What to do if the roof in an apartment building is leaking - our advice! Roof insulation Pitched design details.


Perhaps many residents apartment buildings faced such a problem as leakage, as well as an insufficiently reliable condition of the roof. In one row here are such disadvantages as poor-quality coating, roof collapse in an old house, etc. That is why the overhaul of the roof apartment building is one of the most pressing issues for many residents.

Very often, many citizens, seeking help from various authorities involved in house maintenance, are faced with their complete inaction, as a result of which the collection of funds for roof repairs in an apartment building is carried out independently.

However, before contacting such bodies and paying for the services of roofing specialists, it is necessary to understand the very reason. Next, we will talk about what types of roofs exist in apartment buildings, as well as the problems that arise in connection with them and ways to solve them.

Types of roofing in apartment buildings

Since there are several types of roofs in multi-storey buildings, it is important to understand the features of each of them, since repair work can vary greatly.

According to the design and shape of the roof are divided into:

  • single-pitched (with a different inclined angle);
  • gable;
  • multi-slope;
  • pitchless (standard flat roofs);
  • complex (more typical for modern buildings than for old houses).

The roof structure includes an external covering and a support located from the inside (this can be a rafter system or a reinforced concrete slab). Also mandatory elements are the drainage system, as well as layers of insulation and waterproofing. One way or another, when performing a major overhaul of the roof of an apartment building, it is imperative to take into account all design features roofs.

Roof repair methods

Works on the restoration of the roofs of buildings with many apartments are usually divided into two large groups: current, or temporary, and capital, or complete.

Thus, the current repair of the roof of an apartment building is carried out if any defects in the roof system are found. Very often, all work comes down to replacing the old and damaged roofing, which is usually roofing material, with a new one, eliminating the cracks and crevices that have appeared. Based on the need, the new coating can be laid in one or two layers. Upon completion of the repair work, all seams and joints of the roof sheet are completely sealed with special substances.

Regarding finances, this type of repair is not too expensive, so it is more common. However, there is another type of current repair, when it is not necessary to lay a new roofing sheet. In the place of the defect, after a preliminary incision, the edges are bent, and the internal space is carefully cleaned. Then it is dried with the help and treated with a layer of building mastic, both the coating and its base. The edges are returned to their place, after which they must be pressed tightly against each other, waiting for complete adhesion.

Places with manifested rot are completely cut out, the roof is cleaned. All defective places are filled with the same mastic, and then a new piece is glued to the treated place close to the old material. Of course, this method of repair is far from the highest quality, but in our time it is quite common, especially on the roofs of old houses.

A major overhaul of the roof of an apartment building is a complete alteration of the roof. The old coating is removed from it, after which a fresh screed is poured and a new roofing carpet is laid in two layers. Such repairs should be entrusted only to specialists, since during the work the interior decoration of the apartments located on the upper floors may be damaged.

If the roof is leaking in an apartment building, then this may be the result of improperly performed work. The main work during the overhaul is to fuse roofing material with a special gas burner(read: ""). The underside of the roofing carpet is heated from below, after which the material is gently pressed against the base of the roof. It is very important to control the temperature of the fire, as its incorrect value can lead to the destruction of the material. It is necessary to lay the coating according to the principle of overlap, and all seams must be treated with building sealant.

Factors causing roof leaks in apartment buildings

There is only one way to avoid leaks - by performing a major overhaul of the roof. The causes of these unpleasant defects can be very different, but most often they appear after heavy rains or during the period of mass melting of the snow cover.

So, the reasons for roof leaks in apartment buildings can be the following:

Roof leak detection

Before applying for implementation overhaul you need to clearly identify the place that is damaged. Most often, for this, the place of leakage is compared and already along it there is a source of damage on the roof. On soft bituminous roofs, this is very easy to do - air bubbles form at the site of the defect.

In this case, the carpet should be completely replaced, and the necessary place should be dried well. It is not worth doing this work on your own, it is better to entrust the work to specialists. But if there is a desire detailed descriptions the entire progress of work with videos and photos can always be found in our articles on roofs and their repair.

Sometimes it happens that the problem of leaks on pitched roofs can also be complicated by rotting wooden rafter legs. With this outcome, not only the roofing is usually replaced, but also individual structural elements.

Roofs according to the principle of fusing

As it has already become clear, the essence of the overhaul comes down to the installation of welded materials. According to existing standards, scheduled repairs with the replacement (if necessary) of individual sections of the coating should be carried out by special services twice a year.

The whole process consists in fusing roofing material and other overlapped materials with a gas burner. Such repairs should be carried out for flat roofs, which are the majority today (read: ""). Such material is resistant to moisture, temperature extremes, as well as direct ultraviolet rays.

What to do if the roof leaks, in detail on the video:

Pitched roof repair process

Pitched roofs are usually covered with a different material. Often these are sheets of metal treated with zinc or simply painted. Repair work in this case consists in finding damaged coating elements, their competent replacement and monitoring the condition of the roof base under the coating. To do this, the material must be removed and held necessary work for the restoration of the system of rafters and battens, as well as directly the base, located under the coating.

