Do-it-yourself budget finishing of the loggia. Self-finishing balconies with step-by-step instructions

Even having a solid area in a house or apartment, you will not be able to ignore the balcony and loggia: it’s too good to rest in this small area. In winter there you can enjoy the sun's rays, and in summer - the breeze and coolness. Therefore, finishing the balcony inside, developing the design is an important task. The place should be cozy and comfortable, but also functional. It is not easy to combine such different requirements in a very small area. There are several key points that will help you cope with these tasks on your own. They will be discussed further.

Balconies and loggias, of course, differ structurally. This is reflected in the features of insulation and in the installation of glazing, but the design and finish are identical, as well as the possible use of the available areas. Therefore, the article will focus on constructions of both types.

Loggia with panoramic glazing- nothing prevents you from enjoying the scenery

Glazing types

The development of the design of a balcony or loggia is preceded by a renovation. And the main repairs on these structures are glazing and, if so decided, insulation. The glazing of balconies and loggias is conventionally divided into two groups: cold and warm. Cold weather protects against the penetration of dust and precipitation, can significantly delay the wind, but cannot greatly affect the temperature. Warm glazing, on the other hand, adds sound insulation and temperature rise to the entire specified set of properties.

The cost of warm glazing is much higher, but the functions that a room can perform after such a modernization is much wider. How can use cold balcony? To store some things, and even in the summer - to sit, relax, in winter you can - just jump out for a couple of minutes. On the insulated balcony or loggia, workrooms and bedrooms are also arranged, someone transfers the dining area there from a small kitchen. The decision, of course, is yours, but to make it easier to navigate the topic, we will briefly list the main methods of glazing, their advantages and disadvantages.

Cold glazing

Any of the methods in this category will cost significantly less than a warm one, but the level of comfort and functionality of the room remains rather low. The methods are as follows:

Most aesthetic - well-processed wooden frames and aluminum glazing... They are still used to this day, but metal can be seen less and less. Tram windows are present only in old buildings: the service life is still decent, but there are very few "freshly placed" windows: the view is too specific, and the temperatures, to put it mildly, are uncomfortable.

Warm glazing

Until recently, there were two options: PVC profile frames or double wooden frames. Double wooden ones have the same disadvantage as single ones: they need good and regular maintenance: painting. In this sense, PVC profiles are much more practical: they only need to be periodically cleaned of dust and dirt. The second concern is that it takes only a few minutes to transfer them to summer and winter positions and serves mainly to increase comfort and extend the maintenance-free service life.

Usage PVC profiles- the most popular type warm glazing

The disadvantage of glazing with plastic profiles is their significant weight. Therefore, they are installed on a foundation that has a high bearing capacity: brick, concrete, welded from profiled pipes. In some cases, the disadvantages include the width of the profile: it limits the amount of light entering the premises. But high tightness and excellent heat-insulating properties, with good insulation of the floor and ceiling on the balcony and loggia, allow maintaining a stable temperature inside. And this makes it possible to use the area more fully: balconies and loggias are combined with premises or they arrange an office, a summer garden in them.

Panoramic glazing can be warm: energy-efficient double-glazed windows allow you to maintain the temperature without much effort

The third type of warm glazing of balconies and loggias is panoramic. These are double-glazed windows, created using a special technology, for the fastening of which a minimum of material is used. There is an option for generally frameless glazing: double-glazed windows are attached to one another. An interesting but expensive option, and not the easiest to design.

How to decorate a balcony or loggia

For finishing glazed and insulated balconies, you can use the same materials as for finishing premises, but the most popular method is. It can be wooden or plastic. Decorating the balcony inside with wooden clapboard creates a more comfortable atmosphere, and plastic is easier to care for and does not need to be painted regularly. Having decided which of the properties is more important for you, you can choose the appropriate option.

Lining and plastic panels - the technology of finishing the balcony is the same inside, the materials are different

The second most popular material is decorative stone or brick-like clinker tiles. Decorating the balconies inside with these materials is possible with both cold and warm glazing, as well as without it at all. The material is durable, easy to care for, frost-resistant, does not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. So not a bad choice.

Brick-like tiles look decorative on the balcony, especially if they are skillfully played with in design

With warm glazing, it is popular to decorate loggias inside with a gypsum plasterboard. It is especially relevant when combined with rooms, but it just looks great on the loggia. Just one point: just in case, moisture-resistant gypsum boards are used: in case of condensation.

