Drawing of a wooden staircase to the second floor. DIY wooden staircase How to make a wooden staircase correctly

This article is an overview of the most popular types of stairs, and also contains practical advice how to make and calculate stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands. Scheme, calculations, dimensions, as well as drawings are attached. At the end of each chapter there is a video with a visual display of the construction process.

For ease of reading, the article is divided into several chapters:

  • the first chapter contains general recommendations;
  • the second chapter presents methods for creating a spiral staircase project that can be applied at work;
  • the third, fourth and fifth chapters have examples on creating conventional structures from wood, concrete and metal;
  • the latter offers 10 designs and answers the question about the optimal width.

For convenience, the article has a navigation bar with which you can go to any item and start reading from the desired chapter.

An example of a metal staircase project

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands correctly - general recommendations

The staircase is used for comfortable movement between floors. As a rule, this design is used daily - two-storey houses most often built with the location of bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor. From this you can get the two most important rules when designing a structure - safety and convenience.

Above the racks

Important: Stairs are a source of increased trauma for people of all ages. A fall can have an extremely negative impact on human health, therefore, it should be made as safe as possible. To do this, there are several ways that allow you to completely minimize the risks.

First of all, it is necessary to make steps of optimal height and width. It’s easy to stumble on too high steps, and it’s extremely difficult to walk along narrow ones, so you can easily slip. It is necessary to take this into account when designing, laying the size in advance in the project.

In the big house

The most optimal step height can be considered 150-200mm. This is enough to take a confident step, without fear of stumbling or incorrectly bringing your foot up. The depth or width must be at least 200mm - this requirement is easy to obtain from middle length human legs.

In addition, each staircase needs a railing. They allow you to move with greater comfort and safety - the risk of falling is significantly reduced.

Important: The material must not be slippery. It is better not to make a staircase from tiles or varnished wood - they have a smooth surface, which is very inconvenient for movement. If wood is still used, it is not superfluous to sandpaper or upholster the steps with a carpet.

Above the sofa

Convenience often depends on safety. If the steps are safe, then, at the same time, they will be comfortable. Of course, sometimes for the sake of convenience, you can deviate somewhat from the standard sizes - if only a tall person uses them, you can make the height of the steps more than 200mm.

Ladder slope versus usability graph

How to make a screw structure yourself

The spiral staircase has its own special appearance, due to which it becomes possible to create a completely different design. In addition, the screw design saves a lot of space on both floors, making the room more ergonomic.


Calculation of the spiral staircase to the second floor

In the case of creating a spiral staircase to the second floor, the calculation must begin with the number of steps and the height of their location. Based on what was said in the last chapter, the optimal height between the steps is 200mm, and the depth is 200-300mm. But it must be taken into account that the steps of spiral staircases have the form of expanding cones, therefore, their depth must be calculated in a special way.

With center pillar

For calculation it is better to use mathematical formulas. First, you need to know the circumference of the structure. It is most convenient to do this using the formula 2 * 3.14 * r, where r is the span width. For example, with a span width of 1000mm, the circumference will be 6280mm. To get the step width from outside, it is enough to divide this distance by the number of steps in one span. For example, with 10 steps, the distance will be 628mm, which will allow you to create a flat staircase without voids.

Screw model calculation scheme

The height of the structure is determined by the height of the room, just like when creating a regular staircase. The height between the steps should be equal to the optimum - for example, usually 150-250mm is enough. The optimal height is best calculated from the height of the room. For example, for the height of the ceilings in the room - 2700mm. The steps will be 20mm thick, the ceiling thickness will be 150mm.

Advice: Calculations must start from the floor - the floor is the zero step. First you need to sum up the height of the room and the ceiling, since it is at this distance that the stairs should go. In this case, it is equal to 2850mm. To get the number of steps, it is necessary to divide it by the appropriate height of one step with its height - for example, 220mm. The result, rounded off, is 13 steps. The last, 13th step, in this case, will be the floor of the second floor.

Graphic construction and dimensions

At this stage, it is best to create a project on paper. It is not necessary to make it as accurate as possible in terms of drawing, but even a simple sketch will help to better understand the project.

Dimensions of spiral staircases to the second floor

When calculating the size, it is necessary to build on the most comfortable width of the stairs in 800-1000mm. This is enough to pass even with a large load on your hands, while not restricting your movements (unfortunately, large-sized furniture will still have to be lifted through the windows).

Screw model project

A spiral staircase is a circle, therefore the diameter is equal to the addition of the width of the passages and, if the staircase is built with a central support, the size of the support. On average, the diameter of such a design is 1600-2000mm, which is enough for its convenient use, regardless of the features. More details in the table below

Advice: Very often the size of the stairs depends on the height of the ceiling. For the little one country house it makes no sense to make a very wide staircase - 700mm will be enough to go to the second floor. For the attic, exactly the same rule is followed.

Video spiral staircase project

This video shows how to make stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands (diagram and dimensions of the project are attached). The main points of installation are shown, as well as all the features of working with this type of structure.

Do-it-yourself wooden staircase to the second floor

An ordinary staircase can be built according to similar calculations and methods. A do-it-yourself wooden staircase to the second floor in a private house is made much simpler than a spiral one, but it takes up relatively more space. Next, consider the main points of the calculation and video instructions.

from wood

Calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor

In this case, it is necessary to build on the same average values ​​- with a depth of 200-250mm and a height of 200-250mm. The distance must be divided in the same way - by calculating from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor.

Calculation example

The calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor must take into account the length - it is the addition of the depth of all steps. The more there are, the longer the length itself will be. For an ordinary staircase in a room, on average, 10-12 steps are enough, which in total will be equal to 2000-2500mm with a depth of 200mm and 2500-3000mm with a depth of 250mm.

Stair design with 90 degree turn

Advice: The width of such a design should be on average 800-1000mm. This size should provide complete freedom actions. Therefore, if railings are planned, then there should be additional space for them on the steps.

The opening above the structure should begin from the place where less than 2000-2200mm remains from the step to the ceiling - this is enough for any person of height. Do not make the opening too short - savings in this case can result in inconvenience and additional labor costs.


If it is planned to create a turn, then it is necessary to calculate it with the same conditions - the only change is the width of the step - steps in the turn area are calculated similarly to screw ones, but they can be done with emphasis on the wall.

Video instruction

This video is an instruction for the design and installation of a wooden staircase with a 90 degree turn.

Do-it-yourself concrete staircase to the second floor - video instruction

Concrete is an excellent material for stairs - it is very durable and allows you to work with any volume. Often, for such a design, it is enough just to assemble the frame and fill it.

Formwork for concrete structure

Important: It should be noted that the creation concrete stairs on the second floor with their own hands requires very large investments - a huge amount of concrete is spent on a completely cast structure. Most likely you will have to order a full-fledged concrete mixer - the process will take an extremely long time using the usual manual method.

Cast construction

To facilitate this process span should be further strengthened different blocks. A good idea is to create a frame from foam blocks, on which the formwork is subsequently laid. This allows you to get additional space under the structure and use it for household needs.

The video below shows the process of assembling the formwork and pouring it, showing the main points of work.

Do-it-yourself metal staircase to the second floor - calculation and video instruction

Metal is an extremely ductile and at the same time durable material. Do-it-yourself metal staircase to the second floor, unfortunately, is not the most comfortable - it is quite difficult to heat it, but the strength will be very high. In addition, a metal staircase takes up little space - this is true for houses with a small total area.

