Action hybrid: features, cultivation and use for decorative purposes. Deytion rough planting and care in the open field in the suburbs Deytion hybrid ornamental trees and shrubs

1478 03/10/2019 7 min.

Deutsia is a real decoration of the garden: the plant is distinguished by remarkably decorative white and pale pink flowers. It is precisely for the decorativeness of the flowers, which creates white foam on the bush of action, that gardeners appreciate it so much.

The plant is not the easiest to care for, however, the chores are fully compensated by the magnificent flowering that can make anyone smart. garden plot. In the article, we will consider the question of how to grow action in open ground and how to take care of it. We will also get acquainted with the most popular and decorative varieties and types of action.

Description and types

Action - evergreen, but at the same time deciduous. It is a fairly tall shrub with spreading branches. During the flowering period, all branches of the action are strewn with beautiful white-pink flowers of a delicate shade. In the wild, the plant is found in Mexico, East Asia, and the Himalayas.

Note that for our gardeners this plant is still new, but in a short period many people have already fallen in love with it. Modern selection works wonders, and varieties of action have already been artificially bred, possessing increased decorativeness, various colors of petals, undersized and tall species.

On the video - shrub Deytion:

In height, the bush can be from 40 cm to 4 m. But the latter option is found only in the wild, in natural conditions. In the gardens of our climatic zone, mainly low or medium-sized varieties are grown. The period of life of action is not less than a quarter of a century.


In total, there are about 50 different types and varieties of action. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.


This is a hybrid variety. It has an average frost resistance, but even if the roots freeze in winter, the plant easily comes to life in spring. The flowers of this action are pale pink, very decorative and elegant.

Deutsia Pink


This plant is found in the wild even in our Far East, as well as in China and Korea. Its other name is small-colored. It has small white flowers, devoid of aroma. Flowering period - three weeks, begins at the end of June. It has a fairly fast growth.



This type of plant has terry white delicate flowers reaching 3 cm in diameter. Very decorative. Blooms in June-July. Under favorable conditions, it can live up to 50 years. The minimum lifespan is 20 years. It grows up to two meters and is very spreading.

Rough (star-shaped)

The plant is found in its natural habitat in China and Japan. In height, rough action can reach 2.5 m. The name is due to the fact that its leaves have an edge of short villi star-shaped. Because of such an edge, the foliage is rough to the touch. This kind of action blooms late: not earlier than July, and this period lasts from two to three weeks.


Its flowers are white or slightly pinkish. This type of action formed the basis of many artificially bred hybrid varieties with increased decorative effect. Including among the hybrids of the plant, you can see two-color variants of the color of the petals, speckled, and terry.

hybrid strawberry fields

This artificially bred plant variety has an incredible beautiful flowers: bright pink, lush. Strawberry fields bloom in June-July, and very abundantly. Suitable for decoration of hedges, and also great in single and group plantings.

hybrid strawberry fields


This plant has a compact bush size (up to 1.5 m) and very elegant flowers of a pale pink hue. Refers to the purple types of action. The plant is frost-resistant and unpretentious in care. Even if frost hit at -28 degrees, then the action of calmiflora will successfully endure it, unless, of course, the frosty period drags on for a long time. Blooms early: May-June. But how they look, and in which part of the cabin it is worth planting them. indicated in this article.


Note that the action is unpretentious, so any gardener, not even the most experienced, can grow it. The main thing is to find the most suitable place in the garden for planting (and do not forget that the action will be in one place for at least a quarter of a century), and also do not forget to cover the plant before each winter. With such care: elementary and uncomplicated, the action will delight every summer with its wonderful flowers.

Location selection

Actions better grow on open areas garden, but at the same time protected from too aggressive direct sunlight. The perfect place there will be a plot next to a tall tree: its crown will protect the delicate flowers of deutsia from exposure to the sun, but at the same time will not create too much shade.

Make sure that the site is protected from drafts and strong impulses of faith: the action does not really like such “whims” of the weather.

Before placing a seedling in the ground, first decide on the overall garden composition. It is necessary to clearly understand whether the action will be a single plant, or will be included in some kind of landscape group. Also, the bush can be used for hedges.

Soil preparation

Action needs fertile soil, and at the same time - light. Good fit for her slightly clay soils moderately moist. If the site is in a lowland, or the soil is swampy, it is better not to plant an action in that place: the presence of stagnant water is unacceptable for it.

It is recommended that before placing a seedling in the ground, carefully dig the last one. This will saturate the soil with oxygen, and make it lighter, looser. It is also desirable to add humus, river sand and compost to the soil: this will make the substrate more nutritious and fertile.

Landing in the ground

Action seedlings are placed in open ground in early to mid-spring. The exact date depends on the individual climate of the area. In order for the plant to take root and take root well, enrich the soil with a fertilizer consisting of 100 g of nitrophoska.

