Cold cucumbers for the winter in cans - classic, with mustard, vodka. Canning cucumbers with cold water

Cook delicious canned cucumbers not as difficult as it sounds. In our article you will find practical advice and recommendations for canning cucumbers, as well as simple recipes for preparations. Among them, you will surely choose something suitable.

An important period of the summer cottage season is the harvesting of the grown crop. Of course, every experienced housewife has her own proven and favorite canning recipes. However, it is never too late to try something new. Take note of our delicious canned cucumber recipes!

Canning cucumbers without sterilization

To prevent canned cucumbers cooked without sterilization from deteriorating during storage, jars and lids should be well sterilized.

You will need: 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 horseradish leaf, 6 black currant leaves, 2 cherry leaves, dill umbrella, 2-3 tbsp. salt, 1.5 liters of water.

Preparation... Rinse the cucumbers, cut off the ends and soak for a couple of hours. Place the cucumbers in clean jars along with the spices and rinsed leaves. IN hot water dissolve salt, cool and pour cucumbers with brine. Close the lids and leave for 2-4 days at room temperature... As soon as foam appears on the brine, pour it into a saucepan, bring to a boil and pour over the cucumbers. Cover with sterilized lids and roll up.

For pickling and canning, choose small cucumbers about 8 cm in size with thin dark green skin and black thorns.

Canning cucumbers without vinegar

Instead of vinegar, you can use natural juice or fresh sour berries such as red currants to preserve cucumbers in jars.

You will need: 1-1.5 kg of cucumbers, 1/2 kg of red currants, 6-8 cloves of garlic, 3 cloves, 10 allspice peas, dill umbrellas and currant leaves to taste, 2 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. salt, water.

Preparation... Rinse cucumbers, berries, leaves and umbrellas, cut cucumbers at both ends. Lay the leaves and umbrellas on the bottom of the sterilized jar, tightly lay the cucumbers and currant berries on top (you do not need to pick off the branches). Fill in hot water, cover and leave for half an hour. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Put cloves of garlic, pepper, cloves in a jar, cover with hot brine and roll up.

The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning: Altai, Beregovoy, Vyaznikovsky, Debut, Muromsky, Nezhinsky... The following hybrids are also distinguished: Prepaid expenseF1, Funny guysF1, GarlandF1, PicklingF1, ZozulyaF1, CourageF1, Parisian gherkinF1, fontanelleF1.

Canning cucumbers with citric acid

Crystalline can be used as an excellent preservative. citric acid... Add it directly to the jar before pouring the marinade.

You will need: 2-2.5 kg cucumbers, 5 cloves of garlic, 5 allspice peas, 3 dill umbrellas, black currant and cherry leaves, 1 hot pepper pod if desired, 8 tbsp. sugar, 4 tablespoons salt, 1 tsp. citric acid.

Preparation... Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the ends and soak for 2 hours in cold water. Rinse the herbs and place in the bottom of a sterilized jar along with chopped garlic, peppercorns and peeled, chopped hot pepper... Place the cucumbers on top and cover with boiling water, cover and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add some more water, salt and sugar, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour citric acid into a jar of cucumbers and fill with boiling brine, roll up.

Canning cucumbers with mustard

The mustard added when preserving cucumbers in one-liter jars adds finished product special piquant taste and unique spicy aroma.

You will need: 1 kg cucumbers, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. mustard seeds, 1/2 tsp. mustard powder, 4 black peppercorns, 2 allspice peas, 1 Bay leaf, black currant or horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas to taste, 1 tsp. 9% vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 liter of water.

Preparation... Rinse cucumbers and soak in cold water for 1-2 hours. Sterilize the jars and place the washed greens, garlic cloves, pepper on the bottom. Next, place the cucumbers tightly and cover with boiling water. After 10-15 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and pour over the cucumbers again, leave for another 10-15 minutes. For the marinade, mix 1 liter of water with salt and sugar and bring to a boil. Drain the water from the cucumbers, pour the mustard into the jar, cover with hot marinade and pour in the vinegar. Roll up immediately.