Sometimes it is impossible not to perform such an important part of the work as replacing the waterproofing layer and installing additional high-quality insulation. If the damage is minor, you can simply patch and seal all joints with sealant.

Any cracks and gaps should be filled with polyurethane-based sealant and covered with special polyurethane plasters. It is important that the damaged area to be repaired be degreased and treated with a primer before all work. After the completion of the restoration, it is customary to cover the roof with a paint specially designed for a particular roof, the functions of which are to give the coating greater strength and increase the service life.

In some cases (for example, if a metal tile system is being installed on top of an old soft tile), this is possible. However, it must be understood that a damaged base may begin to rot and, thereby, provoke the failure of a new layer. That is why we would not recommend laying new materials on top of old ones. It is better to remove the damaged building material and complete the required work, as required by the technology.

As practice shows, the vast majority of roofs in ordinary private houses are built in such a way that it is not necessary to dismantle the roof base to install an additional insulating layer. If we talk about multi-apartment buildings, then the situation is different: since in multi-storey buildings, built-up coatings are used, insulation becomes impossible.

If there is damage individual elements structure, only these parts can be replaced. In this case, the area of ​​damage should not exceed 35%. For larger problems, it is worth making a complete replacement of the truss system.

Urgent repair required in case of a serious violation of the tightness of the coating: it may be required when a part of the roof is torn off, water flows during precipitation, peeling, tearing or swelling of the roofing material.

We provide the following warranty periods:

  • soft roof: 5 years
  • metal roof: 3 years
  • roll and bituminous coatings: 3 years
  • polymer tile and seam covering: 6 years.
The warranty period depends on the type of work performed and is calculated when drawing up a repair plan. Data on the warranty period must be announced to the customer before the start of work and are included in the contract.

Any leak is a problem that requires careful and timely repair. First, it is important to correctly determine the cause of the leak. Secondly, at self repair there is a risk of damage to serviceable elements nearby. If you are not a roofing specialist, we recommend calling a master who will not only fix the problem, but also provide a guarantee for their services.

In order to accurately determine the cause of the appearance of water, an examination is necessary, which will be carried out by a specialist. You can independently determine what is the cause of the appearance of moisture by the following signs:

  • in the event of a leak in the roof, water begins to drip in the warm season after rain, and in the cold season in sunny weather and sudden warming.
  • with the accumulation of condensate, moisture appears constantly and practically does not depend on weather conditions.
For an accurate diagnosis, we recommend calling a specialist who will accurately determine the cause and tell you what actions to take next.


  1. Roof classification, requirements for them.
  2. Construction of prefabricated reinforced concrete roofs.
  3. Exploited roofs, their design.
  4. Roofing of multi-storey buildings.

In modern capital housing and civil construction, low-slope attic roofs with an internal drain, load-bearing and enclosing structures made of reinforced concrete are mainly used.

The structural element enclosing the building from above is called the roof. Their main types are attic, non-attic, operated roofs, large-span flat and spatial coatings.

Based on the main purpose of roofs - to protect the building from precipitation in the form of rain and snow, as well as from heat loss in winter time and overheating in the summer, it consists of load-bearing structures that perceive the transmitted loads from overlying elements, and the enclosing part.

The following basic requirements are imposed on roofs. The roof structure must provide for the perception of a constant load (from its own weight), as well as temporary loads (from snow, wind and coatings that arise during the operation of the coating). The enclosing part of the roof (roof), which serves to remove precipitation, must be waterproof, moisture resistant, resistant to aggressive chemicals contained in the atmospheric air and falling in the form of precipitation on the coating, solar radiation and frost, not exposed to warping, cracking and melting. Coating structures must have a degree of durability consistent with the standards and class of the building.

Important requirements for roofs are the cost-effectiveness of their installation and ensuring the expenditure of minimum funds for their operation. Of particular importance is the use of industrial methods in the installation of coatings, which reduces labor costs at the construction site and improves the quality of construction and installation works.

To ensure the removal of precipitation, the coatings are arranged with a slope. The slope depends on the material of the roof, as well as the climatic conditions of the construction area. So, in areas with heavy snowfalls, the slope is determined by the conditions of snow deposition and snow removal; in areas with heavy rains, the slope of the roof should ensure rapid drainage of water; in the southern regions, the slope of the coating, as well as the choice of roofing material, are determined taking into account solar radiation.

Reinforced concrete prefabricated roof structures design with a slope of up to 5%. Three types of roof structures are used: attic, non-attic and exploited.

attic roof - the main option for covering in residential buildings of mass construction with an increased number of storeys.

roofless roof - the main type of coverage in low-rise mass public buildings. A roofless roof is also used in residential buildings up to four floors high during construction in temperate climate, as well as on areas of roofing of multi-storey buildings that are limited in area: above the engine rooms of elevators, above loggias and bay windows, attached shops, lobbies, vestibules, etc. In turn, attic roofs are also used in multi-storey public buildings when their planning the parameters are the same as those of residential buildings, which makes it possible to use the corresponding roof prefabricated products.

exploited roof it is arranged both over attic and non-attic coverings. It can be arranged over the entire building or part of it and used for recreational purposes, both for the population (or employees) in the building, or independently, for example, for setting up an outdoor cafe.

