Federal bailiff service (fssp). How to check enforcement proceedings in the bailiff service Bailiffs find out the debt by the order number

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When is it necessary to find a writ of execution

The reasons for finding enforcement proceedings by number may be as follows:

  • shortcomings in the work of bailiffs, sometimes bailiffs may not notify a citizen about the occurrence of a debt;
  • the bailiffs’ lack of information about the person’s permanent place of residence also does not allow delivering a notification.

In what cases can a search for enforcement proceedings by the number of a writ of execution be useful to citizens:

  1. Before planning a trip abroad, it is worth checking yourself. Debtors are prohibited from leaving the country.
  2. If a person misses the deadline for paying the debt, a fine of 5% of the debt will be imposed on him. To avoid unnecessary costs, it makes sense to check the availability of a writ of execution and the deadlines indicated in it.
  3. For reinsurance. If a citizen or organization does not want excessive communication with bailiffs, then sometimes you need to check information about debts.

How to check the writ of execution by number

Is it possible In order to find out the existence of a debt, it is necessary to find enforcement proceedings by the number of the writ of execution. Information about writ of execution is provided by the official website of the bailiff service http://fssprus.ru/.

Upon entering the main page, you will immediately be taken to the “find out about your debts” section. There you enter the data of the desired individual or legal entity, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

If the database manages to find the case by the number of enforcement proceedings, it will give you a list of data:

  • the name of the authority that issued the decision and its address;
  • IP number;
  • details of executive documents;
  • date of issuance of the writ of execution;
  • the amount of the debt and its maturity date;
  • appeals of the owner of the writ of execution to the bailiffs, if any.

If a person is interested in how to find a bailiff's order by number, then the answer is simple - just like a writ of execution.

Features of the search on the FSSP website

It is not necessary to check the writ of execution by its number. The site database is equipped with an advanced search, where you can specify all the data about the case you are looking for or part of the information known to him without the number of enforcement proceedings, and the search will return a list of cases that match the information in the request.

You can enter the following information in your search:

  • full name of the citizen or the name of the legal entity;
  • registration address;
  • number of the writ of execution;
  • the date of the decision on the case;
  • the name and address of the body that made the decision.

The more information you specify in the search, the more accurately and quickly it will give you information. Filling in the fields partially, it is likely that the search will return quite a lot of options, and this is an extra waste of your time.

Lawyers advise checking yourself through the FSSP database every year. This will save you from the consequences associated with late payment of debts.

Receipt of a writ of execution

When the court makes a decision in favor of the plaintiff, there are two options for what happens with the writ of execution:

  • asks the court to send it to the bailiffs;
  • picks up and delivers.

The first option is considered unfavorable for the plaintiff. The court may take some time to forward the decision, and this gives the defendant the opportunity to: hide, cancel accounts, transfer money to inaccessible accounts, etc.

To get the sheet in hand, you need to submit a corresponding application to the court office two weeks after the decision is made. A special form and sample are issued at the office.

When receiving a decision, it is worth carefully studying all the information indicated in it. If the bailiffs find errors in the data, they will refuse to launch the case.

Before handing over the original writ of execution to the bailiffs, it will not be superfluous to make a copy for yourself and certify it with a notary. Having such a copy, it will be easier for you to find out from the bailiffs information about the progress of the case.

Loss of writ of execution

If, having received the decision in your hands, you lose it, then you will have to receive a duplicate through an additional court session, in the same court that ruled on the case. Both parties will be summoned to the meeting again, but the defendant's failure to appear will not be grounds for refusing to issue a duplicate.

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Search for enforcement proceedings

When the court decision comes into force, the plaintiff who won the dispute receives a document for collection - a writ of execution. It is designed to enforce the judgment.

Some debtors try to evade the obligations imposed on them. Others do not suspect that the court considered the case with their involvement as a defendant.

The reasons are different, but the main thing is the ignorance of the judicial review of the case and the issuance of a writ of execution. The search for information in this case is of particular importance.

Finding a case by the number of enforcement proceedings is required if:

  • the court made an error that needs to be corrected;
  • the debtor was not informed of the court decision rendered within the time period established by law. Such a violation is rare, but it must be taken into account;
  • the debtor's lack of registration or change of address, which the court was not aware of. This case is more common.

