Where does the order begin. Where to start renovating an apartment with a rough finish in a new building

Perfect order in the house - myth or reality? The absence of blockages and dust on the shelves, perfect cleanliness, every thing in its place - why do some manage to keep it under control, while others do not? As it turned out, keeping the apartment in order is quite simple, you just need to stop making thoughtless unnecessary purchases and store old things.

Minimalism is gaining popularity every year. This is a style and philosophy of life in which freedom is placed above material wealth. The absence of unnecessary items allows you to free up space for better energy circulation, its accumulation. At the same time, the release of consciousness occurs, it becomes calm. Thus, order in the head begins with putting things in order in the room (workplace, house).

To maintain cleanliness and order, it is enough to follow simple rules:

Do not accumulate paper trash (unnecessary documents; receipts; coupons, with an expired warranty; leaflets; newspapers; magazines; catalogs, etc.) You need to have a basket in which you can put unnecessary correspondence. After accumulation, this waste paper may be taken to a special collection point. For checks and other documents, it is best to select a drawer in the closet (do not forget about constant reconciliation; documents that have lost their relevance should be immediately thrown away).

Wash the dishes immediately after eating. Natural laziness is characteristic of a person, and after a hearty dinner, an irresistible desire for relaxation arises. Several unwashed plates after lunch, and soon after dinner, turn into a pile of dirty dishes. And now, already from one sight, the mood deteriorates, hands are discouraged, I do not want to do anything further. In addition, dried food particles are difficult to wash from the dishes. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a healthy habit of timely dishwashing (it is more rational to spend 4 times for 5 minutes than to stand at the sink for 20 minutes once).

Make the bed after sleep. The central place in the room is given to the sleeping place. Therefore, if the bed is not removed, then everything in the room looks untidy.

Clean up the kitchen table. A person spends a huge amount of time in the kitchen. In order for a meal to turn into a pleasant experience, you need to keep the kitchen table completely empty (down with paper, receipts, fiction, vitamins, spices). For related items, you need to take a place in the kitchen cabinet.

Every thing should have its place. Books have a place on the bookshelf, toys should be in a special box, clothes should be stored in a wardrobe, etc. Every evening you need to look around the apartment and see which thing is out of place. A little time will be spent on cleaning, but in the morning, there will be a clean tidy apartment in front of your eyes.

Don't make rash purchases. Before purchasing a thing, think about whether this thing is really necessary, or whether it is 3 beautiful saucepan on the shelf.

Shake wardrobes full of things. Do not be afraid to throw out unnecessary things.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. In order for thoughts to circulate freely, it is necessary to free up space. But a person often litters it, because he does not want to do anything (laziness). It is necessary to take out the trash, wash things, clean up the dishes in a timely manner - and then order in the house will become not a myth, but a reality.

Today's collection of letters at first glance about completely different everyday situations. But if you read it carefully, it becomes obvious: the appeals are united by one important topic - how to make our life better? Where does order begin? Let's think together ...

The exact address

Deep disappointment - this is how you can summarize my situation. Since 1992, when I suffered a heart attack, I feel worse and worse. It became simply unbearable. He turned to the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology" for help with a request to perform a heart operation. Thank you, I quickly get an answer, where it is indicated where to apply. I started to act. First, along with all the necessary analyzes and certificates, I went to the Brest cardiologic dispensary, where they did an ultrasound of the heart and a cardiogram and gave me a referral to the regional polyclinic. There is a record, a queue. When I arrived there with incredible difficulties (I cannot walk more than 50 steps without pain), it turned out that I needed to go through the same procedures. But here is the direction to Minsk. I return to Stolin again and call the capital. Until the date of admission - more than a month. Previously it is impossible. And I'm already really bad! What to do, I again go to the Stolin polyclinic, I am ordered to go again to Brest for coronary angiography. In Minsk, I could not have done anything on my own, well, my grandson helped, literally took me to the appointment on his shoulders. Again the same procedures. Then we returned to Brest ... As a result, we had 5 trips! For me, in my condition, this is unbearable. Is it really impossible to make sure that all these procedures are carried out in one place? Why did each instance carry out the same surveys again? Do they not trust each other, or what?

Stepan DOBRINETS, Stolin.

You need to touch everything with your hands ...

