Pouring the concrete staircase with their own hands. Reinforced monolithic stairs made of concrete

Today, around the world, the arrangement of houses is given great importance, because the porch is an integral part of any cottage, a country house, and even cottages. From how the steps and the territory around them look, the holistic design of the whole structure depends.

Concrete staircase

To build a beautiful and comfortable porch, it is very important to build a comfortable and solid staircase, which can be made from various materials and their combination. Most often for the arrangement of the stairs, brick, wood, concrete and reinforced concrete are used.

The choice of a suitable material depends on which the construction of the house itself was performed. If the house is stone or brick, then the steps and the porch are better made from the same materials. It is also worth entering and in the event that a tree was used for the construction of the house.

Concrete staircase is considered the most durable, durable and convenient in operation. If during the construction of the Master's stairs, the technologies followed and comply with all the requirements, the steps will not pass moisture and will be wear-resistant.

The design may be in the form:

  • circle;
  • trapezium;
  • square;
  • rectangle.

Also, the steps can be decorated with the form of a veranda, or just be in an open or closed form.

The main distinguishing feature of the ladder from concrete is that the metal frame is well protected from precipitation and other weather cataclysms, which prevents corrosion and destruction of the base.

How to perform a formwork?

Porch of concrete

So that the territory near the house was transformed with the help of a staircase, first of all you will need to make a formwork. The formwork is a kind of "shape" in which a concrete solution is poured. For monolithic structures, it is possible to use a conventional formwork for a typical shape.

The formwork is installed in the place where you plan to place a staircase. The main task is to consolidate all the details with the help of dowels, nails and other materials for fixing. It is very important that the formwork was durable, otherwise she will be able to collapse or deform, which will lead to an unsuitability of the whole design.

In order for the staircase turned out to be smooth, it is worth picking up a wooden planed board for formwork, which is firmly attached to each other. It would not be bad if you inside additionally annoy the boards with a smooth plywood. Please note that all the bars should not have any cracks and other damage. This is very important, because the solution should not leak through the gaps of the wood.

Before pouring a concrete, the surface of the boards is wetted with water, so that the tree is soften and it has become more supplied. Also, the solution will be harder to absorb themselves, and at the end it will turn out a more even and smooth surface.

Cooking mortar for filling steps

We make a staircase for the porch yourself

To arrange a porch at home with a staircase, you will need to knead the concrete solution. For this you will come in handy:

  • sand;
  • water;
  • crushed stone (can be replaced by gravel);
  • cement powder.

I would like to emphasize that if one of the above list is eliminated to eliminate crushed stone or its analogues, then you do not prepare concrete, but a simple cement solution.

A proportional combination of ingredients depends on the brand of cement and the required brand of concrete: the higher the concrete brand, the better quality it turns out the mixture.

To prepare a concrete solution under the brand 200, you will need cement at number 400 in proportions with sand one to two. Most often, the ratio of components is observed in this form:

  • 1 part of cement;
  • 2 pieces of sand;
  • 4 parts of rubble;
  • 0.5 parts of water.

But, it is not worth it to stick to this ratio. It all depends on the quality of raw materials. Do not try to save, buying a cheap cement powder! Better buy a high brand material, and choose sand without clay inclusions. If you are not a specialist, then you can distinguish sand with clay still: it has a pronounced yellowish tint. But you need river sand - gray, better if it is succeeding and cleaned.

It does not interfere with the preparation of concrete mass to use various additives in the form of stabilizers and hydrophobizers, which will only improve the properties of the concrete mass.

You can knead the concrete both manually and concrete mixer. To do this, water is mixed with cement, then sand is plugged, and in the completion, rubble or its analogues are added. All ingredients are embedded to a homogeneous consistency, which will be similar to the sour cream.

What do you need to have at hand?

Concrete staircase for the porch

In order for the house porch got a concrete staircase, you will need to purchase a certain material, as well as tools. For high-quality work, you will be useful for you:

  • concrete mixer;
  • shovel;
  • mysteries or buckets in which you can easily knead the solution;
  • sand, crushed stone, water and cement powder;
  • iron or steel fittings;
  • materials for fixing (nails, dowel, etc.);
  • planed wood bars;
  • plywood;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • plane;
  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer.

Before pouring concrete, rods from metal are installed around the perimeter of the entire formwork, which are firmly associated or welded with each other. If welding is used, you need to grab the strainer with a point with a step in 10-15 cm. Such your actions will increase the level of strength of the structure, get rid of you on the possible appearance of cracks and deformation of the formwork.

To protect the surface of the staircase from possible destruction, cover them with a metal area. For this, rods are welded to the corner, which are then immersed in liquid concrete.

It is very important to install the reinforced iron march. This will give the strength to the average staircase, which is there no support. If under the march will be a solid basis, concrete can not be reinforced. It is possible to install the march, both in the staircase array, and weld to plates from the metal, which are laid down in the staircase or in the design itself.

Technique fill solutions

Staircase with her own hands

At the end of all preparatory processes to install the stairs on the porch of the house, you can begin directly fill the steps.

As a rule, the steps are poured with a single monolithic unit into one approach. This gives greater adhesion and strength of the steps themselves.

Please note that the width of the house of the house is 1.5 times more than the width of the doorway. But, it's just a recommendation, and not strict rule.

After the fill of the concrete solution, it is better to moisten with water, which will give the surface of smoothness. At the end of work on the pouring of the porch, the spatula or direct frame aligns the applied layer of concrete.

Please note that all the steps on the porch at the house should be one height, to prevent bruises or accidents of guests and households. The recommended height of the steps is up to 25 cm.

Since the time to froze the concrete, you need a little, just a few hours, the next day you can already walk on the steps. But if you have the opportunity, still give a new-made porch at home to stand a couple of days.

I also want to say that the installation of steps can be carried out only in dry weather. Since the concrete must dry up gradually, so if it is too hot or on the contrary, a rainy day is to cover it with a film.

