Typical project of a garage with an attic. How to build a garage with an attic with your own hands: construction stages

People who regularly repair cars and other vehicles, especially if this business is a source of profit, spend a lot of time in the garage. Therefore, the equipment of a residential module in close proximity to the garage is sometimes the only way to quickly get to the workplace.

Most suitable solution in such a situation, there will be the construction of an inexpensive module, which will simultaneously consist of a garage and living quarters. Qualified experts recommend giving preference to the project of a garage with an attic. Is the construction of such a block expedient and what does the construction process look like in general?

As with the construction of any other structure, the construction of a garage requires careful selection of a building site. It may even be smaller than the estimated dimensions of the garage.

Before choosing a place for a garage with an attic, a number of factors should be considered:

  1. A full approach must be provided to the site.
    If you build a garage in an inconvenient place, then there will definitely be a number of problems with check-in / check-out, which causes great discomfort, especially when there is a regular need for this.
  2. The exit must be located at least 5-7 meters from the gate.
    This makes it possible to park the car in case there is no need to put it in the garage.
  3. The site on the territory adjacent to the garage should be flat, without any irregularities, since the presence of such in the future will lead to a lot of inconvenience.
  4. If the attic will be used as a living space, then the possibility of communications should be taken into account: electrical wiring, water pipes, sewerage, heating.
  5. If the construction is supposed to be in close proximity to a residential building, then the optimal distance between them will be 7-9 meters.
    Thanks to this project, the car owner will be able to quickly get to his place of work, the place where the car is stored in bad weather. In addition, in such projects, it is possible to provide for a canopy between the house and the garage.
  6. To prevent flooding of the garage building, it is important to design its location on the same level with all other buildings or even a little higher.

Advice! When designing a garage with an attic, it is very important that communications are not under the structure being built.

Creating a garage project with an attic

After the place for building a garage with an attic is chosen, we proceed to the selection / creation of the project.

You can implement this in the following way:

Seek help from specialized firms

There are many companies specializing in the creation of design projects for residential buildings, baths and other structures. In such organizations, it is possible to order a project that best suits your requirements and preferences, taking into account all the subtleties and specifics of the building site.

Garage project with attic.

In addition, there is such a service - adaptation of the elements of the finished project to the requested conditions and budget of the client. This option is faster, because the experts will do everything on their own. Often, the range of services includes a trip to the building site, conducting laboratory studies of the area.

Self development

If you choose this option, then you need to clearly understand that you will have to spend much more time and effort on developing the project. Here it is important to realize that the plan is a serious structure that requires the definition of all the nuances and "pitfalls".

Therefore, in the absence of a construction education and in the presence of finances, it is still better to give preference to the services of professionals. Well, or at least turn to specialists for advice.

When developing the design of a garage project with an attic, the following points should be considered:

  1. Determination of the number of places in the building in accordance with the number of vehicles that will be placed in this structure.
  2. The functionality of the attic - residential or non-residential.
  3. Determining the dimensions of the building, adaptive to the dimensions of the vehicle.
    If the attic is necessary for repair work, then it must be provided that it is larger in size and can protect the car from precipitation in bad weather.
  4. The project plan is best drawn on graph paper.
    And on the sides of the car, it is recommended to leave space for the vehicle to maneuver. Also on the plan it is worth indicating the location of cabinets and aisles.
  5. If the attic is an extension above the garage, then it is necessary to mark the location of the stairs and its dimensions on the plan.

As for the design of the attic itself, then, if it is residential, it is necessary to provide for a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen in it. If the garage is large, then the upper extension may suggest the presence more rooms.

The general principle of building an attic over a garage

Scheme of a garage with an attic.

To build a garage with an attic with your own hands, it is very important to adhere to the plan construction works. For example, consider how the construction and layout of a garage with a residential attic of foam blocks is carried out.