Decorative plasters have remarkable properties. They look great, are easy to clean, many can be washed with brushes using detergents, have a long service life, there are pigments that are not damaged by sunlight. The disadvantage of this type of materials is the high price. But it is beautiful and functional.

One of the options for decorative plaster. Finishing the balcony inside with such material, beautiful and durable

Modern trends in interior design are mixing different finishing materials. When decorating loggias or balconies, you can also experiment. Most often they combine stone and tiles. They are usually paired with other materials. Any "duets" look good, and even unexpected combinations refresh the interior.

Options combined finishing a lot, we will attach photos of the most interesting at the end of the article.

Gender: what is the best to make

The choice of material for finishing the floor on the balcony and loggia depends on the glazing or its absence. If the balcony is not glazed, perhaps best material- concrete or. Another option is ceramic tiles, or better - natural stone or porcelain stoneware with frost-resistant glue.

Self-leveling floors - look great and easy to clean

With cold glazing, the choice is almost the same, because all these materials, subject to technology, can withstand temperature extremes. As a temporary option, you can also consider laying linoleum. But he will not last long: ultraviolet light and frost are far from the conditions in which he will feel good.

Tile - traditional material for difficult operating conditions

On an insulated balcony or loggia, a wooden floor is most often made: it is convenient to lay insulation between the logs, and in addition, the wood is pleasant underfoot, and it itself has good thermal insulation characteristics... That is, it helps to reduce heating costs.

Another option for the floor on the logs: lay plywood or OSB on them, and on this base there is already any floor covering, including laminate and even parquet board... If you want to use tiles, then it would be very nice to make a warm floor under it, otherwise it will feel cold even on top of a good layer of insulation.

Balcony and loggia design: ideas and photos

First, about the design of the balcony, which is used for its intended purpose: for a pleasant stay, almost fresh air... Even an open balcony is fine for this purpose. The interior balcony decoration shown in the photo is not some super-complicated or expensive, but the idea is great. The ceiling, floor and low long boxes around the perimeter are made of lining. Most likely painted with pigment oil. A few pillows or soft mats will make this a great place to relax.

With a glazed balcony or loggia, everything is easier: what you think is necessary, then install. It is important to choose correct shape and size to make the most of the area. Most often installed not big table uk and one or two chairs, small chairs. Such a set can easily fit even on a loggia or balcony with an area of ​​3 meters, and so that the table does not interfere, it can be made folding.

The design style can be done in any way, but it is desirable that it be in the same vein as the style of the whole house. The general idea should be seen in the design of all rooms. This is logical and looks more organic.

If the apartment is small, and there is simply nowhere to put things, cabinets or shelves are installed on the balcony or loggia. They can be placed so that there is still room for a chair, or at least for a folding chair.

On the large loggia or even make an insulated balcony. But few people can squeeze in something more than a wall cabinet that stands at the end. The only advice: if you are going to use shelves for storage, and not for decoration, keep them closed after all: few people can maintain perfect order in storage systems.

Kitchen on the loggia: design and decoration ideas

Exactly kitchen area they don't do it on the loggia: neither operational services, nor firefighters will allow. Take out on warm balcony dining area. It is possible.

It is not difficult to make a dining area on a balcony or loggia - wide window sill under glazing frames, high chairs, appropriate lighting

When combining these two areas, the window sill can be removed, but it is prohibited to touch the wall. Unless by ordering a project and strengthening the remaining parts: it will not be possible to completely demolish it anyway, otherwise the house may collapse. To make the existing opening look like a decoration, you can round it, make a semi-arch, or choose another type of design (read how to do it.

With this approach, the decoration of the balcony inside should overlap with the design of the kitchen. The brick finish looks good in combination with smooth drywall walls.


Seclusion is often necessary for productive work, but it is not easy to find a secluded corner in an apartment. Organize yourself workplace it is possible on a warm balcony or loggia. after all, all you need is a small table and a comfortable chair or armchair.

Workplace on the loggia - a small office for work

To create the maximum working atmosphere, the interior of the loggia must have soundproofing properties. Is it wood, cork or vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven basis.

Shelving in place former window- we don't let the place go to waste

Bedroom on the balcony

V small apartments sometimes not only the office has nowhere to organize - even with a separate sleeping place, problems can arise. If you have a balcony, even if it is 3 squares in size, it can be turned into a small bedroom. And if the area is 6 squares or more, then on the other hand, you can also arrange a working corner.

