How to equip the attic in your home. Successful ideas for arrangement of attic

Mansard allows to significantly expand the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house. In this case, the arrangement of the underground floor can be performed even in the ready structure. At the same time, financial expenses will be relatively small, because The main necessary designs will already be present, and with the fulfillment of all necessary events you can cope with our own forces.

First of all, you should make sure that the foundation of the house will be able to withstand an additional burden on the attic floor. If necessary, the foundation must be strengthened or try to transfer new loads to a separate basis. At this stage, you may need help professionals.

Solve the design of the attic. The underground floor may have a diverse form. In this case, the inner space of the room is set in the peculiarities of the roofing design.

The roof of the attic must be designed in a special way. You will have to get rid of old rafters and related materials, replacing them with a new system, constructed with the upcoming loads, angle of inclination and other important design features.

Thus, the rafter design must be calculated and designed in a separate order, specifically under your attic floor.

The most optimal option for roofing for the attic floor is the broken bone roof. The duct roof will have a much more substantial load on the walls compared to a single-sided system. However, the more convenient option of the roof for the attic floor you can not find.

At the same time, the broken roof will "eat" the smallest amount of free space in the attic compared to all other varieties of roofs.

It is important that the gable roof has a sufficient number of supporting supports. Usually, utter rafters are used to arrange such roofs. At the same time, the elements of the rafter system should be based on the bearing walls that can normally withstand the arriving vertical and horizontal loads.

Before embarking on construction, decide what area should the underground floor should have, whether you will warm it and whether heating is needed on the attic.

In accordance with your own preferences, make up (order, find in open sources) Draft attic with sketches, drawings, calculations and explanations.

The project documentation should reflect the following important features of the attic:

  • the presence of additional partitions and bearing walls;
  • the number of window openings;
  • features of the internal roof device;
  • view of roofing material, etc.

After that, calculate the required number of materials for the arrangement of the attic. It is best to make a attic with the use of the same materials from which the structure is directly constructed (brick, blocks, etc.).

In case, if the attic is planned to be used exclusively for seasonal accommodation, you can make it from more budgetary materials. Usually, wood applies in such situations. This material is perfectly combined with most of the existing building materials and is perfect for the arrangement of the attic.

Start the arrangement of a wooden frame - the base of the roof. Choose suitable places to accommodate blocks needed to arrange partitions.

First you need to lay out external and frontal walls. At the arrangement of the roof of the attic, proceed only after the complete completion of the construction of the home directly.

To build a frame, use a high-quality wooden bar with dimensions of 15x5 cm. In the process of performing each stage of the work, you can focus on your sketches and drawings. It is impossible to explain everything exclusively in words.

First step

Strengthen the existing design with a sling. To strengthen the runs, use special reference blocks in the form of the letter U. Blocks are installed and poured with cement mortar. Such hardening will exclude further cracking of the walls.

Second Step

Build capital frontal walls and proceed to the construction of the attic. After installing all the necessary walls, proceed to the installation of the elements of the rafter system.

Third Step

Set the rafters in accordance with the project documentation and make sure that the mounted system is reliable.

First you need to install runs, and after that fix the rafters. First you need to lay out stepped walls, and then equip the partitions of the attic floor. Be sure to make sure that the location of the chalk system elements is flattened.

Fourth Step

Align the spas of the frontal walls with a ribbon saw.

Fifth Step

Speak to the rafters of the crate board for mounting the heat insulating material. Fasten the waterproofing, insulation and vapor barrier, and then type the cooler of the boards on top of the waterproofing heat insulation.

Sixth Step

Place the selected finish coating on the crate. It is better that the finishing roofing material is as reliable and high-quality as possible so that in the attic it is cozy, warm and safely.

After completion of the work on the arrangement of the walls and the roof of the attic, proceed to the insulation and the inner arrangement of the undercase.

For the insulation of the attic you can use a wide variety of materials. For example, mineral wool insulation, polystyrene foam, all kinds of blocks, etc. are very well suited to perform such work. One of the most preferred thermal insulating materials is the Fiberboard. It is by the example of this material that the order of insulation of an attic room will be considered.

In the case of plates with a thickness of 1.2 cm, the thermal insulation is the characteristics of such insulation will be similar to the properties of the wall laid out in the brick, or the finishes from the boards with a thickness of about 5 cm.

In addition, the plates have good noise insulating indicators. Factory treatment with antiseptic drugs makes the material resistant to unfavorable external factors, and a relatively small price allows you to buy such plates with almost everyone.

The most suitable material for the insulation of the attic - this is the Fiberboard

On the one hand, the slabs have a little corrugated texture, and on the other are smooth. For cutting plates, you can use an ordinary sharp knife. The material is not very terrible with temperature-vanity differences. At the same time, on work on the heat insulation of the surfaces with the use of DVP will not leave a lot of time and time.

In conclusion on the smooth side of the Fiberboard (smooth is facial) it will be possible to glue the wallpaper or perform another finishing finish at its discretion.


Traditionally, thermal insulation works begin with insulation of walls. It is enough to fix the plates with nails. Pre-under the caps of fasteners should put duralumin plates. Having nails place chess.

If the walls are not made of wood, you may need to use other fasteners. Focus on the situation.

For mounting plates on plastered surfaces, it is also possible to use PVA glue or different types of adhesive mastic.


At the stage of the ceiling sheat, try to enlist the support of at least one helper - the plates are quite large and attached to them alone is not particularly convenient.

The covering is performed at the most simple scheme: the plate is gently applied to the place of fastening and fixed using T-backups from boards, nails and duralumin plates. At this stage, put on safety glasses.

The floor can be inspired using two methods.

In accordance with the first way, first the surface is covered with a double layer of rubberoid, after which the fiberboard is fixed on top, and then the installation of the first floor is performed.

In accordance with the second option to the floor, the plates of the Fiberboard are nourished, and the carpeted coating is pasted on top of them. Such a coating is very convenient. For additional convenience, it is recommended to be impregnated with a special composition making further carpet care easier.

Before sticking carpet, it must be deployed and withstand in the room 7-10 days. Fiberboard plates are pre-labeled glue. After gluing, the Fiberboard needs to additionally press the surface with the board and leave to dry for a day.

Finally, you will only have a number of works on the internal improvement of the attic. Start from the ceiling.


The optimal option is the arrangement of a light suspended ceiling. For the construction of such a design, the lining is well suited. You can also use organitis, fane or other suitable materials for this.

It is more convenient to first make the ceiling in size, and then attach it to the crossbar of the substropyl farm.


Come to the racks of crossbars from a high-quality wooden bar. To the frame of the selected finishing material. The optimal option is wooden lining.


In the formation of niche (and they will definitely be present in mind the peculiarities of the roofing design) can navigate the plasterboard or other suitable material by creating compact cabinets for storing various types of accessories.

Depending on the existing space on the attic floor, you can equip the bedroom, the office, the children's room. Focus on the features of their situation.


Consider the order of arrangement of the attitude of the attic. The best option is to organize local illumination of each room angle. So the arranging interior will be the most expressive.

In matters of furniture and further arrangement of the underground floor, focus on your requests and opportunities.

Good job!

Video - Construction of the attic do-it-yourself

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With a sufficient height of the roof of the private house, there is a free space, called the attic. From today's review you will find out what its features are concluded, which rooms can be equipped there. Materials used for finishing surfaces and gender will be considered, the options for mansard finishing with their own hands, photos and tips on its arrangement.