We carry out the calculation of the steps

Staircase made of concrete

Of course, only the owners of the house can choose material for the construction of steps. But, despite the selected material, it is necessary to pre-conduct all the necessary calculations:

  • calculate the angle of inclination of the steps;
  • determine the length of the march;
  • determine the number of steps.

So that all calculations were performed correctly, follow the requirements of SNiP, which are shown in the table below.

We hope that our article was useful to you and interesting. Good repair!

The staircase accompanies humanity for thousands of years. It would still be: more affordable and at the same time effective way to move up and down Civilization has not yet invented.

People tend to build a career ladder all their life, we will talk about a more pragmatic question - namely: how to pour the staircase from concrete.

Before proceeding with such an important case, like the fill of the staircase from concrete with their own hands it is necessary to clarify the following principal moments for themselves:

How to pour out the ladder from concrete: Important moments Photo
General planning within the concept of a house or section

Calculation of strength characteristics

Calculation of the cost of the project

What instruments will be needed in the manufacture

The appearance of the product plays a large role in the overall interior.

Important! Be sure to take into account the moment that the arrangement of concrete stairs, by virtue of technological and design features, is possible only upon linking its manufacture with general construction at the time of construction of the house. Make a staircase from concrete just like this or during the current repairs in the house, in the overwhelming majority will not be released.

If you do not have experience in the manufacture of stairs from reinforced concrete, then the fill of the concrete staircase on the porch will become an excellent case. With it and start.

We draw a porch: first experience

How to pour on your own and reasonable spending?

As a rule, such products have a single-hour construction, there are few limited in space, not critical on the calculations of the static load on the base, are easily separated by a full range of decorating materials suitable for use outdoors. The price of manufacture, as perhaps, is quite attractive.

Preliminary calculations: Learn to draw

And in this case, you will not be limited in choosing constructive and technological solutions.

Practice and instructions show that the concrete staircase for the porch has the following averaged parameters:

  • stage height 17-18 cm;
  • the width of the stage or as it is also called a stepping plane of 30 cm;
  • the design of the staircase is solidized with a bunch of a step-riser;
  • the base is the foundation plate or tape made by classical technology.

On the ground is placed a work perimeter, which reflects the boundary size, design features, places of adjuncing to other designs of the house, the place of amplification or ligament of the stairs by using special technological techniques.

Important! At least on the sketch, it is necessary to note the presence and design of fences, canopies, decorative illumination, anti-skid elements and antiode systems. Their dimensions, fastening methods, the location of the power supply channels and other things. The presence of visual information will be a good help, and will allow you to lay the necessary items in the overall design at the stage of draft work.

Foundation arrangement: cheap and not very

The rational solution will be the creation of the base plate on the indigenous anchors. On the one hand, this will significantly reduce the thickness of the base plate, on the other to save on the number of fittings due to the absence of free or, as they are also called the reinforcers, "empty" weeping.

The indigenous anchor, this is either a special product, or vertically bluled fitting fittings, which in its cross section is 2 times higher than the cross section of the main mating reinforcement. The indigenous anchor is installed in the corners, adjoits and other responsible for the load of the construction sites.

Horizontal knitting reinforcement vacuosity are maximally fixed on anchors, as a rule, electric arc welding. Knitting wire is undesirable.

Attention. For those who wish to save on expensive fittings, subject to lasting maternal soil, small size of the stairs and the presence of close-based metallurgical enterprises, it is possible to organize a carrier basement cushion on slag-water technology.

Be sure to make sure that the dump slag is released from the blast furnace, since the electrometallurgical slags are practically devoid of portland cement. A significant disadvantage of this method should be considered a longer period of time for the ripening of the array, compared with the monolithic concrete according to the classical recipe.

We recruit the formwork: the designer of Lego in an adult

Perhaps this is the most responsible moment in the whole process. It is from the fact that you can carefully and carefully collect all the elements, not only the aesthetic perception of the future product, but also durability and durability depends.

And since the house begins with the porch, it is not necessary to underestimate the importance of this element.

Modern technologies provide for use when performing concrete works of typical inventory quick-scale formwork, which a few orders simplifies and speeds up the process. But due to their high cost, the use of such elements is justified in the manufacture of a series of uniform structures.

In the rest of the same cases, a sufficiently commercial cutting board "Thumbs" with a thickness of 25 mm. Or sheet plastic if you are planning the presence of radius elements in the design of the radius elements, such as rounded stuffing steps, socios, and other things.

Attention. It should be borne in mind that a large number of radius elements will create objective difficulties upon subsequent finishing of the finished staircase. Straight cut ceramics, porcelain stoneware, artificial and natural stone is much more technological than curvilinear.

When deciding how to pour a concrete ladder with your own hands, in addition to the edged board, you will need:

  • phosphatated self-tapping screw over wood;
  • stubborn metal corners for high-quality binding of angular elements that are easy to make independently;
  • marking Cornel;
  • roulette.

Another question is: how to pour a staircase from concrete not only qualitatively, but also fast? Here without means of small mechanization is unlikely to do.

From the tools are extremely desirable:

  • manual circular saw or electrolybiz with an elongated cloth of 150 mm;
  • network or rechargeable screwdriver;
  • vibration grinding machine for removing irregularities on planes, transitions, tides of the already hardened product.

The board flashes into the components of the elements, while, in the process of marking, the thickness of the pairing overlapping should be taken into account, equal to the thickness of the board. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to take care of the production of spacers, which will ensure the preservation of the perpendicularity of the flat elements when applied to them the load when pouring concrete stairs.

Subsequent tiers will fully provide wooden bars of a small cross section, comfortable in the installation.

Set of reinforcement frame: Skeletons in the closet

Old concreteers are precisely such unsightly names and dubbed two basic operations. A set of formwork "pinned a coffin or wardrobe", and linking the reinforcement laid the "skeleton" there. And the name is very faithful in essence.