The bedroom on the balcony is not a myth. Everyone has their own approach, but you can do

Even at all small balcony you can make a "recumbent" place.

The main thing is desire, there is always a solution

An example of a "green" arrangement - a garden

If none of the above methods of decorating a balcony, as they say, "does not warm you", you may like the idea of ​​turning it into a garden. Well, if not to the garden, but to the kindergarten. This arrangement can be implemented on open balcony, but then it is necessary to plant annuals, which quickly give greens.

You can take out flowers in pots for the summer. There are even more options. If there is not enough space, you can make special shelves or a niche on one of the walls.

By the way, it's a good idea in the photo above: lay a wooden board on the tiled floor and build a place for yourself on it. Comfortable and uncomplicated.

The same ideas can be implemented on a glazed and insulated structure, but the choice of plants is wider - you will still maintain the temperature, therefore you can try to grow even tropical plants.

Balcony design and interior decoration options: photo ideas

Sometimes an idea is boring, a picture that will help those thoughts that have not yet found a concrete expression to form a final decision. This chapter contains photos that seemed interesting. Maybe some of them will help you develop your own design project and the option for finishing the balcony inside.

In this article we will consider two types of finishes: clapboard and plastic. The photographs show you step by step the entire repair process from the beginning to the final stage.

Decorating the loggia with wooden clapboard

1. Replacement of double-glazed windows

To begin with, you should replace the double-glazed windows on the loggias. The installation of windows should be carried out by professionals. On one's own this work it is better not to do it, during operation it will be difficult to correct mistakes made during installation.

New insulating glass unit Rehau 60 Blitz design... Each door of the two-chamber design opens. This will make it easier to keep the windows clean, since there is a road next to the house and dust accumulates on the surface quickly enough.

Glazing estimate. The total expense for the installation of windows was 18,220 rubles.

2. Purchase of material


  • Construction knife and pencil;
  • Concrete drill;
  • BOSH bit;
  • Yardstick;
  • Jigsaw blades;
  • A set of drills for wood;
  • Stainless steel joiner's square;
  • Building level;
  • A miter box with a saw for cutting at an angle.

Power tools that are needed for work.


  • Bars: 11x19x2200 (knotless spliced), 20x20x2000 (dry planed, category 1), 40x40x2000 (planed, category AB);
  • Euro lining 12x95x2700 (category B);
  • Furniture panel 18x400x800 (grade BB);
  • Plinth 12x40x2200 (1st grade);
  • Corner 27x27x2500 (external);
  • Stapik 10x10x500 (category 1).


  • Anchor bolts 8x80;
  • Polypropylene dowels 12x70;
  • Door hinges;
  • Furniture hinges;
  • Self-tapping screws for wood and drywall;
  • Mounting corners;
  • Door knob.

You will also need:

  • Protective glasses;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Penoplex;
  • Insulation material covered with a reflective film (porlex or penofol);
  • Double-sided mounting tape (foam-based);
  • Mineral wool;
  • Metallized tape;
  • Plywood.

3. Instructions for floor insulation

  • We assemble the structure from wooden blocks 40x40 and fasten it with anchors to the base;
  • In order for the frame to be stable, we mount the transverse bars and fasten them to self-tapping screws;
  • For reliable thermal insulation, we lay mineral wool with a thickness of 75 mm;
  • The next layer is penofol (5 mm thick). This material improves thermal insulation, creates a thermos effect;
  • The final step in floor insulation is the laying of 18 mm plywood (by bars). This action eliminates the squeak during operation.

The process of laying mineral wool between battens.

Mineral wool is laid over the entire floor area of ​​the loggia.

Penofol covers not only the floor, it is also used for walls.

4. Thermal insulation of walls and ceilings

  • Between the battens of the lathing, we lay plates of foam, for fixing we use a special glue, which is produced for this material;
  • Fill the joints between the foam boards and the lathing material polyurethane foam;
  • Next, we mount the penofol layer.

Stacked foam boards.

The lathing device for the installation of insulation boards is optional. Often, mushroom dowels are used for fixing.

Penofol installation instructions:

  • We glue double-sided tape on the lathing bars;
  • Next, we lay the heat insulator;
  • From above we fix the slats with self-tapping screws (for the ventilation gap). It is necessary to make holes in the slats in advance, otherwise cracks will form in the material;
  • Connection with metallized tape.

5. Clapboard decoration

A wardrobe built into the wall of the lining.