Overhaul of housing is an everyday, economic and social problem. After all, its quality also determines the quality of our life. Every month, each landlord transfers a certain amount to housing and communal services, and those who have a small pension give all their monthly income for these services during the year. The state also helps to keep the housing in order, allocating considerable subsidies. Therefore, each plan, each project must be thought out, calculated to the smallest detail. A superficial pre-repair examination is wasteful, wrong! Unfortunately, it happens, and quite often, that the main problems during the current overhaul are not eliminated, which means they are postponed until the next - for 20 or more years. The tenants of our house also encountered something similar. It was necessary to arrange a meeting, invite the deputy chairman of the district executive committee, lead her to the house, so that everyone on the spot was convinced of the validity of our claims: the repair was done poorly! I am sure that managers find themselves in such situations because they do not have true information about what is happening at this or that facility. Sometimes a visit is limited to a cursory assessment of the situation from a company car. 20 years have passed, and I remember the words of one gray-haired general who did this himself and taught us how to make sure that we know everything about our household: “See everything with your eyes, walk everywhere with your feet and touch with your hands!”

I propose to periodically arrange a “day without a tie” in all district housing and communal services structures. Then there should be a minimum of office work and meetings, so that bosses in work clothes can go down to the basement, climb to the roof, bypass water intake or treatment facilities. I am sure that there will be much more order: the internal engineering networks and valves will be well insulated, the loss of heat will be reduced, complaints from residents will be prevented in the bud. If you are a boss, then you must be a real master!

Vladimir BOROVKO, Postavy.

What is needed is not reports, but deeds!

The family of Mikhail Gerasimovich Marshin, Hero of Socialist Labor, former chairman of the Kirov collective farm, Zhlobin region, is addressing you. His whole life was associated with agriculture. He was elected chairman in 1947, and for over thirty years he led the collective farm. Over the years, the Kirov collective farm has become the best in the republic in many respects. Mikhail Gerasimovich was awarded orders and medals for both selfless labor and military merits. He passed away in 2004.

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus, the Alley of Heroes was opened in Zhlobin. And what did we see? The portrait of our father and grandfather is made very badly, dangles. But most of all we were outraged by the date of death - 1996! We contacted the regional executive committee. With some displeasure, we were promised to correct the mistake, which they did. 1996 was transferred to 2006. But we need 2004! And again promises that they will fix everything. It is unclear, is it really just to report?

Family of Hero of Socialist Labor Mikhail Marshin, Zhlobin.

P.S. As reported to "SB" in the Gomel regional executive committee, inaccuracies in the biographical data of Mikhail Gerasimovich Marshin have been eliminated.

Papers have a life of their own

Today, much is being done to eradicate callousness and rudeness on the part of officials, paperwork, formal replies ... Shifts for the better are obvious. But the bureaucrat is tenacious!

I will soon turn 85. Work experience - 40 years, retirement - 28. 17-year-old youth sniffed plenty of gunpowder. He fought in intelligence on many fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Was injured. Shell-shocked. I am a disabled war veteran. Not a day goes by that the front wounds do not remind of themselves with unbearable pain. Recently I was lucky to get a ticket to a sanatorium. But how I had to run around the authorities! References, certificates ... I can't understand who and why needs a certificate that I am a war invalid and need sanatorium treatment, and its validity period is six months. As if then I will cease to be a disabled war! Why do you need a document on the amount of pension for the last year? After all, it does not change every month. Why such meticulousness and what does all this have to do with my health?

Here is another example from the same series. In early August, at once in three entrances of our house 55 on Kuibyshev Street, the elevators were turned off. The goal is good - to replace old equipment with new ones. But the incident is that work is being carried out only in one entrance. In the other two, in fact, they have not yet begun. “Why then,” I ask, “did they turn off the elevators in the whole house?” “This is the renovation project,” they answer me. The bureaucrat is working! The main thing is that everything is smooth on paper: start the replacement in August, finish at the end of the year. And how it really is - nobody cares. Has at least one official been in that house? Otherwise, I would have known that the old people do not have enough strength to rise to the 9th floor. The old women basked at the entrance in the sun, now they are gone - they are under “house arrest”. But repairs are underway, the office is writing ...

We veterans have seen a lot, and in general we need a little - just a little more attention and care. Didn't you really deserve it, didn't you earn it in your life? Old age is something that no one can escape. Neither officials nor bureaucrats. So you will still have to enter the "old man's position". Sooner or later...

Vladimir VOROBYEV, Minsk.

A week ago, "Gorod" published an article about the state of new buildings, which turned into landfills a few weeks after the residents moved in there. The material caused a wide resonance among readers, expressed mainly in hard-hitting comments about those who brought new houses to a terrible state. However, there are plenty of positive examples in Bratsk. This week, we decided to show what an entrance can look like if residents stop littering and smoking in the stairwells.