Exquisite combination of unusual configuration and texture

By its origin, the word "attic" is obliged by the name of the architect from France. Francois Mansar in 1630 used the space under the roof for residential and economic needs. In the 9th century, the rooms equipped under the roof houses were predominantly poor people and servants.

Today regulates this part of the SP building 54.13330.2011. In this normative document, attic is defined as the floor, located in the attic space, part of the surfaces of which is formed by the roof - broken, inclined or curvilinear. Attic is heated and has enough lighting.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is quite spacious, then in the spirit of modern trends you can equip a stylish space in which the living room is combined. In such a situation, comfort increases significantly.

  • Living room.

Having equipped space under the living room, you need to provide additional windows, as this room should be well covered. To create a cozy home setting, install comfortable, tables, sofa. A decorative fireplace fits perfectly. To carry out family gatherings here, install racks with books, TV.

  • Children's room.

The younger child needs to highlight a personal space. With a deficiency of the area for these purposes, an excellent option will be the arrangement in the wooden house of the attic. Photos of some options will allow you to evaluate the practical meaning of the idea.

In such a space, you can make a cozy corner in which middle-aged children will feel like full owners. Set convenient stands for storing various items, equip a sleeping place, leaving the average segment free to the child can play.

The window should give enough light. For the design of window openings, use comfortable or blinds so that the control of light flows can be allowed.

  • Game room.

Often family members are interested in some kind of gaming activities. To ensure complete comfort, can be installed on the attic, for example, billiards. Finishing the sofa atmosphere, which lay out your favorite board games.

  • Sports room.

The simulators are often not located in residential rooms, so equipment in the attic will be like amateurs of life. Here you can put simulators, place a sports wall, given that it will be necessary to make reliable insulation of the floor. Do not suit the attic room for heavy sports. Here they do not raise and do not throw weights and rods.

  • Restroom.

Create a design of attic, aimed at relaxation, is possible with a decorative fireplace, which enchants the flame game. Stick flooring, chairs, sofas, coffee table, place TV.

  • Wardrobe.

By installing the rods with hangers and equipping the shelf walls along the walls, you can turn the former attic room in a comfortable and comfortable one. If necessary, there is a place for the built-in cabinet furniture, allowing you to conveniently place all the necessary clothing items. They are now easy to find and try.

  • Bathroom.

You can even equip under the roof extra, ensuring reliable waterproofing and conducting the necessary communications.

  • Kitchen.

The option of placing the kitchen in the attic space is necessary at the planning stage to think carefully. For a family with children, it can become not a very successful solution, while the young couple of lovers of romantics will be able to get an unusual refined room.

  • Tasting room.

The unexpected and original solving the design of the attic floor is the equipment of a cozy tasting room with comfortable sofas, a buffet. Here you can put a wardrobe to the dishes and create a magnificent entourage to communicate with friends.

With a creative approach to solving the interior of the attic room, it is possible to draw unusual configuration formed by the roofs. Even in such conditions, it is possible to make elements of certain style directions.

Country - characteristic is the predominance of natural finish. Most often wooden materials are used. Among the color palette, the advantage is given to natural colors, pastel shades, floral ornaments.

Minimalism - this direction implies use in the interior only the necessary objects of furniture of a simple form with calm solutions with facades and a minimum of bright accents.

Classic - If it is supposed to create the design of a planted floor of a wooden house with elements of noble classic, then pastel and chocolate tones are selected for decoration, wood arrays, luxury curtains on the windows. This embodiment of the attic does not tolerate fuss and varnish.

Scandinavian style - If you analyze the photo of the attic of the attic with the elements of the Scandinavian style, it can be understood that it is based on natural shades and materials. Wall, ceiling and other surfaces are performed in achromatic light color. The lines are applied clear, straight without coupling.

Photo options for mansard finish there are many on the Internet. We were able to imagine only a small part of them. Analysis of harmonious interior performed makes it possible to evaluate your own creative opportunities and develop an exclusive project.

Types of mansard finishing materials

To after watching a photo, it is necessary to choose the options for finishing the attic of your own hands, you need to own information about the assortment of materials used for this purpose. The main selection criteria are modern decorative characteristics, environmental safety, successful performance of the thermal insulator, good indicators.


The mansard finish with clapboard is particularly popular, thanks to a convenient installation system and a flat plane with a noble tree texture.

Separate dies are tightly connected to the pump in the groove. There is a docking option using one groove. In such a situation, the joints are additionally closed by a narrow rail. The optimal width of the wooden lining is 10 cm. For the attic one should select a material with good moisture resistance.

The modern type of Euro woman has a wider spool of 8 mm, which avoids the appearance of cracks and cracks during drying. There are from the wrong side and special ventilation grooves. The width varies within 60-160 mm. Depending on the connection method, Softline is allocated and standard.

MDF panels

It is often used to finish the attic of the MDF panel, having a decorative coating with imitation of various materials, including color mosaic, wood, marble. The dignity is lightweight. It should be borne in mind that this type of finishing for the equipment of the Cabinet, home gym or is best.

It has good thermal insulation characteristics, is excellent noise insulation. For installation, it is not necessary to conduct perfect alignment of surfaces. For mounting, a wooden lap with a pitch, which takes into account the size of the material. Special brackets are used as fasteners.

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And for what works is suitable? From this article, you can find out the important characteristics of this material, its advantages compared to alternative options and many other useful information.


Assembling the increasingly popular attachment of attic plasterboard is based on low cost, ease of installation and environmental safety of this material. For the attic 5.5 mm thick plates are suitable. If additional sound isolation is required, you can finish into two layers or take a thicker material. If it is difficult to raise sheets with a width of 120 cm, then the material should be purchased with a width of 60-90 cm and a length of 130 cm. Thanks to quite large amounts of sheets, the installation is carried out quickly and efficiently.

It will remain sealed the junction of the reinforcing ribbon, sharpen and perform the finishing decoration by staining, applying or.

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PVC panels

Modern panels made of polyvinyl chloride - PVC are resistant to fire. They do not accumulate fungus. On smooth surfaces, you can fix this material using glue.

The dignity is a rather extensive color palette and a variety of ornamental solutions. Among the disadvantages, the possibility of cracking during impact, poor resistance to ultraviolet, reduced strength during sharp temperature differences.

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In the review we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of the material, varieties, sizes, the characteristics of ceiling and wall products, average prices, selection criteria, installation with your own hands.


The manifold of finishing materials allows you to create the inner surfaces of the desired texture and color shade.

Finish flooring of attic: options

According to diverse photos, the decoration inside the attic is not limited to the rods and walls. Much attention is paid to the floor. After cleaning from the dirt and dust of the base, the placement of waterproofing, vapor barrier and black floor from plywood can be used as the finishing coating of the following materials:

Floor design options with modern materials are presented in the photo.

The color solution and the texture of the floor covering are selected taking into account the common.

Independent finishing of attic with a broken roof: photos, nuances

The broken roof allows you to expand the space under it and increase the useful area allocated for the arrangement of the attic.

This design is one of the varieties of a double roof with a more complex configuration. The name is due to the presence of broken lines.

The advantages of such a solution of the roof include the possibility of arrangement of a spacious indulgent floor. Thanks to the broken silhouette of the roof, the room acquires the original appearance. And the building looks presentable and luxurious. When performing competent installation of the interior decoration, heat loss is reduced.

