Scandinavian style: application in creating an interior. Scandinavian style in the interior of the apartment: Create a nordic character in the home of the sketchy of the interior in Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style is one of the most popular modern styles common worldwide, but, of course, the most demanded in its homeland in Northern Europe - Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Norway.

The aesthetics of the style follows from the characteristics of the climatic zone with a fairly harsh climate and the geographical position of these countries. The concept of Scandinavian design is filled with light and air, it is distinguished by naturalness and ease. And it is no coincidence - the Scandinavian style personifies the harmony of a person with nature and is based on eco-based materials, a bright color palette and a large number of light.

Scandinavian style personifies human harmony with nature and is based on eco-material materials, a bright color palette and a large number of light.

Color # 6F6F6C is the most popular color in the palette of the Scandinavian interior

In addition, the Scandinavian style is focused on the national flavor, customs and traditions of local peoples, while the historical design is taken as the basis. Internal independence allowed the Scandinavian region not only to maintain its authentic style, but also support and develop it over the years.

One of the first interiors of Scandinavia, presented at the exhibition in 1954

Check how much you understand the Scandinavian style



Scandinavian style began to form in the XVIII century during the reign of the Swedish king Gustav III. Until this time, residents of Northern Europe were equipped at home, copying fashion trends in France, Italy, England, in which Baroque, Rococo and Classicism reign. But at the same time, the scandinavans in the design of their homes added the usual lead northern notes. The king abandoned pathos and luxury in favor of natural white light and natural wooden finishes, creating a special northern style, simple, warm and homely. This trend was supported by other Scandinavian countries. "Gustavian style" remained popular in the countries of Northern Europe almost until the end of the 19th century, becoming the predecessor of the Scandinavian modern style.

The king abandoned pathos and luxury in favor of natural white light and natural wooden finishes, creating a special northern style, simple, warm and homely.

The new stage in the development of style falls on the 80s of the nineteenth century. Designers began to give style modern features, guided by the desire to make the interior more functional and concise. The advantages of the Scandinavian design were demonstrated to the world in 1930 in Stockholm at the international exhibition, and the term "Scandinavian design" himself appeared in a special and popular literature a little later, in 1950, after those held in the United States and Canada design exhibitions.

Early Scandinavian design at the exhibition in Stockholm in 1930

Today in Scandinavian style you can select two directions - traditional (classic) and modern. The traditional Scandinavian style is based on the interiors of Sweden XVIII-XIX century - simplified Ampir without gilding and bronze, a kind of palace classic without frills. He personifies the rigor and emphasizes the well-being of his owners. In modern style, the grace, softness, simplicity and functionality appear. There is no heavy old furniture, massive paintings and mirrors in heavy gilded frames. Its visiting card is the lack of frills, careful thoughtfulness and naturalness.

Characteristics and main features of the Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style is one of the most eco-friendly and laconic. In an amazing way, it reflects the characteristics of the lifestyle and the main features of the character of the Scandinavian peoples, their restraint, slowness, thrift and attachment to their home.

The main components of the Scandinavian style are, above all, the use of natural material, functionality, conciseness and beauty of forms. It is simultaneously present ease and grace, thoroughness and even some severeness. Interiors, made in bright natural colors from simple and natural materials, emit calm, kindness and order. Warm bright color palette gives a feeling of freshness and purity.

The main components of the Scandinavian style are, above all, the use of natural material, functionality, conciseness and beauty of forms.

Furniture made of natural wood, most often from light hardwood, makes the interior especially cozy and homely warm. Use in the interior of metal, natural stone, leather, fur, flax and cotton demonstrate the wealth of owners and endless love for their native nature. There are many glasses and mirrors in the premises visually increasing space and filling them with extra light. Textiles and decorative items made of natural materials introduce a feeling of comfort to the interior.

An impressive element of the Scandinavian style is a wood-column-column that can be installed in any room. For reasons of accuracy and economical use of the area, it is usually placed in the corner of the room, which does not prevent it from being the central element of the entire interior.

The main features of the Scandinavian style are:

- minimalism, naturalness, simplicity and naturalness. Scandinavian style is not peculiar to the external effect, intricate ornaments and the distround, which is possibly associated with the restraint of the northern temperament. The main thing is that all family members be comfortable and cozy.