The volume of work of the bailiff service does not allow to personally notify each debtor of the start of enforcement proceedings, therefore it is better for everyone to independently check their own status in relation to the debts established by the court.

  • before overseas travel. In the presence of debts on enforcement orders, citizens are limited in leaving the country;
  • to update information. It is recommended to periodically request such information in order to save yourself and loved ones from unpleasant surprises.

It is important to know that if the deadlines for the execution of the judgment are missed, the debtor is liable in accordance with the norms of administrative law. This is a fine of 5% of the debt, but not less than 500 rubles.

Enforcement proceedings data bank: what is it and why is it necessary

The execution of court decisions in the Russian legal system is handled by the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service). This service has its own database containing information about debtors and amounts to be collected.

The Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” (Article 6.1) prescribes the storage and use of these data in electronic format.

Subdivisions of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation operate throughout Russia. Their task is to ensure compliance with the established procedure for the work of the judicial system, to execute acts issued by the courts.

Also, bailiffs are engaged in the execution of acts of other bodies and officials specified in the laws. Their competence includes control and supervision in this area.

The information necessary for citizens and organizations is freely available. You can get acquainted with it on the official website of the service.

To find out if there is enforcement proceedings initiated against a particular person, you do not need to register on the site. There is no need to pay for access to information.

If the debtor has a copy of the writ of execution, it will not be difficult to find out on the basis of which court decision this writ was issued. To find out, you need to open the “Services” tab on the FSSP RF website and select the “Data Bank” subsection.

The form that opens requires you to fill in several fields. For citizens, this is the surname and first name with patronymic, as well as the date of birth. Other personal data to enter is optional.

If the received request is followed by a response that the information was not found, this means that there is no enforcement case against this person in the bailiff service.

Important! We are talking only about the issued court decisions with the issued writ of execution. If the case has not yet been accepted by the bailiffs, it is too early to look for information about it here. Also, there will be no information about debt obligations of another kind in the system.

The data is provided in the form of a table. Each column contains information about the enforcement proceedings against the person.

The table contains the following information:

  • Full name of the debtor and information about birth;
  • number and date of initiation of enforcement proceedings;
  • data of the writ of execution;
  • for a completed or terminated case, the date and reason for such action;
  • amount and type of debt;
  • surname and position of the bailiff who accepted the case.

Knowing the name of the debtor or the number of the writ of execution (court order), it is easy to find out the number of the open enforcement case.

There is also a special section "Search by number of enforcement proceedings", which allows you to access the information you need immediately. With the help of this service it is convenient to follow the progress of the case, it also allows you to pay the amount of the debt online.

The system helps entrepreneurs to assess the responsibility and solvency of the counterparty.

Search by writ of execution

Having received the information provided by the bailiff service, you can find out on what basis the debt is being collected, and clarify the details of the writ of execution.

Where else can you find information

The bailiff service informs citizens that information about existing debts can be obtained not only on its website, but also in social networks.

The service website indicates that they are available for review using the Odnoklassniki and VK networks. There are also special mobile applications with the same function developed for all device models.

Such applications offer automatic alerts. This allows you to immediately learn about the initiation of enforcement proceedings and its stages. Full awareness contributes to the fastest possible repayment of debts.

How to get the original document

If you need not only to find out the number and date of execution of the writ of execution, but also to get its paper copy, it is recommended to use one of the following methods:

  • visit the office of the court that issued the document and apply for extradition. Passport must be presented;
  • draw up an application for extradition and send it to the court by mail. A copy of your passport (first page and address information) and a description of the contents of the envelope must be attached to the application. The letter itself is recommended to be sent by registered mail with notification.

Notice! The law allows you to get a writ of execution to the side of the case, his representative by law or by proxy. The power of attorney must be notarized.

Terms of receipt of the document and ways to reduce them

Writ of execution is issued within 30 days. In practice, this period is shorter. As a rule, the waiting takes 7 - 14 days. If the document is required to be received urgently, it is better to submit the application as soon as possible after the entry into force of the decision.

To do this, you will have to find out whether the complaint has been filed by the other party. As soon as the period established by law expires, the decision will take effect and, accordingly, the issuance of a writ of execution will become possible.

  • regularly check the information on the FSSP RF website, as described earlier;
  • find out news about the case by calling the court office;
  • control compliance with the deadlines established by law. If they are violated, file a complaint against the actions (inaction) of the employees responsible for this. It is even possible to go to court with a statement of claim, if such a delay in the case has led to negative consequences.

