Characteristics from the place of pre-graduation practice. Examples and examples of positive characteristics of a student from the place of practice

After completing an educational, industrial or undergraduate practice the student must receive from his supervisor and submit to the educational institution a characteristic, on the basis of which the final grade will be set.

The trainee's profile should reflect information about his skills and abilities, the level of his professional training, the volume and quality of his assignments during the period of the internship and, of course, the recommended grade.

Trainee supervisors often shift their responsibility for writing such a description onto the students themselves. Unfortunately, this is a common practice, but don't despair. The samples below give an excellent assessment of a student's internship. You can use them as an example to write your own characteristics, changing only the underlined data to your own.

Option 1. About the passage of introductory practice

Student characteristics

Issued to Ivan Ivanov

1. Period and type of practice:
from 05/25/2008 to 07/30/2008 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich passed introductory practice

2. The organization that provided the seat:
JSC "Gazprom", Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, st. Lenin, 65, tel. 56-89-45

3. Responsibilities of the student during practice:
Study of the internal regime and regulations, technical documentation, equipment available at the enterprise, technological schemes, charter and regulations of the organization, analysis and testing finished products for compliance with GOSTs and other standards, etc.

4. Conclusion and assessment:
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich showed his ability to work under difficult conditions, to act independently and without prompts, which indicates his high theoretical level of training. Also, during his internship, he mastered the practical skills necessary for work.

The suggested mark is "excellent".

Option 2. About the passage of industrial practice

Student characteristics

Issued to Igor Dmitrievich Medvedev, who underwent practical training at OAO Gazprom from 01.06.2000 to 31.12.2000.

During the internship, the student Igor Dmitrievich Medvedev studied partnership agreements, contracts of purchase and sale, lease, employment, as well as other personnel and accounting documents, and internal documents were also studied.

During the internship, the student actively participated in the work of the financial, technical, legal department of the enterprise: he prepared financial documents, legal reporting, entered information into automated system financial and economic activities, negotiated, signed contracts with clients, analyzed activities, performed technological operations, etc.

At the end of the internship, the student was given an "excellent" mark

Student characteristics

Issued to trainee Egor Borisovich Fedorov, studying at the Sverdlovsk Railway Academy

Egor Borisovich passed practical training from March 23, 2006 to June 21, 2006. in the speech department of the Sverdlovsk railroad

He performed the following duties:
Traffic control of trains, restoration work, condition monitoring railway tracks

Acquired the following professional skills:
we list the skills

Professional work skills 5
Quality of assignments 5
Striving to master new professional knowledge and skills 5
Friendliness, ability to communicate with customers 5
Strict adherence to the daily routine and labor discipline 5
Sense of responsibility 5
Ability to apply knowledge in practice 5

Option 3. About passing undergraduate practice

Student characteristics

Issued to Sergey Ivanovich Petrov, born in 1998

Sergey Ivanovich passed pre-graduation practice with employment in the period from 01.01.1999 to 31.12.2000 at Zarya LLC as a mentor.

During the internship, the student performed the following duties:

IN functional responsibilities Petrova S.I. this period included:

- laboratory tests

- repair and repair of equipment
- laboratory tests
- adjustment of equipment and control of its operation
- control of the entrusted territory
- analysis of work efficiency
- high-rise work related to production control
- scheduling the weekend
- performance of technological operations
- reporting and estimate documentation

Characteristics for a student at the place of practice in management

Characteristics for a student from the place of practice in AOOO "Simferopolskoe" in the specialty "Management of the organization.

Student Novikova Irina Andreevna underwent practical training at Simferopolskoye AOOO from 01/19/09 to 02/13/09.

She has proven herself to be a disciplined, executive and proactive student; conscientiously and responsibly treated the execution of orders.

In her work, she can be characterized as a strong-willed, assertive, purposeful person who has the necessary knowledge in his field and quickly learns new information... Actively strives to acquire new knowledge and skills. She is attentive to criticism of her work, capable of drawing the necessary conclusions.

While doing production program In practice, the student was interested in the opinion of experienced workers, and used the data of the necessary consultations received by her when writing the report

According to the program of industrial practice, she studied and analyzed all Required documents.

During the internship, the student acquired new practical skills and consolidated her theoretical knowledge.

The head of the practice from the enterprise at the place of practice is the chief accountant.

Characteristics of a student from the place of industrial practice, an example, an accountant

Characteristic for a 4th year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "KATU" NAU Ivanova Diana Ibraimovna, who had an internship at ZAO "N-Pobeda" of the Soviet region of the ARC

Diana Ibraimovna Ivanova passed an industrial practice in the person of an assistant accountant of CJSC "N-Pobeda" from 03.03.08 to 14.03.08.

