How to make a mansard staircase with your own hands. How to make the staircase on the attic with their own hands how to attach the stairs to the attic floor

Or on the top floor is not a problem. This design is possible to make on its own. Here we will look at how the staircase is made on the attic with their own hands, in cases of lack of her in the project of the building. Since all stages of work will be conducted independently, it should be carefully thought out and calculated the design.

The simplest species of the staircase on the attic is the street. Make such a design is easy, because there is no need to build a hatch in the floor of the attic, change the inner interior and occupy useful space. True, it bears certain inconvenience - to enter the attic of the attitude across the street. Dersighted stairs at the location of the location can be several species:

  • The external one, the design of which is located on the outside of the house, can be both screw and march. Print is mainly located in the inner corner outside the building or in a narrow yard.
  • Marsh and inner staircase, consisting of one or more spans.
  • Screw inner, construction, where the steps are located on the spiral around the fixed axis.

We start with design calculations

Before starting construction, you should prepare an accurate design design - carry out calculations, make drawings and specify the main parameters of the stairs:

  • The height of the lift, which equals the distance from the floor to the ceiling plus the thickness of the cleaning of the attic.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bconstruction, determining the width of the stairs, i.e. In other words, the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction in m², which it takes on the drawing.
  • Luke sizes, also dependent on the 2nd parameter.
  • The depth of sticky (it is arjected to the surface at which the rise occurs, that is, the step itself)
  • The height of the riser (vertical distance between compensation)
  • Dimensions and number of fences.

Calculations should be carried out, given the standards for the construction of stairs, security rules and recommendations of specialists.

The angle of inclination of the stairs

There is a vertical passage of the passage. It should be more than 2 meters from each stage before overlap. This also applies to the distance between the upper step and the strapping of the upper hatch on the attic. The height of the lift directly affects. The construction with a slope is less than 35 ° will take a lot of space, and rather, imitates the ramp. The slope of more than 55 ° will make the movement very difficult, as it will have to go back only back. The most convenient bias is recommended to design in the range of 35 ° -45 °.

Important! Blind affects the magnitude of coming and risers. The less the angle of inclination, the greater the depth of coming and less the height of the risers and the opposite.

Restrictions here are as follows:

  • the maximum thrust height should not exceed 200 mm;
  • minimum height of at least 120 mm;
  • the maximum shredding depth should not exceed 380 mm;
  • minimum - at least 300 mm;
  • the march width is recommended within 800-1200 mm.

Sizes and number of steps

The most comfortable and safe is a staircase, in which the ratio of the height of the riser and the depths of the sticky is 15:30. Formulas are used to determine the convenience and safety of design:

  • formula Amenities: H - F \u003d 120 mm;
  • safety formula: H + F \u003d 460 mm,

where h is the depth of sticking, and F is the height of the riser. The existing formulas for calculating the exact ratio of the values \u200b\u200bof the steps and angle of inclination of the structure are used, as a rule, when designing standard stairs. In the private structure, it is not always possible to accurately adhere to these standards. Therefore, you can use approximate calculations:

  • if the angle of inclination of the staircase is 32 - 36 °, then the recommended height of the steps is 160 mm;
  • if an angle is 37 - 43 °, then the recommended height can be 180 mm;
  • if the angle of inclination exceeds 45 °, the height of the steps should be equal to 200 mm;
Size steps, mm


HeightThe angle of inclination march
400 100 14º10 "
380 110 16º20 "
360 120 18º30 "
340 130 21º00 "
320 140 23º10 "
300 150 29º40 "
280 160 29º50 "
260 170 33º10 "
230 180 37º10 "
220 190 40º50 "
200 200 45º00 "

Tip! Specialist recommendations are to make an odd number of compensated (from 3 to 18). At the same time it is necessary to consider the last stage to the upper floor. This amount allows you to comfortably move around the stairs.

The calculation of the steps\u003dyrqxqo_nb0s.

We proceed to construction

Before starting the construction of an attic staircase, the manufacture of a hatch in the ceiling ceiling. Make it is necessary in accurately according to the project. Ceiling overlaps and mansard floor should be filled with circular saw, observing design dimensions. The hole is cleaned, removing unnecessary elements of the design. The main element of the stairs are the boosters - carrier beams whose role can perform a board with supeble grooves for steps, whose width is 250 mm, and a thickness of about 50 mm. As a rule, two beams are used, but if the design width exceeds 120 cm, then additional Kosur is installed.

  • You should pull the rope along the wall, from the ceiling overlap of the attic to the point of the start of the stairs on the lower floor.
  • Then, by changing the tilt of the twine, check the length of the row and the number of alleged steps, comparing with the calculated data.
  • The angles formed between the stretched twine and floors are measured, as well as between the twine and ceiling overlap.
  • In accordance with the measured angles, cut the beams.
  • At the point of attachment of the Kooowar to the overlap, it is necessary to leave a spike about 10 cm, it will be needed when fixing the design in the uppermost overlap. For fastening under the thorn, a groove should be made using the chisel.
  • The board (Kosur) is attached to the wall and the places of fastening of steps are placed on it. The horizontal and verticality of the lines under the seats are strictly selected by the construction level.
  • By unscrewing the board (Kosur) from the wall drinking the groove for steps. It is important to ensure that the cuts are smooth, parallel, and the level of recesses approached the installation of the steps.
  • The second beam (Kosur) cut out the first, applying it closely.


