What place can Canada occupies on the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory. The world's largest country in the territory

1. Russian Federation

The largest country in the world, its area is 17, 1 million square kilometers, which is 1/8 part of the sushi. The area of \u200b\u200bRussia can not be compared with countries, but with continents. So Antarctica and Australia are smaller than Russia, and South America is only a little more. The length of the territory of Russia is equal to almost 11 thousand km (from the west to the East) and reaches 3 thousand km (from north to south). Currently, the Russian Federation refers to industrial countries. It is included in the "G8" and the CIS.

General information:
Moscow the capital
Population - 145 million people
Monetary unit - ruble \u003d 100 kopecks.
Official language is Russian

2. Canada

The second largest country of the world, I am almost twice in Russia. Canada Square - 9, 97 million square kilometers. Canada, the former French colony, which during the seven-year war (1756 - 1763) passed under the control of Great Britain. It is a British dominion since 1867, is included in the British Union. Formally, the head of Canada is the British monarch. Canada is a post-industrial country. It is included in the G8.

General information:
Capital - Ottawa
Population - 31, 3 million people
Monetary unit - Canadian dollar \u003d 100 cents
Official languages \u200b\u200b- English, French

3. China People's Republic

China is a magnitude and first in the number of population the state of the Earth. China's Square - 9,598 million square kilometers. China is one of the most ancient civilizations that opened the world powder and paper, silk and porcelain. Now China is the largest supplier of goods in the world.

General information:
Capital - Beijing
Population - 1, 3 billion people
Monetary unit - yuan \u003d 10 Jiao \u003d 100 fins
Official language - Chinese

4. United States of America

\\ US is the fourth in the country area of \u200b\u200bthe world. Its area is 9, 363 million square kilometers. The first English colonies on the territory of the modern United States were founded in 1607 (Virginia) - 1620 (Nordic States). However, British these lands remained long and during the independence war (1776 - 1783), the United Kingdom officially recognized the US sovereignty. After that, America led active occupying activities, and significantly expanded its territory by Mexico, Louisiana, Alaska, Canada and islands. The last purchase of the United States is the Hawaiian Islands. Along with this, America successfully developed its economy and industry. USA is a post-industrial country. It is included in the G8.

General information:
Capital - Washington
Population - 287 million people
Monetary unit - US dollar \u003d 100 cents
Official language - English

5. Federal Republic of Brazil

Former Portuguese Colony in South America, which gained independence in 1889, is the fifth largest in the country of the modern world. Brazil Square is 8, 547 million square kilometers. In addition, now Brazil is a major economic and industrial center if not in the world, then certainly South America. Brazil is included in the atomic club, which does not eliminate poverty and low-decamentality of a part of the population. In Brazil, the capital was postponed from Riode-Jeanoiro in Brazilia.

general information
Population - 174, 6 million people
Monetary unit - Real \u003d 100 peso
Official language - Portuguese

In 2019, 262 states can be considered on the globe. It should be borne in mind that all these republics are divided on the basis of "dependence" and participation in the UN.

The UN includes 192 republics. UN is the United Nations aimed at ensuring peace and maintaining calm in all countries. The UN promotes the development of friendly relations between nations and republics, encourages cooperation in the cultural, political and economic sphere.

Ten the largest territories in the world are recognized as such republics as:

  1. The Russian Federation.
  2. Kazakhstan.


Russia ranked first in the ranking of the 10 largest republics of the world. This is the largest country in the world. Its area reaches 17,255,406 square meters. km. RF ranks a third of the globe. It is simultaneously placed in Europe and Asia (77% of the territory is in Asia). Russia takes about 40% of the area of \u200b\u200ball of Europe.

About 146 million people live in the republic. According to this data, the Russian Federation takes only a ninth place in the number of citizens.

The structure of Russia includes:

  • 46 regions;
  • 22 republics;
  • 17 districts.

Russia is famous all over the world with Lake Baikal. This is the deepest lake in the world (730 meters). 336 rivers fall into it. But the most interesting thing that follows only one river, referred to as hangara.

