We are trying to make a smart home out of an ordinary kopeck piece with our own hands. Smart home (the very beginning) - part 1 Smart home drawing

With the development of technologies and various electronic devices, it becomes possible to completely transfer the control of systems located in apartments and houses to an automatic autonomous mode. Smart home what is it? So, first, let's give a definition of what a smart home system is. This is an innovative advanced system of full or partial automation by various engineering systems of a living space aimed at home comfort without mechanical human intervention. An integrated smart home control system can control, as well as turn on and off the equipment included in it at the right time, and also inform the owner about it.

Smart home functions

This automatic complex can control the following equipment and perform the following operations, in other words, we will list the capabilities of the system:

  1. Constant monitoring and control over the safety of the living quarters and the adjacent territory. This feature can include video surveillance systems, as well as a number of measures related to unauthorized entry. The security circuit, which includes a siren, can send a signal in parallel to the security service;
  2. Fire safety;
  3. Control and maintenance of the set temperature inside a single room or the entire room. This is achieved by the correct operation of heating equipment, air conditioners, ventilation in the established modes;
  4. Control over power supply and switching on of a backup source in case of disconnection of the main one. This includes uninterruptible power supplies, stabilizers.
  5. Organization of correct and cost-effective water supply. This applies to both cold and hot water. This function can also have sensors that react to a burst of water supply pipes or their leakage;
  6. Management, during the arrival, departure or in the absence of the owners of lighting. This equipment is divided into emergency and work lighting. During the absence of the owners, it can turn on the lighting in order to reproduce the process of the presence of people in the house, and thereby scare off intruders and thieves from the home;
  7. Continuous round-the-clock monitoring of the functioning of all included systems;
  8. Transfer to automatic mode of household appliances, telecommunications, and various multimedia equipment;
  9. Watering lawns and vegetable gardens in hot weather, feeding pets and fish.

The smart home system is aimed not only at monitoring and switching all equipment in the house, but also at their economic use, that is, at reducing energy costs. The operation of this system is very relevant in the case of a person or people with disabilities living in a room. For intelligent control and management, computer technology and specially developed programs are used for this.

Smart home equipment

The market for modern devices and systems aimed at automation is filled with both high-quality products and fakes, so if a person decides to implement the system himself, then it is not recommended to save on quality. In principle, it is not a problem to create a short description, indicate the necessary nodes on the floor plan.

The list of equipment that can be used in organizing and setting up a smart home:

  • Switches for lighting and power outlets;
  • All kinds of dimmers to adjust the brightness of the lighting;
  • Blinds and shutters control equipment;
  • Sensors of motion, light, temperature, fire, atmospheric pressure, water leakage, presence, etc. Sensors for a smart home should be chosen only reliable, since this is the main instrument of the system;
  • Telephone line converter;
  • Intercom line converter;
  • Microphone with AGC and ADC (serves as voice control for smart home);
  • GSM module;
  • IR receiver and transmitter;
  • IR RF repeater;
  • Voltage meter;
  • Stabilizer and uninterruptible power supply;
  • Current meter;
  • The device for control and the interface is touch-sensitive or push-button. A password is often set on the control equipment;
  • Frequency counter;
  • Ball valves with electric drive.

How smart home works

For the automatic operation of all systems included in the smart home complex, modern electronic sensors, a controller, and related equipment are used. All of them are connected into one single control chain, with the help of which the above processes take place. That is, depending on the selected equipment, certain sensors are used. Smart home technologies may differ slightly from each other, but their main function is still automation. For example, in order for certain lamps to turn on, which the owner himself chooses, they must be connected via solar activity sensors, that is, they react to illumination inside or outside the room. In addition, lighting equipment can respond to the presence of a person and turn on or off when he comes and goes without affecting the light switch.

The heating system and air conditioners work approximately according to this principle. There are sensors throughout the house that respond to temperature changes, the owner has only to set the optimum temperature for him in the whole room or in each of the rooms, and the smart home will decide and make the right choice whether to turn on cooling, heating, or just ventilation ... The situation is the same with moisture parameters.