Iron construction

In this case, one of the features of the calculation is the fact that metal step takes up very little space. Usually its size is 5-10mm, and with the entire height of the structure, their total volume rarely exceeds 90-100mm.

The calculations are no different from ordinary stairs, but with the difference that it is necessary to take into account the resistance of materials. For construction, we recommend using metal pipes with a wall thickness of at least 8 mm, and for steps - reinforcement not thinner than 7 mm. At the same time, with wide steps, thickened options should be used that will not bend under the weight of a person.

Do-it-yourself single-march iron staircase to the second floor

Advice: If the design is created from square profiles, it is worth choosing them with a cross section of at least 5 mm - square profiles are much more stable than round ones due to hard edges. You can work with metal both by welding and fasteners.

The video below shows an example of creating a metal ladder construction, which is subsequently sheathed with drywall. It shows the main points of the work.

What should be the width of the stairs to the second floor in a private house - the correct dimensions?

This question is purely personal. Despite the optimal span width of 800-1000mm, this value can seriously vary depending on the personal preferences of the person. It should be borne in mind that the wider the opening, the more resources will be required.

Width examples different types stairs

It is worth separately setting a minimum border of 500mm - more narrow design it will be completely inconvenient to use, and it will be quite problematic to move some things or furniture along it. The maximum limit depends solely on the room, but still, you should not make the width more than 2000-2500mm, especially in cases where the staircase is not the main one in the hall.

Do-it-yourself stairs to the second floor in a private house - diagram and drawing of 10 projects

Scheme of stairs with straight marches
Angled 90 degrees
Drawing of a U-shaped staircase with a turntable
Plan wooden model
Detail drawing
Payment simple staircase
Rotated 180 degrees
Project of a straight marching staircase
Direct two-march

A wooden staircase with your own hands is made quite simply. However, there are a number of nuances on which the convenience and even safety of movement depends. I will tell you about all the intricacies of construction wooden structure so you don't make mistakes in the process.

All work on the manufacture of stairs can be divided into two main stages:

  1. Design;
  2. Construction assembly.


Staircase is enough complex structure, therefore, to produce it qualitatively without detailed project simply impossible, especially for a beginner. The design process can be broken down into three main steps:

Step 1: Determining the type of structure

Everything existing species stairs can be divided into two types:

  • Screw. The peculiarity of such structures is that they contain only winders located around the central pillar. It is advisable to use them if there is a minimum of space in the room.
    Keep in mind that such stairs are inconvenient to use, and also quite difficult to manufacture. Therefore, I would not recommend beginners to take on the construction of a spiral staircase;

  • Marching. These stairs have smooth marches (flights of stairs). They are more comfortable and safer to use. However, keep in mind that mid-flight stairs take up more space in the room.

Marching stairs, in turn, are divided into several subspecies:

  • Single-march. Consist of one straight flight of stairs;
  • Swivel with winder steps . They can have several flights of stairs, between which there are turning (winder steps);

  • Rotary with landings. Flat platforms are installed between the flights of these stairs. Such stairs are more convenient to use, but take up more space in the room;

  • "Duck step". The peculiarity of these stairs is the paddle-shaped steps, which are installed in pairs in the opposite direction. As a result, only one foot can stand on a step, hence their name.

Such stairs are less convenient, but they can be very steep, i.e. the angle of inclination can exceed 40-45 degrees.

The type of construction should be chosen depending on the conditions in the room and your requirements. If there is not enough space, you can make a ladder like " duck step”, which requires a minimum of ground floor floor space. If pensioners or small children live in the house, it is better to sacrifice space, but make a turning staircase with marching platforms.

Stage 2: calculate the stairs

At this stage, you need to decide on important parameters stairs like:

  • Number of treads;
  • riser height;
  • The angle of the stairs;
  • March length;
  • The area that the stairs will occupy on the first floor.

Any staircase should be comfortable and safe. To do this, when performing calculations, the following rules must be observed:

  • Step sizes. The height cannot be made more than 190 mm and less than 160 mm. The width of the tread should not be less than 220 mm and more than 330 mm.
    Keep in mind that all steps must be the same height and width, otherwise the stairs will turn out to be traumatic;
  • The number of steps in a flight of stairs. The most comfortable value is 11-15 steps. If there are more of them, it is advisable to divide the flight of stairs with a platform.
    In addition, it is desirable that the march has an odd number of steps, so that a person ends the descent or ascent with the same foot with which he began to move up the stairs;
  • March width. Must be at least 90-100 mm;
  • Railing height. At least 90 cm.

Calculation of the number of steps. Before proceeding with the calculation of the stairs, you need to measure the height between floors, as well as the area allocated for the stairs. For example, the height between floors, i.e. the height of the stairs in our case is 3 m.

Now you can start calculating the number of steps and the height of the risers. These two parameters are interrelated.

To calculate the number of steps, you need to divide the distance between the floor of the first floor and the floor of the second floor by the height of the steps. The latter can be any within 160-190 mm. For example, let's take a height of 180 mm, in which case we will have the number of steps 300/18 = 16.6 pieces.

Since we need an even amount, we will correct the height by dividing the total height by the number of steps - 300/17 = 17.6 cm. In fact, the staircase will have 16 steps, since the last step is the floor of the second floor.

Tread width calculation. There is a calculation formula comfortable stairs- a + b = 470 mm, where:

  • a - riser height;
  • b - tread width.

From this formula we get the width of the tread 47-17.6 = 29.4. This size is well within the acceptable range.

March length calculation. Now it remains to calculate only the length of the march, i.e. the length of its projection on the floor. To do this, you need to multiply the width of the tread by the number of steps - 29.4x17 \u003d 499.8 ~ 5 m.

Since the stairs will turn out to be quite long, it is advisable to make it rotary, consisting of two marches. In this case, the first flight will have eight steps, including the platform, and the second flight will have nine steps, taking into account the floor of the first floor.

The width of the platform should be equal to the width of the march, i.e. at least 90-100 cm.

If necessary, you can adjust the parameters of the stairs to the conditions in the room - change the height of the risers and the width of the tread. The main thing is that these parameters remain within the acceptable range.

Calculation of the length of the kosour or bowstring. The calculation of the kosour is carried out according to the Pythagorean theorem - the length of the stairs in the square + the height of the stairs in the square = the length of the kosour in the square.

Stage 3: draw up a drawing

Now you need to prepare a drawing according to which you will make the details of the stairs. To do this, first consider the details that the design of a wooden staircase includes:

  • Kosour. Bearing beam on which the steps are laid. As a result, the kosour takes on the entire load when moving up the stairs;

  • Bowstring. It is also a carrier beam. It differs from the kosour by the absence of cutouts for the steps, as a result of which the treads are connected to the beam by the butt.
    To attach the treads to the bowstring, recesses are milled in it or bars are attached on which the tread is placed;

  • Steps. They consist of two elements - tread (horizontal board), riser (vertical board, which is located under the step). I must say that the design of a wooden staircase may not have risers, especially if it is based on bowstrings.

What is the best way to make a ladder - on stringers or bowstrings? The construction on bowstrings is faster and easier, since there is no need to make cutouts for the steps, however, the stairs on the stringers are able to withstand a large load.

Making stairs

Consider how a ladder is made of wood with your own hands. This process can be conditionally divided into several stages:

Stage 1: preparation of stringers

The work is done like this:

Illustrations Description of actions

Materials. At this stage, prepare boards with a section of 40 x 300 mm.