On a note! It is recommended to apply for the issuance of a writ of execution on the day when the sheet itself has already been drawn up.

How to pay a debt

To pay off a debt on a writ of execution, it is not at all necessary to visit the FSSP branch. It is enough to use devices for remote access to payment systems.

You can use the following payment methods:

  • Sberbank-online system and ATMs of the same bank;
  • terminals of payment systems such as Qiwi, if they are intended for payments of this kind;
  • FSSP mobile application;
  • terminals installed in the offices of the MFC, divisions of the FSSP and other government organizations;
  • electronic wallets of payment systems (Qiwi, WebMoney, YandexMoney), if the wallet supports this function.

You can also transfer money to the account according to the details given by the FSSP. You can do this at any bank and at the office of the Russian Post.

Important! Please note that fees may apply. It is absent when paying through bailiff service terminals (including a special mobile application) and when using Sberbank systems by any of the proposed methods. In other cases, the payment amount may increase.

When making a payment, you must carefully check personal data and correctly indicate the name of the court and case number.

Why everyone needs to check debt

Experts advise all citizens to regularly, at least once a year, check the presence of debts on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation. This is especially necessary for those who regularly travel outside the country, because the presence of debts can become an obstacle to departure.

Under certain circumstances, the court has the right to make a decision in the absence of the defendant (in absentia).

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A citizen may not be aware of the existing court proceedings for the following reasons:

  • error of the judiciary. It happens that a notice of the date of the court session is erroneously sent instead of the defendant to another person with the same personal data. There are coincidences of personal data up to the date of birth of two different people. In this case, it is required to understand the reasons for the incorrect notification;
  • the citizen was informed about the meeting, but he was absent from the place of residence for a long time, so he did not receive notification;
  • the person has only a temporary registration and no permanent address. The notice may have been sent to the original address.

It happens that apartment owners who have debts to utilities deliberately avoid appearing in it, choosing a completely different place to live. Then the postal correspondence received at the place of registration remains unclaimed.

So, the bulk of people who are not properly notified of the court session are citizens who often change their place of residence or are absent from their place of registration for a long time.

Note! After the debtor pays the debt, information about the existence of enforcement proceedings and debts may remain in the FSSP database for up to 7 business days. The reason is that depositing money takes time. As soon as the funds are transferred to the account, the data in the system is updated.

Consequences of non-payment of debt

If, nevertheless, a citizen has an outstanding debt that caused the initiation of enforcement proceedings, the consequences are unpleasant.

Please note! These include:

  • refusal to travel abroad, regardless of the grounds. This is where the amount of debt matters. According to fines for violation of traffic rules, a debt of 30,000 rubles is enough for plans to travel abroad to be violated (changes introduced from 01.10.2017). With regard to the remaining mandatory payments, debts of more than 10,000 rubles are sufficient, taking into account the total amount;
  • in case of evasion of voluntary payment by the court, penalties are applied. Administrative measure - a fine of 5% of the debt, but not less than 500 rubles.

If the debt is not repaid due to objectively serious circumstances (for example, a serious illness, etc.), the debtor has the right to appeal against the application of penalties by the court. But this will require filing an appropriate claim. In addition, the result is not guaranteed.

On this page you can check the debt to the bailiffs, in other words, check the existence of enforcement proceedings against a particular individual. Verification can be carried out by the number of TIN, SNILS, passport, UIN or the number of enforcement proceedings. The service does not require registration and payment.

By TIN, SNILS, passport

By number of enforcement proceedings or UIN

To search for enforcement proceedings of the FSSP, enter the TIN and / or SNILS and / or series and passport number. We recommend checking all documents at the same time.

? Enter TIN number
? Enter SNILS number
? Enter the series and number of the passport

To search for enforcement proceedings, enter a unique accrual identifier (UIN) or enforcement proceedings number.

? Enter enforcement proceedings number or UIN Search enforcement proceedings »

By clicking the "Search enforcement proceedings" button, you consent to the processing of personal data, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N152-Ф3 "On Personal Data"

* The search is carried out in the GIS GMP (IP, issued throughout Russia).

We do not process or store your personal or payment information. After payment, a receipt confirming the payment will be available to you. The resource works on a secure https protocol, which guarantees the confidentiality of the transmitted data.

