All the main extreme points of Russia and their coordinates.

Russia is located in the north of the Eurasia continent, occupying about a third of its territory (31.5%). The extreme northern and eastern points of the mainland are at the same time the extreme points of Russia. Country located in two parts of the world and occupies the eastern sector of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Russia washed by the seas of three oceans: Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific.

Between Europe and Asia within Russia, it was carried out Ural mountains and along the Kumo-Manych depression. Only slightly more than 1/5 of the country's area (about 22%) belongs to Europe. Moreover, the European territory of Russia is often understood to mean the entire territory lying west of the Urals (about 23% of the area). In any case, the Asian part of Russia accounts for more than 3/4 of the country's territory. The 180th meridian passes through Wrangel Island and Chukotka, therefore, the eastern outskirts of Russia lies in the Western Hemisphere. The geographic center of Russia is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Evenk autonomous region on Lake Vivi. The center of Asia is located in Tuva, near Kyzyl.

The Russian Federation is the largest state in the world in terms of territory, the area of ​​the country is 17 million 75 thousand 400 km 2 (one-eighth of the world's territory). The area of ​​Russia is 1.7 times the area of ​​Europe and 1.8 times the area of ​​the United States, 2 times the area of ​​the PRC and 29 times the area of ​​the largest European state - Ukraine.

Northernmost point

The northernmost point of Russia on the mainland is far beyond the Arctic Circle at Cape Chelyuskin(77 ° 43 "N) Cape Fligeli on Rudolf Island in the Franz Josef Land archipelago is located even further north - 81 ° 49" N, the distance from Cape Fligeli to the North Pole is only 900 km.

Southernmost point

The southernmost point is located south-west of Mount Bazarduzu in the eastern part of the Main, or Vodorazdelny, ridge of the Greater Caucasus, on the border of Dagestan and Azerbaijan... The latitude of the point is 41 ° 11 "N. The distance between the extreme northern and southern points exceeds 40 ° along the meridian, and the northern mainland point is 36.5 ° from the southern point. This is just over 4 thousand km.

This length of the territory from north to south, combined with the latitudinal position, determines the uneven flow of heat to the surface of the country and the formation within its limits of three climatic zones (arctic, subarctic and temperate) and ten natural areas(from arctic deserts to temperate deserts). The main part of the territory of Russia is located between 70 and 50 ° N. About 20% of the territory lies beyond the Arctic Circle. The area of ​​the regions of the North is 10 million km 2, in this respect only Canada can serve as an analogue.

Westernmost point

The westernmost point of Russia is located in the Kaliningrad region on the sandy Baltic Spit of the Gdansk Bay of the Baltic Sea at 19 ° 38 "30" E But due to the fact that the Kaliningrad region is separated from the rest of Russia by the territory of other states and is an enclave, the extreme western point has turned into a kind of "island" point.

Eastmost point

The easternmost point of Russia on the mainland is on Cape Dezhnev(169 ° 40 "W) - Ratmanov Island in the Bering Strait is located further east - 169 ° 02" W.

The distance between the western and eastern outskirts of Russia is 171 ° 20 "or almost 10 thousand km... With the vast extent of the territory from west to east, the degree of continentality of the climate changes, which entails the manifestation of a sector in nature change. Within Russian Federation there are 10 time zones.

The highest point of Russia is Mount Elbrus (5642 m), located in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic on the border with the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The lowest absolute height is noted in the Pre-Caspian depression (- 28 m).

And today at TravelAsk we decided to go around the whole of Russia ... And talk about the most extreme points of the country.

About extreme points

Russia is very big country, it owns an eighth of all territories on the planet. Therefore, of course, many are interested in where extreme points this territory.

Since the borders of Russia have already changed several times, its extreme geographic points, respectively, also. In general, they can be subdivided into mainland or island ones.

Extreme point in the south

The southernmost point is located about 3500 meters above sea level, in Dagestan, two kilometers from Mount Ragdan, on the border with Azerbaijan. Here, by the way, there is still no sign denoting the extreme south of Russia.

The most southern settlement is the city of Derbent. This is one of the oldest cities in Russia, which we will definitely tell you about someday.

Extreme point in the north

The extreme northern point of our country - Cape Fligeli - is at the same time the extreme northern point of Eurasia. It is located on Rudolf Island. People are extremely rare here, because this is one of the most hard-to-reach places on the planet. So, over the past 25-odd years, very few people have been here: perhaps during the installation of a 300-kilogram larch cross in 2003, which marks the extreme northern point of Russia.

