Oil boilers. Waste oil boiler: a reliable and budget option for space heating

A mining boiler with a power of up to 15 kW is used for heating most private houses in non-gasified areas. This is a good alternative to solid fuel boilers (coal, wood), pellets and diesel fuel! Also, boilers are installed as backup heating in parallel with gas, solid fuel or instead of diesel heating.

EcoBoil-18/30 liquid fuel boiler is able to heat a room up to 150 m 2 with a ceiling height of up to 3 meters with a normal degree of insulation.

Such boilers are often purchased for heating private houses and cottages, change houses, trailers, small greenhouses, workshops, poultry houses, dryers, etc.

If you have an area or ceiling height greater than the above, you can consider more powerful boilers:

Small service stations, garages and workshops can be heated with waste oil air heaters. These are hot air boilers and do not require a water heating system. They can be turned off at night and run in the morning. The following heaters are suitable for small rooms: Air heater "HotAir-05", HotAir-1/30 or HotAir-2/36

Fuel types:

  • used oils
  • hydraulic oils
  • kerosene, diesel fuel
  • vegetable oils: rapeseed, sunflower, corn, soybean

Comparison table for waste oil boilers semi-automatic with automatic

Parameter Semi-automatic boiler EcoBoil Automatic boiler EcoBoil-A
Ignition type Manual Auto
Boiler cleaning 1 per day 1 time in 1-2 months
Requires daily supervision Yes Not
Starting after an emergency shutdown, including after a power outage Manual. The oil pump will not pump fuel on its own. Auto start (N-number of attempts, if it fails, it goes into error until the restart and the cause is eliminated)
Fuel supply type Drip oil pump. No nozzles. Pyrolysis Nozzle, air pressure
Operating modes Minimum / maximum
the boiler does not turn off completely
Day/night mode Not There is. Day/Night Temperatures and Day/Night Changeover Times
Maintaining the system temperature within the specified ranges There is. Hysteresis (temperature difference adjustable)
Possibility to connect a backup power supply from 12 volts There is Not
Requires compressed air (compressor) Not Yes
Electricity consumption per hour 0.1 - 0.25 kW 0.5-1.5 kW (depending on burner power)
Oil Filtration Not required Integrated in the burner 3 degrees of filtration
Oil heating Not required There is. Built into the burner
Boil protection There is There is
Protection against overheating of the oil in the oil tank No oil tank There is
Protection against various breakdowns There is
Flame control Analog temperature sensor for flame temperature Flame photosensor

Contents of delivery:

All oil pumps for all models have always been with metal gear!

The device and principle of operation of the heater

The EcoBoil water boiler has internal and external heat exchange tubes (double-turn), due to which the water in the system heats up faster, which ensures an increase in efficiency with less fuel consumption compared to other types of oil boilers. On the front of the boiler there are 2 hatches: an ash pan for cleaning and ignition, and the second one for cleaning the chimney chamber (cleaned 1-2 times a season).

Thickness of the combustion chamber - 6 mm
The outer wall of the boiler - 2 mm
The thickness of the bowl of the combustion chamber - 8 mm
Operating pressure in the system up to 3 bar (atm)
Paint coating - 1000 o C
Recommended ash cleaning 1 time per day, depending on the contamination of the used oil (takes 5 minutes) and 1 time per month - automatic boiler cleaning.

Delivery is carried out by transport companies in all regions of Russia, the countries of the customs union and the CIS.

One of the cheapest types of fuel used to operate heating boilers is waste oil. It can be anything: synthetic or natural. Oil drained from culinary units, cars or diesel locomotives is suitable.

In any case, when burned, it will give a large amount of heat. Therefore, it is very profitable to assemble a boiler using used oil with your own hands. Especially if you need to heat a utility room or garage.

We will tell you how the heater is arranged and works, what are the design nuances of a home-made unit, and we will also describe the step-by-step process of assembling the boiler and the features of its operation.

The mining boiler can be pyrolysis. Its main feature is the possibility of long-term operation on one fuel tab. Structurally, such a model will differ in the presence of an afterburner.

Here the final combustion of all chemical elements that make up the used oil takes place. Due to the presence of an afterburner, the operating time on one portion of oil is significantly increased.

How to make a boiler yourself

For the manufacture of a heater, we need the following materials and tools. We prepare sheet steel with a minimum thickness of 4 mm, fittings with a section of 10 or 8 mm, a pipe for an air duct, tees, spurs and half-inch corners for a burner, steel adapters, a compressor, an expansion tank and a pump.

In addition, you will need welding equipment, a heat-resistant sealant, an asbestos sheet and a grinder.

One of the simplest boiler designs in development. Such a device is very simple to make on your own, while it will work effectively.

Consider the process of manufacturing the simplest home-made boiler for mining. The device itself can take different forms. In this regard, to facilitate the work, you can take not sheet steel, but a section of a large-section pipe with thick walls.