The final choice of a roof drainage system during design is carried out depending on the purpose of the object, its number of storeys and placement in the building. In residential buildings of medium and high-rise buildings, an internal drainage system is accepted, in low-rise buildings - an external organized one, and in low-rise buildings located inside a block - an external unorganized one.

With internal drainage in residential buildings, one water intake funnel per planning section, but at least two per building, is provided. With an external organized drain, the distance between the downpipes along the facade should be no more than 20 m, and their cross section should be at least 1.5 cm 2 per 1 m 2 of the roof area.

waterproofing reinforced concrete roofs are designed depending on the type of roof. For non-attic roofs (with the exception of roofs of a separate structure), multilayer waterproofing membranes are used. roll coatings. Waterproofing of attic and separate non-attic roofs is carried out in one of the following three ways.

The first (traditional) - the device of a multi-layer rolled carpet, the second - coloring waterproofing mastics(e.g. organosilicon) which, together with the waterproof concrete of the roof panel, provide protective functions coatings, the third is the use of prestressed roof panels molded from concrete of high strength classes and water-tightness grades, which provide waterproofing of the roof. This version of waterproofing is experimental.

According to the adopted method of waterproofing, the requirements for the physical and technical characteristics of concrete for roofing panels change (Table 1).

Table 1. Minimum allowable values ​​for concrete properties of roof panels

By the method of removing air from the system exhaust ventilation through the design of the roof, roofs with a cold, warm and open attic are distinguished. For each of these structures, any of the above hydro-isolation methods can be applied.

Attic roof structures are used in construction in the following six main options (Fig. 1):

A - with a cold attic and a rolled roof;

B - the same, with a rollless roof;

B - with a warm attic and a rolled roof;

G - the same, with a rollless roof;

D - with an open attic and a rolled roof;

E - the same, with rollless.

Bare roof structures are used in construction in the following five options (Fig. 2):

Zh - separate (with a roofing panel, attic floor, insulation and ventilated space) with a roll-free coating;

And - the same, with a rolled coating;

K - combined single-layer panel structure;

L - combined three-layer panel construction;

M - combined multilayer building production.

When designing, the type of coating structure is chosen in accordance with the purpose of the building, its number of storeys and the climatic conditions of the construction area according to the recommendations of Table. 2.

Table 2. Structures of reinforced concrete roofs and their slopes depending on the type of building and climatic conditions of the construction area

Rice. 1. Schemes of structures of attic roofs: A, B - with a cold attic with a rolled (A) and non-rolled (B) roof; C, D - with a warm attic with a rolled (B) and non-rolled (G) roof; D, E - with an open attic with a rolled (D) and non-rolled (E) roof;

1 - support element; 2 - plate attic floor; 3 - insulation; 4 - non-insulated roof slab; 5 - roll carpet; 6 - drainage tray; 7 - support frame; 8 - protective layer; 9 - vapor barrier layer; 10 - a strip of roofing material; 11 - supporting element of the frieze panel; 12 - roofing plate of a rollless roof; 13 - waterproofing layer of mastic or paint compositions; 14 - U-shaped plate - flashing; 15 - drain funnel; 16 - ventilation unit (mine); 17 - head of the ventilation unit; 18 - lightweight concrete single-layer roofing slab; 19 - machine compartment of the elevator; 20 - lightweight concrete tray slab; 21 - two-layer roofing plate; 22 - non-insulated frieze panel; 23 - insulated frieze panel

Rice. 2. Schematic diagrams of the structures of non-attic reinforced concrete roofs:

Zh - a separate design with a rolled roof;

And - a separate design (with a roll-free roof);

K - combined panel single-layer construction;

L - the same, three-layer;

M - the same, building construction;

1 - attic floor panel;

2 - insulation; 3 - frieze panel;

4 - roofing panel of a rollless roof;

5 - supporting element; 6 - single-layer lightweight concrete roofing panel;

7 - roll carpet; 8 - three-layer roofing panel; 9 - cement screed;

10 - layer ceram-site slope;

11 - a layer of laying roofing material on mastic.

Attic roofs are made up of roofing panels (roofing panels and trays, attic flooring, supporting structures for trays and roofing panels, external frieze elements. The height of the through passage in the attic space should be at least 1.6 m. Local reductions of up to 1.2 m are allowed outside the through passage.

attic roofs with a cold and open attic (structure types A, B, D, E) contain an insulated attic coating, non-insulated thin-walled ribbed reinforced concrete roofing, tray and frieze panels, in which holes are provided for ventilation of the attic space. The area of ​​ventilation openings on each longitudinal side of the facade is assigned in climatic regions I and II at 1/500 of the attic area, in regions III and IV - at 1/50.

The dimensions of the supply and exhaust openings in the frieze panels of open attics are taken significantly larger according to the results of thermal engineering calculations, according to winter and summer conditions operation.

Ventilation ducts cross roofs with a cold attic, which should be taken into account when laying out attic floor panels and roofing.