All information from sensors, actuators, energy and water supply, as well as from security equipment is sent to the central controller (processor), which is the brain of the entire system.

All systems can be divided into:

  1. Informative sensors and cameras;
  2. CPU;
  3. Actuators (all kinds of electric valves and latches);
  4. Control and management systems for all these processes.

Smart home design

Of course, the installation and design of a smart home is simple and it is better to put it on the shoulders of professionals, since you will need to install and install a large number of sensors around the entire perimeter of the room and the local area. The smart home system for an apartment is less expensive, but of course, it all depends on the wishes of the client and his financial capabilities.

Installation can be divided into three stages:

  1. Connection and interfacing into a single system of all devices and equipment existing in the room. This is done through the use of patch cords or radio waves, as well as special software;
  2. The installation and adjustment of sensors is carried out, which will indicate the state of this or that equipment, for example, are the curtains, blinds or entrance gates closed;
  3. Interfacing all these systems with a microcontroller, that is, with the brain of a smart home, it will send a signal to the owner about execution, receive a remote signal to control this equipment, and also take measures aimed at saving costs. In some cases, designers also recommend installing emergency shut-off valves or valves on the inlet pipes of water supply and gas supply, as well as on their communication branches. In the event of an emergency situation and in the event that the owner does not confirm the permitting signal for closing, the controller itself will be able to shut off or turn off the required supply of one or another source. A problematic situation can be false, we must not forget about it. In any case, there is a choice, to carry out control via the Internet or by radio signal, using a smartphone phone or a special remote control.

There are several ways to implement the idea of ​​a smart home:

  • Purchase of a ready-made project, as well as turnkey installation, which is offered by many companies;
  • Purchase of a ready-made modular kit and integration into the existing home system;
  • To create the entire system yourself, that is, to carry out the development, design, packaging, and installation of the system "from scratch" on our own. This is creative work anyway.

Before making a decision, it is recommended to evaluate both your capabilities and efforts to install with your own hands, and to consult about the cost of a turnkey installation in a particular region or country. Installation of a smart home system, design and installation, can be carried out both in a complex and separately. Prices for these services and products can vary greatly, so a long choice is inevitable. Comparison of smart home systems is aimed at guaranteeing its operation, as well as at the likelihood of erroneous or false alarms. These are the main criteria to consider when choosing.

Video editing and setting up a smart home

You can briefly outline what a smart home is in a couple of sentences. First, the system under consideration, using innovative technologies, makes it possible to automate the operation of lighting, television and other equipment according to the specified parameters.

Secondly, the complex performs fire-fighting and security functions throughout the day. In addition, the system can regulate and control the position of sliding gates, blinds and other devices. Today, a similar kit is available in luxury homes, as well as anyone who has the necessary financial resources. This design allows a person to get maximum comfort with the minimum expenditure of their labor and time for household problems.

What is a smart home?

Briefly, this concept includes the introduction of the latest technologies in household equipment. Many have heard and seen about such a system on the Internet or on television. This equipment is especially important for owners of country cottages who want to simplify and automate the management of communications and dwelling elements as much as possible.

Many parts from the common complex have been used in shopping centers and offices for many years. These elements include: ventilation and air conditioning control, video cameras, information portals, motion sensors and much more. If these components are combined into one whole, it will turn out to briefly describe what a smart home is.

The basis of the intelligent building includes an integrated approach that allows, through the interaction of various systems with each other, to organize centralized control from a single control panel.

History of creation

What is a smart home? We will briefly consider the history of creation further. Initially, the residents of the United States got acquainted with such a system. Back in the 70s of the last century, scientists at the Washington Intellectual University implemented a whole program for the use of living space using the most modern technologies and available up-to-date life support systems.