For example, a workable device that easily heats a standard-sized garage is obtained from two pipe fragments. One with a section of 0.5 m, the second - 0.2 m.

In addition to them, you will need two more metal plates with a minimum thickness of 3 mm, cut out in the shape of a circle. If you need a more powerful heater, then parts of the required dimensions are selected or made from sheet steel.

Now you can proceed to the assembly. We start with the preparation of the body. It will be made from a larger pipe. We cut it with a grinder so that we get a fragment about a meter high.

We also cut the pipe of a smaller section. So that we get a fragment with a height of 20 cm. Now we are preparing the plates that will function as the bottom and cover of the case.

In one of them we make a hole corresponding in size to the chimney. This will be the case cover. In the other, we cut a hole for the connection with a fragment of a small pipe. This will be the bottom of the structure.

We weld to it a cylinder cut from a pipe of a smaller diameter. We close its bottom with another round plate. We assemble the body, covering it with plates on both sides. We connect the parts, scald them in a circle.

We attach legs made of reinforcing bars to the bottom of the case. We drill ventilation holes in the pipe. We received a cylindrical boiler, in the lower part of the body of which there is a small reservoir.

Now you need to equip the door. Cut it out at the bottom of the cylinder with a grinder. We put and fix the chimney on the upper part of the body. The simplest version of the boiler is ready.

To ignite it, you will need to pour some mining into the lower container and set it on fire with a burning paper wick. This is the simplest of all known options. You can assemble a more complex, and therefore more efficient design.

Actually, the schematic diagram of any fuel device for mining consists of two boxes made of durable metal, interconnected by an air duct in the form of a perforated pipe.

The lower box is equipped with a hole through which oil is poured into the evaporation chamber; a damper is usually located opposite it. The upper box is equipped with a hole into which the chimney is inserted.

It is very easy to supplement such a scheme with a variety of components: an oil supply pump, a drip feed, an air compressor, or connect a supply tank with fuel to the boiler.

You can also connect a water circuit. But in this case, it will be necessary to equip an efficient burner that can carry out the most uniform heating of the coolant.

A variant of a burner for a mining boiler, which is powered by a glow plug of a diesel engine. Such a burner can be used for appliances that heat the water circuit.

Consider the manufacturing process of such a burner. Actually, its shape can be arbitrary, but it must be remembered that the mixing zone should always be located only above the combustion zone.

Only in this case, unused mining will be able to return to the tank. To make the burner body, we take half-inch corners and connect them with tees and spurs.

For the oil pipeline supplying mining, adapters for the fitting will be additionally needed. Before tightening, we coat all threaded connections well with a heat-resistant sealant. We use sheet steel for the burner cover. Sheet thickness at least 3 mm.

We cut out a part from it that matches the size of the nest on the boiler. After we assembled the burner, it remains to install it correctly. To do this, we will prepare two steel plates, one should be slightly smaller than the other, nuts, bolts and an asbestos sheet. Half-inch tubes and the inner surface of the adapter must be covered with asbestos. We must fix the fabric.

We glue it with silicate sealant in two layers, fix asbestos on the tubes with steel wire. Now we take the burner and insert it into the body, if necessary, we adjust it to the installation socket.

After the burner "stood" in place, we install a smaller plate in the nest and cover it with several layers of asbestos cloth. Ideally, if there are four or five.

We use a large plate as a fixing pad. We drill several holes in it for fasteners, after which we lay them on top of the asbestos and twist both plates with bolts.

It must be understood that the resulting connection should be as tight as possible, if this is not the case, the elements of the burner may move during operation. To ignite such a burner, a standard glow plug is used, which is used in diesel engines.

In a simplified version, a mining boiler is a stove to which a heat exchanger or tank is connected to heat the coolant. The following selection of photos will acquaint you with the process of making a homemade stove:

Image gallery

In order to assemble the basis of the boiler - the stove for testing, we prepare the parts. It is better to cut them on a waterjet machine, for which you should contact a locksmith shop

Before welding the parts, we adjust them to each other using a clamp. We strive to give the shell the most rounded shape. If necessary, align the strip of metal with a hammer

After fitting, we weld the shell and the upper plane of the cover. First, we weld with dots after 2-3 cm, then with a continuous continuous seam

We adjust the shell of the lower part of the lower tank in the same way. We weld the parts, check for leaks by pouring water into the resulting container

We assemble the lid of the lower tank in the same way: we adjust the shape of the bottom and round the shell

We connect the fitted parts by welding. First of all, we cook with dots at small intervals, then with a continuous seam

Inside the upper tank we mount a fender, which will direct the flue gases to the chimney

We install a pipe into the hole cut by the machine in the top panel of the tank and weld it

Step 1: Preparing Parts for Assembly

Step 2: Fitting the Bottom Tank Parts

Step 3: Assembling the Lower Tank Top Cover

Step 4: Fixing the bottom of the lower tank

Step 5: Attaching the Bottom Tank Lid

Step 6: Attaching the Cover Parts by Welding

Step 7: Installing the internal fender

Step 8: Welding the flue pipe

The upper part of our homemade stove is ready. Now you need to assemble the lower part and connect the components:

Image gallery

We install the injection pipe, in which 56 holes are pre-drilled. We start it in the lower part of the upper tank. We mark its location, weld

We assemble the upper tank from two parts, a chimney pipe is welded to the upper of which, an injection pipe is welded to the lower one

We weld the upper part of the lower tank to the injection pipe. We carry out all work on connecting tanks to pipes, controlling the assembly with a building level

We adjust the tank shells so as to achieve the most snug fit, virtually without gaps

We weld the parts of the lower tank fitted to each other. First we cook with dots, then with a continuous seam

In order not to add oil constantly processed in the stove, we build an additional tank. It will be attached to the bottom tank of the stove.

We put an overflow tube at the bottom of the stove, which will provide a metered supply of oil to the lower tank. In order to provide the tube with space, and the stability of the stove from the bottom, we weld two segments of the corner

We weld the legs to the assembled structure. For stability, it is better to make three of them. If some roll is observed, then it will be necessary to correct the bottom of the support with a file

Heating of utility rooms, service stations, greenhouses and workshops is an urgent problem for many.

It is not always possible to gasify these premises, and it is very inefficient to use heating with electrical appliances. A mining boiler with a water circuit is an excellent solution that allows you to use resources economically and efficiently.

In this article, we will consider the principle of operation, the design of the boiler for testing, and tell you how to build this unit with your own hands.

The main advantage of such a boiler is fuel efficiency, because sometimes you can even get it for free. Many car services and workshops give processed oil with the condition of self-delivery.

The principle of boilers operating on recycled fuel is the same in all cases. It consists in evaporating the oil and burning the steam from it.

But there are small nuances in such technology. All used oils contain many heavy metals, additives and other elements. The task is to build such a unit that will allow to accumulate heat inside, and not to remove all these elements at once into the chimney. Complete oxidation of all elements occurs only if the maximum temperature inside the boiler is reached - 600 0 С.

The temperature indicator in this case is a very important point. Without going into long explanations of chemical processes, we can say briefly: harmless combustion and evaporation of fuel can only occur at a temperature of 600 degrees. Deviation to one side or the other by 200 degrees will provoke the release of very harmful toxic substances.

A home-made boiler for mining looks like this: two metal containers are interconnected by a pipe and at the same time they are at different heights. The upper tank is equipped with a flue pipe, the length of which must be at least one meter.

Waste oil is poured into the lower tank. The top layer of oil in the evaporation chamber is heated, resulting in the formation of steam. Rising, it goes into a perforated pipe and connects with air, reaches the upper tank and burns out. And already the combustion products themselves are removed through the pipe through the chimney.

Thus, the room is heated, but no toxic waste harmful to human health is released. This fact immediately answers the main question that interests many before the construction of such a unit: “How harmful is the mining boiler?”.

With the correct design and observance of all necessary technical points, a spent fuel boiler does not pose a threat to human health. But here you need to strictly adhere to the operating conditions and understand that this unit is suitable for heating only utility rooms. It is impossible to perform such a device for heating a house. After all, it uses spent fuel, which is difficult to attribute to clean fuels.

You should clearly understand the principle of operation and the technology of oil evaporation in such a unit. It is not the oil itself that burns here, but its vapors. Due to the fact that the spent fuel heats up and begins to evaporate even before the start of combustion, it becomes possible to decompose such burning fuel into lighter elements.

Where are these heaters used?

  • in industrial premises;
  • in premises for keeping animals;
  • in auto repair shops, at service stations;
  • in greenhouses;
  • in warehouses and garages.

Almost any oil can be used as fuel for such a boiler, including depreciation oil.

The technology of oil evaporation in the boiler during mining

Combustion of fuel and evaporation of oil can occur in two ways:

  1. Ignition of a liquid substance. In this case, steam will be released, which will burn out in a special chamber.
  2. Pouring a liquid onto a hot surface, resulting in the formation of steam.

One of the easiest ways to implement this technology is to use a hot metal bowl, on the surface of which used oil drips.

The bottom line is that when in contact with hot metal, the fuel evaporates abruptly, and does not heat up. There is a diffusion of steam with air, which is supplied to the tank. Vapors ignite and burn, resulting in heat.

In order to achieve maximum efficiency of such a unit, it is necessary to ensure that the burning mixture remains in the combustion chamber for a long time. To do this, install a fixed impeller at the mouth of the chimney, which will help create the necessary turbulence in the combustion chamber.

A homemade boiler without a water circuit can heat a fairly large area. Its power is enough to heat a small workshop of 30-40 square meters, a greenhouse or a garage.

If it is necessary to provide heating of large rooms, then a boiler with a water circuit should be made. At the same time, fuel consumption is striking in its efficiency: from 0.5 liters to 1 liter per hour.

