What can I do for my planet. Planet Earth Safety

All this is VERY EASY, but very EFFECTIVE for helping our beloved planet

Replace at least one light bulb in your home with an energy efficient fluorescent light bulb. You can use it in a closet, closet, closet, etc.

Discard disposable plastic bags. They decompose tens of times longer than any other waste. Swap them for biobags or a stylish shopping bag.

When washing dishes, many are accustomed to rinse it first, and only then use it. detergent... Water continues to flow at this time. If you only turn on the water to rinse off the detergent, you can save a tremendous amount of water.

Do not put the oven on preheat. Almost not one dish, except for baking, does not need it. Follow the cooking process through the transparent door without opening it.

Each discarded bottle takes more than a million years to decompose, so they must be taken to special collection points. Recycling glass reduces air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%.

Try to use diapers as little as possible. Of course, they save you from many problems, but at the same time they do great harm to the health of our planet. Each child manages to send about 3.5 million tons of poorly recyclable waste to the landfill. Diapers and cloth diapers are less comfortable, but more environmentally friendly.

Try to dry things as often as possible. the traditional way- with a rope and clothespins. Firstly, you will prolong the life of your favorite clothes, and secondly, you will save a lot of energy, which is spent by the “drying” mode.

Have a “meat-free day” once a week. Production of a pound of meat requires 10 thousand liters of water and several trees cut down for pasture. Plus, deloading like this will improve your digestion.

Be creative. Come up with unusual gift wrapping. It can be an old card, newspaper, cloth, etc. This will make your gift more original and not waste extra paper.

Plastic bottles are not recyclable. They decompose over millions of years or burn, poisoning the atmosphere. Purchase a special reusable container and use it with purified drinking water to improve the environment and reduce costs.

Even if you love to take a bath, try to give it up in favor of a shower at least once a week. Shower spends twice less water.

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, you don't need it anyway. This will save you 5 liters of water per day.

Showering with your loved one will be the highlight of the day. This will benefit your relationship and save water, which will help the environment.

Every two minutes you donate while showering saves more than 10 liters of water.

Plant a tree. It is good for the air and the ground. In addition, it will be incredibly interesting for you to watch how the tree that you have planted with my own hands, grows, becomes covered with greenery, gives shade to people fleeing from the sun, etc.

Make sure that your car engine is not wasted. Considering today's gasoline prices, this will save not only the environment, but also your wallet.

If you can, get around the city by bike. This will help you improve health - yours and your planet's.

Try to buy local produce. Thus, you will support the economy of your area and reduce fuel consumption for transportation.

Adjust the thermostat one degree higher in summer and one degree lower in winter. Each such degree will save 10% on energy use! Also, invest in a programmable thermostat that allows you to adjust the temperature based on whether you're in or out of the house.

Try to use disposable tableware as little as possible. For example, instead of buying coffee from the vending machine, have a cup in the morning before work, or keep a cup at work. This will reduce the amount of hard-to-recycle waste and give you more positive emotions.

When traveling on business by car, try to accomplish as much of what you have planned at one time as possible. If you do everything in one trip, you save gas, time and do your little bit to improve the environment. Also try to think over the route in advance so as not to cut extra kilometers.

When leaving the room, always turn off the light behind you. Even if you're going to come back in 15 minutes.

Break a flower bed in front of the house. Surely, none of your neighbors will mind, and most will even support your endeavors.

During barbecue, many lose sight of their plastic plates, forks and other disposable utensils. Most solve this issue simply - unpack a new set. As a result, several times more plastic dishes are wasted and thrown away. Sign the dishes so as not to lose sight of them. In order to make it more fun, you can come up with funny nicknames for all the participants of the barbecue.

Recycle old cell phones. Average length service cell phone- lasts about 18 months. Which means 130 million phones will be retired each year. If they go to landfills, their phones and their batteries are eaten out. toxic substances into the environment. There are many reputable programs where you can replace your phone, many with noble goals.

Keep your vehicle in order. This is beneficial not only for extending the life of the vehicle, but also for the environment. Clean filters periodically, inflate tires, clear the car of unnecessary things, use the pantry to store them - carry only what you need in the car.

Don't throw away disposable hangers. They are usually made of steel, which is often not accepted by some recycling services. What then to do with them? Most dry cleaners take them back to reuse and processing.