Mount begin with the installation of the base of the stairs, which is low on the bottom. Krukim Kosoury soldier to Bruck. From above, as mentioned, the boosters were fixed with the help of spikes in the grooves made and lubricated the ceiling overlap. To enhance the connections, metal and hairpins with threaded are used. Threaded compounds fix beams at 3 - 4-points using the washers, creating hard connections.

One of the beams is fixed to the wall. Stairs are fixed to the Kosomers, starting from the bottom. They fix them with bellows or screws, which are blended and covered with small tubes from the tree. All connections must be carefully glued. After that, it is possible to start installing the risers. Completely screw with the rear side of the structure, and sew the beams to the top end. For aesthetics, the side visible part is sewn with a decorative plank or plywood. It remains to strengthen the staircase for the safety and convenience of transporting railings. You can connect with a baluster bolts with a beam or you can attach in parallel handrail four rows of non-screens. The standard for the height of the railing mount is about 90 cm, the width is arbitrary. Installation of a wooden staircase\u003dCS53SGWPVEO

For lifting to the second floor of a private house or attic, as a rule, there are two options for stairs: spiral and marching. We will try to study each one of them in more detail and make the appropriate conclusions that will help choose the best option.


Everyone knows that in order to get to the attic, you will need a staircase. Some owners for this purpose use the usual downtime (stepladder), but in this case you can not talk about aesthetics. To use an attic room for living, then do without high-quality, beautiful, and, most importantly, a safe staircase will not work. This design can be made of metal or wood and have a different design.

In some homes on the first floor there can be a bath, a vestibule or kitchen. There may be several rooms or some one of them. In this case, it is necessary to make careful calculations so that the Lestenka in no way interfere with free movement and did not occupy too much space. It is also necessary to consider that the staircase should not block the ingress of sunlight, otherwise the room will be too dark. The location should be as practical as possible.

For competent use of the living space and saving space, the staircase must be as comfortable as possible. Moreover, it must be harmonized with a common interior of the house and have a safe rise.

A color staircase in a small house takes a lot of space, so this option is usually used in spacious buildings. Even its cumbersome design does not prevent the sunlight freely fall into the room and will not interfere with the movement of tenants.

In the event that the house is small, the best option will be the staircase with a steep design, its arrangement is not very complex. Such a staircase is less comfortable in comparison with the canopy, but it makes it easy to move around the house, and the entrance to it is very convenient. The spiral staircase (spiral) is considered the most economical and rational option, because it takes a little space and is able to radically transform any home.


As you already know, the main varieties of mansard stairs are marching and screw structures. Let's analyze these types. Marsh stairs are considered the safest and most convenient option. It is very important if there are small children or elderly in the house. Such a staircase is easy enough to design yourself. Its installation does not submit any serious difficulties and can be performed without the help of specialists, which will save considerable funds. To ensure reliable design, it is necessary to use special boosters (a variety of ladder theater), which are supporting hospitals (part of the design of the stairs to which the steps are attached).

To save space, it is most often used by a staircase that has two marchs, there are grooved steps or a platform between them. This kind of is often used if there is very little space in the house. The two-hours of construction is pretty simple. It is worth remembering that the single-volume options are more cumbers in comparison with two-wing, but they are quite convenient because you can make a convenient direction or a cool for storing various trifles.

Some parents, in order to please the child, make a childrencard or a real fabulous cave from it. Children's joy in this case simply no limit.

Screw attic stairs, as a rule, use much less often. They are quite difficult to design and construct themselves, while you can make a lot of errors. Most often, the owners simply buy a finished design in specialized stores. The benefit that today such trading platforms are complete, and such stairs can be represented in various variations: for every taste and color.

If you choose nothing and did not work out, you can easily order a staircase in manufacturing companies that make it individually for you. In this case, the design you only need to collect and install.

Compact ladder on the attic can be retractable. Vygly and folding options today are also quite popular.

General classification of stairs by type and number of marches:

  • models with straight spans;
  • single-sample (1-2 rotation 90 °);
  • two-day (1 turn at 90 ° and 1 rotation 180 °);
  • screw spans (required element - carrier column);
  • circular spans (shaft in the middle).

Direct spans have no turns and are set to a certain angle. The width of the steps in this case should be an average of 30 cm, and their depth is at least 27 cm. The stairs, in which turns are present, respectively, they capture much more space compared to straight. The width of the passage should be 50-100 cm, and the width and height of the steps may vary.