Depending on the needs and desires of the owners of utility rooms, such a home-made unit can be equipped with one or two circuits. If the task is reduced solely to heating the room, then one circuit will be enough.

If it is necessary to heat water for domestic purposes, then two circuits must be completed. For these purposes, a heat exchanger is installed in the upper tank.

Despite the excellent efficiency, versatility of fuel use and great efficiency, this principle of operation is rarely implemented on foreign boilers. But domestic manufacturers often produce such units, which are widely used for economic purposes.

The most difficult thing in the independent implementation of such a design is the method of preheating the bowl onto which oil is dripping. Those who make such a boiler with their own hands act simply: they throw a wick soaked in gasoline into the tank and set it on fire. After the bowl is heated to the desired temperature, simply open the oil supply.

The second point that you need to pay attention to is a uniform drip oil supply. It is necessary to ensure the optimal level of spent fuel filtration.

To do this, it is enough to put an automobile oil filter on one end of the tube, which is lowered into the spent fuel tank. The filter must be changed at least once a month. If the fuel is dirty, then more often.

Another problem may be the fuel pump, which must supply the right amount of oil to the tank. Having assembled a structure of fittings, a nipple and two tees, you can milk "protection" from fuel overflow. The hose will contain a portion of the oil that is placed in this assembly.

The rest will simply drain back into the tank. According to a similar scheme, the factory design of the boiler with automatic overflow protection is also carried out.

Another idea for dripping fuel is to use a fragment of a conventional medical dropper. This fragment is put on the lower fitting, and the drop frequency is determined using the control wheel.

The amount of fuel that drips onto the bowl should be just enough so that it burns evenly, but does not smoke. If the fuel is changed, it is necessary to re-adjust the drop frequency each time.

A good modern mining boiler must be equipped with protection against oil boiling and fuel overflow. To avoid a fire, you need to ensure that the oil level in the tank is lower than in the stove itself.

In order to make a boiler with a water circuit, it is enough to arrange a water jacket around the furnace body. Further, this circuit can be used at your own discretion: either to supply for heating a large room, or for heating water.

In order to connect the pipes leading to the heating system to the tank, you will need a pump to circulate water.

The mining boiler seems to be good for everyone: it is both economical and easy to operate. But how to ensure that it maintains combustion for a long time?

It is impossible to add oil during its operation - it is dangerous. Waiting for complete combustion is inconvenient. You can, of course, make a large fuel tank, but then a large amount of oil will not have time to heat up to the desired temperature.

An additional tank will help to solve this problem, where the main fuel supply will be poured. It will be connected to the lower body according to the principle of communicating vessels.

Advantages and disadvantages of a mining boiler

Like any heating unit, a mining boiler has its advantages and disadvantages. Before you decide to do it yourself, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this list in detail.


  • low cost of resources;
  • simple design and clear principle of operation of the boiler;
  • the ability to use the boiler to heat water (during the construction of a water circuit);
  • rapid heating of the liquid;
  • the possibility of making your own hands;
  • compactness;
  • high efficiency.

The relative environmental safety of such a boiler can be attributed rather to advantages, but it should be emphasized that this safety is achieved only with strict observance of all technical nuances during construction and operation.

The “outlet” boiler produces a temperature of 95 degrees, which makes it possible to heat the garage, greenhouse, workshop well even in the most severe frost.

It is possible to provide a small hob on the design, with which it will be easy to heat the kettle or warm up dinner.


  • the need for regular cleaning;
  • lack of support for this unit at the legislative level;
  • unrepresentable appearance.

As you can see, the advantages of such a design for heating are much greater than the disadvantages. Therefore, if you decide to build a mining boiler with a water circuit on your own, we offer you step-by-step instructions that even a beginner can handle.

Fire safety measures

It should be understood that such a home-made design must be made clearly in accordance with established fire safety standards.

To protect the premises from fire, we also recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  • The chimney diameter must be at least 100 mm. Ideally, use sandwich pipes, on the surface of which a minimum amount of soot is formed.
  • In the immediate vicinity of the tanks, it is forbidden to store flammable objects (fuel tanks).
  • All joints must be sealed.
  • The thickness of the walls of the tanks where the combustion of fuel takes place must be at least 4 mm.
  • To ensure the flow of fresh air into the room and to avoid smoke, it is necessary to equip the boiler room with a forced circulation system. The air exchange rate per 1 cubic meter of area is 180 m 3 / hour.

How to make a mining boiler with a water circuit with your own hands

In order to independently perform this unit, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • sheet metal for the tank (thickness 4 mm);
  • sheet metal for the cover (thickness 6 mm);
  • chimney pipe;
  • oil pump;
  • fan;
  • steel adapters;
  • heat resistant sealant;
  • metal corners for supports.


  • grinder with a circle for cutting metal;
  • pencil and construction tape measure;
  • drill with a drill for metal;
  • hammer and a set of keys;
  • electrode welding.

To facilitate the work on the implementation of the boiler, you can take ready-made barrels for propane or oxygen.