A typical process consists of the following range of activities:

  1. Foundation support device.
    The type of foundation must be selected depending on the characteristics of the soil, the level of occurrence groundwater and terrain. Most often this strip foundation or monolithic.
  2. basement, basement, viewing hole if they are included in the plan.
  3. Walling.
  4. Construction of an attic.
  5. Roof arrangement.
  6. Finishing work.

As mentioned earlier, for a relatively light structure, it is enough to equip a tape or monolithic foundation. The support system is installed only after the approval of the plan and layout land plot. First of all, it is necessary to dig a trench with dimensions corresponding to the standard sizes of foam blocks.

If the plan is to build a basement or subway, then after that another hole is dug - for the device basement.

The next step in arranging a garage with an attic is the formwork, according to the dimensions of which the base is poured. Next comes the stage of backfilling the dry layer of the foundation. It is made up of sand and gravel. The thickness of this layer is about 15-30 cm. The sand-gravel layer is covered with waterproofing.

In most cases, this is roofing material laid in 2 layers.

Garage project with attic.

Before pouring concrete mortar a reinforcing layer is installed in the formwork, thanks to which it is possible to make the foundation more durable and resistant to destruction. As reinforcing elements, a wire with a diameter of 5-7 mm, welded together along the perimeter of the entire formwork, can be used.

It remains only to concrete the formwork. The solidification time of the solution ranges from 7 to 10 days. It all depends on the conditions under which the construction work is carried out.

In the case when the plan provides for the presence of a basement, then, in addition to the foundation, it is additionally poured and underground part future building. We also recommend protecting this space from the garage with a door.

Important! Garage doors are best placed before the walls are erected. This will securely fix them in the process of laying blocks.

Walls are built using different material: aerated concrete, foam blocks, wooden frame. The latter option is considered unsafe, because with any spark, the tree can ignite and lead to a fire.

In addition, frame buildings are prone to fire and rapid absorption of odors, which, after several years of operation, is dangerous for people living in such a structure.

The walls are built according to the following algorithm:

  1. Foundation device.
    At this stage, the dried foundation is waterproofed.
  2. The first layer of masonry is laid by means of rounded timber.
    This technology is used during the construction of stone houses and small brick buildings equipped with a balcony, veranda.
  3. Racks and other stiffening elements are installed on the timber.
    At this stage, it is important to control the perpendicularity of the data location. structural elements, because the strength and stability of the structure being built depends on it.
  4. Next comes the installation additional elements reinforcements - beams, trusses with parallel strapping.
  5. And the final stage is the laying of blocks.

After that, the walls are finished. The facade of modern buildings, in the vast majority, is covered with clinker tiles. She has high operational characteristics and resistant to aggressive external factors.

Plan of a garage with a utility block and an attic.

As for the roof, for a garage with an attic, the most profitable option would be a shed type roof. It is easy to build and does not require building skills. The principle of building a roof is as follows:

  • installation of support beams on the walls;
  • foundation screed device;
  • waterproofing;
  • warming;
  • re-waterproofing and cladding.

It is worth noting that the roof should be 15-20 cm larger along the perimeter of the walls. This will protect the joints from precipitation and extend their service life. Upon completion of construction work, a door to the attic is installed.

Should I mess with the attic superstructure?

Garages with an attic are currently considered a classic of the construction of this type of structure.

Such popularity among car owners is due to a number of advantages:

  1. One of the main problems of garage maintenance is its full heating and heating in the cold season.
    WITH attic floor it will be cheaper and easier to heat the garage: the heat from the living space automatically penetrates into the garage below.
  2. To build a garage with an attic on the 2nd floor, you will need a relatively small plot land than in the case of the construction of 2 separate structures.
    Therefore, this will save on the purchase of a building site.

Usually, a garage box is built from concrete blocks, slabs and other materials that have high resistance to temperature extremes and strength characteristics, due to which such a structure is able to withstand superstructures in the form of attics.

Advice! If you use during the construction of a garage with an attic not cinder block or aerated concrete, but, for example, foam concrete blocks this will save you up to 30% Money for additional thermal insulation of the building. This is due good performance heat resistance of foam concrete.