A similar invention appeared on the domestic market only a quarter of a century later. The innovation did not find much enthusiasm among the population, given the high cost of the system itself and the complexity of its operation. Since at that time energy resources were worth a penny, a house with intelligence was not widely used in the post-Soviet space. Only in the early 2000s, the introduction of such a system began, since the computer sphere, as well as the audio and TV market, began to develop actively.


Wealthy compatriots liked these schemes. The symbol of a good life has become the ability to control all functions in household equipment without leaving the couch. Such constructions have become a status attribute of the successful owner of a private house. The project attracted potential customers in many respects by the fact that all the functionality was implemented by pressing several buttons on the remote control.

Briefly about the advantages of a smart home, we can say that, if it is possible to access the Internet, it regulates almost all processes in the absence of the owners of the home. This includes not only the safety of the building, but also all the processes that take place in it. This solution allows almost complete control of the situation at a remote distance.


Next, let's consider in general what a "smart home" system is. The summary boils down to the fact that it makes it possible to shift most of the household chores onto artificial intelligence. Experts note a steady growth in demand for this kind of technology. Now all tasks can be programmed in a certain sequence and in the required mode, after which control is carried out by pressing one or two buttons.

Many elite new buildings, especially in the capital, are equipped with a smart home system at the design stage. In city apartments, this technology is more in demand in terms of entertainment (multiroom, lighting control). But for country houses and cottages, the "smart home" option (what it is - summarized in the previous paragraphs) is a way to optimize life support systems. Modern residential buildings are a complex engineering structure, in which there are various intelligent technologies.

In country houses, branched electrical networks, air conditioning, ventilation, and thermal insulation units are used. In addition, automatic systems for opening shutters and gates, temperature control and water volume in the pool are installed. This versatility is the main argument in favor of a smart home, which allows you to bring the entire engineering part of the home into a single manageable complex.

Smart home: a short description

Country cottages are usually equipped with a special security system, which includes a variety of sensors and controllers. As a rule, such a smart home includes a control unit for climate control, lighting, watering and fire extinguishing. In principle, the possibilities of the technology in question are quite wide, so the option can be selected individually, depending on the requirements and wishes of the owner.

The disadvantages of a smart home (briefly about the features of which we have already mentioned) are, first of all, in its high cost. Not everyone can afford such a luxury. The average price of a standard kit on the domestic market is about 2.5-3 million rubles. Nevertheless, the technology is in demand among the wealthy. Experts suggest that the cost of intelligent home management will gradually decline, as happened in Europe and America.

According to foreign statistics, despite the high cost of the project in question, it pays off relatively quickly. It is worth considering that the smart home is closely related to informatics. It is worth briefly mentioning the main advantage of the system. Smart home allows you to reduce operating costs for all types of utilities. As long-term observations show, you can save up to 30% on electricity, 40% on water, and up to 50% on heating.

It should be noted that more than 25% of country houses outside the Moscow Ring Road are already fully or partially equipped with intelligent control. At the same time, the figure continues to grow steadily.


What is a 7th grade smart home? In short, this is a system that presupposes intellectualization not of individual buildings, but of entire villages. The cottages in such a settlement are united by the management into a single one. Such a solution allows you to respond in a timely manner to various emergency and emergency situations. All information from counters and other systems, in case of a critical value, is transmitted to the general command post.

For example, the owner of a cottage is away, and a fire occurs. Information about the accident goes to the owner's mobile phone and to the dispatch center. To eliminate the problem, a monitoring device is provided to determine the source of the failure.

In addition, a unified intelligent building management will ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity to cottages, redistributing the load between all buildings in the village equally. This greatly simplifies the monitoring of the status of each building connected to a common control panel.

What's in the future?

Most experts assume that such settlements are the future of all luxury real estate outside the city. Smart homes, like entire settlements, will undoubtedly find their consumer. Experts predict that soon it will be more difficult to sell buildings without at least partial intellectual equipment.