The assembly diagram of the unit will look like this:

Before performing work, it is necessary to determine the place where the boiler will be placed. It is necessary to make sure that there are no flammable things nearby and the boiler body itself does not block the movement, does not interfere with work.

Step 1. Preparing the base and walls

Step 2. Making the main tank of the boiler (internal)

This body is a tank with a water jacket, an oxygen supply channel and a tube through which oil flows to the bowl.

At the bottom of this case, it is necessary to make a door to remove the bowl and ignite the oil.

Step 3. Making the outer casing of the pipe

Step 4. Making an air supply channel

  • Measure a pipe with a diameter of 6-8 cm on sheet metal and cut it out with a grinder. The length of the pipe exceeds the overall design by 10-15 cm.
  • We measure from one end 50 cm and make a hole.
  • Now we are making a channel for the oil supply, which will be inside the air supply pipe. To do this, take a piece of tube 8 cm long (d = 1 cm) and weld to the other end of a tube of the same diameter, but 50 cm long at an angle of 130-150 0 .
  • Carefully install the oil supply tube into the air supply pipe.
  • On the side we carry out a tie-in for the compressor. We connect the fuel supply pump and the circulation pump.
  • We place the bowl in the cauldron.
  • We fix the door.

Step 5 Installing the chimney

After the boiler itself is securely installed on the base, we proceed to the installation of the chimney, the length of which should be 3.5-4 m.

At the same time, try to make a vertical pipe without horizontal sections.

  • We connect the outlet pipe of the boiler with the chimney pipe.
  • Depending on which chimney outlet scheme: through a wall or roof, we perform markings. If we pass a pipe through the wall through the ceiling.

  • In the place where the pipe will pass through the ceiling, it is necessary to lay asbestos fiber around the chimney and attach a special heat-resistant casing to the ceiling.

  • To adjust the draft, we equip the chimney with a metal damper.
  • We remove the chimney above the roof.

Step 6. Connecting the water circuit

If the boiler is to be used as a connection to radiators for heating a large room, the entire battery network must first be laid through the room.

To connect the boiler to the radiator, we use a pipe with a diameter of 43 mm.

Video. Do-it-yourself boiler for working out

Conclusion: a mining boiler with a water circuit is an economical alternative for heating utility rooms, which, if properly assembled, will allow heating a room of 30-40 square meters even in the most severe frosts.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a detailed video, which shows the operation of the furnace in mining with a water circuit.

Video. How does a mining boiler work

Heating of utility rooms, workshops, garages, greenhouses and private houses can be carried out using waste oil boilers. Such equipment is at the same time versatile, safe to use and reduces utility costs. Boilers for mining with a water circuit can be made by hand, which allows you to save on the purchase of expensive factory equipment.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of boilers using recycled oil as fuel will be the same. It consists in the forced evaporation of the oil and the subsequent combustion of the resulting vapors. A well-made heater accumulates heat inside the water jacket, while quickly removing all combustion products into the chimney. The complete oxidation of the additives and heavy metals contained in the used oil takes place at high temperatures, which guarantees the highest possible efficiency of the boiler.

The temperature regime of the boiler is one of the most important characteristics, on which the efficiency of the thermal installation and its safety directly depend. At temperatures of about 600 degrees, complete combustion of the fuel is ensured, which increases the efficiency of the installation, preventing the release of toxic elements. Even a deviation of 150-200 degrees can lead to a significant deterioration in the efficiency of the heater.

Double-turn copper on the Waste oil.

Home-made heat units are simple in design, while they allow you to heat the room with high quality, guaranteeing fuel savings and complete safety of the device. The boiler body consists of two metal containers connected to each other by a perforated pipe. The upper tank has a smoke channel with a length of at least 1 meter.

The external tank is used as an evaporation chamber for used oil. The surface layer of the fuel heats up, saturated steam appears, which is directed through the pipe to the upper tank, where it burns, heating the coolant, after which the smoke is removed through the pipe into the chimney.

Benefits and scope of use

The waste oil boiler with a water circuit appeared in the middle of the last century and became popular in the market. The advantages of this type of heating technology include the following:

  • Excellent efficiency.
  • Complete autonomy.
  • Work on an inexpensive type of fuel.
  • Unit safety.
  • High power.
  • The possibility of automating the operation of the boiler.

If earlier thermal installations were made exclusively mechanical, and their operating time depended on the size of the firebox, today on sale you can find ready-made modifications of boilers for mining, which are equipped with control automation and have an additional oil supply tank.

Excellent performance, efficiency and reliability have invariably affected the functionality of the heaters. The mining boilers are used for heating the following premises:

  • Warehouses and garages.
  • Agricultural greenhouses.
  • Service stations and car repair shops.
  • Industrial premises.
  • Ancillary buildings.
  • Dachas and country private houses.

Heat generators are not demanding on the quality of fuel, which allows the use of any oil in its structure and type, including depreciation oil, this reduces the cost of space heating. You can choose inexpensive biodiesel, which increases the efficiency of thermal installations, while being affordable and environmentally friendly.