Beam preparation. Cut boards 40x300 mm along the length of the stringer according to the design calculations.

Kosour markup. For marking, use a construction square. Use it to mark the location of the steps and risers, as shown in the photo.

Keep in mind that the angle of the tread and stringer must match the angle of inclination. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, you can perform the following steps:

  • Lock the kosour in working position;
  • Mark a cutting line for the bottom of the board that will rest on the floor;
  • Mark the first tread and riser with a square. In the process of marking, use the level so that the step is parallel.
    The distance from the cut line to the first tread should be equal to the height of the step;
  • Mark the remaining treads and risers, focusing on the markings of the first step.

Cutting out the kosour. Carefully cut out the cuts with a hacksaw, jigsaw or other tool.

In the same way, make all the other stringers.

To make paired kosours exactly the same, use the first kosour as a template - attach it to the board and circle it with a pencil.

Stage 2: frame assembly

Now we need to make the remaining elements of the ladder frame, and install them. The work is done like this:

Illustrations Description of actions

Materials. In addition to the kosour for assembly, you will need:
  • Beam 70x70 mm or 100x100 mm;
  • Boards 40x300 mm;
  • Glass for timber (fastener);
  • Joiner's glue.

Mounting the kosour to the wall:
  • Fix the kosour on the wall in working position;
  • Make sure the stringer is installed correctly. To do this, attach the level to the cutouts under the steps - they must be located strictly horizontally;
  • Fix the beam with anchors or self-tapping screws (if the wall is wooden);
  • In the same way, attach the stringer of the second span to the wall.

In order for the beams to be positioned correctly, it is advisable to mark the walls before installing them.

Installation support post:
  • Designate the location of the support column for the landing;
  • Fix the post to the floor with a special glass and dowel-nails.
  • Step back from installed post 10 cm (span spacing) and install a second post to support the top span beam.

Column marking. Mark on the pole the junction of the second stringer. To do this, you can use a laser or water level.

Installation of the second stringer:
  • Treat the junction of the stringer with the pole with carpentry glue. It is advisable to pre-mill the junction.
  • Connect the stringer to the post;
  • WITH reverse side screw a few self-tapping screws on the column, having previously drilled holes for them.

Installation of the stringer of the second span. The beam is attached to the post according to the same principle as the stringer of the first span.

Site frame assembly:
  • If the site is adjacent to the walls, fix 40x300 mm boards on the walls at the level of the site;
  • If the site does not adjoin the walls, install additional supports and pull them together with rails, as shown in the photo example.

This completes the installation of the frame. If your stairs are straight and without a platform, then all the work on assembling the frame comes down to installing two stringers.

Stage 3: cladding stairs

Sheathing stairs is carried out as follows:

Illustrations Description of actions

Materials. At this stage we will need:
  • Wooden boards 30x300 mm;
  • Joiner's glue;
  • Clapboard.

Marking steps and treads:
  • Mark the boards according to the dimensions of the treads and risers;
  • If the treads are rounded, mark with a template.

Cutting details. Use a jigsaw or other tool for this purpose.

In addition to treads and risers, you will also need boards for sheathing the landing.

Keep in mind that the tread should hang over the riser by a centimeter or two.

Hole drilling:
  • Mark the location of the screws on the parts;
  • Drill holes.

Processing the joints of parts with glue. Use wood glue for this.

Installation of steps and risers. Fasten the parts with self-tapping screws.

Sheathing the space under the stairs:
  • Fasten the rail on the floor under the outer stringer, as shown in the photo;
  • Sheathe the space between the floor and the stairs with clapboard. The boards are attached to the lower rail and stringer, and are also connected to each other into a lock.

Upper flight lining:
  • Fasten the slats between the stringers;
  • Attach the lining with self-tapping screws to the stringers and cross rails.

Stage 4. railing installation

Now you can start installing the railing. It is more expedient to buy ready-made balusters and handrails, since it is difficult to make them beautiful without the appropriate equipment. At the same time, their price is small - the cost of figured pine balusters starts at an average of 100 rubles apiece.

The installation process of balusters and railings looks like this:

Illustrations Description of actions

Materials. To equip the railing you will need:
  • A set of balusters;
  • handrails;
  • dowels;
  • Paint glue.

Installation of dowels for balusters:
  • Mark the treads so that all the dowels are on the same line;
  • Drill holes according to the diameter of the dowels;
  • Coat the holes with wood glue;
  • Drive dowels into the holes.

Installation of balusters. The instruction looks like this:
  • Drill a dowel hole in the bottom end of the baluster;
  • Lubricate the hole with glue;
  • Put the baluster on the dowel;
  • If the baluster is located close to the tread, it can be additionally “grabbed” with self-tapping screws.

Preparing balusters for handrail installation. Cut the top of the posts at an angle equal to the angle of the flight of stairs.

Fastening handrails to the outer posts:
  • Treat the junction of the handrail to the posts with glue;
  • Screw the screws from the bottom into the handrail obliquely so that they enter the column, as shown in the photo.

Fastening handrails to intermediate balusters.
  • Treat the junction of the balusters to the handrail with wood glue.
  • Screw the self-tapping screws obliquely into the balusters so that they fit into the handrail.

The process of manufacturing a wooden staircase is almost complete. Now all that's left is to do the finishing touches.

Stage 5: finishing

As a rule, in the process of finishing, wooden stairs are varnished, stained or impregnated with their own hands. This operation is carried out in the following sequence:

Illustrations Description of works

Materials. For finishing you will need:
  • Putty on wood (selected to match the color of the tree);
  • Paintwork.

  • Remove any dust and dirt from the surfaces you will putty;
  • Fill with putty the recesses of the self-tapping screws, as well as small cracks and other flaws in the wood, if any;
  • Level the surface immediately with a narrow spatula;
  • After the putty has hardened, it is necessary to clean its surface with sandpaper.

  • Sand all flat surfaces with a grinder;
  • Treat areas of complex shape with sandpaper manually.

Dust removal. Vacuum the surface of the stairs or wipe with a damp cloth.

  • Apply the varnish in a thin, even layer with a brush;
  • After the surface has dried, apply the varnish again;
  • Upon completion of varnishing, the surface should be polished.

It is desirable to cover a wooden staircase with a matte varnish or impregnation. Covered with a glossy varnish can be slippery and unsafe to move around.

As you can see, stairs to the second floor are made quite simply, so for their manufacture it is enough to have basic woodworking skills.


We examined the process of making stairs with all its main nuances and subtleties, and now you can take on the job yourself. I recommend watching the video in this article. If you encounter any difficulties in the process of work - write comments, and I will be happy to help you.

Wooden stairs are gaining more and more popularity every year. This is due, first of all, to the fact that people more often began to purchase country houses on several floors. When decorating a room important role plays right choice steps. Stairs made of natural wood have many positive aspects. This type You can either buy items or make your own. To do this, you need to collect a certain set of tools, buy good wood and be patient.

How to calculate correctly?

Before starting work, you should Special attention pay attention to the choice of the main material. Wooden stairs to the second floor can be made from different breeds trees, but pine is best. This type of raw material is characterized by softness and low price. With such material it will be easy to work even for a beginner.

A staircase made of solid pine will not darken if, before starting work, the raw materials are treated with a high-quality special agent.

In order for the design to be reliable and last for many years, it is recommended to buy wood of more expensive varieties. These include beech, oak, larch. They have a denser structure, but have a high price.

The main types of stairs:

  • screw;
  • marching.

