Install a window air conditioner not in a window. Installing an air conditioner in a plastic window - features and nuances, essence and features, types and characteristics, refueling and repair, self-assembly

When the summer heat comes, then any, even the budget version of the air conditioner, becomes the most desirable acquisition for the home. A simple air conditioner for the window will provide a favorable climate in the room of an apartment or a private house. But the installation of a window air conditioner has its own nuances, which we will consider in this article.

When installing the product in a window block, fastening is carried out directly in the design of the latter. In this case, it must be taken into account that the air intake grilles do not overlap - otherwise the electric motor of the air conditioner will quickly overheat due to the lack of a normal air flow.

Installing household appliances of this class on your own is a very laborious work, it requires certain technical knowledge, skills, accurate and precise actions. The slightest distortion of the plane of the window and the product is fraught with negative consequences, and any negligence can lead to damage to expensive equipment. If you still decide to install the air conditioner yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the following important points.

  1. For any design of such a product, a gasket is assumed a separate line of electrical wiring, mandatory installation of an RCD (residual current device) in the apartment panel. It is necessary to connect the window-type air conditioner to a separate outlet; it is strictly forbidden to use carrying.
  2. There should be no gaps between the air conditioner case and the window unit, in order to avoid drafts and other negative impacts on the efficient operation of the product.

Only clear implementation of consistent actions during the installation of equipment can ensure normal operation and stable operation of the product.

How to position the air conditioner

Before installing a window-type air conditioner with your own hands, you need to study the following rules for the location of the device.

Do not forget about the safety of your apartment - insert a wedge into the window so that it cannot be opened from the outside, otherwise a burglar will be able to enter the room by opening the window opening and pushing the product out of the designated place.

By thoroughly following all the above rules, you ensure a long and trouble-free operation of your air conditioner.

Minimum set of tools

Installation of a window air conditioner begins with the preparation of the necessary tools:

  • impact type drill or puncher;
  • set of drills;
  • a metal file for sawing in metal-plastic of the required size;
  • a set of chisels;
  • glass cutter;
  • ordinary level;
  • grinder or a special nozzle for a drill with a cutting wheel;
  • corners of internal type and flat for furniture;
  • silicone-based sealant;
  • paint and brush.

Before you install a window air conditioner, you need to draw up a work plan, make careful measurements and order special frame from a similar material with a hole in the middle for the product. The last point is especially important for metal-plastic windows, because such an installation is significantly different from installing an air conditioner in a wooden frame. The algorithm is almost identical, but there is much more work with metal-plastic due to its specific properties and standard glass block sizes. In a simple wooden frame, it is enough to remove a piece of glass, insert a bulkhead and the whole job. Installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window is more difficult: it requires special calculations, otherwise it simply cannot withstand the load.

Installation algorithm

Installing a window air conditioner in a wooden or plastic window is carried out according to a practice-proven technique provided by experienced craftsmen. The preparatory stage is considered the most difficult and time-consuming: if you did not order a separate frame with a prepared compartment for placing the device, you will have to cut out excess glass and insert a jumper from a similar material. In the case of metal-plastic, you cannot do without a specialist, because an incorrectly calculated partition during operation can bend and nullify all your efforts.

Modern models of air conditioners are made in such a way that it is not so difficult to fix them in any design of a window block or frame, regardless of whether they open. This is possible thanks to a special arrangement of the mechanism, which is removed and attached to the bracket.

Before installing the product at the place of future work, it is necessary to unblock the compressor and fan of the device from the shipping pads.

During installation, check tilt angle towards the street for effective removal of condensate. Even small gaps during installation should not be - they are removed with a sealant. When all operations are completed, it is necessary to tint the damaged coating.

The air conditioner is designed to pump cooled air into the interior rooms, while there is a constant formation of condensate due to the temperature difference, which is removed through a special hole, to which it is necessary to connect fluid outlet hose out. The hose must be checked for the absence of air pockets in it that make it difficult to remove moisture, and kinks, the lower end of the tube or the outlet structure should not touch the surface of the earth or the water surface in the container where the resulting liquid flows if you live on the ground floor.

Each air conditioner must be grounded after installation - at the same time, the terminals must be fixed motionless to prevent unexpected damage.

After completing all the work, it is necessary to make a visual check of the correctness of the implementation, only after that you can do a test run to check the functional abilities of the air conditioner, make sure its power. If you invited specialists, then you need to draw up an acceptance certificate to assure the correct execution of all work.

