Two-storey house with a garage: beautiful ideas for construction. Two-storey houses with a garage: interesting projects 2-storey house with a garage

The car has long ceased to be a luxury. But she is much more than just a vehicle. For some motorists, a private car is like a child. And the "child" needs his own room, especially if he can easily take the driver to his home.


A two-storey private house, whether it is a full-fledged residential building or just a summer cottage, is a practical structure. Geographically, it occupies not so much space on the site than a similar one-story building with the same area. It looks compact, even if the amount of its square meters is far more than 100. Often, two-storey buildings are equipped with all the necessary rooms (living room, guest bedroom, playroom, bath or sauna, and garage), and not just a minimum - a kitchen and a bedroom.

The decision to build a garage side by side, under the same roof, in the basement or in the house itself, is also very practical, deliberate and ergonomic. After all, thanks to this, a technical room is obtained that will not freeze through in winter (which means that the car will start even with a very large minus outside the window), will be equipped with electricity and in the dark it will be possible to work on improving the running capabilities.

In general, a comfortable and even somewhat cozy room for an iron comrade. And besides, a building with a garage will take much less materials than two separate buildings. Less building material means less cost. Less cost means more savings.

Of course, there are also disadvantages in two-story buildings with a garage:

  • For the elderly and those with knee problems, constantly walking up and down stairs can be problematic. Therefore, they are most often assigned rooms downstairs, on the first floor.
  • There are certain difficulties in the construction of heating systems, as well as with water supply. It is necessary to lay pipes upwards. But this is all solvable.
  • The garage is the place where the car will work, which means there will be harmful exhaust gases. When selecting materials for construction, it is necessary to take into account their throughput. When designing, it is impossible to place bedrooms or other actively used premises next to the garage.

Materials (edit)

You can build a house with a garage from almost any material. Today there are a lot of both standard and individual construction projects from a wide variety of materials.

  • Brick house- building classics. Brick has a number of advantages (non-flammable, the houses are quite warm, aesthetically attractive), it is preferred by people who like solidity. Such a house can become a real fortress. However, for the construction of a two-story house, a lot of such material will be needed, and its installation requires a lot of time (or labor).

  • Wooden cottage- an expensive building, which experts refer to as elite buildings. They are natural and environmentally friendly. They look very attractive, but very expensive. However, there is always a demand for them, even in spite of the price.

  • Frame structure- modern building technology that allows you to build a spacious 2-storey building in just one or two seasons. Moreover, if a house is made by a reliable, proven developer, then it will become a comfortable home.

  • Foam block house- an economical and practical construction. Due to the size, so much material is not required (as, for example, with masonry). It has the ability to "absorb" harmful exhaust emissions, as well as a number of positive performance characteristics. True, upon completion of construction, finishing finishing work is almost mandatory. In finished form, the foam block house without processing looks gray and unprepossessing. Fortunately, the facade of such a house can be finished so that only the owners will know what their building was originally built from.

And regardless of what material the construction and design of a two-story building with a garage will be from, this is a very crucial stage. All solutions that the layout of the house embodies must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

It is vital to consider the ventilation system as well as the waterproofing system.


An extension garage to the house allows you to combine two buildings and at the same time save materials. Due to the fact that the garage is actually part of the building, the room can be equipped with everything you need (light, heat). In practice, the house has at least two entrances - "front" for everyone and the entrance to the garage. The garage stands as if it were a detached house, but at the same time it is connected to the main space of the house by means of a door. The location of the garage itself does not affect other rooms in any way.

The annex can be decorated with a separate roof, or it can be a logical continuation of the house and serve, for example, as a winter garden, or its roof can be an open terrace, and also be equipped with a balcony.

You can attach a garage either to the front or rear, or to the side of the house. When placed laterally, the geometry of the house is simply stretched. It is worth noting that the extension of the garage can be made after the construction of the dwelling. But with joint construction, the task of its construction is greatly simplified. There is no likelihood that the general foundation will sag, as it can happen with a separately built house.

The main difference between such two-story houses is that the garage is a full-fledged room, albeit of a technical nature. Above it there is a full second floor with a separate room or rooms.

If you look at a house in a section, the rooms are arranged as follows: on the ground floor, all service premises, as well as a kitchen, living room, study; on the second - lounges and bedrooms.

Houses with a garage and an attic save on building materials. At the same time, the garage area is actively "eaten up" by the attic, thereby compensating for the fact that a fairly large space remains uninhabited. Such house designs are suitable for erecting buildings on a small plot.

Basement for cars

When the house has a spacious and at the same time rather high basement, then it can be equipped in an underground garage. Often, service premises are located on the basement, such as a boiler room, a furnace, a bathhouse, a sauna. Therefore, it is also logical to place such a technical room as a garage downstairs.

When building a basement garage, it is important to understand that the vehicle will drive in and out at a certain angle of descent / ascent. And this slope must be made as gentle and comfortable as possible so that the car can drive outside the garage without any problems.