But the lake is not the only attraction of Russia. According to the survey, the Russians have allocated 6 significant places for the Russian Federation:

  • Mamaev Kurgan and Motherland Mother. Located in Volgograd. In this place, the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War were buried. The monumental sculpture "Motherland - Mother" is towers in the mound. This monument symbolizes the victory of Russians over the fascists.
  • Valley of Geysers is a plot of land with an area of \u200b\u200b7 square meters. km. More than 20 geysers are located on this territory.
  • Peterhof is a large Peterhof Palace. This palace became the property of St. Petersburg. He was created on the orders of the great Russian king Peter the first.
  • Elbrus - Stratovoletcan in the Caucasus. Elbrus - the highest point of the Russian Federation.
  • Cathedral of Basil Blessed or Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin. This cathedral is included in the UNESCO Heritage List.
  • Weathered pillars are a monument created by nature during the life of the people of Mansi. Pillars height reaches 40 meters. According to the evaluation of scientists, the age of this extraordinary natural phenomenon reaches 200 million years.


It is washed by three oceans:

  1. Atlantic.
  2. Quiet.
  3. North-Arctic.

The capital of the country - Ottawa is recognized as one of the largest cities in the world.

Sights of Canada:

  • Niagara Falls. Its width reaches 790 meters.
  • Suspension Bridge Capilao. Its length is 70 meters. The bridge is located above the canyon whose depth is 137 meters.
  • Rocky Mountain Park.
  • Underground city in Montreal.
  • Bay of Fandy.


China is known to many not only with high production volumes, a cheap workforce and a variety of goods, but also attractions and amazing nature. Every year, millions of tourists attend this country to enjoy the greatness of one of the oldest civilizations of the world.

The most famous sights of China are:

  • Caves Mogao, which are located on the territory of 25 kilometers. The uniqueness of the cave lies in the fact that they form a system of 490 temples. These are rocky temples used to store art items.
  • Mount Huanshan.
  • The terracotta army is a collection of sculptures that depict the army of the first Chinese emperor.
  • The great Wall of China. It was built during the dynasty of the min.


The United States is located on the mainland of North America. The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is 9,519,431 square meters. km. The United States consists of 50 states and 1 federal districts called Colombia.

Sightseeings of USA:

  • Mount Rushmore. The famous mountain, which is the country's business card. The mountains are carved by the faces of the four US presidents: D. Washington, A. Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, and T. Jefferson.
  • Grand Canyon Park.
  • Yellowstone Park.
  • Death Valley. One of the most mysterious places on the planet. Lakes in this valley are below the world's ocean level. But it does not attract tourists. In the valley there are self-deviating stones that are moving from time to time by leaving behind traces.
  • Alcatras prison. The world's most famous prison for criminals-recidivist. It is built on the island, which can be reached only by ferry.
  • Papaclae Beach is popular because green sand is on the beach.


Brazil is the largest state in South America. Area 8 514 877 sq. M. km. About 203,62,260 people live in the country.

The most famous attractions are:

  • Amazon river.
  • Statue of Christ in Rio. The height of the statue reaches 38 meters.

The Australian Union occupies the whole territory of the continent of the Indian Ocean. The territory is 7,686,850 square meters. km. The union is known in the world with its attractions:

  • The famous Opera Sydney.
  • Rock Ayers-Rock. This mountain is the world's largest solid stone. Its height is 348 meters. The uniqueness of the cliff is to her red.
  • Barrier Reef is one of the largest coral reefs on the planet.


India occupies an honorary second place in the world by the number of residents of citizens. 1,255,000 citizens live on its territory. The country area is 3,287,590 square meters. km.


  • Taj Mahal is a mausoleum built on the orders of Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his deceased wife. Mausoleum's greatness fascinates. It is made of white marble, construction took over 20 years.
  • Fort Jaisalmer - Fortress in India. The structure towers on a hill of 80 meters high.


Argentina is located in North America. Its area is 2,780,400 square meters. km. The country attracts tourists to Park Iguazu, the striking jams of the blue ice blocks of Perito-Moreno and the opera house "Colon".