Everyone knows the fact that using a tree as a material for the attic staircase is most appropriate. Wood has aesthetic appearance, beautiful texture and rich color. Modern paint mixes allow us to give the tree the most incredible colors and shades. Moreover, the tree is rather durable and, most importantly, a safe material that will serve for many and many years.

Sometimes such material as iron is used to make stairs, but its use implies many difficult difficulties. A good wrought design looks incredibly beautiful, but it is usually much more expensive. If you use not forged products in this case, and the usual metal, it is better to do with the applied staircase, since there should be a high-quality and beautiful product in the house, and not a variant that creaks and plays like a garage gate.

Let's return to the tree. This material is perfect for the manufacture of mansard stairs. The minimum amount of time and equipment will not interfere with doing everything conceived, and this is its main advantage. Especially tree, like no other material, can add home comfort and comfort.

The manufacture of a wooden staircase involves the use of solid wood, such as oak, pine, larch, tees and ash. Such products, for example, offers the "Facket" brand. The door or other elements of the metal staircase are usually decorated with forging, decorative figures, etc. Concrete products are extremely rare. They are quite cumbersome and complex in the manufacture.

How to make your own hands?

For independent manufacture of the attic staircase, it is necessary to initially determine its design and the nature of the location. It is necessary to take into account the area and the availability of a free place in the house. Most homeowners choose a straight design, which does not have turns or a staircase with several marchs. These varieties are the most optimal, practical and comfortable for home. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows you to stop at an option with multiple turns.

It is very important to correctly calculate the number of steps in each span.This can be done using a conventional beep, measuring the distance from the end of the staircase to the floor. The depth and height of the steps are calculated based on the angle of tilt the design. What she is cooler, the less should be the width of the steps.

Before proceeding with work, all calculations and calculations should be very careful. To begin with, we define the width and height of the lift, the size of the hatch (if it is), the steepness. We must not forget that the staircase on the attic should be not only beautiful, but also safe. Therefore, be sure to provide the presence of handrails, fences and other security elements. The construction of the stairs implies the following steps:

  • accurate definition of the location of the structure;
  • creating a sketch;
  • creating a detailed drawing with all sizes, selection of manufacturing material;
  • selection of fittings and tools;
  • production of staircase elements (steps, railings);
  • installation.

Consider a standard procedure for installing a stationary wooden staircase.

  • Initially mounted the base of the structure itself. At the very bottom, it reliably holds a bar, for example, from a tree.
  • Construction screws to the bar are screwed by suitable boosters.
  • The upper spikes of each element are inserted into the stipulated grooves. The location of the connection is necessarily labeled with a joinery glue.
  • For more reliable consolidation of the entire design, metal construction corners are used.

  • To enhance the staircase apply threaded studs. With their help connect all the cosos in several places. This is the standard of reliable and strong attachment.
  • Then the main beam is securely screwed to the wall.
  • Steps are mounted starting from the lowest sticking. Such a sequence is very important. Fix come off on brazening, as a last resort on the self-tapping screw.
  • Be sure to wake all seats of visible joints with carbon black glue.
  • After these actions, they are installed directly by the merits.
  • At the final stage, all the boosters are sewn to the very top of the design.

Some owners of a private house prefer an external staircase, as this option is very convenient if there is no place to place an ordinary design in the room. External staircases are made of various materials, the main of which are wood, concrete, metal and stone. Optimal options still have wood and metal. These materials are the most resistant to the external environment, but only if they are previously treated with special protective agents.

The main advantages of the external staircase:

  • saving free space in the house;
  • the opportunity to get on the attic immediately from the street.

If in the house initially there is an exploited attic room, then the staircase for him is probably provided for by the project. But what to do, if you were injected with the attic floor later? Of course, you will need a staircase on the attic. Moreover, if you rely on your own strength, and you want to construct it yourself, you will need to take into account all the nuances and thoroughly think over the design so that the staircase is not only comfortable and beautiful, but also as reliable, safe and durable. Today we will discuss how the attic stairs are built with their own hands, and what materials and design options are preferable for such buildings; We offer to your attention more than a dozen visual drawings and schemes, as well as demonstrate the video with step-by-step instructions.

Metal and wooden attic stairs: photo and design

Metal designs are rightfully considered very reliable and solid. And in the case of the stairs - also beautiful, since the twisted railings with elements of artistic forging look stylish, richly and exclusive. However, the landfills are most often made of wood, and not only because most country houses and cottages are wooden. The stairs on the attic of their own hands implies that you will handle this task yourself, and the tree is the perfect material for creative work. Look at what beautiful and unusual there can be a staircase on the attic, photos from our gallery clearly demonstrate it.

Options for landings on the attic are very numerous, you can choose the most modest and easy-to-manufacture, and you can decide on a brave and large-scale project. It all depends only on your desire and skills. Below we will look at what form and design can have a plane on the attic, where you can arrange it, and how to make it right.