To help home craftsmen, there is a video on how you can install the air conditioner yourself:

Advantages and disadvantages

Such household appliances as a window air conditioner do not require separate laying of freon lines between the outer and inner parts, which greatly simplifies installation and increases reliability.


  • simple installation and maintenance;
  • high efficiency with small dimensions;
  • models with built-in cleaning filters provide already clean air, without impurities.


  • increased noise up to 59 dB;
  • violation of the tightness of the window frame;
  • separate costs for making an opening for the device.

It is worth mentioning the noise separately: if you look at the table of various noises, then the operation of a window air conditioner at minimum speed produces the least noise impact, and at maximum it makes no more noise than an ordinary conversation.

Air conditioning has become an essential attribute of comfortable living conditions. Among the variety of types of climatic equipment, the window monoblock stands out for its convenience and simplicity of design. It is installed in rooms where it is impossible to place split systems. Different power of devices (from 2 to 6 kW) allows you to choose the optimal model for a small office, apartment or shopping pavilion. A window air conditioner can be inserted into a plastic window not only by a master invited from the service, but also by a home craftsman. It is enough to study the sequence of installation operations and follow it clearly.

Advantages and disadvantages of a window air conditioner

Climatic equipment in the form of a monoblock does not require laying a freon line between the outer and inner parts, this simplifies installation and increases its reliability. Among the advantages of a built-in air conditioner:

  • affordable cost;
  • long-term operation;
  • ease of maintenance and installation;
  • high efficiency with compact dimensions;
  • models with built-in filters provide clean air.

Among the minuses of the unit:

  • increased noise;
  • the need to make an opening in the window profile, if it is not provided for by the design;
  • window leakage.

The design and features of the monoblock

Modern models of window air conditioners have wide functionality. They are designed not only for cooling, but also for space heating. The antibacterial filter removes dust, harmful microorganisms and odours.

The monoblock design of the unit means that all components are installed in a common housing: fans, cooling system, compressor.

Inexpensive models of air conditioners work smoothly in moderate conditions, if the equipment is subjected to intense loads, it is better to choose a powerful device from a well-known brand. Such monoblocks are equipped with an electronic control system and a remote control. Choosing an air conditioner for a window should be meaningful, focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the power of the device, the ratio of its parameters and the size of the window structure.

Preparation for the installation of climate technology

Before installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window, a suitable place is selected. There are several rules, following which the device will be placed with maximum efficiency and safety:

  1. When installing, the cardinal points are taken into account, the air conditioner should not be constantly exposed to sunlight. The degree of influence of precipitation and other natural factors is taken into account. The protection of the air conditioning unit will be ensured by the installation of a visor over its body.
  2. The presence of advertising structures or similar interference from the outside is undesirable. They impede air circulation, so it is impossible to find partitions closer than 50 cm.
  3. Ventilation openings are located on the sides of the unit housing, they must not be left open.
  4. The location of the air conditioner at a slight slope towards the street allows for the fastest removal of condensate, 1-2 cm is enough.
  5. For a monoblock, a separate electrical wiring line is laid, including a separate machine on the switchboard. It is forbidden to connect climate equipment with extension cords.
  6. Heated air comes out from the rear wall of the unit, it must not pose a danger to people on the street.
  7. When installing a window air conditioner in the lower part of the window, the distance from the floor to its body is at least 75 cm. If the opening is in the upper part of the window structure, then you will need a metal frame to secure the monoblock. This arrangement will provide optimal conditions for creating a favorable microclimate in the room.

Instructions for self-installation of a window air conditioner

Tool for work:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • grinder with a disk for metal;
  • roller for cutting glass;
  • construction knife.

The best option is to install the air conditioner in a plastic window with a custom-made opening of the right size. Otherwise, the place for climatic equipment is prepared independently. Before installation, the degree of strength of the frame is visually assessed; if it is insufficient, it is reinforced with a metal corner. The installation of the air conditioner is carried out using the mounting kit that comes with the kit, bought in a store or made by yourself. This does not affect the reliability of the installation.