Given the complicated configuration, it is necessary to approach the selection of an embarrassment of the attic. If it is decided to cut the window loops on the rods, it will be necessary to install special attic windows.

You can and do not install inclined varieties of windows, preferred by windowes, located on the frontal section of the monsard wall. This option is simpler in the installation.

Planning the finish of the attic, follows the design features of the structural roof turn into advantages, focusing on interesting bends. To make it easily placing furniture, the walls are most often separated by plasterboard, wood, creating additional planes.

If the room is small in the area, grate compact low furniture, which can be conveniently placed in the reserved space.

Increasingly, in private houses, the broken roof becomes the usual phenomenon. This explains the possibility of registration of the upper room as a full-fledged residential room, which allows you to supplement the appearance of the building by balconies, expressive structural elements.

The union interior is determined by the preferences of the owners. Here you can equip a comfortable living room, cozy bedroom or combine multiple functional zones. Given the spacious volume of such a room, you can do. An excellent solution is the attic wallpaper with a slope. The interior photo can be viewed below.

Finishing applies the most different. It may be a cozy tree, democratic modern MDF plates, or creative.

Dersighted floor finish with their own hands: Main stages

To independently finish the attic of a wooden house inside, the photo of the phased performance will help to understand the main details of the work. This does not always require a professional hand.

Preparation of the room

At the stage of preparing an attic space, a detailed examination of all available surfaces is carried out. Cleans from dirt and dust of roofs, walls. Align, if necessary, rough floors. If you plan to improve the bathroom or kitchen, it is done for pipe holes and.

Installation of carcass

If the room has a small area, wooden bars are selected for the frame. For spacious rooms, metal profiles can be used. First install guides, and then, given the dimensions of the selected insulation, the vertical profiles are fixed with self-draws.

If the frame will be performed from a tree, the rails are treated with protective equipment. Must with self-reserves in the same sequence as metal profiles.

Warming and waterproofing

The waterproofing material is cut into the canvas of the required size. To secure them on the surfaces, a construction stapler is used. Separate slices of waterproofing with outbreaking to ensure tightness. Then follows the insulation layer.

Tip! For attic, mineral wool, expanded polyurethane foam, extruded polyurethane foam, glass gamble, eco-art can be used. Separate plates of the insulation are invested tightly in the frame cell. For additional mounting, liquid nails or wooden rails can be applied.

The gap is envisaged to ensure air circulation.

Then fix the brackets vaporizolation.

Facing finishing material

It is necessary to start facing when all operations for warming surfaces will be performed. Most often, plasterboard sheets are nourished to the prepared frame. This will allow you to decorated it in any color. Wanting to get the image of a retro rustic coziness, finish internal planes with a clapboard or block house. If the lover is selected by plywood sheets, their orientation is carried out in a checker order. It is taken into account that this material is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Below are options for finishing finish.

Recently, more and more often during the construction of private houses, the attic room under the roof is equipped as a residential. The first such an arrangement of the arrangement was offered the French architect Francois Mansar, so the room got the name of the attic.


Because of its non-standard sizes and the form of attic brings many difficulties when planning.

The design of the indoor floor depends on the functional purpose of the room.Here you can arrange any interiors: a relaxation area with a home theater, a nursery, a bedroom, a working office. First of all, the plan for arrangement of the attic should take into account the desires of the owners, the size of the room and the height of the ceiling.

One of the features of the attic floor in a wooden house are beveled walls. On the shape of the attic space affects the slope of the roof. In a private building, it can be a single or duplex, less common options with a tent and broken roof.

Distinctive features of attic can be the following factors:

  • low ceiling;
  • rafters and roof beams;
  • a large number of corners;
  • stairs;
  • small number of windows;
  • complexity in summing up communications. As a rule, attic does not heal, especially in the country.

The attic floor allows owners to get a real benefit from turning it into a residential premises, as the useful area increases heat loss.

Given all the features, specialists advise when arranging this territory to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Roof insulation outside and inside.
  • Summing up engineering communications: electricity, ventilation, air conditioning systems.
  • Only specialists can reconstruct rafters, so if the project provides for it, it is better to use their services.
  • Rational approach to use in the interior of beams, roofing rods, support racks.

  • Competent lighting scheme. It is necessary to think through the location of the windows, their size. Designers offer to take advantage of the possibility of installing vertical windows or in lugarns (the so-called auditory window).
  • Use with moisture-resistant materials.
  • Taking into account the possibilities of overlaps to withstand the weight of all structural additions and furniture.
  • Do not clutter space.


Before converting the indulgent floor of a country house to a functional room for a start, to design the interior. When preparing, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances: the form of the ceiling and walls, the presence or absence of communications, the possibility of summing up additional engineering systems, the degree of illumination, and the like.

In the simplest case, when global changes are not needed, only a cosmetic repair is carried out, which is aimed at the improvement of non-residential premises.

Very much depends on the shape of the roofIt can be broken, beveled, dome, single-table and double. Therefore, there are necessarily open rafters and beams. Some designers use these elements when interior design, they emphasize them, others are offered to hide them, but provided that the ceiling height allows.

The easiest option is a tree. This uses affordable material in the form of lining, wooden panels or edged board. The modern construction market also offers wooden wallpaper or block house.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to sum up the system of communications. The task will simplify if the attic will be located above the kitchen room or the first floor bathroom. Installation must be performed correctly, so if there are no skills and permissions required for this, it is better to seek help to professionals.

The insulation of the attic room is an important process.If the attic will be used regularly, and not only during the summer season, the thermal insulation is necessary. This will prevent condensate, improve the microclimate, will make it comfortably feeling in home heat. Insulation is carried out not only from the inside, but also outside. Soundproofing of the floor is necessary in some cases, but it simultaneously serves as thermal insulation.

The next step in the improvement of the attic is to replace the old and installing new windows.

As a rule, the attic window is originally one. With the arrangement of the attic, it is important to ensure good lighting of the room, so it is better if there are more. Experts recommended them to have them on different walls for greater efficiency. The level of illumination can be adjusted by the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bthe glass surface.

A feature of the attic windows is the width of the windows that cannot exceed the distance between the rafters. Length depends on the roof slope.

Depending on the installation method, the window is classified to vertical, inclined and flat roofs. The last two types should be made from tempered glass to protect them from hail.

Inclined glass windows are installed in the same plane with roofing slope, which increases the intensity of light by 30% and higher.

To mount the vertical window, you must first set the structure in the form of a nesting room with an individual roof. The throughput is lower than that of inclined.

If an independent replacement of old windows is assumed to modern, they plan their dimensions in advance and the installation site.

Installation begins with cutting window opening in the roof scap. If the insertion occurs between the rafters, then the distance from them to the window is better to provide for at least 10 cm.

Old houses equipped with mortise window frames.Modern technologies allow you to install new double-glazed windows with hardened glasses, providing increased strength. The opening mechanisms are improved, which makes it possible to rotate the frame around any axis, and this can be done not only manually, but also with the help of the remote.

Dersighted windows solve several functional tasks: illuminated the room with natural light, provide ventilation and improve the microclimate.

Panoramic designs allow you to increase the light stream, make an original decor element, get aesthetic pleasure from the landscape. Modern technologies allowed to install different types of windows, for example, transforming a mini-balcony. The variety of forms that produce manufacturers are amazed. Most less often, simple lines are used, the windows in the form of a circle, semicircles, angular, asymmetrical began to meet more often.