Kazakhstan is the largest republic that does not have access to the sea. Its area is 2,724,902 square meters. km. This country borders with the four republics, not counting the Russian Federation.

Kazakhstan is a very requested tourist state.

Its main attractions are:

  • Baikonur. The very first cosmodrome of the world.
  • Mosque "Nur Astana".
  • Alma-Ata Zoo. In the zoo, even rare animal breeds can be found, including albinos animals.
  • Lake Issyk.

Algeria is one of the largest states in Africa. Its area is 2,381,740 square meters. km. He is popular with the city of Timgad, Jamaa El Kubir mosque, the city of Kasba. One of the visited places to tourists is a drying lake Schott Melgir. This is the largest lake in Algeria. The uniqueness of the lake is that in the summer it dries and turns into salt marsh, and in the winter is replenished with water.

Algeria is partially located on the territory of the well-known Sugar desert, which spread over 8400 thousand square meters. km.

After the countries listed, the largest states on the planet are considered:

  • DR Congo - area of \u200b\u200b2345,400 square meters. km.
  • Saudi Arabia - 2218 001 square meters. km.
  • Mexico - 1972 550 sq. M. km.
  • Indonesia - 1904,556 square meters. km.
  • Sudan - 1886 068 square meters. km.
  • Libya - 1759,540 square meters. km.
  • Iran - 1648,000 square meters. km.
  • Mongolia - 1564 116 square meters. km.
  • Peru - 1285 220 sq. M. km.
  • Chad - 1284,000 square meters. km.