Pre-examine the roots of the seedling: if they are dry, place them in a clay mash. And if they seem too long, cut, but only slightly.

The hole for planting the action should be half a meter deep. If you immediately plant several seedlings, keep a distance of at least one and a half meters between them: the bush grows sprawling. This distance can only be made small if you form hedge.

At the bottom of each dug hole, it is necessary to place drainage with a layer of 10-15 cm. Expanded clay, brick chips, gravel, small pebbles can be considered as drainage. After that, the seedling is placed in a hole, and sprinkled with soil on top.

Please note that the root collar young plant should be flush with the ground, but a slight depth of 1.-2 cm is acceptable. After the seedling is in the ground, water it and pat the soil.

It is recommended to mulch the soil located within the root circle of the action. To do this, use sawdust or dried peat. Mulching will help retain moisture, preventing it from escaping into the ground too quickly. And so that young seedlings grow faster, experienced gardeners cut off their tops.

At this point, the process of planting the action in open ground is considered completed. Now you just need to take good care of this beauty, observing simple rules. We will talk about them further.

The plant is remarkably drought tolerant, so frequent watering does not need. However, action completely devoid of watering will not be able to please with its decorative flowering. The optimal frequency of watering is once a week if there was no precipitation. When it rains, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of watering. In addition, experienced gardeners during heavy rains cover a piece of land in the root circle of action with a dense film to avoid subsequent stagnant water.

It is important that during irrigation there is enough water to soak the soil for half a meter: it is at this depth that its roots lie. And in mid-August, watering stops, since at this time the plant must begin to prepare for winter.

Loosening, mulching

To make your life easier and loosen less often, you can mulch the soil with bark, peat or sawdust. But how it happens, this article will help to understand.

top dressing

Fertilize in this case only during flowering. Besides, every month active life plants in warm time you can add water with liquid manure dissolved in it. But, and how to properly set it up on your site, this information will help to understand.

On the video - growing Deutsia:


The plant needs pruning, as this procedure helps the action to take a neat and nice shape. In addition, the bush tolerates the procedure quite easily, only becoming even more magnificent.

It is recommended to prune the action after winter and before winter, but not during flowering and active growth. In the spring, it is also necessary to inspect the bush that survived the winter, and remove all broken and deformed branches with a pruner.

After the flowering period is over, the branches on which there were inflorescences must be shortened to a young shoot. This is about a quarter of the length of the branch. But how pruning occurs in the spring, the information from this will help to understand

Pests and diseases

The plant has good resistance to diseases and pests. Only in rare cases can a proboscis affect the action, focusing on the foliage and branches of the plant. To cope with this scourge, karbofos or other suitable insecticides are usually used.

On the video - how to care for the bushes:


When growing action, it is very important to properly cover it for the winter. Due to our frosts, shoots often freeze out from the plant, which leads to a subsequent lack of flowering.

You can cover the soil in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe root circle with foliage or straw: this will protect the roots of the plant. Special attention young growth - it can generally be covered for the first few winters cardboard boxes from above completely, plus add protection with coniferous spruce branches.

If the deytion variety is not particularly frost-resistant, then even mature plant it is recommended to cover for the winter with spunbond or burlap, fixing the protection around the trunk. But how to apply in this case, this article will help to understand.

Attention: with the arrival of heat in the spring, hurry up to remove the shelter in order to prevent the roots of the plant from overheating: this problem can even lead to its death.

We examined the features of growing action in the open field. The plant is distinguished by rare unpretentiousness, so caring for it will not cause much trouble. But every year you can enjoy the magnificent view of the blooming action. The tips from our article will help you competently plant and grow this beauty in your backyard.

Deutzia, Deutsia. Low deciduous shrubs (up to 2 m tall). The leaves are simple, opposite, the flowers are graceful, white, sometimes pinkish or purple, odorless, collected in racemose inflorescences, developing on the shoots of the previous year. The fruits are almost spherical.

Types and varieties of action

There are 50 plant species in the genus, distributed in East Asia, the Himalayas, and Mexico.

In ornamental gardening and landscaping, there are about 10 species and a number of hybrid varieties.

Amur action, or small-colored action (Deutzia amurensis)

Homeland - the Far East, China and North Korea. In culture since 1862.

Shrub up to 2 m high with spreading branches. The bark of the shoots is brown, later - gray. Leaves up to 6 cm long, finely serrate, pointed at the apex, pubescent on both sides. The flowers are white or slightly pinkish, odorless. Blooms from late May to late June. The fruits are yellow-brown.

Very decorative undersized hybrid of Amur and purple deutsii - deutsia calmieflora(Deutzia x Kalmieflora) is also quite stable, although it can freeze in severe winters with low level snow cover.