For decoration of mansard window structures, it is better to use special blinds or rolling shutters.They are produced both internal and external. If the interior is assumed to have textile curtains, then in order to hold them in the desired position, there are various holders, lining, backups and fasteners.

Finishing the ceiling

With the improvement of attic to the ceiling decoration, any known methods and materials can be used.

Stretch ceiling advise only if there is enough wall heightsOtherwise, the risk of frequent damage arises. This option is very convenient, since the canvas due to its small weight does not have a large action on the design, allows you to hide the elements of engineering communications and rafters, makes it possible to fantasize with lighting using built-in lamps.


Plasterboard is one of the affordable and simple trimming methods. With it, you can get any forms, for example, a multi-level ceiling with various drops and protrusions. Plasterboard allows you to level the surface before sticking wallpaper or painting.

Tree is a traditional material for the decoration of the attic room. For the ceiling use lining or wooden panels. Wallpaper on the ceiling look original. It should be remembered that the surface must be aligned.

Facing a floor

To the floor on the upper floors, as a rule, there are special requirements.

First of all, it should provide good noise insulation. To do this, you need to mount the crate and fill it with heat insulator in the form of plates, for example, mineral wool. It also performs the functions of waterproofing. From above to cover the design of pine boards, material from larch can be applied. It is recommended to process the resulting flooring with an antiseptic.

Facing outdoor coverage is very diverse. For these purposes, any finishing material is used: linoleum, parquet board, laminate, carpet, ceramic tiles. Specialists advise not to save on quality as coverage, since low-grade materials will require immersion.

It is impossible to refuse when making the attic and from such decorative elements like carpets. They serve as a heater, and also adorn any interior by adding comfort. The size of the carpets do not have to be large and cover the entire floor, enough small models near the bed, sofas, baths.


The most popular when making the walls of the attic tree. It improves the microclimate, serves as thermal insulation. Lining leads to use. It is produced in several versions, it is affordable and easy to handle. There are several ways to lay, which allow you to make decorativity walls: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, in a circle, christmas tree. The lining is covered on top of the lacquer to leave the natural pattern of the tree or color in different colors.

A more fiscal option - finishing with wooden panels. These may be laminated models, veneered chipboard or MDF.

The modern version is wooden wallpapers, which are the foundation with planets glued onto it made of coniferous wood. Such material reduces repair time.

The block house is also in demand for cladding walls in country houses, in particular, on the attic. Its rounded facial surface imitates a natural log or bar.

Plastic panels are appropriate when making bathrooms or kitchens on the attic floor. They will protect against pollution and moisture. In addition, their color gamma embodies any designer ideas.

Recently, designers often offer unique seamless drapery with cloth walls. This mansard made will be unique.

Loft style in the interior of the attic room involves the presence of a raw wood, so you can leave the walls of a wooden bar or bricks intact.

Also one of the oldest methods of wall processing is the salary of their wallpaper.However, it should be noted that before that they need to be aligned with drywall, and this will entail a decrease in space. Manufacturers offer a wide range of wallpapers: vinyl, paper, glass, cork, etc. Designers do not advise gluing all the walls with a large pattern. It is better to focus on one of the walls or emphasize the architectural protrusions, arches, angles, and the remaining surfaces are covered with monophonic wallpaper. Small ornament in pastel colors is suitable for Provence style.

Plasterboard when designing walls is applied only as the basis or for alignment. It always covers with wallpaper, acrylic paint or other finishing materials.

Color solutions

An attic room has a specific shape and lighting. Designers most often offer to use bright shades for design. You can use various texture and color contrasts to make the space deeper.

For example, if the ceiling in the attic is tightened with a dark stretch web, then it is better if its surface is glossy, then the reflected light will expand the walls. In the case when the floor is made in dark shades, designers advise dazzling white walls, it will create the illusion of infinite given.

Experts warn that small attic in no case cannot overload bulky objects and use a lot of dark paints. Bright juicy paint can be used as accents, since their excess will cause a graceful feeling.

Often the owners of private houses leave overlap wooden, covering them with a transparent varnish to underline the wood structure.

Nuances design of the premises

To the landscaping of the attic room, it is necessary to approach very carefully and cautiously. It is important to think in advance all possible ideas of using architectural features: beams, rafters, arches, rods, unusual angles, racks. From this living area can win.

Specialists advise not to get involved in the clutter of space and try to apply natural materials for finishing. Textiles for curtains and furniture is better to choose pastel shades.

Furniture for the attic room always carries a multifunctional character. Burous elements are inappropriate. It is better to give preference to modular systems. An excellent option is built-in and attached structures. Perhaps you will have to make custom-made furniture to fit it under the configuration of a particular roof.

The damage decor is better to perform depending on the functions that the room performs. To make an interior with your own hands, first need to make a design project. If certain experience and skills are missing, you can use the services of professionals. It should be remembered that the simple version is always the best.

Since there are small houses on cottages and garden sites, they either do not mean the second floor, or it is very small. Therefore, on a cottage attic usually organize a bedroom or workshop.

If the country house is intended for permanent residence, the attic floor performs various functional tasks. In the list of possible interiors: kitchen, bathroom, children's, library, office, recreation area with cinema, billiards, dressing room.

The stylistics pleases the variety of possible options - from light provence to the modern loft, from the classics to the avant-garde, from the mountain chalet to the Mediterranean bungalow.

There are certain rules that need to follow in the design of attic rooms. Then the interior will be filled with comfort and comfort. For example, a low ceiling surface is not an obstacle, but it should not be tightened with a tension ceiling, it is better to handle with wood. A staircase, which is always a dangerous place, should be equipped with a fall system from falling: mandatory railing, doors, fences.

The unusual shape of the roof in a small space, as a rule, takes part of the useful space. But with competent lighting and design, this feature can be found interesting.

Capturing a small attic, it is necessary to consider ergonomics of each element of the interior. The furniture is better to acquire the built-in and multifunctional one. Block storage systems are designed to facilitate this task.


Unusual forms and sizes of attic how can not be suitable for the arrangement of the children's room. The height differences and unexpected reliefs of the walls designers are used to decorate the game zone.

The nature of the attic floor involves the organization of diverse places for storing toys, bedroom facilities, crafts, books. In addition, it will be better if there are places in the nursery not only for recreation and games, but also for classes.

If you have small children, the attic should be well insulated, the flooring is better to lay soft, finishing materials use natural and harmless. The window opening mechanism is recommended to be equipped with an element of "anti-breeds" so that the kids cannot accidentally open the sash.

When creating a nuclear nursery, it is necessary to think over the abundance of natural light, as well as artificial lighting.

The nature of the room allows you to experiment with the color, use the unusual forms of furniture and lamps, zonate space to create a colorful and bright interior.

When arranging an attic floor it is important to remember that the children love to run, jump and jump, which can create discomfort for living on the first floor, so it is recommended to noisely insulate the floor in the nursery.


The owners will appreciate the lack of cabinets in all rooms and the arrangement of a centralized dressing room on the attic floor. This will save the useful living area for more functional things.

The organization of the wardrobe in the attic will not require a large area and will allow you to use any asymmetric architectural features of the room.

Swovel cabinets are better located along high walls, boxes and shelves for shoes, clothing and accessories can be put in niches, under beams or embedded in space between beams.