Types of landfills on the attic: spiral, foldable, attic, outdoor

By the way of arrangement relative to the house, the attic staircase may be internal and outdoor. At the construction and repair of the attic floor, it is necessary to somehow climb to the place of work, and in this case there will be a good option to the attic on the attic from the street. However, this design does not necessarily have to be temporary. Many houses retain a separate entrance to the attic, and that is, the reason.

Idea If the attic room in the house is someone's personal bedroom, and you want to provide her owner the opportunity to go to yourself, bypassing the main entrance, and is not disturbing the rest of the household, the outer staircase is a great idea.

The outdoor layout of the ladder on the attic has both advantages and disadvantages. Through such an entrance often try to penetrate the thieves and other intruders, especially if the doors are not too reliable. Therefore, if you put safety on the first place, it is better to equip the entrance to the attic inside the house, for example, from the hallway, living room or from the veranda.

Many country houses and cottages cannot boast of a large area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, so the owners, of course, want the staircase to the attic closer space. It should be a small, compact design with a minimum of details, but still quite convenient enough to upstairs to the top did not become for residents at home with a dangerous adventure. This is especially important if there are elderly in the family and small children.

For small houses, the optimal option is a compact folding staircase on the attic, which can be made independently made of wood and several simple metal elements.

Council If you want to save the useful area in the house or at the cottage, install the folding staircase on the attic floor, which can be completely hidden in the hatch after use.

However, this is not the only option of a compact design. Screw stairs also do not take away a lot of space, but they can look very interesting and beautiful. Sometimes such a solution becomes a real highlight of the entire interior. Screw railing can cause associations with sea themes, or take your fantasy in the direction of medieval castles. Many interesting things about the beautiful design of the attic and selection of style for the future interior you will learn here.

Not only folding and screw structures can be small in size. The usual single or two-hours-haulers on the attic can also be very compact, if you do not overload it with unnecessary elements, and make an unintelligue, within 90-100 cm.

How to make a ladder on the attic: width and size, calculation and installation

We turn directly to the manufacture of mansard stairs. As we have already said above, a tree is best suited for an independent creative project. It must be high-quality solid wood, because it will have to withstand a serious load, while many times. It is important not only to choose the correct material for the future building, but also to prepare it correctly.

Important Before starting construction work, we will withstand wood at least three days in the room where the finished staircase will be installed. Let the tree get used to moisture and air temperature, and will take final dimensions.

The device ladders on the attic begins with the selection of the project. The most simple in manufacturing and installation are marching structures from one or two spans. If the span is one, then such a staircase can hardly be called compact, but under it it is very easy to organize the direction, pantry or mini-dressing room. And if there are two spans, then between them make a small platform, or set several running steps. The basis of the design is either a boomer, or two supporting tents, or the hospitals, that is, special bolts screwed into the wall.

How to build a staircase on the attic with the least labor costs? Of course, using cososov, as in the figure above. But you should still decide how to locate it. The most frequently used ways of location are: with a rotation of 90 degrees, and 180 degrees.

Any small staircase size has typical, strictly designed for convenience and safety when used. The width usually varies from 80 to 100 cm, and the width of the steps itself is from 20 to 32 cm, although it is strongly recommended not to reduce this dimension. It is desirable that the average human feet becomes completely completely, that is, 30 cm will be optimal. Exception - running steps. In the most narrow part, they can only be 10 cm in width. The height of the riser, that is, the vertical part separating the steps should be 15-19 cm. To select the optimal ratio between the width of the sticky and the riser height, the substantial special formulas.

There are three formulas that determine the ratio of the height of the riser (J) to the width of the sticky (E): formula for convenience, step formula and safety formula. The most important of them is a step formula. In this case, the relation between the two values \u200b\u200b(J / E) is satisfactory for all three formulas - 17/29. Formula convenience looks like this: E - J \u003d 12 cm; Step: 2j + E \u003d 62 (60-64) cm; Safety: E + J \u003d 46 cm.

Then you need to choose the slope of the future staircase. This value directly depends on the comfortable lift and descent. It is worth carefully treating the choice of slope so that all members of your family it is convenient to climb upstairs and go down.

Important The technological minimum of the slope for the march stairs is 20 degrees, however, let's say a bias up to 45 degrees. But remember that it is extremely difficult to rise in such steep steps, especially an elderly person.

Construction work begin with cutting the hatch if the attic floor is only needed, and there was no earlier release on it. The size of the side of the hatch is determined by the width of the staircase, and its shape must be square. Cut it easier for a circular saw. Then the boosters are cut out, milling them and squeak. The first mounted astound spaces, and the second is installed at the required distance strictly parallel. For accuracy use the construction level. Then fasten the risers, and at the most recent place - steps and handrails. The whole process of construction clearly demonstrates this video:

If there is an attic in your house, it can be turned into a cozy and functional room for recreation or work. It will relieve you from the need to build additional attacks and floors. The primary stage in the arrangement of the attic is the installation of a staircase, thanks to which you can easily and safely get into the attic room. We will tell about the varieties of attic stairs, what material to give preference and is it possible to perform the installation of the structure itself.