Houses with a high base will ideally fit into the landscape of the site, where there are small elevations. Moreover, they allow you to compensate for elevation differences in the most advantageous way.

In addition to the garage, zealous owners very often place other equally important service rooms in the house. A Russian bath or a Finnish sauna, which is located next to the garage, is a good solution for those who like a comfortable stay.

Bath or sauna can be located both in the basement and above on the ground floor. When building a house with a bathhouse or sauna, and even with a garage, it is important to take into account all the technical and operational aspects. The main thing is to ensure good waterproofing and thermal insulation during the construction of these premises. Then the upper rooms will not suffer from excessive overheating and humidity.

For two cars

When there is more than one car in the family, there is a problem with the shelter of one of the iron horses. There are two solutions to this issue. The first is the construction of a spacious garage for two cars; the second is the construction of two garages.

Why is it worth giving preference to a house with two tiers? Taking up less space on the site, it also has a large area. This allows you to functionally divide the house into zones: as a rule, projects of two-story houses with a garage provide for a day zone (living room, kitchen) downstairs, and a night zone (bedrooms, children's) upstairs. This, however, does not interfere with the provision of a guest bedroom downstairs in case of a visit by elderly relatives, who will feel much more comfortable on the first floor.

A two-story cottage will be cheaper, since its roof and foundation will be smaller than in a one-story house of the same area. And these, as you know, are the most expensive construction elements. In the projects of two-story houses with a garage, a room for a car fits very organically - it can be located on the ground floor in the house itself or in an extension. The choice of this option makes it easy to fit the parking lot into the heating system and provide access to the car directly from home, which is very convenient.

Why should a place for a car be included in the project documentation?

Often, those who want to build new housing do not initially think about the need to build a room for a car, since they believe that it is easy to attach it at any time or to convert part of the living quarters for it. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. Having a car, it is better to consider the projects of two-story houses with a garage, since only in this case you can be sure of your future comfort and safety.

Even if you are just planning to purchase a car, it is still better to plan a place for it in advance. Before buying a car, this area can be used for other purposes - as a workshop or storage of tools. If you have ignored the projects of two-story houses with a garage in order to save money, you should know that subsequent alterations in the house will cost much more - ventilation and drainage will be required for the garage space. It is difficult and expensive to integrate these systems into a ready-made structure.

Two-story houses with a garage, projects with photos of which are collected in this section, have undeniable advantages:

    There is an internal entrance to the garage, thanks to which you can go to the car without leaving the house.

    The garage space is heated by the heat of the residential part of the house.

    If desired, the garage can be made heated by connecting it to a common heating system.

    Projects of two-storey houses with a garage take up less space on the site than a separate garage and cottage.

  • The construction of an attached garage is much cheaper than the construction of a detached building.

Most of the two-level cottages with garage extensions are designed according to one, the most optimal scheme. In addition to the garage, the kitchen, dining room and living room are located on the ground floor. The sleeping rooms are taken to the upper part of the house. However, it is possible to purchase an architectural development in which living rooms are also planned on the lower floor. Their purpose is determined by the owners. For example, someone needs an additional bedroom on the lower level of the house, someone needs a home office, someone wants to have a special room for guests, etc.

You can order or buy a turnkey project from us

In projects of two-story houses, 2 bathrooms are usually laid - a small toilet room downstairs and a master bathroom upstairs. If the house is large according to the project, then there may be another bathroom in the sleeping area. There may be several technical rooms. If there is an attached garage in the design, then it is advisable to locate the technical area next to it. Often, an attached garage is combined with a workshop or a boiler room. It is not difficult to order such a turnkey project. We design low-rise buildings of any configuration.

Many developers are wondering which house project will be best for them: an attic or a two-story house project with a garage. This choice is very responsible, because not only the cost of building a house depends on the decision, but also the layout of the first and second levels, the design of the building and the convenience of living in it.

Difference between an attic house and a two-story house

A house with two tiers is considered multi-storey, and there is no difference, the second tier is presented in the form of an attic or a whole floor.

There are many criteria for comparing houses with an attic and houses with a full second floor. So, choosing the first option, developers should understand that the interior of the attic has a broken shape. This makes it possible to create original design ideas. Subject to the planning of the main premises on the first level of the building, the attic is a little-visited room. Moreover, it differs from the attic in that it is still a living space.

If the attic is a tier, the height of the walls of which varies under the roof slopes, then the floor along the entire perimeter has the same height of the walls.

Two-level houses with a garage are most often built for the following reasons:

  • The house needs a spacious one, but the building plot is small;
  • The construction of two-tiered buildings is regulated by local regulations and spelled out in construction permits;
  • The desire to look at the beauty of landscape design from the windows of the upper floors.

If at least one of the listed reasons is suitable for the developer, then he needs to decide how to make the second tier of the future house with a garage.