Never leave trash behind. If everyone cleans up after themselves, our planet will become much cleaner. Recycle everything - glass, cardboard, plastic bottles, cans from under gaz.voda.

If you can, negotiate with your supervisor and work from home. You will save money on travel, whether you use private or public transport, and make a small contribution to the fight against air pollution from cars.

If you have a fireplace, keep the dampers closed when not in use. During winter, heat is escaped through the pipe - this adds energy consumption for heating.

Cut down on junk mail. Take some time to unsubscribe from all unnecessary, but sent to you directories.

Use matches made of recycled paper instead of disposable lighters made of plastic and filled with butane gas.

Make sure you really need a paper phone book. Indeed, in our time it is easy to replace it with an electronic one. (personally, I think that with and ordinary books can be replaced with electronic ones already (with the advent of a portable reader))

Try to wash your clothes at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. This saves energy. Also try to fully load the tank. washing machine.

Before you throw away anything, think about whether it is necessary. Maybe you will give it to someone who needs it or take it to the consignment shop?

Go to car washes
Professional car washes are often more efficient with water consumption. Do not wash your car in bodies of water, do not ignore the prohibition.

According to statistics, the average person uses 6 paper napkins a day. If everyone reduces their number to at least five, 500,000 fewer napkins will end up in the garbage cans every year.

Instead of buying a paper air ticket, order an online ticket, it will require very little time spent at the computer. And in general, give preference to electronic media, not paper.

Discard discs, they decompose very poorly, as well as their packaging. You can download any movie, any program, any game and any music album via the Internet. Whether to pay for it or not is up to you.

Stop using the answering machine. Autoresponders use energy 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And when they break, they are just another thing that goes to the landfill. Replace them with voicemail service.

Do not use plastic stirrers for cream and sugar in coffee. Great idea- use long pasta products (spaghetti for example). And after stirring, you can throw away the pasta with less guilt - it decomposes much faster than plastic sticks.
And a completely waste-free option - throw it directly into the compost and not into the trash.

If you are struggling with ice on your own in your home, use special PET-safe de-icers (available in many specialty stores)
The rest, although they make the paths safe, pose a danger to animals that can swallow this product.

Use a cotton swab instead of a plastic one.

Pay bills online. Cut off paperwork - save time and paper.

Visit second-hand and thrift stores more often. The fact that someone has used a bicycle, a net, a blanket or checkers before you does not make these things worse. Better they serve you instead of littering the environment.

Use rechargeable batteries instead of conventional batteries.

Helping the planet become a little cleaner and greener isn't too difficult, and each of us can do our part. A small change in habits will not only help make our lifestyle more correct and rewarding, but also save a little money. Protecting the planet and worrying about its fate is our responsibility and privilege. Here are some ways that we can easily help the planet.

Save water

By 2050, a shortage drinking water will become one of the main environmental issues of all mankind. Already today, nature is experiencing this terrible problem. To start actively saving at least a little water, it is not at all necessary to significantly limit yourself. Small good habits can be very effective. Repair leaky taps, toilets and pipes, and turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. Get a filter and drink tap water to save on harmful plastic packaging. Try to wash at least some of your clothes in cold water thus saving energy. Rational use of water will help save not only resources, but also money for utilities.

Use cars correctly

Try not to drive your car on everything, especially small business. If your car is in the garage even one or two days a week, you can save a lot on gasoline and save the atmosphere from half a ton of harmful emissions. Combine several trips into one, it will also help rid the planet of excess greenhouse gases.

Get on the bike

Use walking or cycling for at least a small part of the day. In addition to explicitly saving on gas or travel, additional activity will help you keep your body in top shape and improve your health. If you do not want to burn calories in this way, try to find fellow travelers - this way you will save yourself and help others. Every car that doesn't hit the road makes the planet cleaner.

Send your trash for recycling

Unfortunately, in our part of the world, garbage recycling is not very developed, but that does not mean that you can throw anything anywhere. A huge amount of energy will be saved if glass and tin bottles are sent to special containers. Sometimes they are in stores, and they even pay money for the container.

Compost your plants

Even if you live in an apartment, the fertilizer is useful for plants in your local park or for home flowers. The less garbage we put in landfill, the slower the landfill grows and becomes a problem. Plus, making the right and healthy compost is not difficult at all.

