Features and rules for the use of sanitary flax. Traditional material in the new workshop - sanitary flax How much flax to wind on a threaded connection

When repairing a pipeline, the main requirement is the tightness of the joints. The functionality and trouble-free operation of plumbing, heating, gas and other systems depend on them. How is tightness achieved?

Most often, when installing and repairing a water supply system, a threaded connection is used - it is inexpensive, fast and practical. With only a wrench at hand, the plumber can easily disassemble and assemble the system, and replace the failed node. But the thread does not guarantee that the connection will be perfect, some other sealing component is needed.

What sealants does the building materials market offer?

There are several types of sealing materials that differ in cost, convenience and reliability of use:

  • FUM tape (fluoroplastic sealing material)
  • Sealing thread
  • linen thread

Among all the FUM offers, the tape is rather capricious in application, the sealing thread has good qualities, but is too expensive, and only flax is an impeccable tool that has proven itself over many decades.

How to wind flax on a thread?

In order for the connection to be strong and tight, the threaded areas must be cleaned of rust with fine-grained sandpaper. At this stage, it is important not to damage the threads. Then you should check if there are notches on the thread - with them the laid flax threads are fixed and do not move when the parts are connected. If there are no notches, they can be applied with a file or a plumbing wrench.

The correct winding of flax consists of several steps:

  • Check the tightness of the connection with a clean, linen-free thread in order to understand how thick the winding should be.
  • Take a bunch of flax and separate a strand of sufficient thickness from it to obtain a tight connection. Flax hairs should be of the same length, without lumps, straw and debris.
  • Twist from a strand a loose tourniquet of such a thickness that it can fill one groove of the thread.
  • Holding the end of the linen tow at the edge of the thread, wind it in the direction opposite to the tightening of the nut. Each subsequent turn should fit snugly to the previous one. It is important here not to overdo it with the number of layers, there should be no more than two, otherwise the connection may burst when twisted or from hot water during operation. If the bundle turned out to be short, the winding should be continued with the next bundle.
  • Inspect the reverse side of the winding and make sure there are no bald spots.
  • On top of the linen, apply a layer of special paste or silicone and twist the connection until the paste has hardened. The use of a sealing compound contributes to the durability of the connection, prevents rotting of the flax, and helps to easily disassemble the structure in the future. Sealant should not be used as a sealant, such a connection is difficult to disassemble.

The debate about what is better to use as a sealant for threaded connections (winding) - flax or fum-tape - has not subsided for more than one year. This situation is explained by the fact that it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. For each type of work, either flax or fum tape is preferable. And often the recommendation of one does not exclude the use of an alternative sealant. If plumbers cannot come to a common opinion among themselves, then what can we say about non-professionals? But after all, even mere mortals sometimes need to connect something with each other. And it's hermetically sealed. Let's try to sort out the recommendations "on the shelves". On the properties of the fum-tape and the technology of its winding. And today our review is devoted to flax, or tow, for plumbing.

The content of the article:

Sanitary flax: cheap and cheerful

Linen is a classic winding. Sometimes it is called tow in the old fashioned way.

Advantages of flax for plumbing work:

  • Low price. Cheaper than any other winding. When buying, you need to pay attention to quality. Good flax is sold in a pigtail or not a tight bay, has no lumps, is clean (light in appearance).
  • Versatility. Suitable for any kind of connection. Of course, with the right winding.
  • The ability to increase volume in the process of swelling. That is, if immediately after the connection there is a small leak, it very soon "closes" itself. Flax fibers get wet and, swelling, block small leaks.
  • Mechanical resistance. The only material that allows you to more accurately orient sanitary fittings. It is possible, if necessary, to make a half-turn-turn back without loss of tightness.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Mandatory use of related materials with it (lithol, grease, fum-let, sealed paste, silicone, oil paint). Linen is of organic origin. And like any organic matter, it has a tendency to rot, especially under the combined influence of water and air. And the air enters the water supply or heating systems during the repair or routine inspection, which should be carried out annually. The accompanying material is designed to prevent rotting.
  • Requires special thread preparation. Many manufacturers of fittings make the threads on them already prepared under the winding of flax. The threads are notched. If they are not there, then they need to be applied to plumbing (with a file, pliers, less often with a hacksaw). They are needed so that linen, in the process of joining, does not slip along the threads and does not come true in a bundle.
  • Requires care in brass and bronze connections. Too thick a layer can break the thread, cracks will appear.
  • Plumbing flax is the only material that is very demanding in terms of winding rules. In addition to the already mentioned preparation of the thread, you need to prepare the flax itself: impregnate it with related material to prevent decay. Then wind, observing the direction of the threads, that is, against winding. Bring the ends of the fibers out of the thread area, tighten and, holding them with your finger, screw the connection onto the thread, tighten.
  • The disadvantages include the fact that the accompanying materials (not all) prevent the dismantling of connections (for example, to replace part of the system, connect new elements or in the event of a leak). Silicone and paint stick the parts of the joint together so that the process of separation can be quite difficult, sometimes simply impossible. The same problems arise when separating steel elements, when, incorrectly wound flax (or without accompanying material) as a result of decay, allows the occurrence of rust in the threaded connection.