Throughout the practice, the student showed herself from a good side. I followed the rules of the internal daily routine established at the farm, did not violate labor discipline. Conscientiously fulfilled all the duties entrusted to her. Has mastered full cycle accounting work in the central accounting department, kept records and registration of accounting documents.

During the period of internship, the student acquired practical skills in financial and managerial accounting in a production environment.

Hardworking, punctual, responsible, accurate, purposeful.

The chief accountant is the head of the place of practice. The date. Signature. Seal.

Characteristics of the student from the place of accounting practice

Characteristics of the student from the place of practice of the chief accountant of CJSC "Burliuk" to the 3rd year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "Crimean Agrotechnological University" of the NAU Tsurkan Sergei Valerievich, at the place of practice.

The student came to practice on time, worked with diligence, persistently obtained the necessary information. I carefully studied the provided data, accounting registers. I delved into the specifics of accounting directly at our company.

The trainee showed deep theoretical knowledge of the necessary issues.

I learned well in practice the questions noted in the individual practice plan.

Tsurkan Sergey showed himself as a diligent student and left a good impression.

Chief accountant supervisor at the place of practice.

Characteristics of a student who underwent industrial practice in economics

Characteristics for a V-year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management Diana Yuryevna Babayan had an industrial practice at the SEC "Georgia" from March 29 to April 9, 2010.

During the internship, the student showed herself with better side, having established himself as a modest, tactful, well-mannered, inquisitive, active, executive and hardworking person.

During the internship, she performed all the tasks given by the economist or accountant of the enterprise in a high-quality and timely manner.

She showed great interest in innovations in the organization of labor and its payment, organization of the work of structural divisions.

She actively cooperated with the specialists of the enterprise, mastered the provided material correctly and efficiently.

I studied the necessary documents: the Charter of the SEC "Georgia", the collective agreement of the enterprise, the internal regulations, the business plan for the development of the enterprise, the main legislative acts on the activities of agricultural enterprises.

Industrial practice showed D.Yu. Babayan as good specialist in future.

Head of practice from the enterprise, Director of SPK "Georgia" ________________ Khasitashvili. IN AND.

Characteristics of the student from the place of practical training in agronomy

Characteristic Student Litvinova Natalya Konstantinovna held the position of assistant foreman.

During the internship, she showed herself as a responsible, executive, qualified employee.

Natalia showed interest in the work, delved into the essence of technological operations, carefully and efficiently performed all the proposed work.

She studied all the features and tasks of the foreman's work, showed organizational skills.

The signature of the chief agronomist T.V. Merkulov

Characteristics from veterinary practice per student


Trainee student Afanasyev O. E came to practice in JSC "FRIENDSHIP NARODOV NOVA" poultry processing plant from 18.04.16 to 13.05.16 inclusive. During this period, O. Ye. Afanasyev proved to be a competent, proactive worker who knows how to use in practice the knowledge gained at the Pribrezhny Agrarian College. The orders of the leading veterinarian of the poultry plant were carried out quickly, accurately and conscientiously. At the same time, he showed interest in the work of a leading veterinarian and a pathologist.

I got acquainted with the work of a veterinarian, a pathologist and all the documentation with which they work (forms, magazines, etc.). On time he fulfilled all the instructions of the head of the practice, strictly adhered to the rules of the internal labor schedule.

Shows initiative, communicative, takes on any tasks, clearly and on time fulfills them. According to the results of implementation, reports to the head. Workplace organized correctly.

He maintained friendly relations with the employees of the poultry plant, is not in conflict. Easily comes into contact with people, in any situation was respectful in dealing with others.

During the internship, he proved himself to be an active, attentive, hardworking and responsible employee.

Mastered types of work, quality, independence, interest, initiative.

The main type of work performed by OE Afanasyev was to conduct a veterinary and sanitary examination on the line for slaughtering broiler chickens. He was also involved in the postmortem examination of broiler chickens. Showed high interest and initiative to work.

Labor discipline and safety precautions - I strictly adhered to the internal labor regulations, safety regulations and fire safety regulations.

Special remarks and suggestions from the head of the practice - During the course of the practice, he showed himself as an active, attentive, hardworking, and responsible employee. In the future, continue to strive to improve their acquired skills and acquired practical and theoretical knowledge.

Practice score - excellent.

Date "13" ______ May ______ 2016

Head of practice from the organization (position) (signature) (Last name, I.O.), seal, date.