The fact that the 1st entrance in house no. 5 on Tsvetochnaya Street can boast of exemplary content is noticeable even at its entrance. Near the house there are bees from plastic bottles and bugs from construction helmets, traditional for many courtyards. As a touch to the landscape - a tree carefully wrapped in foil. So as not to freeze, explains the headman at the entrance Tatyana Dushaeva.

No one chose her, no one appointed her, it just happened that way, the woman explains. Tatyana Yakovlevna has been living at the house for 40 years. Her word is practically law for the locals. A few heart-to-heart conversations were enough, for example, to eradicate smoking. Now there is no persistent smell of tobacco, which the city "Khrushchevs" smelled of.

I'm not fighting with anyone. Of course, it happens that the residents smoke. But I go out and just say: you guys don't have to do this. And so over time there were almost no smokers at the entrance. At the entrance, everyone has good relations with each other, - says Tatyana Dushaeva.

They maintain cleanliness on their own. The entrance is cleaned by a resident of the same entrance. For a symbolic 100 rubles per month from the apartment, residents of the entrance receive wet cleaning of the premises.

Here's another similar example. Pikhtovaya street, house 50A, entrance 5. It looks like the last one, not perfect, but well-groomed. There are no ashtrays on the radiators, no rubbish on the floor. On the walls - a call to neighbors to save energy.

At the entrance to the entrance there is a home-made, but solid, shop. On the bulletin board there is a list of debtors for public services. However, as you can see, the number of debtors does not affect the state of the entrance.

The fact that the entrance is clean is the merit, first of all, of the residents themselves. At the entrance, they clean themselves, organize and go out on Saturday volunteers. Residents have lived there for a long time and maintain order. Basically, elderly people live in the entrance, - says Tatyana Akudinova, house manager of Housing Trust LLC.

Elderly people in the entrances are basically the very champions of cleanliness and order. Organizers of subbotniks near the house and "comradely courts". Yes, and they also happen if someone breaks the rules of the hostel, says the house manager. But there is always someone who organizes people. In the entrances, where there are rugs in front of the doors and all the lights are on on the walls, there is always the most active tenant who "cements" the driveway community.

A good-quality shop at the entrance, as it were, says that everything is fine inside

On Deputatskaya, 17 there is such a person too. But with a slight amendment. Lydia Sosnina does not live in the 1st entrance of the house. She works there. Concierge. For 20 years, the entrance of the house has turned into a real winter garden. Flowers are here from the first to the last (ninth) floor. The most varied: standing on the floor in pots, sitting on the windowsills in small glasses, hanging in flowerpots right above the flights of stairs ... There are about fifty plants in total.

How did it all start? In the competition for the best entrance, one of the entrances took the first place, - says Lidiya Sosnina, - I think: I'll go and find out what it is that was given first place. I went there, and there were paintings, flowers. I decided: I will not sleep, but in our entrance I will do better.

Lydia Sosnina

On the first floor, right next to the elevator, there is a table and armchairs. Lydia Sosnina talks with one of the residents. Here it is generally considered normal: to go out to sit like this, drink tea with the concierge. The radio works quietly. The place near the elevator, as they say now, is a place of attraction. Here, birthdays are met and seen off forever. Rural life in a separate entrance: there are no tenants, the tenants know each other by name. Actually about cleanliness and order, after that it is somehow superfluous to talk.

Flowers on the windowsills are generally a sure sign that there is a special supervision behind the entrance. On Obruchev Street, 22, greenery contrasts fancifully with garbage chutes. Everything should be fine on the staircase. Concierge Tatyana Sitnikova complains that just the other day they removed the tree from the first floor, otherwise they would have photographed it. By the way, the residents also brought toys for the tree. They bought it.

The tenants trust us. They even leave the keys to the apartments. We have known everyone here for a long time: concierges have been working here for more than ten years. Sometimes we ask for help in cleaning the yard and entrance, many tenants go out. There are no problems with those who live in the house all the time. But we have a lot of tenants. Sometimes you have to talk to them separately, - says Tatyana Sitnikova.

Cleanliness in the entrance is maintained not only with a broom, a rag and suggestion to negligent tenants, but also with poetry. Near the elevator, a poem by an unknown author burns out a desire to litter with a verb. On the opposite wall, Omar Khayyam reminds that “we are all guests in this world”, and “the radiated evil will certainly return”. Some of the more mundane details of the driveway are neat mailboxes, a mirror, and a list of tenants who celebrate their birthdays in January.