Many experts point out that the massive introduction of "smart" settlements in the domestic open spaces is an unrealized dream so far, and it is too early to talk about its implementation. Such settlements can be counted on one hand. And if we take into account that foreign counterparts provide an access control system, fire alarm, lighting control, a data system on existing cars, regulation of the drainage and drinking system, then there are no truly "smart villages" even in the elite districts of the Moscow region.


In the future, experts predict the indispensable development of smart homes and villages. They attribute this to the ability of a smart home to regulate the climate, adjust to other external and internal factors. Such technologies are related to the optimal existence in the era of technogenic development.

Building a smart home with your own hands can be difficult for a person who does not have a special education. Of course, everything can be done much easier by purchasing ready-made smart home modules. However, it is better to build the system yourself.

What is "smart home"

Before starting work on the independent creation of various amenities, you need to figure out what a smart home system is and what it is capable of.

A smart home cannot be characterized by two or three functions. For a shorter definition, it should be said that in such a system all communications are connected to a computer and controlled with its help. The system carefully monitors the temperature in the rooms of the house, monitors and captures images from video cameras. With the help of computer technology, you can adjust the light, the temperature of the floor or batteries, turn on various electrical appliances and much more.

The degree of the house's equipment with various modules is determined by the connected equipment or by the imagination and creative skills of the master.

Why is it better to start arranging such a system in the house yourself? Because in this case, the owner himself will be able to regulate various modules, complicate and modify them. He will have on hand the open source code of the system, which he can fix at his own discretion. Ready-made modules and kits do not give such freedom of action. They are completely dependent on the developer company.

Another plus of self-development is that the master will not spend a lot of money either on the installation of modules or on repairs. If a ready-made kit is delivered, then any revision will be quite expensive. In addition, the kit itself will also be a significant cost item.

What the smart home system can do largely depends on the imagination of its creator.

Where to start

You need to start arranging a smart home with the most basic things.

  1. You will need a computer.
  2. You will have to create a website for your home, which will reflect the various functions.
  3. It will be necessary to install special software (programs). To do this, you will need to clarify the compatibility of the software with your computer. "
  4. Make a diagram.
  5. The first pluggable functions may be the simplest. You can start with a home monitoring system and indoor temperature control.

Arrangement details

  1. Installing a local server on Linux.
  2. Apache server setup.
  3. Using Linux, you can organize a video surveillance system. This requires ZoneMinder.
  4. On Apache, you need to create a site for a smart home.
  5. Various alarms, USB cameras can be installed for monitoring. You also need to install temperature sensors and install the appropriate software.

This is the minimum set from which the arrangement of a smart home can begin. Having figured out the details of such operations, you can move on to more complex things. In order to inexpensively create a full-fledged control system for various communications and equipment functions in the premises of the house, there is no need to invent something. On the Internet, you can find a lot of solutions for creating comfort and coziness.

Some masters have been laying out their developments for a long time and offer users to try them out.

Creating a website for your home may seem like one of the hardest things to do. In fact, a ready-made site module can be found on the Internet today. For those who want to start developing on their own, you need to do the following.

  1. Understand php and learn how to work with MySQL.
  2. The control system for smart home functions will be based on various scripts. They do not need to be developed, most of them are available to users. You just need to understand the sequence of the installation.
  3. The scripts will run regularly and update the system state information.
  4. The jQuery library will also come in handy. It can even help you create a great look for your site without having to learn Cascading Style Sheets.
  5. Working with databases can be made easier if you use a site management engine.

Smart home functions

The functions and capabilities of a smart home are almost endless. Therefore, only a few of them will have to be considered.

The light can be controlled by several devices. For example, dimmers can be installed to control the level of illumination. Such devices, however, will only work in certain cases. They will not work in fluorescent lamps.

The disadvantage of dimmers is the constant light background noise.

The switches are installed in the place where the light switches are usually located. With their help, the light can be turned on and off.


Household appliances can be turned on and off using the same switches as in the case of dimming.

Don't make all systems in your home fully automatic. Better to leave the possibility of normal manual control. Otherwise, in case of malfunctions, you will have to work hard.