Testimonial-characteristic from the place of internship.

During her internship, the student at the Travel Kaleidoscope has established herself as a competent and responsible employee. during the practice she showed herself as a capable, responsible, purposeful student.

Attitude to work:

In his work, he is characterized as a strong-willed, assertive, purposeful employee, demanding of himself and others.

In the exercise of their official duties. as a student she is initiative, executive and disciplined, has good organizational skills.

All tasks entrusted to her are carried out in a timely manner and efficiently.

IN educational process it is distinguished by high efficiency and activity. She is characterized as a hardworking, sociable student.

She has developed the ability to practice systematically and constantly. IN labor activity is highly active. A conscientious person does any job to the end.

possesses many qualities that characterize her as an excellent specialist: honesty, responsibility, an analytical mindset, activity and perseverance, the ability to objectively assess the situation. For the period of study, he has gratitude.

He is deeply versed in issues related to both the main work and related areas of activity.

Possesses the necessary knowledge in his field.

He is well versed in the subject of his activity, possesses high level professional skills.

Practically realizes his professional experience in the process of performing his functional duties.

The result of the work is always highest quality and, as a rule, does not require verification.

He spends much less time on work than it is provided for in the plan.

Performs the required amount of work as the tasks are received.

It actively expands the scope of its activities through the development of new areas of work.

Works efficiently without supervision. Production tasks are always completed on time.

Works in good faith, adheres to the established deadlines. Subordinates personal interests to the interests of the firm.

Expresses his / her thoughts clearly and clearly. Able to independently and professionally draw up the necessary document.

Can express his / her thoughts in writing and verbally. He is attentive to critical remarks addressed to himself, takes into account them and makes constructive conclusions.

He adequately perceives criticism in his address, tries to correct shortcomings.

Strictly complies with the instructions and the established work schedule. Does not allow the use of working time for non-official purposes.

He quickly and efficiently assimilates new information, easily masters new types of activity. Strives to acquire new knowledge and skills. Can master new activities, study and assimilate new information.

Always behaves correctly, seeks to listen to the opponent. Has a rich set of tools for resolving conflicts. Shows flexibility in behavior, achieving a mutually acceptable result.

He tries to avoid conflict situations. Seeks opportunities for constructive conflict resolution.

Never gets lost in stressful situation, with a tight time limit, he knows how to highlight the main thing and actively acts in accordance with the available opportunities.

Attitude towards public life.

He takes a direct part in the social life of the institute. Public assignments are always carried out accurately and on time.

Personal qualities

Rich in ideas, energetic. Makes proposals for improving work and finds ways practical implementation ideas.

Periodically puts forward proposals for improving the work. Supports new ideas and suggestions.

He always thinks rationally, is good at analyzing and drawing conclusions. Logical in her actions.

Possesses logical thinking, can analyze.

A person of high intelligence, she has a well-developed logic. She treats her colleagues kindly and correctly.

Calm, modest, she knows how to settle conflicts, an attentive and sympathetic comrade.

In achieving this goal, she is purposeful and persistent.

U. has developed a sense of responsibility, she is responsible for her own actions.

Personal qualities are the ability to work, the ability to cope with a large volume of work, self-organization, decency, efficiency.

During her studies, she proved herself to be a well-mannered, responsible, purposeful student.

She is disciplined, hardworking, responsible for the performance of her duties.

Relationship with the team.

She is characterized as one of the best female students in the group. He occupies one of the leading positions in the team.

The nature. balanced, sociable, easily comes into contact with people, disposes of the interlocutor with versatile knowledge and good knowledge of psychology, in relationships she is correct. A team. is respected.

I rate her work as "excellent".

Gene. Director of Kaleidoscope 16 LLC

Tsepikova M.V. __________________

Do not hand over the downloaded work to the teacher!

This practice report can be used by you as a sample, in accordance with the example, but with the data of your enterprise, you can easily write a report on your topic.

IN production characteristics trainee student, the main content is indicated teaching activities trainee, an assessment of the quality of professional training and recommendations for further growth in the level of proficiency are given.

The characteristic is issued by the teacher and / or methodologist at the place of practice. Signed by the director educational institution.

Sample characteristic


  • Full name of the trainee
  • Speciality
  • Place of internship
  • Practice period
  • Name of the mentor in the institution at the place of internship.
  • Full name of the supervisor from the educational institution.
  • The content of the activity (type, form, names of the activities carried out, etc.).