Instead of a conclusion. Of course, these are just a few positive examples. And only in the Central region of Bratsk. If we draw some conclusion from this, then we can say that the entrances do not become clean and well-groomed overnight. It must take time for the residents to realize that they live side by side with each other. And "shitting at the door" to your neighbor is not the best option for establishing good relations. In all the entrances that we visited, the tenants unanimously argued that order appears only if the neighbors are on good terms with each other.

Today's collection of letters at first glance about completely different everyday situations. But if you read it carefully, it becomes obvious: the appeals are united by one important topic - how to make our life better? Where does order begin? Let's think together ...

The exact address

Deep disappointment - this is how you can summarize my situation. Since 1992, when I suffered a heart attack, I feel worse and worse. It became simply unbearable. He turned to the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology" for help with a request to perform a heart operation. Thank you, I quickly get an answer, where it is indicated where to apply. I started to act. First, along with all the necessary analyzes and certificates, I went to the Brest cardiologic dispensary, where they did an ultrasound of the heart and a cardiogram and gave me a referral to the regional polyclinic. There is a record, a queue. When I arrived there with incredible difficulties (I cannot walk more than 50 steps without pain), it turned out that I needed to go through the same procedures. But here is the direction to Minsk. I return to Stolin again and call the capital. Until the date of admission - more than a month. Previously it is impossible. And I'm already really bad! What to do, I again go to the Stolin polyclinic, I am ordered to go again to Brest for coronary angiography. In Minsk, I could not have done anything on my own, well, my grandson helped, literally took me to the appointment on his shoulders. Again the same procedures. Then we returned to Brest ... As a result, we had 5 trips! For me, in my condition, this is unbearable. Is it really impossible to make sure that all these procedures are carried out in one place? Why did each instance carry out the same surveys again? Do they not trust each other, or what?

Stepan DOBRINETS, Stolin.

You need to touch everything with your hands ...

Overhaul of housing is an everyday, economic and social problem. After all, its quality also determines the quality of our life. Every month, each landlord transfers a certain amount to housing and communal services, and those who have a small pension give all their monthly income for these services during the year. The state also helps to keep the housing in order, allocating considerable subsidies. Therefore, each plan, each project must be thought out, calculated to the smallest detail. A superficial pre-repair examination is wasteful, wrong! Unfortunately, it happens, and quite often, that the main problems during the current overhaul are not eliminated, which means they are postponed until the next - for 20 or more years. The tenants of our house also encountered something similar. It was necessary to arrange a meeting, invite the deputy chairman of the district executive committee, lead her to the house, so that everyone on the spot was convinced of the validity of our claims: the repair was done poorly! I am sure that managers find themselves in such situations because they do not have true information about what is happening at this or that facility. Sometimes a visit is limited to a cursory assessment of the situation from a company car. 20 years have passed, and I remember the words of one gray-haired general who did this himself and taught us how to make sure that we know everything about our household: “See everything with your eyes, walk everywhere with your feet and touch with your hands!”

I propose to periodically arrange a “day without a tie” in all district housing and communal services structures. Then there should be a minimum of office work and meetings, so that bosses in work clothes can go down to the basement, climb to the roof, bypass water intake or treatment facilities. I am sure that there will be much more order: the internal engineering networks and valves will be well insulated, the loss of heat will be reduced, complaints from residents will be prevented in the bud. If you are a boss, then you must be a real master!

Vladimir BOROVKO, Postavy.

What is needed is not reports, but deeds!

The family of Mikhail Gerasimovich Marshin, Hero of Socialist Labor, former chairman of the Kirov collective farm, Zhlobin region, is addressing you. His whole life was associated with agriculture. He was elected chairman in 1947, and for over thirty years he led the collective farm. Over the years, the Kirov collective farm has become the best in the republic in many respects. Mikhail Gerasimovich was awarded orders and medals for both selfless labor and military merits. He passed away in 2004.

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus, the Alley of Heroes was opened in Zhlobin. And what did we see? The portrait of our father and grandfather is made very badly, dangles. But most of all we were outraged by the date of death - 1996! We contacted the regional executive committee. With some displeasure, we were promised to correct the mistake, which they did. 1996 was transferred to 2006. But we need 2004! And again promises that they will fix everything. It is unclear, is it really just to report?

Family of Hero of Socialist Labor Mikhail Marshin, Zhlobin.

P.S. As reported to "SB" in the Gomel regional executive committee, inaccuracies in the biographical data of Mikhail Gerasimovich Marshin have been eliminated.

Papers have a life of their own

Today, much is being done to eradicate callousness and rudeness on the part of officials, paperwork, formal replies ... Shifts for the better are obvious. But the bureaucrat is tenacious!