For the manufacture of the first option, in addition to wooden materials, metal ones are also used. Such ladders are intended only for the movement of a person. It is almost impossible to lift furniture or other dimensional elements along them. Often screw structures choose in rooms of a small area. Popular types of wooden stairs are shown in the photo below:

Marching are the most practical and easy to manufacture. Such structures are divided into many types. They can be either single-march or consist of several parts. In the second option, a platform is often used that separates these elements and is used to create a turn.

Before you start work, you need to calculate the wooden stairs:

  1. The product should not have an inclination angle greater than 45 0 .
  2. Tread depth - not less than 25 cm.
  3. The dimensions of the riser should be in the range of 16-20 cm.
  4. Opening width from 1000 mm.
  5. The height of the railing is from 1 meter. For children - 60 cm.
  6. The opening is vertical - at least 2 meters.

In order to determine the number of steps, it is necessary to divide the height of the future staircase by the height of the riser. The resulting number should be rounded up to an integer. This indicator and will be the number of steps.

An accurate calculation can be made using a special computer program. Using simple rules and recommendations, you can make a comfortable, and most importantly, reliable staircase.

Product design

Before you make a wooden staircase, you need to know what it consists of. This will help you quickly create the option that will best fit into the chosen interior of the room.

For ease of movement, the number of steps should be odd.

The design of the flight of stairs includes the following parts:

  1. Bowstring. This element acts as a carrier beam and is an additional fastener for the steps.
  2. Kosoura. They are cuts that are created in the main parallel beams. They are needed to accommodate the treads.
  3. Riser. They are designed to cover the visible part between the steps. Riser mounted vertically. These elements are optional.
  4. Tread. This type of element is the upper part of the steps.
  5. Balusters. With this part, maximum rigidity and strength of the product is achieved. Elements are attached to the steps and railings.
  6. Columns. They are also often referred to as support rods. This is the main part of screw structures.
  7. Handrails. Mounted on top of balusters.
  8. Radius risers. They are presented in the form of a rounded shape. Installed at the bottom of the stairs.
  9. Decorative pieces. They are mounted on poles. They are often referred to as stubs.
  10. Running step. It is mounted at the very beginning of the flight of stairs. Its distinctive feature is its unusual shape.

The complexity of the structure depends not only on the type of structure, but also on the method of manufacture. A wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands for a private house can be made both on bowstrings and on stringers.

Bowstrings are mounted from the end of the tread. For this, corners, grooves and construction glue are used. They can also be fixed using bars. All elements are fixed with bolts or self-tapping screws.

As for the kosour, they are placed under the steps themselves. For their installation, special fasteners are used.

For the manufacture of bowstrings and stringers, it is best to use oak or ash. Also masters prefer larch. Such tree species will make the structure more reliable.

Markup and creation of elements

The manufacture of wooden stairs should be started only after a full calculation has been made. You also need to finally decide on the place where the product will be installed.


If the steps will be laid on stringers, then their length should be 10-20 mm longer, and the width should be 20-30 mm.

Particular attention should be paid to wooden railings for stairs. Sanding them should be in several stages, reducing the graininess of the paper. Thus, the handrails will turn out perfectly smooth.

Also, do not forget about the connector to the second floor. If it is not there, then the dismantling method will require removing part of the floor.

Installation of a wooden staircase

Mounting the structure is the main part of the work. A lot depends on the correct assembly of the elements.

The installation of a wooden staircase must begin with the fastening of the support beam. It is fixed to the floor where the stairs will begin. Then a kosour is attached to the beam. This can be done in two ways: washed down in a beam or washed down in a stringer.

After that, the product is fixed on the support beam, to the side wall and ceiling opening. As soon as the first kosour is well fixed, you can proceed to the second. The second element is set according to the length of the prepared steps.

The top step should be on the same level with the floor of the second floor.

Depending on the width of the stairs and the expected loads, you can use not two stringers, but three or more. The use of several elements gives the structure rigidity.

In order for the steps not to be tilted in different directions, the stringers should be installed as evenly as possible.

After the main parts are attached, you can proceed with the installation of the risers, and then to the steps. The treads are fastened with wood screws to the stringers and risers. It is important to ensure that the fasteners are well deepened into the wood.

The installation of balusters and pillars must begin from the markup where they will be located. The hole for the dowel should be located in the middle of the baluster. Fasteners are fixed into the connector with glue. They should protrude 10-15 cm up. Under the size of the dowel, a hole is drilled in the baluster.

Then the columns are attached. On a single-march structure, they are mounted at the beginning and end. First you need to attach only top elements, the lower ones will be installed at the very last moment.

After that, you need to fix one or two balusters. This is necessary in order to determine the angle of the surface. To do this, you need to attach a handrail. Cut off the unnecessary part from all elements.

Then the base and holes of the prepared balusters are carefully treated with glue and connected to the dowels.

The railings are cut at the required angle. Holes are made on the sections to connect them with the posts, using a dowel. The slats are attached to the balusters after the glue has completely dried. They are also fixed with adhesive and self-tapping screws. For reliable fastening we use.

The bottom column is installed last. It is also fixed to the railing with a dowel. After the glue has completely dried, the handmade wooden staircase is considered ready.

To prevent the material from infecting fungus and insects, the wood must be painted with an antiseptic. The stairs should be varnished or other paints and varnishes after the primer dries well. This will require you to wait at least 24 hours. If this is not done, then the paint will not lay down evenly and will begin to peel off over time.

It is not difficult to make a staircase out of wood. By following the sequence of actions and recommendations, you can make a beautiful, strong and durable structure that will decorate the room for many years.

If you have already built a two-story house or are the owner of a two-level apartment, then the topic of constructing a second floor staircase will be of interest to you.

In order to acquire a comfortable and high-quality ladder system, you have only three ways: buy already finished structure in a specialized store, order the necessary model to a carpenter, make a ladder with your own hands.

For those who chose the third option, this article is devoted. In it you will learn a lot useful information about the staircase structure, as well as get acquainted with the step-by-step detailed instruction for the manufacture of stairs in photo and video.

For owners of a two-level dwelling, the stairs of the second floor - required attribute interior

Before you start building stairs with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of construction that will be most suitable for your home.

Types of stairs by design type

We will choose a system from three types:

Let's take a look at each of them a little.


This type is the easiest to manufacture and therefore, if you decide to make a staircase with your own hands, then this option will be the most suitable for you.

Single-march designs, despite their apparent simplicity, can be beautiful and spectacular.

Marching stairs, in turn, are divided into types:

  • single-march;
  • two-march;
  • multi-march.

Mid-flight stairs are simple and concise, this type is most suitable for DIY

Both the first and second types are considered not difficult to manufacture and are in the greatest demand.


Such stairs are a spiral going up to the second floor. This type saves a lot of room space, but it is labor-intensive in production.

The spiral staircase is original and beautiful, but it is better to entrust its production to professionals.


These systems combine the two previous types. Their manufacture is the most difficult and therefore for self erection does not fit.

We make a ladder with our own hands - instructions for making

First, we will determine the material of manufacture and prepare the tool necessary for the job.

Material selection

For the production of a ladder structure, you can choose:

  • tree;
  • a rock;
  • concrete;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

For the manufacture of stairs, you can use the most various materials

by the most suitable material for self-manufacturing stairs is, of course, natural wood. Its advantages are obvious:

  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • non-toxicity;
  • ease of processing;
  • relatively economical price;
  • long service life.