  1. Preparation of opening for installation. Having chosen a place where the air conditioner body is placed with the smallest gap, take out the double-glazed window, insert the jumper and cut the glass to size. The unit can be installed on a wall if its thickness is not more than 250 mm.
  2. Fixing the mounting frame. This element is designed to hold the air conditioner, so it is bolted with special care. With the help of the level, a slight slope outward is fixed to ensure the drainage of condensate. Some models are equipped with a casing that replaces the installation of the frame.
  3. After installing the air conditioner, the gaps are sealed with mounting foam. The dried composition is cut off with a knife. An alternative way is to cover the gaps with foam rubber. Small gaps can be treated with silicone sealant. Damage to the paint on the frames requires painting over with enamel of the same color.
  4. To drain the liquid, a drainage hose is installed, it is placed without kinks and creases.
  5. The unit is powered from a separate line. As an electrical appliance, the air conditioner needs to be grounded.
  6. After the installation is completed, it is necessary to check the performance of the equipment and the noise level during its operation.

Maintenance of the monoblock consists in the timely washing of heat exchangers and replacement of filters.

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Which is better, a window air conditioner or a separate split system - 5 factors in favor of choosing a monoblock

For those homeowners who cannot afford to buy expensive climate control equipment, I suggest installing a monoblock window air conditioner in a plastic window. It will cost much less, besides, it will be easy to install it yourself, without significant financial costs. For those who doubt, I will give arguments in favor of this decision.

Factor 1. The principle of operation of a window air conditioner

All compressor-type air conditioners work on the principle of a heat pump., which, in the temperature reduction mode, transfers heat from the refrigerated room to the street. As a working medium in such pumps, special refrigerants (freons) are used, which, depending on the operating pressure and temperature, can be in a liquid or gaseous state.

Window-type air conditioners work on the same principle, so inside they are divided by a sealed partition into two isolated parts, one of which is located outside the window, and the second is inside the room. In the outer part, an electric compressor, condenser and fan motor are installed, and in the inner part there is an evaporator, a circulation fan impeller and an electronic control unit.

  1. After turning on the air conditioner, gaseous freon is compressed 5-6 times under the action of the compressor, and enters the condenser, warming up to a temperature of 60-90 ° C;
  2. The condenser is a flow coil made of finned copper or brass tubes, due to which it has a large heat transfer surface. Due to this, the compressed and heated freon cools quickly, giving off its heat to the surrounding space (to the street), and goes into a liquid state of aggregation;

  1. Liquid freon passes through a throttle valve, which has a very small cross section, and enters the evaporator through the pipe system, which is installed in the inside of the air conditioner;
  2. Inside the evaporator, liquefied freon enters a space with a large volume, so it expands dramatically, as a result of which it turns from a liquid state to a vapor.
  3. The evaporation process is accompanied by a strong absorption of heat and the release of a large amount of cold., so the evaporator is cooled to a very low temperature (from -12°C to -24°C);
  4. After that, the evaporated freon, under the action of vacuum, again enters the compressor, and the entire described cycle is repeated anew;

  1. Inside the window air conditioner there is an electric motor, in which two fan impellers are mounted on both sides on one shaft. This motor is usually switched on at the same time as the compressor is started;
  2. The impeller of the outdoor unit blows the condenser during operation, and thereby contributes to better heat removal into the atmosphere, and the fastest liquefaction of heated compressed freon.
  3. The impeller of the indoor unit is designed to force the circulation of warm air from the room through the cooled evaporator. Thus, the entire volume of air in the room is gradually cooled, and transfers its heat through the refrigerant to the outdoor unit of the air conditioner.

Factor 2. Additional features of window air conditioners

Despite its name, a modern window air conditioner is designed for more than just cooling the air. Thanks to the built-in additional functions, it can constantly maintain optimal climatic parameters of the air in the room. In the ventilation mode, it can perform the function of forced supply or exhaust ventilation.

Some models of inverter air conditioners, in addition to cooling, also have a heating function, so in the warm season they can cool the room, and in the cold season they can work in heater mode.

  1. Built-in touch sensors and an electronic control unit monitor the temperature and humidity of the indoor air, and can turn on or turn off the air conditioner in automatic mode, depending on the preset settings;

  1. In order to ensure the ventilation of the room without opening the window, a special window is provided in the separating partition between the outer and inner parts, which is normally closed with a hermetic damper;
  2. When the ventilation function is activated, this damper automatically opens, after which the auxiliary fan motor starts. Depending on the selected mode, it can work as a forced draft or as a blower;
  3. The heating air conditioner through the window is equipped with exactly the same interchangeable models of the evaporator and condenser, which are installed and connected to the compressor symmetrically. The direction of movement of the refrigerant, in this case, is set using controlled three-way solenoid valves;

  1. When the unit is in room cooling mode, the internal coil acts as an evaporator, and the outer one plays the role of a capacitor. In this case, freon circulates as described in the first section;
  2. When the room heating mode is turned on, the solenoid valves redistribute the direction of freon movement in the opposite direction. Thus, an outdoor unit with a cooled liquid refrigerant takes heat from the street and becomes an evaporator, and an indoor unit with heated compressed freon vapor gives off heat to the room and becomes a condenser.