Design of two-story houses with a garage

Developers who consider a house with a sharp gable roof covered with ceramic tiles decorated with lucarnes can safely choose projects of attic houses. It is these cottages that will be beautiful and comfortable for them to live in. Attic houses are popular among customers who choose them as summer cottages.

Projects of two-story houses with a garage (photos, diagrams, videos, sketches, drawings posted on the site) look more modern and urban. Thanks to modern architectural techniques, two-storey houses are free from the “cube” stereotype and are characterized by no less attractive design than attic houses. So, the plans for projects of two-story houses with a garage have a complex, rather interesting shape of the structure.

When choosing between two options for houses, it is necessary to take into account such points as the layout of the upper tiers and the features of the site.

Layout of projects of two-story houses with a garage: distribution of area between tiers

  • Premises that include the functions of the daytime part of the house (living room, kitchen, bathrooms, etc.) are located on the ground floor.
  • Bedrooms are located on the upper compact tier.

The usable area of ​​the attic floor is less than that of the first floor. If developers want the floors to have the same area, then they need to choose projects of two-story cottages with a garage.

If we talk about the nature of the premises of the upper tier of the attic and two-story houses, then the rooms of the attic floor have different wall heights. For this reason, it requires the use of special design techniques, more imagination, as well as more funds. To make the attic space cozy and comfortable for living, an individual approach is needed even in the choice of furniture. Attic houses allow creative people to express their inner world and enjoy the unusual atmosphere created by the sloping walls.

Clients with a more conservative outlook who prefer high ceilings and flat walls should buy two-story house designs with a garage.

Choosing a project depending on the size of the site

Having estimated the number of required premises and their area, they must be compared with the parameters of the site. It is not necessary to build up half of the plot with a house, because there will be no room for a garden.

For a plot of compact size, a two-story house plan with a garage is suitable, on the second floor of which the maximum number of rooms is located. In this case, the area required for the construction of a new house will decrease. If the parameters of the land plot are limited, but the developer dreams of a beautiful pitched roof, then you should pay attention to the projects of small attic houses.

Attic houses or plans for two-story houses with a garage: expert opinion

Before choosing a project for an attic house or a two-story house, it is advisable to compare the costs of their turnkey implementation, taking into account the design stage. So the estimate of the attic house can be reduced due to the lightweight foundation.

If you want to reconstruct your old house, the developer must first order the calculation of the bearing capacity of the foundation under the house. Only then can you choose a suitable architectural project. In many cases, calculations show that the foundation can only withstand the load from the attic floor. But the arrangement of the walls, their decoration and additional insulation are quite large items of expenditure. Therefore, choosing an attic floor may not be so cheap.

It is not entirely correct to compare the price per square meter of a two-story house and an attic house. The main indicator in everyday life is the usable area of ​​a private house, which is much larger in a two-story house. Whereas a large area of ​​the attic remains unused.

According to the calculations of specialists, savings due to the implementation of the attic is possible. But the cost per square meter of usable attic area, the height of which is at least 2 meters, will increase significantly. If the developer chooses the layout of two-story houses with a garage, then in addition he will receive an attic, which can also be decorated and used.

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Projects of houses with a garage are in constant demand among developers. After all, it is simply not possible to imagine the life of a modern person without a car, and even living outside the city. That is why the presence of a garage in a house project is an important factor when buying. Naturally, you can order a garage project separately. But the garage in the house is much more convenient. And most importantly, it will cost less than a separate one.

The house with a garage is planned so that the car can be accessed not only from the street, but also directly from the residential area. At the same time, there is no need to go outside in bad weather. As a rule, the entrance to the garage is arranged from the kitchen or hallway. There is one more positive moment in this arrangement: if you brought, say, products from the store, then it is very convenient to transfer them directly to the kitchen.

House projects with a garage for the whole family

It must be remembered that the garage for a modern car must be at least 18 m 2. At the same time, it is desirable to withstand all the distances recommended by specialists: from the wall to the car - 50 cm, to the left and to the right - 70 cm each, at the back you can limit yourself to 20 cm. Usually, the project provides for a gate with an entrance shifted to the left. This is done to make it more comfortable to get out of the car. Then, on the right side of the garage, you can place racks with tools and car parts. The standard width of the gate is 2.5 m. The height is calculated so that an adult can pass - 1.8-2.0 meters.

In order for the garage to be convenient, the premises must be properly designed. It is necessary to provide for convenient access to the shelving and think not only about electric, but also about natural light. It would be nice to provide a sufficient number of outlets into which it will be possible, if necessary, to turn on the power tool, and in the cold season - a heater. And if you plan to use more serious electrical equipment, then take care of installing a three-phase outlet in advance.

By the way, the heater may not be needed if you provide for heating the garage. Moreover, it is quite simple to connect it to the general heating system of the house. And, in addition, in the garage you can equip an additional workshop or storage room for inventory.

And for those customers who have two cars per family, our company can offer a project of a house with a garage for two cars. Such a choice will allow once and for all to solve the problems with parking cars, and will save you from searching for a suitable place for a garage for a second car.