The surveillance system can be equipped so that the cameras located in the house can be monitored even from the workplace. It is not very difficult, the video camera system can be set as the first function of the future smart home. The essence of this technology is that the signal from the cameras is transmitted to a specific computer. Data from sensors and cameras can be received even on portable devices.

Simultaneously with video cameras, motion sensors can also be installed. They will work on the same principle. To set up the software on your computer, you just need to download the corresponding open source modules. In order to be able to regulate and modify the code in the future, it will be necessary to understand a little about the structure of such systems. It's easier than learning programming.

Desire and hard work will help overcome obstacles in mastering the fascinating science of creating a smart home. You just need not be afraid of the new, and over time, even enthusiasm for the process will appear.


We bring to your attention the following videos on the creation of a smart home:

To have a house outside the city is everyone's dream. Therefore, each family, having financial resources, tries to purchase or build housing that would meet modern living standards. Recently, smart home projects have been very popular. They not only allow you to correctly plan the space, but also guarantee the owners maximum comfort and convenience.

General characteristics

"Smart home" represents the housing of the future, in which the work and control of all systems is carried out automatically, providing the premises with a high level of security and all the necessary living conditions. In such houses, labor costs for management are completely excluded, since the installation of temperature, lighting and other things is not done manually. In addition, the building is equipped with special monitors with sensors that can determine in advance potential threats to both its own systems and the residents themselves.

In case of power outages, heating malfunctions, smoke and unauthorized entry, the installation instantly notifies the owners and eliminates problems on its own.

The main advantage of a smart home is that its flexible control systems can significantly save energy costs, since in the absence of residents, all devices are switched on to an economical mode. Thanks to the installed programs, such an installation will regularly fulfill all the instructions of the owners, often predicting them on their own. Therefore, we can say that after the installation of such an innovation, a “freelance butler” appears in housing. The only disadvantage of the installation is the high price, but it justifies itself over time.


To make a country house as comfortable as possible, many owners install a “smart home” system, which helps not only save energy resources, but also valuable time, performing automated management of all communications and entertainment centers. Depending on what functions and capabilities are available in the installation, it is divided into several types.


Consists of switches, sensors and climate control device. All equipment is controlled by a wired panel, which receives signals. It is located in the main panel and the cables are connected to it. The advantages of a wired installation include high reliability and high click speed. After pressing the button, the program starts without delay, which saves residents from a long wait, the scripts, if installed correctly, do not "freeze". In addition, the control elements are characterized by a beautiful design. They are usually equipped with smart switches and a variety of integration systems.

Thanks to the wired “smart home”, it is much easier to adjust the temperature regime in the rooms, as well as control the video and audio room. It lasts a long time, since the devices do not have batteries that require constant replacement. In this case, switches are used fireproof and low-current. For the system to work reliably, before installing it, it is necessary to select the location of the panel in advance and lead the cables there.

If a country house is built of wood, then the owners need to first agree on the project and prepare a place for electrical wiring.

It is also recommended to install a wired device during the process of home renovation, when the wiring has not yet been done according to the classic scheme. It will be problematic to do this in a finished building. For installation, a large panel is usually used with a width of up to 60 cm and a height of up to 150 cm. Installation work is best carried out with the help of experienced specialists, since the equipment is expensive and the slightest mistake can lead to a number of troubles.


Unlike the previous version, in this system the executive signal is transmitted to the operating devices not via wiring, but via a dedicated radio channel. This allows significant savings in wiring and installation costs. Such installations can be placed in houses with a complete renovation and a conventional wiring diagram. Due to the fact that each switch is "wireless", it becomes possible to set different lighting effects by pre-programming the function keys. Installation of these systems does not require project preparation, therefore it is ideal for wooden buildings, and its price is quite affordable.