Roof structures with a warm attic (types C and D) are made up of insulated roof, tray and frieze panels, non-insulated attic floor and supporting structures of roof and tray panels. Since the warm attic serves as an air-collecting chamber of the building's exhaust ventilation system, the ventilation blocks of the lower floors are completed in the attic space with a 0.6 m high head without crossing the roof. Fascia panels are designed deaf (without ventilation holes). These panels in some areas can be solved translucent (for natural lighting of the attic), but not hinged. In the central zone of the warm attic, a common exhaust shaft is arranged (one per planning section) 4.5 m high from the upper plane of the attic floor.

Roof structures with an open attic (types D and E) are similar in composition of structural elements to structures with a cold attic, but the ventilation structures do not cross it, breaking off at a height of 0.6 m from the surface of the attic floor, as in roofs with a warm attic .

Exhaust air removal along with a common shaft is facilitated by intensive horizontal ventilation through enlarged ventilation openings in the frieze panels.

Roofs with inclined frieze panels and gable-shaped vertical frieze panels, reminiscent of traditional forms mansard roofs. This option can be applied to both cold and warm attic roofs (Fig. 10.3). The facade finishing layer of steeply sloped frieze panels can be similar to that used for external walls ( decorative concrete or facing tiles) or made from roofing materials- clay, cement or metal tiles.

The design of a separate non-attic roof (type I) contains the same structural elements as an attic roof with a cold attic, but due to the fact that its airspace has a low height (up to 0.6 m), the solution of supporting structures simplified.

The roof panels of rollless roofs with a cold and open attic, as well as separate non-attic roofs, are solved in the same way. These are thin-walled (slab thickness 40 mm) ribbed reinforced concrete slabs. The butt edges of the panels and their junctions to the vertical structures crossing the roof (elevator shafts, ventilation units, etc.) are equipped with ribs 100 mm high. The joints are protected by flashings (or overlapped) and sealed.

Drainage trough-shaped trays are made of waterproof concrete with a bottom thickness of 80 mm and a rib height of 350 mm, a width of at least 900 mm.

Roof panels and roof trays with a warm attic are designed with two or three layers. Upper layer made of frost-resistant concrete with a thickness of at least 40 mm. For the insulating layer of two-layer panels, lightweight concrete with a density of 800-1200 kg / m 3 of class B 3.5-B7.5 is used, for three-layer - effective heaters density less than 300 kg/m 3 .

With rollless roofs, insulated roof panels have longitudinal edge ribs for overlapping or flashing mates.

Rice. 3. Attic reinforced concrete roofs:

A - diagrams of a cross-section of roofs with a warm attic with a vertical frieze (a); with a steep frieze (b); B - details of the inclined frieze device; c, d - with a cold attic; d - the same, with heat; 1 - cold frieze panel; 2 - the same, roofing; 3 - jelly concrete beam; 4 - jelly concrete frame; 5 - insulated frieze panel; 6 - the same, roofing; 7 - supporting structure of the frieze panel

Rice. 4. Attic roof construction with a cold attic and a roof made of rolled materials (type A):

A - scheme-plan of the roof; 1 - ventilation unit; 2 - drain funnel; 3 - attic floor panel; 4 - frieze panel; 5 - supporting element of the frieze panel; 6 - insulation; 7 - support frame; 8 - tray panel; 9 - ribbed reinforced concrete roofing panel; 10 - main roof; 11 - additional layers of roofing material on bituminous mastic; 12 - protective apron made of galvanized roofing steel; 13 - mineral wool mats

Fig.5. Knots 2-4 mates of roll roof structures with a cold attic (type A):

A - an option for solving a cornice assembly with a lattice fence; B - the same, with a parapet; 1 - frieze panel; 2 cement-sand mortar; 3 - anchor release; 4 - roofing crutches after 600 mm are shot with dowels; 5 - galvanized roofing steel; 6 - fence post; 7 - additional two layers of roofing material on bituminous mastic; 8 - main roof; 9 - ribbed reinforced concrete roofing panel; 10 - concrete side stone; 11 - protective apron made of galvanized roofing steel; 12 - sliding strip of rolled material; 13 - mineral wool mats; 14 - a strip of rolled material with one-sided gluing to a width of 50 mm; 15 - support frame; 16 - embedded part; 17 - mounting connecting element; 18 - tray panel; 19 - drain funnel; 20 - filling with sealing mastic; 21 - drain pipe of the drain funnel

Atticless combined roofs a single-layer structure is designed as a panel of lightweight concrete or autoclaved cellular concrete (type K construction). Lightweight concrete roof panels with density up to 1200 kg/m2, cellular concrete-800 kg/m2. The panels provide cylindrical ventilation ducts in the subroofing layer. The roof is a four-layer roll, and the first layer of waterproofing is carried out at the factory to avoid wetting the structure during transportation, storage and installation.

Three-layer panels of combined bare roofs (type L) are manufactured in a single technological cycle or are assembled at the factory from two thin-walled ribbed plates and insulation between them.

Combined building-made roofs (type M) are erected by successively laying a vapor barrier layer on the upper floor of the building, filling along the slope, a heat-insulating layer, a leveling screed and a multi-layer waterproofing rolled carpet. The construction M is the most laborious and has the worst operational qualities. Its use should be limited as far as possible.

