner has a lot of necessary little things in the garage, and for each of them there is a different way of storing.

Most storage methods are simple, but still more efficient.

Very convenient design for storing consumables! A box with self-tapping screws, which you use, is fixed on a separate panel, and at the end of the work, you slide it into the common organizer.

Each owner has its own scope of activity and a different number of tools. But a convenient work organization always makes you want to do something else. Take the time to clean up your garage.

Sliding panels provide additional storage space for tools. Make sure they work reliably without getting stuck in the grooves, otherwise this storage method will not be practical.

Simple and convenient. Store your instrument wisely! If you do not have a garage, and all your tools are stored in a small box on the balcony, then even there you can organize a small work cabinet.

Let's continue for the lucky owners of the garage. Before us is a convenient way to store clamps.

Some storage ideas can be found in shops that sell tools.

But our garage isn't just about tools. We also have pipes, slats, necessary pieces of plywood and plastic.

It is not difficult to assemble such a ceiling structure from pipes in your own garage.

It is better to store large sheets of plywood and drywall in this way - in an upright position.

For scraps of plywood, plastic, etc. you can make such a wall rack.

Even a dozen planks can create clutter in your garage. Let's make a simple storage structure.

Another convenient way to store long pipes and all kinds of sheets in the garage.

A small workbench can also serve as a storage place for boards and pieces of plywood.

You don't have to clean up your garage in one day. All this can be done gradually, step by step.

From time immemorial, a storage room for a car was considered not only a place to relax after a hard day, but also a unique workshop. Men equipped it, creating various homemade products for the garage with their own hands. On the territory of a small space, you need to arrange a huge number of things for convenient use and safe storage. Enterprising craftsmen do not lag behind their ancestors, but continue their work, using modern methods and technologies. Consider the popular ideas of original designs for the work area of ​​real men.

When arranging a room for parking a car, it is necessary to observe the basic safety rule. An entrance gate or door must be easy to open and the passage to it must always be free.

Garage DIYs - A Wise Approach to Space Retrofitting

Almost every car enthusiast will be able to equip a "house" for an iron horse with his own hands. The main thing is to tune in to the fact that this is an ongoing and long-term process. It doesn't hurt to connect creativity, skill, and firm determination to achieve your goal. Practical advice from experts will help you create original homemade products for the garage, for those who are ready to get down to business. In addition, it brings tremendous satisfaction when ordinary objects turn into a necessary and valuable thing.

Car tire storage

Experienced drivers change the “shoes” of their car every season. Where is the best place to store tires so that they do not lose their properties? A simple DIY homemade garage solution will forever solve this sore point.

For the correct storage of tires, the type of wheel design plays a key role: with or without a disc.

Car tires mounted on disks are stored suspended or in stacks. For the first option, simple materials are used:

  • metal cables;
  • chains;
  • luggage belts.

Often they are fixed to the ceiling, load-bearing wall, or to a beam located in the upper part of the room. An original craft for a garage with your own hands is hammering metal hooks or pins into the wall. They are stuffed over the entire area of ​​the wall, the main thing is that the wheels do not touch each other.

Metal pins should not protrude beyond the edges of suspended structures.

Car tires without rims are stored "standing". Suitable shelves are made for them, welding profiled pipes with a diameter of 30 mm or a corner. The width of the structure is 4 times the width of the wheel, plus 15 cm for free placement on the shelf. The height of the rear of the structure is 10 cm higher than the outer volume of the tire. Such a do-it-yourself garage device is hung on the wall.

The storage area for tires must be protected from sunlight to prevent the rubber from deteriorating.

A good owner has everything at hand

To equip a working area in a garage, experienced drivers first determine where to place it. If the room has a rectangular shape, then it is convenient to build a "corner for creativity" along the entire width of the back wall.

Such a useful hand-made device for the garage will help solve three main problems:

  • compact arrangement of a large number of things;
  • ease of use;
  • free movement in the room.

For a wide garage, it is better to place the structure along one of the side walls or as a corner option. In this matter, the garage owner independently makes a decision based on the size of the room.

A great idea for a garage is to DIY a wooden table or workbench. The construction will require:

  • profiled pipe or metal corner;
  • boards;
  • moisture resistant plywood or chipboard;
  • fasteners;
  • set of tools.