Table: Area and population population in all countries of the world in 2018-2019

CountryPopulationSquare (sq. Km)
22 450 000 7 686 850
Austria8 373 000 83 871
Azerbaijan8 997 400 86 600
Albania3 195 000 28 748
35 423 000 2 381 740
Angola18 993 000 1 246 700
Andorra84 080 468
Antigua and Barbuda89 000 442
Argentina40 519 000 2 760 990
Armenia3 238 000 29 800
Afghanistan29 117 000 647 500
Bahamas346 000 13 940
Bangladesh164 425 000 144 000
Barbados257 000 430
Bahrain807 000 695
Belarus9 468 000 207 600
Belize322 000 23 000
Belgium10 827 000 32 545
Benin9 212 000 112 620
Bulgaria7 577 000 110 910
Bolivia10 031 000 1 098 580
Bosnia and Herzegovina3 760 000 51 129
Botswana1 978 000 600 370
Brazil193 467 000 8 547 000
Brunei407 000 5 770
Burkina Faso16 287 000 274 400
Burundi8 519 000 27 830
Butane708 000 46 500
Vanuatu246 000 12 200
Vatican800 0.44
Great Britain62 008 000 244 101
Hungary10 014 000 93 030
Venezuela28 926 000 916 445
East Timor1 171 000 14 900
Vietnam85 847 000 329 560
Gabon1 501 000 267 667
Haiti10 188 000 27 750
Guyana761 000 214 970
Gambia1 751 000 11 300
Ghana24 333 000 238 540
Guatemala14 377 000 108 890
Guinea10 324 000 245 857
Guinea-Bisau.1 647 000 36 120
Germany81 802 000 357 022
Honduras7 616 000 112 090
Grenada104 000 344
Greece11 306 000 131 940
Georgia4 436 000 69 700
Denmark5 544 000 43 094
Djibouti879 000 23 000
Dominica67 000 754
Dominican Republic10 225 000 48 730
Egypt79 020 000 1 001 450
Zambia13 257 000 752 614
Zimbabwe12 644 000 390 580
Israel7 628 000 26 900
India1 187 550 000 3 287 590
Indonesia237 556 000 1 919 440
Jordan6 472 000 92 300
Iraq31 467 000 437 072
Iran75 078 000 1 648 000
Ireland4 515 000 70 273
Iceland318 000 103 125
Spain46 073 000 504 782
Italy60 402 000 301 230
Yemen24 256 000 527 970
Cape Verde513 000 4 033
Kazakhstan16 197 000 2 717 300
Cambodia13 396 000 181 040
Cameroon19 958 000 475 440
Canada34 242 000 9 984 670
Qatar1 697 000 11 437
Kenya39 649 000 582 650
Cyprus802 000 9 250
Kyrgyzstan5 550 000 198 500
Kiribati.100 000 726
China1 339 450 000 9 596 960
Colombia45 618 000 1 138 910
Komora.691 000 2 170
Democratic Republic of Congo67 827 000 2 345 410
Congo3 759 000 342 000
Costa Rica4 640 000 51 100
Côte d'Ivoire21 571 000 322 460
Cuba11 204 000 110 992
Kuwait3 051 000 17 818
Laos6 436 000 236 800
Latvia2 237 000 64 589
Lesotho2 084 000 30 355
Liberia3 665 000 111 370
Lebanon4 255 000 10 452
Libya6 546 000 1 759 540
Lithuania3 329 000 65 200
Liechtenstein35 900 160
Luxembourg503 000 2 586
Mauritius1 297 000 2 040
Mauritania3 366 000 1 030 700
Madagascar20 146 000 587 041
Macedonia2 055 000 25 333
Malawi15 692 000 118 480
Malaysia28 900 000 329 758
Mali.14 895 000 1 240 000
Maldives314 000 298
Malta416 000 316
Morocco31 921 000 446 550
Marshall Islands63 000 181
Mexico108 396 000 1 972 550
Mozambique23 406 000 801 590
Moldova3 564 000 33 843
Monaco33 000 2
Mongolia2 773 000 1 564 116
Myanmar50 496 000 678 500
Namibia2 212 000 825 418
Nauru14 000 21
Nepal29 853 000 147 181
Niger15 891 000 1 267 000
Nigeria158 259 000 923 768
Netherlands16 614 000 41 526
Nicaragua5 822 000 129 494
New Zealand4 389 000 268 680
Norway4 902 000 386 000
United Arab Emirates4 707 000 83 600
Oman2 905 000 309 500
Pakistan170 532 000 803 940
Palau20 000 458
Panama3 323 000 75 570
Papua New Guinea6 888 000 462 840
Paraguay6 460 000 406 750
Peru29 462 000 1 285 220
Poland38 167 000 312 685
Portugal10 637 000 92 391
Russia143 300 000 17 075 400
Rwanda10 277 000 26 338
Romania21 466 000 237 500
Salvador6 194 000 21 040
Samoa179 000 2 860
San Marino.31 800 61
Sao Tome and Principe165 000 1 001
Saudi Arabia21 137 000 2 218 000
Swaziland.1 202 000 17 363
North Korea23 991 000 120 540
Seychelles85 000 455
Senegal12 861 000 196 722
Saint Vincent and Grenadines109 000 389
Saint Kitts and Nevis52 000 261
Saint Lucia174 000 616
Serbia9 856 000 88 361
Singapore5 077 000 693
Syria22 505 000 185 180
Slovakia5 430 000 48 845
Slovenia2 064 000 20 253
United States of America310 241 000 9 372 610
Solomon islands536 000 28 896
Somalia9 359 000 637 657
Sudan40 850 000 2 505 810
Suriname524 000 163 270
Sierra Leone5 836 000 71 740
Tajikistan7 075 000 143 100
Thailand67 470 000 514 000
Tanzania45 040 000 945 090
Togo6 780 000 56 785
Tonga104 000 748
Trinidad and Tobago1 344 000 5 128
Tuvalu10 000 26
Tunisia10 533 000 163 610
Turkmenistan5 177 000 488 100
Turkey72 561 000 780 580
Uganda33 796 000 236 040
Uzbekistan27 794 000 447 400
Ukraine45 872 000 603 700
Uruguay3 372 000 176 220
Federated States of Micronesia111 000 701
Fiji854 000 18 270
Philippines94 013 000 298 170
Finland5 368 000 338 145
France65 447 000 547 030
Croatia4 433 000 56 542
Central African Republic4 506 000 622 984
Chad11 274 000 1 284 000
Montenegro626 000 13 812
Czech Republic10 512 000 78 866
Chile17 129 000 756 950
Switzerland7 783 000 41 290
Sweden9 380 000 449 964
Sri Lanka20 410 000 65 610
Ecuador14 246 000 283 560
Equatorial Guinea693 000 28 051
Eritrea5 224 000 121 320
Estonia1 340 000 45 226
Ethiopia84 390 000 1 104 300
South Korea49 773 000 99 274
South Africa Republic49 991 000 1 219 912
Jamaica2 730 000 10 991
Japan127 390 000 377 835