A box from a furniture board.

As flooring used linoleum. The wooden skirting board is fixed around the perimeter of the base.

The cabinet doors are made of furniture board.

Balcony decoration with plastic panels

In addition to clapboard cladding, there are also other options for decorating a loggia, for example,.

Advantages of PVC panels:

  • Low weight;
  • Easy to take care of the material during operation;
  • PVC panels are fireproof;
  • Long service life;
  • Large selection of shades;
  • There is no need to level the surface of the walls before installing the panels.

Decorating the loggia is a very important stage that requires maximum attention from you. To do the work efficiently and for a long time, you should pay due attention to the choice of materials, their correct installation and proper care after installation. Decorating a loggia with your own hands is quite an easy task, but many factors should be taken into account and taken seriously.

What material to choose

When choosing options for finishing a balcony, the first thing to do is to choose a facing material. The most popular materials for decoration are:

  • Wooden lining.
  • Siding.
  • Drywall is moisture resistant.
  • Plastic panels.

The four presented materials are leaders, and each has its own characteristics. All of them are able to serve for a very long time, I have a wide range of colors and patterns. They are very easy to install, in most cases the installation is almost the same, except for drywall, where the technology is somewhat different.

But some of these cladding elements have clear advantages. Siding and lining perfectly tolerate moisture and sudden changes in temperature. In turn, drywall and plastic can deform and deteriorate under the influence of such factors.

Varieties of lining

In order for the finishing of the loggia to be of the highest quality and durable, we advise you to use just a wooden lining or siding. They will definitely be able to serve you for a long time without losing their appearance. Decorating loggias or balconies with the help of such materials will not be difficult and can be done on your own.

Calculation of the amount of materials

The next step in our step-by-step instructions for finishing the balcony inside is the calculation of the required amount of finishing materials. This is done very simply, it is enough to measure the length of the section on which the installation will be carried out. And multiply the resulting number by the height.

We divide the total area of ​​the wall and ceiling by the area of ​​one board and get the final result.

So, we get the total area of ​​the zone that we will change. If niches or shelves are present, the dimensions of their walls should be additionally measured. The material that will be used for finishing the loggia is purchased exactly in the required amount often there should be no waste.

The calculation of the insulation should be done based on the same proportion. It is not worth buying with a margin, since the resulting value displays 100% necessary material and there should be no unused residues or waste.

To calculate the required length of battens for the lathing, you should know Exact size, by which it will be installed. Draw a sketch on paper, indicating all sizes, and make a calculation using a visual drawing.

We make installation of the frame

The crate will be made of wooden bars, twenty by thirty millimeters in size. Prepare the tool for cutting, drilling and tightening fasteners immediately. It is advisable to have a small level so that the design is as flat as possible, of course, if you have a well-developed eye, you can do it without a level.

The distance between the two slats should be 40-50 centimeters. The bottom rail is attached at a distance of about 3-5 cm from the floor.

You should start from extreme point, and move consistently to the opposite. Often, the crate is installed in increments of 40-60 centimeters, this is quite enough and thus, the structure will be of sufficient strength. It should be fixed with self-tapping screws with a dowel. If you can't fix it to the wall, then you can fix it with the bottom to the floor, and the top to the window sill. But in this case, the finish of the loggias will not be of such high quality.

We make balcony insulation

Decorating the loggia implies not only the external, but also the internal part of the process. The hidden component of such a repair will be insulation. Thanks to such materials, it becomes much warmer on the loggia and it becomes possible to spend your time there, at work or just relaxing.

Thermal insulation diagram, Optimal material for the insulation of balconies and loggias, heat-insulating plates "Penoplex".

The insulation is installed after the installation of the battens. If it is used together with steam or waterproofing, then they are installed under the frame and pressed on top of it. Penoplex, polystyrene foam or mineral wool can be used as insulation.

For walls, styrofoam is best if you need to make good sound insulation, then mineral wool. They are cut to the same size as the crate cells.

A little trick to make the insulation better, you should add a few centimeters, then the insulation will be installed a little denser and will perform its functions better.

Fixed with glue or polyurethane foam. If this is not possible, then you can use long nails or screws and lightly fix the material with them. But you should not tighten the mount too much, it only serves as a small latch.

We sheathe our balcony

The finishing of the loggias takes place in the same sequence as the installation of the frame. You should start from any extreme point, and move to the opposite. Finishing materials are made with a special installation system, using a groove. Thus, the installation takes place very quickly and efficiently.