Deutzia graceful (Deutzia gracilis)

Shrub with a lush hemispherical crown in nature up to 1.5 m high, in culture, as a rule, does not exceed 0.5-0.7 m in height. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate, 6 cm long, serrated along the edge. The flowers are small white, collected in dense erect brushes up to 9 cm long. Blooms in early August.

Winter-hardy in the south of central Russia.

There are decorative forms, the most popular of which are:

f. aurea with yellow leaves and f. albo-marmorata with leaves dotted with white spots.

Rough action, or star action (Deutzia scabra)

Homeland - China, Japan.

Deciduous shrub. The bark is brown, in adult plants it exfoliates. Leaf blade oblong-ovate, up to 8 cm long. The leaves are rough, covered with small hairs. The flowers are white or pink, odorless, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Collected in apical racemose inflorescences up to 12 cm long. Blooms in July-August.

Decorative forms of action rough:

f. plena- differs in terry white, outside pink flowers;

f. candidissima- differs in terry pure-white flowers;

f. watereri- distinguished by white flowers, with outside carmine;

f. roseo-plena- different pink double flowers;

f. punctata- characterized by small white spots on the leaves.

USDA zone 4. Winter-hardy in the south and in the center of Russia. Exists garden molds with white and pink double flowers. Can be used in decorative compositions, use as a tapeworm is undesirable due to possible damage to the aerial system in winter period down to snow level.

Deutzia Lemoine or hybrid deutzia (Deutzia x lemoinei)

Homeland - East Asia, Himalayas, Mexico. A hybrid of the graceful action and the Amur action.

Deciduous shrub, up to 1.5-2 m high. The branches are erect, brown in color. The leaves are oval with a sharp apex up to 8 cm long, gray-green in color, the underside of the leaf is lighter. Autumn leaf color is yellow. The flowers are white, up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in erect paniculate inflorescences up to 10 cm long. Blooms in late May - June up to 3 weeks. It blooms on the shoots of the current year.

Popular varieties of action Lemoine:

‘Boule de Neige’, Strawberry Fields- up to 1.5 m tall, white flowers, about 2.5 cm in diameter;

Perle Rose' - up to 1.8 m tall, pinkish flowers, bloom in early July, recommended for southern regions;

"Pink Pom Pom"- differs in bush height up to 2.5.

USDA Zone 4(5). For successful overwintering, it is necessary to cover the root system with peat or other dry bulk material.

Action Care

Actions are photophilous, drought-resistant, prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soils. The planting hole is filled with a mixture of garden soil, peat and humus (1: 1: 1), sand is added on heavy soils (up to 20% of the total volume). The root neck should not be buried when planting. Spring in trunk circle make a complete mineral fertilizer. In hot summer, they are watered 2-3 times a month, spending 1-2 buckets of water for each plant. Loosen to a depth of 20 cm.

In the spring, on the deytion bushes, all twigs damaged by frosts with twisted, defective flowers are removed. After flowering, all faded branches are cut to the first strong new shoot or to the base. In adult bushes, the oldest stems are removed at soil level. For rejuvenation, old bushes are cut "on a stump."

Reproduction of action

propagate spring sowing(without pre-treatment of seeds), layering, root offspring, woody and green cuttings.

Various perennials are used to decorate the garden. In action, planting and care in the open field are simple, so it has recently been increasingly seen in summer cottages and household plots. The charm of this shrub is the delicate, as if openwork, flowers that densely cover it. I want to love them endlessly. How to properly plant and grow this plant in the open field so that it turns into a beautiful action and pleases your eyes with a magnificent appearance?

A few words about the eastern perennial

tender plant appeared in Russian gardens recently. Its homeland is East Asia. The perennial belongs to the Hortensia family and is a deciduous shrub with a height of 0.4 to 2 m. Pieces of exfoliated bark can be seen on the stems of the action. This process is characteristic of the family and is its feature. Opposite perennial leaves are similar to honeysuckle leaves. When the time for flowering comes, and this is usually June, pink or white flowers bloom in action, collected in racemose inflorescences. Although the flowers do not smell, they are abundantly strewn with perennial twigs. Under favorable conditions, a beautifully flowering bush can be admired for about 3 weeks a year. The life of the action is 25 years.

Depending on your desire, you can cut perennial bushes annually or give them free development. In the first case, a hedge can be created from plants along the roadway, since these perennials are resistant to smoke. But still, most owners prefer to plant action in the garden. With natural growth, the branches of plants spread out luxuriantly, so they look great in the suburban area with single bushes. The company of action can be made up by others flowering perennials. For example, lilac rhododendron, pink weigela or yellow forsythia will go well with snow-white flowers of oriental action. Beautifully trimmed plant bushes, along with conifers, will create beautiful compositions in gardens.