On the planet there are more than two hundred countries and individual territories that are located at 148,940,000 square kilometers of sushi. The combination of the largest countries takes more than fifty percent of the land area, and some occupy a rather minor part.

Scientists periodically constitute lists of the territories of the world, distributing them on the occupied area or the number of population. Determining the largest and most small world states, use a specific classification.

Classification of the size of the occupied area

Karlikov includes twenty-four countries, which are mainly located in Oceania. Also on the planet there are eight small, fifty-six middle and small states. Large and significant countries - twenty-one, and the giant states on the planet are only seven.

The largest states of Europe

Although Europe is one of the smallest parts of the world, but the number of the European population is ten percent of the world. There are quite a few large states in Europe, some of them also consist in the list of the largest areas on the world map. The list of three largest European states in the area includes, such as Russia, Ukraine, France.

Russia occupies the largest area in Europe. This is a huge area extending from Eastern Europe to North Asia. The borders of the Russian Federation come into contact with another eighteen countries. The division into the European and Asian part occurs with the help of the Mountains of the Urals and the depressions of Kumo-Manch. The area of \u200b\u200bRussia is 17,125 191 kilometers square.

The second in the area in Europe is Ukraine. Her borders are completely in the eastern part of Europe. Ukraine borders with seven states and washed by two seas. The area of \u200b\u200bUkraine without taking into account the territory of the Crimea is 576,604 square kilometers. She takes five and a half percent of Europe.

France - the third in the area of \u200b\u200bthe European state. The territory of France includes overseas regions and the bulk of Western Europe. The territory borders with many European countries and is washed by significant marine spaces. France takes the fifth of the territory of the European Union and has an exclusive seaside economic zone extending in the territory of eleven million square kilometers. France is 547 030, and taking into account overseas possessions - 674,685 kilometers square.

Rating of the five largest states of the world

The greatest part of the sushi on the planet is giants. The list of the five largest countries in the world in the area includes:

  • Brazil;
  • China;
  • Canada;
  • Russia.

Brazil is the largest country of South America and ranks fifth in the ranking of the largest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe world. The boundaries of the state come into contact with the borders of all countries of the continent of South America. From the east side, Brazil is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The largest city of the state is the capital of Brazilia. Brazil Square is 8,514,877 square kilometers. About two hundred million citizens are registered on the territory of the country.

The next place in the ranking is occupied by the United States of America. This major state is on the mainland North America. The country is the fourth in the world around the territory and third in the number of population. The United States borders with three states - Russia, Canada and Mexico, and is washed by the waters of the Arctic Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The United States is divided into fifty states and one federal district. US Area - 9,519,431 square kilometers.

Third listed is China. The People's Republic of China not only takes a large scale of the territory, but also has the largest population among all countries in the world. China occupies the territory of Eurasia, borders the fourteen countries. The shores of the state are washed by the seas and the quiet ocean. China covers an area of \u200b\u200b9,598,962 square kilometers. The population of the state is more than one billion people. The state includes a thirty-one territorial entity, four cities in central subordination, five autonomous districts and twenty-two provinces.

Canada is the second largest state in the world. It is located in North America and is washed by the waters of the quiet, northern ice and Atlantic oceans. The boundaries of Canada come into contact with France, Denmark and the United States. Canada is divided into ten provinces and three territories. Canada is conditionally divided into four parts: Appalachi, Great Plains, Canadian Shield and Cordillera. In the territory of the state there are the largest lakes - the top (the largest freshwater in the world) and the bearish lake (one of the ten largest on the planet). Canada takes 9,984,670 kilometers square sushi, on which more than thirty-four million people live.