It is from the strength and quality of the skeleton directly depends on the life expectancy of the staircase. Basic renovation of fittings are widely known and described.

We repeat that the indigenous nodes are not suitable to weld with electric arc welding, and the cells of the plane are associated with a looped knitting knitting steel wire. In production conditions, it is subjected to medium-temperature annealing, which causes high plasticity and softness.

Laying the bottom layer of the reinforcement grid, do not forget to evenly post it over the "sole" at a distance of at least 30 mm.

The thickness of the reinforcement grid and the cell size choose, based on the reasonable economic needs and the specific design of the product.

When set the frame, be sure to close the plugs of future technological channels and sockets of mortgage elements. At the same time, a pre-prepared technological sketch or a drawing of the future product will be as impossible.

Pouring concrete array: from water to stone

Proven practice recipe preparation of concrete mixes as follows:

  • portland cement (10 parts);
  • crushed stone fraction 10-20 mm (30 parts);
  • sand mass (20 pieces);
  • water (7 parts).

Important. Work on the fill with concrete steps must be carried out by a single operation, without breaking it in time. Otherwise, perhaps an incomplete closure of an array of artificial stone. Professional concreteers call such a prayer pie, sometimes adding "Babushkin".

Operation on the Pouring It is necessary to start the bottom, carefully tracking the preservation of the strength of the formwork design under the load resulting, and in time aligning the glambled and offset struts. Feeding the mass of the frame, follow the good filling of all sinuses and submutions, preventing the formation of emptiness and cavities.

The video in this article shows the key points of the manufacturing technology and the procedure.

The use of the vibrator makes it possible to get a more dense and high-quality array. In extreme cases, pour the steps from the concrete can be without it. As a budget option, the manual traam is suitable.

If the first experience ended well, the miscalculations and technological nuances are taken into account, it is necessary to move to a more complex version, the manufacture of concrete staircase to the second floor with their own hands.

Inter-storey staircase: more and higher and higher

How to pour a concrete staircase to the second floor, not attracting hired workers without spending unnecessary tools, and having confidence as performed works.

Deciding for such a step, you need to know exactly how to correctly pour the staircase from the concrete, and why it is impossible to do, since such responsible elements of errors do not forgive.

Based on the layout of the room and other nuances, it is immediately necessary to decide on the type of stairs, which will connect the floors:

View of the stairs Design features Application
Monolithic single-sighted staircase

  • The angle of inclination of the marching span is 30-40 degrees,
  • 18-20 cm,
  • the width of the stepping platform is 27-32 cm.

Side ends can be an open and closed type, which implies the use of both in the interstitial space and as a separate independent design.

  • The simplest and most universal design.
  • Wide demand for finishing and designer experiments.
  • Does not require a complex formwork and additional relations in the inter-storey space.
  • Demanding space due to the long single span.
  • The staircase of this type has a very large mass, especially when lining with an array of porcelain stoneware, natural and artificial marble, and so on.
Single-sample staircase with monolithic kosoour and step-to-type steps without a risk

  • The angle of the Marsh span up to 42 degrees,
  • step height up to 22 cm,
  • the width of the stepping platform is up to 30 cm
  • Due to the absence of risers, it is possible to generally relieve the design compared to the previous type up to 35-40%.
  • Due to the absence of restrictions for foot sock, it is possible to reduce the width of the stepping platform.
  • This type of stairs is less demanding of the strength and mass-dimensional characteristics of the reference site.
  • Objectively smaller amount of finishing materials required for the finishing finish of the finished product.
  • Due to the end-to-end construction, it is undesirable to accommodate the flights of such stairs over rest zones in the house.
  • Higher requirements for the strength characteristics of cosomes and additional supporting structures.
Multiple stairs of monolithic and end-to-end types, including stairs with intermediate turntables

  • The angle of inclination of the marching flights can be broken and fluctuated in the range of 30-45 degrees.
  • Height of the stepping platform and the width of the stage within the generally accepted standard values
  • Apply in the case of a limited space that does not allow you to apply simple single-sample spans.
  • Due to the use of structural separation of masses, the static load on the base is more rationally distributed.
  • Require more commercial concrete to perform monolith.
  • As a result, the amount of finishing materials and related accessories increases.
  • A more complex formwork and the use of the combined mating system of the force frame.
, comprehensive multi-stradic designs both with a closed and open step

  • A constructive feature should be considered the presence of a "ridge" axis, around which the steps with a practically complete absence of rectilinear sites are suspended.
  • The height of the step and the width of the stepping platform within the limits of generally accepted for other types of stairs
  • It is used in the absence of free space for the manufacture and installation of stairs of other types, very often placed in erkers and other dedicated elements of the house design.
  • Require very accurate calculations of the conversion and high culture and manufacturing experience.
  • A multi-level power frame dressing system and flexible formwork is used.
  • Not recommended for self-making to persons who do not have relevant knowledge and production practices.

Technical nuances: Briefly about the main

In the main aspects of the question: Concrete stairs - how to fill it right, we figured out. Nuances remained:

  • In general, the manufacture of ladders from concrete to the second floor, the technology does not differ from the manufacture of the stairs for the porch of the house. Of the features it is necessary to note the following. The brand of finished concrete should not be lower than in-15
  • As an inert filler, with independent preparation of concrete mixture, it is desirable to use granite rubble FR.5-25 with a minimum content of peshemat and dust-like inclusions. As sand, the use of enriched quartz with a module 0.8-1.1 is welcomed.
  • How to pour steps from concrete with a solution of such a thick consistency? At the initial stage, without a skill, do not do, and then the accumulated skills will make their job, and the concrete is poured as oil.
  • When preparing the basis, the fields of the lower floor are impossible, heat-insulated using foams, minvat, and the like materials. Otherwise, a cutting of an insulating sandwich is needed, and the fill with a full-fledged reinforced bearing plate.