Therefore, for the construction of our stairs, we will choose natural wood. It is best if it is pine wood - spruce, pine. You can also use ash, beech, maple, oak, birch and other species.

Natural wood is the most the best choice for the production of stairs with their own hands

So, we have decided on the type of structure being built - this is marching ladder. They also chose the easiest to process and environmentally friendly material - natural wood. The next step is to prepare the necessary tool.

Cooking tool

To make a wooden staircase with your own hands, we need:

  • Measuring devices - tape measure, ruler, level.
  • Electric drill of manual type.
  • Hacksaw for woodworking.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Electroplaner.
  • Sandpaper.

The optimal set of necessary tools

Preparing the basic elements

Before installing the ladder system, it is necessary to prepare the following details:

  • Processed boards of the required dimensions (according to the drawing).
  • Bars for the production of steps.
  • Step boards.
  • Bowstrings or stringers (depending on the type of construction).
  • Railings, balusters, handrails - these parts can be bought ready-made.
  • Fasteners - screws, screws, bolts.

This figure shows in detail all the components of the structure.

The main stages of installation

In order to make a high-quality staircase with your own hands, use the following manufacturing instructions in photos and videos.

Stage 1. Schematic drawing

Let's draw a drawing on which we denote the main elements of the future design.

A detailed drawing showing all the main elements of the staircase is the most important initial stage of production

Stage 2. We perform the necessary calculations

Performing design calculations is probably the most exhausting process, but it still needs to be done. You can do this in a few steps:

  • determine the height of the structure - to calculate it, measure the distance from the floor plane of the first level to the floor of the 2nd floor. This will be the length of the march;
  • we determine the height of the steps - usually the most optimal height for a person of average height is 17 centimeters;
  • we calculate how many steps and risers are needed - for this, we divide the height of the stairs, which we have already measured, by the height of the steps (17 cm);

Before making a ladder, it must be calculated

  • tread width - for convenience when walking, the smallest value of this parameter should be 22 cm, and the largest - 40 cm.

The correct calculation of the dimensions of the steps and risers is the key to the comfort of the future design

Stage 3. Making a kosour

We cut the beam prepared for this part to the desired size and cut out the notches right size to install steps.

In the beam for the kosour, we cut notches of a certain size according to the drawing

Stage 4. Checking the kosour

To do this, we attach it to the place where the stairs will be located, if necessary, we make adjustments to the part.

This diagram shows detailed calculations of the kosour

Stage 5. We fasten the stringers

We attach the stringers and fasten them together to the upper beam using anchor bolts.

We fasten the stringers securely anchor bolts

Stage 6. Installation of risers

Attaching the risers to the stringer is carried out using self-tapping screws.

At this stage, we are installing risers

Stage 7. Installation of steps

When the risers are mounted, as shown in the photo below, we fix the steps themselves.

We mount the steps with self-tapping screws.

In this photo, an almost finished staircase with fixed parts

Stage 8. We mount balusters and railings

This step is performed using self-tapping screws or hat bolts measuring 100 x 8 mm.

Almost the final stage - we mount balusters and railings

Stage 9. Finishing work

The last stage of work is puttying, painting and varnishing the already installed stairs.

And, finally, we paint our ladder or varnish it

Video instruction: how to make a ladder with your own hands

DIY wooden staircase

For apartments and houses with a second floor, as well as houses with an attic or attic, it is worth making a ladder to climb to the second floor. The most simple and affordable option, which is on the shoulder for everyone, is the manufacture of a wooden staircase with your own hands.

Step-by-step instruction

1. In order for a wooden staircase to be successfully mounted, you need to calculate its slope, which can be from 25 to 40 degrees.

2. The construction of a wooden staircase involves a preliminary calculation of its steps. Based maximum distance between steps of 19 cm, calculate the number of steps according to the height of the structure. The width of the tread must be at least 25 cm.

3. Safe Installation wooden stairs requires that it be equipped with a railing with a height of at least 90 cm.

4. The site has a video on how to make a wooden staircase with your own hands. You can look at the stages and sequences of work, and make sure that this is not difficult to do. The material used in the instructions in the photo is pine. This tree has a beautiful, spectacular structure and is easy to process. Pine edged boards 400 mm wide and 40 mm thick were used for the bowstring of the stairs.

5. Having marked the places for the installation of treads, circular saw according to the templates, cuts are made with a depth of 10 mm. With the help of a chisel, an array of boards is selected between the cuts, the finished bowstrings are set to the working position.

Bowstrings are attached to the floor with screws using a screwdriver and galvanized metal corners.

6. From a board with a width of at least 250 mm, steps are cut with a circular saw. The thickness of the steps depends on the width of the span, but not less than 25 mm.

Step ends for better connection with a bowstring are processed with a grinder.

Connect the steps and the bowstring with wood glue, smearing the ends of the steps and the grooves in the bowstring.

7. The assembly of a wooden staircase in our case requires that it be pulled together with galvanized rods with threaded connections at the ends, on which nuts with wide spacers are screwed.

8. In the above example, which demonstrates the installation of a wooden ladder, the distance from the wall allows you to arrange excellent wooden shelves for things and books that suit the design.

Then the installed shelves are polished.

In addition, it is necessary to install a handrail for security. Having installed the rack, two boards are attached to it with an upper height of at least 90 cm relative to the steps.

9. The material of the handrails and the stairs themselves are processed with sandpaper to prevent chips, hooks and splinters.

The stairs must be treated with special primers from decay and against fire, and then coated with a transparent varnish for parquet.

Materials and tools

In order for a wooden staircase, as in the photo, to be successfully made by hand, you will need the following materials: pine boards 400 and 250 mm wide, 40 to 25 mm thick, 50x50 bars, carpentry glue, varnish and primers for wood, galvanized tie rods and self-tapping screws, metal corners. Of the tools you will need: circular hand saw, screwdriver, brushes, sandpaper, clamps, chisels, grinder.

Do-it-yourself wooden staircase - a step-by-step description of the work from "a" to "z"

A wooden staircase with your own hands is made quite simply. However, there are a number of nuances on which the convenience and even safety of movement depends. I will tell you about all the intricacies of building a wooden structure so that you do not make mistakes in the process.

Basic woodworking skills are enough to make a wooden staircase yourself.

All work on the manufacture of stairs can be divided into two main stages:

  1. Design;
  2. Construction assembly.



A staircase is a rather complex structure, so it is simply impossible to make it without a detailed project, especially for a beginner. The design process can be broken down into three main steps:

Step 1: Determining the type of structure

All existing types of stairs can be divided into two types:

  • Screw. The peculiarity of such structures is that they contain only winders located around the central pillar. It is advisable to use them if there is a minimum of space in the room.
    Keep in mind that such stairs are inconvenient to use, and also quite difficult to manufacture. Therefore, I would not recommend beginners to take on the construction of a spiral staircase;

The spiral staircase is inconvenient to use and difficult to manufacture

  • Marching. These stairs have smooth marches (flights of stairs). They are more comfortable and safer to use. However, keep in mind that mid-flight stairs take up more space in the room.

The flight ladder takes up a lot of space, but it is more convenient and safe to use.

Marching stairs, in turn, are divided into several subspecies:

  • Single-march. Consist of one straight flight of stairs;
  • Rotary with winder steps. They can have several flights of stairs, between which there are turning (winder steps);

Winder steps save space in the room

  • Rotary with landings. Flat platforms are installed between the flights of these stairs. Such stairs are more convenient to use, but take up more space in the room;

Ladder with a platform is the most convenient to use

  • "Duck step". The peculiarity of these stairs is the paddle-shaped steps, which are installed in pairs in the opposite direction. As a result, only one foot can stand on a step, hence their name.