Design of mansard stairs

Based on how much free space is available in your home for installation, you can choose absolutely different products. Consider all the existing types of mansard stairs:

  • "Duck step". Steps having cuts from one edge are installed through one.
  • Retractable with hatch. It is used in the case of limited space. The staircase rises upstairs and the attachment to the attic closes with a hatch.
  • Print. An excellent option for the lifting on the attic when a shortage of free space. The design is a supporting axis with steps mounted on a spiral.
  • Direct staircase with one central beam. Steps are fastened to the center to the supporting beam.
  • Direct singlechair. The most common version of the staircase, despite the fact that it takes a lot of space.
  • Rotary two-hours. A variety of one-time staircase having an additional turn in order to save space.

Varieties in the photo

The swivel two-hours-haired staircase is used in rooms with a small area. Direct sampling staircase has high strength and simple in the manufacture of a straight staircase with one carrier beam - the simplest design The screw staircase looks aesthetic and occupies a little space.
The retractable staircase is unrequisitely removed on the attic staircase "Duck step" is convenient thanks to the cutouts in the stages.

As you can see, the variations of this product abound. However, the owners of private houses often prefer simple marching structures. As a support, the boosters, the hospitals or the ridge design can be in them. In summer houses, ladders are usually installed on the cosos, as they are considered the most durable and durable. As an example, consider the device direct staircase, erected in parallel wall. In addition, the design is relatively easy to manufacture and carry out the installation of such a product will be able to any owner with basic technical knowledge and construction skills.

Important: the purchase of the finished staircase is not always justified, because the internal sizes of private houses will often differ. Therefore, work on the place in this case is the right decision. So you can take into account any deviations and correct inaccuracies.

Before proceeding to the workflow, it is advisable to get acquainted with all terms that are used when installing stairs.

Constructive elements of the staircase on the attic

Kosur - the support element of the structure, which is a strong beam (metallic or wooden) with special teeth under the step. Most often, the marching stairs have two Kosher. But in the case of the construction of a large design, the width of which exceeds 1.2 m, the third (central) beam should be installed.

Important: The minimum thickness of the KOOKO, made of timber, should be 50 mm, and width - 250 mm. This will ensure sufficient strength of the entire design.

Apartment is a horizontal surface of the step, that is, the place you become. This element of construction is often made of 25-50 mm thick boards. At the same time, the greater the width of the steps, more precisely, the distance between the Kosomi, the stronger the boards need to be used. Disposal should not be deformed under the weight of a person. All steps have a small protrusion, hanging over the expleded expaning. Its value must be from 20 to 40 mm. The upper edges of the steps are treated with grinders, in order to prevent the appearance of chips.

The approaches are the distance between the adjacent steps vertically. In wooden stairs, it is often covered with some lightweight material, for example, plywood thick up to 15 mm. However, it is possible and not to close the gap. In the latter case, you reduce the installation time of the stairs, the consumption of the material, and also significantly simplify the process of washing and cleaning the staircase flights.

Selection of material and preparation of tools

Since we make a staircase on the Kosters with our own hands, we will use a tree as a material. Metal designs are also good, because they have high strength and have an attractive appearance. But to implement such a project, a welding machine and the ability to work with it will be required. Coniferous and deciduous rocks are well suited for the construction of wooden stairs. So, from coniferous trees is most often used:

  • The most preferred option is larch or cedar. These breeds have a chic appearance, are simple in processing and are little susceptible to rotting.
  • Spruce. Also a good sawn timber, but has many bitch. Therefore, it requires additional surface treatment.
  • Pine is the most fiscal option. At the same time, its mainstream is the ease of processing.

As for the hardwood of trees, there is an oak leader here, then beech and ash.

Useful advice: Before buying a lumber, check that there is no damage (cracks, chips, bends). It is also not necessary to acquire wood affected by insect grillers.

In addition to tree bars, the stairs will need such consumables such as varnish, paint and screws. And, of course, for work you will need the following tools:

  • wooden hacksaw or disk saw;
  • electrolovik;
  • building level;
  • metal corner;
  • pencil;
  • drill;
  • grinding machine or sandpaper;
  • carpentry glue;
  • tassels for painting.

Before starting the assembly of the ladder on the attic with their own hands, you need to study the features of the design of the design and perform a competent calculation.