If an open enforcement proceeding is discovered, the debt on it can be repaid with a bank card (MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Mir) and other means of payment.

The Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) of Russia is executing tens of millions of enforcement proceedings (IP) against individuals. Timely unpaid traffic police fines or taxes are a very common reason for initiating enforcement proceedings. Often, for various reasons, people do not even know that they have become debtors.

How to find out the debt to the bailiffs?

In order to check the availability of enforcement proceedings, you will need the data of one of the following documents:

  1. TIN - Taxpayer Identification Number
  2. SNILS - Insurance number of an individual personal account
  3. Passport - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

The IP search is carried out by the series and document number entered in the corresponding fields of the search form. To obtain the most complete result, it is advisable to search simultaneously for all available documents - TIN, passport number and SNILS.

If you know the number of enforcement proceedings or UIN, click on the tab "By the number of enforcement proceedings or UIN" and fill in the appropriate fields.

After entering the necessary data in the fields of the search form, click the "SEARCH IP" button. Checking the availability of enforcement proceedings takes some time, which can reach several minutes.

If, as a result of the check, according to the specified data, there are court debts, then detailed information will be provided on them: date, UIN, type of collection, amount payable, etc. Otherwise, a message will appear stating that nothing was found.

Answers to frequently asked questions about litigation

Below you will find answers to the main questions on FSSP debts. If you did not find the answer to your question - send it through the feedback form.

What is the difference between checking a court debt by TIN number, SNILS and passport data?

By the number of SNILS and passport, as a rule, you can find all the existing debts to the bailiff service. However, there are exceptions, for example, debts arising from unpaid tax charges on time are available by the TIN number, and sometimes they can only be found by the TIN. Thus, it is desirable to carry out a check on all numbers: passports, SNILS and TIN. If, according to all these data, not a single open enforcement proceeding of the FSSP was found, then they are not currently available.

Is there a discount on the payment of debts for enforcement proceedings?

No, a discount for paying FSSP debts, unlike, is not provided.

What is an executive fee?

In accordance with the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ (as amended on May 28, 2017) "On Enforcement Proceedings":

The enforcement fee is a monetary penalty imposed on the debtor if he fails to execute the executive document within the period established for the voluntary execution of the executive document, as well as in case of non-execution of the executive document subject to immediate execution, within a day from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision of the bailiff on initiation of enforcement proceedings.

The amount of the enforcement fee for individuals is 7% of the amount to be collected or the value of the property to be recovered, but not less than one thousand rubles. To avoid this accrual, it is necessary to make a payment within 5 days from the date of the decision to initiate enforcement proceedings.

Why don't you have a debt check to the FSSP by last name?

It is obvious that in Russia there are a large number of people who not only have the same last name, but even the first and middle names. Given this factor, checking court debts by last name can lead to false positive results, i.e. someone else's debt will be found. A search by TIN, SNILS, passport number will give an unambiguous result, practically excluding the detection of other people's FSSP accruals.

To search for debts by last name, you can visit the official website of the FSSP - fssprus.ru, however, you must take into account the nuances that are indicated above.

Where do debts to the bailiff service come from?

According to the Center for Strategic Research (CSR), the largest category of enforcement proceedings is administrative fines, mainly traffic police fines. This is followed by proceedings on insurance premiums to the Pension Fund, recovery on loans, housing and communal services, alimony, state duty and executive fees. These categories make up about 90% of all enforcement proceedings. Thus, most often debts to the FSSP arise due to traffic police fines not paid on time.

What restrictions can be imposed by the FSSP?

Bailiffs have a wide range of enforcement measures, including:
. establish temporary restrictions on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation
. establish temporary restrictions on the right to drive vehicles
. seize property, including cash and securities
. to enter without the debtor's consent into the dwelling occupied by the debtor
. search for the debtor, his property independently or with the involvement of internal affairs bodies

A complete list of enforcement actions is listed in Article 64 of Federal Law N229-FZ. As can be seen from the information above, the restrictions are very severe and therefore late payments should be avoided and the debts incurred should be paid on time.

The bailiff service in our country performs an extremely important function, executing court decisions, protecting the rights of the plaintiff who won the lawsuit, and carrying out enforcement actions from the defendant. Nowadays, all writ of execution have electronic copies stored in specialized directories of the department. Information on outstanding loans, alimony and other debts contained in these documents is available to the public, and almost every person, knowing the minimum set of initial data, can check the debt imposed in accordance with a court decision, or other debts taken against the debtor. measures. For the most part, requests for such information are made online, electronically.