With the help of welding equipment, the frame of the future table is made, which is sheathed with plywood or chipboard. Alternatively, the structure can be made entirely of wood. In order to compactly fill the space, shelves are installed under the tabletop, where plastic or wooden containers are placed.

In addition, the craftsmen use various tricks in the garage - they build a rack from plastic canisters with their own hands. The same containers will do with the handle at the top. One of the sides is cut out, turning the canister into an original box for the motorist's valuables. Then the containers are placed on a wooden or metal rack, as shown in the photo. These garage storage systems have served motorists for many years. Since plastic is not afraid of dampness, temperature changes and is resistant to mechanical damage. As a result, the wise master has all the details at hand, which means he works without distractions.

Folding table for small spaces

A simple structure that can be made from an old cabinet will help to equip a work area in a small garage. The construction will require:

  • chipboard sheets;
  • corners;
  • several loops;
  • mortise nuts for furniture;
  • wooden block;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • anchor bolts.

First, mark up the future structure using a level. Through holes are drilled on a wooden block and attached to the wall using anchor bolts. Then the prepared table surface is connected to it with the help of moving curtains. The design fits wonderfully into a small room and is used only when needed.

Ideal place for tools

Each driver has an arsenal of tools available. Some of them are used quite often, others - once a year. Original homemade garage fixtures are a simple solution to the problem. They contribute to the perfect order in the room, as well as decorate its interior.

Organized people who put everything in their place can use the closed boxes for tools and car parts.

One of the devices is performed in a simple way. A metal reinforcing mesh (cage size 10 cm), which is made of wire (diameter 2 mm), is attached to the wall. Some parts of the cage are bitten off, then folded back and made into hooks or crossbars.

Motorists hang on them:

  • hand saw for metal;
  • a watering can for fuel;
  • various rubber hoses;
  • small car spare parts.

Another way of completing valuable tools for car enthusiasts is a screwdriver rack. For this, the board (approximately 15 cm thick) is carefully sanded, bringing the surface to a smooth state. Next, holes of different sizes are drilled (one or two rows). Each of them is cleaned to exclude the appearance of splinters. Attach the structure to the wall using brackets, after which screwdrivers or chisels are inserted into the holes. A similar device is made for storing hand tools. A board is nailed to a vertical surface. One of its sides is first cut down so that it is convenient to hang pliers, various types of nippers and pliers.

A special shelf is built to place the battery equipment in the garage. Its upper part has a flat base. At the bottom, projections of various formats are cut, where suitable parts of cordless tools are placed. This approach allows the car enthusiast to quickly find the right things, especially in critical situations.

Portable lighting systems

As you know, there are no windows in the garage. During daylight hours, light enters in only through a door or gate. When repairing the underside of a car, it is very difficult to do without. Experienced motorists are advised to make a portable lamp.

Creating the simplest design, they take an ordinary cartridge and connect it to an electrical wire, at the end of which a plug is attached. For lighting, a conventional incandescent lamp or "housekeeper" is suitable. The main thing is to fit under the cartridge.

To protect fragile glass, you can make a lampshade out of it. A milky vessel of medium thickness is suitable, which perfectly diffuses light. The design is used to illuminate the most secret parts of the car and distant parts of the room.

Compact electric drill stand

When performing various works in the garage, they are often used. The tool needs to be treated with care, so keep it in a safe place. In addition, it is easier to drill holes on a flat and stable surface without distortions. The original stand for an electric drill is easy to make, if you heed the advice of experts.

To begin with, collect the main components of the structure:

  • flat area of ​​the old milling machine;
  • calibrated tube or rod;
  • plywood sheet.

A box is made of thick plywood, which corresponds to the size of an electric drill. Two holes are made in it with a drill. Next, the drill is attached to the box using special nuts. The structure is installed on the rack towards the base. A handle is fixed at the top of the rack, next to the bar. A standard ruler is installed along the base, which serves as a limiter for the unit. In this position, it is much more convenient to work with a drill. The holes are smooth and without visible deviations.

The do-it-yourself useful things for the garage shown in the photo vividly testify to the skill of modern motorists. The main purpose of arranging a car house is the rational distribution of the working area and the convenient placement of valuable things. Thanks to this, it will be comfortable to work in the garage, relax and even chat with friends.