During the planning phase of a project, the first step is to decide on overall dimensions future building. Traditionally, the dimensions of a garage of this design are 6x4 m. If you successfully plan and arrange a cover in the attic, then there will be about 15-17 for personal use.

If this space is not enough, then it makes sense to design and build a garage for 2 cars: this will simultaneously expand the "living" area and space for vehicles.

Solving important issues

When choosing a garage construction project with an attic extension, it is necessary to solve a number of significant issues in the arrangement of this room, which directly affect the quality of stay in the building.

There are several main questions:

  • entrance / exit scheme to the garage and to the attic extension itself;
  • ventilation system device;
  • bathroom and sewerage equipment.

Garage attic project.

By ignoring these questions, which, at first glance, I can not show how significant, the building being built may lose all the benefits and comfort that the developer is striving for.

With the solution of the issue concerning the arrangement of the bathroom, the easiest way. This room is located on the floor where a person spends the most time. If there is enough space, then both floors of the building can be equipped with this room. But you won’t be able to do without a bathroom if you spend about 12-14 hours a day in the garage.

The main problem of such buildings is closely related to amenities - the construction of a staircase leading to the second, residential floor. When the attic is used as a warehouse, it is enough to make a folding fire-type ladder.

Garages, retrofitted attic room with an area of ​​30 or more square meters, it is recommended to equip stairs in the form of two flights, or spiral steps. Moreover, spiral staircases will be appropriate even in small garages with an attic extension.

In the case when the attic is being built for a full-fledged stay in it, it makes sense to equip outdoor stairs. Perhaps this will not decorate the facade of the entire structure, but it will certainly add practicality to it.

In addition, such a solution, from the point of view of fire safety, is considered very practical. After all, this prevents the ingress of carbon monoxide and exhaust gases into the living space.


Summarizing all of the above, I would like to summarize a little:

  1. The idea of ​​combining a garage and a living space is currently very popular among motorists and people who spend a lot of time in the garage or are engaged in auto repair work.
  2. The cost of erecting such a structure in many respects is economically profitable.
    Firstly, the issue of heating the garage during the cold season is being resolved, and secondly, you can save on the purchase of a more compact land plot than in the case of buying a building site for two separate structures.
  3. The main condition for the implementation of this project is a carefully selected site and a well-thought-out building plan.
    It is very important to take into account all the nuances of the device of the residential premises. This, for the most part, concerns the arrangement of a bathroom, kitchen, bed and ventilation along with communications.

If you like the idea of ​​​​building an attic in a garage, then by approaching this issue with all seriousness, you can realize your idea in the most in the best way. Happy building!

A car in our time is not a luxury item, but a means of transportation, a mechanical friend of man. And he, too, has the right to his own "house". But how to do this in conditions of austerity of space?

When, it would seem, all the options have been thought out and rethought, another of the options for “houses” comes to mind - a garage with an attic. After all, the attic can serve not only as non-residential premises for tools and spare parts. There you can equip a room or two. This property of the structure will be especially useful in the country. After all, you do not have to build a house and a garage separately. In this age of advanced design and engineering technology, this can be easily combined.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You have, of course, seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Like every capital building, a certain territory will be required. Due to the peculiar “two-story structure”, such a garage requires two times less territory than with conventional buildings.

When choosing a place, several conditions must be observed:

Observing these conditions, as well as taking into account the features of the landscape and the location of your site, you can choose perfect place as in the photo.

Create a project

Having chosen a place, you can start creating a project. There are two ways here.

First, an order at an architecture agency

You can make an order at an architectural agency and purchase finished project. This is more costly in financial terms, but more profitable in saving time. And time, as you know, is also money. In this case, the agency can even go to the place, do everything necessary measurements and develop a project specifically for your conditions and requirements. It is also possible to combine ready-made agency projects to reach a consensus of quality and price.

Secondly, the project can be developed by yourself.