Gustav III, King of Sweden and Special Scandinavian Steele

- Open layout of residential premisesFree bright spaces that are not cluttered with a large number of furniture and decor items.

- thoughtful functionality and practicality.

Scandinavian style features in the interior

The popularity of the Scandinavian style worldwide is primarily due to the harmonious combination of national traditions of Northern Europe and international design trends. This is one of the easiest and most natural styles in the interior of apartments and houses.

The main advantage and distinctive feature of the Scandinavian style is the predominance of a large amount of light and free space. As a rule, the social zone is open - the living room, the dining room and the kitchen are combined into one space. Such a layout allows you to have more windows, and it's known to accommodate as much light as possible. The absence of internal partitions also allows you to have an additional light area.

Minimalism and laconicity of the interior does not imply a cluster of space with too much furniture or accessories. Only the most needed, having a practical purpose. In the interior should be preserved a sense of space and an abundance of air.

For Scandinavian style are characterized by concise and simple geometric shapes (square or rectangle), strict and smooth lines. Light, thin and elegant details of structures, open planning create comfort and make interior functional.

The furniture in the interior is usually low, simple in form, functional, and at the same time, beautiful and easy. For its manufacture, it is used bright or painted wood of simple hardwood - birch, pines, beech, less often from coniferous breeds - pines, spruce.

For Scandinavian style are characterized by concise and simple geometric shapes (square or rectangle), strict and smooth lines.

Most often, the furniture has matte surfaces, which makes it more practical and democratic in operation. For upholstery, textiles, suede, skin, cotton, flax are used. Sofas, chairs, chairs are usually operated in covers, usually linen. The main feature of furniture is its functionality. Modular systems and furniture with different folding mechanisms are popular, which make it possible to effectively unload space. Convenient storage systems for home belongings are used - all sorts of cabinets, beds with linen boxes, shelves, racks.

In the interior, natural eco-friendly materials are dominated by the atmosphere of home heat and comfort. Metal, natural stones, glass, cotton, flax, fur, leather, ceramics are actively used. However, the dominant material is still wood, both minimally processed, retained natural pattern and color and color painted in white. The tree is used to finish the floor, walls and even the ceiling that can be decorated with decorative wooden beams.

About the northern clean nature resembles a bright natural color palette, transmitting the color of coastal sand, rocks and a cold bluish-gray north sea, - beige, light gray, light blue, light green, light brown silver-gray, muffled shades of yellow. But the main color is always white, visually expanding the space and filling it with freshness and purity. The color scheme in the Scandinavian interior is quite wide, but dark or too bright colors are unsuitable for him.

Windows and doors in the interior must be wooden. Scandinavian style is impossible without large windows, on which there are often no curtains and only occasionally the translucent tulle or white cotton fabric is descended. The main task is to maximize natural lighting, so heavy drapery and blinds are not accepted.

The design of the floor, the ceiling and walls in the Scandinavian interior differs simplicity and simpleness. Walls and ceiling are necessarily white - this is a scandinavian style business card. White color is attracted by its impeccable cleanliness and ease, in addition, such a color solution allows you to solve several tasks. First, the white color makes it possible to visually push the space boundaries and increase its volume. Secondly, on a white background, any furniture and items of decor look profitable. The ceiling is usually smooth, plastered, complex suspended structures in the design of the ceiling are not used, it must maintain naturalness and identity. Decorate the ceiling usually wooden beams. Paul, as a rule, wooden, from bright bleached or painted light paint boards.

Walls and ceiling are necessarily white - this is a scandinavian style business card.

For the Scandinavian style is characterized by a carefully thought-out lighting system. Due to the insufficient amount of sunlight and to compensate for its deficit in the interior, many different light sources are used - lamps, candles, flooring, table lamps of various shapes, sizes and styles. The more and more diverse - the better. Ceiling and wall-mounted sides, lamps, LED backlighting and lamps with fabric lampshades are traditionally present in any Scandinavian interior.

The highlight of the Scandinavian interiors are bright color accents that allow a long colorless winter to remember the hot sunny summer. For this purpose, a variety of bright accessories are used, including colored carpets, funny pillows, textiles. However, the decor should not be too much, literally several strokes so as not to overload the space. Usually used red, pink, blue or green shades.