The location of the staircase marches at angles in the corners are superincted.

A progressive step with a set of power frame, it is not necessary to consider the use of not cut, but bent along the profile of the armature design.

This is an order of magnitude reduces the occurrence of internal stresses and increases the overall stability of the power frame on the gap, breaking and twisting. The bending of the reinforcement rod is conveniently carried out with the help of roller-lever fixtures.

Do not forget about the rule "one day" - that is, the whole design must be pouring at a time, without breaking over time. Well, I remember about the order from below. This will avoid the appearance of emptiness and cavities. Video: The fill of the concrete staircase can be viewed several times, focusing on important points.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the manufacture of the staircase from concrete with their own hands while compliance with the main technological techniques is not some kind of complex process.

However, it should be remembered that the domestic legislator clearly regulated the conduct of such works by the state standards of 9818-85 "marches and stairs of stairs reinforced concrete", which must be taken into account when conducting independent work, and then the bay stairs from concrete will serve as faithfully for many years.

The staircase is a complex building structure, which should differ high reliability, safety, durability, aesthetic and comfort. All regulations listed corresponds to a concrete staircase. The manufacture of concrete ladder is better to entrust professionals. When working, you need to make the right calculations, create a unique project and comply with all steps of step-by-step instructions.

Such a staircase is often installed in capital or street buildings from concrete and brick, its operating time is more than 50 years, and subsequent cosmetic repairs actualizes the design and extends the service life of up to 100 years.

Benefits of concrete stairs

In comparison with the wooden design, the tab of the concrete ladder is carried out in the process of building a private house. This is one of the object details that enhances structural strength. Other concerns include:

  • reliability, strength, long service life;
  • resistance to humidity, minimum risk of fire;
  • the possibility of bookmarks together with the building than the savings are ensured;
  • application resistant to corrosion steel reinforcement;
  • the possibility of finishing by any building material;
  • resistance to negative external factors, reinforced operation.

Choosing a staircase type

Before the start of construction work should determine the type of construction, the form of the ladder, pick up suitable high-quality building materials. At the acquisition of raw materials, it is not necessary to save much, since its quality can strongly affect the reliability and durability of the finished product. The staircase cannot be used immediately after filling the steps, since the set of strength of concrete lasts up to 4 weeks. Only after that you can remove the formwork. You also need to decide in advance with the location of the design, the way to open doors.

According to the design, monolithic stairs are divided into direct (single and two-time), spiral (or screw). The screw options with running steps aesthetic look, they are more in demand among consumers, but require a formwork with a radial form, so it is most often performed by an individual order.

The elementary option is the direct inter-storey staircase with one march located between two walls. In this case, there will be no end parts of the structure, and the fastening of the formwork is carried out to the walls. It is harder to make a semicircular or monolithic structure, based on one wall. For the design of the free end to the design you need to add one side part. You can choose a marching system where there are no supports on the walls (supporting elements is the bottom and upper overlap), the formwork is assembled with the side elements.

But for the construction of a single-hour version, there is no place for the place, so preference is given to a two-hours-free version with running steps or platforms between marchs.

Also, concrete ladders are monolithic, combined, prefabricated from marches of factory manufacture and typical.

The first type is performed on the spot using the filling technology of a concrete solution into a formwork, can be installed anywhere (on the porch, street or basement).

Classic version of fully monolithic design

The second option is a metal structure of a complex shape (frame) with concrete steps. Each step is cast using formwork and reinforcing grid, and a marble crumb and granite crushed stone is used as a building material. The dried surface is polished.

Prefabricated marches of factory manufacturers are used mainly in apartment buildings, but if desired and the presence of a small lifting crane, this option may also take place. The main advantage is the price, disadvantage - limited standard dimensions.

The typical types consist of a concrete beam (cowra) and individual steps that are rectangular, triangular, corner and grooves. Reinforced concrete species are performed in the factory conditions for specified sizes and have a standard form.

Set of steps in steel Kosomers

Calculation of stairs

Before starting construction work, you need to measure space, make a scheme, drawing or project planned design with a preliminary calculation of all elements and an indication of the required size. The drawing is being developed with a reflection of the structural parameters, the number of steps, heights and widths. As a rule, the height of the steps is 15-18 cm, and the minimum width of the span is the value of 80-90 cm. It is also necessary to take into account the material thickness of the finish, to know the construction standards, perform the work in stages, do not forget about the presence of fences and mortgage elements.

The angle of lifting

The first parameter is the angle of inclination (lifting), the value of which affects the length and height of the structure. So, with an equal height, the product with an angle of inclination of 25 ° will be longer than the analogues with indicators of 35 ° and 45 °.
For the construction of a staircase with an angle of 45 degrees (the projection of the flight 3 meter) will spend 2.35 times less building materials than for the product with an angle of 25 ° (the proceed of 6.4 m).

Optimum slope range 24 - 37 degrees

In accordance with the leadership, it is necessary to choose the angle of lifting on the basis of the appropriate sizes of the march, the complexity of the structure and its comfort.

Dimensions of steps

Deciding with an angle of inclination and high, work on the design of concrete stairs includes breakdowns on the steps. The optimal size of the stage for calculating the width is 27-30 cm, at a height of 16-20 cm. If you make higher stages, it will be more difficult for them to move both elderly and people who are accustomed to the standard step. Very low steps less than 15 cm will also be uncomfortable for an adult, and for children it is the best option.

It is possible to select the parameters of the steps using formula: 2H + L \u003d 60-64 cm, where H-Poddens (the height of the stage), L- episposition (width). To calculate, you can take the above indicators: 2 * 18 + 30 \u003d 66 cm.

Width of the stairs

As a rule, the width of the staircase in the country house depends on the free tall or space between the walls where it will be placed. It should not be 80 cm, since when climbing the second floor along a narrow staircase (or descent from it), a person will feel like in a tunnel. It will also inconvenient to carry any items. Therefore, the optimal size will be 90-120 cm.