Rice. 6. Rollless roof with a cold attic (type B):

A, B - schemes cross sections attic with internal and external drainage; B - prefabricated element of the catchment tray; G - the same, roofing panels for roofs with internal; D - the same, with an external unorganized drainage system; 1 - frieze panel; 2 - supporting element of the frieze panel; 3 - lattice fence of the roof; 4 - frieze panel of the end wall; 5 - roofing panel; 6 - flashing; 7 - drainage tray; 8 - catchment funnel; 9 - support beam; 10 - attic floor; 11 - support column; 12 - supporting element of the tray; 13 - drain hole; 14 - mounting loops

When installing a roof from a 3-, 4-layer carpet, a set of constructive measures is taken to increase its durability and reliability. Apply a dot (or strip) sticker of the lower layer and armored ruberoid- for the top layer. The dot sticker promotes uniform distribution of water vapor pressure under the carpet, eliminating the formation of blisters and tears; armoring the coating with light-colored gravel increases the light reflection of the roof, reduces its radiation overheating, which prevents aging and leakage of mastic.

The places where the roof mates with protruding vertical structures (parapets, etc.) are isolated by laying a carpet on these surfaces with the protection of its upper edge with water-removing metal or plastic aprons. The transition of the carpet to the vertical plane is designed smoothly with the installation of slopes at the base of the carpet from a monolithic screed or the installation of prefabricated bars of a trapezoidal section.

An additional insurance for the isolation of these places is the mandatory installation of two additional layers of roofing material in the places where the carpet passes to the vertical plane.

Rice. 7. Rollless roof with a cold attic and internal drainage (type B):

A - scheme-plan of the roof; 1 - roofing panel; 2 - drain funnel; 3 - ventilation unit; 4 - attic floor panel; 5 - supporting element of the frieze panel; 6 - tray panel; 7 - U-shaped plate - flashing; 8 - insulation; 9 - reinforced concrete support frame; 10 - cement-sand mortar; 11 - sealant; 12 - head of the ventilation unit

Rice. 8. Nodes of mates of a rollless roof with a cold attic (type B):

A - options for conjugating the roof with the end of the outer wall; B - options for longitudinal joints of roofing panels; B - design options for coupling ventilation shafts with a roof; 1 - outer wall panel; 2 - frieze panel of the end wall; 3 - parapet slab; 4 - apron made of galvanized steel; 5 - roofing panel; 6 - supporting element of the frieze panel; 7 - strip of roofing material; 8 - insulation; 9 - attic floor slab; Yu - L-shaped parapet element; I - ventilation shaft; 12 - flashing; 13 - sealant; 14 - cement mortar; 15 - drainage tray; 16 - supporting element of the tray

Rice. 9. Variants of junctions of roll-free roof structures with a cold attic (type B):

A, B - options for the design of the roof fencing; C, D, - design options expansion joint; 1 - roofing panel; 2 - anchor release; 3 - fence post; 4 - U-shaped plate - flashing; 5 - waterproofing with mastic or paint compositions; 6 - cement-sand mortar; 7 - frieze panel; 8 - sealant; 9 - roofing crutches with a step of 600 mm; 10 - galvanized roofing steel; 11 - protective apron made of galvanized steel;

12 - embedded part; 13 - steel connecting element; 14 - tray panel; 15 - drain funnel; 16 - sealing gasket made of porous rubber; 17 - clamping ho-mute of the funnel; 18 - pierced mineral wool mats; 19 - downpipe drain funnel; 20 - insulating bitumen-rubber suit; 21 - hairpin; 22 - metal washer; 23 - steel strip; 24 - compensator made of galvanized roofing steel; 25- internal panels attic.

Rice. 10. Roll-up roof with a warm attic (type B):

A - scheme-plan of the roof, 2 - drain funnel; 3 - supporting element of the frieze panel; 4 - frieze panel; 5 - roofing panel; 6 - tray panel; 7 - support frame; 8 - ventilation pipe; 9 - insulating insert; 10 - main roof; 11 - sliding strip of rolled material; 12 - cement-sand mortar

Rice. 10.11. Joint nodes of roll roof structures with a warm attic (consumer goods B):

A, B - options for the design of the roof fencing; 1 - frieze panel; 2 - warming insert; 3 - anchor release; 4 - roof crutches with a step of 600 mm; 5 - galvanized roofing steel; 6 - stop-ka fences; 7 - three additional layers of rube-roid; 8 - main roof; 9 - concrete side stone; 10 - cement-sand mortar; 11 - protective apron made of galvanized steel roofing; 12 - roofing panel; 13 - sliding strip of rolled material;

14 - support frame; 15 - tray panel; 16 - two additional layers of roofing from mastics reinforced with glass mesh or fiberglass; 17 - filling with bituminous mastic; 18 - a bowl of a drain funnel; 19 - jet straightener; 20 - sleeve made of asbestos-cement pipe d = 150 mm; 21 - rubber gasket; 22 - clamping collar; 23 - downpipe drain funnel; 24 - filling with sealing mastic; 25 - ventilation shaft; 26 - tow soaked in hot bitumen to a depth of 50 mm; 27 - an umbrella made of galvanized roofing steel; 28 - steel pipe with a flange; 29 - attic floor slab