Despite the technical specifications declared by the manufacturer, I do not recommend turning on the heating function for a long time, or using the air conditioner as the main heating device when the air temperature outside the window is below +3°C. The fact is that at negative temperatures, the viscosity of engine oil in the compressor increases significantly.
This leads to increased power consumption, accelerated wear of rubbing parts and premature failure of the compressor unit.

Factor 3. Main advantages and disadvantages

There is a widespread opinion among apartment owners that window air conditioners are morally obsolete, and at present they are practically not used anywhere. From my experience, I can say that such an opinion is wrong, since even now many homeowners opt for such models. This is due to the fact that the built-in window air conditioner has a number of significant advantages over separate split systems:

  1. Very often, the main criterion for choosing household appliances is their cost. As I said, the purchase of a monoblock window will cost much less than the cost of buying, installing and connecting modern split systems;
  2. In most cases, the installation of the outdoor unit of a split system must be carried out using an aerial platform or with the involvement of industrial climbers, and such work is very expensive;
  3. Taking into account the design features of the split system, refrigerant charging of such air conditioners is carried out at the very end, after installation and connection of the freon line. Refueling must be carried out by a qualified specialist, who will also require a certain amount of money for his work;

  1. Window or vent monoblocks are sold filled with freon and completely ready for installation., so installing a window air conditioner with your own hands is not particularly difficult. Installation work is carried out directly from the window of the apartment, and the absence of an outdoor unit does not require the involvement of industrial climbers;
  2. Due to the compact arrangement of components and assemblies, as well as the absence of a long freon line, such devices have a higher efficiency and are distinguished by higher maintainability, reliability and durability;
  3. Due to the fact that the window monoblock is installed at the junction of the street and the apartment, the forced ventilation function is easily implemented in it, which allows you to quickly and efficiently ventilate the room. In a separate split system, such a function is technically very difficult to implement;

If we talk about which air conditioner is better to choose for your apartment, then I should draw the attention of readers to some of the shortcomings that are inherent in almost all models of window air conditioners:

  1. The installation of any air conditioner violates the aesthetics of the building and spoils the appearance of the facade, and the installation of a window monoblock, in addition, also blocks part of the light opening of the window;
  2. The separating partition between the outer and inner parts of the air conditioner does not have proper thermal insulation, therefore, in severe frosts, it can cause cold to enter the apartment.
  3. The presence of small gaps between the window frame and the air conditioner body, as well as loose closure of the ventilation damper, can become a source of drafts.
  4. To reduce the noise level in the room, all electrical units and assemblies (compressor and fan motors) are located in the outer part of the monobloc air conditioner. Despite this, his work is still accompanied by a low monotonous noise, therefore, speaking objectively, split systems work much quieter;

Long curtains and curtains made of thick, dense fabric can prevent normal air circulation through the evaporator of a window air conditioner. To prevent this from happening, the curtains and blinds on the windows should be chosen so long that they do not slightly reach the air intake grilles of the indoor unit.

Factor 4. Features of installation and connection

Despite the fact that the technology of mounting a window monoblock, at first glance, may seem quite simple, when performing such work, you will have to redo the double-glazed window and make changes to the design of the window frame. To make it easier for the reader to cope with this task, as an example, a step-by-step instruction will be described below, in which I will describe in detail the main stages of installing a window air conditioner in a metal-plastic window.

  1. First of all, you need to decide where the air conditioner will be located in the window. In my opinion, the lower part of one of the deaf, non-opening sashes is considered the most suitable place.;

  1. On the selected sash, you need to remove the locking plastic glazing beads. Cut a layer of silicone sealant along the perimeter of the glass with a sharp knife, and then carefully dismantle the double-glazed unit;
  2. Before installing a window air conditioner on your own, a power cable with a cross section of 3x1.5 mm² must be connected to the installation site, which must be connected in the switchboard to a separate machine of the appropriate power;
  3. Insert the air conditioner into the window opening freed from the glass, and preliminarily fix it at several points using standard mounting brackets that are included in the delivery;
  4. If the overall dimensions of the device are smaller than the window opening, then its installation will require an additional insert with a cutout for the air conditioner, which will be installed between its body and the window frame;