Which is better: linen or fum-tape?

When it comes to sealing threaded joints, the first thought that comes to mind is plumbing. When installing a cold water pipeline from steel pipes, neither flax nor fum tape has any clear advantages. The main thing is to wind the seal correctly. But when this water supply is mounted from or, a fum tape is preferable. Its advantage in this case is due to speed. Non-metallic plumbing is mounted faster than steel. And to reduce the speed of installation only because of winding (and winding flax is more difficult and longer) is not effective. In addition, the thread of the fittings is even and neat, and in such conditions the fum tape is more effective. But it should be remembered that when connecting fittings with a diameter greater than 20 mm, the fum-tape is inferior in sealing quality. In such compounds, sanitary flax is more effective.

Installation of plumbing for hot water and heating dictates its requirements. Including in terms of winding. In addition to the presence of water in the pipes, it must be borne in mind that it is hot. That is, the winding must not only be airtight, but also withstand the effects of temperature. Fum-tape in this regard has proven itself not in the best way. At the moment of connection, the fum-tape splits into fibers and they clog the voids of the connection, clogging the passages for water. Under the influence of high temperatures, which must be present in the heating system and are possible in the hot water system, these fibers shrink. Often this is enough for a leak to occur. Linen is resistant to temperature.

If we take into account other properties of these materials, then it is worth noting the low cost of flax, even taking into account the accompanying material. Fum tape is more expensive. Not by much, but when carrying out large-scale work, this difference can be significant. But the use of fum tape, as already noted, increases the speed of installation.

There are also cases when the combination of linen and fum tape is the most effective. Coils of fum tape are laid with flax fibers. Or vice versa, one or two turns of fum tape are wound over a linen winding. The decision on this is not often made by plumbers, in view of the particular conditions of installation or operation of the pipeline.

And the last thing - winding flax requires a certain skill from the plumber. Fum tape is not so demanding on this process.

Photo: depositphotos.com

How to wind flax on a thread?

Before you start winding flax, you need to prepare the thread. The fact is that on a clean and even thread, flax in the process of joining may not be able to hold on, slide off, stray into a bundle. Of course, there can be no question of any sealing in this case. The threads should have notches for which the flax fibers will catch. This will allow the winding to stay in place and ensure a tight seal. These notches are applied with a needle file, a file, and if possible, with a hacksaw. In extreme cases, you can strongly squeeze the thread in a circle with pliers, the ribbed jaws will leave notches on the threads. Fitting manufacturers often produce threads already prepared for plumbing linen.

Then a strand of fibers is separated from the flax pigtail. It is important to choose a strand of suitable thickness so that the winding is not thin and not too thick. There should be no lumps in the strand: if there are, they must be removed. Some plumbers twist a strand of flax fibers before winding, someone weaves thin pigtails, and someone winds the strand as it is, loose. It doesn't matter who cares. It does not affect the final result.

There are two options for the next steps. You can apply an accompanying material to the thread, wind dry flax fibers and then apply another layer of material. And you can wind the strands of flax already impregnated with the accompanying substance. In terms of efficiency, there is no difference between these methods. The result will be the same.