The duck step ladder can have an angle of inclination over 45 degrees

The type of construction should be chosen depending on the conditions in the room and your requirements. If there is not enough space, you can make a "duck step" staircase, which requires a minimum of floor space on the ground floor. If pensioners or small children live in the house, it is better to sacrifice space, but make a turning staircase with marching platforms.

Stage 2: calculate the stairs

At this stage, you need to decide on such important parameters of the stairs as:

  • Number of treads;
  • riser height;
  • The angle of the stairs;
  • March length;
  • The area that the stairs will occupy on the first floor.

Optimal staircase parameters, averaged for all ages of households

Any staircase should be comfortable and safe. To do this, when performing calculations, the following rules must be observed:

  • Step sizes. The height cannot be made more than 190 mm and less than 160 mm. The width of the tread should not be less than 220 mm and more than 330 mm.
    Keep in mind that all steps must be the same height and width, otherwise the stairs will turn out to be traumatic;
  • The number of steps in a flight of stairs. The most comfortable value is 11-15 steps. If there are more of them, it is advisable to divide the flight of stairs with a platform.
    In addition, it is desirable that the march has an odd number of steps, so that a person ends the descent or ascent with the same foot with which he began to move up the stairs;
  • March width. Must be at least 90-100 mm;
  • Railing height. At least 90 cm.

Calculation of the number of steps. Before proceeding with the calculation of the stairs, you need to measure the height between floors, as well as the area allocated for the stairs. For example, the height between floors, i.e. the height of the stairs in our case is 3 m.

Before calculating the stairs, measure the height "h" and allowable length span "i"

Now you can start calculating the number of steps and the height of the risers. These two parameters are interrelated.

Since we need an even amount, we will correct the height by dividing the total height by the number of steps - 300/17 = 17.6 cm. In fact, the staircase will have 16 steps, since the last step is the floor of the second floor.

Safe tread options. If your foot size is larger than average, you need to adjust

Tread width calculation. There is a formula for calculating a comfortable ladder - a + b = 470 mm, where:

  • a - riser height;
  • b - tread width.

From this formula we get the width of the tread 47-17.6 = 29.4. This size is well within the acceptable range.

March length calculation. Now it remains to calculate only the length of the march, i.e. the length of its projection on the floor. To do this, multiply the width of the tread by the number of steps - 29.4x17 = 499.8

Since the stairs will turn out to be quite long, it is advisable to make it rotary, consisting of two marches. In this case, the first flight will have eight steps, including the platform, and the second flight will have nine steps, taking into account the floor of the first floor.

If necessary, you can adjust the parameters of the stairs to the conditions in the room - change the height of the risers and the width of the tread. The main thing is that these parameters remain within the acceptable range.

The length of the stringer is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem

Calculation of the length of the kosour or bowstring. The calculation of the kosour is carried out according to the Pythagorean theorem - the length of the stairs in the square + the height of the stairs in the square = the length of the kosour in the square.

Stage 3: draw up a drawing

Now you need to prepare a drawing according to which you will make the details of the stairs. To do this, first consider the details that the design of a wooden staircase includes:

  • Kosour. Bearing beam on which the steps are laid. As a result, the kosour takes on the entire load when moving up the stairs;

Stringers provide the ladder with the greatest strength

  • Bowstring. It is also a carrier beam. It differs from the kosour by the absence of cutouts for the steps, as a result of which the treads are connected to the beam by the butt.
    To attach the treads to the bowstring, recesses are milled in it or bars are attached on which the tread is placed;

The bowstring is easier in terms of manufacturing

  • Steps. They consist of two elements - tread (horizontal board), riser (vertical board, which is located under the step). I must say that the design of a wooden staircase may not have risers, especially if it is based on bowstrings.

What is the best way to make a ladder - on stringers or bowstrings? The construction on bowstrings is faster and easier, since there is no need to make cutouts for the steps, however, the stairs on the stringers are able to withstand a large load.

Making stairs

Consider how a ladder is made of wood with your own hands. This process can be conditionally divided into several stages:

Do-it-yourself wooden staircase - step by step instructions, calculations, photo and video editing

If you plan a wooden staircase with your own hands - step-by-step instructions with photos, videos and installation projects posted on this portal will be an excellent guide in this matter. To prepare for the process, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and materials.

Wooden march between the first and second floor

Materials and parameters

Lumber: board 40 and 25 cm wide, 4 to 2.5 cm thick, beams 5x5 cm, carpentry glue, paints and varnishes, galvanized screed rods, self-tapping screws and corners. Among the equipment used is a hand circular, a screwdriver, brushes, abrasive skin, a clamp, a chisel, a grinder.

For correct placement, the slope of the slope is determined, equal to 25 - 40 gr. The gap between the steps is 19 cm. The width of the tread is 25 cm or more. The height of the handrails is 90 cm. edged boards with parameters 40 cm wide and 4 cm thick.

Wooden ladder installation

Installation of a conventional straight staircase

  • Here you can find out best way, according to which a wooden staircase is created with your own hands, a video with step-by-step instructions will allow you to build the structure as quickly and correctly as possible:

  • The marking of areas for the installation of treads is provided by means of a circular using a template. To do this, cuts are created with a depth of 1 cm. Using a chisel, the mass of wood is removed between the cuts. The finished bowstring is mounted on the workplace.
  • The bowstrings are fixed with self-tapping screws to the floor surface. To do this, stock up on a screwdriver and galvanized metal corners.

Solid wood staircase

  • Steps are cut out of boards 25 cm wide using a circular. The thickness of the steps is shaved to fit the width of the span, not less than 2.5 cm. The end parts are processed with a grinder for more reliable fixation with a bowstring.
  • The assembly of steps and bowstrings is carried out with carpentry glue. The end parts of the steps and the grooves in the bowstring are smeared. For the screed, galvanized rods with threaded ends are used. Nuts with wide spacers are screwed on them.
  • Two boards are fixed to the installed rack at a level of 90 cm. They will provide the functions of handrails.
  • 3.5" steel post.
  • Wood massif 1×8.
  • Wooden elements 1×12.
  • Connectors in the form of racks.
  • Supports for handrails.
  • Handrails with specified parameters.
  • Metal base for steps.
  • Welding machine.

Spiral staircase: Materials for manufacturing

Ladder structure made of timber

Step by step installation

In the construction under consideration, the distance between the floors is 3 m. Then the total height is divided by the selected size of the steps and their number is obtained: 300 cm ÷ 18 cm = 16.6 pcs.

The top position will end with step 17 (rounded result). The width of the steps along the inner edge is 10 cm. The calculation of the outer edge begins with determining the outer diameter of the stairs without handrails.

The average rack and 2 steps form a section of 172 cm. To determine the circumference, it is necessary to multiply the diameter of the stairs by 3.14. Then 172 cm x 3.14 = 540 cm. Since 17 steps are to be installed, 210 ÷ 17 = 32 cm. To create an overlap of 2.5 cm, the width of the steps outside is 35 cm.

Pine stairs

support part

The screw device is created using a central metal support and bases for steps. For a central post with a diameter of 20 cm, 400 cm are cut off. Of these, 300 are reserved for 17 steps, 90 cm for the fence at the top and 10 cm protrude for the stock.