Design features

The basis of the mining boiler is the evaporator, which allows you to get saturated steam, which is subsequently burned in the upper chamber of the apparatus. Combustion of fuel can be carried out in the heat generator in two ways:

  • Oil is poured onto a hot surface, resulting in steam.
  • Liquid fuel is ignited, which leads to the appearance of saturated steam, which burns out in the upper chamber.

In homemade installations, an evaporator is used from a heated metal bowl. Waste oil drips onto the hot surface, which immediately turns into steam. Contacting with a hot metal, the fuel quickly evaporates, diffusion occurs with air entering the tank through a perforated pipe. The steam flares up and burns out, which leads to active heat generation.

A fixed impeller is located at the mouth of the chimney, which prevents the rapid removal of hot gases, increasing the efficiency of the thermal installation. In the combustion chamber, due to the use of a damper, turbulences of hot air occur, the heat exchanger and the carrier circulating inside it quickly warm up, making it possible to ensure the highest possible efficiency indicators of the heat generator.

Boiler at working out "Furnace business"

Home-made boilers, despite their compact dimensions, are highly efficient, solving problems with heat in a room of 30-40 square meters. The presence of a hot water circuit allows the use of such installations for heating private houses with an area of ​​​​80-100 square meters.

Mechanical installations with properly adjusted evaporator oil supply will provide excellent fuel economy. The consumption of mining at full power of the device will be no more than 1 liter per hour of operation of the device. Some modifications of the boilers have the ability to adjust the power and fuel consumption, which is achieved by reducing or increasing the intensity of the oil supply to the evaporator.

The factory settings of waste oil boilers can have one or two circuits, which allows the device to be used for heating and hot water supply. Such heat generators will be an excellent option for summer cottages and a small private house, saving homeowners from having to buy an expensive gas or electric boiler. A double-circuit boiler at mining will be distinguished by fuel efficiency, reliability and ease of operation.

Homemade boiler making

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of a mining boiler, it is necessary to select a scheme for the execution of equipment. To date, the most widely used are three main designs of heat generators on oil:

  • Babington burner.
  • Boiler with a heated bowl and drip fuel supply.
  • Installations of surface combustion with pyrolysis afterburning.

The easiest way is to make a boiler for working out a surface type of combustion, where pyrolysis afterburning is used in the secondary chamber and a perforated pipe. Such a heat generator will be an excellent option for heating a garage, utility room or greenhouse.

This is a versatile boiler that combines reliability and excellent efficiency. A feature of this design is the presence of an evaporator in the form of a ball, on which oil drips. A small hole in diameter is made in the sphere, into which air is injected through the pump, which leads to the formation of saturated steam.

Required Tools

Installations with an evaporator bowl, having a drip method of fuel supply and forced air injection, are distinguished by high efficiency rates, while their manufacture is not particularly difficult. A water circuit can be placed in the combustion chamber, which allows the use of such heat generators for heating rooms up to 100 square meters.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • Sheet metal with a thickness of at least 5 millimeters or blanks from gas cylinders.
  • Metal corner measuring 20 by 40 millimeters.
  • Welding machine.
  • Bulgarian with a cutting wheel for metal.

The use of a blank from a gas cylinder as a basis makes it possible to significantly simplify the manufacture of a heat unit. The container must be properly prepared, for which the spherical parts are cut off from above and below and the edges are cleaned with a grinder to remove all existing burrs.

You can make a supercharger snail with your own hands or use a cabin heater from a Zhiguli. In the latter case, the manufacture of the unit is somewhat simplified, and you can pick up the necessary components in car disassembly or in auto parts stores.

Step-by-step algorithm for manufacturing a boiler for mining.

The boiler for working out with your own hands is ready. It is necessary to carry out a test run of the heat generator, if necessary, adjust the intensity of the air and fuel supply to the evaporator. Subsequently, home-made boilers will not require any maintenance, and such equipment, provided that high-quality sheet steel and thick-walled cylinders are used, will last for many years.

A home-made waste oil boiler is a versatile thermal equipment that will allow you to heat utility rooms, garages, workshops and private houses with high quality. The presence of an additional water circuit allows you to increase the efficiency of the heater, and thanks to its simple design, it will not be difficult to manufacture the device yourself. Do-it-yourself boiler drawings for working out can significantly simplify the manufacture of equipment. You can make the device with a double circuit, which allows you to solve problems with hot water and heat in the room.

When it is not possible to connect your house to a centralized gas pipeline, you have to look for alternative ways of heating. Of course, you can immediately opt for an electric boiler, but it's expensive. The cost of electricity for heating in this way can make a hole in even the most stable budget. But there are other options, not so elementary in terms of management, but very effective.

So, for example, a mining boiler is one of the most profitable options for creating comfortable temperature conditions in a house. And although such thermal blocks are not so common in the regions of our country, some still give their preference to this particular method of heating. It will not be superfluous if we introduce you to the course on this issue.