In any case, you need to wind the turns of flax in the direction of the thread. The end of the strand is clamped with a finger outside the thread, the first turn is made with a “lock”. That is, it is superimposed with a cross to clamp the end. Then the strand is wound as tight as possible, coil to coil, without gaps. At the end of the winding, the end of the strand is glued to the accompanying material closer to the edge of the thread.

Some ask: what is best for sealing threads, fluoroplastic sealing material (FUM tape) or sanitary tow? This debate has been going on for a long time, because it is impossible to give an exact answer.

For each specific type of procedure, its material is suitable. And each product can be an excellent alternative to another. But the goal is the same - to make the connection airtight. Therefore, let's look at plumbing tow, its technical characteristics, as well as the process of winding it.

Linen is a popular winding material. The old name is tow. Linen is an environmentally friendly material that does not cause any harm to human health. The product does not require certification, therefore, it is possible to seal the drinking water pipeline.

Additional material, which is also needed for the impregnation of sanitary tow, is environmentally friendly. Thanks to impregnation, this material will last a fairly long period of time. Linen is a public product. The product is sold in absolutely any plumbing store, so finding it will not be difficult.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this material in detail.

Flax Benefits

The advantages of this product:

  • Small cost. Tow has the smallest price tag in comparison with other windings. Therefore, at the time of purchase, it is better to pay attention to the quality of sanitary tow. If flax is sold in the form of a pigtail, then this is a quality material. If in the form of a tight bay, then this indicates a low quality.
  • Versatility in use. It can be used for any type of connection if the winding is carried out correctly.
  • During swelling, the winding in volume becomes larger. This means that if the connection starts to leak, the material will immediately close everything. Small leaks will be closed.
  • Resistance to mechanical influences. Only flax allows you to orient plumbing fittings more accurately. You can make one turn back, while the tightness is not lost.

Disadvantages of flax

There are also cons:

  • In addition to tow, it is necessary to use other means, for example, grease, sealed paste, silicone and other products. If linen is an organic material, then it can rot due to the influence of water and air. Air enters during repairs or maintenance, which must be carried out every year. And the listed products can interfere with this process.
  • It is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation of the thread. Most manufacturers who produce fittings make pre-made threads for plumbing tow. She has notches. If they are missing, then they must be created. This can be done with pliers, a file or a hacksaw. They are necessary so that the plumbing material cannot slide along the turns.
  • If the connections are made of brass or bronze, then during winding it is necessary to work carefully and carefully. If you put a thick layer of winding on such connections, defects will appear on the threads. It may be that the thread even breaks.
  • During the winding of this organic material, strict rules must be observed. In addition to carving, you must first prepare the plumbing material itself. It is necessary to impregnate it with some substance to prevent future decay. It is necessary to carry out winding, observing the direction. Wound against twisting. The ends of the linen must be brought out of the thread, then they should be pulled. Hold with your finger and scroll.
  • It is also worth noting that the additional materials that are indicated above do not prevent the destruction of the connection. If you use silicone to glue different elements of the connection, then it will be extremely difficult and even impossible to separate them later. If flax is used without the use of additional materials, then rust appears on the winding, which will pass to steel.

Comparison with FUM tape

Sealing means sealing the water supply. If it is necessary to seal pipes for cold water, then in this case flax and tape are equally suitable. You just need to do the winding correctly. But if it is necessary to seal pipes made of plastic or metal-plastic, then it is better to opt for the FUM tape.

The main advantage is that with the help of tape the work will go much faster, since installation is quite easy. Also, the threads of the fittings are even, so the use of plumbing tape will be much more effective.

However, the fum tape loses its effectiveness if it is necessary to seal a pipe whose diameter is more than 20 millimeters. Linen should be used for pipes with this diameter.

The pipeline for hot water sets its own conditions. The product should not only seal perfectly, but also have good resistance to high temperatures. Fluoroplastic sealing material (fum-tape) in this situation is not the best option.

During winding, the FUM tape is split into fibers, which fill all the voids, thereby preventing the penetration of water. The high temperature of the water can affect the fibers so that they shrink, eventually leading to a leak. Tow has a high level of resistance to hot water.