The column is marked at the points where steps are planned to be erected, that is, every 17.64 cm. The upper part will be crowned with a thick round plate welded to the column. At the bottom, a square platform with a height of 1 cm and parameters of 30 by 30 cm is created. Gaps are made at each corner of the platform for anchors and fixed to the base.

Board steps

Stair placement

Steps are attached to the central support in the marked areas. Each subsequent step overlaps the previous one by 2.5 cm so that it is possible to fix the supports for the connection. They attach one step to another. This is metal or wood. Then all the bases of the steps are fixed to the central support. Wooden steps are superimposed on the bases. Gaps are made in the places connecting the supports.

Then you can screw 3 railing posts per step so that there is a gap of no more than 10 cm between them. After mounting the posts, you can fix the handrails. When buying material, it is important to observe the ability to form bends in the direction of the stairs.

Hardwood steps

When carrying out decorative processing, it is possible to paste over metal support wood materials. For finishing steps are used varnish coatings. They are applied over a primed surface.

Attention! Wooden steps are widely used in combination with glass, metal and plastic handrails.

For the installation of structures, adhesive compositions with different types fasteners. However, their device may impose too much load on the product.

Staircase to the second floor with your own hands

The construction of stairs in the house is not an easy process, but doable. The main difficulty lies in calculating the angle of inclination and span parameters, because not only ease of use, but also the durability of the structure depends on this. durable and beautiful staircase to the second floor with your own hands - this is an opportunity to test your strength and gain experience for further home improvement.

Staircase to the second floor with your own hands

Selecting the type of construction

First you need to decide on the type of stairs in order to correctly make calculations. The most commonly used stairs in the house are wood, concrete and metal; according to the configuration, they are straight, rotary and screw. There are also combined designs of varying complexity.

Concrete products require a very strong base and a lot of time to manufacture, but at the same time they are the strongest and most durable. Installation metal structures it will not be difficult for those who know how to use welding, and anyone who is familiar with the technology of this process can make a wooden staircase.

A direct flight staircase to the second floor is considered the easiest to install; it consists of a small number of parts, takes up little space, does not require complex calculations. Screw structures are used where there is little free space; they look very elegant, but are not always easy to use. It will be problematic to lift something large and heavy along such steps. Multi-span structures are more difficult to build, but they are ideal for houses where there is a large distance between floors.

simple wooden staircase

A single-flight staircase consists of stringers, railings, treads and risers. The tread is the horizontal part of the step, the riser is the vertical part. Stringers are load-bearing structural elements with special cutouts along the upper edge for fastening steps. Instead of stringers, bowstrings are often used - bearing beams with grooves for steps. Riser and railing are not mandatory elements, but for convenience and safety, it is better when they are present.

The height of the stairs is equal to the distance between the floors plus the thickness of the floors. To simplify the calculation of the length of the span and base, you first need to determine the parameters of the steps. If elderly people and children live in the house, the optimal step height is 15 cm, for the rest, a height of 20 cm will be more convenient. It is not recommended to make the riser even higher, as the rise will be too steep and less comfortable.

The main parameters of a single-flight staircase


With a step width of 25 cm, the length of the base is 15x250=3750 mm.

Manufacturing technology

When the calculations are made, you can begin to manufacture the elements of the stairs. For stringers, very dense hardwood is needed, because they must support not only the weight of the structure, but also people. A template is cut out of thick cardboard, on which the cutouts correspond to the size of the steps, and the slope is equal to the angle of the stairs. At the ends of the stringers, grooves are cut out for attachment to the base and upper floors, after which they are marked according to the template.

Combined wooden staircase on stringers

For further work you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • building level;
  • anchor bolts;
  • drill;
  • hammer.

With an electric jigsaw on the stringers, protrusions are made according to the marking, then they are processed on both sides with a grinder. Holes for fasteners are cut out in the floor beams or metal supports are installed. On the floor of the first floor, along the line of the lower step, a support beam is installed and fixed with anchor bolts. After that, the installation of the stringers is carried out, be sure to check the angle of inclination with the help of a level. At the bottom and at the top, the stringers are fixed with anchor bolts.

The next step is the manufacture of steps. To do this, take dry boards with a thickness of 36 mm; their width should be equal to the width of the steps or be slightly larger. For risers, boards with a thickness of 20 mm or more can be used. The length of the blanks must correspond to the width of the stairs - from 80 cm to 1.2 m.

The kosour has a sawtooth shape

After trimming, each workpiece must be sanded to remove sharp cuts and bumps. The installation process of the steps is very simple: the lower cutouts of the stringers are coated with carpentry glue and the risers are applied, aligning along the edges. Fix them with screws and lay on top of the steps. Glue is needed so that under load wooden elements didn't creak.

Alternately laying all the steps, proceed to the installation of the railing. Railings consist of balusters and handrails; for the manufacture of balusters, a square beam or figured blanks made of wood are used. Balusters are installed either on each step, or through one, depending on the slope and length of the span. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, which are often closed with special plugs for beauty. If the staircase to the second floor is located in the center of the room, the railing can be installed on both sides.

Design option for a wooden staircase

The finished structure is polished again and treated with an antiseptic primer. After that, you need to cover the tree with varnish, paint or other composition that does not form a too smooth surface. If the steps are rough, this will increase their safety for the household. The coating is applied in 2 or 3 layers, with each layer being completely dry before applying the next.

Making a straight concrete staircase

In a spacious house with concrete floors the second floor, you can make a staircase of concrete. Most often, two types of structures are mounted in houses - monolithic and combined, in which only the kosour is concrete. The second option looks more attractive and elegant. For the manufacture of a concrete staircase, formwork and a very solid foundation are required.

Making a straight concrete staircase

In the process of work you will need:

  • edged board, upholstered with a film, or waterproof plywood;
  • durable timber 100x100 mm;
  • knitting wire and fittings;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • concrete solution.

Formwork boards are chosen with a thickness of 3 cm, the thickness of plywood should not be less than 18 mm. All dimensions are calculated in the same way as for a wooden staircase, but the base must be as strong as possible. They start with the formwork assembly: boards or plywood are knocked down according to the drawing, observing the angle of inclination and preventing the formation of cracks.

The finished formwork is installed between floors and fixed with wooden bars. After that, reinforcement is laid out inside the frame, tying the transverse rods with wire. In the places where the railings are installed, corks made of wood are fixed, and then the formwork is poured ready solution. You need to fill the frame immediately, otherwise the solidity of the base will be broken.

Filling the frame of the stairs with concrete

When the concrete sets well, the formwork is removed, and the surface of the steps is periodically moistened to avoid cracking. You can start finishing only after complete drying and hardening of the concrete. For the manufacture of a combined staircase, the kosour is poured in exactly the same way, but the formwork is made much narrower and takes into account the installation of steps.

When the concrete sets well, the formwork is removed.

For decoration monolithic construction use wood, stone, tiles and other materials. When cladding, the weight of the material should be taken into account, because tiles and stone put a greater load on the base than wood panels. Any steps can be attached to a concrete kosour, such a base goes especially well with a tree.

Installation of a metal staircase

For the manufacture and installation of a direct metal staircase to the second floor, you will need:

  • steel channel No. 10;
  • metal corners;
  • welding machine;
  • sheet iron;
  • file and grinder with a nozzle for grinding.

Installation of a metal staircase

The channel is cut into pieces and a frame is assembled from them according to the size of the stairs. Corners are welded to the side faces of the frame at regular intervals equal to the height of the step. All corners should be parallel to each other. To make it easier to install the structure, the steps are welded after mounting and fixing the frame.