If it is impossible to install swing doors, it is necessary to consider installing sliding and retractable models, as well as in the form of blinds.

Furniture for mansard dressing room is relevant modular.Storage systems must be multifunctional. Retractable and retractable elements will help get to the farthest corners and use all available space rationally. The cabinets recommend using both storage locations and as stools for seating.

To increase the functionality of the attic, you can install a washing machine and drying in it, a swapart for clothes, ironing board. Sometimes the owners are immediately stored and another household appliances, for example, vacuum cleaner.

If the attic is intended only as a storage system, then enough built-in lighting or ordinary lamps. In case of wider use of the wardrobe, the placement of lighting devices should take into account the functional features of each area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For example, in the ironing zone or near the large mirror you need a bright light.

In order to prevent the appearance of a sharp smell or dampness, it is necessary to competently consider the ventilation system.


As a rule, the bathroom rarely has a small house on the attic floor. In large cottages, the bathroom is organized as an extra bathroom to the bedroom or a guest room.

It is best to think about the location of the bathroom already at the design stage of the houseBecause it will require complex engineering communications: sewage, ventilation, water supply, electricity. In addition, the attic need to warm up well, so that in the cold periods, it does not bring inconvenience in the bathroom.

It would be nice if the kitchen or bathroom was located under the attic. In this case it is more convenient to install communications for the attic bathroom.

Architectural asymmetry When designing, you need to use in your favor. To do this, under beams, it is better to build a system for storing hygiene or household chemicals, washbasin or toilet. Furniture and sanitary equipment taking into account the ergonomics of the attic advise to choose compact and multifunctional. Built-in or suspended cabinets and shelves save useful space.

The bath is advised to install near the wall or in the corner. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is limited, then you can restrict ourselves to the shower.

The color gamut for the attic bathroom is appropriate anyBut if there is a small area, it is necessary to remember that the dark color narrows the room. Glass and mirror elements, the presence of chrome-plated parts will add air and modernity. The glossy surface of the ceiling or floor visually expands the walls of the attic.

The main requirement for finishing materials is moisture resistance. The ceiling will be wonderful to watch the tension canvas or plastic panels. Flooring appropriate in the form of ceramic tiles, plastic or parquet board. Wall facing involves the use of any waterproof material.

Specialists assure that in the bathroom you can abandon the central chandelier, and only the built-in lamps use. The installation of additional backlight in the wash zone will be required. In other cases, point light sources are decorative.


If the attic is spacious enough, it will work out to organize a bedroom for 2-3 people. In the case of a limited area, you can equip the recreation area for one tenant.

It is better to install sleeping places in the roof bevel zonesIn order to save a useful space. In the case of the psychological rejection of the low ceiling above the head during sleep, the bed should be located in the center of the attic with duscal ceilings.

If there is free space in the bedroom, you can additionally organize a dressing area or a separate bathroom.

The design of the attic bedroom zone is best looking in a rustic or classic style.However, you should not refuse from modern trends: Loft or Modern. Naturally looks in the bedroom wood or wallpapers. A variety of textile elements will create a cozy atmosphere. The color gamut is better to use in soft calm colors.

Living room

If there is sufficient space, the attic floor can be turned into a cozy living room or the fireplace where all family members will be collected and guests are located.

The fireplace in the attic can play both practical and decorative role.When installing it, it is necessary to understand that the traditional massive design is not suitable for the second floor. It is better to give preference to easier compact models made of heat-resistant steel or cast iron. For the same reason, experts recommend abandoning severe facing materials such as natural stone. Most often for heating, electrograms or fireplates on pellets are used. Decorative biocamines will bring the feeling of comfort and spiritual comfort to the interior. If the mansard's fireplace area serves as a decoration, but performs a heating function, it is important to provide in advance to provide a smoke removal system and a place for storing fuel.

Furniture in bright colors in the living room looks elegant. Glass and mirror partitions, competently built-in lighting will make it possible to create a light relaxed atmosphere.

Bright contrasts are also appropriate in the interior of the attic living room. In this case, it is better not to overload the room with furniture and other elements, as the main accent is color.

Any style will be appropriate, the main thing is that it coincides with the tastes of the owners, corresponded to their interests, created the mood.

Designers advise several styles for the attic living room.

  • Classical - Good style with a luxury and grace inherent in it. The fireplace becomes more often the center of the interior. Design does not provide bright colors. It all fits orderly and functional significance.

  • Modern - Harmonious minimalism. The whole setting is seal practicality, maximum functionality. Easy is present in all the details. Dark parts are combined with pastel colors, creating harmony.

  • Retro.For registration, the interior elements remaining from the great-grandmothers or stylized under them are suitable. The design involves the use of paintings, flooring, wooden chairs or tables with wrought-iron legs. It is also characteristic of installing a fireplace or cast-iron bourgear stove.

  • Provence - sophistication and romanticism of the French village. Request with a tree chosen by the sea southern sun. Textile pastel shades with a small pattern is welcomed. Forged furniture elements, crystal lamps, soft pads for seating on chairs and benches, light curtains on the windows - all these details will create a cozy spiritual atmosphere in a naked living room.

  • High tech - style of admirers of modern creativity. Modern materials are used in the decoration: chrome, glass, metal and their variations. The rigor of forms and minimalism of color create the illusion of space.

If there is a vertical wall on the farton in the attic, then you can equip a home cinema with a large screen, where it is convenient to relax a large company or retire to watch your favorite movies.


Designers are often offered to organize a billiard room in the attic. For this, certainly, a large area is needed, since the gaming zone is rather big, and even for rest you need to provide place. The table is usually installed in the center of the room. Near the wall you can position a narrow bar with several chairs. For storage Kiev, balls and other accessories should organize either wall mounts or built-in. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floor allows you to zonate the space, then in one part you can position the comfort zone for fans with a soft sofa and armchairs.

If the country house has a big attic, then you can organize a mini-gym.Experts warn that this is possible under the condition of strong and reliable overlaps. Plots of the attic floor with low ceilings are used for storing sports equipment and to relax. The rest of the space can be filled with simulators or leave empty to conduct classes.

An attic room can be applied not only as children's game, but also as a place for collecting the whole family and guests. To do this, it is enough to divide the room into several sections. In one, organize the video game zone, in the other - for desktop. To improve the first it is important to establish a large screen and opposite it sofa. Systems for storing discs, joysticks and other devices are better built into the walls. Board games require a flat site, so you will need a coffee table. Sofa and stuffing should be located around it. Boxes with games can be stored either on the shelf under the table, or inside the puffs.

Kitchen-dining room

The arrangement of the kitchen room in the attic is better to foresee at the design and bookmark of the house. The fact is that it will be necessary to bring communication: gas, water, light.

Modular kitchen systems will make it easier for design and allow you to create a functional room. Designers offer to take into account and maximize all the nuances of the planning of the attic.

The use of multi-level furniture on wheels or clamps will provide its mobility, which will increase the functionality even more. Materials must be light, forms are not cumbersome.

Lighting is required to provide in advance. The kitchen requires a lot of light, so the windows should be at least two. Built-in lamps around the perimeter of mansard kitchen and point lamps above the working surface are the best solution.

Color gamut does not limit the owners in anything. Optimally use bright paints for furniture modules, light tone - for walls and ceiling, dark shades for the floor.