Scandinavian style in the interior is difficult to imagine without a combination of various materials and textures. The cold of northern nature is compensated by a large number of diverse textiles, from knitted plaids to bright tablecloths and napkins. Curtains, furniture covers, bed linen and towels decorate common geometric patterns - cell and strip, as well as traditional Scandinavian patterns and ornaments - Christmas trees, snowflakes, zigzags and deer.

A characteristic element, often used in the Scandinavian interior, is a wicker furniture - baskets, caskets and seats for chairs. Effectively enliven the interior and animal skins thrown on the floor.

The calm atmosphere of the interior is necessarily diluted with live flowers and plants. They increase the color expressiveness of space and make it more attractive. Flower pots, vases with greens and hanging caspets are an excellent addition to laconic furniture.

The cold of northern nature is compensated by a large number of diverse textiles, from knitted plaids to bright tablecloths and napkins.

The traditional decoration of the Scandinavian house is all sorts of paintings within and without them, posters, panels, posters. The characteristic feature of the Scandinavian interior is the placement of family photos on the walls.

The entire Scandinavian interior is built on a spectacular game of light and shadow. It has a lot of diverse glass and mirrors that fill the space with sunlight and warm and visually increase it. Glass, transparent and frosted, refractive and scattering, brilliant porcelain, candles, metal items - all this harmoniously decorates the interior. As a rule, there are also transparent glass and ceramics with a cobalt painting depicting the symbols that personify the multi-day Scandinavia and those thousands of lakes that it is famous for.

Typical for Scandinavian style Detail - landscapes of marinists and photos with sea theme on the walls. In the interior, paintings are often present with the image of the sea, Norman fjords, ships and fish.

Scandinavian architecture style

Scandinavian style in architecture reflects the characteristics of the lifestyle and the nature of the peoples of Northern Europe. In essence, this style is very original, since he managed to avoid the influence of ancient culture and absorb the diversity and features of the Scandinavian traditions. He is far from high technologies and artistic and decorative innovations. This is a modest, deprived of the sizes and unnecessary pathos, quite discreet, but at the same time, a very elegant, comfortable and cozy version of housing. Absolute rationality, color harmony, impeccable quality and naturalness of materials - these are the main features inherent in the Scandinavian architectural style.

Projects of houses in the style of the Scandinavian directions are distinguished by their good quality and reliability than its popularity is explained in many countries of the world. The reasons for their demand are in a number of different positive characteristics, among which the harmonious combination of the aesthetic and functionality, the naturalness and environmental friendliness of materials, simplicity and the rate of construction of houses.

Scandinavian style features in architecture

Classic Scandinavian style house is a wooden log house. Initially, only natural wood was used for construction in the form of a calibrated or glued timber. No processed boards, darkened on time, were also common in design. Today, Scandinavian houses can be erected from bricks and concrete, the walls are covered with light plaster, we are lined with wooden siding, clapboard, panels or a facade board. The main thing is that all materials are high-quality and environmentally friendly. However, the tree remains the main material, and the natural texture of wood is a characteristic decor element.

No excess and pathetic decor is just a simple geometry of forms.

Color solutions for the design of facades of modern Scandinavian houses are chosen depending on the characteristics of the landscape. As a rule, natural shades are dominated - beige, brownish, gray-green, earthy-black, sandy. The white color is especially common, the most corresponding to the northern nature. He fits perfectly in any landscape and gives buildings visual ease, perfectly combining both cold and warm shades. The facade decor usually uses the game of contrasts. For example, the walls are made of light wood, and the frames for the windows are dark, and vice versa. But individual details are allowed to be brightly colored, for example, skates, roof supports or frontones.

The shape of the house is distinguished by proper geometry and minimalistic design. The first floor is a simple square, the second floor has a triangle shape that forms a duplex roof. No excess and pathetic decor is just a simple geometry of forms.

As a rule, at home are built low - one or two floors. Scandinavian houses traditionally have roofs of a double construction of a large steepness, which makes it possible to avoid excess snow load. In addition, an additional attic room is formed, which can be used as an additional useful area. Flat design options for the roof design with small hollow rods on the frontones are possible. Traditionally, tile is used as roofing material. In modern times, its polymer counterparts are actively used.

Roofing materials are usually dark color - mostly gray or saturated brown, which naturally speeds up the melting of snow. The inversion green roof is quite common, in this case the entire surface of the roof is sowing with lawn herbs. Such a roof fits perfectly into an eco-friendly format.