Some general information

Despite the fact that gas is currently the most profitable energy resource, its prices are gradually increasing, as well as other alternative heat sources: electricity, coal, firewood. It is for this reason that many people are constantly in an active search for alternative inexpensive options for installing heating systems in the house.

Currently, people are increasingly giving their preference to waste oil heating, although they use it to heat utility rooms and garages. Such popularity is due to the fact that the cost of equipment of this type is practically no different from a gas heating apparatus, but at the same time, much less money is spent on servicing a mining boiler.

Boiler with built-in burner

It is not difficult to buy a boiler that operates on waste oil. Any specialized stores are engaged in the sale of such goods. And even if it is not available, then in any case it can be bought under the order. Moreover, you can assemble a boiler that runs on waste oil with your own hands. Its design is quite simple, so even an inexperienced person, following detailed instructions, will be able to assemble such a unit with his own hands. However, a do-it-yourself boiler for mining is highly undesirable to operate as the main thermal equipment for heating a private residential building. In this case, it is better to give preference to liquid fuel boilers, which can also operate on waste oil, but at the same time are professional and absolutely safe equipment.

The boiler for working out for heating the house must be factory-made with an automatic control system.

Principle of operation

Equipment operation scheme

For the most part, mining boilers are pyrolysis, when not the fuel itself burns out, but the gas-air mixture released when the used oil is heated.

Depending on the method of oil supply, two main types of boilers are distinguished - by gravity (according to the principle of communicating vessels) or by forced injection with an oil pump and drip fuel supply to a hot bowl.

In general, such equipment does not emit unpleasant odors due to the fact that the entire volume of fuel is burned, releasing a large amount of carbon dioxide. In fact, mining is already waste, because of this, heating equipment and its installation literally pay off in full within a year or two.

Pros and cons

If we talk about the advantages of such functional equipment, then they include:

  • low cost of equipment, and with self-assembly it will come out very cheap;
  • availability of fuel resources - someone prefers to buy mining from warehouses, while someone generally gets it for free;
  • high efficiency;
  • multifunctionality;
  • ease of installation and operation.

But as for the shortcomings, to ensure the efficient operation of the heating unit, you will need to choose high-quality used oil without harmful impurities.

VIDEO: Review of waste oil boiler fire

Types of heaters in development

Waste oil heating boilers are divided into three types:

  • water heating;
  • heating;
  • household.

Water Heating Oil Boiler

As the name implies, such devices are nothing more than an alternative to modern boilers.

And the scheme of operation of such devices is platform: the device heats up a flat surface on which a tank filled with water is located. The outlet of the tank is equipped with a small pumping unit, it is necessary to regulate the pressure of the system. I immediately wanted to say that it is extremely difficult to change the temperature of the water, so you have to dilute it with cold water.

As a rule, in heating units of such a plan, tanks with a volume of not more than 140 liters are used. Water heating is carried out in approximately two hours, which is several times faster than the operation of a modern electric boiler. Yes, and in terms of energy resources used, the oil apparatus outperforms the electric heater.

Oil water boilers can operate in two modes:

  1. Fast. This mode is used to quickly warm up freshly poured or completely chilled water.
  2. Wick. Thanks to this function, the water is always in a heated state. True, to maintain this regime will require a lot of fuel resources.

Water heaters operating on waste oil are installed mainly in basements, since they are non-transportable.

heating blocks

This type of heating units is not desirable to be located in a residential area. As a rule, such equipment is placed in a special building. Despite the fact that such units are equipped with advanced filtration units, during operation they often emit the smell of engine oil.

Inside the heating block there is a special "heating" unit equipped with a water tube and a hydropump. The last structural element is able to work both from the mains and from the energy generated by the unit itself. By means of a hydropump, the coolant circulates in the circuit. As a rule, ordinary tap water is used as a heat carrier.

The scheme of operation of the equipment is simple: a mixture of exhaust vapors and air masses is burned, which are supplied by a ventilating compressor. Adjusting the size of the fire is carried out by means of a primitive hose equipped with a valve. The ventilating device is the only structural element of this equipment that makes any movements, so it may sooner or later become unusable.

And speaking more generally, a waste oil boiler for space heating works for a long time without any repair and restoration work. The only thing that can cause the device to become unusable is poor maintenance and the use of low-quality fuel.

domestic boilers

Such universal devices will be an excellent option for arranging country houses. They, for the most part, are equipped with a gas cleaning mechanism, thanks to which they work with virtually no smoke. And the consumption of such fuel as transformer oil for the heating system, in comparison with the options considered earlier, is minimal.

VIDEO: Ignition of a waste oil boiler

The main advantage of such devices is mobility, due to which it can be moved from place to place without the risk of disrupting performance. Such equipment can easily fit even in the trunk of a car. And this, in turn, makes it possible to use the unit in nature, outside the city, in the country, while traveling. In addition, it performs several important functions for a full-fledged existence, in particular, quickly and efficiently heats the room, is multifunctional, where, along with heating, you can even heat food.