How to plant an action

Do not forget that the beautiful action came to Russia from countries with a warmer climate. She does not like wet soils and cold winds. But the plant is most afraid severe frosts. If you like action, planting and care in the Moscow region must necessarily include protection from hypothermia of the bushes. by the most important condition Survival action in winter will be the choice of the right place for the perennial habitat. It is best to plant the plant in the spring on the western or southern gentle slope of the site. These sides are more illuminated by the sun, and usually a sufficient amount of snow accumulates in such places, which will protect the bushes from freezing in the cold season. Remember that the groundwater level at the landing site of the action should be low.

The second condition for the successful life of a perennial in your garden will be optimal soil for him. Since the plant does not like waterlogging, a nutrient soil consisting of peat, sand and rotted leaves in a ratio of 1: 2: 2 is suitable for it. If the soil in your area is different, then you will first need to select an unsuitable soil from the planting hole and fill it with the nutrient composition indicated above.

Having chosen and prepared a place for landing a capricious beauty, you can go to the store for her. You should carefully inspect the seedlings and pay attention to the integrity of the buds and the shoots themselves. They should not be damaged and signs of disease. It is better to purchase young action seedlings with an open root system, and not in containers. So you will consider not only the shoots, but also the roots, and make sure that they are intact and not overdried. If the roots are dry, then before planting you will need to soak them for a couple of hours in a liquid mixture of water and clay, adding 3 g of potassium permanganate to the mash.

Further, a hole is dug on the site with a depth of 0.4-0.5 m. Since the adult shrub is quite sprawling, the distance between seedlings or other perennials should be at least 1.8-2.5 m. A layer of drainage is poured into the bottom of the hole, this can be sand or small pieces of broken brick. Then they take a seedling of action and carefully lower its roots into the hole, filling the space with prepared nutrient soil. If your site is on acidic soils, you can add 300 g of slaked lime to the planting pit. Make sure that the root neck of the perennial is not buried in the soil by more than 2 cm. After planting the seedling, carefully tamp the soil around it and pour it with warm water. From above, sprinkle the area with peat about 5 cm thick. To make the perennial bush more actively, shorten its shoots to 3-5 buds.

Watering and fertilizing capricious action

Since the oriental plant does not like waterlogging, it needs moderate watering. One bucket in 7-10 days will be enough for a perennial. During the flowering period and on hot and dry July days, the action can be watered more often. Each time after watering, you need to loosen the ground under the perennial to a depth of 15 cm. The same procedure should be done after rains. In the second decade of August, the action is stopped. With the onset of autumn and the arrival of rainy days, it is advisable to prepare a waterproof material for the plants, such as polyethylene, and cover the ground under the bushes with it.

Once a month from the end of May to August, the perennial must be fed. To do this, liquid manure is applied under each shrub (at least 3 liters per 1 plant). In the spring, you can feed the oriental beauty with 120 g of mineral fertilizer - superphosphate. In autumn, no fertilizers are applied under the action, otherwise it will endure the cold season worse.

Pruning bushes and preparing them for wintering

Pruning of bushes is carried out annually at the end of April and in the fall, after the plants have finished flowering. In the spring, perennials are inspected for damaged or broken branches, carefully removed. It is necessary to cut off the ends of the shoots that have frozen in winter and the branches that grow inside the crown. The branches that have faded in summer are cut to young shoots, and the new shoots themselves are shortened by 1/3 of their length. Thanks to the pruning procedure, the branches will begin to bush better and flower buds will begin to form on them. So that the shrub does not grow old, when it reaches the age of five, it is rejuvenated once every 36 months. To do this, the old branches are removed to the very foundation. Sometimes all the branches are cut at the root so that the plant is completely rejuvenated. At correct execution of all procedures, the action will bloom every summer, starting from the second year of life.

The most dangerous time of the year for perennials is winter. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the shrub for the cold period in advance. In areas with snowy moderate winters, for this, the branches of the action are simply bent to the ground. But in the conditions of the Moscow region, the perennial will need a more serious shelter. After pruning, young bushes are not only bent to the ground, a wire frame is installed above them and covered with spruce branches or a layer of fallen dry leaves. Polyethylene is thrown on top of the frame to protect the plant from moisture. For an adult action, this method is not suitable. You will need to first tie the bush with twine, then wrap it with a spunbond or a piece of burlap. In such “clothes”, the plant will be warm and at the same time its buds will not dry out, but will develop normally in the spring. The perennial is opened after all the snow has melted.

About varieties of oriental plants

There are about 50 varieties of excellent action in the world, but not all of them are suitable for the conditions of the Moscow region. What plants will definitely take root in the indicated area and delight their owners with lush color? Most often in middle lane In Russia, you can see the following perennial varieties:

  • small-flowered action;
  • rough action;
  • graceful action;
  • action pink;
  • Lemoine action.