True, this should be approached with all care and scrupulousness. After all, not just a barn or even a doghouse is being built, but, very often, a full-fledged residential building. Even in case self-creation, it is desirable to show the project to the architect for correction and approval.

When developing a project, you need to sequentially perform the following steps:

  • Decide on the number of seats (one, two or more cars).
  • Decide what functional purpose the attic part will have. It can be residential or non-residential.
  • Calculate the required area of ​​​​the garage (after all, the attic can protrude above it, creating a shelter from the heat in the summer months). You need to proceed from the size of your car. You also need to decide whether this will only be a place for the “living” of the car, or for minor repairs. In the second case, the area must be increased taking into account the space for various tools.
  • Draw a plan on graph paper. About 0.5-1 m should be left on the sides of the car. This place will be used for maneuvers when leaving the garage. You also need to take into account the place for aisles, lockers.

It is necessary to use precise tools so that the plan drawn “by eye” does not become a fiasco in the execution of the project.

Having finished the plan of the first floor, you need to proceed to the second. Since in most cases the attic is residential, here you should plan at least a bedroom, a bathroom and Kitchen Area. Above the large one, respectively, there will be more living quarters, which we see in the photo.

  • You should also take care of the roof for the building. Here everything is done according to the canons of capital construction.
  • Since in the garage you will need to at least wipe and vacuum the car, it is necessary to plan and conduct electricity. Wiring must also be designated in the garage project.
  • When creating a project, you need to determine what materials it will be executed from. This affects the cost of the garage, the speed of construction, as well as durability and reliability. Very quickly you can build a garage using framework methods construction, and modern materials provide protection from the cold.

The final draft should be done on paper, not in your head, as people tend to forget. And a seemingly unimportant moment can later create problems in the construction process. How to draw up a garage plan can be seen in the photo.

Project implementation

Here you also have a choice. When buying a project in an architectural agency, you can also hire a team of workers who, for a relatively a short time erect a building.

If you want to go all the way yourself, you need to remember that this is a laborious process.

After all, this capital building. Therefore, you will need:

  1. Make a foundation. The best option is a monolithic slab (if large, then there may be several). But this slab lies in a specially dug and prepared trench. You can create a solid slab by filling the desired area with concrete. You can also buy finished material- concrete plates.
  2. Raise the walls. The cheapest and easiest material to process are foam and gas blocks. It is also possible to use brickwork, finished sif panels and others Construction Materials. It all depends on your imagination and financial constraints.
  3. In the walls you need to make holes for inserting windows and doors. This can also be done by experts. If you have certain knowledge and skills, you can do this work yourself.
  4. Roof construction. best material in terms of price / quality ratio is a metal tile (see photo).
  5. Connecting communications: electricity, water, sewage, gas, internet, etc. It would be best to involve a specialist in this (and especially in conducting electricity).
  6. Internal and external Finishing work. From the inside, you need to take care of the residential attic, as well as the premises of the garage itself. Outside, the building can be bricked (expensive, difficult, but reliable), sheathed with siding or clapboard, plastered decorative plaster. It all depends on your financial capabilities and the width of your imagination.
  7. Beautification of the surroundings. It would be quite useful to break a flower garden nearby, sow lawn grass lawn, etc. This will only add coziness.

Subject to all conditions, as well as the manifestation of imagination, perseverance, diligence, you can create for every taste. He will serve you for a long time not only a place to store a car, but also a home. You can build and equip as in the photo.

If you are planning to build a detached garage in your country house, then also consider building an attic over it. The attic above the garage can become a cozy workshop, a convenient warehouse or even a lounge. In any case, it can significantly expand the area of ​​​​your utility rooms and solve the problem of closets, balconies and sheds littered with rubbish. Moreover, a garage with an attic will not cost much more than a garage without an attic!

After all, all that is needed is to build slightly higher walls, lay the floor and install a ladder. It is not at all necessary to completely finish the attic, especially if it remains with you in the "non-residential" fund. And then: you can always postpone the decoration and completion of the attic arrangement until a more appropriate moment.