Change the bulbs

Compact fluorescent lamps they last 10 times longer and consume three to four times less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. Another way to save energy is to buy correct technique... If you are going to buy a new one household appliances, from an electric kettle to a refrigerator, try to get one that consumes significantly less energy, such as A or A +. By paying a little more for an energy efficient technique, you can save on electricity over time and make the planet a little cleaner.

Save energy

Disconnect appliances that you are not using from the mains. Even a small flashing light is powered by energy. If you use air filters, clean them regularly so they will use less energy to operate. The thermostat can be adjusted a few degrees lower at night. All this is useful not only for the planet, but also for your wallet. Did you know that most of the energy that a microwave oven consumes is not spent on heating food, but on a small electronic display that shows the time? How often do you use your microwave clock? Maybe it makes sense to disconnect it from the network immediately after use?

Keep track of car repair

A well-working engine and inflated tires are guaranteed to save the amount of gasoline consumed. On flat tires, you risk not only getting into an accident, but also wasting more fuel and producing more. harmful gases... Flat tires also deteriorate faster. In addition, reducing your speed from 70 to 60 kilometers per hour will help you save gas.

Reduce the brightness of your screens

Screens of monitors and TVs use an incredible amount of energy, which can be reduced by just turning down the brightness a little.

Use reusable tissue products

This applies to plastic bags that can be replaced with a string bag, and paper towels, which are perfectly replaced with cloth napkins. In addition, if you regularly order takeaway coffee, carry a thermo mug with you and ask the staff to pour you coffee into it, you will be able to avoid the creation of additional debris. Ecology will thank you.

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Helping the environment or living green doesn't have to be headache. On the contrary, it is often very simple. And the idea that one person will not change anything is far from the truth. If each of us pays even a little attention to this issue, the changes will be so significant that it will be difficult not to notice them.

There may be things on this list that you know. But in this case, the reminder can play a positive role and push people in the right direction.

1. Change the light bulb

If every family in the CIS countries replaces one ordinary light bulb in the house with a fluorescent energy-saving one, this will lead to a decrease in the level of environmental pollution, similar to removing a million cars from the roads. Using LED bulbs will prove even more beneficial.

If you do not like the light of such lamps, you can put them at least in those places where light is rarely needed - in the closet, on the balcony, etc.

2. Turn off your computer at night

By turning off your computer rather than leaving it in sleep mode, you can save up to 40 kilowatts of electricity per day. If you don’t want to wait for your computer to boot in the morning, why not boot up while you wash your face? Or you can put it on automatic switching on a couple of minutes before the time you wake up.

The same goes for others. electrical appliances- it's better to turn it off completely.

3. Use both sides of the paper

Do not forget that each sheet has two sides and in most cases it will not be a problem if you print or copy something on both sides. Alternatively, the other side can be used simply for personal notes. To quickly and easily cut the amount of paper you use in half, set your printer to print on both sides by default.

4. Do not turn on the oven in advance

If you are not baking bread or making any baked goods, do not preheat the oven beforehand. Just turn it on when you put the food you want to bake inside. When checking the readiness, do not open the door again, look through the window - this will keep the temperature inside and save the energy necessary to restore it after opening the door.

5. Recycle glass

By recycling glass, the level of air pollution is reduced by 20% and the level of water pollution by 50%. Non-recycled glass, on the other hand, can take millions of years to decompose.

6. Use eco-friendly diapers

Statistically, by the time a child learns to go to the toilet on their own, parents are using 5,000 to 8,000 diapers, which creates several tons of garbage every year. In case, if you use diapers or other more environmentally friendly material, there will be much less harm to the planet.

7. Dry your washed clothes in the sun

It is enough to hang the clothesline to dry the clothes and, instead of using the dryer of the washing machine, hang the clothes there after washing. Your clothes will keep their colors and you will also save money on your electricity bill. And your favorite T-shirt will last longer.

8. Become a vegetarian once a week

Just one meat-free meal a week in your diet will already help the planet and your health. For example, producing 500 grams of beef requires 2500 liters of water. In addition, in this way you will help to preserve the trees.

9. Wash in warm water

If all households in the CIS countries do laundry instead of very hot water just use lukewarm, this can save tens of thousands of barrels of oil a day.

In addition, it is wise not to wash dirty clothes right away, but to wait to load washing machine fully.