The simplest pickle pickle is water, vinegar, and salt. If desired, you can also add sugar, your favorite spices and spices to it, and vinegar can be replaced with sour natural juice, citric acid or vodka.

Canning cucumbers with vodka

Vodka, like vinegar, is a preservative. Try replacing half of the vinegar with vodka, and the cucumbers will not be as spicy, without a pronounced vinegar flavor.

You will need: 2 kg cucumbers, 4 cloves of garlic, dill umbrella, black currant or horseradish leaves, 5 tbsp. salt, 3.5 tbsp. white wine vinegar, 3.5 tablespoons vodka, 2 liters of water.

Preparation... Wash the cucumbers and soak in cold water for 1 hour. Rinse the herbs and place them in the bottom of the sterilized jar along with the garlic. Then place the cucumbers tightly. Mix water with salt and bring to a boil. Add vinegar, bring to a boil and pour in vodka, boil again. Pour the brine over the cucumbers and roll up.

Canning cucumbers with tomatoes

Prepared cucumbers go well with tomatoes. Add a couple more ingredients and a delicious snack is ready.

You will need: 1 kg cucumbers, 1 kg tomatoes, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1/2 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar, 2 liters of water.

Preparation... Rinse the vegetables, dry them. If desired, cucumbers and tomatoes can be cut into rings. Place the vegetables in a clean jar along with the parsley sprigs. Mix water with sugar and salt, bring to a boil and add vinegar. Pour vegetables with hot marinade, sterilize and roll up.

There are two ways of canning cucumbers - hot, in which it is necessary to boil the brine and pour the cucumbers prepared and put in a jar with it, and cold way, which does not require preparation and boiling of the marinade.

Cold canning of cucumbers

For canning cucumbers in a cold way, you do not need to cook a hot marinade, the fruits are pickled almost in own juice... The ingredients for the brine in this recipe are per liter can.

You will need: 1 kg of cucumbers, garlic, sprigs of dill and parsley to taste, 1.5 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. salt, 4.5 tbsp. 9% vinegar, 4.5 tablespoons. vegetable oil.

Preparation... Rinse the cucumbers, cut them longitudinally into quarters and place them in an enamel bowl. Add rinsed and minced greens and minced garlic. Add salt and sugar, add vinegar and oil, stir and leave for several hours. Then put the cucumbers in sterilized jars along with the released juice and roll up.

We hope our tips and recipes will help you prepare fresh harvest cucumbers without hassle!

Autumn will come in a few weeks. If you have not yet had time to prepare tomatoes for the winter, then you have the last chance to do it. If you go to the market, you will surely find ripe tomatoes there. To enjoy them in the cold winter, many of our fellow citizens use different ways their blanks - pasteurization, sterilization, as well as repeated pouring with hot water.

You can use any of the above methods. The main thing is to follow the cooking technique. Then your cans won't explode and your tomatoes won't go bad.

Every housewife knows that when harvesting tomatoes for the winter, it is necessary to use various spices... Most often, currant leaves, bitter red pepper, black peppercorns, dill, garlic, parsley, tarragon, bay leaf are used.

Useful properties of canned tomatoes

Tomatoes are not in vain popular among our fellow citizens. After all, this is a very tasty and nutritious vegetable. It is very rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, K. Tomatoes also contain useful carotene and a group of minerals - potassium, phosphorus and iron salts.

First of all, doctors advise eat tomatoes more often, both fresh and pickled, for people suffering from metabolic disorders. It is useful to eat them for diseases. of cardio-vascular system... Tomatoes contain pectin substances that help normalize blood cholesterol levels and slow down the growth of bacteria.

Subject to the rules of harvesting, pickled tomatoes can be stored without spoilage for many months, even under conditions an ordinary apartment... Over time, they produce a lot of lycopene, which helps prevent the development of cancer. Do not forget that not only the tomatoes themselves are tasty, but also the marinade in which they are in the jars.