Thinking over a garage with an attic: important points

You should immediately decide whether your attic will be residential. More precisely, the question should be put like this: are you sure that the attic will be non-residential? If you are sure, then you can immediately dismiss any worries about warming the floor or roof. And then you can simply lay the floor on the logs, without even making a ceiling in the garage. Beams will simply be visible from below. Maybe not very aesthetically pleasing, but it will save a lot of money. Although many people even like this look.

You don't have to worry about roof insulation. It can be insulated later without additional hassle.

But if you do not insulate the floor, then you will have to remove it, make a ceiling in the garage, fill the space between the ceiling and sweat with insulation, and then sew up the attic floor again.

Another very important point in a garage with an attic - this is a staircase. Ideally, it should not take up much space and, of course, you should have free access to it even when there is a car in the garage. Keep this in mind when choosing its location!

If you don’t have enough space in your garage for a full-fledged stationary ladder, then there are ready-made folding ones. They are compact, easy to install and do not take up space when folded.

At the same time, it is easy to use such a ladder. Even a woman can easily cope with it.

Arrangement of a garage with an attic

In principle, work on arranging the attic above the garage can begin as soon as the garage frame and roof rafters are ready.

However, it's best to finish first. roofing so that accidental rain does not spoil your work and materials. Then it will already be possible to calmly carry out communications and sheathe the floor and walls, without fear that it will all get wet.

First of all, you need to lay the wiring and, if you provide a ventilation system, ventilation ducts.

Generally speaking, a forced ventilation system will not be superfluous at all in the garage. It can help get rid of odors from technical fluids and exhaust gases. In addition, in hot summer weather, it can dissipate warm wet air from the garage, thereby extending the life of your car body.

If you still decide not to forced ventilation then do at least ventilation holes for natural circulation air.

The floor can be sewn up with particle board (OSB). Such a floor is easy to install and not expensive.

After the floor is ready, you will face the next important choice: to sheathe or not to sheathe the walls inside the attic? If you do not plan to make living space in the attic, then you can leave everything as it is. This will give you maximum storage space for things and materials.

You can also sheathe the walls and arrange shelving along them for tools and small items.

In the case of a residential attic, of course, you want to sheathe everything with drywall for further finishing.

However, this does not mean that the attic is lost as storage space.

In the space between the walls and the roof, you can equip a convenient and spacious storage.

But this can be done when the attic has an impressive area. If your attic is not very large, then it is still better to leave it unlined. This will give you some precious extra stock meters.

Moreover, there are many ways to organize this space of not very convenient shape and squeeze the maximum usefulness out of it.

A garage with an attic can give you a lot of advantages. This is both a storage space and an additional utility room in which you can organize a warehouse, workshop or even a gym.

In addition, in the future it can be converted into a full-fledged living space and expand the existing living space if the need arises. However, it only slightly increases the cost of building a garage!

Garage with attic projects

We invite you to get to know interesting projects garage with an attic - different in complexity and cost, they will tell you practical solution for your garage.

Garage with attic. Project 1.

Garage with attic. Project 2

Garage with attic. Project 3.

Garage with attic. Project 4.

Garage with attic. Project 5.

If you are going to build a garage from scratch soon, then think about an attic. A garage with an attic can be a good start for the future to expand the residential part of your house and significantly increase the value of your property, because such buildings are rare in our country.

Desire to use every free square meter most usefully makes people dodge and invent new non-standard solutions. After all, most often you need to try to place it on a very large area very, very much everything you need. Proper planning of the upcoming construction should get rid of the problems that may arise later. But what are the pitfalls in trying to make the territory as functional as possible?

We determine the pros and cons of such a building from the photo of garages with an attic

Looking at any photo with an attic for the first time, only solid ones come to mind. positive traits. And the most important of them is the extra space. After all, it can be used as both residential and non-residential premises.

1. The possibility of arranging the non-residential part of the building.

The owner can use this space to store his motorist's supplies. Can place a workshop there (the noise from working tools will not disturb the other tenants).