Small gaps should be left between the floor and the walls so that the sheathing surface does not turn out exactly "end-to-end".

Wooden lining is installed with clamps or through and through, directly to the lathing. The siding is fastened with nails or staples in the appropriate place, near the groove. Thus, the appearance of the material is not affected. When installing, always follow the level, check it on each part to be installed. Then the installation will be, we will make it as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

The nail must be held as shown in this photo, that is, at an angle of 45 degrees

Often, siding and wagons are covered with a protective film; they should not be removed in advance. If you remove them immediately, then the risk of spoiling the surface in the process increases. If it starts to fall off on its own, then try to put it back, if it doesn't work, then carefully cut off the interfering part of the film.

After completing all installation works and complete cleaning, take off protective film... If your balcony is on the sunny side, then from exposure to rays, it can stick very tightly and it will be quite difficult to remove it.

To preserve its appearance, sometimes try to wipe the surface and clean it from dust and dirt, so you will not let them soak into the material. Then finishing the loggias will serve you much longer.

To produce quality work and do everything as quickly as possible, you should follow our instructions. Then you will not make mistakes and will do everything as you want. Loggia and its decoration are an important attribute in any apartment, and creating a cozy place to relax is really the right decision.

It is thanks to modern materials, it became possible. All that is required of you is desire, to work and complete the finishing with your whole soul, so that the end result exceeds all your expectations.

For the full use of the balcony, it is necessary not only to properly insulate the surfaces, but also to select them. It can be drywall, plastic panels, decorative plaster or lining - modern, inexpensive and practical materials. Due to the small size of the room, finishing the balcony with your own hands does not require much time and labor.

For work you will need:

  • cement-sand mortar;
  • Master OK;
  • primer;
  • putty knife;
  • polyethylene film;
  • slab or roll insulation;
  • wooden slats;
  • self-tapping screws, screwdriver;
  • saw;
  • drill;
  • dowel-nails;
  • level;
  • polyurethane foam.

Preparation of balcony surfaces

Do-it-yourself balcony decoration starts with preparatory phases, which involve bringing all surfaces to the desired form:

  • all unnecessary is taken out from the balcony
  • the old coating is dismantled, if it is on the walls of the balcony;
  • all gaps, cracks, cracks are sealed with a thick cement mortar, large holes are first filled with foam cuttings. Vertical seams are blown out with polyurethane foam, the excess of which, after drying, is carefully cut off with a sharp knife. It is also recommended to foam the cracks along the perimeter of the window opening, and not cover it up with mortar. When using the window, the dry mortar will crack and crumble, and over time you will have to get rid of the cracks again.
  • the surfaces are inspected for the presence of areas on which there is mold or crumbling areas, since they must certainly be eliminated;
  • all surfaces are treated with special antiseptics;
  • after the antiseptic has dried, a primer is applied, for which you can use rollers, brushes or sprayers.

Material selection criteria

When choosing one or another option for interior decoration of a balcony or loggia, you need to take into account the main material properties, which you plan to use. So, for a non-glazed balcony, the choice of finishing coatings will be significantly narrowed.

Finishing options for such premises:

If glazing and insulation of the balcony is planned, then you can use any of the listed finishing options.

For exterior decoration balcony, you need to choose materials that will be resistant to constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation , wind, as well as frequent temperature changes.

Excellent options in this case would be sheets of corrugated board or siding. If you live on the first or second floor, then it is better to use corrugated board for cladding, as it has increased resistance to impacts . In addition, such panels are much easier to install than siding.

However, if the surface of the corrugated sheet is even slightly damaged, this will lead to corrosion.

Decorating the balcony with your own hands

In order for the overall composition of your balcony to look harmonious, you need to take care of its comprehensive decoration: floor, ceiling, walls, as well as slopes. Let's take a closer look at the finishing of each of the surfaces.


Depending on the materials used, the lathing can be made of metal and wood.

  1. If you plan to insulate the walls of the balcony, then you should give preference wooden version... For its construction, bars 4x4 cm, 4x5 cm, 5x5 cm are used for racks, and slats 2x4, 2x5 cm for transverse strips.
  2. Installation of racks is carried out in increments of no more than 1 meter, and horizontal - no more than 50 cm. If there is no need for upright racks, then the horizontal ones are attached directly to the wall surface. The main posts are attached to the walls with self-tapping screws and dowels.
  3. The horizontal rail should be installed 10 mm from the floor, this space is filled with foam. The correctness of the installation of each subsequent row should be checked using a building level.
  4. Insulation is carried out by laying a slab insulation between the frame space, followed by its fastening to the wall using dowels and self-tapping screws. Further, on the constructed crate, MDF panels are mounted using self-tapping screws, clamps or nails.