A wireless “smart home” operating from a radio channel directly depends on the quality of communication, so various interference from telephones and electrical appliances can negatively affect its functionality. In addition, the quality of radio communication also depends on the building material of the walls, and if the wiring is too scattered along the walls, then the signal level will be minimal. In the event that the system is operated on batteries, then they should be changed regularly, otherwise at the most inopportune moment something may not work.

Some wireless systems consist of radio equipment that is powered by alternating electricity, so a neutral wire must be laid for them. To avoid problems with the installation of such an installation, it is recommended to immediately lay an additional neutral wire under the switch. They put it in a box. The disadvantage of the device is also the fact that it is difficult to establish stable functionality in it, since the house will have to control not only floor heating and lighting. In addition, the security of the installation is low and "hackers", applying an external communication signal, can quickly disable it.


Its principle of operation is based on programming modes that come from a single logical module. As a rule, the device is represented by a controller with many outputs. The controller is preloaded with a unique program responsible for managing communication systems and executive devices. Thanks to such technologies, it is possible to apply a huge selection of complex scenarios and any equipment. The advantages of the device include the ability to control in one window, the creation of complex tasks, taking into account the condition of the home owners, the time of day and the lunar cycle. In addition, it is possible to connect any type of equipment to the system.

As for the shortcomings, they also exist. First of all, such a centralized "smart home" is completely dependent on the human factor, because it works according to a program written by a programmer, and if contact is lost with it, then the entire system will need to be completely reprogrammed. Secondly, during installation, a high-quality controller should be installed, otherwise, if it fails, it can stop the entire system. Thirdly, it is a high cost.


The work of the “smart home” in this case is based on the use of a microprocessor with a non-volatile board. Therefore, these systems are considered the most reliable and if even one equipment fails, the entire system will fully continue its functioning. The installation is easy to maintain, and if there is a need to create a new script, then an additional logic block is simply used for this. Today on sale you can find many decentralized systems that differ in functionality and design.

Unlike the previous options, many devices are laid in the shield during installation of the installation, therefore it is recommended to give preference to well-proven manufacturers, otherwise in the future you may face their failure.

Necessary equipment

Before you install a smart home system in your suburban housing, you need to create the right project and purchase all the necessary devices.

Depending on personal preferences, the set of equipment may be different, while the minimum set should consist of:

  • sensory system;
  • adjustments with which equipment and lighting will be turned on and off;
  • monitors where video surveillance will take place;
  • alarm;
  • controller;
  • application programs for smartphones containing the necessary gadgets;
  • cloud network channels that simplify the connection and control of devices.

How to install and configure?

Installing a "smart home" is quite affordable with your own hands, but since installation and technology require correct execution, it is best to seek help from specialists. The contractor will start by defining the features of the object, then propose the most suitable project. After design, an estimate will be drawn up, which will include control devices and a system diagram.

If the owner of the house is confident in his abilities and can do the installation on his own, then he needs to complete the following steps.

  • Before starting repair work in the dwelling, lay a network of cables and install a server cabinet, racks under it, and everything should be closed with junction boxes. In the technical room, you need to place equipment for electrical supply, a switch, and connect the automation to the modules.
  • After the renovation of the premises is completed, the speakers and control system can be installed by connecting the touch panels. Next, you should carry out a test setup of the system.
  • The final stage will be the final setting of the equipment and carrying out test work, after which the installation is put into operation. With the correct design and installation, the "smart home" system will begin to function effectively and fill the interior of the home with harmony and comfort. To reliably hide it from prying eyes, even at the stage of finishing the room, you will need to skillfully hide auxiliary equipment and wiring.

From the above, we can conclude that the installation of a "smart home" is laborious, since most of the time is spent on creating a project and installing equipment. At the same time, the speed of work depends on the number of installations, wall material and housing area. Typically, the entire process takes up to two weeks, including script programming.

Control systems

Usually in modern city apartments and houses outside the city, purification, air conditioning, lighting systems are used, and burglar alarms and video-audio equipment are installed. Therefore, equipping their homes for a "smart home", its owners have a unique opportunity to conveniently manage all this "orchestra". To make automation fast and smooth, such an installation is subdivided into subsystems: security, climate control, lighting, multi-room and home theater. Each of them is characterized by its own type of management.