If the kitchen and the dining room are combined into one unit, then you need to visually zonate space. The best place for the table is at the window. If the shape of the roof is dupled or dome, then it is appropriate to put the table in the center of the room. Recently, the popularity is gaining transparent models of kitchen furniture made of glass and plastic, which introduces an element of airiness to the room.


There is no better place for solitude than attic. Therefore, to organize a working office, library or workshop, the attic floor is most appropriate.

Arrangement is possible even with a small space.In a small gardening house, it is difficult to find a place to practice with needlework, modeling or reading, but the attic room will allow you to get such a cozy corner even on several square meters.

Under the book racks it is convenient to use the built-in shelves between the beams, under the scenes of the roof, between the windows. Closed mobile boxes on wheels are suitable for storing tools and stationery. In addition, they can be used as stools.

Often, designers offer to use window sills as an organization of a convenient storage area, which performs an additional feature of the bench. If you decorate it with textile pillows and a blanket, then it can be bored or read the book near the window.

Experts offer not to sow beams and rafters, not to hide them, but use for built-in backlight, attachments or fixtures of household appliances.

The work area requires a large amount of light, so the table is better to have near the window.If there is an opportunity, it is better to increase the area of \u200b\u200bwindow structures, cut extra. Panoramic double-glazed windows will allow not only to increase the light stream, but they will enjoy the rest of the eyes and enjoy the scenery after work. Artificial light sources should be installed in the working area and as an illumination around the perimeter of the attic.

Ventilation in the office is an important element of comfort, therefore, the attic windows supply the ventilation system. If it is supposed to work in the attic all year round, then it may be necessary to install the air conditioner. In the warm period, he will save from the heat, since the summer sun primarily heats the roof. In the cold season, heater may need, good, in the market of their great set: infrared, electric, water, oil.

Furniture in the attic room should be at leastAnd each element is functionally justified. As a rule, its presence is due to the nature of the room. Writing table is installed stationary or folding with a small area. If the written zones are greater than one, respectively, and the tables will be more. The number of chairs depends on how many jobs are organized. Style Minimalism is the best option for the construction of a cabinet or workshop in the attic, since it is inherent in the rational use of space.

If the attic floor is provided for reading the favorite books, in this case a soft sofa is suitable, the flooring next to it, comfortable pillows, plaid and a soft rug under your feet. The comfort of the atmosphere will add the built-in backlight and a cup of hot tea.

To ensure silence it is necessary to provide sound insulation of the floor. In this case, noise from the bottom will not penetrate the attic. Accordingly, if the workshop involves the creation of noise, then noise isolation will provide comfort for residents of the lower floor.

The color scheme of the working office should not distract from concentrated work. Request calm pastel shades. But, of course, in the creative workshop, bright accents look better.


The source of the natural light stream is window structures.If the space of the attic floor is significant, then the number of windows should be greater than one. According to generally accepted standards, it is considered a comfortable glazing area of \u200b\u200bat least a tenth of the rest of the walls of the room. The intensity can be adjusted using a curtain.

In the case of a small attic with one window, designers are offered to use various decorative tricks, for example, a large wall mirror will add light.

Artificial lighting is necessary in any case. Its installation depends on the functionality of the room, the location of furniture, quantity and shape of windows, attic architectures. For this, any sources are appropriate: chandeliers, sconces, built-in lamps, flooring, desktop and portable lamps, bedside models, modern fiber optic lighting threads. Illumination can perform not only practical, but also decorative functions.

With the help of lighting, you can zonate space, focusing on individual interior elements. In some cases, it is possible to abandon the central chandelier, just illumination around the perimeter of attic and point rotary or stationary lamps.

The choice of sources of artificial lighting depends on the interior stylistry.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Before you equip the attic on your own, you should consider all options, familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who have already implemented this process. Photo gallery will help to avoid other errors. If there were doubts about their own, then it is possible for financial remuneration to contact the services of professionals who will create the author's project, taking into account all the features of a particular attic room.

The attic has a specific architecture, so it is better to consider it in advance, how to use beams, rafters, deepening under the roofs, of different wall heights. Supporters of the rational use of residential space are offered under the vaults of a single-pate or double roof place various storage systems.

The interior can be performed in any style at the request of the customer. Someone prefers a more natural version in country style or Provence, someone like minimalism or loft. Mansard living rooms in the classics are elegant, the famous English fireplace halls are good.

The staircase on the attic floor in some way is his hallway. Specialists advise if there is a place to install a full-sized staircase. This is the safest option that the families with small children and older residents will appreciate.

Attic attorney formed on the last floor of the house with an inclined ceiling.

Many of those who have a private house do not know what to do with the attic. Someone leaves the repair of the attic at last, using it as a big storage room, and someone cannot come up with anything better, how to sew "uncomfortable" squeaks of the roof of plasterboard, turning the attic into an ordinary room of small sizes.

We offer a few ideas as you can do. mansard design In a private house, which will make the room comfortable and cozy, emphasizing all the advantages and charms of the attic spaces of this configuration.

Mansard design do it yourself

Decoration of the Harry Floor

In order for the attic to turn into a fully suitable room, it needs to be filled as large as possible air and light. It is easiest to do with windows. The windows can be both ordinary (for smooth walls) and special designs that are created specifically for beveled walls in the attic. The shape, style and design of the windows depends only on your imagination. The main thing here is the size, after all, the more the window in the attic, the more spacious the room will seem, the smaller the beveled walls will be "crushed".

Photo of marsard windows

Decoration of Skosov

Remember how Moden is now the style of the Alpine Chalet. So sewing under the lining or plasterboard wooden beams that support the roof will be just blasphemy. On the contrary, designing the design of the attic emphasize them, because wooden beams are hardly the most interesting decoration of any interior. In the attic, the aged beams made of dark wood on the background of bright walls especially spectacularly look. By the way, do not forget about the lighting of the room, because the original and correct illumination of the room creates real wonders.

Stock Foto Set of homardices

Decoration of mansard walls

Most often, the attic is used as a bedroom, a working office or place for recreation and entertainment. Therefore, it is simply necessary to move away from stereotypes, deploy your fantasy to the full coil. Go to the decor of the native room walls creatively: paint them in interesting colors, use unusual combinations of materials, play with textures, apply the original decor - in general, do everything so that such an interesting room, like attic, does not become boring and dull.

Stock Foto Cleaning marsard walls

Choosing furniture for the attic floor

Often, many are compared to the fact that due to the beveled ceiling in the attic it is impossible to put ordinary furniture. But you can approach this issue creatively. As an alternative to standard furniture in the attitude of the attic, niches or built-in wardrobes, disassembled on parts of the modular furniture or open shelves, fitted under the height of the walls can perform. And in the plots with a very low ceiling perfectly fit the desktop, bed or a cushter for reading. In such a room, you can make the design of a mansard room for a teenager, where children's furniture for a boy or a girl are well lipped. An attic for a child can be arranged in fun and light colors.

Stock Foto Set of low walls

Space Mansard

Since often the attic occupies the whole floor under the roof and is hardly the biggest room in a country house, the option of zoning space in this case is very relevant. At the same time, in order to preserve the attic of the same spacious, not to turn it into several small closures under the roof, it is better not to zonite it with the help of plasterboard partitions, but taking into arms numerous design ideas.