One of the most common options for finishing a balcony ceiling is a single-level device false ceiling from MDF.

  1. Before carrying out the main work, it is required to clean the concrete base from dirt and dust, and also to putty cracks and cracks in the slab.
  2. After that, you can proceed with the installation of the lathing, which can be made of a metal profile or wooden battens.
  3. First, the width and length are measured. ceiling slab, then, in accordance with the measurement results, the crate elements are cut.
  4. They, in turn, are attached to the ceiling using dowel-nails 6x40 mm. The structure is constructed in such a way that the distance between the guiding elements is no more than 30 cm.
  5. After installing the battens, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation. Usually, a slab insulation is used, which is attached between the frame elements using vinyl spacer "fungi".
  6. For this, the slab layer together with concrete base drilled with a drill, then a spacer fungus is inserted into the hole formed and a self-tapping screw is screwed into it.
  7. When the ceiling is insulated, fastening can be carried out MDF boards on the frame with self-tapping screws or small nails.


Plastic slopes are the most versatile option. Preparatory measures include clearing the slopes from old finish, as well as treatment with antiseptics and cementing of crevices.

  1. In order for the future slopes to be perfectly flat, it is necessary to fix wooden slats along the side and upper side of the opening.
  2. This is done with screws, 95 mm long. Next, fastening (using self-tapping screws) of the starting U-shaped PVC strip along the outer edge of the window is carried out.
  3. Then the installation of the F-shaped profile is carried out so that its groove is opposite the groove of the U-shaped strip, and the upper part is overlapped. Now you can start installing the most accurately cut plastic slopes into the grooves of the profiles.
  4. For additional thermal insulation, you can use a roll of insulation, which is laid along with the PVC slope strip.


For finishing the floor, you can use laminate, parquet boards, ceramic tiles or linoleum. First, prepare the surface:

  • the subfloor is covered with waterproofing;
  • insulate with foam or expanded polystyrene plates;
  • make a screed 4 cm thick on top.

To reduce the load on the floors, you can install logs, lay insulation between them, and fill with waterproof plywood on top. Laminate, parquet and linoleum must be placed on a cork or expanded polyethylene backing. The tiles are laid on concrete screed, tile glue or mastic is used as a solution.

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Complex finishing of the loggia from the inside is not cheap at all. Judging by the reviews, the minimum price is fifteen thousand rubles. That is why many undertake independent finishing of this part of an apartment or house. So, in order to decorate the loggia inside with your own hands, you need to know some important points, without which it is impossible to do this.

First, you need to decide what kind of balcony you are planning to make: open, closed, stained-glass type or panoramic loggia. There are many options, there are even balconies with a fire escape.

In addition, you need to choose the right finishing materials. You can decorate the balcony with interesting plaster "bark beetle", you can put tiles on the loggias with brick imitation, you can arrange it in the French manner. A loggia with a cork for interior decoration looks very unusual.

It is estimated that the maximum load on a fully protruding balcony is approximately 1,100 kilograms. The permissible weight for attached balconies that are not hung outside the facade of an apartment or house on the street is approximately 1800 kilograms. That is why it is very important to calculate total weight building materials that you will use for glazing and insulation of the balcony, as well as the weight of its interior decoration. If you prefer glazed varieties, keep in mind that this design is heavier.

The interior decoration of the balcony is usually carried out last, so it is important to carry out a very accurate calculations weight and density of other building materials in order to pick up more suitable material for finishing the loggia. When making calculations, keep in mind that many building substances must be soaked in water before use, therefore, for example, when the substance is kept in a liquid for about four days, all weight calculations must be multiplied by a factor of 1.4.


Moisture resistance

The moisture resistance of the balcony directly depends on the moisture resistance of the materials used for finishing. When arranging a balcony, it is necessary to take into account such an indicator as the dew point. This criterion is achieved when, at a certain temperature, one hundred percent air humidity is created. And then condensation begins to form. Warm dew can not only spoil wood, which starts to rot, and iron, which starts to rust, but also negatively affects human health. In addition, such conditions contribute to the appearance of the bark beetle.