It is necessary to build a safe and reliable fence, especially when elderly people live in the house and children. If the fence is located on the steps, it will slightly reduce the effective width of the march, have this in mind when calculating.

Online calculator for calculating

For your convenience, you can make all the calculations using a convenient one.

Collection of formwork

After performing the calculations you need to independently build a formwork. For construction, the following materials will be required:

  • moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of 1.2-1.8 cm, edged board with a thickness of 3 cm for the bottom of the formwork, flaming and risers;
  • moisture-resistant plywood sheets (0.6-0.9 cm) for the manufacture of curvilinear zones;
  • 10x10 cm supporting bars or 15-17 cm width boards 5 cm thick for backups;
  • bars 10x10 cm for mounting boards or plywood sheets;
  • metal corners;
  • fastenings (timber screws) 3.5 mm;
  • concrete, ironing for alignment of the solution, grater, device for burning the edges of concrete structures.

In order for the concrete surface after frozen to remain smooth, you need to grind in contact with the solution of wooden formwork parts. When using smooth plywood, no leveling procedures are required.

1 - Bar for fastening formwork elements; 2 - tightening timber; 3 - layout of a running step; 4 - end formwork.

Formwork needs to be collected with the following actions:

  • the lower part is exhibited from large boards and plywood sheets. They are tightly bonded between themselves bars on the outside. The bottom of the design is supported by bars or boards, while the step of the backup should correspond to the step of the steps. Fix the details of self-draws that are convenient to unscrew during the dismantling process;
  • on the sides, they put flaws from the edged board or plywood, reinforcing it outside the boards;
  • mount the bars of risers to flaming or wall with metal corners;
  • the joints in the details are closed with a mortar from cement and sand or aligned with a planer, grinding machine.

Formwork elements location scheme

The thicker will be bars, the higher the structural strength. The weight of the construct from the reinforced concrete will be great, which should be taken into account in the construction process. Apply additional rigidity can be transverse bars.


For a small staircase in the cottage, reinforcement can be made by a mesh that is binding from the reinforcement size 1-1.2 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm (the size of the mesh cells will be 15x20 cm). Rods are connected wire.

Large products must be performed from the reinforcement frame, which includes several grids mounted by vertical rods or welding. The distance between the grids is 2-3 cm.

The framework is the cozer cozer, where the frozen concrete solution will be recorded, so its horizontal rods must be fixed in the wall, in the pre-drilled holes. The grid or frame fit in the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe formwork in 2-3 centimeters from the bottom (you can raise the armat with the help of supports, bricks or stones). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe railing, you need to put plugs or metal plates.

Pouring concrete

During the concreting, a concrete brand is not below the M200 (from B15 class). The solution is mixed in the concrete mixer or ordered in the Republic of Belarus, must contain the following components: 10 parts of cement, 30 parts of the rubble fraction 10-20 mm, 20 parts of sand and 7 parts of water. If the composition is dense, then you can add 3 parts of the water.

Now you need to correct the composition:

  • first, the lower steps are performed;
  • the solution is trambed to give strength and density. To do this, you can use the reinforcement, which concrete is pushed in several sites. Professionals recommend using a more reliable method - a building vibrator that squeezes concrete through the formwork;
  • pressing the right shape of the steps, the diagnosis of culma;
  • pouring the rest of the elements and the porch;
  • covering the solution with a film to protect against cracks and early hardening. You can also regularly moisten the outer surface of the flooded area with water.

Removal of formwork

Concrete gains strength for 4 weeks. After 7 days you need to remove boards from steps and sides. The released surfaces are aligned with a grinding machine or a grinder with a circle for processing concrete. After 21 day, remove retaining bars with the lower structure of the structure. And only on the 28th day you can completely remove the remaining formwork.

Finishing cladding

Concrete staircase, made by hand, can have different finish options: from wood, laminate, tiles, carpet, acrylic stone or porcelain stoneware. Laying of any material should be carried out on an even basis. After dismantling the formwork on the site can remain unevenness that it is recommended to clean with grinding and plaster. Face parts are usually plastering and covered with paint. After that, the steps are covered with one of the materials.

Facing the surface can be performed by tiles, artificial or natural stone with a rough surface. The material is placed on cement mortar or tile glue. According to the same technology, the mosaic is placed, performing original compositions from small elements.

Photo instructions for installing clinker steps

The finish can be made of wood panels, resistant to abrasion. For this, larch and exotic rocks that have passed antiseptic processing are selected.

Installation of wood sheat from larch

An excellent processing is a laminate, which is resistant to abrasion, is simple in laying and durable.

If children or the elderly live in the house, you can choose a carpet available in different colors.

Finish stage is a carpet trim

To save steps, you can simply paint high-quality paint along concrete.

Color - cheap, but in your own interesting option

In any case, the appearance of the ladder is associated with the taste preferences and financial capabilities of the owner.

One of the best solutions of the inter andgeted message is a concrete staircase. The finished values \u200b\u200bhave completely categorical standardization and their use in an atypical architecture is limited. In this article we will look at the process and technology of creating a concrete staircase with their own hands.

The principles of calculating the concrete ladder

So that the staircase is convenient for each tenant, it must be correctly calculated. Of course, you can define the parameters empirically by measuring the height and length of the steps of the real staircase, which you use and consider convenient. But it is better to adhere to the proven method of calculation.

The horizontal plane of the step is called projected, and the vertical - concern. The width of the sticking should be sufficient so that the stop is resting on it not less than 80%. The safest and most convenient are stairs with an expense of 300 mm, when climbing the stairs with wider steps, you probably betrayed with a step, and a narrower disposal will make the descent inconvenient. The width of the staircase should be at least 80 cm for a convenient passage of people and at least 120 cm, if you plan to put the furniture or bulky objects on the stairs.