Before proceeding with canning according to a proven recipe, need to prepare banks... First, they must be thoroughly washed with a stiff brush and baking soda, dried, and then turned over on a towel with the neck down to drain moisture. Before putting tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc. in them, the jars need to be poured over with boiling water again. Do not forget about the lids - they must also be washed well with soap or soda, rinsed running water, and then transfer to an iron bowl with hot water and boil for 15-20 minutes.

It is best to boil the lids just before pickling the tomatoes. Please note that they should stay in the same water for no more than 2 hours. If this time was not enough for you to prepare the contents of the jars, then you will have to boil the lids again for 5 minutes.

When everything is ready for you, you can do tomatoes... They are thoroughly washed in warm water, thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, and then washed again.

During conservation Special attention devote to sorting tomatoes. It is not recommended to put tomatoes in one jar. different varieties and the degree of maturation. Therefore, try not to mix red with green, and pink with brown. Before preserving, divide the tomatoes into ripe, green and brown. You should also sort them by size into large, small and medium.

The most suitable for winter preservation are medium and small tomatoes (cherry)... It is they who have excellent taste and visual qualities... But you should not use large tomatoes. They are best suited for making pouring juices. Choose tomatoes for conservation very carefully - they should not have spots, defects, cracks and stalks.

Try to use fruits of medium ripeness for harvesting for the winter. So you will be sure that they will not burst later. To avoid cracking, it is useful to prick the fruit at the location of the stalk with a wooden needle.

Before preserving, you can peel the tomatoes or use them as they are. However, it is imperative blanch the fruit for 2 minutes and refrigerate... This operation will help you without special efforts remove the skin from them. But you can preserve them in this form. Then after this procedure you will kill all germs.

To prepare vegetables for the winter according to the recipes of experienced housewives, you can use any glass container you have. Before placing the fruit, it is sterilized over steam for 10 minutes. After you blanch the tomatoes, they are transferred to the jars in an even layer. Then you can start sterilization or use the hot fill method.


When the tomatoes are in the jar, they can be poured with a prepared filling, heated to 100 degrees. After that, they are covered with sterilized lids and start to warm up... This procedure will help destroy the last remaining microorganisms in the fruit. This is the essence of the sterilization method.

Jars of vegetables harvested for the winter are sterilized in a large container. First, you must put a towel or a thin wooden plank on the bottom. It will not allow the jars to hit the container while the water is boiling. After that, you can put the jars of tomatoes on a board or towel.

Further water can be poured into the container... There should be enough of it so that its border is 2-4 cm below the neck of the cans. The pot can then be placed on the stove. The beginning of sterilization is considered to be the moment when the liquid boils in a container with cans. The duration of the procedure depends on the volume of sterilized cans - for three-liter cans it is 25 minutes, for liter cans - 15 minutes, and for half-liter cans - 10 minutes.

When all the cans are sterilized, they are taken out of the container, rolled up, after which they must be shaken well and turned over with the lid down. Then they are transferred to a dark place, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool slowly.

Hot fill method

The main advantage of the conservation method under consideration is that thanks to it, the tomatoes much better retain their appearance ... For him, it is better to take whole, rather than sliced ​​fruits.

First, you need to rinse the jars with moderately hot water, after which they are poured over with boiling water. Only after completing these steps can you fill them with the necessary ingredients - tomatoes, peppers, onions, etc. Next, they begin to carefully pour boiling water into the jars with fruits and let them stand for 2-3 minutes. Then the water is drained, after which the boiling water is poured again. After waiting the same amount of time as the first time, the water is drained, and then the cans of tomatoes are poured again, but now with hot pouring (marinade), after which they are rolled up.