DIY garage lathe - video

You just need it - video

The garage takes up a lot of space in the life of a strong half of humanity, even if the family does not have a car. In addition to being used as a storage and maintenance room for a car, a garage has a fairly wide range of functions, despite its rather limited area.

How can you arrange a garage?

To begin with, we will consider several options for ergonomic use and design of the interior space of the garage:

  • The garage box has a rectangular shape in 99% of its internal configurations. Accordingly, the distance from the car to the side walls is not very large and is not comfortable for carrying out any work. The most common arrangement is to move the work area (workbench, shelving or cabinets with tools and spare parts) to the back of the garage, to the wall opposite the gate. In this area, there may be enough space even to install any necessary equipment other than a workbench.
  • If there is an additional room in a large garage (utility room, switchboard), then on the surface of its door, you can organize a storage of tools using a hinged canvas or fill it with holders in the form of loops of different sizes made of plastic and ordinary ropes.

  • The simplest option: if you cannot install a rack in the garage, you can place a metal grate at some distance from the wall. You can hang almost any objects, clothes and the like on it. You don't even have to mount the shelves.
  • Another way out is to attach hooks to any surface. There are not enough of them in the garage. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them at the supermarket. Significant space savings are guaranteed.

Little garage tricks

So, the garage is purchased. At the initial stage of the arrangement, it will most likely be about buying pieces of furniture. Finding something that suits the owner and at the same time takes up a minimum of space is not so easy. The way out of this situation is to make the necessary pieces of furniture with your own hands.

Folding table top- ideal for a small garage. Such a stand does not take up much space, but it can be a table with a very decent usable area. In its manufacture, the materials from which the old cabinet was made are often used.


  • furniture hinges;
  • fasteners for wood;
  • fittings;
  • wooden blocks;
  • anchor.

First, the markup is done, in which the building or household level is applied.

The next steps:

  • the bar is drilled through and fixed to the wall with anchors;
  • holes are marked and drilled in the future plane of the table and the area for attaching the corners;

  • the bar and the tabletop are connected with hinges;
  • the table in the folded position is held by a standard latch, lock or hook, which is fixed on the wall;
  • the table supports are simply leaned against the wall next to the table.

How to make a drill stand?

Making a mini-drilling machine with your own hands does not require high qualifications, but it greatly expands the scope of application of an ordinary electric drill. In addition, the machine will turn out to be much cheaper than the purchased one, and the components can be borrowed from previously used devices.

Making a stand from wood will take very little time and does not require any special materials and tools:

  • wooden blocks or boards not thinner than 20 mm;
  • furniture guides;

  • threaded metal bar for the caliper;
  • fasteners for wooden parts (screws, glue);
  • emery.


  • hacksaw;
  • vice;
  • screwdriwer set;
  • electric drill.

The dimensions of the mini-machine are chosen in accordance with the dimensions of the working space in the garage.

Making a rack out of metal takes a little more time and materials, so you need to cover it in a little more detail.

The offered metal stand is more versatile than the wood stand and includes:

  • bearing frame;
  • drill stand guides, to which it is attached and moved vertically;
  • handle for vertical tool feed;
  • additional nodes for ease of use.

How to make an overpass for car repair?

It's no secret that a car needs regular maintenance and minor repairs, like any technically complex mechanism. For the convenience of access to components and assemblies located on the bottom of the car, they often use a do-it-yourself light overpass, which will significantly save money that is spent on service station foremen.

Overpasses are full and small. Strictly speaking, flyovers function in the same way as observation pits.

The need to build such a useful invention is most often dictated by the high boundary of the aquifer in the place where the garage is built, which makes the arrangement of the inspection pit impossible.

The flyover can be easily assembled with your own hands. For this case, drawings, an action plan and taking into account the dimensions of the car are needed:

  • the total length of the overpass is usually taken from the calculation - the length of the car + 1 m;
  • ladder width - more than 40 cm;
  • support height - 70-80 cm.

Ladders are made from a corner, pedestals are welded from a corner with a shelf width of 50 mm. The surface of the ladder is made of corrugated steel with a cross section of more than 14 mm.