Also, do not forget about the small price of tow, even with the use of additional materials. Plumbing tape is an expensive winding. If you need to carry out work of large volumes, then you will feel a significant difference in cost. But installation is much easier and faster with the use of fum tape.

It may be that you need a combination of two plumbing materials. The turns of the FUM tape can be laid using tow fibers. Or in a completely different way, that is, two turns of plumbing tape can be wound from the top of the tow. This procedure is rarely practiced due to the distinctive features of mounting.

Mounting a linen product requires certain skills from a person. Installation of fluoroplastic sealing material will be performed even by a beginner.

The procedure for winding sanitary tow

How to wind tow on a thread? Before winding the tow, it is necessary to pre-prepare the thread. Since the surface of the thread is most often flat, the winding will begin to slip and bunch up. And sealing is not possible. The thread must have notches, thanks to which the fibers can catch on the threaded surface. The winding will not slip and will provide high-quality sealing.

You can make such notches or notches with a file or needle file. If you do not have these tools, then you can use pliers. With the help of them it is necessary to squeeze the thread in a circle. But it is better to purchase a thread on which manufacturers have already made notches.

Then a strand of fibers must be separated from the pigtail. Choose a strand that will fit in thickness. The material should not be too thick, but not too thin. The strand of fibers should not have lumps. If there are lumps, they must be eliminated. The winding process can take place in different ways.

Many specialists twist the product before winding, others braid thin pigtails, and some wind it loose. It depends on the person himself. The overall result will be the same.

At first, additional material can be applied to the thread, then the dry fibers of the strand can be wound, and then one layer of the product is applied. You can immediately wind the impregnated product. The result will also be the same. It depends on convenience.

How to wind tow correctly? In any chosen option, the winding of the turns is carried out in the direction of the thread. Outside the thread, the end of the strand of fibers must be clamped with a finger. The first turn is applied in the form of a "lock". Be sure to wind the strands tightly, do not leave gaps. As the winding is completed, the strand of fibers must be glued to the companion product closer to the extreme part of the thread. The winding of the tow on the thread is done crosswise.

These are the most common and popular methods for sealing threaded connections. All of them are great, but you need to follow certain rules and nuances.


Flax is a popular material in plumbing, designed for threaded connections. The wound tow will provide high-quality tightness of the connection. Tow plumbing is cheap even with the additional use of related materials. Properly carried out winding eliminates the possibility of leakage due to swelling of the product itself.

Most people will choose linen as it is environmentally friendly. However, before winding, it is necessary to carry out additional work related to the preparation of the thread. It is necessary to make notches for winding a strand of fibers. When sealing joints made of bronze and brass, care must be taken not to damage them.

Each person can carry out installation, but you must strictly adhere to the rules and then you will not have problems.

1. Appointment of tow and how it works.
2. Varieties of sealing materials.
3. Method for sealing pipe threads with tow.

In plumbing work, tow is used to seal pipes and transitions connected by threads. It is made mainly from flax waste and is a coarse fiber of small size. If the tow is wound correctly, leakage protection will be provided throughout the life of the pipeline. Answering the question of how to wind tow on a thread, it should be said that the quality of workmanship prevents the risk of a leak in the plumbing system.
There is a gap between the threaded connections through which water freely exits the pipeline. If there is a properly laid plumbing tow in it, then the gap becomes smaller, and in the process of water penetration into such a connection, the flax swells and the leak stops.

Variety of sealing materials.

The main materials that create an airtight layer between threaded connections include:
- plumbing tow;
- FUM tape;
- liquid FUM.
Silicone is used as an additional material for tow, but by itself, due to its properties, it cannot provide reliable leakage protection for the connection.
FUM is a thread winder consisting of a Teflon tape that is not wetted by water and creates a water-repellent layer in the joints.
Liquid FUM is a one-component sealant of blue color, upon contact with air, it slowly hardens and forms a sufficiently strong and dense filler that prevents water from flowing out of the system. But, if when using the above materials, pressure testing of the water supply can be done immediately, then after applying the liquid FUM, before checking the system, you need to wait a certain time, depending on the diameter and ambient temperature.

Method for sealing pipe threads with tow.

High-quality thread winding is carried out using the following materials and tools:
- pipe lever wrenches in the amount of two pieces;
- plumbing tow;
- FUM tapes.