What is each of these plants? The second name of the small-flowered action is Amur. Its bush in gardens near Moscow can reach up to 1.5 m in height. As the name implies, this perennial has small flowers (only 1-1.2 cm) white color, with which he pleases others about 20 days of June. Each flower is surrounded by 5 petals. This variety of plants develops very quickly, it is resistant to gases, sunlight and moisture.

Action rough— more tall plant. It can grow up to 2 m. The leaves of the perennial are covered with small hairs, because of this they seem rough to the touch. The action is called stellate for the shape of the flowers, whose petals are pointed, like the ends of asterisks. This variety has several varieties of flowers 1.5 cm in size. Some of them are double and pink, others are white. A characteristic feature of all of them is a rather late flowering - the end of June. Racemose inflorescences will show off on the branches from 14 to 20 days.

Action graceful- a small shrub. It does not exceed 1.2 m in height, so they are often decorated with borders, perennials are planted in the foreground of bush compositions. Already in the second year after appearing in the garden, the plant will delight you with graceful snow-white tassels, consisting of 4-5 dozen flowers.

Not so long ago, breeders crossed graceful and purple Deutsia, thanks to this, a hybrid deutsia pink. The small perennial is famous for its flowers, which are bright pink below and paler above. In shape, the flowers resemble small bells, collected in inflorescences of 20 pieces. The species is famous for its good frost resistance.

Bushes look attractive Lemoine's hybrid action. She was bred by crossing the Amur and graceful perennials. As a result, several decorative varieties were obtained. The brightest are raspberry outside and pink inside flowers. actions Strawberry fields. And pink inflorescences Mont Rose famous for their large flowers up to 3 cm. Unlike the variety Strawberry, flowers Boule de delicate white, collected in graceful panicles. All varieties of Lemoine's action in the Moscow region bloom at the end of June. Perennials when grown are characterized by a rounded crown, reach a height of 1.6 m and tolerate frost well.

Whatever kind of action you choose, know that with proper care for her, she will definitely answer you with gratitude: she will please lush crown, will give delicate inflorescences and make your garden attractive and cozy.

The genus deutsia includes about 50 beautifully flowering deciduous shrub species growing in the territories of East Asia, the Himalayas and Mexico. Their sizes fluctuate in a fairly wide range - from half a meter to 4 meters in height. A feature of these plants is the ability of the stems to grow even after severe freezing and bloom in the same year.

Varieties and types

It is found in the wild form in China and Japan. It owes its name to rough foliage, completely dotted with small villi. The height of this species is up to 2.5 m, the exfoliating bark of the stems is colored red or gray-brown, the tassels of inflorescences of a white or pinkish hue grow up to 12 cm in length.

  • Extraordinarily effective garden forms with overall flowers, under the weight of which the plant bends in an arc, while they are considered one of the most winter-hardy. These can also include decorative form action terry with terry white on the inside and pink on the inside outer side flowers.

From the mountainous areas of the Land of the Rising Sun, it is remarkable for its relatively low height (up to 1.5 m), spherical bushes and rich flowering. The leaves are pointed, up to 6 cm long, glabrous below and covered with hairs above, changing color from light green in summer to yellow in autumn. Pure white flowers form straight tassels up to 9 cm long.

The beginning of the flowering period of this species is dated 2 weeks earlier than the previous one, and its duration is 25-35 days.

  • - is one of the smallest with a height of up to 80 cm and a crown width of up to 100 cm. Flowering is very decorative, begins in late spring. In autumn, the foliage of the variety turns red-purple.

Medium in height (up to 2 m) species with brownish (later gray) stem bark, oval pubescent leaves up to 6 cm in length. The color of the foliage in spring and summer is bright green or gray-green, and brownish-yellow in autumn. Inflorescences are formed by white flowers and have a width of up to 7 cm. In its natural form it is found in the Far East, North Korea and China.

Up to 1.6 m in height, with a lush spherical crown, white flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, organized in straight panicle-shaped inflorescences. Begins to bloom in May.

  • In particular demand among gardeners are decorative varieties action Lemoine Strawberry Fields (with pale pink inside and crimson outside flowers)

  • mont rose (with no less interesting overall flowers of a bright pink hue and slightly twisted petals).

It is a very winter-hardy rough hybrid that has inherited its height. Inflorescences in the form of umbrellas up to 10 cm long are collected from white double flowers, giving a very lush bloom within 3 weeks.

  • with strong straight stems up to 1.8 m high, overall red-white flowers in racemose inflorescences and highly decorative bark, blooms in early to mid-summer and looks great even in late autumn and winter.