What is the biggest country in the world? The largest is the Russian Federation. It takes the third part of the mainland of Eurasia, borders with nineteen states - seventeen on land and two by sea. The highest point of Russia is Mount Elbrus, over the entire territory of the country is scattered more than two million reservoirs with fresh and salty water. According to the Russian Federation, hundreds of rivers are more than ten kilometers long. Russia is divided into forty-six areas, twenty-two republics and seventeen subjects - edges, federal significance and autonomous districts. On a huge area of \u200b\u200bRussia, which is 17,125,407 square kilometers, there are more than one hundred forty-six million inhabitants.

The largest countries of the world are distinguished by the developed economy, an interesting culture, traditions and customs. All of them have an ancient interesting story, cooperate with many countries of the world.

This list presents the 10 largest countries of the world exclusively on the territory occupied. Keep in mind that countries are located in descending order, and only the area is estimated, without taking into account the number of people, the standard of living, gross domestic product and other factors. Of course, the largest country in the world on the territory is Russia. Each country will be accompanied by photography with the most popular attraction, or just with a beautiful view.

1. Russia

The largest country in the world, with an impressive area of \u200b\u200b17,098,242 square kilometers. The photo is a cult attraction - Cathedral of Vasily bliss in Moscow.

2. Canada

The second largest country in the world and the largest in North and South America with 9,984,670 square kilometers of the square. Canada - a country with a huge water cover (8.93% of the country's territory covers water bodies). In the photo skyline of the city of Toronto with the famous tower of Si-En Tower.

3. China

China is the third country in the world and the largest in Asia: 9,706,961 square meters. km. Shanghai is one of the most tightly populated megalopolises in the world.

4. USA

United States of America is the fourth country in the world in the world, with an area of \u200b\u200b9,629,091 square meters. km, USA is just a little inferior to China.

5. Brazil

Brazil - 5th largest in the world and the largest country in South America and the southern hemisphere, with an area of \u200b\u200b8,514,877 square meters. km. The photograph is captured by the statue of Christ-Redeemer.

6. Australia

Australia - the sixth country in the area of \u200b\u200bthe country, and the largest in Oceania. It is also the largest country without any terrestrial boundaries. The Australia Square is 7.692,024 square kilometers. In the photo - Sydney Bridge.

7. India

India takes seventh place in this list. The country is almost two times less than the author and occupies 3,166,414 square meters. km. You probably found out the Taj Mahal, one of the most beautiful palaces of the world.

8. Argentina

Argentina, with an area of \u200b\u200b2,780,400 square meters. km., takes eighth place in this list. This is one of the largest countries in South America.

9. Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is just a little inferior to Argentina, and ranks 9th among the largest countries of the world, with an area of \u200b\u200b2,724,900 kilometers. In the photo - the city of Astana.

10. Algeria

Tens of countries Algeria, which is the largest country in Africa, occupying 2,381,741 square kilometers.

If you are not a lover of statistics and all sorts of numbers, we hope you did not miss, admiring the exciting spirits of photos. Continued, read also about the smallest countries in a separate tape.


The total area of \u200b\u200bthe planet Earth is 510 million km2, and the area of \u200b\u200ball continents is only 149 million km2 (30% of the total area). About 50% of this territory belongs to only ten countries, which will be discussed in our rating - this is the top 10 the largest countries in the world. By the way, in total on the planet there are 206 countries, of which 194 are independent states.

10. Algeria

Territory: 2 381 740 km2 Population: 37 million cell Capital: Algeria

Opens ten the largest countries of the world The only representative of the African continent, the Algerian People's Democratic Republic, or just Algeria - the northernmost and largest independent African state. For most of the territory of Algeria - the Sahara Desert. The main source of the country's income is the gas and oil industry. According to oil and gas reserves, the country takes one of the leading position in the world. Despite this, more than 17% of the population live beyond poverty. Although the country is not among the top ten ,. Familiar picture.