We will consider the procedure for obtaining a high-quality tight threaded connection using the example of combining a union nut (American) with an external thread of 1 inch and a check valve.
From the tow we separate a strand with a length approximately equal to 5 - 7 turns of a diameter of 1 inch and a density indicated in the photo.

We apply the resulting workpiece to the beginning of the connecting element of the American, while its thread should be directed towards you, and wind it clockwise, along the turns and vice versa. We bring the end of the tow to the beginning of the thread and with our fingers, clockwise, smooth it down. As a result, it should turn out as in the photo.

Then, on this part, we wind the FUM clockwise so that it completely overlaps the plumbing linen and lies on it in 2 - 3 layers.

Teflon tape prevents the tow from turning and moving off the part. We bait the American on the check valve and with the help of keys we tighten them until a noticeable load occurs.

Such a combined thread winding, with appropriate skill, almost always ensures a reliable connection of two detachable elements of the pipeline. When all components of the system are assembled, it is necessary to pressurize it at a pressure of approximately 1 bar and inspect all threaded connections for leaks.
When using low-quality parts, the amount of winding should be slightly reduced, since during the swelling of flax, forces arise that can lead to damage to the part.

In our everyday life, sooner or later, each of us has to do minor repairs, in which we need to wind the thread with flax. Most often this applies to a radiator or plumbing. Faced with such a problem, it is desirable for a home master to have the skills to use flax (tow). Such knowledge will certainly be useful to each of us.

It is known that pipes for water supply are made of materials such as metal, plastic, as well as metal-plastic and nylon. In all of them, regardless of the material, there are necessarily adapters for connecting other pipes. Below, we will talk about such joints, we will take a closer look at how flax is used for this.

Home craftsmen over time, sooner or later, may be faced with the question of how to rewind the threads of a water tap. You should be aware that for a hermetic connection of a pipe with water supply elements, there is a so-called method of doing work, “packing threaded connections” for which flax is used.

In the case where there is a need to pack two pipes at right angles with a coupling, then the best option would be at their ends. The coupling itself will consist of threads inside and turns on the outside. Just twisting them together will be incomplete. In this case, it is recommended to seal the thread for a competent and reliable connection.

Linen - pros and cons

Advantages of the material for plumbing work:

  1. Affordable price compared to other sealing materials. But when purchasing, it is necessary to choose only high-quality linen. As a rule, high-quality material is supplied in a pigtail or loose coil. Also pay attention to the presence of lumps, they should not be.
  2. It is distinguished by its versatility, as it is possible to carry out any work related to threaded connections. Accordingly, if you wind flax correctly.
  3. Before winding flax on a threaded connection, you should pay attention to the fact that this material is able to swell, as it absorbs moisture. Such characteristics greatly increase the tightness, since the leakage will not have paths.
  4. Also, this material has a high mechanical stability, which makes it possible to adjust plumbing without losing hermetic properties. The connections themselves can be unscrewed by a full turn or unscrewed by a half turn.

If you have a question about how to wind flax on a thread, then be sure to familiarize yourself with its disadvantages in this material.

Disadvantages when using:

  1. Since the substance that forms its basis is organic, it means that it is susceptible to decay when exposed to moisture and air. They can get inside during preventive examinations. To avoid such problems, additional material is added to the tow to prevent the process of decay. Such an addition may be a sealing paste, grease or lithol.
  2. In some cases, before proceeding with winding, it is imperative that you first carve, prepare, clean and. Most manufacturers of pipes and fittings make a threaded connection already fully prepared for further work, that is, under the winding of flax. On the threaded coils, special notches are made to prevent the flax from slipping along the threads and so that the flax does not gather into a bundle. If there are no notches, then it is up to the plumber to apply them with a file or just a knife.
  3. In addition, you need to remember that you should not settle the material with a very thick layer, as this will cause damage to the joints, and this is especially true for brass and bronze.
  4. If suddenly you are faced with a situation where knowledge of working with flax is required from you, then you must definitely remember that this sealing material from the master requires certain knowledge regarding competent winding.
  5. There are a number of materials that, when used together with flax, significantly complicate the disassembly itself. These include and. In some cases, additions to this kind of installation procedure make it simply impossible.
  6. Also, you can not use flax, where the temperature indicator can reach 90 degrees. Due to the fact that the material in such places is simply welded, while losing its sealing properties. When working with steel, it is also necessary to adhere to the required winding technology, since if it is not followed, the thread is subject to corrosion.