Photo of the indoor floor

An interior of the attic - options for arrangement

Below, on the example of real apartments, we offer to consider more importantly, as close as possible and functionally arrange an attic room with your own hands.

Bedroom Ideas on Mansard

In this case, the design of an attic bedroom for a married couple. In addition to the host bed, the lowest closets and racks for books posted here. In addition, there is an opportunity to work in the room: two chairs, which are in different angles, allow you to retire for reading or work with both spouses at the same time.

Photo of a mansard bedroom

Living room on Mansarde

And here, the attic performs the function of the living room, where you can work, sit with friends and at the same time to take something of small children. Due to the combination of white and blue colors in the interior, the room seems more, and the vertical stripes give it height.

Photo of a mansard living room

Small living room on attic

This small attic with a rather low roof of the owners was also turned into a living room, where they are well gathered or with friends in front of the fireplace. A small glass table in the corner does not close the space and allows you to fully work at the computer. Pay attention to how successfully selected furniture for such a low room. And the ceiling, despite the dense wooden trim, does not "press" with its plane, thanks to the huge windows.

Photo of a small living room

Living area in the attic

And finally, an excellent example of how a whole apartment can be in the attic room, in which, despite the mowed roof, everyone feels quite comfortable. The designed attic design of the attic especially for this apartment, the built-in shelves and cabinets for convenience are not much inferior to the usual, but it looks beautiful and comfortable in the living room sputted aluminum with wooden beams of warm honeycomb.

Stock Foto Hansard residential zone

In the conditions of total deficit of square meters, homeowners seek to rationally use the area of \u200b\u200btheir housing. In this regard, most of those who wish to get a private house, at the stage of its design, plan the organization of the attic, which will make the future accommodation spacious and comfortable. In addition, it is possible to equip the attic in the old house by re-equiping an old attic room or organizing an additional superstructure to the old house. The attic in a wooden house should be not only reliable, but also safe - it is necessary to develop its project in advance so that it does not create an additional load on the bearing walls and the foundation of the construction. To equip a wooden attic that meets all the requirements for the buildings of this type, first of all, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the main varieties of attic floors, the specifics of their construction, as well as the main stages of the arrangement and decoration of a wooden attic. All this will be discussed in this article.

Major species

If we speak the language of the average man, the attic is a living room, located in the attic, that is, the indoor room. In accordance with the professional construction terminology, attic, also called the attic floor, this residential premises, which is located on the last floor of the house characterized by the presence of the attic roof. This suggests that the facade of the attic is partially or completely limited to the roof surfaces.

Before proceeding with the construction of the attic, it is necessary to determine the type of its design, which should be most suitable for the main construction. In accordance with constructive features, attic can be classified by type of roof, which can be a single, duplex or broken. The appearance of the attic design is another sign that can classify the attic room. This parameter directly depends on the materials used in the process of its construction. Taking into account the specified features, the following types of attic premises are distinguished:

  • Single-level attic from a bartal roof - A room, which is a standard attic that is converted to a residential premises. Design and construction of such premises does not represent difficulties and can be carried out with your own hands. However, the disadvantages characteristic of such structures, such as a shortage of useful space and low ceilings, often make them refuse their installation;
  • Single-level attic with broken bounce roof , characterized by the presence of 4-strand at different angles. Despite the fact that the construction of such a mansard costs several times more expensive, often the masters prefer precisely to them, in view of more useful areas;
  • Mansard with a remote console , the construction of which, in view of constructive features, is associated with a number of difficulties. However, these shortcomings with ease are crossed by the free area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the possibility of vertical location of window structures;
  • Multi-level attic characterized by mixed focus . In view of the complexity of the structure, its construction requires the preliminary implementation of accurate calculations and drawing up a detailed plan of the premises. Almost always a multi-level attic is erected simultaneously with the house.

Types of mansard floors depending on the size of the room

The type of indoor floor is determined by its height:

  • Full floor - the design that can be said about if the height of the vertical wall is at least 1.5 m;
  • Attic - a design less than the walls of which should be from 0.8 to 1.5 m;
  • Halfomanum - Room with walls below 0.8 m.

As for the rooms that are equipped on the attic floors, they can be of various purposes and are determined mainly by the needs of residents. However, in most cases, preference is given to bedrooms and rest rooms.

Conditions that determine the suitability of the attic room for the arrangement of the attic

How to determine the suitability of the attic to arrange residential premises? Experts concluded that the suitability of the attic for residence is determined by the following factors:

  • A certain shape of the roof;
  • The corresponding design of the attic floors;
  • Carrier roof design.

Typical forms of roofs used in the framework of wooden planms of mansard:

Important!The first requirement that is presented to the attic roof is the presence of an angle of slope, which must be at least 35 degrees, and as it increases, the comfort of living on the attic floor increases. Nevertheless, flat and gentle roofs are not suitable for the arrangement of attic rooms.

For the arrangement of wooden planms, the most suitable are considered:

  • bartal hip roofing;
  • double roofing with fronton;
  • the roof of the mansard type.

Projects such roofs involve the absence of vertical supporting racks, which favors the creation of a residential interior and facilitates the planting of a wooden house attic inside. At the same time, remember that in the presence of horizontal beams, the arrangement of residential premises and the subsequent design of a wooden attic is possible only if they are located at no less than 2.2-2.3 m from the floor level.

The roofs of the attic type are also suitable for the arrangement of attic room. Due to the specific features of the design, namely, double bilate and a sufficiently large height, in the process of designing a naked wooden, the maximum features for design, including the creation of original plastic transitions, opens.

Important! Single and tent roofs, in view of the characteristics of their design, limit the useful area of \u200b\u200battic and the possibility of its planning, as a result of which are practically not used as part of the development of mansard premises.

Constructive elements of the attic and its features

If you at least once come across the construction of houses, you probably know that the foundation of any building is the foundation, the calculation of which is carried out taking into account the mass of the structure. If the attic was initially part of a common project, then the additional load was initially laid in the characteristics of the foundation. In this case, there are no restrictions in the process of choosing materials for its construction.

There are such cases when initially the general project of the building does not imply the construction of the attic. This suggests that the arrangement of the attic will be carried out after the construction of the main building. In these cases, it is necessary to calculate additional load on the foundation and design, which will prevent damage or destruction of the main building. In this regard, the construction of the attic should be carried out using lightweight materials - wood, sip-panels or aerated concrete.

Despite the fact that each system of the attic floor is unique in its own way and is characterized by a set of certain design features, in general, any attic consists of the following elements:

  • Roofing system;
  • Wooden case, intended for fastening the roof;
  • The ski run, which is the upper part of the roof, where the docking of the rafter is carried out;
  • The rafting system is the main carrying roof structure, which should withstand not only the weight of the roof, but also an additional load in the form of precipitation and wind. In this regard, the calculation of the rafter system is carried out taking into account the selected building material and climatic conditions of the area on which the construction is being built.

Important!To raise the power line system, experts recommend using a black metal according to GOST, a tree or galvanized thin-walled cold-made profile. In addition, you can combine materials - wood and metal, black metal and galvanized profile. If the installation of the rafter is carried out in hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to give preference to a thin-walled profile.

Important! The construction of an additional floor is carried out using lightweight materials, such as a thin-walled profile. His advantages are that it does not require welding and is collected directly in place with rivets and bolted joints.