The upper ends of the frame are securely fixed with anchor bolts to the ceiling of the second floor, the lower ends are fixed to the floor. Next, sheet metal steps are welded and railings are attached. Upon completion of the assembly, the joints are ground with a nozzle or processed with a file, after which they are coated with an anti-corrosion primer.

Spiral staircase

To make a spiral staircase yourself, you will need:

  • steel pipe with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • pipe with a diameter of 55 mm;
  • wooden slats for the template;
  • corners for steps;
  • welding machine;
  • file;
  • primer.

The smaller diameter pipe is the center post, so its length must correspond to the distance between the first and second floors. For greater stability of the structure, it is recommended to concrete the rack at the base, after setting it vertically. A pipe of a larger diameter is cut into cylinders about 25 cm long. The cuts must be made strictly perpendicular, otherwise the steps cannot be aligned horizontally.

It is very important that the cylinders fit tightly on the central tube and do not form backlash. If tight docking does not occur, seal rings will be required.

For the manufacture of steps, it is convenient to use a template from the rails. Wooden slats are glued together so that the corners inserted into the frame form a step of the specified parameters.

Greek spiral spiral staircase with curved glass railing

Each stage is welded to its cylinder and carefully polished. After the manufacture of all the elements, you can begin to assemble the structure. The steps are put on the axial pipe, set the angle and tightly welded to the axis.

The final stage is the fastening of the railing and finishing. Railings may consist of fittings, chrome-plated tubes, thin profile; wrought iron railings look very elegant. All metal surfaces must be sanded and treated with a primer, painted.

Spiral staircase option

Similarly, a spiral staircase to the second floor is assembled from wooden steps. Wood blanks are made in the form of a trapezoid, in the narrow part of which a hole with a diameter of 50 mm is drilled. With the help of special seals, the steps strung on the axis are fixed on the central rack. Next, railings are installed, the tree is primed and painted, decorated with decor.

Video - How to make a staircase to the second floor

Video - Do-it-yourself wooden staircase

Today, most private houses are built on two or more floors. On this basis, the question arises of the need to move around the house, or rather, the construction of stairs. For such a structure, you can use various materials, both traditional and exclusive. But many owners country houses in order to save money, they are interested in how to build a staircase with their own hands.

Types of wooden stairs

The first thing to consider when developing a project drawing is this is the size of the platform under the stairs. Also, when choosing a design, you need to take into account the cost of materials, ease of use of the design (during descent and ascent), especially if it is installed for daily use. It is also necessary to pay attention to the aesthetics of this structure, since it must fit into the style and interior of the rooms. Wooden stairs are divided into two types - mid-flight and spiral. In order to choose for yourself which one is better to install, you need to understand the pros and cons of each of them.

Screw structures have a rather complex shape, but their main advantage is that they take up a minimum of space, which is especially important in small house. It should be noted that such ladders are installed quite rarely, when compared with marching ones. This is due to the fact that they are difficult to install and operate. Especially if you climb with large equipment.

However, such designs have many fans. Spiral staircases can become a real elegant element of the interior. Plus it's compact.

When installing screw structures, it is necessary to carry out accurate calculations, as the assumption of a small mistake during installation can subsequently lead to many injuries.

Marching structures

Such structures are more stable and durable than screw ones. Although screw structures take much less space than marching ones, they are installed less frequently.

Mostly in private houses, structures with one or two marches are installed. But in principle there may be more. They also have many variety of options structures.

To save space, marching structures are installed on two marches, and at the same time the second part can be turned to the first from 90 to 180 degrees. When planning the main objective is the creation comfortable conditions use of such a structure.

Sometimes, for convenience, curvilinear mid-flight stairs are installed. A smooth turn is ensured by the installation of corner steps. Such steps can also be installed on two-flight structures instead of a platform between them.

Single-march wooden

Single-march design- the most popular option among the owners of private houses and not only. The ladder can be located both in the middle of the room and near the wall.

The area under the single-march structure is also used with benefit. For example, if you install a partition and put a small door, a functional utility room for storing things and tools will come out.

It should also be noted that the advantage is the greater strength of such structures, since they have additional support in the form of walls.

Swivel step design

A single-flight staircase with swivel lower steps, as a rule, is installed to emphasize the interior or because of the layout of the room. For example, if a window is installed on the wall near the future staircase and you don’t want to close it with a two-flight structure.

With the right approach, not only to the design, but also to the interior of the room, the rotary steps will add elegance to the room. At the same time, their functionality is not lost a bit.

Two-march simple

A staircase that has two flights and a turntable between them, is often used when there is a need to install such a structure above the front door, thereby significantly saving space. Moreover, it is very compact, and a closet for storing things under it can also be made.

The most popular material for the construction of such structures is considered to be wood. Before starting work on installing a wooden staircase, you need to consider some possible nuances. First of all, you need to decide on the type of construction.

For example, a spiral staircase takes up much less space. But the downside is the complexity of the production and installation of such stairs. Moreover, it is very inconvenient to move along such stairs, since they are rather narrow and it is difficult for a “overall” person to climb and descend them. And there can be no talk of transferring any technology at all.

One of the most popular types of stairs in private households is the flight staircase. Making a wooden staircase with your own hands is not difficult. They are very comfortable and spacious. Structures of this type come with one or two spans, but there is no fundamental difference in the execution technique.

There are also a few things to consider:

  • How much space in the house the owner is willing to allocate for installation.
  • What is the distance between floors.
  • What kind of load does she have to endure every day?
  • What elements the structure will have, its height, width, length, etc.

After determining the shape and type of construction, it is necessary to prepare all materials for work. In order not to overpay for extra purchased material, you need to carefully consider the design and make an accurate drawing.

Do not forget about the clearance above the stairs. When a person of average height passes through it, he should not bend down or beat his head against the ceiling.

Having measured all the design parameters and made drawings, you can proceed to the purchase and preparation of all necessary materials. For such structures, you can use a tree of different species. Masters generally recommend using oak, beech or larch. But these types of wood are very expensive. More economical option coniferous trees. Moreover, they also have sufficient strength for such work and lend themselves well to processing.

When buying the main material, you must definitely pay attention to its quality. It should not have rotten parts, fallen knots, cracks and various deformations. The wood must also be well dried. Knots on the tree are allowed, but not in large numbers. Such a tree is considered second-class. Furniture cannot be made from it and it is better to recycle it.

For installation you need:

In addition to materials, you must first prepare the necessary tool:

  • Measuring tools (tape measure, corner, construction ruler).
  • Drill for making holes (you can use a cordless one).
  • Hacksaw for wood and metal. Alternatively, you can use an electric saw and a jigsaw.
  • A set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver with different nozzles.
  • Chisel and hammer.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Plane.

A previously completed drawing should always be near the construction site in order to check and not make mistakes.

The next step is to install a wooden staircase with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction needed for proper assembly. When the drawing is in hand and all materials with tools are ready, then you can begin work on assembling the structure.

You need to follow these steps:

At this point, assembly is complete. It remains only to cover everything with a layer of varnish or paint. Before painting, you can apply a ball of antiseptic to protect against pests. If there is a desire to make a staircase in wooden house, then you can do it with ease. The main thing is to follow a properly prepared drawing, choose quality materials and necessary tools. Then make a little effort - and chic, comfortable and desired element interior at the disposal of its owner. The stairs will decorate the house and make life easier.