The dependence of the height and width of the stage from the angle of lifting the stairs

The height of the concern is selected depending on the width of the sticky. For steps of 300 mm wide, the optimal will be height in 150 mm. If you want to make steps wider than 10 mm, the approach and vice versa should be reduced to the same value.

It is believed that the amount of double height of the oppon date and the width of the sticking should be equal to the middle step of the person - 400-600 mm. This indicator is individual and depends on the growth of a person, so if children live in the house, make the staircase more secure, increasing the disposal and reduce the width of each stage.

Knowing the optimal height of the concern, divide the difference between the floors to this value, and you will receive the number of steps in the stairs. The fractional balance of fission is the height of the first frieze stage. By multiplying the number of steps on the width of the sticky, you define the length of the horizontal projection of the staircase march and install whether the staircase is placed in the space allotted for it.

If the stair march does not fit, you can make it shorter, increasing the angle of lifting. The most convenient and safe is the slope of the stairs in 26-37 °, on the sharp stairs to rise more difficult, and when the bias over 45 ° is, only back is possible. To determine the angle of the stairs, use the model of a rectangular triangle, in which the cathets are coming and concerned. Calculate the angle you can, dividing the height of the stage on its width and using the table of the values \u200b\u200bof the corner tangents.

Determination of the angle of inclination of the stairs in height and width of the stage

If you do not want to sacrifice comfort, do not change the widths and heights of the steps. Instead, divide the span with an interstitial platform, make 5-6 lower steps to get rid or build a radial spiral staircase. Note that in this case the width of the step in a narrow place should not be less than 100 mm.

Rules of reinforcement of stairs

The concrete staircase is a self-sustaining design that needs an additional support only if the rotation angle of the march exceeds 180 °. Otherwise, in the central part of the monolithic design, the load on the break will exceed the regulatory values \u200b\u200band compensation will be compensated - fastening to the walls or the structure of the support columns.

The main load in the concrete staircase accounts for the reinforcement, the amount of which is recorded, in comparison with other progress - from 1.7 to 3% of the cross section along the length of the span and up to 0.8% of the width section. The stamps of the ST-5 brand are laid along the span with a pitch between the rods:

  • 120 mm with a diameter of the rod 10 mm;
  • 160 mm at a diameter of 12-14 mm;
  • 180 mm at a diameter of 16 mm;
  • 200 mm with a diameter of more than 18 mm.

Reinforcement in lateral projection is performed in a step of 250-300 mm. Reinforcement of sites is performed in a step of 200 mm in each direction.

Fastening the reinforcement to mortgage elements in the walls is performed not so much in order to provide an additional support, how much for the monolithicness of the structure and in order to avoid the appearance of cracks during the sediment of the building. However, to overlaps, the monolith stairs should have a rigid fastening through the release of mortgaging reinforcement by 60-80 mm.

The valve forms a grid folded without a lumen and placed on plastic locks that control the protective layer of concrete at 3-5 cm from each edge. A two-row reinforcement is enough for stairs with 18 steps, in longer spans you will need an additional third series of longitudinal reinforcement, located above the main grid by 5-6 cm.

At the crosshairs, the grid is associated with wire or nylon clamps. Each rod of the reinforcement should be solid over the entire length or width, but it is not always possible on long spans or radius stairs. Therefore, it is allowed to splicing mortgage elements:

  • knitting with overlap in 24 nominal diameters;
  • welding with one-sided seam when overlapping in 12 diameters;
  • two-sided welding with two-sided seams in 6 diameters.

The steps in reinforcement do not need, but to protect them from chips, it is reasonable to use the steel grid of 4x50 mm under a layer of concrete 2 cm.

Installation of formwork

The ladder formwork is easier than it may seem. At the beginning of the moisture-proof plywood or osp, the chute is mounted, strictly horizontal in the diameter and with vertical walls, bonded with each other with screed planets, one on each stage. The role of the walls of the gutter can perform adjacent walls. On the inner surface of the walls, the reysmus is marked the height of the ramp - the staircase carrier plate, which is equal to the thickness of the reinforcement plus the upper and lower protective layer. Next, the ruler, and for the radius staircase, the thread of a fixed length, the vertical facets of the steps are noted on the conducted line. The length of the inclined segment is equal to square root from the sum of the squares of the height and length of the steps (Pythagorea law).

According to the tags, the vertical lines are carried out, on which the height of the steps is marked. To check, it is necessary to postpone the horizontal line on the new mark and measure the distance between the intersection points with the vertical and the inclined line of the ramp: it must be equal to the length of one step.

According to the applied marks, vertically, the layout of the layout of the steps, fixing them to the walls of the gutter, the top of each step remains open. Neighboring boards are bonded by wedge-shaped struts, one for every 80 cm of the width of the span. The wide part of the wedge is attached to the end to the top board, the narrow part is superimposed on the top edge of the lower. Special attention should be paid to the walls of the gutter, they will have the main load.

The formwork is back by repairs or telescopic racks with a permissible load of up to 800 kg. The number of racks is one for every 1.2 m 2 of the surface of the ramp. To install the backups to the bottomwork, screw the transverse bars of 40x40 mm to the bottom, so that the semblance of an inverted ladder is formed.

Pouring stairs

Filling the staircase between the floors is performed in one stage. Manually do not prepare such a number of concrete, and for the quality of the mixture of handicraft cooking, it is impossible to vouch. Therefore, you will have to calculate the inner volume of the formwork, equal to the volume of the ramp plus the volume of one step, multiplied by their number. It is recommended to order concrete class B30 or higher with a reserve at least 10% of the initial volume to account for losses during transportation.

Pouring the staircase begins with the lower steps with gradual progress as filling the formwork and leveling the surface. Concrete must be traumatized, and at the end of the fill to take the vibration. The drawders of the mixture on the steps after the shrinkage can be eliminated by the plot at once or the m300 cement mortar on the cement of the brand 500 the next day.