The process of searching for enforcement proceedings by number

In order for the debtor to be able to find out the debt he has without leaving his home or office, he can go to the single information and service portal of the department at the link, after which you need to take the following steps in accordance with the instructions in order to view the electronic file of the service:

  1. Go to the "Services" section, the link to which is located directly on the main page of the portal.
  2. In the window that opens, the very first link offers to go to the database of enforcement proceedings, which is required from the person concerned.
  3. After clicking on the link, the corresponding interactive dialog box opens before the user, and from above there are all the ways to obtain information - by the passport data of an individual, by the name of a company or individual entrepreneur, as well as by entering the number of enforcement proceedings.
  4. After pressing the specified key, a new field appears to be filled in, in which it is necessary to enter the number of enforcement proceedings, and then press the "Find" key. As a result of the search, the user will be given information on the desired document if all the entered data were correct. So, it is quite easy to check the enforcement proceedings of bailiffs, having at hand only a computer or smartphone with Internet access.

FSSP employee

Important! In the event that the applicant is not able to access the FSSP website, several ways of collecting information are offered for his comfort. However, it is the bailiff portal that is the fastest and most effective method of finding out personal debts in court, since it does not require the user to enter any registration data.

The main ways to check the writ of execution

As mentioned above, today there are many ways to check the debt burdens of the population, and each of them gives reliable information. The methods available to Russians for obtaining information are given in the following list:

  • The creditor has the opportunity to check the enforcement proceedings in the bailiff service through a personal visit to the official for an appointment. Before visiting the department, you need to make sure which territorial department has initiated legal proceedings, as well as the full name of the official himself. After that, the person concerned should call the department by phone and inquire about the bailiff's office hours, since for the population most often he does not work every day.

During office hours, you must appear at the service department and obtain an appropriate pass at the entrance, giving the right to a personal visit to the official. When meeting with the bailiff, you must show him a copy of the court decision or writ of execution, and he will independently check the database for the presence of a current debt and other nuances of the case.

However, the debtor should remember that a personal visit can oblige him to a lot, since with an outstanding debt, most likely, the bailiff will hand him a demand for the fulfillment of the obligations imposed on him by the court.

Litigation for debt collection

  • As described above - through the official website of the FSSP in the bank of executive data of judicial proceedings by last name and first name, case number and in other ways.
  • With the help of a single portal "Gosuslug" at the link. The site has convenient content, where the user can choose the service he is interested in, including information on open enforcement proceedings. This service is provided in the "Services" section, which displays a whole list of different services. It is necessary to select the category “Security and law and order” in it, and inside it is the service of interest to the user, which allows you to check the court debt by analogy with the FSSP service.

However, unlike the official bailiff portal, Gosuslugi only processes requests for registered users. To join their number, an interested person must fill out a simple questionnaire, after which he will have access to his personal account. All that remains is to contact one of the branches of the Ministry of Communications or Russian Post, where the user will receive the necessary electronic signature, and his account will be automatically activated by an authorized employee.

  • Considering that the majority of Internet users have personal accounts in social networks such as Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, recently it has been possible to find out about the presence of debts of individuals with their help. To do this, you need to enter one of the indicated social networks under your name, then enter the phrase “Executive proceedings data bank” in the field for setting search parameters, and then, following the step-by-step instructions of the interactive content, get the necessary information.

Important! Almost all of the listed electronic services have their own applications installed on all types of smartphones, which allows you to get the information you need almost anywhere in the world where there is mobile network coverage. In addition, the last two services in the list, in which it is necessary to register, at the request of the user, issue notifications by SMS or e-mail about each change in the database regarding the entered personalities.

What are the options for checking debt?

Each of the above services provides access to a single database of enforcement proceedings, and interested parties use an identical interface, regardless of the name of the portal, each of which only copies each other. This means that all services offer a database search by specifying the following initial data:

  • By entering a minimum amount of personal data - the full name and region of residence of the debtor, but most often there is no need to enter a middle name.
  • Due to the fact that each citizen of the Russian Federation has his own unique taxpayer identifier, it can also be a parameter that determines whether a citizen has a debt, you just need to enter his 14-digit number for individuals or 12-digit for organizations.
  • As mentioned above - by the number of the executive document.
  • In the case of legal entities, the name of the company or individual entrepreneur and the region where it was registered.