How to assemble a compressor for a garage?

When servicing a car, and for other work in the home and garage, there is often a need for an air compressor. It will help in painting, and when inflating tires, blowing off dust, and in many other cases.

The simplest compressor for painting a car can be assembled yourself from an old car camera.

Here is a description of the materials and tools required to make this idea a reality:

  • the camera itself will serve as a receiver;
  • a supercharger - a pump, it is desirable that it has a pressure gauge;
  • repair kit for tires;
  • awl.


  • check the chamber for damage with the pump and eliminate them, if found;
  • make a hole in the receiver for the release of a jet of compressed air;
  • glue the additional fitting and connect it to the spray gun;
  • unscrew the nipple in it to give free passage for air;

  • leave the "native" nipple of the chamber - it will be used as a valve, keeping the excess pressure;
  • by tests, determine the required air pressure of the receiver, spraying paint and ensuring that it lies flat;
  • the main rule is that there should be nothing extraneous in the chamber: moisture, dirt and dust particles.

If you have a minimum amount of skills in assembling more complex structures, you can suggest trying to assemble a compressor of a greater degree of complexity and versatility, which can be used to measure the amount of atmospheres in car tires, paint, blow off and blow off dust.

The method is inexpensive, even if there is not a lot of scrap materials in the garage.

Installation is carried out from:

  • old refrigeration unit;
  • an air receiver with a volume of up to 10 liters;
  • pressure gauge for air receiver;
  • air pressure regulator;

  • high pressure hose (20 bar);
  • the most inexpensive filter-regulator;
  • several clamps;
  • adapters.

The compressor does not take up much space, so it is quite possible to install it in a niche on the wall or on a do-it-yourself wall shelf, where the need dictates.

This type of compressor receiver has three outputs:

  • the upper one supplies compressed air;
  • the middle is used by the pressure gauge in the receiver;
  • condensate and oil are drained through the bottom.

Principle of operation: the compressor sucks in air through the lower part, where the filter-regulator and the switch-on switch are installed. The regulator pressure limits are from two atmospheres to eight.

To hedge against trouble, for safety, you can install a relief valve.

How to make a crane hoist?

No one will deny that from time to time any car needs to be serviced, and from time to time, and repaired. Serious repairs are not a cheap pleasure, so many car owners undertake to do it in the garage or in the country with their own hands. For example, repairing an engine will require considerable physical effort in removing and reinstalling the engine after repair.

A hoisting crane with a winch can be of great help in such operations. It can be equipped in the garage either by purchasing it at the supermarket or by doing it yourself, according to a simple scheme.

The most practical way to place such a crane is over the front of a car delivered to the garage. If the reach of the boom is 1 meter, then the working area will be in the area of ​​5 m2.

The basis in the considered option will be sheet steel 400x400x25 mm. A rod with a diameter of 80 mm is welded into it, attached to the ceiling with M16 bolts.

It is necessary to monitor compliance with the horizontal levels, since often the floor or ceiling of the garage can have a slope in one direction or another.

The boom is made of a 1-meter brace, 50x50 angles and a glass with two pressed-in bronze bearing bushings. The whole structure is fixed with a cotter-pin shaped nut М42х2.

Pit and cellar

Useful space is not limited to the garage box itself: you rarely find a garage without a cellar, where the racks for pickles and marinades, and the departments for fruits and vegetables collected on the native "six hundred square meters" are so excellently placed.

The situation is as follows: the garage is built / bought / rented, the car needs repair or just maintenance, and there is no inspection hole in the garage. There is a way out - to build it yourself.

In general, the inspection pit should be of such a size that the owner can sit and work in it comfortably.

For this, the dimensions of the pit are measured:

  • the length pits are chosen in accordance with the length of the base of the car + 1 meter;
  • width determined by measuring the distance between the front wheels minus 20 cm to be sure that the car does not fall when entering;
  • depth choose in accordance with the height of the car owner + 20 cm.

Life hack: it is necessary to add 30 cm to all the dimensions obtained. This is done for the proposed installation of hydro and thermal insulation.

Let's consider the construction process itself in stages:

  • The dimensions of the pit are marked.

Life hack. If the floor screed is already available, then you will have to organize the order of work as follows: apply the markings and then cut through it with a grinder or some other tool.