As for the mainland, the extreme place in the north is Cape Chelyuskin in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is very cold here and the weather is unfriendly: sometimes it snows all year round, and the temperature does not rise above zero. That is, imagine, last year's snow simply does not have time to melt, as fresh snow falls.

V Soviet time Several buildings were built on the cape and a polar station was opened, which is now called the Radio Meteorological Center. People work here, and about 8-10 people winter every year. Buildings, however, are not all exploited, and some of them are abandoned. Once upon a time there was also its own airfield, but only a helipad remained from it.

And the northernmost city is the harsh Pevek in Chukotka, where winter can last for 10 months and even in summer there are sub-zero temperatures. And do you know what Pevek is notable for? The rate of population decline)) Imagine, for some 13 years (from 1989 to 2002) the number of inhabitants here has decreased by a record: from 12 to 5 thousand. More than twice! Well, there are abandoned villages around the city. Now gold is mined here, and earlier a tin deposit was developed.

Extreme point in the west

The westernmost point is located in the Kaliningrad region on the Baltic Spit. This is the Normeln border post.

The Baltic Spit stretches along the Gulf of Gdansk, thereby separating the Gulf of Kaliningrad from it. The nature is really amazing: after all, the width of this coast in some places hardly exceeds 300 meters. Half of this coast belongs to Poland; it is on this border that the westernmost point of Russia is located.

Well, the most western settlement is Baltiysk. Since the Russian Navy is located here in the Baltic Sea, the city was closed to the public for a long time. This contributed to the preservation of the unique nature of these places.

Extreme point in the east

The easternmost point of Russia is on the Ratmanov Island. There is no one here except the border guards. Well, like no one else) A huge number of birds (there is even an ocher hummingbird!) And walruses do not count. And from here it is only 4 kilometers to the United States, more precisely to the island of Krusenstern, which belongs to the States. Just a stone's throw)) Well, or take a boat)

By the way, negotiations were held several times to build a tunnel through Ratmanov Island, which will connect Eurasia and America.

But on the mainland, the most extreme point is Cape Dezhnev. On its territory there are settlements of Eskimos, and in general, in these harsh places there is definitely something to see. So, the cape was chosen by walruses, seals and many birds, and near the coast you can see humpback whales and killer whales. Such a wild and untouched place by man ...

And then there is the abandoned village of Naukan whalers. And the archaeological site of Ekven, where there are more than 2 thousand burials and a settlement from the time of the 1st millennium BC has been partially preserved. In short, all fans of brutal rest will be interested.

Well, the most eastern city of Russia is Anadyr. And many will probably be surprised that the city has been repeatedly nominated for the title of "The most comfortable city in Russia" and even won prizes.

Highest and lowest point

Well, if we are talking about extremes, then, of course, how not to talk about the lowest point in Russia - this is the coast of the Caspian Sea, which is 28 meters below the level of the World Ocean. By the way, we have already talked about this reservoir. here.

Well, the highest point in Russia is Elbrus. It is located at an altitude of 5642 meters above sea level, we also talked about it earlier.

The Russian Federation ranks the most large territory among all countries of the world. Actually, Russia owns an eighth of all territories in general. Therefore, many are interested in the question of where the extreme points of the territory of Russia are.

The answers will vary depending on whether we consider only continental points or any extreme objects. Let's take a look at both.

The southernmost point of Russia

As for the southernmost point of Russia, it is located on the mainland Eurasia and, therefore, is mainland. It is located on the territory of Dagestan, which itself is the southernmost subject of the Russian Federation.

A significant part of the territory of the republic is occupied by the mountains and foothills of the Caucasus, in the north there is a lowland and the Caspian Sea. In the south, Dagestan borders with Azerbaijan, it is on the border with this country that the southernmost coordinate is located.

Its coordinates are 41 ° 11′07 ″ north latitude, 47 ° 46′54 ″ east longitude. This extreme southern point is located in the mountains at an altitude of about 3500 m, not far from Mount Ragdan.

The southernmost settlement of the Russian Federation is Derbent. The second most ancient city in Russia emerged in the 4th millennium BC and was of great strategic importance. In the city you can see amazing architectural monuments, for example, the Naryn-Kala fortress.