Rice. 12. Rollless roof with a warm attic (type D):

A - scheme-plan, roofs: 1 - two-layer warm non-rolled roofing panel; 2 - exhaust shaft; 3- protective umbrella; 4 - two-layer tray panel; 5 - frieze panel; 6 - head of the ventilation shaft: 7 - supporting element of the tray panel; 8 - riser of the internal drain; 9 - drainage tray; 10 - three-layer roofing panel; 11 - the same, tray panel; 12 - attic floor panel; 13 - concrete flashing; 14 - sealing mastic; 15 - insulation; 16 - concrete key.

Fig.13. Joint nodes of roll-top roof structures with a warm attic (type G):

1- frieze panel; 2 - gernite; 3 - sealing mastic; 4 - concrete parapet; 5 - insulation; 6 - three-layer roofing panel; 7 - cement-sand mortar; 8 - two-layer roofing panel; 9 - U-shaped concrete flashing; 10 - tray three-layer panel; 11 - tray double-layer panel

Rice. 14. Schemes of plans for non-attic roofs of types "I", "K", "M". Knots of a non-attic ventilated roof of type "I":

a - with internal drainage; b - the same, with an external drainage system; B - parapet nodes of the roof; node I-1a - adjoining the roof and ceiling to the outer load-bearing wall; I-1b - the same, to the outer curtain wall; I-2a - to the brickwork wall; I-2b - to the wall of large blocks; 1 - multi-hollow floor panel; 2 - a layer of cushioning roofing felt on bituminous mastic; 3- slab insulation; 4 - lime-sand crust; 5 - ventilated air layer; 6 - roofing panel; 7 - three layers of laying roofing material; 8 - a layer of roofing roofing material;

9 - protective layer of fine gravel 20-25 mm; 10 - cement-sand mortar; And - the outer wall of brickwork; 12 - external non-bearing wall; 13 - ventilation air; 14 - concrete parapet slab; 15 - concrete side stone; 16 - two additional layers of roofing material; 17- protective painting waterproofing composition; 18 - mineral wool felt; 19 - lifting loop, bent and welded to the embedded part of the parapet block; 20 - outdoor blocks bearing wall; 21 - roofing galvanized steel; 22 - ventilation air grille; 23 - activated wooden cork; 24 - anchor pipe fencing; 25 - fence post; 26 - antiseptic wooden lath 66x80 mm

Rice. 15. Non-attic ventilated roof type "G":

Nodes I-3, I-4 and I-5: 1 - outer wall; 2 - cement-sand mortar; 3 - ventilation air grille; 4 - eaves plate; 5 - roofing crutch; 6 - roofing galvanized steel; 7 - two additional layers of roofing material; 8 - flat asbestos-cement slab; 9 - multi-hollow floor panel; 10 - layer of cushioning roofing material; 11 - slab insulation; 12 - lime-sand crust; 13 - ventilated air gap; 14 - roofing panel; 15 - three layers of cushioning roofing material;

16 - a layer of roofing roofing material; 17 - protective layer of gravel 20 - 25 mm; 18 - brick wall; 19 - mineral wool felt; 20 - apron made of galvanized steel roofing; 21 - antiseptic wooden cork; 22 - antiseptic wooden board with a section of 120x50 mm; 23 - upper compensator made of galvanized steel roofing; 24 - internal transverse walls; 25 - lower compensator made of galvanized steel roofing, adjusted with dowels through 300 mm; 26 - dowels; 27 - parapet slab; 28 - concrete side stone; 29 - protective painting with waterproofing compound

Rice. 16. Non-attic roof made of light-weight concrete panels of type "K":

Nodes K-1, K-2, K-3, K-4 and K-5; 1 - lightweight concrete cover panel; 2 - outer wall; 3 - mineral wool felt; 4 - side concrete stone; 5 - three layers of cushioning roofing material; 6 - a layer of armored ruberoid; 7 - two additional layers of roofing material; 8 - parapet plate; 9 - protective layer of fine gravel 20-25 mm; 10 - apron made of galvanized steel roofing; 11 - upper compensator made of galvanized steel roofing; 12 - antiseptic wooden board; 13 - antiseptic wooden cork; 14 - brick wall; 15 - internal walls; 16 - lower compensator made of galvanized steel roofing; 17 - ventilation duct; 18 - roofing crutch; 19 - roofing galvanized steel.

Rice. 10.19. Non-attic non-ventilated roof type M:

nodes M-5a - M-8; 1 - brick wall; 2 - cement-sand mortar; 3 - multi-hollow reinforced concrete panel; 4 - a layer of cushioning roofing material on bituminous mastic; 5 - a layer of expanded clay crushed stone or slag to create a roof slope; 6 - slab insulation; 7 - cement-sand screed; 8 - three layers of cushioning roofing material on bituminous mastic; 9 - layer of armored roofing material; 10 - protective layer of fine gravel 20-25 mm; 11 - mastic waterproofing carpet reinforced with fiberglass;

12 - three additional layers of roofing material; 13 - three additional mastic layers reinforced with two layers of fiberglass; 14 - apron made of galvanized steel roofing; 15 - antiseptic rail along the entire length; 16 - mineral wool felt; 17 - window sill; 18 - antiseptic wooden cork; 19 - mastic; 20 - compensator made of galvanized steel roofing; 21 - antiseptic wooden board 19x150 mm along the entire length; 22 - roofing galvanized steel; 23 - dowels.