Hybrid based on graceful. Very compact (up to 1 meter in height) with dark green leaves and flowers with a diameter of one and a half centimeters.

One of the most attractive hybrids, up to 2 m tall, blooming in the first half of summer. Snow-white double flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences up to 12 cm long. optimal conditions growth and with proper care can live as long as 50 years!

Action planting and care in the open field

During planting, they should be determined at a distance of 2.5 m from each other and 2 m between rows. Locations that are open or slightly shaded from the midday solstice are preferred.

Landing is carried out at a depth of 40-50 cm, leaving the root collar flush with the ground. To stimulate flowering, plants are fertilized with liquid manure in a volume of 5-6 liters per plant.

Watering action

primer for action

Deytsiya prefers fertile neutral (with an acidity index of 5-8) soil. It can be loamy, but in no case is it drained by moisture accumulating elements, because the stagnation of earth moisture adversely affects the development of the plant.

The ideal substrate for adult action is a mixture of river sand, humus and peat (or compost) in proportions of 2:2:1. For the reasons described above, it is also highly recommended not to place the plant in places where groundwater flows close to the earth's surface.

Deytion transplant

The root system of actions includes 1-2 large roots, stretching in depth, and many small fibrous roots. It is the latter that give the action the ability to cope well with the transplant.

This procedure is carried out in the spring, for which the bush is carefully dug out, if possible preserving the structure of the earthen coma (the contour of the crown serves as a guide for the junction of the shovel with the ground).

Before planting a plant together with a clod in a new place, the soil of the planting pit is fertilized with a complex mineral fertilizer(20-30 g).

It is especially important to take into account the location of the root collar when transplanting, so that it is not too deep and, at the same time, does not rise above the level of the soil cover.

Fertilizers for action

Abundant top dressing of the action needs to be done only at planting, then it requires only 3-4 liters of liquid manure during flowering once a month. Additionally, it is recommended to feed it twice a season with a complex mineral fertilizer (100-150 g per bush).

Trimming action

Pruning is carried out 2 times a year - in spring (removal of frozen, dry, broken and crushed branches) and in summer (after flowering, main pruning). Summer pruning involves shortening the stems by one third with a concomitant adjustment to the shape of the bush.

In case if appearance action absolutely does not correspond to what you want, you can safely cut it to the very base, leaving one stump. These actions will have a stimulating effect on the growth activity of basal stems, which will eventually lead to the emergence of a new lush bush already next year.

Action shelter for the winter

Taking into account the fact that the action is a rather winter-hardy plant, by winter it should be covered with a light dried leaf, forming a layer of 10-20 cm.

At the end of autumn, the bushes are tightly tied with a suitable breathable material (for example, synthetics used in sugar bags), while the leaves that have not fallen yet play the role of an additional cover. Such a labor-intensive method achieves almost complete preservation of the bushes even at frosts down to -30 C.

Propagation of action by seeds

To propagate the action by seeds, sowing is carried out in the spring without their preparatory treatment. When sowing, it is quite enough to press the seeds tightly to the ground without covering them. After 3 weeks, shoots will appear, in the future, germination can last up to 3 years.

Seeds are kept in cool rooms, well corked in vessels or sealed in plastic bags. To avoid drying out of seeds and seedlings, it is recommended to use seed boxes for sowing. 1-year-old seedlings, exposed to low temperatures, need to organize a shelter, they should dive in the spring. In favorable conditions, flowering can occur in the 3rd year.

Action propagation by cuttings

Green cuttings - the most best method reproduction of action, characterized by a rooting rate of 90-100% at an ambient temperature of 15-30 C and artificial fog (due to spraying from nozzles).

8 - 10 cm from adult large stems are cut into cuttings in late spring or early summer. It is advisable to treat the cut with a root formation stimulator. Sandy peat and river sand are suitable for the soil mixture in equal proportions.

It is necessary to deepen the cuttings by half a centimeter, maintaining a slight slope, and sprinkle with a 3-centimeter layer of sand. After 2 years, seedlings can be planted in a stable place.

Lignified cuttings should be prepared at the end of autumn, when the plant is at rest. Cuttings 15-25 cm long with 3-5 buds on each, are tied together in bunches of 10-15 pieces and, in a vertical position, are almost completely covered with moistened sand. So they should be stored until spring in the basement, then they can be grown by analogy with green cuttings.