  1. It can be made of rigid and durable weather-resistant material (aluminum sheet, thick plastic or baked plywood), and then insulated from the outside with a layer of extruded polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam at least 50 mm thick;
  2. The insert must be installed in place of the double-glazed unit, smeared around the perimeter with silicone sealant, and firmly fixed to the window frame around the entire perimeter using self-tapping screws. From the inside, it is best to paint it in the color of the main metal-plastic profile;
  3. Above the insert, install and fix a small section of the lower profile of the window frame, which can be purchased at a workshop for the manufacture of metal-plastic windows;
  4. After installing the lower profile of the window opening, you need to take measurements for the installation of glass, and order in the same workshop the manufacture of a new double-glazed unit that will be installed above the air conditioner;
  5. During the final installation of the air conditioner, it should be started from the inside of the window. The front panel and the inside of the monoblock must be brought inside the cutout in the intermediate insert, and fix it with mounting brackets without tightening the mounting bolts to the end;

  1. Using a level and pads, align the face of the air conditioner with respect to the window, and make sure that its body has a slope in the horizontal plane from the room to the street by at least 2 °;
  2. After that, you need to connect an electrical cable to the device, and do not forget to tighten the mounting bolts to the end, and blow out the existing slots and joints with mounting foam and coat with silicone sealant for outdoor use;
  3. Install a new double-glazed unit in the upper opening of the window above the air conditioner, spill it around the perimeter with silicone sealant, and install locking beads on the metal-plastic profile;
  4. As a rule, window air conditioners have a long resource and a long service life, but if you suddenly need to repair the compressor unit or refill the system with freon, then the disassembly of the window and the dismantling of the monoblock will need to be performed in the reverse order.

So that after a major overhaul in the apartment you do not have to redo a new window with your own hands, it is best to purchase a monoblock air conditioner and order metal-plastic windows at the same time. At the same time, it is enough to provide the installation dimensions of the air conditioner to the workshop that manufactures windows, and indicate where it should be located, and then they will do everything themselves.

Factor 5. Alternative to a monoblock window

If you have a portable mobile air conditioner on wheels in your house, then I advise you to install it next to the windowsill, and direct the hot exhaust air from the condenser directly to the window. This will improve its efficiency and help reduce electricity consumption., and in addition, it will eliminate the need to lay a thick hose throughout the apartment to release hot air.

In order to carefully bring the hose outside, you will need to make a small intermediate insert, which will be installed in the window frame below the main double-glazed unit.

  1. Before installing a floor air conditioner in a plastic window, you need to measure the length and diameter of the hot air outlet hose, and make an insert in accordance with these dimensions;

  1. Further steps for making the insert should be carried out in exactly the same way as described in the previous section, with the only difference that it does not need to cut a large opening for the entire air conditioner, but it is enough to make a round hole along the diameter of the outlet plastic hose.
  2. In the resulting hole, you need to firmly fix the plastic sleeve. Put the free end of the air outlet hose on it, and fix it with a crimping plastic clamp;
  3. When hot air exits outside, condensation may form in the pipe. To prevent water from flowing back into the hose, when installing the sleeve, it must be given a slight slope towards the street.

  1. Although the air conditioner will only be used during the hot summer months, when the cold weather sets in, the window insert for the floor air conditioner will remain in place. So that in winter the cold does not penetrate into the hole, it is necessary to make a dense insulated plug in advance.
  2. Some models of floor air conditioners, in the standard delivery set, have a ready-made insert for bringing the air hose out of the window. It is made in the form of a telescopic plastic bar with an oval hole, and is completed with a sleeve for connecting a hose.
  3. If it is used, it is also installed in the lower part of the window, and its length is adjusted by extending the inner telescopic bar.

All mobile floor-standing air conditioners are equipped with a removable collection container, so during long-term operation of the device, it must be periodically removed and the accumulated water poured out of it.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you that for the normal operation of a window monoblock, its rear part must be freely blown from all sides by cool ambient air from the street. For this reason, it is not allowed to install a window air conditioner in deep openings or blind wall niches.

It is also forbidden to cover its outer part with decorative and protective grilles or other similar devices that may impede the free circulation of air. To get visual information on the installation of window air conditioners, I advise you to watch the video in this article, and if after that you have any questions, I can always answer them in the comment form.

October 14, 2016

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Window models of air conditioners are monoblock devices for air cooling, which are mounted in the window frame. As a rule, they are used in the summer period of the year, and are turned off or dismantled for the winter.