Concrete is gaining sufficient strength for 14 days. During the drying period, it is necessary to moisturize the surface to avoid the appearance of cracks. After two weeks, the formwork is removed and transferred to finishing work.

Finishing work: how to simplify the facing

There are many ladder facing options, ranging from simple painting and ending with styling special marble plates. It is only important to give a few tips that will significantly simplify further refining.

Tip 1. Carefully prepare formwork. Up to the complete sealing of cracks and complete shtcloth. The formwork is a form, and if its surface is perfectly smooth, then after dismantling it will only be left to eliminate small defects in concrete to produce a completely smooth coating.

Tip 2. Reline the steps the next day after the fill. If the formwork is mounted correctly, in the future it will remain only slightly pollnate the face.

Tip 3. Provide in advance mortgage elements for railings and fences. This will not only simplify their installation, but also does not break the strength of the structure.

Tip 4. Do not save on struts and support formwork. Even a small curvature or journaling will ruin the appearance.

Tip 5. Make the steps of the same height for the possible exception of the frieze.

Tip 6. Start the staircase finish only after the complete completion of the repair in the house.

For a long time, the ladders from the concrete stopped using only during the construction of multi-storey panel or brick houses. When planning the construction of your own house with two or more floors, many even at the design stage make a decision to build inside the premises, a solid and reliable concrete ladder to move between different floors with their own hands.

Such an option of lifting to height is very convenient in operation, and when planning, you can take into account your own wishes. For example, design the height of the steps, depending on whether there is children or elderly in the family, or set other desired parameters.

In this article you will learn how to pour the ladder by concrete

Advantages and disadvantages of concrete ladder

If the main criterion when choosing a method of erection of a staircase is the durability and reliability of the whole structure, then the most likely decision will be the filling of stairs from durable concrete. These designs have a number of indisputable advantages:

  • moisture resistance design both inside and outside the house;
  • fire resistance, especially if decoration and decoration are also made of refractory materials;
  • in terms of reliability and durability are comparable to the service life of the house itself;
  • silent, the steps of such a design will not begin to creak, like steps of wooden;
  • the possibility of a variety of design finishes, decorating with wooden elements, marble;
  • many options for location, shapes and structures in the manufacture of concrete stairs.

Concrete during construction in private homes is several times superior to all other materials used for such purposes.

In this video you will learn how to fill a formwork:

They are able to withstand huge loads and do not require special care or repair during operation.

Of course, some shortcomings in such connecting structures are available. These include:

  • big labor costs during construction with their own hands;
  • relatively higher price than on simple wooden structures;
  • the considerable weight of a concrete structure, requiring reliable bases at the bottom and upstairs, support on overlappings, which makes it impossible to build such a staircase in light frame and wooden houses;
  • large deadline for the staircase due to the long frozen concrete;
  • the need for preliminary calculations and volume preparations for the fill process involving the production of formwork for steps.

Despite all the listed minuses, the popularity of monolithic concrete ladders does not fall under private house-building. Especially in the construction of two- or three-storey houses from gas-silicate brick.

Required calculations of material and sizes of design

Before you start calculating the parameters for the construction of the concrete staircase in a private house, it is necessary to determine its location. Since the concrete structure is difficult, it should be relying on a concrete basis, so there is a need to pre-pour the foundation under the stairs. The place to build the stairs is better to immediately foresee when designing the entire house before starting construction.

Calculate other parameters of the concrete staircase and understand how to do it, you can independently. The height of the lift is already known and equal to the height of the ceilings, so it is necessary to determine the length of the future staircase and its tilt angle. 45 ° is considered to be the maximum allowable angle to build a safe design, but it is better to take about 26-33 ° for convenience.

Having determined the angle of inclination, it is easy to calculate the length of the ladder itself and its projection on the floor. This can be done using a special calculator or independently, according to the formula for calculating the hypothenus of a rectangular triangle, knowing the value of the angle of inclination and one of the catheles (room height).

Under the value obtained, the length of the space under the staircase is calculated. If the room does not allow you to place such a long structure, it is worth considering a variant comprising several staircase marches.

Erecting the screw concrete staircase to the second floor, especially with a displaced center, do it yourself more difficult, so it is better to trust a specialist.

Moreover, knowledge in theoretical mechanics will need to carry out the right settlements.

It should be placed in such a way that the height of the overlap over the staircase was about 2 or more. This will make it up to the upper floors comfortable even for high people. The recommended design width for the private house ranges from 80 to 100 cm.

At the next stage, the width and height of the steps is calculated. The steeper the rise of the staircase march, the higher and they will already be. For a ladder with a small angle of inclination, on the contrary, the steps can be wide, and their height is less. It is possible to determine the optimal parameters by using tables, a special calculator or calculating themselves according to the formula, showing the dependence of the length of the step of person, height and width of the steps.

Need to correctly calculate the amount of the desired material

Knowing the height of one clad, you can calculate their quantity, based on the height of the stairs. And, accordingly, based on the data obtained, determine the width of the stage. The main thing, the parameters of the steps should maximize the requirements for the convenience of movement on them.

The obtained values \u200b\u200bare allowed to be adjusted within 5 mm. If the width of the sticky is too small and does not allow you to normally put the leg, then make so-called skes.

An important meaning for a heavy concrete structure is the thickness of the carrier work plate. Its width is determined, based on the height and length of the staircase march.

Stages of creating a monolithic concrete staircase with their own hands

With the construction of the concrete staircase, with their own hands after preparation and calculations, there will be several stages of its creation:

  • installed formwork for concrete staircase;
  • reinforcement is carried out;
  • placed risers (partitions for the formation of steps);
  • pouring concrete;
  • stripping.

Preparatory work

Deciding with the size of the staircase and calculating the main parameters before starting to the fill of the staircase from concrete, all the necessary materials are prepared:

  • plywood with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • edged board - 30-35 mm;
  • armature - 10-14 mm;
  • wire for shrewing of reinforcement;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • metal corners;
  • concrete mixer;
  • cement, sand, crushed stone, C-3 plasticizer.