I will soon turn 85. Work experience - 40 years, retirement - 28. 17-year-old youth sniffed plenty of gunpowder. He fought in intelligence on many fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Was injured. Shell-shocked. I am a disabled war veteran. Not a day goes by that the front wounds do not remind of themselves with unbearable pain. Recently I was lucky to get a ticket to a sanatorium. But how I had to run around the authorities! References, certificates ... I can't understand who and why needs a certificate that I am a war invalid and need sanatorium treatment, and its validity period is six months. As if then I will cease to be a disabled war! Why do you need a document on the amount of pension for the last year? After all, it does not change every month. Why such meticulousness and what does all this have to do with my health?

The present time does not give heroes, does not give inspiration. Maybe this is the origin of the despondency, which even schoolchildren are already pouring first with beer, and then with vodka? Maybe this is the reason that Moscow is overwhelmed by street riots, in which it is the youth who participate?

After all, she simply has nothing to do, and she has a lot of energy, she wants to be dangerous, gambling, to do something meaningful in life. To beat someone who does not look like the crowd to which you belong, at least some, but still an ideology. And if you even embellish these actions with a few nationalist slogans, then in general you turn into the savior of the nation, a fighter for justice. You can already suffer for this.

Leaders of all ranks suddenly saw the danger of the consequences of such youthful manifestations of activity. And what else did they count on, if the overwhelming majority of the population has no life prospects.

Life in prison does not scare anyone, it is not worse than in the wild, but it is fed, dressed and lives according to certain rules. And the authorities are trying to bring places of detention to European standards, and this is an additional incentive not to be afraid of places of detention.

But seeing the danger, the government began what to do? She began to draw up plans to suppress such protests, urged law enforcement officers to act tougher. But this is a dead-end situation, when one part of people in uniform, soon a policeman, will bludgeon and poison with special means another part of people who disagree with something.

It turns out that the law gives one Russian the right to beat another Russian and receive gratitude from his superiors for his skillful actions. Order begins not with a club, but with upbringing. Education is prevention for the formation of a healthy society. But, unfortunately, no one has been involved in education in Russia for a long time, everyone earns money. Even schools are placed in a situation where the director thinks more not about the educational process, but about where to get additional funds.

Of course, the educational process is a long process, but this is the only way to get a citizen, not a human being. As soon as this process breaks down, problems immediately arise. Take the once prosperous Europe with its patriarchal way of life, strictly defined values, with its discipline and respect for laws. All this was instilled in the state from the moment the child was born. But as soon as Europe was flooded with migrants, it all collapsed. Another mentality, a different upbringing of the newcomers, plus juvenile justice, destroying the foundations of traditional family upbringing, led to constant clashes between young people and representatives of law enforcement agencies, pogroms, accompanied by burning cars, breaking shop windows.

Statesmen like children are happy that Russia will host the Universiade, the Olympics, and the World Cup. They think that sports will serve as a national idea for the people, everyone will lead a healthy lifestyle, think about their own development and take care of the rise of general well-being. But let's look back and see that in the not too distant past, healthy, pumped-up guys: boxers, wrestlers of all stripes, who lost their bearings during the collapse of the state, formed the backbone of criminal gangs and engaged in robbery until they shot each other. The most dexterous and lucky, managed to slip through the deadly line and achieve a certain well-being. But these are rare human individuals, the rest, according to the laws of natural selection, fell in the struggle. No sport by itself will educate and unite.

Sport is only a part of the educational process, and a small part, intended for the formation of a healthy person. And moral, spiritual qualities give other purposeful influences used in the formation of the personality. Nobody is talking about this. In Moscow, fans of one sports club made so much noise, but can you imagine what would happen if we build many stadiums in different cities of the country, fans will appear around them and, united by someone's evil will, without having their own king in their heads, what a rustle they will be able to hover in the country. So you can't do without education. We'll have to, even just following the instinct of self-preservation, build and orphanages and youth creativity houses, and train personnel to work in them and pay them a decent salary. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to solve the problem of observance of the law and respect for each other without taking into account nationality. Those in power must come to understand that without the Russian Orthodox Church in education it will not be possible to achieve a turning point.

If the state pays due attention to the educational process, then everyone will become different: officials, policemen, politicians, and doctors. And the house built will be a home for life, not for survival in it; the road will be a road, not an obstacle course; the quality of the products will improve health, and not shorten the life; medicines will heal, not empty the wallet; the police will protect, the army will defend.

The country will be different.

Vyacheslav Alekseevich BOCHAROV
Hero of Russia