With the advent of plastic double-glazed windows and split systems, monoblocks have lost their popularity. The fact is that installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window is more difficult than in a wooden frame. At the same time, it is very important not to spoil the double-glazed window and not to reduce its tightness.

In this article, we will try to rehabilitate monoblock climate systems and tell you how to mount them in modern frames with your own hands.

Monoblock air conditioners

To begin with, you should understand the design and principle of operation of window air conditioners. For the most part, such coolers are monoblock devices. This means that all the main structural details are in a single block. This is the main feature of window coolers and their main difference from split systems.

Window models of air conditioners are installed in a special hole in the window frame made of wood or PVC. They draw air from the street, purify and cool it and supply it to the room. Such models are quite effective for small apartments, have low noise performance and aesthetic appearance.

Small mobile air conditioners

Monoblock devices also include mobile mini-coolers that can be installed in rooms where there is access to a window. Air is supplied to the device through a special hose, which is discharged into the open window sash. As a rule, small window air conditioners for the home are installed for the summer season in an apartment or in a country house. Among the disadvantages of such models can be called a bulky appearance and high noise performance.

Installation of a window monoblock

Proper installation of a window air conditioner with your own hands is quite difficult, but possible. It is best to install a monoblock during the repair of the opening or when replacing a double-glazed window. In this section, we have listed the basic rules for installing such climate control equipment.

Mounting tool kit

Installing a monoblock in a plastic window is a rather time-consuming process that will require an impressive set of tools. Many of them can be found in every home, but some parts will have to be bought specifically. We list the minimum set of tools for mounting the cooler:

  • Hammer drill or percussion type drill.
  • A set of drills and cartridges for various materials.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Metal file.
  • A set of chisels.
  • Level.
  • Bulgarian or a special nozzle for a drill with a cutting wheel.
  • Corners of internal type and flat for furniture.
  • Silicone based sealant.
  • Paint and brush.

The location of the device is an important factor that directly affects the efficiency of the window air conditioner. Therefore, before installing a monoblock, you must carefully select a place for its placement. In this case, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • To begin with, it is worth visually inspecting the frames of the window opening, since they will become the basis for mounting the device. Bolts, mounting brackets and corners of sufficient strength are used as fasteners. If you are not sure about the strength of the frames, you need to strengthen them in the possible ways.
  • When choosing a place for air conditioning, you need to consider a mechanism for removing condensate. In order for condensate not to linger inside the case, it must be placed with a slight slope towards the street - by 1–2.5 cm.
  • The interior of the monoblock should not be blocked by furniture - this will prevent proper air circulation and may affect the performance of the device. And also, you should not place the cooler close to people's resting places - above a sofa, bed or table.
  • On the sides of the monoblock, you must leave free space for unhindered access when servicing the device.

Installation algorithm

The process of installing a window air conditioner with your own hands consists of several important steps. They need to be followed both for self-assembly and for professional installation.

The first stage: preparation of the window opening and frame

If the air conditioner is installed directly into a double-glazed window, it is worth choosing such an arrangement of the device in order to avoid gaps between the body and the frame. Modern monoblocks are made according to standard sizes of plastic window sashes, so this requirement is easy to fulfill if the frame has standard dimensions.

Stage two: Fixing the case

To install a window monoblock, due to its considerable weight, a bracket is required. The bracket is attached to the wall and takes all the load from the weight of the device.

The monoblock should be positioned in such a way that the “street part” protrudes outward at a distance of at least 25-30 cm. It is worth taking care of the reliable fastening of the device and its exact alignment with the frame. Otherwise, the cooler will make noise during operation and may break.

When installing the case, do not forget about a small angle of inclination towards the street. It is also necessary to monitor the serviceability of the drainage pipe through which the condensate will be discharged to the outside. If there is a kink or bend in the tube, it must be leveled to avoid air pockets.

It is important to provide protection from sunlight and rain for the outside of the cooler. This can be done with the help of special visors that will close the body of the device at an angle.

So, to carry out the installation of a monoblock, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • Remove the glass from the frame or the entire frame.
  • Install bracket.
  • Install monoblock.
  • Seal the gaps between the frame and the device.

Step three: Power connection

The window air conditioner can be connected to the power supply using a separate wire and switch. The power of the device should be selected depending on the capabilities of a particular room. And it is also necessary to ensure that the wiring meets the operating requirements specified in the instructions for the device.