10. Use one less tissue

On average, every American uses 2,000 wipes per year - about 6 each day. If everyone used just one less napkin per day, they would use half a billion kilograms less napkins in a year.

11. Turn off the lights

Always turn off lights when leaving a room if an incandescent lamp is installed. In the case of fluorescent lights, the number of on and off times plays a role, so you should only turn them off when you leave the room for more than 15 minutes.

12. Recycle newspapers

Several million newspapers are printed daily in the CIS countries. More than 70% of them end up just thrown into the trash can. If you send just one newspaper a week for recycling, it can already save a lot of trees.

13. Packaging creatively

Gift wrapping, bags or bright colored paper can be reused. And if you add old maps, magazines, newspapers or even the material of unnecessary clothing, then you can make something really original and interesting. In addition to being beneficial to the environment, the wrapper will also appeal to the recipient of the gift.

14. Buy less water in plastic bottles

About 90% of plastic bottles are not recyclable and take thousands of years to decompose. The easy way out is to use the same bottle many times, it will help the environment, your wallet and maybe even health. You can also use water filters, the water purified in this way is unlikely to be inferior in purity to that sold in plastic bottles.

15. Replace the bath with a shower

Try skipping a bath for one week and showering instead. Usually the bathroom needs twice more water than goes away while taking a shower. Again, you will not only reduce the amount of water used, but also pay less for utilities.

16. Brush your teeth with closed water

Most likely, you have already been told about this, but you still do not turn off the water while brushing your teeth. You can save up to 19 liters of water a day if you follow the advice.

The same goes for washing dishes, some actions in this process also do not require a constant flow of water.

17. Fix the pipes in the bathroom

The place in the pipe or faucet in the bathroom, from where the water is dripping, may not interfere, but imagine how much water will leak in this way in a year. And if there is more than one such place? Just fix the pipes and it will help the planet.

18. Shower less time

We spent 2 minutes less in the shower and saved about 38 liters of water. If every resident of Russia took a shower for two minutes less, it would be possible to save several billion liters of water per year.

19. Plant a tree

This is good for both the air and the ground. The tree will not only look beautiful, but also, possibly, increase the value of the plot upon sale.

You can make it a tradition and, for example, plant one tree for each family member once a year.

20. Use "cruise control" in the car

If your car has a cruise control function, then let it do its job. With it, the car will drive 15% more efficiently. You paid for more than just an extra button on the panel. And taking into account the current fuel prices, you can also save a lot.

21. Used doesn't mean bad

Consider hand-held shopping. Children quickly grow out of toys, bicycles, roller skates and other sized things. Second-hand shops usually sell these items in excellent condition because they don't last too long. They can also be sold there after they are no longer needed.

22. Buy local

Imagine how dirty it gets environment from the fact that food is brought from other regions or countries to your local stores. Therefore, whenever possible, try to support and buy products grown in your region or city. Thus, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions can be significantly reduced.

23. Change the temperature in the house

If you use heating and air conditioning, lower the temperature just one degree in winter and raise it one degree in summer. Each degree can save up to 10% energy.

24. Dress instead of heating

Instead of turning on the heater on maximum level just dress warmly in winter. Woolen socks or a knitted sweater will not only save energy, but also help you get a feel for what time of year it is outside.

25. Carry your own mug

If you start your morning with a refreshing cup of coffee, or enjoy tea in coffee shops during the day, there is a way to avoid taking a new glass every time so you can throw it away right away. Try to buy a reusable mug and take it with you. Most coffee shops will gladly pour coffee into your own mug.

The trend of the new millennium is conscious consumption and economical use natural resources... How to make the planet cleaner and save it from debris?

Admit it, the ecological situation is terrifying, uncontrolled rubbish cemeteries, our indifference and haste. What will we leave to our children and descendants? This is not a rhetorical question, but one that requires cardinal changes in our minds.

If you think that taking the first step is difficult and you lack motivation, then you are deeply mistaken. Prioritize economy, cleanliness and then global cleansing of the planet - this strange and contradictory set 100% works! Any miracle begins with small steps!

1. Replacing plastic bags with cloth bags and bags

The solution came from vegans. It was in their shops that the first fabric bags and bags appeared. Let's take a look at the pros and cons. Now you can get rid of numerous sachets in a bag, free up the bowels kitchen cabinet or a place under the sink! It is there, most often, that the deposits of packages are stored.