The loggia, located on the sunny side, warms up very well, but it can overheat. Therefore, it is important to install ventilation devices on such glazed balconies; this is also true for an unheated room. Some owners neglect moisture-absorbing materials in the interior decoration of the balcony, since they are quite voluminous and "eat up" a large amount of space on the loggia. That is why on glazed balconies after cold winter the so-called warm dew appears. Therefore, most experts advise using open non-glazed balconies.

Moisture absorption is calculated as a percentage of the dry weight of the material. If you carry out all the necessary measurements and calculations, you can find out that substances, the level of moisture absorption of which is more than two percent, categorically cannot be used for warming and finishing the loggia. As a rule, a fairly high percentage of this indicator is characteristic of materials with a low density, therefore it is better to use denser components. If you use materials with an exceeded maximum possible level of moisture absorption, you run the risk of creating an atmosphere on the loggia that contributes to the development of various respiratory diseases in you.

That is why it is necessary to purchase materials for the interior decoration of the loggia with a moisture absorption level of no more than half a percent. Some manufacturers are trying to convey this criterion to consumers using another indicator - the level of water absorption. It shows the ability of this or that material not to let moisture inside. But it is believed that this criterion does not show the level of moisture absorption at all. These conditions and calculations apply only to posted isolated from indoor spaces houses or apartments have balconies, but for options that are combined with a living room or kitchen, this is not relevant.

Heat resistance

This indicator characterizes how much the strength and reliability of the material can decrease from exposure to high temperatures. It is measured as a percentage. It is best to choose materials for balcony cladding with a heat resistance level of no more than five percent. As a rule, manufacturers create materials for greater reliability with very high level heat resistance, which in real conditions will never come in handy. Some experts believe that this is a marketing ploy, since this indicator is directly related to another more important criterion- with frost resistance.

Frost resistance

This is an indicator that means the level of cyclicality of complete freezing and complete melting of the constituent substances. Moreover, these cycles are measured as follows. Freezing is considered to be a drop in temperature below zero in degrees Celsius. Full defrosting is considered to be heating materials to more than zero degrees.

With good frost resistance, the material will not lose more than five percent of its properties or density. For facing materials that are used in decorative purposes, this indicator will be characterized by the absence of visual damage or other changes. When calculating the frost resistance of materials, one should take into account how quickly it can warm up. For example, concrete thaws very slowly, and lighter facing materials on the contrary, they melt very quickly, and, therefore, will often thaw and freeze, especially during the seasons, which are characterized by temperature drops.

Materials for walls

To decorate the walls of the loggia, it is necessary, first of all, to level them with putty material. It is possible to arrange the walls of the balcony on a budget without insulation. If necessary, the side parts of the walls should be insulated with extruded polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene or other special material. After that, you can proceed to decorating the walls with facing materials.

An interesting option decoration is wall decoration decorative plaster... She looks very nice, especially if she can help you with the design. skillful craftsman, moreover, it is moisture resistant and reliable. Plasterboard wall decoration in such a room is very popular. This method is very simple, drywall is easy to cut and can be covered with any material on top, for example, liquid wallpaper... The only disadvantage of this building finishing material is that it is not frost-resistant, so it can only be mounted on insulated walls.

Another inexpensive and high quality finishing material- it Wall panels made of plastic or vinyl. They can be easily installed with your own hands, they are very flexible and at the same time are not at all afraid of moisture. Manufacturers present a wide selection of such panels, so you can find a variety of colors and designs. But such material can easily fade in the sun, so it is better to use it for finishing loggias that are not located in the south.

For cladding the walls of the balcony, you can also use chipboard or MDF boards. This is a very affordable material. Although its appearance is a bit rustic, it can be varied by simply covering it with varnish or laminate.

Moreover, such a film has many design options: it can have an image imitating a masonry with a beautiful brick, or a drawing like a stone. This is a very stylish design solution, besides, it is quite budgetary, but the MDF and chipboard boards themselves are not suitable for use in rooms with too low or too high temperatures besides, it is a very non-ecological material.

The most beautiful and practical material for finishing the walls of the loggia is a decorative stone. This material is very reliable and durable, since it is not afraid of high or low temperatures, as well as high humidity air. In addition, it is perfect for finishing the balconies, they can also decorate the arches separating the balcony opening, combined with the kitchen. Decorative natural stone looks very luxurious, but has a rather high cost. But there is an alternative to this material - fake diamond, which outwardly very much resembles a natural analogue, but has more low price, compared to it.