How to seal a new thread

Before proceeding with the winding of a new thread with flax, it is necessary to prepare the turns beforehand. Today, a number of manufacturers produce fittings with already cut finished threads and with special notches for winding flax. You should be aware that on a smooth thread, the material will simply slip off and also bunch up into a bundle, which will certainly lead to a leak. The fibers will be able to catch well only if there are notches on the turns.

Such notches can be applied with an ordinary file and a hacksaw for metal or with a needle file. Some craftsmen use a plumbing key for this, and even pliers. To do this, the thread is wrapped around, and serifs are applied with a light touch. Performing this procedure, try to achieve roughness on the turns.

Before winding the flax on the thread, you need to separate one strand from the whole pigtail. Here it is very important to take the required number of fibers in order to get a winding that is not so thin, but do not forget that it should not be thick. As a rule, experts recommend just such a thickness that would correspond to one or two matches. If there are lumps or small villi in the strand, then all this should be removed.

Work performance rules

Linen can be wound onto threads using its own technology. Options may vary. So some masters twist it in the form of a tourniquet, others simply braid it into an ordinary pigtail, or you can optionally impose it in the way of a loose thread.

Additional lubricant (paste) can also be applied in different ways. You can, for example, smear only a clean thread and then wrap it with fibers. Then apply another additional layer. As an option, soak the fibers well in advance and prepare them after.

If circumstances force you to think about how to properly wind the tow onto the thread, and at the same time you want to understand exactly how to do it clockwise or counterclockwise, then it is best for you to listen to the opinions of specialists. Various options can be used here. So some wind this strand along the thread, while others act on the contrary.

Be sure to press the end of the strand outside the turns with your finger and, making the first turn, it should be in the form of a cross, which will make it possible to fix the material. It should not leave any gaps. The coils must be laid one to the other. In the case when you make a connection, the used excess material will be squeezed out of the fitting.

But this is when you work with a steel coupling and an iron pipe. As for brass joints, it will refer to those that are made using modern technologies and they burst from strong pressure.

On the linen wrapped around it, you need to apply a special paste intended for plumbing, or any other material for sealing is also allowed. It is applied in a circular motion. This procedure should be done as carefully as possible. The other end is glued closer to the edge of the thread, and before tightening, make sure that the pipe lumen is not filled with sealing material.

After reading these recommendations, you have an idea about the winding of this seal. You can also see photos of such works in the article. But with all this, it will be difficult for you to figure out that you need to twist all the elements with a certain little effort. In the case, say, when the nut goes easily, this indicates that there is not enough flax. High-quality winding is when the linen itself does not come out, and the entire surface around such a connection remains clean.

You should also be aware that organic tow is not used for gas connections. The reason for this is that when exposed to gas, such tow and silicone used additionally simply collapse. It will be justified in such cases to use a fum tape, in the previous article we already wrote,.

Working with ecoplastic

If you have a question about how to use flax for this type of sanitary material, then in this case it would be good to use a special technology that is used when working with ecoplastic products. It is worth knowing that this material, like brass, can burst. It is important not to overdo it when working with him.

Before starting work, both fittings must be connected to each other while counting the number of revolutions. Flax is wound evenly and its entire surface must be smeared with additional lubricant and already, then it will be possible to connect both fittings. If you have counted idle 5 turns, then after winding the flax, it will be correct to make approximately 4.5 turns and, which is very important, you do not need to press it to the end. Best of all in this situation, instead of using a sealant, packing paste.

Often at home, craftsmen have to wonder how to competently wind the tape around the threaded connection of an old pipe. In such situations, the best option is to dismantle the connections and inspect the threads at the same time.

As for the turns, you need to walk along them with the tip of a knife blade or you can use an awl. So you clean the threads of the debris formed on them, and this will help, for example, remove old paint from iron. Before winding the tape, carefully clean the turns with a wire brush until a shine is formed.

Video: How to wind flax