  • We observe the parallelism of the floor using a level, we carefully tamp it. Usually, the first layer on the floor of the pit is a cushion of rubble, then in order: 5 cm of sand, 30 cm of clay, a reinforced mesh, which is poured with concrete with a layer of 7 cm.Then it must be spilled with mastic based on bitumen, roofing material is laid on top, then the seams are coated and lay a layer of foam and the next layer of concrete 15 cm.

  • The walls of the pit are coated with clay, polyethylene is laid, and roofing material is placed on it and all joints, like on the floor, are coated with mastic.

  • Formwork creation is the most time-consuming operation: it is made of plywood sheets or boards, leaving a gap of 7 cm from the wall.

  • The wall is reinforced and poured with concrete.

Life hack: in terms of height, filling is done at a speed of 20 cm per day, not faster.

  • Niches can be made in the walls; ceramic tiles must be used as cladding.

When arranging a cellar in a garage, the most reliable solution is to use a caisson. If you are wondering what a caisson is, it is best to turn to several life hacks that will clarify its purpose.

Simply put, a caisson is a can. An ordinary large waterproof canister, tank, or whatever sounds like it. It is used as a basement impervious to soil moisture.

It consists of:

  • above-coffered structure (this is the entrance to the cellar hatch);
  • a cylindrical chamber with dimensions of 2 m in height and 1 m in diameter, this is the best option in terms of the proportion of "volume / consumed materials";
  • the caisson is additionally waterproofed from moisture with various bituminous mastics, an asphalt layer or various solutions, again based on bitumen.

Consider some useful tips and tricks in this regard:

  • The walls of the caisson must withstand significant external pressure; one should not economize on their thickness.
  • Weld seams must be welded twice and anti-corrosion agents are highly recommended.

  • When using a caisson, it is imperative to equip a reliable ventilation system.
  • The list of basic storage units is almost the same: canned food and pickles, other homemade supplies rolled up in jars and other containers, unprocessed vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account their storage conditions.

  • Ventilation requires special attention: the natural type of ventilation is not always suitable due to the lack of the possibility of its artificial regulation. Forced ventilation is better.
  • If there is no caisson, a so-called sand pillow 25-30 cm thick is placed on the floor for waterproofing, it is covered with roofing material or other material on top, the seams are glued with bitumen or mastic.

  • Raw vegetables are stored on the floor in boxes. Carrots and beets are additionally sprinkled with sand.
  • Wood shelving tends to become moldy over time. To avoid this, they are covered with protective mixtures.

  • Steel racks are devoid of this drawback, but they tend to corrode, so they are treated with water-repellent materials.
  • Plastic racks are resistant to moisture and corrosion, but are fragile enough and cannot bear a large weight load.

  • The depth of the cellar is directly proportional to the depth of the aquifer at that particular site, unless a caisson is used.
  • When using a caisson, it is necessary to take measures to prevent it from being squeezed out by groundwater to the surface.
  • The cellar floor should be located at least 1 meter from the upper boundary of the aquifer.

How to make a workbench?

Who has seen a garage that does not have a workbench with a vice attached to it? Or a garage without shelves, mezzanines, wall cabinets? Without a test bench or vehicle maintenance?

By the appearance of the garage interior, you can immediately tell who is its owner and how functional this or that option for using the internal space is, how much it optimizes it for operation.

A large and convenient workbench in the garage is its undeniable advantage. If you organize boxes for tools and parts in it, then it will turn into a universal place of work. Typically, such a workbench is made for the entire width of the garage with boxes of various sizes.

For its installation with dimensions 660x100x60 cm you need:

  • saw;
  • plywood of various thicknesses;
  • polyurethane;
  • paints;
  • grinder;
  • fasteners.