Deutia shrub is a genus with 60 species of flowering plants in the Hydrangea family. The natural habitat of this genus is eastern and central Asia(from the Himalayas east to Japan and the Philippines), central America and Europe. Also, a huge number of plant species are observed in China (about 50 varieties).
Deutzium flowers are named after the 18th century Dutch patron and botanist Johann von der Deutz.
The deytion shrub is a fairly new plant for modern gardens, with the only exception being the action scabra, which was seen in Japanese gardens Enegelbert Kampfer and Carl Peter Thunberg. But in fact, for the first time this flower appeared in Europe only after 1830, and two or three species noted in the Royal Horticultural Society were collected from the wild only during the 20th century.
The deutia shrub is grown as an ornamental plant for its pink and white flowers. Many cultivars and hybrids are also used for gardening, including double-flowered varieties: for example, deutia citricum is a hybrid of deutia gracilica and deutia parviflora. Creating hybrids allows gardeners to reap big benefits - for example, one species with drought tolerance and even more fragrant flowers. Sometimes, without a thorough study, it is very difficult to understand which particular family a particular variety or hybrid belongs to. We bring to your attention a photo of the action and detailed description the process of planting and care during the cultivation process. In addition, descriptions of the most popular varieties of action are offered, such as white and pink, hybrid and terry, wooly, strawberry and pink pom pom.
Deuterium flowers are often used as a border plant due to their height. Some varieties of deutsia are recommended for ground cover, for rock gardens, or simply for growing in containers and pots.

Description of the action and its photo

Deutsia is mainly a shrub, with a height of one to four meters. Most of them are deciduous, but some subtropical varieties can be evergreen. The leaves are opposite and with serrated edges. Look at the photo shrub action in the variety of varieties presented:

Action flowers grow in the form of a panicle or shield. The flowers are mostly white, but some varieties can be pink and red. Can be single with five petals or double with large quantity petals. They grow in loose clusters and bloom from late spring to early summer. The action is good because it does not cause allergies.
Shrubs that have shredded bark produce small fruits in the form of a dry capsule containing numerous small seeds. Recognizing the species is very difficult, often requiring knowledge of microscopic details such as leaf structure and seed capsule structure.
A non-flowering plant is easily confused with a honeysuckle bush.

Shrub care action

Many varieties of action do not tolerate winter cold, so the plant should be placed in a room well protected from drafts and frost. Plant action when leaving is very patient with various types soil and water conditions. But all when caring for a flower, it is worth making sure that it is grown in the sun in moist, but well-drained soil with humus with neutral acidity. It is not forbidden to plant the action in partial shade, but you should know that there will be much fewer flowers than when in the open sun. When organizing the care of a bush, action should follow the rule of providing scattered sunlight throughout the daylight hours.
As a rule, the plant is not vulnerable to various diseases and pests.

Action maintenance includes a pruning process, as all species grow on woody growths that have appeared since the previous growing season. This procedure is very important for its growth, but you need to choose the time when flowering has already ended - most often it is the middle of summer. If you prune them too late, they won't have enough time to produce new stems to bloom next year. Pruning in winter leads to the fact that for the whole next summer the action will remain without flower buds. And next spring, the flower with the stem will also not appear.
It is required to shorten the plant by about one third of the entire length. If pruned to soil level, this will stimulate the growth of new basal shoots, which will soon acquire their full length and ensure the succession of healthy shoots for the next year.

landing action

Deytion propagates without problems with the help of cuttings 8-10 centimeters long and soft shoots in May or June (well, or in July, when the wood is harder). They are placed in a mixture of sand and sandy peat and subsequently - in a greenhouse, under glass or under polyethylene film. Young plants of action before planting must be placed in good soil on the nursery space, and the roots should be pinched a little so that the flower bushes better. Only after two years is it recommended to plant the action on permanent place. And the best result can be achieved only if the plant is placed in loamy soil, but not too dry.
Also fertilize the soil by placing well-rotted manure over the roots or applying fertilizer periodically. this completes the landing of the action and then you should organize proper care behind the bush in order to get a great result in the very near future.

Action varieties

The hybrid action includes various varieties, crossed with each other. They are distinguished by bright colors and unusual leaves.

Deutsia pink

Deutia rosea is a fully downy deciduous shrub with pink and white flowers in late spring and early summer. Grows well in partial shade in direct sunlight and prefers medium water levels. The flowers of a rotary form are located in inflorescences in the form of a cymose shield. Drought tolerance is average. It is most picturesque in spring and summer.
This variety grows in soils ranging from pH5 (very acid ranges from 0 to 5.1) to pH8 (slightly alkaline ranges from 7.6 to 8). It is adapted to chalk, clay, loam, sandy loam, peat, sandy clay, sandy loam and sandy loam soils. Prefers fertile soil.
The rounded bush can reach a height of one meter and extends to about the same length. Achievement process maximum height often takes 6 to 10 years.
The pointed leaves retain their color in winter and summer.
The main method of propagation is cuttings.

Hybrid action whitest

Snow-white inflorescences of the whitest action reach 12 centimeters, double flowers reach three centimeters in diameter. The period of active flowering is June-July. Subject to all conditions for care, the plant can bloom and maintain a beautiful appearance from 20 to 50 years. It grows very quickly up to two meters.