In fact, it is very easy to prepare delicious sweet tomatoes for the winter using the conservation method. There are many simple recipes that any housewife can master. These tomatoes will perfectly complement any dish. We will give below one of these recipes for which you do not have to prepare a marinade. All ingredients are listed per 3 liter jar:

Cooking method

  1. The first step is to sort the tomatoes. For pickling, it is recommended to take red or brown fruits that do not have serious damage with dense pulp. Then they are washed under running water and allowed to dry. After that, the tomatoes are sized.
  2. Now you need to put the ingredients on the bottom of the prepared jars - bay leaves, peppers, onions, garlic and herbs. After that, you can start filling them with fruits.
  3. Now that everything is ready for sterilization, boiling water is poured over cans of tomatoes. After 3 minutes have passed, the water is drained. This procedure must be repeated two or three more times.
  4. Now you need to put salt and vinegar in the jars, add boiling water. After that, they can be rolled up with lids. Then they proceed as usual - the jars are shaken and turned over, and then rolled into a blanket, transferred to a dark place and allowed to cool slowly.

Tomatoes for the winter without sterilization

This method of harvesting tomatoes for the winter is also very popular among housewives. With its help you can quickly make delicious tomato blanks... Thanks to the technology used, pickled tomatoes will retain their taste and shape throughout the winter. Using this method, you can prepare not only tomatoes, but also prepare other, equally delicious dishes - lecho, adjika and ketchup with your favorite seasonings. Whatever you cook, you are sure that you will appreciate any of the named dishes and, perhaps, they will become one of your favorites in your family.

Recipe for tomatoes for the winter without sterilization

Here is a simple recipe for preparing delicious tomatoes for the winter using the sterilization method. For him you you will need the following products:

The process of preparing pickled tomatoes without sterilization

  1. We take carefully washed liter jars and put in them garlic, previously cut into halves, cloves, peppercorns, half a bunch of parsley. You can add an onion head here.
  2. Then we deal with tomatoes. Each fruit must be thoroughly washed and a hole made during the day with a toothpick.
  3. After the fruits are punctured, they are placed in a jar in dense rows.
  4. After the jars are filled to the brim, add the seasoning - a little bell pepper and the remaining amount of parsley.
  5. Now we take a saucepan or kettle, pour clean water and set to boil. Put jars of tomatoes in a bowl, pour boiling water there up to the very top mark of the neck.
  6. Now the jars need to be covered with metal lids and allowed to stand for 15 minutes.
  7. Then you need to take a small saucepan and pour 1.5 liters of clean water there.
  8. When the water boils, we make the marinade. Add salt and sugar there and let it simmer for about 5 minutes.
  9. Now you can drain the water from the cans, we don't need it. We take the prepared marinade and fill it with our tomatoes a second time, put the vinegar and roll up the jars with sterilized metal lids.
  10. We transfer the jars to a dark place, wrap them in a warm blanket and let them cool slowly.
  11. After that we keep our tomatoes in a warm room.


In our country, many people love tomatoes, and not only fresh, but also canned. Everyone can cook the latter. Today there are several simple ways preservation of tomatoes. Many of them have long been used by experienced housewives. Therefore, if you finally decide to pamper yourself and your family in the cold winter months with a wonderful side dish, for example, sweet pickled cherry tomatoes for the winter without sterilization, then you just need to carefully prepare for this process.

Pay special attention to the choice of tomatoes that you will pickle - they should be medium or small, no damage, brown or red. When preserving, follow the sequence of steps exactly. Then you can be sure that in winter, when you open your blanks, you will find exactly the kind and taste of tomatoes on your table that you wanted.

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Known historical fact that the natives of the Pacific Islands, in order to preserve cucumbers for a long time in case of crop failure, buried their ground, wrapping them in banana leaves. Our ancestors preferred their own, simpler way - they began to pickle cucumbers and did it in a cold way, that is, in cold water.

If you are not in the know, then I will explain a little how a cold ambassador differs from a hot one. Brine temperature difference. When hot, the brine is poured into jars that have just boiled, without cooling. When salting cucumbers in the first way, preservation is poured only with cold water. This is the simplest, and one might even say, the lazy version of harvesting for the winter.