The characteristic notes

  • Student knowledge level: how successfully it solves the tasks assigned to it, to what extent it implements the principles of scientific character, systematicity and consistency.
  • Technician proficiency : knows how to organize work using professional techniques and skills.
  • Skills and skills in the field of professional activity : can he correctly formulate a goal, draw up a plan, highlight problems and achievements, plan joint work, taking into account the needs and problems, actively participate in the discussion.
  • The level of introspection of professional activities: how well or not well enough analyzes his work, evaluates the results.
  • Communication style : how quickly he got in touch with colleagues, is he attentive enough to the people around him, is he able to find a way out of non-standard situation.
  • Personal and professional qualities : does he believe in the success of the task entrusted, does he know how to control himself and overcome conflicts, draw attention to the solution of the primary task, choose the correct intonation in communication, how sociable, active, etc.
  • The student knows well, can:
  • Has achieved the following results:
  • I would especially like to note:
  • I would like to wish:
  • Based on the results of practice, it deserves an assessment:

Director of an enterprise / institution:

Head of production practice:

Student trainee profile template

Full name ______ is a student-trainee XXX course XXX faculty XXX.

In the period from ___ to ___, he passed industrial practice at the enterprise / institution XXX, under the guidance of a specialist (full name).

The trainee has the skills of _____, has ______, knows _____.

I paid great attention to _____ thought carefully about _____.

In order to improve his professional level, he used ______.

Conducted the following activities: _______. According to the reviews of colleagues and the head of the enterprise, they are recognized as ____.

Organizational, communicative, creative data of a student deserve a mark __.

It should be especially emphasized personal qualities future specialist, such as _____.

Wishes and suggestions: ______.

Head of institution / enterprise

Head of production practice

At the request of the authorized bodies or organizations, such a document can be drawn up as a characteristic for a student from the place of study. Moreover, it can become one of or a document characterizing a person when considering cases of administrative offenses or bringing to criminal liability.

On the site we have posted examples of the most common characteristics that can also be used in relation to a student:,. In this case, we will consider general example such a document for a student when transferring to another university. The same example can be used to present such a document for employment, law enforcement agencies and any other organizations.

Example of characteristics for a student from the place of study

Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher education

Kemerovo State Polytechnic University

6500056, Kemerovo, st. Red Banner, 49


Zavyalov Makar Viktorovich, born on September 05, 1997, is a student of the Kemerovo State Polytechnic University since July 20, 2015. Currently he is studying at the 3rd year of the Faculty of Jurisprudence in full-time, study group YK-415. Enrolled in a budgetary place, the results of the exam - 272 points.

During his studies, he has established himself as a conscientious and disciplined student. Cope with the curriculum, average score academic performance - 4, 3, has no arrears in disciplines, does not experience difficulties in studies. Specialization - civil law and civil procedure. He successfully defended his term papers at the end of the 1st and 2nd courses, the mark is "excellent". He did not allow me to miss lectures and seminars without a good reason.

He takes an active part in the social and sports life of the university: he is a member of the volleyball team.

The character is calm, friendly. Avoids conflicts, is benevolent, affable, sociable. Reacts to criticism correctly. Among the students of the UK-415 group he enjoys a well-deserved prestige. He is polite and tactful with teachers. Takes an active part in seminars and scientific research.

This characteristic is given for presentation at the place of demand.

Curator of the group YUK-415 Svetlogorskaya A.V.

Dean of the Faculty of Law A.A. Bezborodov

How is the characterization of a student from the place of study compiled

In most cases, the characteristic is drawn up by the student himself, depending on the purpose of its presentation. Such a responsibility can be assigned to the supervisor of the group where he is studying. In any case, such a document has its own structure and content.

A characteristic is always an assessment document. Since for a student one of the main indicators is academic performance and the absence of arrears in disciplines, such information must be included in the document.

To prepare characteristics for a student from the place of study, you will need information: about the results of the exam, the results of passing exams and tests, protection term papers s, participation in the social life of the university, cultural life. Character features based on interaction with classmates, other university or college students, teachers.

Structure of characteristics per student from the place of study

The document is drawn up on the letterhead of the educational institution indicating its full name and address. We offer the following document preparation algorithm:

  1. Specify full name student, date of birth, date of admission to an educational institution, faculty, course, form of study, group number, results upon admission
  2. Academic performance, GPA, coursework defense results, specialization (if any)
  3. Participation in the public life of an educational institution, conferences, olympiads, the presence of scientific developments, publications in scientific journals
  4. Features of character, temperament and relationships in the team and with teachers

The characteristic for the student from the place of study is signed by the dean of the faculty with the date of issue.