Flat roofs are made with load-bearing prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Such roofs are designed flat (with a slope of up to 5%) in three main options - attic, non-attic or exploited.

attic roof

The attic roof is the main type of roofing in residential buildings of mass construction.

roofless roof

Bescherdachyaya in massive public and industrial buildings. A non-attic roof is allowed to be used in residential buildings with a height of no more than four floors, built in a temperate climate, as well as in limited areas of coatings multi-storey buildings- above the machine rooms of elevators, loggias, bay windows, above the volumes of lobbies protruding from the plane of the facades, vestibules and low-rise extensions for non-residential purposes (trade, household services, etc.). In turn, the attic roof structure is sometimes used in multi-storey buildings. public buildings, when their structural and planning parameters coincide with the parameters of residential buildings, which allows the use of prefabricated reinforced concrete products corresponding to them for roofs.

exploited roof

The operated roof is arranged over attic or non-attic coverings in buildings erected according to individual projects. It can be arranged over the entire building or in separate areas of coverage.

The type of drainage from a reinforced concrete roof is chosen during design, depending on the purpose of the object, its number of storeys and placement in the building.

In residential buildings of medium and high-rise buildings, internal drainage is used, in low-rise buildings, it is allowed to use an external organized drainage system when placing buildings with an indentation of the horizontal projection of the edge of 1.5 m or more from the red building line, and unorganized - in low-rise buildings located inside the block. In all cases of the use of unorganized drainage, roofs are provided over the entrances to buildings and balconies.

In case of internal drainage in residential buildings, one water intake funnel per planning section, but not less than two per building, is provided.

With an external organized drainage system, the placement and cross-section of drainpipes are prescribed the same as with pitched roofs.

Waterproofing of reinforced concrete roofs is designed depending on their type. For non-attic structures, as a rule, rolled waterproofing coatings are used (with the exception of non-attic roofs of a separate structure).

Waterproofing of attic and separate non-attic roofs is carried out in the following of three ways: the first (traditional) - by installing a multilayer carpet from rolled waterproofing materials; the second - by painting with waterproofing mastics (organosilicon or others), which, together with the waterproof concrete of the roofing panel, provide the protective functions of the coating; the third is the use of prestressed roofing panels of high-grade concrete in terms of water resistance, which provide waterproofing of the roof without painting with mastics.

According to the adopted method of waterproofing, the requirements for the characteristics of concrete roofing panels change (Table 20.2).

According to the method of passage and release of exhaust ventilation through the structure, attic roofs are distinguished with a cold, warm and open attic. For each of these structures, any of the above described waterproofing methods can be applied in the design. Thus, the design of the attic reinforced concrete roof has six main design options (Fig. 20.13):
  • A - with a cold attic and a rolled roof;
  • B - the same, with rollless;
  • B - with a warm attic and a rolled roof;
  • G - the same, with rollless;
  • D - with an open attic and a rolled roof;
  • E - the same, with rollless.
Atticless roofs are designed using the following four design options (Fig. 20.14):
  • Zh - separate ventilated (with a roof panel and attic floor) structure with a rolled roof
  • And - the same, with a rollless roof
  • K - combined three-layer panel construction
  • L - combined multilayer building production
In the design process, the choice of the type of flat roof construction is carried out taking into account the type of building being designed, its number of storeys and the climatic conditions of the construction area, as recommended in Table. 20.3.

Attic roof structures consist of covering panels (roofing panels and trays), attic flooring, support structures for trays and roofing panels, and external frieze elements (Fig. 20.15). The height of the through passage in the attic space must be at least 1.6 m. Local reductions of up to 1.2 m outside the through passage are allowed.

Attic roofs with a cold and open attic (structure types A, B, D, E) contain an insulated attic floor, non-insulated thin-walled ribbed reinforced concrete roofing, tray and frieze panels, in which holes are provided for ventilation of the attic space. Area ventilation holes for each longitudinal side of the facade, in climatic regions I and II, 0.002 of the attic area is prescribed, in regions III and IV - up to 0.02.

The dimensions of the supply and exhaust openings in the frieze panels of open attics are assumed to be significantly larger according to the results of calculating the ventilation of the attic space.

Ventilation blocks and shafts cross roofs with a cold attic, bringing the air mixture into open space over the roof.

Roof structures with a warm attic (types C and D) are made up of insulated roofing, tray and frieze panels, non-insulated attic floor and supporting structures of roofing and tray panels (Fig. 20.16). Since the warm attic serves as an air collection chamber for the building's exhaust ventilation system, ventilation blocks and shafts are completed in the attic space with 0.6 m high heads without crossing the roof. Fascia panels are designed deaf (without ventilation holes). These panels in some areas can be made translucent (for natural lighting of the attic), but not folded. In the central zone of the warm attic, a common exhaust shaft is arranged (one per planning section) 4.5 m high from the upper plane of the attic floor.