9. Kazakhstan

Territory: 2 724 900 km2 Population: 17 million. Capital: Astana

The post-Soviet country with a rich historical, cultural past - Kazakhstan is located in the 9th place. Like Rosssia, Kazakhstan is an Eurasian state, most of which is in Asia. Like Algeria, Kazakhstan can be attributed to gas-oil magnam.

8. Argentina

Territory: 2 766 890 km2 Population: 41 million years old Capital: Buenos Aires

One of the two Latin American countries in our rating - Argentina. The birthplace of the two past and modernity Maradonna and Messi, named in honor of the precious metal - silver, which later there was not much. An interesting fact - in the capital of Argentina, you can stroll along the longest street in the world - on the street, the numbering of houses is offen by 20,000.

7. India

Territory: 3 287 590 km2 Population: 1,223 million Capital: New Delhi.

One of the two world leaders in the number of people in India also has a huge area, more than 3 million, and the seventh the largest country of the world. The country's economy is trying to keep up with excellent mentors of population and square. Potentially, the Indian economy is one of the world's leading economies in the future. The birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism and, of course, tea.

6. Australia

Territory: 7 686 850 km2 Population: 23 million. Capital: Canberra

The only thing in the rating is the mainland Australia, the mainland, in which the other way around is hot and summer and summer, and in summer it is cold and winter. Despite the huge territories in the possessions of Australia, not all of them are available for life. On the territory of Australia and in its coastal waters there are many unique and very, and the population of the country is not very numerous. Despite this, the human development index of Australia is the second in the world, and GDP is the 12th. Interesting fact: Set the query in the search engine "How Australians see the world?" And you will be pleasantly surprised. Perhaps even with you inside something will turn over.

5. Brazil

Territory: 8 511 965 km2 Population: 197 million Capital: Brazilia.

Second and last Latin American country in this list the largest countries - The largest state of South America. Motherland of carnavalov in Rio de Janeiro and of course the most football country in the world. Any person interested in sports Brazil is first of all - this is 5-fold champions of the world of football and the Motherland Pele, the king of football. The capital of Brazil - Brasilia was built in just 3.5 years.

4. China

Territory: 9 640 821 km2 Population: 1,347 million Capital: Beijing

Each sixth resident of the planet is a Chinese. Almost 1.5 billion population of the country received during the history of the 4th area in the area of \u200b\u200bthe state in the world (6% of the total sushi area on the planet). About China is difficult to speak, because almost the first one. Look at the country of manufacturer 10 household appliances in your home and guaranteed to find something from China. About the achievements of Chinese athletes and not to speak. US at the Olympic Games now there is to compete with.

3. USA

Territory: 9 826 675 km2 Population: 314 million years old Capital: Washington

United States, C, won in this ranking, the largest countries Unusual bronze reward. The very "democratic" country in the world, well, at least they say - it has all the prerequisites: the first GDP indicator in the world, a huge territory in the center of North America. Washed from two sides by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The population of the country as the area is the third in terms of all countries. One bad - tornado and cyclones with a vulnerable strength and enviable regularity set the prediction of US residents.

2. Canada

Territory: 9 976 139 km2 Population: 34 million Capital: Ottawa

Northern neighbor of the United States, which has passed on the occupied territory of a competitor just on 3 France or Spain. But the entire territory of Canada is also suitable for life, and the population of the country compared to the occupied territory is funny - only 34 million people due to which population density is one of the lowest in the world. Despite all this, Canada with its ecology and nature remains "the underwent" land and the dream of the whole life. Interesting fact: The most northern settlement in the world is located in Canada, and the length of the borders is a record. All this thanks to the big place of the eastern part of the country.

1. Russia

Territory: 17 075 400 km2 Population: 143 million years old Capital: Moscow

With a large margin from pursuers and competitors - Russian Federation the biggest country in the world. The Eurasian state, most of which is located in Asia and in the unusability of the human lands. The richest in the level of stocks of raw materials and fuel resources Country in the world. Also, the longest country in the world - when people go to bed in the European part of the country, in another part can already be lazily sneeze and wake up. The most "neighboring" country - borders with the 18th countries.