Northernmost point

The northernmost point of the Russian Federation coincides with the northernmost point of Eurasia. This is Cape Fligeli, which is located on Rudolf Island (Franz Josef Land archipelago). This cape is named after the cartographer who described these places; coordinates of the point 81 ° 50'35 "north latitude 59 ° 14'22" east longitude.

And the extreme northern mainland point of Russia is Cape Chelyuskin. Located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it was first reached by the participants of the Second Kamchatka Expedition in the middle of the 18th century and was named after the navigator S.I. Chelyuskin.

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The climate here is very harsh, winter lasts more than 11 and a half months, frosts reach -52. But nevertheless, the climate on Chelyuskin, so to speak, is milder than on Oymyakon, one of the coldest places in the world.

The northernmost city in Russia is Pevek. Here long time no one lived because of the battle that took place in antiquity, but in the 20th century they appreciated the natural bay, which made it possible to create a convenient port, and the nearby tin and gold deposits. However, the rapid pace of development of the northernmost city in Russia cannot be called. The first two-story building in Pevek appeared only in 1942.

The city has unusual buildings: each microdistrict, like a wall, is fenced off on one side by a tall building. This is protection from the strongest wind, the yuzhak, which suddenly falls on the city, reaching hurricane speed and greatly reducing Atmosphere pressure... Yuzhak can last from several hours to two days.

The westernmost point of Russia

In the west, the extreme point of Russia is on the Baltic Spit. This is the Normeln frontier post, whose coordinates are 54 ° 27'45 "north latitude 19 ° 38'19" east longitude.

The Baltic Spit is a narrow strip of the mainland that separates a part from the Gulf of Gdansk. The spit stretches for 65 km, and only part of it (about half) belongs to the Russian Federation, the rest is the territory of Poland.

The westernmost point of Russia is located on the mainland, not far from the city of Kaliningrad (Königsberg), one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. Kaliningrad is a recognized tourist center with many amazing architectural monuments and good hotels. Restraining the influx of tourists is the need to have a passport and obtain a visa to travel through the territory of Lithuania.

The westernmost city in Russia is Baltiysk, located near Kaliningrad. It is a fairly large city with the largest Russian naval base in the Baltic. There is also a train station and a large port.

This city was closed for a long time, so the magnificent nature has been preserved here almost untouched: sandy beaches, coniferous forests; there are also historical monuments.

The most eastern point of Russia

And the last of the extreme points of the Russian border is the eastern one. This is Ratmanov Island, whose coordinates are 65 ° 47 ′ north latitude 169 ° 01 ′ west longitude. It is named after the Russian navigator M.I. Ratmanov and is located in the Bering Strait.

The easternmost point of Russia cannot boast of being crowded: only the border guard base is located here. But freedom for birds: on the island there is one of the largest bird colonies, where they even saw an ocher hummingbird. There is also a huge walrus rookery.

If we talk about the extreme mainland points of Russia, then this is Cape Dezhnev. From here to Alaska, only 80 km. Here, too, there is space for walruses and numerous species of birds, and whales, killer whales, and seals are found nearby in the sea.

Cape Dezhnev is named after the Russian traveler Semyon Dezhnev, who described these places in the 17th century. Dezhnev's expedition stopped here, the travelers stayed with the Eskimos.

Now these places are also inhabited by Eskimos. The population, of course, is small: the climate at Cape Dezhnev is harsh, arctic.

The easternmost city of Russia is Anadyr, which is 6200 km away from Moscow. This is not a very large city in the Chukotka region, which dates back to the late 19th century. The climate here is subarctic; fishing is developed, there is a seaport. Oddly enough, the city has repeatedly received the award "The most comfortable city in Russia."

Just a few years ago, an amazing discovery in the field of archeology took place near Anadyr: scientists discovered a petrified forest, which was attributed to the Upper Paleocene time.

The lowest and highest coordinates

The lowest point in Russia is the bottom of the Caspian Sea. Its depth is -28 m.
The Caspian Sea is sometimes called a lake, but in terms of size, as well as the fact that its bed consists of rocks of oceanic origin, it is more often considered a sea.

Several states are located on the Caspian coast; the Russian coast is 695 km long.

The highest point in Russia is Mount Elbrus, located in the Caucasus and also the highest point in Europe. Elbrus has a height of 5642 m and is one of the highest mountains in the world.
On the mountain there are cable cars, alpine shelters. Elbrus is loved by climbers from all over the world. The mountain is relatively uncomplicated, but there are many cracks on it, and the weather conditions are rather difficult, as a result of which up to 20 athletes die here every year. The main cause of accidents is freezing.