  • The tree is also a sufficiently lightweight material and is suitable for organizing the rafter system, but needs additional processing by antiseptic

  • Mauerlat is a part of the roofing system in the form of a bar laid on the outermost perimeter of the walls and protruding as the basis for fastening the rafting beams;
  • SCOS to combine rafters, support beams and vertical racks, with the help of which increases the lifting design;
  • The internal support system that gives the attic additional stability when working with rooms with a large area;
  • Insulation cake, thanks to which a favorable microclimate is created in the attic room. It consists of hydro, sound and vapor insulation materials, as well as high-quality insulation.

Wooden mansard photo

Conditions and norms of arrangement of wooden attic

  • The guarantee of the effective construction of the attic is rational insulation, ventilation and compliance with technological processes, taking into account the pre-compiled attitudes of the attic. So that the attic stood for a long time and retains its initial characteristics, the following rules must be followed:
  • It is important to use a timber, whose thickness of at least 25 x 25 cm. This is important for the subsequent installation of heat-insulating materials, which are stacked in space between rafters and is characterized by a thickness of at least 20 cm;
  • The heat-insulating material used should be resistant to moisture and other external factors. The most appropriate is polystyrene, which, unlike rolled materials, does not absorb moisture, which contributes to an increase in the load on the carrier structure;
  • Between the thermal insulation layer and the roof, it is necessary to equip high-quality ventilation;
  • On the outer side of the rafter design, it is recommended to equip waterproofing and additional sound insulation layers.

Mansard in a wooden house do it yourself: step-by-step guide

  • The first stage of the construction of the attic - the mounting of the Mauerlat, which is installed on the external perimeter of the bearing walls of the house. According to experts, the most suitable material for this is a wooden bar 10 x 10, which is screwed with twists, pre-fixed in wall masonry;
  • The next stage is the construction of the macard frame. For the construction of vertical racks, a wooden bar can be used with a cross section similar to the cross section of longitudinal beams. Vertical beams are fixed at the corners of the room and set the bars between them, which are located at a distance of 2 m from each other. Next, it is necessary to secure all the wooden elements with metal corners and screws;
  • The fixation of the entire design is carried out by means of a wooden jumper, which tightens the vertical racks at the top. In the process of consolidation, use the construction cord with which you can trace the safety of the overall geometry of the attic design;
  • Lower rafting beams are fixed to the erected frame. For this, the bar is cut into account with the calculated length, and in its base, the grooves are cut out, which will ensure high-quality mounting of the bar to Mauerlat. Next, the upper part of the rafter is cut under the estimated angle, and the lower attachment to Mauerlat;
  • At the next step, the upper rafting beams are installed. The complexity of this stage lies in the fact that it implies the need to implement the centering and adherence to all corners of the structure;
  • On top of the system, the rafter is laid by a layer of vapor barrier material, which will subsequently hamper. More information about the choice of design and material for the crate will be described further;
  • The next stage is the arrangement of insulating cake. According to the inner surface of the rafter system, a layer of vapor insulating material is placed, which is fixed with scotch or construction brackets. Thermal attic insulation is carried out, which implies the fastening of the insulation, which is fixed using the inner crate in increments of 0, 5 m;
  • On top of the crates it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing, which will protect the wooden elements from moisture. Up the waterproofing is carried out in the installation of the roof.

Thus, the cake of the scope roof is equipped according to the following scheme:

  • On the outdoor side of the roof frame, the waterproofing membrane is placed (the seams are located vertically, the nestrest is 20 cm);
  • On top mounted crate and placing roofing material;
  • From the inside between the inclined beams lay a layer of heat-insulating materials (polystyrene, mineral wool or basalt plates), the thickness of which depends on the climatic conditions of the area;
  • The layer of heat-insulating materials is covered with a vapor barrier film, which will prevent moisture from the street and will not miss the humid air from the inside of the room;
  • The final layer of the cake is an inner suit that keeps thermal insulation and acts as the basis for finishing the attic room.

Fastening and selection of material for crate

Okeekhet It is a construction of bars laid perpendicular to the rafter feet (which are attached to them), intended for the weight of roofing and its reliable fixation.

The material and design of the crates depend on the selected roofing coating.

Shelter It is a solid design of leaf boards with a thickness of 25 mm and a width of no more than 140 mm. Width restrictions are explained by the fact that excessively wide boards may undergo deformation. If the distance between the rafters exceeds 1 m, it is necessary to participate their step, consolidating special bars between them, and only after that lay wide boards. After that, the rubberoid or pergamine is placed, on top of which the roofing material spread.

Important! The doomle of this type contributes to increasing the reliability of the roof and reduce the noise from the rain. Moreover, it is suitable for any roofing.

Obetka under metal tile. Characterized by its features. It must be rarefied and, if possible, adapt to the tile waves. For its installation, cutting boards are used in size 25 (30) x 100 mm, which are stacked with a step of 80-100 cm. Note that before mounting on the rafter, it is necessary to put the hydraulic protection membrane. The board, located closest to the eaves, is installed above the rest on the tile wave. If you use short boards for mounting under metal tile, then their joints are recommended to be placed in a checker;

Dooming under ceramicherepitsa It is characterized by the most complex design and begins with the installation of the hydrober, after which it is equipped with a rarefied fragrance of bars with dimensions of 50 x 50 mm. The complexity arising in the process of installation of such a crate is to maintain the exact rhythm between the elements, since one step is equal to the covering surface of one tile.

Design and decoration of the attic room

The final stage of the arrangement of the attic - interior decoration and decorative design of the room. Despite the fact that, in general, the design is determined by the taste preferences of the owner, there are certain rules, the observance of which will allow making an attic room as comfortable and functional as possible.

Used finishing material . If you equip the attic at the cottage, cottage or in a country house, exploited only in a certain period of time, it is recommended to use Fane or OSB to finish the walls of the room, which are subsequently closed with decorative trim. In a residential building, the walls are equipped using drywall, followed by decorative materials or directly using wooden lining;

Height wall . For a free movement around the room, the furniture is recommended to be placed around the perimeter of the room, taking into account the height of the wall. For example,

  • If the height of the wall does not exceed 0.5 m, usually create a deaf zone. Their use with benefit is possible if they have to embed the shelves, bedside tables and cabinets;
  • With the height of the walls to 0.8 m near them, there is a bed on which it will be convenient to lie and sit. At the same time, getting up, you will be distinguished from the wall, which will allow you to not hit your head about the ceiling;
  • If the height of the walls is up to 1.3 m, the work area with the table is allowed under the wall;
  • If the height of the wall corresponds to the growth of a person, you can freely move around the perimeter of the room.

The inclined planes of the attic room opens up new design possibilities for wooden attic, the photo presented in the article allows you to make sure.

The functionality of the room in the locations of the roof joints and gender, where the acute angle is formed, can be raised in several ways:

  • Install a vertical wall called parapet, and place heating radiators, niches for storing things or hide communications;
  • Install furniture made to order, one side of which will repeat the configuration of the room.

Important! The height of the parapet - the value is not arbitrary and is determined by the angle of inclination of the roof plane.

The attic ceiling is often limited to horizontal overlap, which looks good in the framework of modern styles. However, according to non-standard thinking designers, the broken line formed by the roofing rods looks much more effectively. It not only increases the height of the room, but also opens the horizontal beams of the wooden roofing design. Such a constructive solution is most relevant within the framework of modern stylistic decisions, such as Loft and European Ethnics, especially popular in modern country construction.