Mandatory elements of the house are porch and terrace. Often they can be combined or located from different sides. The porch is usually quite high. It is usually located at the central entrance and, given the climatic features of the Northern Nature, has an exceptionally practical purpose - the preservation of cleanliness inside the housing. The terrace, most often, is an open area under a canopy, decorated in the style of minimalism. In some cases, it has a wooden fence that is harmonious with the color design of the facade. Sometimes the terrace can surround the entire house around the perimeter.

Traditionally, the Scandinavian houses had small, saving inner heat windows. With the development of technologies and the appearance of modern energy-saving windows, the houses began to build with large panoramic windows exciting two floors at once. Such windows allow to receive aesthetic pleasure and vividly emphasize the individuality of the structure. You can glazing both whole walls, frontones, and installed attic windows. One of the business cards of this style is massive wooden frames on the windows.

The main entrance doors usually correspond to the facade. Often it is metal warmed with wood, in accordance with the color decoration of the facade. But it can be massive wooden doors with glass inserts, or panoramic doors, practically not released on a general glazing background and repeating windows stylistics.

The indispensable attribute of the Scandinavian house is the presence of a fireplace or a wood-burning furnace, which can be located in any room.

Planning at home is a thorough study. There are no big wide corridors in the house or a modern hollow hall, but there are many convenient utility rooms. The house should be as comfortable as possible for all family members.

The rooms are uniformly heated due to pipes embedded in the walls. The indispensable attribute of the Scandinavian house is the presence of a fireplace or a wood-burning furnace, which can be located in any room.

Characteristic elevated porch

Houses are distinguished by restrained and strict beauty, they are alien decorativeness and pompousness. Balconies in them are usually absent, they do not have the characteristics of the climate. A typical decoration of buildings facades is a thread. Often the staircase of the porch and the terrace has carved wooden railing.

The construction of new houses is carried out with great respect for nature. It is not customary to disturb the surrounding landscape, and the new structure must fit into the landscape of the area. The house is usually notged, it is only sometimes separated by a low stakenist, so that the building turns into a harmonious element of the landscape.

We love Scandinavian style not the first year, And, it seems, now he returns to fashion on par with Italian and French. However, few people have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the phenomenon implies. Wonderzine told about why the laconic and comfortable things of the Scandinavian designers will never come out of fashion. This time we understand that the interior design of the countries of Northern Europe is.

Zlata Onufriev

It is believed that the Scandinavian design originated in the 1950s in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. Simplicity, minimalism and functionality - Scandinavian aesthetics is holding on these three principles, which allows it to remain popular and relevant in Europe to this day. The modern design school, in fact, adheres to the same rules: the design should be simple, affordable and useful.

In 1940, the neutrality held during World War II concludes a trade agreement with Germany - it practically fully ensures the need of Germans in iron ore. As a result, after the end of the war, Sweden turned out to be enough money to strengthen its industrial potential. In addition, the government of the country begins to take laws on the social protection of the poor of the population and change the tax system: taxes for poor citizens decrease, and for the financial elite and middle class rises. The idea that beautiful and functional household items should be available not only by the rich sections of the population. At the same time, the Scandinavian style of housing with a democratic and friendly atmosphere is beginning to be formed for the middle lay.

The idea that

beautiful and functional household items must be available not only by the rich segments of the population.

If people need some product, this product will be sold

If the goods are not needed by people, it will not appear on the Scandinavian market initially

In the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, Sweden, Norway and Denmark began to produce furniture combining simplicity and functionality. The works of the Scandinavian designers are in the center of world attention during the World Exhibition in New York in 1939. At the same time, the concept of "Swedish Modern" appears - direction, which are striving to transfer natural beauty in architecture and design of furniture, natural forms, characteristic of the Scandinavian tradition and folk culture. Finnish pavilions at this exhibition designed Alvar Aalto, one of the founders of the modern school of design.

"The task of the architect is more convenient to make life" - this is perhaps the most famous statement of the Finnish architect. It concentrates the basic idea of \u200b\u200bnot only Scandinavian design, but also the entire modern design in principle. Aalto's most famous works can be attributed to the Palace "Finland" in Helsinki, private house of the Miraea Villa in the vicinity of the city of Pori and the Church of the Three Crosses in the city of Imatra. All its structures combines the almost perfect ratio of space and light are convenient buildings. The beauty of the facade goes into the background, but in the simplicity of lines and the game of light lies a special aesthetic pleasure.