Groups or individual luminaires can work in different modes, for this they are assigned their own illumination level. Control is carried out with the help of consoles, remotely it is possible to set illusionary scenarios for finding the owners in the apartment. All light sources are controlled by a single remote control, and you can additionally set the date, time or a specific event. The brightness of the devices is adjusted in the same way, the lamps are automatically turned off when you leave the room.

Climate control

This system controls devices that provide heating, air conditioning, purification and ventilation of air. Thanks to the adjusted settings, the technique works smoothly in a given mode. In addition, in some projects, remote control of the climate is also provided, due to which a comfortable temperature is set before the arrival of the owners of the house. All equipment is controlled from a single remote control, where you can control the heating depending on the date, time and season. The rooms are also equipped with humidity and temperature sensors, which are triggered at a certain time and regulate the climate.

Home theater and multiroom

This system includes not only players and televisions, but also related equipment: curtains, blinds and lighting. Thanks to the well-established work in the room, a special atmosphere is created for watching films. Management can be both voice and automated by pressing buttons on the remote control.

Safety system

It is a unique multifunctional device that is remotely controlled and quickly responds to various alarming situations, including fire safety, alarms and disruption of communications. Fire and burglar alarms work automatically and turn on immediately after the owners of the house leave. It can be controlled by both a cell phone and a remote control. Alarms of gas leakage, water leakage and burglary can be received remotely. Information instantly goes to a mobile phone or computer.

The smart home device is ideal for both a country house, a summer residence, and an apartment. Since the system is expensive and its installation is not easy, the recommendations of experts will help home owners who want to carry out the installation on their own to avoid mistakes.

  • Do not use equipment that does not match the style of the room. Equipment of different design will spoil the interior of the room, because it is ugly when the panels in the room are arranged in a chaotic order and differ in color from the decorative wall decoration. For example, a plastic white intercom is inappropriate on a wall with a dark surface. Therefore, even at the design stage, special attention should be paid to such points and purchase suitable keypads and panels. In addition, the devices must be additionally masked with special plates or frames, harmoniously combined with the rest of the interior elements.
  • Mounting a large number of control panels on one wall is also not a good idea. For example, a floor heating thermostat, climate control, a multi-room remote control and a switch installed at the same time will not only complicate the operation of the equipment, but will also look cumbersome. As a result, a “smart home”, on the contrary, will complicate life and will not make it comfortable in any way. Therefore, in order to prevent this, you need to try to place a minimum of devices on the walls, giving preference only to sockets, switches and touch panels. As for the setting of the temperature regime in the rooms, it is, as a rule, performed once a season, so control panels can be installed only in important rooms.
  • Many homeowners prefer to install a "smart home" only with wireless control. Of course, modern life is arranged in such a way that everyone cannot live without a tablet or mobile phone. But if you completely rely on this method of control, you can find yourself in a risk zone and lose control over the devices in the event of a smartphone breakdown or Internet disconnection. Therefore, experts advise connecting wireless and wired panels at the same time.

They can be in the same place, their service life exceeds 30 years. Mobile control is carried out using a tablet or phone. In the event of a breakdown or loss of a mobile device, the system can easily be reset to stationary control. It is difficult to break and these panels do not discharge.