Roof structures with an open attic (types D and E) are similar in composition of structural elements to structures with a cold attic, but the ventilation structures do not cross it, breaking off at a height of 0.6 m from the surface of the attic floor, as in roofs with a warm attic.

Roofs with inclined frieze panels and gable-shaped vertical frieze panels, reminiscent of the traditional forms of mansard roofs, became a peculiar architectural variant of the design of reinforced concrete attic roofs of multi-storey buildings. This option can be applied to both cold and warm attic roofs (Fig. 20.17).

The roof panels of rollless roofs with a cold and open attic, as well as separate non-attic roofs, are solved in the same way. These are thin-walled (plate thickness 40mm) ribbed reinforced concrete slabs. The butt edges of the panels and their junctions to the vertical structures crossing the roof (elevator shafts, ventilation units, etc.) are equipped with ribs 300 mm high. The joints are protected by flashings (or overlapped) and sealed.

Drainage trough-shaped trays are made of waterproof concrete with a bottom thickness of 80 mm and a rib height of 350 mm, a width of at least 900 mm.

Roof panels and roof trays with a warm attic are designed with two or three layers. The top layer is made of frost-resistant concrete with a thickness of at least 40 mm.

The design of a separate non-attic roof (type I) contains the same structural elements as an attic roof with a cold attic, but due to the fact that its airspace has a low height (up to 0.6 m), the solution of supporting structures is simplified - they can serve as separate reinforced concrete bars.

Three-layer panels of combined roofs (type K) are manufactured in a single technological cycle or are assembled at the factory from two thin-walled ribbed plates and insulation between them.

With the almost threefold increase in the normative requirements for resistance to heat transfer of external building envelopes, the use of the most industrial and economical design of the combined roof has ceased (as well as warm attics) from single-layer lightweight concrete panels, as they have lost their economic viability.

Traditional combined construction-made roofs (type L) are erected by successive laying on the building over the ceiling (from monolithic or precast concrete) of the upper floor of the vapor barrier layer, slope filling, heat-insulating layer, leveling screed and multilayer rolled carpet. Design L is the most time-consuming and has the worst performance. Its use should be limited as much as possible.

From fig. 20.14 it is obvious that any of the non-attic roofs is a multi-layer structure, including a supporting reinforced concrete slab, vapor barrier, heat-insulating and waterproofing (with a special prefabricated or monolithic base under it) layers. At the same time, it is traditional to place the waterproofing layer on top, which leads (with a non-ventilated roof structure) to a decrease in the durability of the waterproofing carpet under the influence of solar radiation and the pressure of vaporous moisture accumulating under the carpet.

To increase the durability of roof waterproofing, a variant of the inversion design has been developed and is being implemented - with the location of the waterproofing layer directly along the carrier plate under the thermal insulation layer (Fig. 20.18).

Changing the location of the heat and waterproofing layers, in addition to increasing the durability of the roof, creates a number of additional economic and technological advantages. The inversion design is less massive, since there is no need to install a special base under the roof in the form of a cement-sand screed over the insulation: the base for the waterproofing carpet is the bearing slab of the coating. Thanks to this arrangement of the carpet, the need for a vapor barrier layer is eliminated - the rolled carpet combines the functions of vapor and waterproofing.

Accordingly, the cost and labor costs are reduced, since the design and implementation of junctions of inverted roofs is simpler than that of traditional ones (Fig. 20.19). The fact that inverted roofs have so far received relatively limited use in domestic construction is due to the requirements for the physical and technical properties of the insulation in such structures. It should, with a low coefficient of thermal conductivity 1 3 , compressive strength of 0.25-0.5 MPa, daily water absorption in% by volume of 0.1-0.2, be microporous and have a closed pore structure. The insulation must be hydrophobic, not swell or shrink, have the necessary mechanical strength. In practice, the possibility of expanding the introduction of inversion structures develops with the start of production of domestic extrusion polystyrene boards"Penolex", and, accordingly, a decrease in the volume of exports of similar heaters.

Operated terrace roofs are arranged over warm and cold attic roofs, over technical attics, and sometimes over combined roofs (Fig. 20.20). Especially often the latter option is used in buildings with terraced ledges in its three-dimensional form. The floor of terrace roofs is designed flat or with a slope of no more than 1.5%, and the roof surface under it - with a slope of at least 3%. For roofing take the most durable materials(for example, hydroisol). The number of layers of the rolled carpet is taken one more than with an unused roof. A layer of hot mastic antiseptic with herbicides is applied to the surface of the carpet. They protect the carpet from the germination of plant roots from seeds and spores brought to the roof by the wind. When constructing an operated roof according to an inverse combined structure, this role is played by a filtering synthetic canvas located under the ballast and draining gravel layer. The floor of the roof-terrace is made of stone or concrete slabs, sometimes lined ceramic tiles. The floor slabs are loosely laid on a drainage layer of gravel.