Until now, Scandinavian design is distinguished by the fact that it gives the priority of functionality, without allowing the beauty and elegance of things to disappear. It is available for everyone, made by a person for a person. Scandinavians are proud to create only functional, durable and economical products. Their furniture enjoys great popularity and is hardly coming to the circulation. If people need any product, this product will be sold. If the goods do not need the commodity, it will not appear on the Scandinavian market initially.

What is Scandinavian style in the interior


Natural lines, smooth transitions from one space to another, natural materials, sunlight - from these simple components of Scandinavian designers and architects create interactive and living spaces and objects. Scandinavian style is when "just" does not mean "boring", which means he is brilliantly.

Open, Bright Spaces

In response to long winter and only a few hours of sunlight on the day, Scandinavian designers began to create light, open, bright and practical spaces. They try to create at home the maximum comfort and comfort with all the necessary household goods at hand so that it was possible to survive the winter without special psychological injuries.

Natural materials

In Scandinavian countries, where industrialization is a little late, craft traditions had a huge influence. A special place was taken by an organic design, which is mostly the style of one material - a tree.


Comfort is primarily the deliverance of a person from psychological stress. And the easiest way to deal with it with the help of changing the life situation. In monochromicity, it is likely that the ability to constantly change is laid. White, black, gray and other typical color for Scandinavian color design are neutral, they are not pressured per person, give him a feeling of freedom.


Scandinavian designers have always been in search of an ideal form - functional and possessing internal content, and not some exotic exotic. The smoothness of natural lines and strict functionalism is the main postulates of the Scandinavian design, whose task is to make a person's life more convenient.

Photos: Rex Features / Fotodom

Scandinavian style appeared as a logical development of post-war trends in the world, imposed on the national characteristics of Scandinavia: the abundance of wood and people who can work with him. Another factor - the destroyed cities of Europe required a lot of furniture, and she had to be primarily functional, and only then beautiful.

The first here were the Danes that used mainly teak tree. They began to apply Faneru, and then plastic. A little later, standardization came from Sweden: first Swedish cuisine, then the beds and the rest of the furniture. Since the 70s, the massive use of pine and the distribution of "Ikea" began. And now the Scandinavian style is chosen for the absence of other decent options, and often from lack of knowledge. Anna decorators and Mikhail Koshelevy offer to consider alternatives, which will be not much more difficult to implement.

Customers often say: "I want a Scandinavian style." But the question "And if not Scandinavian, what?", As a rule, puts them in a dead end. It seems that other styles simply do not know. Sometimes "Babushkin Style" and High Tech come to the mind, Shebbi-Chic is remembered. And it turns out that alternatives to Scandinavian as if no. And in fact, the lightest styles: for example, Moroccan, Chinese, Japanese or Ar Deco are good in their own way. But we will tell only about those who, most likely, like the fans of Scandinavian.



Let's start with styles with which Scandinavian is often confused. In the 50s of the last century around the world, the boom of minimalistness began both in clothing and in the interiors. Then the beauty of things lost to the place of functionality: it was necessary to build everything, and there were few materials, and the plastic was not yet distributed.

Distinctive features of the style of Midsencher - stone, wood and bright colors. Even in the "Shurik's adventures" we see the interiors with these motifs. So good half of the range of Moscow fashionable online stores of furniture is not really a Scandinavian style, but replicas icons style 50-60s.


The second style for which Scandinavian is often accepted is minimalism. Easy lines are there and there, but in minimalism, the main thing is a consciously limited number of details and good illumination. It cannot be said that the Scandinavians live in dotmakes, but really a lot of daylight can only give large windows, which is not noone and irrational in cold climates. The main difference between the minimalism from the scarce of the decoration is the high cost of execution of both individual details and the entire architecture of the house or apartment as a whole. But there are difficulties: everything looks great to the first signs of life. After all, even the shirt left on the chair in such conditions begins to declare itself as part of the interior.