Installation of the main formwork

How to make high-quality ladder formwork? To properly install the formwork in order to follow the fill of the monolithic staircase from concrete, step by step perform all the recommendations specified in the instructions. If the staircase is one side to rely on the wall, then you can start the settings of the future design on the supporting wall before starting installation. When designing a few marches, it is worth making a stroke (deepening) in the wall of approximately 10 cm, on which the transition site will be relying. The reliability and appearance of the future structure depends on the proper formwork.

At the first stage, the floor is perpendicular to the floor board with a height of equal to the height of one step and the planned band screed. It relies with a smooth solid moisture-resistant plywood length equal to the length of one march, which will become the base for the concrete slab. Installation of plywood under the desired angle is performed using bars or special telescopic racks. Brussia with parameters 100 × 100 mm will fully withstand the weight of the future design. And to strengthen the formwork, you can use metal corners.

The side parts of the formwork for the staircase are mounted to the plywood self-drawing, while all the wooden elements should fit tightly to each other so that the fill solution does not get into the existing gaps.

If there is no moisture-proof plywood and boards, they should be moistened with water or coat a film to prevent absorbing concrete into a wooden structure.


Reinforcement of any construct from concrete reinforced concrete increases its strength. The first layer of reinforcement is placed at a distance of about 30 mm on the base of the formwork, the grid of rods with square cells with a width and length of 150-200 mm is constructed. Under the construction you can put small steps or bricks. Longitudinal bars may be thicker than transverse, since they account for a large load. Although the valve of the same diameter is most often used, for example, 14 mm.

It is recommended to connect the valve between themselves with a special wire, welding can weaken the entire design. To enhance the staircase, you can lay out a metal mesh in two layers. In this case, the second row should be positioned by 30-40 mm above the first, and it is possible to make it from the rod with a diameter of 6 mm with the width of the cells 150 × 150 mm.

When placing the reinforcement grid, it is necessary to ensure that its edges are at a distance of 20-50 mm from the side formwork. Thus, the rods will be protected by a thick layer of concrete from external influences that can entail corrosion and destruction of reinforcement.

Completion of mounting formwork, installation of partitions, risers

After laying the reinforcements, they begin to mount the risers, which will help smoothly and correctly pour concrete steps. To do this, a rectangle is cut out of the plywood sheet, equal to the height of future steps or 10 mm more. All panels are cut as the same, since all the steps on the stairs will also be one size. Three parts are attached to the resulting rectangle - the supporting board and two side wooden parts.

The supporting board in length will be exactly the same as the length of the riser from plywood, and the side parts (lintels) of the thickness of the board of about 100-150 mm are needed in order to attach the resulting item to the sidewalls or wall of the finished base of formwork.

Do not forget about mounting formwork

Having made one oppomme care, it is necessary to try on the place of installation and, if necessary, make changes, and then finish the remaining parts for formworking exactly the same size. Attach jumpers to the sidewalls and wall with the help of self-tapping screws or copilyons. The installation of each panel should be accurately extinted and customized so that all the risers are located strictly perpendicular to the floor.

The risers must be installed strictly at the top edge of the stage, but they can be located slightly below the lower boundary.

This is done in order to create a small barrier for a concrete solution, which will facilitate the process of fill.

Pouring concrete

Recommending how to make a formwork for filling the monolithic concrete staircase, you can begin the preparation of a concrete solution and the fill of the frame. For the construction of durable structures, the concrete of the M250-300 brand is chosen. And for the construction of a porch from concrete it is worth choosing frost and moisture-resistant materials. The solution for filling the staircase march is prepared as follows:

  • half of the water part;
  • one piece of cement M400;
  • two parts of sand;
  • four parts of rubble;
  • superplastic C-3, 0.7% of cement mass.

The fill of concrete begins with the first stage and gradually moves up. Bay first two steps, it should be treated with a vibrator to remove air inside the mixture. You can also shoot a slightly hammer on the formwork, so the concrete mixture will fall, and it will be possible to add a portion.

The surface is leveled by a trowel and wait for 10-15 minutes, during this time the mixture will freeze, and it will be possible to pour the next two steps. If, with the further pouring of the concrete, the first steps will begin to rise under the pressure of the upper, you need to align them, removing the surplus of concrete.

After completing the work on the pouring of concrete, the finished staircase is covered with polyethylene to prevent rapid frost. The slower the concrete mixture will be stuck, the better it will grab and will be stronger in the end. The first week of polyethylene is removed several times a day, and the surface is sprayed with water to avoid cracking concrete.

Order and timing of the ramp

In order for the concrete structure to grab and achieve its strength, you need at least 3-4 weeks. Before complete drying of the solution and removal of the formwork, it is not worth walking along a flooded staircase, for this you need to provide other ways to move between the floors. For example, using a simple wooden staircase.

A week after the fill, you can remove formwork boards with steps. This will evaluate the quality of the work done and, if necessary, fill the cracks again. After 2 weeks, the side boards are removed, and another week and a half can be removed with support in the form of bars and lower formwork. Now the staircase is fully ready for moving along it.

Features of the manufacture of monolithic stairs made of concrete with their own hands

When it is already clear how to make a ladder from concrete for your own house with your own hands, you need to think about the work plan. Since it should be poured all the spans and marches at one time, it is worth purchasing or renting a suitable concrete mixer and take care of attracting assistants.

The formwork installation process is also very laborious, therefore, inviting a specialist who has experience in this area, many problems in the future can be avoided. By permitting an error at the preparatory stage or during the calculations, it is almost impossible to correct it.

Deciding to build a reliable concrete structure in the house to rise to the upper floors, you can consider a lot of possible finishes. And after removing the formwork, the staircase can immediately be used to move on it even without finishing. Possible erection options make a concrete structure suitable for houses of a small area, and in a huge cottage it can be a real decoration.