  • A smart home is considered to be a complex system in which all components must work smoothly and in concert. Therefore, purchasing equipment from different manufacturers, such harmony can be disturbed. As a result, there will be problems of incompatibility of technology, and the installation will not only become difficult to control, but also serious malfunctions in its operation are possible. To prevent this, it is necessary to select equipment that has the same technical parameters and information transfer rate. It is also not recommended to additionally use auxiliary software and expansion gateways or installers, they will only complicate the configuration and control.
  • Professionals usually build a smart home system based on a software platform and equipment from one manufacturer, whose products are well known in the market and have positive reviews. The right decision will also be the acquisition of one integration platform, which is designed for automated control of climate, lighting, security and fire safety systems, and audio and video equipment. It is reliable in operation, its warranty service is up to 5 years, and most importantly, the platform ensures the compatibility of all devices.
  • During the installation of a "smart home", it is important to organize the workflow correctly, using special software applications. At the same time, it is undesirable to separately create scenarios for climate, music or light, as they will complicate control. Each brand offers programs of its own development, so if all of them are installed, it will be difficult to find the required tab on the desktop. In addition, to configure, you will need to constantly switch from one program to another and regularly update the software.
  • Installing one application designed for the smart home will help simplify the task. Thanks to it, it will be possible to check the device mode in a matter of seconds, automatically update the version and quickly find the desired section in the lists.
  • In order for the installation to please with comfortable living conditions, it is best to entrust its design to specialists, since the slightest inaccuracy in the diagrams can disrupt the operation of the system and disable expensive equipment.

They say that every house is like its owner: in the apartment of an elderly lady, every armchair breathes comfort, the representative mansion of a successful businessman demonstrates respectability and self-confidence, and the young artist's art studio fully reflects his creative flight of thought.

At the same time, for every good owner, the hands do not work separately from the head: the eyes see, the ears hear, the brain makes decisions and gives commands to the body. This is how the best work result is achieved: the integration of all body systems into one whole leads to optimal functioning.

The same is in the Smart Home - all systems in it work harmoniously, consistently and interconnected... In such a house, the wiring will not burn out, because water from a spilled bathtub has got on it. Pipes will not burst due to constant temperature changes. Rooms will not freeze due to sudden power outages.

To coordinate life support systems in this way, to establish control over a house, to monitor it via the Internet or via remote video surveillance, to program the interaction of various systems of the house and their behavior depending on the time of day, weather, or, say, the mood of the owner, these days it is absolutely impossible makes up labor.

The intelligent system "Smart Home" is a high-tech system that allows you to combine all communications into one and put it under the control of artificial intelligence, programmable and customizable for all the needs and wishes of the owner.

Heating, lighting, plumbing, alarm in the apartment - all this can be subordinated to centralized control by installing the "Smart Home" system.

Do you want the overhead light in the living room to turn on in the evenings, and only the table lamp in the study burned during the day? Do you prefer to warm your legs in an armchair in the kitchen in winter, and do not want to freeze in the bedroom in the fall? Do you want to be able to turn on the heater in the country house via the Internet so that the room warms up for your arrival?

Or, say, you want to be notified via SMS about sudden power outages or triggered alarms? Nowadays, this does not require hiring a whole expensive staff of servants and guards - all this will be done by the "Smart House".

At the same time, one should not think that such a system is not available for a person who does not have a country villa, but simply wants to have confidence in the safety of his apartment when it is left unattended by the owner: the basic functionality of the Smart Home system is comparable in cost to the installation of a conventional one. intercom.

In addition, an already installed system can be developed in the future by adding new communications or expanding the interactions of those already connected. Start with an inexpensive turnkey Smart Home solution, and then complement it with those components that you find most useful.

What does such a system include?

Smart home is a unified control system in a house, office, apartment or building, which includes sensors, control elements and actuators. Control elements receive signals from sensors and control the operation of executive devices, acting according to the specified algorithms and combining the following systems:

  • Heating the house (by means of radiators or underfloor heating),
  • Security and fire alarms,
  • Control of emergencies: water, gas leaks, power failures,
  • Video surveillance (local and remote),
  • Indoor and outdoor lighting control,
  • Distribution of video and audio streams to rooms (multiroom),
  • Heating control of storm sewers, steps of stairs and paths,
  • Control over energy consumption, limitation of peak loads and distribution of loads on the phases of the supply network,
  • : battery UPS and diesel generators,
  • Management of sewage pumping stations and systems of automatic irrigation of green areas,
  • Control of gates and barriers,