An important feature of this style is relevance. It consists of what is now at the peak of popularity. If the white broken triangles in the style of Audi are relevant - these are contemporary, if fashionable concrete and chandeliers from the cord and cartridge are contemporary, if the peak of zigzags on the walls and kraft bags for children's toys is oblivion. Separate fashionable things appear more often than a whole style. Something is forgotten, and the fact that manifests itself from the best side is accumulated in a new style. The task of the designer is to create such a space in which you can constantly change something without breaking harmony. The complexity of this idea is obvious: all the time to follow the fashion is not easy. It is worth stopping, and the repair can be dated with an accuracy of a couple of years.


This style is traditional not for us, but for Europe and America. If you ride around the world, it can be understood that the interiors of the houses that we see in Western cinema are really like that. The reason for the popularity of the style is practicality. Such an interior does not complain and after many years it will look appropriate. Scandinavian chipboard or chipboard over time is collapsed, which spoils, but scratches on traditional furniture (not to be confused with classical) are perceived as fun on jeans, that is, a charm is added. Separately fascinates the ability to put a brass lamp on a new bedside end, which is 80-90 years old, or hang 250-year-old engraving on the wall.


The basis of the beach style, as a rule, is quite traditional and in demand in any other style of color - white, blue, beige and coral, as well as the color of the deck board, brass or bronze. It is possible chrome, but definitely not plastic. The most important role is played by the items here: the old burned lines on the walls, pillows with sea skates, bottles of blowing glass, ropes and other sea attributes. Sea decor is often used for children: the kids are difficult to live in a boring rectangular world.



Rustic style is a cozy interior with traditional wooden furniture and an uncomplicated decor, which prevails pastoral motifs: curtains in flower, dishes in red polka dots, linen with ruffles and roots. Everything that talks about comfort and hot cocoa, which you prepared a grandmother in childhood, is a rustic style. Decorators most often borrow barn doors from it, but we would advise even take a look at the wooden ceilings, walls and furniture - litter, less often, from metal and with wooden elements.


The style, originating in the old factory and warehouses of Manhattan, now successfully continues the victorious procession on the old buildings in the center of Moscow and in other capitals. Often it is briefly called "Loft", although Loft is just one of the directions of the industrial style. For all premises of this direction, the presence of huge windows and high ceilings. Since the big spaces are not separated by an expensive tile, naked concrete or metal structures just paint, parquet is replaced with a puzzle board, but they do not save on the furniture. Metal, skin, wood crash will not be cheap. A rough mistake will be an attempt to replace the real brickwork with its imitation. You can build a wall from the cheapest red brick, and then take the spent machine oil, coal and constitute a masonry yourself. We use plasma torus for such cases, which oxidizes and calculates clay. As a result, the decades of the effects of air and ultraviolet are awake in minutes.


If the color of the walls and the shape of the doorways are not so important, then in the Mediterranean it is precisely in them the whole point. Semicircular arches, bright colorful tiles, terracotta pots with olive herbs, textiles with geometric prints of yellow, red and blue shades are a Mediterranean style. And no photo wallpaper with the Black Sea Outlook in Yalta.

Chalet style

Rustic, "Hunting House"

This is an abundance of natural wood with peeling texture, beveled ceilings, warm tones, stone aprons in the kitchen and in the fireplace area, leather furniture, wooden beams on the ceiling and everything that is somehow connected with Taxidermia: animal heads and skins on the floor. We most often want to see country houses, which is explained. Although sometimes individual elements can be perfectly friendly and with interiors in other styles.


The highest pilot of the owner of the apartment or decorator. Eclecticism is a good combination of different styles, such as an antique coffee table from a great-grandmother with a poster in pop art style and a carpet from Ashan. Keyword - successful.


If the traditional style is quite neutral (add a fashionable plastic rocking chair there on wooden legs - and he is already modern, the head of the boar - and he is already chalet), then the victorian interior is difficult to remake. This is an interior of a rich English grandmother or California gold miner: on the walls wallpaper in flower, handmade furniture from the best trees, classic candle holders and chandeliers from crystal, Tiffany, no chipboard. Chinno, weathered and without fuss. Like whiskey. Victorian style is definitely expensive. Designing it, you can fall into leather wallpapers or natural silk on the walls. For such an interior, you need not even a decorator, but an antique with an excellent taste.

Fortunately, the time has passed the same and similar in each apartment with the same type of layout. The modern construction market offers such a large and diverse assortment that it was truly difficult to determine the choice. In the network, an unnecessary amount for every taste. From this article you will learn how to create a Scandinavian style in the interior, how to properly use it for the decor of different premises in your home.