Rating of the best models

When traditional heaters are not available, mining boilers become the most profitable and simple way out of a difficult situation. Considering that the equipment can operate on all types of liquid combustible materials, including animal fat and diesel fuel, it can be called ideal for emergency situations. By the way, to switch from one type of fuel to another, it is enough just to adjust the speed and volume of air required for combustion, which takes 5 seconds at the most.

The best Russian-made waste oil boilers

Russian waste oil boilers are produced mainly in Voronezh. To date, there are 10 more small enterprises involved in the development and production of equipment according to their own engineering schemes. However, not everyone has a state certificate for the production of heating equipment. When buying, it is imperative to get acquainted with the documents, which guarantees safe work.

Pyrolysis boiler of domestic production, which can operate on crude oil, fuel oil of all grades, oils, fats, diesel fuel, kerosene, etc.


  • Operating voltage - 220 V.
  • Maximum temperature in the boiler - 95°С
  • Dimensions - 460x660x950 mm
  • Weight - 160 kg
  • Fuel consumption - 2-5 l/hour
  • Power consumption - 100 W.

The main advantage of this model is that almost all types of liquid hydrocarbons can be used as fuel. In addition, the unit is not critical to the viscosity and quality of the fuel; it does not require its preliminary filtration and heating.

In addition, there are several more advantages of the model - these are high efficiency, small dimensions, ease of maintenance and repair, reliability of all components and assemblies.

The average cost of the unit is 108,000 rubles.

Boiler of domestic production, which is designed for heating various industrial premises. The model is complete and ready to run. Double-circuit - is used not only for heating, but also to provide hot water in the house.


  • Dimensions - 1140x750x1180 mm
  • Weight - 257 kg
  • The maximum temperature of heating of the heat carrier - 95 °C
  • Maximum thermal power - 99 kW
  • Fuel consumption - 6 liters per hour
  • Compressed air pressure - 0.8 - 1.0 bar
  • Chimney diameter - 200 mm

The presence of the control panel allows you to control the equipment in automatic mode. It includes - switch, thermostat, thermohydrometer, emergency thermostat.

A big plus of this model is the excellent thermal insulation of the boiler body made of high-density glass wool. All external elements of the body are powder coated to protect against corrosion.

The boiler has a door for carrying out maintenance of the combustion chamber, while there is no need to dismantle the burner.

The average cost of the device is 268,000 rubles.

Single-circuit boiler, designed for heating a room up to 300 sq. meters for any purpose - residential buildings, industrial facilities.


  • Dimensions - 580x600x1100 mm
  • Chimney diameter - 108 mm
  • The volume of the water circuit - 38 l
  • Boiler power - 28 kW
  • Fuel consumption - 0.9-1.6 l / h

The boiler can operate on waste oil, various vegetable oils, kerosene and automatic transmission oils.

The average price for this unit is 460,000 rubles.

The best European waste oil boilers

Waste oil boilers are produced both in Russia and abroad. Oddly enough, the most popular are boilers of domestic production and from Finland. Domestic boilers are the most reliable, and those from Finland are the most economical

This waste oil boiler model can be used for heating various premises - warehouses, hangars, car services and other production areas.

The unit is completed with a torch, is delivered in full gathering, ready for operation. It can be connected to a separate boiler to receive water.


  • Dimensions - 1020x670x790 mm
  • Weight - 243 kg
  • Tank volume - 100 l
  • Fuel consumption - 5.4 liters. at one o'clock
  • Thermal power - 60 kW
  • Presence of a fuel tank
  • Compressed air pressure - 0.5-1.5 bar

In the manufacture of the boiler, sheet steel is used, the body of the unit has thermal insulation from a dense layer of fiberglass. The main advantage of the model is that it is easy to maintain, thanks to the classic combustion chamber, double fuel filtration system and a complete set - a fuel intake hose, oil line, fuel filters, a container with an oil preheating function.

The average cost of the device is 280,000 rubles.

A Finnish-made waste oil boiler that has proven itself to be a reliable and easy-to-use device. This model is designed to heat a medium-sized room, such as a private house or a small warehouse.


  • Dimensions - 625x585x995 mm.
  • Power - 62.6 kW.
  • Heat exchanger material - steel.
  • The combustion chamber is open.
  • Type of installation - floor.
  • Possibility to connect a DHW boiler.
  • Efficiency -88%.
  • The volume of the coolant in the jacket is 72 liters.
  • Fuel consumption - 5.6 liters per hour.
  • Chimney diameter - 200mm.

The boilers of this manufacturer, in particular this model, are distinguished by their stylish design and professional assembly. Among the advantages of the unit, one can distinguish - a steel and durable combustion chamber, ease of maintenance, the presence of a digital panel that allows you to control the operation of the burner.

The average cost of the device is 290,000 rubles.

VIDEO: The principle of operation and the advantages of a liquid fuel boiler