FSSP portal

Important! If the interested person knows more data about the debtor, and the input fields in the system allow you to specify them, you should enter as much information as possible to obtain a more accurate result.

This is due to the fact that many personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation can be repeated, especially in densely populated subjects of the federation, such as Moscow, the Moscow Region or St. Petersburg, and the result of processing a search query may be a large number of namesakes, confusing the applicant.

How to get data on the progress of enforcement proceedings

The debtor quite often needs to obtain the necessary information about the course of his enforcement proceedings initiated by a court decision. So, the Federal Law in the text of Article 36 says that all the requirements of the writ of execution must be met within a 2-month period from the date the court decision enters into force.

Important! In the event that any problems or delays arise, the recoverer, in whose interests enforcement proceedings have been initiated, has the opportunity to write a petition demanding that he be provided with information about the progress of the process.

The petition is made on a special form of the form established by the state, available on the official portal of the bailiffs at the specified link. The document can be drawn up both in electronic form and printed out for signing, or by hand on a pre-prepared paper form. The applicant's request must contain the following information:

  • Personal data of the applicant, copied from the identity card, including the address at the place of permanent residence and active contacts.
  • The code of the FSSP department, as well as personal information about the bailiff in charge of the current case.
  • The number of the decision that is the object of the request, as well as the coordinates of the place where the answer to the current request should be provided (for example, the real place of residence or office where the applicant is employed).

Portal "Gosuslug"

  • Personal details of the defendant against whom the judgment was issued.
  • The main text of the petition contains the reason for the applicant's appeal to the FSSP - most often it is the defendant's current failure to comply with the court's requirements against the plaintiff. In addition, the reason for such an appeal may be the expiration of the writ of execution or a banal desire to obtain information about the reasons for the delay in payments by the defendant.
  • A well-formed request for the prompt provision of the necessary information in the course of enforcement proceedings or the adoption of measures to search for the defendant with further enforcement of the debt.
  • The list of attached documents, as well as HH.MM.YYYY of drawing up the application and certification of the indicated data with the personal signature of the applicant.

Important! Before sending the document to the FSSP service, it is necessary to attach the required documents to it - a duplicate of the writ of execution, as well as a court decision in this case on debt collection.

executive document

In what cases can bailiffs refuse a request from an applicant

FSSP employees have the right to leave the application without consideration or provide a refusal document if the applicant has made the following mistakes:

  • If the applicant learned the necessary information before the necessary information was received from the bailiffs or the debt collection was completed successfully.
  • If information about the requested case is not in the database.
  • In the case when the applicant has no legal connection with the current case, that is, he does not act in it either as a plaintiff or as a defendant.
  • If there are any errors, typos, inaccuracies or blots in the preparation of the document, including illegible handwriting.
  • If the required fields do not contain the contact details of the applicant.
  • When the information required to be provided is classified information or is involved in a criminal case within the same legal process.
  • If the body of the petition is drawn up without observing legal ethics.

Important! If the submitted application does not fit any of the listed criteria, the bailiffs have no grounds for refusing to provide data, and they are required to issue the requested information within 30 days after receiving the document. If this does not happen, the applicant has every right to draw up a letter of complaint to a higher authority.

How to find a court decision by the number of enforcement proceedings

In some cases, the creditor may need a court decision, which is quite easy to find in the database if he knows the number of enforcement proceedings. The court decision may also be useful to the defendant, since in addition to the basic payments, the court may oblige him to pay a state duty or an enforcement fee, and if these funds are not paid on time, they will also be included in debt obligations and emerge in relation to the debtor in the FSSP database.

Reception at the bailiff

To get acquainted with the available case materials, the applicant, being one of the participants in the current process, can apply to the bailiff with the same petition, in the body of which indicate the corresponding request and the justification for its necessity.

In addition, it often happens that the details of the case are published in the FSSP database, including the number of the court decision, by looking and copying which, the applicant can obtain the information he needs on the official portal of the district court where the creditor's claim was considered.

Search for a debtor

In conclusion, it should be noted that the creditor must learn a simple rule for the careful storage of absolutely all official documents until the enforcement proceedings are completely closed and the debtor is finally settled before him. These papers include a court decision, a motion of claim, a writ of execution, as well as other papers that are somehow related to the current case between the plaintiff and the defendant.