Montaja rules

The dependence of the size of the steps from the angle of inclination of the stairs

The key point in the construction of the design is the observance of the angle of inclination. If the last less than 20 °, then such a staircase will be more like a ramp. With the corner of the design over 50 °, you can only go back on it back. Right is considered to be 30 ° -38 °. But for the attic usually increases to 45 °. The dimensions of the steps and the concern are determined depending on the angle of inclination of the stairs. So, the angle of inclination is less, the time is deeper, and the approaches less; The angle of inclination is steeper, the distance between the steps is greater, and their depth is less. At the same time there are some restrictions:

  • the maximum and minimum stitch is 20 cm and 12 cm, respectively;
  • the greatest and smallest depth is 38 cm and 30 cm, respectively;

It can be noted that if you fold the extreme sizes of the sticky and the oppon date, then we will get 50 cm. This value is allowed to decrease slightly - up to 45 cm. For example, in most multi-storey buildings, the depth of the stage on concrete staircase marches is about 32 cm, whereas height - 17 cm.

There are also special calculated formulas and diagrams for which you can determine the ideal ratio of these sizes. However, these methods are used only with typical design. In view of the fact that when building a staircase in a private house with your own hands to withstand all these parameters is quite difficult, many of the originated values \u200b\u200bare assessed:

  • If the angle of inclination is 33 ° -37 ° - the height of the opponse is 16 cm;
  • at an angle of 38 ° -42 ° - 18 cm;
  • at an angle of 45 ° - 20 cm.

As for the width of the staircase, the optimal is considered to be at 80 cm. If more than two people live in the house, then this distance can be increased to one meter. In addition, there is a requirement for a construct in the height of the passage, which should be at least 2 m.

Choosing a staircase installation site

After familiarization with the requirements for installing the stairs, you can go to the selection of the installation site of the product. The ideal option is the location of the attitudes on the attic in a separate small room, for example, insulated tambour. This will build a staircase of any size, as well as provide good thermal insulation. If there is no tambour, then the staircase should be installed in the far wall. So, the design will not interfere with the walking around the room and does not take a lot of free space.

Creating Luke

You should get a smooth end-to-end hole, which will become an entrance to the attic

Works on the installation of the attitudes on the attic begin with the performance of the inlet - the hatch. First of all, it is necessary to mark on the floor of the attic room. At the same time, it is desirable not to get to the beam of overlapping. If there is no flooring in the attic, then determine the presence of a support element is slightly simpler. However, there are cases when the beams cannot be determined visually. For example, if at the stage of construction of the house in the ceiling, a layer of insulation and waterproofing was laid. Therefore, if the beams are not visible, it is possible to determine the optimal arrangement of the hatch by means of a perforator with a long thin drill. Complete multiple vertical drills in the ceiling, thereby sketching the contour of the future entry into the attic. After draw the pencil exact location of the hatch.

The next stage implies cutting overlaps. To do this, use a disk saw. The cutting should be performed very carefully and in durable gloves, in order not to damage the hands. The fact is that hardware can be caught in the ceiling. It is also advisable to put a disc with the maximum solid teeth on the saw. After the ceiling was cut down, remove the layer of heat insulating material and remove all the extra parts of the ceiling coating. As a result, you should get a smooth-through hole, which will become the entrance to the attic.

Important: It is possible to go through the calculation of the number of materials only after creating a hatch. Perform any measurements with a non-existent "entrance door" to the upper floor - meaningless. After all, the features of the overlap and the location of the beams can affect the installation site of the stairs and its dimensions.

Marking and cutting of cososov

The process of creating a Kooowa

  1. Tension the rope along the wall from the far side of the hatch to the base site of the design on the first floor. Determine the number of steps, varying slightly slope. A stupid angle between the rope and the floor is the angle under which the steps should be installed on Kosur.
  2. Apply the appropriate markup of the steps and cut the grooves on the supporting beam.
  3. Shug up the board of the Kooowa in accordance with the length of the previously stretched rope. The cut is made taking into account the selected inclination. At the same time, the timing should be shortened so that its lower edge is not on the floor, but on the stop embedded in the floor (Bruke).
  4. Insert the fastening element in Kosur from above or leave a small ledge in advance. The spike is necessary for fastening the reference board to the ceiling beam.

Useful advice: Make grooves on a koser can also be in another way. On the strained rope, attach the board to the wall. In accordance with the angle of inclination, mark the steps on the supporting beam using the construction level.

The markup of the remaining beams is made similarly. In order for the design to be symmetrical and did not have a skew, perform the second and third (if necessary) the booms, strictly observing all the sizes of the first.

Assembling stairs

Installation of a wooden staircase on the attic

  1. First of all, the foundation of the stairs is made. Using a drill and self-tapping screws, screw Kosur to the pre-installed resistant bar. The spikes should be inserted into the prepared holes, lubricated with joinery glue. In order to thoroughly consolidate the design on the stop, use metal corners and plates. The board adjacent to the wall is immediately attached and above.
  2. Installation of steps is made from bottom to top. When preparing coming, some errors will arise in length. It is why the second Kosor should be mounted on overlapping only after mounting the last stage. Fastening is made using self-tapping screws. And do not forget to miss all the places of glue compounds. If you plan to install risers, then they also need to be screwed, starting from the first step.
  3. Installation railing. First, the extreme pillar is put. Screw it to one of the first steps below with a powerful self-press. Similarly, install the balusters, you can use 2 pieces per step. In this case, racks must have a strictly vertical position. The procedure continues until the very last stage on which the pillar is raised. After the balusters and pillars install the railing.
  4. In complete, we perform the surface finish. To do this, use a special protective composition or varnish, which will make the design more aesthetic.