Hybrid action graceful

Deytion graceful is a shrub with opposite simple leaves and slender curved stems. White flowers ripen in spring and summer. Also known as the slender hybrid action and is native to Japan where it blooms in April-May.
The plant grows up to two meters, but at the same time takes on a bulk form and usually extends to one and a half meters.
The slender bush has a greenish-brown with yellow accents shade of oval-shaped leaves 10 by 4 centimeters. They are smooth and thin with a pale green upper surface and smooth, almost snow-white lower ones. For two weeks in April or May, these shrubs are covered with snow-white racemes of cupped flowers. Pure white flowers on background beautiful green foliage makes the bush especially attractive to the eye - it catches the eye and spreads a delicate and fragrant smell.
This crop grows best in fertile, well-drained soil. Action is not picky about the level of soil acidity. Rarely exposed to diseases and various pests, but sometimes aphids attack and leaf spotting can occur.
There is a chance of developing dead wood and often looks soiled. Heavy pruning right after flowering keeps them looking good. The sun is full; humidity - medium; propagation - cuttings in warm weather.

Rough action is great

Magnificent deutsia is a hybrid of rough deutsia and vilmorena deutsia. Most often, the shrub reaches a height of 2-2.5 meters. Under the weight of the inflorescences, the shrub often sinks to the ground. The inflorescences are pinkish-white in color and will delight you for two to three weeks. Unlike its counterparts, the magnificent action prefers a place in the shade, for example, under a large canopy of trees. The flower will receive its magnificent appearance in full force with a sufficient level of humidity and diffused light from the sun. Do not forget, when planting the action, to cook good drainage, since she really does not like excessive moisture and salt in the soil.
You can use the plant in apartments in the city, as the flower calmly tolerates gas and smoke, without which a modern city cannot exist.
Action hybrid strawberry fields
Action hybrid strawberry fields is fluffy deciduous shrub with exfoliation of the bark. There are also simple, opposite ovate leaves and flowers in the form of a conical panicle. The petals of the flowers are quite wide, 2.5 centimeters each, raspberry outside and pale pink inside. Arranged in the form of terminal or axillary clusters and release a wonderful aroma on long distance. Blooms in early summer.
The flower is able to grow normally in partial shade and in full light. When planting, chalk, sand, clay and loam are also added to the soil. Loves high humidity but prefers well-drained soil. Propagated by coniferous cuttings.
Gardeners suggest planting a plant on the borders of garden plots and near houses.

action tourbillon rouge

Deutia tourbillon rouge is part of the Hydrangea family. It has five petals that form a cup-shaped or star-shaped flower. They often have a pronounced aroma during flowering from mid to late summer. More mature plants often have peeling bark.
The flower produces clusters of deep pink in early June with stamens yellow color against the background of sharply jagged green leaves. The height of the action can reach one and a half meters.
In order for the plant to actively develop, it is necessary to create conditions - fertile, not too dry soil, the place should be located in full sun. After the end of flowering, it is necessary to trim the shoot from 1/5 to the soil level.

Action of captivity

Action captivity is a shrub of medium height (one and a half to three meters). Foliage color - green, flowers - white or pink - bloom in late May - early June. Native to East Asia, this low maintenance shrub is perfect for any hell and window sill. Plena is the name for some varieties of deutia with double flowers that are pink on the outside and white on the inside. They form an airy shrub with slightly drooping branches.
The lanceolate leaves are green in color. The plant reaches three meters in height and slightly less in width. Pruning is not required, only if there is such a desire (be sure to carry it out immediately after flowering ends).
Deytion blooms on last year's shoots, so it must definitely form new branches with buds before winter. Well adapted to any soil. Grows well in full sun, but will also grow in shade.

Action mont rose

Deitia mont rose is a deciduous plant in the form of a medium-sized shrub. The leaves are ovate and have a purplish-pink cone-shaped inflorescence in early summer.
The flower is drought tolerant and grows vertically. In the garden, it will attract bees and butterflies. It is convenient for the garden because of its low performance.

Sort action terry

Deytion terry got its name thanks to double flowers. This is a relatively low plant with a height of 1.5-2 meters. The bush blooms during May June very abundantly. If a large number of flowers bloom, then the trunks of the plant bend. A special picturesque plant is given by star-shaped inflorescences with white petals inside and pink outside.

Action pink pom pom

Action pink pom pom is a flower with straight shoots two to two and a half meters high. It has rough leaves of a dark green hue. The flowers are pink outside and white inside. Inflorescences in the form of a panicle.
Deytion grows well in moist soil under open sun with humus. Does not tolerate frost. Many gardeners consider this variety one of the most beautiful.