Operating procedure:

  • for a workbench measuring 660x100x60 cm, you will need to cut 4 sheets 20 mm thick;
  • it is better to use sanded plywood for the work surface;

  • boxes are made of strips 0.6x4.8 m, 13 mm thick;
  • rack sections are assembled from 20 pieces of 61x61 cm in size;

  • each vertical row of boxes is calculated as follows: 3 small and 1 deep;
  • the depth of the grooves of the guides is 1.27 cm;

  • additionally cut a groove 254 mm at the bottom of the cabinet and three grooves 127 mm apart and 146 mm from the top of the cabinet;
  • the required structural rigidity is created by reinforcing the back wall with plywood strips;

  • we collect all structures for five boxes and fasten them together, then fix them to the wall with fixing screws so that there is free space under them for oversized items;
  • to assemble boxes from plywood with a thickness of 13 mm;

  • handles are cut out in the front wall of the box or purchased ready-made and fixed with self-tapping screws;
  • the dimensions of the lower boxes are 120x25x5 cm and 60x25x5 cm;

  • a 60x120 cm frame is attached to the working surface of the workbench;
  • finishing the workbench consists of sanding and painting in several layers.
  • finishing varnish is allowed.

How to make shelving?

Shelving is one of the most common rational solutions for organizing free space when placing things in a limited volume of a house or garage box. The surfaces of the walls of the box are encouraged to lean against them a rack or to strengthen a dozen or two shelves and put on them a wide variety of items: from fishing accessories and clothing to a boat engine and a spare engine block.

A garage rack can be purchased in retail chains - this is an option that almost does not require energy. Mounting / dismantling of such structures is elementary and does not require high qualifications of an assembly fitter.

Perfect for all categories of garage owners, but quite expensive and will require a certain investment of capital.

You can try to make a rack yourself from improvised or purchased materials: from scraps of pipes, a profile or a corner, from pieces of plywood, chipboard, plastic.

Instead of drawers, it is quite possible to use ordinary plastic canisters. The canister is located horizontally, and by the handle, which was in front, it is pulled out and returned to its place.

The only thing that should not be forgotten is that it is forbidden to use canisters and other containers from under chemically aggressive, radioactive or flammable substances that can harm health. The best option is a drinking water canister.

To make a rack from aluminum or other metal on your own, you need to prepare, take measurements, calculate the load and choose the material for the product. You should also take into account what communications are in the place where it is planned to mount the rack.

  • First, the external dimensions of the product are determined.
  • Then the number of shelves and their height are calculated. It makes sense to make them of different heights, since the sizes of the storage items vary.

  • It is irrational to make sections of too large width - the loading capacity of the shelves will sharply decrease, the possibility of collapse will increase.
  • The drawing should begin with a sketch of the rack, its schematic representation with preliminary dimensions, giving a general idea of ​​what should be the result.

  • The next step is cutting the vertical pieces.
  • All parts are cut to one length from a solid profile or corner. It is not recommended to compose them from separate parts.

  • Sometimes metal or metal-plastic pipes are used as risers.
  • The material for the shelves is chosen taking into account its strength. For example, chipboard and fiberboard shelves will not support significant weight due to their relative fragility.

  • Design shelves no more than 60 cm wide.
  • The presence of an edging (side) on the shelf will serve in two directions at once - it will create an additional stiffening rib and prevent small parts from falling.

  • First, the vertical posts are installed. The method of fastening (to the floor, ceiling, walls) should be thought out even at the stage of drawing up the drawing.
  • When installing, be sure to use a level to avoid distortions.
  • The shelves are fixed with corners.

Let's consider a few useful life hacks:

  • Sometimes, to save space, the shelves are fixed directly to the ceiling without using vertical floor supports. Hanging shelves can free up space in the lower tier of the garage box, but they cannot differ in special carrying capacity. Oversized but light long slats, plastic corners, cardboard pipes, etc. can be folded onto them. You can also make them mesh - then you can additionally hang something to them with hooks.
  • Another popular way to use the wall is to arrange a metal or plastic panel with fasteners (hooks, brackets, etc.) instead of a rack, this will greatly save free space.
  • To create a small gap between the wall and the panel, it is recommended to use wine corks cut in half.

Suspended structures

The problem of storing small parts, screws, washers, bolts and other fasteners in the garage is quite acute. On the one hand, they should always be at hand, on the other hand, it is quite easy to lose them, drop them on the floor. There are several options for solving the problem. Here's one interesting, simple, and low-cost option - just ingenuity and a fresh take on using common things.

First you need to decide on the required number of cells of the required size.

For work you will need:

  • 4 metal slats, 2.2 m long each;
  • electric drill;
  • fasteners.