Cold cucumbers for the winter in jars

Recipes for cold salted pickles are not much different from each other and are very simple to perform, but there are several nuances that you should know about so that your preparation does not disappoint you when tasting.

  • Be sure to soak the cucumbers on the eve of salting for at least a couple of hours, just during this time they will absorb water and this will make them dense, and even crispy.
  • Try to take greens of the same size in order to salt them evenly.
  • Do not forget that for salting you need to take a cucumber of a variety intended for pickling, they are with black thorns. Fruits with light - salad, they can also be taken, but in this case, be sure to cut the butts.
  • Put the zelents in the jars vertically - more will fit in, but do not tamp them too hard, tightly knit will not crunch deliciously.
  • What to salt with? Yes, everything is the same. Our ancestors used to do it traditionally in barrels or tubs, now we do it in 3-liter jars or enamel pots, it practically does not affect the taste.
  • Which lid to close, also does not really matter. But cans under a nylon lid require indispensable storage in the cold, rolled up under an iron lid can be left in an apartment. But a lot depends on the recipe.
  • It is not at all necessary to sterilize the jars; it is enough just to wash them in good faith.
  • Take regular salt, large - iodized or very small is not suitable, because of them the vegetables will be soft.
  • To give the preparation a special taste, you can put an onion, carrot, Bell pepper, squash. You can diversify the marinade with the help of not only spices familiar to everyone, such as garlic, dill or pepper. It will be appropriate hot pepper, basil, cherry leaves. Many people like to put oak leaf and horseradish leaves.

Attention! Currant leaves do not need to be put in jars with cold salting of cucumbers. They contribute to the formation of mold.

If the brine becomes cloudy during the salting process, do not be alarmed - this is a natural process. Time will pass, and it will become light again, and the foam will disappear.

A simple recipe for cold pickling cucumbers

The simplest and most hassle-free recipe in banks. By the way, it is also quick way cold salting of cucumbers - you will not find faster. After 3 days, you can already try what happened.

Take in a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Chives - 3 - 4 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves, horseradish, dill - not sparing, generous hand.
  • Peppercorns - 6 - 8 pcs.
  • Salt - 3 large heaped spoons.
  • Add some hot red pepper if desired.

How to salt:

  1. Put all the spices at the bottom of the jar, then distribute some of the chopped garlic between the cucumbers.
  2. Put the cucumbers soaked for several hours tightly in a jar (but do not tamp, as I advised above).
  3. Make a brine: dissolve salt in water and pour it into a container. Close with a nylon lid and send it out in the cold for long-term storage. For quick use, you do not need to remove it, but the workpiece will be ready after three days.

Cold ambassador for cucumbers in jars for the winter

A friend taught me this salting, and since then I consider it the most successful, cucumbers will be strong and crispy. This is a classic and very simple recipe.

  • Cucumbers.
  • Horseradish and cherry leaves, dill.
  • Garlic cloves - 4 pcs. on a three-liter can.
  • Peppercorns.
  • Salt - 3 large spoons per jar.

How to salt:

  1. Place the greens on the bottom, then place the cucumbers in the jar, alternating with chopped garlic. And pour the salt directly into the jar.
  2. Add water. If you trust your tap water, then it will do, we have good water, so I don't bother and pour from there.
  3. Leave the workpiece at room temperature for three days.
  4. After this time, drain all the water, put a spoonful of salt in the jar and refill it with water.
  5. Close the nylon lid and transfer to the cold. This will stop fermentation and the salting will be fine until the end of winter.

Cold pickling of cucumbers with mustard

I consider this recipe to be classic, with it, of course, there is more trouble, but here your cucumbers are guaranteed to be strong and crunchy. One pleasure is to take such a cucumber in your hand and crunch the whole apartment. Mustard will prevent mold growth as it is a good natural disinfectant. By the way, you take powder or grains - it doesn't make much difference.