The hostess can use this part of the building as storage or a very large pantry. She can also place a laundry here or arrange a place for herself to work (for example, tailoring or modeling).

2. The possibility of arranging a temporary residential part of the building.

This room can be used not all year round, but only in summer period or as needed. So you can easily organize there. Or use this part of the building as a guest house. Place there for a while unexpectedly arriving guests who do not have a place in the main residential building.

3. The possibility of arranging the residential part of the building.

Although nearby, but still at a distance from the rest of the family, teenagers or young students will happily live. Young people who have not yet fluttered out from under the parental wing, but already almost independent young people will find this place very attractive for permanent residence.

Garages with an attic
garage projects with an attic garage projects with an attic garage with an attic project

Planning decisions, dimensions and other things must be taken before the start of all construction work. First of all, you need to think about the following questions:

1. Is there a chance to acquire another car in the next five to seven years.

2. Will repair work car produced in a storage room.

3. Which photos of garage projects attract you more: with a residential or non-residential area.

4. What material will the building be built from.

Cons of this venture minor, but they are still present.

1. More voluminous construction work.

2. Increase in financial costs for construction.

3. The need for arrangement, water supply, sewerage and other communications (in case year-round living here).

4. The cost of heating an additional room. The need for constant monitoring of heating pipes (if the system is autonomous).

We combine several photo projects of garages with an attic into a single whole

The most correct thing would be the construction of the largest possible structure with minimal architectural non-standard inclusions. Although, of course, few people will find a photo of a garage with an attic in the form of a rectangular box attractive. But the absence complex elements lead to lower construction costs.

When selecting photo projects for garages with an attic, you should also pay attention to the size of the building, or more precisely, to the size of each of its floors. Often the superstructure is made only over half of the ground floor. In these cases, it is built only to store a variety of tools and other accessories. Also, the second floor is often larger than the first. One part of it is built over the garage itself, and the second - over supporting pillars. The space under the "balcony" is used to good use - it is being equipped.

Combining several options on your own into one individual plan, you must be very careful. It is still advisable to give it for approval and approval to the architect, who will confirm the correctness of the organization and development of the scheme for future construction. For the rest, be guided by your wishes and available financial resources.

When planning the construction of a detached garage on your site, it is convenient to place an attic above it. This is especially beneficial when building garages for two cars, when there is enough space above them. big square. What are the projects of garages for two cars with an attic, the features of their construction and arrangement, the article will tell.

Convenience and practicality of buildings

You can make a cozy workshop, adapt it to a convenient warehouse or even a lounge.

In any case, this room significantly expands the area of ​​utility territories and solves the problem with unnecessary things stored in pantries, on balconies and in sheds.

The project of a garage for 2 cars with an attic has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
  • Significant savings in usable area. , on the second floor you can equip a workshop, a billiard room, make gym, and if necessary, a full-fledged living room.
  • With an increase in family members, the attic can be converted into living space for a young family or elderly parents.
  • The room can be used as a living room at the reception a large number guests.
  • A garage for 2 cars with an attic can really be used for temporary residence during construction or when repairing a residential building.
  • Fuels and lubricants and oils are stored in the garage, which is quite dangerous in relation to the occurrence of a fire.
  • The operation of the engine produces vibrations and quite a lot of noise.
  • Exhaust gases seeping into rooms can create an unpleasant odor.

Tip: To build a garage with an attic for two cars, you can use different materials. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that the first floor must have sufficient strength to withstand the rather large weight of the superstructure.


When drafting a garage with an attic, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Construction cannot be carried out in a lowland. In this place, the building will be constantly heated by melt and storm water.
  • It is not recommended to build a garage with an attic for 2 cars next to trees, the roots of which can severely damage the structure.
  • When designing a garage with a residential attic, it is necessary, first of all, to think over the issues of electrification, water supply and sewerage.
  • It is not advisable to build a building over underground utilities to which free access must always be ensured.