For example, ten years ago on Elbrus almost all members of a group of 12 people froze to death. However, climbers still strive to conquer this peak again and again. After 2010, disabled climbers from Indonesia and Russia climbed Elbrus twice.

Russia is the largest state in the globe... The territory of our country is over 17 mln.km². The distance between the northern and southern outskirts is more than 4 thousand km., between western and eastern - about 10 thousand km... In Russia, there are 11 time zones, the time difference between the extreme points of the time range is 11 hours. 40 minutes. An impressive figure! While some Russians in Kaliningrad are preparing breakfast for themselves and getting ready for work, others in Vladivostok have already returned home from work and are sitting down to dinner. An equally striking difference temperature regimes between the northern and southern climatic zones, which in the off-season can be up to 30-40 degrees.

What points of our country are considered the most extreme?

If we take into account the continental territory, then the most extreme points will be:

  • North: Cape Chelyuskin (Krasnoyarsk Territory).
  • East: Cape Dezhnev (Chukotka).
  • South: a point located just east of Mount Ragdan (Dagestan). It does not appear in geographical maps.
  • West: an uncharted point located on the Baltic Sea coast near Kaliningrad.

Taking into account the island territory, the extreme points, with the exception of the southern one, will be different:

  • North: Cape Fligeli on the northernmost island of the Franz Josef Land archipelago.
  • East: frontier post on Ratmanov Island (Chukotka).
  • West: border post Normenln (Kaliningrad region).

What cities are located in close proximity to the most extreme points of our country?

  1. North: Pevek (Chukotka).
  2. East: Anadyr (Chukotka).
  3. South: Derbent (Dagestan).
  4. West: Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region).

Let's talk about the extreme points of Russia in more detail:


The continental northern point is located at Cape Chelyuskin, which is located in the north of the Taimyr Peninsula. This territory was discovered by the famous explorer of the Arctic - Semyon Chelyuskin in the forties of the 18th century. Further north is Cape Fligeli, located on Rudolf Island (Arkhangelsk Region), which is considered the northernmost island point of the Russian Federation. Almost the entire territory of the island is covered with a layer eternal ice... The climate here in the full sense of the word is arctic. Average annual temperature on the island is minus 12ºC. Even in July, the temperature rarely rises to above zero. The average daily temperature in July is -1 ° C, in January -24 ° C.

Cape Chelyuskin


Cape Dezhnev, the easternmost continental territory of the Russian Federation, was discovered by the Russian traveler Semyon Dezhnev in 1648. The cape is a mountain range on the coast of the Bering Strait. The climate is harsh, the temperature in winter can drop below 40ºC, in summer it usually does not exceed + 8ºC. Numerous colonies of birds settle on the elephants of the hills, which abruptly drop off into the sea, on the coastal strip, walruses and seals arrange their rookeries. In spring you can see polar bears here. Cape Dezhnev is just a stone's throw from America - only 86 km separate the easternmost point of Russia from the westernmost outskirts of America- Cape Prince of Wales. Despite the remoteness from civilization, tourists often come here - adherents of original travel. They are attracted by the brutal beauty of the local nature and local attractions - an old wooden cross and a lighthouse-monument to Semyon Dezhnev. To the east is the island extreme point - Ratmanov Island, which is washed by the waters of the Bering Strait. There is a border outpost here. Its employees bear the honorary title of Russians who meet New Year first.


The southern outskirts of our country are located not far from the mountain peak of the Caucasian ridge - Ragdan (4020m.). The average annual air temperature here, frankly, is far from the south, only plus 4 ° C. Alpine meadows at the foot of the mountain give way to sparse vegetation on its slopes. It is inhabited by a rare representative of the animal world - the Caucasian ular (leopard)


The western outskirts of our state runs along the Baltic Spit - a 65 kilometer strip of land between Baltic Sea and the Kaliningrad Bay. Spit is divided in the middle by the border with Poland. The westernmost kilometers of the spit are occupied by a frontier post. The Poles have turned their part into a real tourist "Mecca", having created a fashionable resort there. For a long time the Russian territory was classified and practically abandoned. Fans of "wild" rest come here, for whom the local places are a great opportunity to escape from civilization. They live here in tents or abandoned premises without amenities, sacrificing comfort for many kilometers of sandy beaches, salubrious sea air and unique nature.