Scandinavian style is, first of all, the atmosphere. It can not be unambiguously ranked in modern, exotic or. And yet he is unique.

It reflects the values \u200b\u200bthat revered the northern peoples for a thousand years. This is reliability, naturalness, simplicity and comfort. These features are manifested in each element of the situation, starting with the floor covering and ending with the vase on the table. In the nordic design you will not find fastening forms and bright. There is nothing superfluous here, each detail serves to create comfort and comfort. Scandinavian style in the interior is also manifested in practicality mixed with elegance. Long, cold winters force Scandinavians to appreciate the warmth and comfort. The cold beauty of the snowy fjord and the warmth of a homemade focus is surprisingly combined in the houses of the northernmost residents.

Scandinavian minimalism in the interior

Scandinavian style is considered to be one of the directions of minimalism. This interior is not intruder and baroque, the luxury of the ar-deco, softness or originality of the avant-garde. The north design is incredibly ergonomic. Forms are simple and symmetrical, the space is not overloaded with accessories and furniture.

Furniture is selected from, functional and practical. The tree should be chosen by light breeds: birch or beech, less often - coniferous trees. For the upholstery, natural materials are also used: flax, cotton, suede. The material for the upholstery is recommended monophonic or with a geometric pattern. Harmoniously fit into the interior and armchairs on open wooden legs. One should not occupy the space bulky servants and. Open and, made of wood or glass on a wrought basis, are suitable for the selected style much better.

Paul and wall design

Many believe that in the Scandinavian interior prevails. This is not entirely true. The main thing is that the room is as much bright light as possible. And using white, achieve this is the easiest way.

Interesting fact!Residents of Northern Europe do not use a sharmic color. White add a gray and yellow notch. As a result, it turns out a very warm and soft shade.

In the Scandinavian interior, shades of blue, green, beige and dairy are actively used. The tone should be calm and not glossy. This gives certain softness and atmospheric interior. Since natural materials are welcome in the decoration, the walls will appropriate to separate wood. The main thing is not to overdo it with their use, just a small emphasis will be made enough, as indicated in the photo.

Helpful advice!Leading designers recommend using plaster imitating natural materials - wood and stone.

Making an apartment in Scandinavian style, you should take care of the floor repair. In the Scandinavian house there is no place for carpet or. Used, parquet board, designed for stone. The genital board is originally and stylishly, painted in white. It seems that you are walking on a snowy plain. A small carpet can be placed in the bedside zone or near the sofa.

Features lighting

Perhaps the main element of the Scandinavian style. Residents of the northern countries due to a short summer create their home, filling it with warmth and light. It is tracked in each design element, be it light walls, small-sized furniture, allowing the sunshine freely spread through the room, or an abundance of glass, giving an incredible game of lighting. The windows are not wrapped with heavy curtains, preference is given and. - This is the only thing in the northern interior there is a lot (again there is a lack of natural lighting). Several secrets about how to properly place in the house, you will find in the video below.

Decoration, Textiles and Pictures in Scandinavian style

Decor elements in the Scandinavian house are a bit. As adopted by the laws of minimalism, each element is an integral part of the interior and plays its definite role. The brightest feature of the decor is the abundance of glass. These are all sorts of vases, figurines as well. All this is necessary for refraction and dispersion of light in the room.

The task of decorative elements is also included to create color accents, diluting the calm interior atmosphere. This is reflected in textiles and plaid with a bright geometric pattern or a walkway with a floral print. The comfort of the housing will give family, woven on the walls.

For style, the maximum unity with nature is characterized. Therefore, there are images of the landscapes of the Norman fjords and sea depths in the decor. Complement the interior of all sorts of traditional items from clay and ceramics. Examples of decorating at home in Scandinavian style are shown in the photo.

Reliability and simplicity: decorated acclating in Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian interior is created not to envy guests, but for the comfort of tenants. The design of the functional zones of space is aimed at the embodiment of this particular principle. Strict elegance and practicality of Nordes, decorated in different parts of the house, has its own characteristics. We will tell about them in this section.

Bright and spacious living room in the spirit of northern lands

The living room is one of the most important rooms in the house. A family is going to relax after a heavy working day, take guests and arrange parties. Creating a warm family atmosphere is an important parameter in Scandinavian style, so the sofas, chairs and chairs in the living room put in a circle to be convenient to communicate. Perhaps nothing will compare with the creation of heat and comfort. Therefore, they are a frequent attribute in the interior of the living room in Scandinavian style (example in the photo).