The process of installing the ladder on the attic can not be called a simple occupation, however, it is not a very difficult task. If you want to independently build a reliable and durable design, strictly follow all the above rules and recommendations.

The design of the staircase has recently become a pressing problem not only for owners of private houses, but also those who purchase a two-level apartment or decide to equip the upper tier indoors with high ceilings. Designers are not in vain believe that the steps and railing that help us get from one floor to another carry not only a constructive, architectural function, but also are an important part of the formation of the image of the housing, its individuality, character. In order to create a comfortable, safe, durable, and the original, externally attractive and modern design of the stairs, you need to have information about the possible choice of design features, the material of execution and original design ideas in this area.

Stair device - practical and safe variations

Even at the dwelling stage, you need to choose an option to create a staircase design. This construction will occupy a lot of places in the room and will certainly have a significant impact on the formation of the entire image of the housing. Before choosing one way or another way of building stairs, consider how often you will use it (someone on the second floor of the bedroom, from the other small attic with the game room), will there be small children and elderly households on the steps every day, how much Free space can be used to install the design and what is the budget for this project.

One of the most traditional options for organizing the ladder is the single-hour type of construction. In this case, there are several layout options:

  • for substantial savings of the dwelling space, the whole design is located along the carrier wall, and the three upper and three lower steps unfold 90 degrees in one direction;
  • a more complex, rounded design of the one-time staircase assumes the presence of conventional and running steps, through which a comfortable passage of direct and rotary sites is ensured;
  • the staircase with a zigzag twist is installed at the inner wall - it looks original, but also spaces the spaces.

The main difference of the two-year staircase from one-room is the presence of a platform. Such structures are great for small areas:

  • savings of the second floor space and comfortable movement will provide a M-shaped (angular) staircase with a turn of the structure 90 degrees;
  • the installation of a direct staircase with two marchs is considered expedient only if there are a long distance between the floors;
  • in some rooms, it is logical to establish two-page structures with a rotation of 180 degrees and with overtook steps (instead of such degrees, you can install the pad, but this design will be appropriate only in the corner of the room);
  • it looks implicitly constructed with a smooth transition from the two-day staircase in the single-hour (suitable for large halls of spacious apartments).

A spiral staircase will help you to significantly save the square meters of dwellings on the installation. Spiral designs are compact and look very impressive, but are not suitable for all families - children, elderly and people with disabilities are not recommended to use such structures. In foreign design projects, the spiral stairs are found quite often, the popularity of this economically favorable facility comes to our country:

  • the greatest distribution was the design with the central stand and fastened to her steps (such a structure takes very little space);
  • adding an intermediate platform into the construction of a two-hours of a two-billing staircase, you can bring originality to the interior of the dwelling;
  • there is a circular method of fastening a staircase that does not require a support axis - walls and special attachments are used as support.

The advantage of the screw staircase is also in the fact that it can be located anywhere in the room. To install a spiral design, it does not need an angle or presence of walls that could be used as a support. A spiral staircase can be located right in the center of the room, becoming a coordination element of the interior.

In addition to the design features of the location of the entire structure in relation to space, there are differences in the method of fastening steps:

  • the staircase can be fastened at the Bolshes - the main condition is the presence of a solid wall to which the steps connected by special fasteners will be mounted (the constructs obtained look light, even by air due to the absence of a visible base for installing steps, but the facilities are not inferior in strength and reliability. other species);
  • the attachment on the Kosomari assumes the presence of a carrier beam, to which the main elements of the stairs are attached - risers, steps and railings (the structure rests on one side to the floor of the first floor, from the second to the top-level site, is excellent for the traditional style of interior design);
  • the stairs are similar to the ladders, but in this case the supporting element to which all components of the structures are attached are the remains;
  • the stairs on the consoles as if soaring in the air due to the lack of balustrades and fences, the steps are attached only to the wall (it should be durable and have a big thick).

Execution material - choose the optimal option

Obviously, it is not enough to determine the style of the design of the staircase, because the construction must provide a comfortable and safe movement of a person. That is why all elements of the stairs should be made of high-quality, reliable, durable and durable material. Consider some options.

Not so long ago, the ladder from the tree was almost the only available option for the owner of a two-story private house. Nowadays, greater preference is given to the combined structures, as part of which the tree is adjacent to other materials, but a member and fully wooden structure is easy and there are several reasons:

  1. the dense and homogeneous structure of the tree is fairly easy to process and allows you to create products of a variety of shape;
  2. there are a lot of wood breeds that are able to demonstrate high strength, resistance to rotting and mechanical exposure;
  3. the unique texture and a wide range of color solutions allows you to find the optimal option for the manufacture of stairs for various stylistic versions of the home design;
  4. in our country, the tree is affordable and relatively inexpensive;
  5. nothing can bring positive natural energy into housing space as natural wood.