In our case (see photo) there are 24 identical cells in a row. There are four rows in total, the size of each cell is 14x10x7.5 cm. In a metal rail (in our case, its length is 2 m), holes must be drilled for the entire length of the row for fastening to the wall. It is not recommended to save money, as the rail will hold cells filled with metal parts... Next, the slats are attached to the wall. We attach the cells to the slats. Ready!

Original options

You have to do a lot in the garage with your own hands, since among the whole variety of goods that modern industry offers us, there is not always something that fully satisfies the demand of a picky and skilled owner.

In this case, we are talking not only about furniture (cabinets, racks, shelves, tables, workbenches), but also about all kinds of home-made devices that make life so much easier in the event of a sudden need to perform a non-standard operation.

The garage carries out a wide variety of functions: from a storage room and a workshop to a re-box and a resting place. In any case, there are a lot of original ideas embodied in useful, necessary and functional gadgets and homemade products for the garage, which are quite affordable for making from improvised means with your own hands.

  • To protect against drafts, it is often recommended to lay a kind of felt "sausage" under the garage door. It helps a lot when working inside the garage during the winter season.
  • A spare set of tires is stored hanging or on its side. If there are no discs, tires are stored vertically with a mandatory change in their position once a month.

  • To position them in a standing position, it is recommended that you design a storage place on the wall with your own hands. In fact, it is a wall-mounted triangular frame, into which the tires are inserted in a standing position. The further the frame is installed from the heaters, the better the tires will remain.
  • It is good if there are used tires in the garage that have not yet been scrapped. If you put a part of a sheet of plywood or chipboard on top of such a tire and decorate it with decor, it will turn into such an elegant thing as an author's stool.

  • If you do not have enough driving experience, you can fix the used tire on the wall opposite the gate as a bump stop. Such a craft will significantly reduce the risk of scratching the bumper when parking the car.
  • An old tire makes a homemade little thing for storing little things. Attaching the bus to the wall is quite simple, and this option will look spectacular. For flower growers, the shelf can easily turn into a flower bed if the tire is placed outside the garage.

  • Keeping various keys (spanner, combination, adjustable) on hooks is beneficial and preferably from several points of view at once. Several keys on one hook, they are clearly visible, take up little space, all are available at once.
  • The rags are very convenient to store with the help of a wall holder, which uses ordinary clothespins. The rags will always be at hand, there is no need to waste time looking for it.

  • To make notes "for memory", you need a blackboard and chalk. But this is completely optional: cover the cabinet door, part of the gate, some kind of shield or just a free flat section of the wall with graphite paint and make a schedule on it, leave notes or write down the dimensions of the future rack.
  • From an old 200-liter barrel with the help of a grinder, you will get a wonderful chair if you beat it up with foam rubber or rubber. It can become the basis of a table for something you need.

  • Drawers with various things on the garage floor will become much more mobile if you attach wheels from old office chairs to them.
  • If, in addition to hooks, you attach a figured strip with holes and staples to the wall above the workbench, then it will greatly help when storing and using pencils, drills, bobbins of thread or twine.

  • The same applies to the various hinges and straps attached to the garage wall.
  • If you attach lids to the bottom surface of the wall cabinet, it is very convenient to screw jars on them, in which various trifles are stored.
  • Another possibility of using them: an electric cable is pulled through the hole in the lid, and a lamp holder is placed in the jar - the lampshade is ready!

Garage doors are an essential and important part of boxing. They carry a fairly significant load, serve as the main obstacle for robbers, and need thermal insulation. To all of the above, we can add that the gate should be as convenient to use as possible for the garage owner.

The version of the gate equipped with tension springs or torsion springs is not yet very popular in Russia in comparison with the "classic" version, but they also deserve attention precisely because of their ease of use.

Extension springs are usually used with gates less than 8 m² in area. They do not require a headroom of great height due to the use of tension springs installed on the sides. They are easier to install, and their price is lower than gates that use torsion springs. Unfortunately, a built-in wicket door cannot be installed in such gates.

Torsion springs are used when doors are installed over 8 m². 3 types of mounting are allowed: standard, low, high. A big plus when operating a door of this type is protection against falling of the door leaf when the springs fail and low noise operation, as in the version with a built-in wicket.