Documentation for the project

Garage projects for 2 cars with an attic may include the following documents:

  • The layout of the building on the site.
  • Scale and color sketch of the structure.
  • Plan of the garage showing all dimensions and height marks, indicating the locations of the gates, doors and stairs.
  • Description of the selected foundation (see).
  • Drawings of the frame and materials for its finishing.
  • Sketches truss system and description of the roofing material.
  • Scheme of supply of communications.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Calculation of the necessary building materials.
  • A set of necessary tools.

Choosing a place for construction

Each capital building, including a garage with an attic, requires a certain territory. Two-story construction such a structure requires an area half the size of conventional buildings.

When choosing a construction site, certain conditions must be observed:

  • Provide good entrance To .
  • There should be a free space of 5 to 7 meters between the entrance and the building. In this case, it is possible to park conveniently if there is no need to put the car in the garage.
  • Any irregularities in the landscape will create additional work - a fairly flat area is required for a garage.
  • Ability to provide communication.
  • The optimal distance between the garage and residential building- approximately 5 meters. This will allow the driver to easily reach the car in any weather.
  • The place for building a garage should be slightly higher or on the same level with the rest of the territory in order to avoid flooding.

Subject to these conditions, taking into account the peculiarities of the landscape, the location of your site, an ideal place is chosen for the construction of a garage for two cars with an attic, as seen in the photo.

Drafting a project

After choosing a place, you can begin to develop a project. At the same time, it can be ordered from an architectural organization or purchased ready-made.

Its price is quite high, but development time is significantly saved. In this case, representatives of the agency can go to the site, make all the necessary measurements and develop a project specifically for the conditions and requirements of the customer. Specialists will help you choose a finished project, then its cost will be less.

Drawings or sketches can be developed by yourself.

Tip: When developing a project on your own, it should be shown to specialists who will approve the documentation and, if necessary, correct it.

The project development manual suggests the following steps:

  • Determine the number of places in the garage - for one, two or more machines.
  • Decide on functional purpose attic part - it will be residential or non-residential.

  • . The attic can protrude slightly above it, which will create a shelter from summer heat. This takes into account the dimensions of the vehicles.

  • Decide whether only cars will be placed in the room, or they will be repaired here, which will require an increase in the area for accommodating tool racks, free space to move a person during car repair.

Tip: When drawing up a plan, only accurate measuring tools should be used.

  • An attic plan is being drawn up. If a living space is planned, then there should be a bedroom, a bathroom and a corner for the kitchen.

  • A roof is being developed for the building.

  • The power supply system is being installed.
  • The materials for the construction of the building are determined. The cost of the garage, the duration of its construction, the durability and reliability of the structure depend on this. Fastest to build frame garage, and modern materials allow you to protect the premises from the cold.
  • The final project is drawn up on paper, taking into account the smallest details of the design.

Which project is better and how to create it yourself shows the video in detail.

Project implementation

After developing a project, you can bring it to life with your own hands or hire a team of workers. Building garages with an attic is a laborious process.

This will require:

  • Make a foundation. The best option- device monolithic slab. For a large garage, it may not be alone. A single slab is poured with concrete; several ready-made concrete slabs can be laid.

  • Raise the walls. Easy to process and low cost materials are foam and gas blocks.

You can use brickwork and other building materials. Everyone chooses according to his desire and possibilities. This leaves openings for windows, doors and gates.

  • Build a roof.

  • Connect communications: electricity, water, sewerage, gas.

  • Perform finishing work on the residential attic and the premises of the garage itself.

Outside, the building is sheathed with siding or clapboard, plastered with decorative plaster or other finishing materials are used.

  • The territory adjacent to the building is being equipped. It can be a flower garden, a lawn sown with grass, ornamental shrubs, which will add comfort to the garage with an attic and the entire site.

Compliance with all the conditions of the project, the manifestation of imagination, high-quality work will allow you to build a garage for two cars with an attic for every taste. The building will serve as a place for storing cars and a residential building for a long time.