A lightweight fabric bag made of cotton fits perfectly into even a small women's bag, much stronger and more durable than a bag, and, importantly, more environmentally friendly. The only "but", it requires washing and drying. Perhaps this is the only minus and concern for the owner.

2. Using rechargeable batteries and rechargeable batteries

If you cannot refuse to use batteries, then rely on proper disposal and purchase batteries that only need to be charged periodically. Recycling will allow you to quickly recycle the material, and rechargeable batteries will significantly save the family budget.

3. Down with household chemicals - looking for an environmentally friendly alternative!

Modern household chemicals make life much easier for a woman, simplifying and speeding up household chores. The only reason we refuse chemicals are food and skin allergic reactions. Unfortunately, every year there are more and more such complaints. How to solve it? We will use "grandmother's" means and proven methods. For this you need vinegar, lemon juice, mustard for dishwashing, soapy root for washing. The kit that saves many allergy sufferers! In just 5-10 minutes, you can find many recommendations and advice on ingredient ratios.

4. Disposable bottles are the past, we are looking for a replacement!

Of course, plastic bottles are very convenient, they are light and have different volumes, but used plastic takes up to 500 years to decompose! Unless it is biodegradable, the decomposition time of such a discarded bottle is much shorter - about a year.

What has come to replace the usual disposable plastic? Biodegradable containers, bottles with built-in filters, soft reusable bags, and the list of eco-innovations is updated daily.

5. Install the water spray on the tap

We often use tap water completely mindlessly. You knew that just for the morning procedure, brushing your teeth and washing your face, it takes up to 5 liters of water. And during the day, one person can take up to 250 liters. It's scary to think how much water is wasted if the family is large, and even with a small child! Washing dishes, cleaning, taking a shower by family members ...

We do not call for saving on hygiene, but only for conscientiousness. After all, you can turn off the water while you are washing or brushing your teeth, do not start the washing machine with 2-3 things, and one more tip - install aerators, special nozzles on the taps. They reduce water consumption by 50% and modern models more and additionally purify water from terrible impurities!

6. Looking for new uses for old things

How hard it is sometimes to part with your favorite things, you must agree. But sometimes a strict revision of the closets and living space is still required. Something can be given as a gift to the needy, unnecessary, but valuable - to sell, something to send "courageously" for scrap, and give something new life in the apartment or in the country!

Pots turn perfectly into flower pots, broken dishes into a skillful panel in the country, you can make bright rugs from old T-shirts. Immediately awaken the creativity and the sleeping genius in yourself, let create and get up!

Do not indulge yourself with the illusion that someday you will lose the hated 10 kilograms and fit into a dress or jeans 15 years ago. Charitable foundations, shelters, churches will gratefully accept your old clothes... The main thing is to bring it in a good, washed form, and give it away with a pure heart!

7. Helping orphanages and “adopting” a new family member

Animal shelters are a headache not only for animal rights activists, but also for their owners, who are trying to help four-legged street children. How can I help them, make their city safe and clean?

We cannot influence the increase in the number of animals, but we can help with money and medicine, or give shelter to a little friend. Alas, he will not have a rich pedigree and you will not be able to boast of him at the exhibition either, but you will get a reliable friend.

8. Install the motion sensor

Everybody associates motion sensors with foreign films and institutions that strictly monitor safety. We assure you that such innovations are appropriate for apartments and country houses... The sensors will significantly save energy consumption by almost 70%. With simple mathematical calculations, you will understand that the cost of purchasing and installing the device quickly pays off! Why pay more?

9. Sorting trash

Properly recycled waste in Europe and Japan allows you to heat houses, create electricity, and get new items of use. Fortunately, we are also emerging with innovative ways to recycle recyclable materials. You just need to learn and help. As a standard, collection points accept separately plastic, glass, paper, hardware, food waste, lamps and batteries are separate. By the way, did you know that expired medicines cannot be thrown away in a swirling form? Required, go to the drain and wash the bottle, or mix the tablets with shredded food waste.

10. Brewing instead of tea bags

An incredible variety of flavored sachets will delight us during our five-minute break and lift our spirits. Here you have aromas with the smell of chocolate, and with mango and strawberry, how can you refuse such a temptation? You can and should! Tea connoisseurs unanimously claim that tea bags are the worst evil. And the point is not that there is practically no tea in the bags, but that they decompose for a very, very long time.