Metal staircase is durable and reliable, durable and resistant to various types of impact. The painted design is capable of resisting moisture quite a long time. In addition, metal can be given various forms, which creates a wide springboard for the action of designers and architects. There are models of stairs, made entirely of metal, as well as options for combined structures. Metal structures with wooden steps acquired the most common. No less popular combination of metal frame with transparent glass protective screens enjoys.

Transparent glass steps incredibly organically fit into the modern style of residential spaces. But many homeowners still doubt the ability of glass to withstand the weight of an adult, a large man. Stairs for stairs are made from a specially hardened plexiglass capable of withstanding high loads.

Glass can not act as the only material for the execution of the stairs. As a rule, this durable, but in the form of the air material is used for the manufacture of steps or protective fencing in a complex with a metal or wooden frame. In order to prevent gliding on glass steps, their surface is performed by corrugated or a special composition is applied in the production process.

The staircase, in the structure of which used glass looks easily and even weightless, giving all the interior some airiness, visually expanding the space. But, of course, for such pleasure will have to pay.

You can make a ladder from concrete - it will be inexpensive and fairly fast in terms of installation project. But unfortunately, such designs are not in any room can be placed, and the design of the design of constructions from concrete is very limited. From the point of view of aesthetics, concrete stairs are inferior to wood products, metal and glass. Probably, that is why they are more often decorated with cladding with ceramic tiles or mosaic, draped by carpet coatings.

Unusual design or how to bring originality to the interior with the stairs

The original execution of the stairs can be the main highlight of your interior. This design is very impressive sizes, unambiguously, will attract attention. If you use some designer techniques to increase the degree of uniqueness of the structure, then your staircase will be able to become the main coordination element of space. For example, there are unusual staircases stairs that have an attachment only to one of the walls of the room. Such a design seemed to steer in the air, giving the image of the interior of lightness and weightlessness.

The staircase as an art object may well be practical, comfortable and inexpensive. Original designs in modern design projects are the main elements of the interior, it seems that the rest of the situation is only a background for this construction that helps us move between the floors.

The main elements of the stairs are the steps and on how high-quality and ergonomically they will be fulfilled will depend on the level of comfort and ease of use of the structure. Steps can be straight, running, arcuate and eccentric. In one march, there can be at least 3 stages (otherwise it will not be called a construction and march) and no more than 18 pieces. The optimal ratio of the parameters of the stage, the specialists call 30 cm depth and 15 cm of height. Ergonomic is considered to be a bias of 30 degrees. The width of degrees can be different and it is logical that it varies depending on the possibilities of the room, but experts do not recommend using structures, the width of the steps of less than 50 cm.

Special elegance of the design of the stairs will add arcuate steps. Wooden steps with a rounded form are perfectly combined with a metal frame made using smooth, curved lines of construction.

Recently, the model is gaining popularity of the degrees, which is a plane for one leg. Of course, such a structure requires careful calculations and skillful execution so that the person can use the design with comfort and with a high level of security.

Save the useful space of small-sized premises will help the staircase with a retractable mechanism. Such a structure is suitable for households who do not rise to the top floor (attic or attic) every day. If necessary, the ladder, the edge of which turns out to be at the level of the human hand, with the help of the mechanism goes down to the floor of the first floor and in the same way can rise up, freeing the place at the lower level.

Ensuring the space of the staircase with a sufficient level of illumination - the question of your safety. In some cases, homeowners resort to a combined method of illumination of the room in which the staircase is located - in addition to the central chandelier or wall scaves, use the backlight of the steps. Such lighting will allow you, for example, to move between the floors in the dark, not including the central lighting device.

The original, catchy and colorful way to bring a positive attitude to the interior of a positive attitude is the facing of space under steps using a multi-colored ceramic tile. Bright shades and intricate ornaments will decorate even the most ordinary staircase, attracting all the views and bringing a significant variety in the color palette of the room.

Use space under steps with mind

There are no storage systems - any owner of the house or apartment will agree with this statement. So why not use the space under the stairs to arrange cabinets, open shelves or closed cells to store the things you need, and sometimes a whole wardrobe? Consider several ways to organize spacious storage systems under the stairs, in the spaces of steps that are not easy to perform their function, but also affect the formation of an indoor image.

Depending on the size of the stairs and, respectively, space under it, can be organized as small drawers under each step. So and a whole range of storage systems consisting of a wardrobe with swing doors, open shelves and whole racks.

Retractable drawers, located under steps - spacious and very comfortable from the point of view of the storage system. But choosing such a design, it is important not to forget about the main function of the stairs and make moving along its steps safe and comfortable.

895 804 DIX. https: //www..png.DIX.2016-04-02 17:30:38 2018-11-30 11:17:31 Staircase in the attic or attic - 60 creative solutions