Even by controlling the payment of obligations and fines, you can make a delay, become a defendant in a civil or administrative case. A timely check of the FSSP debt will allow you to avoid the payment of an enforcement fee, penalties, seizure of property, deprivation of rights and a ban on traveling abroad. On our website, you can use convenient online services that allow you to get information about debt without leaving your home.

FSSP debt check

The most objective way to find out your debt in enforcement proceedings is a personal appeal to the bailiffs. To do this, you need to know in which unit the case is being conducted, which of the FSSP officials is authorized to provide such information. If you have not received subpoenas or orders to initiate proceedings, you can miss the time to appeal, the deadline for voluntary repayment of the debt.

In addition to a personal visit to the bailiffs, you can check the debt of the FSSP of Russia through online services. Depending on the nature of the obligations, you can:

  • view the debt of the FSSP for fines on the traffic police website;
  • clarify information on initiated proceedings through the database of debtors on the FSSP website;
  • check for a ban on registration actions in the traffic police, which may also indicate the presence of debts;
  • clarify the presence of restrictions on travel abroad, which is introduced in the enforcement proceedings.

In order not to search for information on different portals by filling out many forms, you can use the online services on our website. You can check the FSSP debt by last name, TIN, date of birth, and other data. Information about the debt will fully comply with the official data of state bodies.

How to find out your debt

The debt in the FSSP is reflected in the official databases immediately after the initiation of enforcement proceedings. The bailiff issues the relevant decision at the request of the claimant, sends the document to the participants in the case. Failure to receive a resolution does not release from the obligation to repay the debt. Therefore, having received information about the debt in a timely manner, you can quickly pay it off, prevent or remove the seizure of property, unblock accounts and cards, and avoid other problems.

Find out the debt by last name

One of the mandatory identifiers of a person's identity is a surname. These data are also used when issuing writ of execution, initiating proceedings in the FSSP. To find out the debt by last name through our service, you also need to know the first name. The form also contains information about the region. It is advisable to indicate the date of birth in order to exclude coincidences with namesakes.

Search for debt by TIN

For legal entities, one of the mandatory identifiers is the TIN. To check the debt of an enterprise in the FSSP, you need to find out its exact name by TIN. Such data is available on the website of the tax service. The name of the organization and the region of its activity must be indicated in the form on our website, to obtain data on current debts in enforcement proceedings.

You can only get information about debts on taxes and fees. It is possible to search for debts by TIN through the Taxpayer's Personal Account. This information may not coincide with the database of bailiffs, since it is possible to find out the debt of the FSSP through the site only through initiated enforcement proceedings.

View debt

Through our services or on the website of bailiffs, you can not only check the FSSP debt, but also control its repayment. After deductions of any amount, the bailiffs are required to make appropriate changes to the database of debtors. This information may not be updated instantly, but after a few days. If a lot of time has passed since the moment of payment (for example, several weeks), and the previous debt is still hanging in the Database, ask the bailiff for clarifications, or appeal against their actions.

Check the debt in the FSSP

How to find out the debt if you know for sure that enforcement proceedings have been initiated, but online services do not provide information? This is possible if the bailiffs did not enter information into the Debtors Database, or mistakenly indicated another person there. In this case, you can find out the debt to the bailiffs through the official in charge of the case.

On our website you can find contact and address details, phone numbers of all departments and divisions of the FSSP. This information can be used to send a written request or a personal appeal to bailiffs. You cannot find out the debt by calling the FSSP, as this does not allow you to identify a person. In a personal appeal, you are obliged not only to inform about all the proceedings initiated, but also to give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the case. You can find all the necessary statements on our website.

Find out the FSSP debt through our website - quickly and conveniently!

You can check the debt through the FSSP of Russia website, but this information will not be complete. Only our services are given the opportunity to make sure that there are no fines from the traffic police, to check the prohibitions and restrictions imposed on the debtor. Even more convenient, you can immediately pay off the debt without visiting the bank or bailiffs. For all questions that have arisen, our lawyers will provide a free consultation, explain the procedure for enforcement proceedings, the rules for filing complaints against FSSP officials.

Find out your debt right now! To do this, it is enough to indicate the surname and name, region of residence and date of birth. We guarantee the confidentiality of the information you provide in the search form.