Among the trendy designers, the trend has been traced recently to use the upholstery for upholstered furniture of gray. This option looks in a bright interior, giving sofas and chairs a strict and practical appearance. And the color accent make bright wool blankets or sofa pillows.

How to arrange the kitchen while retaining its functionality

Particularly relevant for. The bright color gamut and minimalism in the interior will help and make it easier and air. However, we should not forget that the kitchen must first of all be functional. It requires the arrangement of a large number of boxes and for kitchen utensils and products. Therefore, it is better to pick up deep workers and stretched to the ceiling of the mezzanine.

From the facades from the natural tree (or imitation of wood) should be refused. Will look too massively, clinging space. The headsets from light rocks will harmoniously look only at a spacious kitchen. And for a small area, the optimal color solution for the headset will be glossy or matte shades of white and gray.

As elements of decor on the nordic kitchen, clay dishes are perfectly looking perfectly, pops, pots with growing spicy herbs.

Holidays for soul and body in the bedroom with concise and cozy design

With snow-white sheets, low bedside tables with night lights, light wood or white glossy facades. So the interior looks like. The photo below clearly demonstrate the air and elegance of such a design.

Helpful information!Psychologists argue that white color is not suitable for the walls of the bedroom, as it causes unpleasant associations with the Hospital Chamber. They recommend using warm pastel colors for small rooms and cold shades for spacious rooms.

The optimal color for the bedroom is considered blue. He gives the ease and creates a feeling of coolness, contributes to pacification and relaxes. Marine themes perfectly fit into the Scandinavian interior. You can decorate the room with the image of marine landscapes, glass vases with sea pebbles, imitation of ship attributes.

Does the style for children come true

Children's room in Scandinavian style will look tender and cozy, if you place the interior correctly. Children should be, have a good (preferably - natural) lighting, be equipped with an interesting place to have a place to study. To ensure all these functions, it is important to properly zonate space.

Each child will be delighted in their room. This option saves a place, allowing you to organize a working area under the sleeping place. To highlight the game zone, you can use a small bright or hang garlands. A useful and functional zoning element will be an open rack, where you can store books or your favorite kid toys. It is possible to perform zoning with the help of various color and textured solutions of wall decoration. By the way, for the design of the interior of the children's in Scandinavian style it is allowed to use several bright shades. The photo below demonstrates various options for decoring children's rooms.

Bathroom decor in Scandinavian style

For the bathroom of the nordic design direction used snow-white. It will be impressive on open legs, matte cranes and a large, which visually increases space. Complete the interior will help the linations of the tree, for example, a frame for a mirror, a light wood rout on white. Decor will serve accessories for bathroom facilities made of natural or artificial stone.

Always relevant and attractively live greens, especially this applies to small rooms. It is not scary if there is no place for a flower pot on the floor or on the shelves. Unpretentious can be hung on the wall in decorative caspo.

Interior of the hallway in Scandinavian style

The hallway, as a rule, is a small area with a large cross. The hallway in the Scandinavian style contains the minimum number of the most necessary items: the shelf or, mirror. The remaining furniture objects appropriately add only if there are a large number of free space.

It is in the Scandinavian hallway that can be found antique things. For the storage of the shoes, the old chest, painted with light paint and artificially aged, or is suitable. The closet is better to choose the built-in, for elongated hallways, rationally use mirror doors.

The interior in Scandinavian style is the perfect solution for the studio apartment

The studios feature is the placement of all functional areas of housing in a single space. North has several characteristic features. First, the deaf is not used for zoning the territory. They "steal" space and prevent the spread of sunlight, which is unacceptable for the selected design. Zoning is carried out using open, glass, differences in wall decoration and floor. In order to protect the bedroom from the noise of household kitchen appliances, it is recommended to use a dense slope that separates the kitchen from the living area is simultaneously dining and working zone. And the boxes placed inside will serve as a great place

Thirdly, the correct organization of lighting is of particular importance. It should be multi-level. Also important is the adjustment of the intensity of light. In the evening, muffled light is used to create a relaxing atmosphere. At the same time, the built-in point gives enough lighting for cooking. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the real photos of the interiors of the studios, made in Scandinavian style.