Take on a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Chives - 5 pcs.
  • Chili pepper - one small size.
  • Cherry leaves, horseradish leaves, dill, if you find, then oak leaves.
  • Peppercorns - 6-8 pcs.
  • Mustard is a teaspoon.

Brine: per liter cold water 2 tablespoons with a slide of spoons.

Salting recipe step by step:

  1. Place all the leaves, pepper, and a couple of garlic cloves in the jar.
  2. Then put the greens tightly soaked the day before, sprinkling them with garlic. Top with mustard.
  3. Dissolve the salt in cold water, but in good faith, so that it disperses completely, and pour it into the workpiece.
  4. Close the jar with a nylon lid and leave to salt. Make sure to drop in at least a couple of times a week to top up the water if it stops covering the cucumbers.
  5. When the brine ferments and brightens, everything is ready. Move the jar to cold storage.

Cold pickled cucumbers with vodka

Another good recipe preserving cucumbers for the winter - add a little vodka there. This will ensure that the vegetable becomes strong and crispy.

Take on a 3-liter bottle:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Salt - 3 large spoons.
  • Vodka - 50 ml.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Chives - 4 pcs.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.
  • Dill umbrellas, cherry and horseradish leaves (or root),
  • Allspice - 8 peas.

How to salt:

  1. Cut the cloves of garlic and horseradish root, if you take it, cut off the tips of the cucumbers. I remind you that cucumbers should first be soaked for a couple of hours.
  2. Also prepare the brine in advance: put salt and sugar in cold water, let it boil and be sure to cool it.
  3. Put all the spices on the bottom of the jar, then put the greens. It remains to pour cold brine and pour in vodka.
  4. Dip the nylon lids in boiling water for a few seconds and immediately close the jars.
  5. Leave the jars in the apartment for three days, then put them in the cold. After 2 months, you can try the cucumbers.

As always, I remind you that there are never too many recipes, and there is still room in my piggy bank for yours. So, if you throw in your version of pickling cucumbers for the winter in a cold way, I will not protest. And on the contrary, I will say a tremendous thank you. With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

You can also preserve cucumbers in the country using only cold water; this method of preservation takes much less time. Cucumbers turn out to be crispy and moderately salty, since pure water takes away excess salt. Pickle from cucumbers is very tasty, it can be used to make pickle. Cold canned cucumbers can be stored in the closet of a city apartment for up to three years. The detailed recipe lists the products for making one three - liter cans cucumbers.

fresh cucumbers - 2 kilograms
dill inflorescences - 3 pieces
horseradish leaves - 1 large leaf
garlic - 4 cloves
black pepper - 3 peas
black currant leaves - 5 pieces
red chilli pepper - optional
mustard powder -? tea spoon
water - 1 liter
salt - 100 grams
baking soda - for washing cans


glass jars
metal covers
can seaming machine
tea spoon


It is enough to wash the jars with baking soda and rinse well with cold water
Wash cucumbers well, do not trim the ends. Wash horseradish leaves, currants, dill, paprika
Peel the garlic, chop the horseradish leaves
Put horseradish and black currant leaves, dill, black and red peppers, garlic, then cucumbers on the bottom in prepared jars - as tightly as possible to the top

Heat the water in a saucepan slightly and dissolve the salt completely
Pour the cucumbers to the top with the prepared brine, sprinkle with dry mustard on top. Cover the filled jars with lids, put plates under the jars for excess water
Cucumbers are salted for five days; you do not need to put in a cold place. If a bloom has formed on the cucumbers, and the cloudy brine has become more transparent, then the cucumbers are ready for rolling
Drain the brine as much as possible. Pour cold tap water and drain again to remove all the dregs
Once again, pour cold water over the cucumbers as much as possible. There should be no bubbles between the cucumbers. Remove bubbles, cover with a metal lid and roll up, there is no need to turn rolled up cans
Leave the banks in check. If the air still remains in the jar, then fermentation will take place and the lid will swell. If the lid swells, then open the lid and, adding water, roll up again