The main advantage decorative stone, in addition to its appearance, it can be considered that it can be applied to any surface. It can hide irregularities and imperfections of all surfaces, since it has a relief texture. That is why, before laying such a stone, you will not need to level the surface of the walls.

Another popular material for decorating the walls of a loggia is clapboard. This is very reliable material as it is made of wood. The best fit for the balcony is a clapboard made of conifers as they are more resistant to frost. Such a finishing material is beautiful appearance and high quality... For cladding the walls of the loggia, you can also use paintable wallpaper, tiles of absolutely any design, for example, marble or brick, terrace board, in addition, you can finish the walls of the loggia with profiled sheet, clinker tiles, block house and other materials.

Ceiling decoration

Ceiling decoration is carried out after it is insulated, the lathing is installed, as well as after laying the cable for lighting and installation lighting fixtures... The ceiling of the balcony can be finished with the same materials as the walls. As a rule, various decorative materials... Plasterboard is an excellent material for finishing the ceiling, as it ensures its smoothness and creates an absolutely flat surface. It can only be laid on an insulated ceiling.

More sustainable material plywood is used for ceiling decoration. It is quite reliable, has the ability to withstand temperature changes and, moreover, has a low cost. You can also decorate the ceiling with polycarbonate or corrugated board. These are very reliable and high quality materials that are ideal for finishing this part of the room.

A ceiling with hidden niches can be made by decorating it with tiles. A tile with a decorative pattern or embossed stone will help hide such a niche or, conversely, make it a beautiful decorative element, a highlight of your balcony. In general, decorating the ceiling with tiles is a very economical solution, besides, it is very easy to tile the ceiling, so you can do it yourself. You can choose tiles that will be the same color as the floor, and make the walls in a contrasting color. The only drawback ceiling tiles is that it can crack in severe frosts.

Now many are finishing the entire room with clapboard, including the ceiling. The lining is distinguished by its beautiful appearance and environmental friendliness. Just keep in mind that everything wood materials it is necessary to treat with special disinfectants so that fungus does not form on them. Another option for finishing the ceiling of the loggia is decoration slatted ceiling... Such a ceiling is made of metal elements and is very durable, it can be mounted both on glazed balconies and on open-type loggias.

We lay the floor

When choosing a material for finishing a floor on a loggia, it is necessary to focus on the quality of the material, as well as on its resistance to impact external factors such as the weather. In addition, it is important that such material be easy to wash and clean from dust, which very easily penetrates the loggia from the street. Most often, the floors on the balconies are finished with linoleum, laminate, parquet or ceramic tiles... Also, some people prefer more a budget option - normal painting or, conversely, one of the most expensive options is the creation of self-leveling floors.

Laminate and parquet are some of the most quality materials for finishing the floor. They are quite durable and can withstand temperature fluctuations very well. Such floors look very elegant and do not require special care... These floors are lighter in weight and warmer than, for example, ceramic tiled floors, making them great for a loggia. They can be used both for finishing the threshold between the room and the balcony, and for finishing the entire floor.

There are many other options for flooring. It can be carpet flooring, MDF finish or chipboard, cork, marmoleum, and solid wood flooring. Each option should be selected based on what style you have chosen as a whole for finishing the loggia.

The interior decoration of the loggia depends, first of all, on its size. There are many types of interiors that are great for decorating this space. For small loggias, it is better to choose a corner modern furniture in warm colors. This way you can create a relaxing corner. An example of such a design is small corner wardrobe on one side of the room and a corner sofa with a small table on the other side of the balcony.

In addition, you need to functionally occupy the entire area of ​​this small room... So, you can install wall cabinets small size, which will take up very little space or shelves on which you can place flower pots. Plants will bring comfort and freshness to your loggia. Unusual, but very good idea there will be the installation of furniture of the transformer model, which, if desired, can be easily folded to free up space. You can make the space of a cramped loggia visually wider with the help of wall and floor cladding with light building materials. The walls of the loggia can be decorated with framed pictures or family photos.

For more spacious loggias, you can think of many interesting design solutions... So, you can install an artificial reservoir, a game table or a treadmill or other exercise machine for outdoor sports. Unusual option there will be a division of a large loggia into different functional zones. You can set up a large table with ottomans or armchairs for relaxing with friends, you can put a sofa bed or hang a hammock. The hammock will look very interesting with wicker chairs and a table.