Give preference to custard tea, it is healthier and more aromatic, and you only need a couple of minutes longer to brew.

It's not a secret for anyone, probably, that now our planet, and all of us, have a difficult period.
I believe that this is the period of the Earth's cleansing. She deals with a huge amount of negativity the way she can - burns it and flushes it away. Millions of trees sacrifice themselves to cleanse the planet of negativity. I can hardly stand this scorching heat, and this heat made me think, what can I do for the planet. What can I do so that the Earth goes through the stage of cleansing faster and easier, to save the trees, in order to facilitate this stage both for nature and for myself.
here are some of my conclusions. If you like it, take note of it. It will be great if you post what you like. Together we can do more.
1. Setting yourself up for the best.
Yes, you can watch the news about fires in the morning joe in the evening, and feel fear and pity, but fear and pity (as opposed to compassion) are low-frequency vibrations, they will only worsen the picture. The more you think about fires, the more there will be. Let's think about the coolness, about the rains, about joy, about how the trees rejoice in the rains. Let's hang posters of a green happy forest on the desktop, meditate on the feeling of joy and coolness, visualize relief and rains, summer joyful rains.

2. Trees need to be watered.
I live on a hill. The trees are almost drying up here. I carry buckets of water and water them every day. Of course, I don't have enough strength for all the trees, but the thinnest, the most suffering ones receive 5 liters of water every day). Yesterday I met a woman with a bucket from a neighboring house, she also watering trees. There are not so few of us)). Did you water the tree today)?
3. Put out (and of course not make) fires.
The grass is now very dry, a small spark is enough to ignite the bushes and trees. Yesterday I walked with Andrey (my husband) to the bus stop. We look - and in the park a fireplace is burning. Let's go figure it out. It turned out that some boys got divorced and ran away. And the guys sitting nearby from the garages do not extinguish, because they probably do not know how to approach. The fire is huge, two meters high. In general, Andryushka and I began to scatter this fire. We took the branches and scatter the burning logs, throw them away from the fire and beat them until they die out. In general, while we were scattering it, the guys from the garage also joined us, and one peasant brought a bucket of water. By common efforts they extinguished. And it's so great when there are several strangers together they cheer for their native nature. While we were extinguishing, a passing man put down his bottle of water, how much he had left. It is so joyful that there are many who are not indifferent.
4. Decide what exactly I can do for the planet.
What do I have that others do not? I write songs, and I believe that my songs make the world cleaner, I sang several times before in the forests and felt the return from the forest, gratitude or something. So I decided to support my forests with songs, to give them love. Two days ago we went to the forest in the evening, and I began to sing the song "I Love". When we entered, there was not even a smell, it was not a forest, in principle, but a semi-park near the house. But when I finished singing, the smell of pine needles hit my nose, when the tired trees shook off all the exhaust gases, all the fatigue and bloomed with joy. And yesterday there was such an amazing event! I was returning home. All around it smelled of burning, the forests near Moscow were burning. And I again went into the same half-forest and began to sing my song "SNOWFLAKES", this is one of my most "in love" songs. And in the middle of the song, a drop suddenly fell on me, then again and again, and a little drizzle sprinkled me and the glade on which I stood. It was only 15-20 seconds, but it was extraordinary. I burst into tears with joy.
We can do much more for the planet than we think. And we are not cockroaches, which it is high time to wash away from the face of the Earth, we are God's children, and it is time to take responsibility for our Earth, and in a divine way help our mother Earth, whoever can, this is our filial and daughter duty. ...

In support of the forest, I am releasing my new disc "Parts of Me". August 14th.
I will sing a few songs for 40 minutes, it will be possible to purchase a new (and old) disc, there will also be a collection of lyrics with chords, which can also be purchased.
presentation day: August 14
meeting time: 14.00
the presentation site is a forest glade near the Novogireevo metro station.
meeting point: the center of the Novogireevo metro hall.
we are waiting until 14.10. and leave, so don't be late).
Take something with you to sit on the grass.
We'll cover it up with joint efforts!)
Bring someone you don't mind) to make such a nice picnic!)

Glad to see you)!
there will also be another lottery, you can leave with gifts)))!


What have you done for the Planet today?
Just Smile! - this is a huge contribution, much more than you think.