Calculation of the winder staircase, calculation of the steps of the stairs. Drawings and diagrams of the winder stairs Ladders with winder steps 90 hands

With good design, a corner staircase will look great in your home.

How to calculate the corner staircase

The main disadvantage of a straight march is the high requirements for free space. Therefore, this design is not suitable for every home. Less demanding on free space - corner staircase with 90 ° turn.

Stylish corner staircase that takes up minimal space.

Short description

A distinctive feature of a winder staircase with a 90 degree turn is the absence of a landing. In its place there are several wedge-shaped steps. Together they form a smooth turn from one march to another. For this, one part of the steps is made narrow, and the other wide.

Such a turn of the staircase is no less convenient option than with a staircase.

In fact, a winding staircase is a combination of a spiral and a marching structure. From the first variety, she got space savings (albeit not too significant), from the second - ease of use.

It will be more convenient for one person to climb the staircase.

Such structures are usually installed in the corner of the room, although in some cases they can be placed right in the center of the room. In the first case, the load is partially transferred to the walls, in the second, the structure is held by 2 load-bearing beams.
Making a staircase with a 90 degree turn is a rather difficult task. This will require the implementation of accurate, the availability of the necessary tools, as well as the manufacture of complex parts. However, with the right approach, it is quite a doable task.

An interesting option for installing a corner staircase is to an attached load-bearing wall.

Pros and cons of winder design

The advantages of a 90 degree staircase include the following:

  • Saving free space. In comparison with straight marching products, cross-run models take up less space.
  • Ease of use. If the steps are not too narrow, then going up or down the corner stairs is almost as convenient as on the usual marching structure.
  • Good reliability and carrying capacity. Marching varieties are the strongest and most reliable structures.
  • Ample opportunities for design. The variety of materials, shapes and details allows you to create a staircase with a unique design.
  • Interior element. Swivel staircases are suitable for almost any room, giving the interior a new and unusual look.

Like all staircases, staircases have not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. Among which it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • High price. The cost of manufacturing or purchasing a finished structure remains high.
  • The complexity of manufacturing. To create a quality product will require complex calculations and a lot of time to manufacture parts.
  • The complexity of the installation of the structure. It will take a lot of effort and at least 2 people to install a staircase with a 90 degree turn.

A simple version of the winder staircase.

Material used

In the modern world, many materials are used for the production of stairs. For example:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • fiberglass, etc.

A rather complicated construction of a concrete staircase.

In most cases, there are models made of wood or metal. The high popularity of these materials can be explained by two factors: acceptable cost and good strength.
Working with a tree is quite simple - no special skills or sophisticated equipment are required. Also, wooden stairs look presentable and give the room a certain coziness. However, it should be borne in mind that to protect the surface, it is required from time to time to cover it with protective agents.

A wooden staircase will be ideally combined in a country house.

All-metal products are less common. The fact is that for the manufacture of such structures, knowledge of welding and the availability of appropriate equipment are required. In addition, metal stairs with an angle of 90 degrees look quite specific and are not suitable for every interior.

In some cases, a combined approach can be used. For example, make load-bearing beams of metal, and install wooden steps on them.

Metal staircase with wooden stair steps.

Despite the similarity of the run-in corner structure with cruising models, it is less convenient to climb or descend such a staircase. The main negative point is the winders, in which one end is narrow and the other is wide. It is this structure that increases the risk of injury and the likelihood of slipping off the step.

Such a corner staircase is not very safe, so you should go down closer to the wall.

The size of other elements also affects usability. For example, high railings are not suitable for children, and climbing narrow steps will not be very convenient for everyone, without exception.

Therefore, in order to increase the comfort from use, important points should be considered:

  • the minimum depth of the narrow part of the winder is 10 cm, the middle one is not less than 20 cm, the wide one is not more than 40 cm;
  • the optimal step height is 15-20 cm;
  • the dimensions of the winder and straight steps must correspond throughout the entire flight of stairs;
  • the recommended height of the railing is 80-100cm;
  • the optimal distance between the balusters is 12-15 cm;
  • the minimum height of the opening (free space above the stairs) - 2 m;
  • the optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is 30-45 °;
  • the minimum width of the staircase is 90 cm.

Optimal dimensions of the winder staircase.

Calculation of steps

  • N = number of steps;
  • H1 - floor height;
  • H2 is the step height.

Calculation of stairs with winders.

But in some cases, the integer value may not work. In this case, you can go in three ways:

  • change the height of the steps;
  • make the first step of a non-standard size;
  • install a platform under the stairs in order to "adjust" the structure to the required height.

We should also mention the winder steps - it is not recommended to install more than three or five of them. If there are more of them, then the depth of each tread will turn out to be too narrow and it will be inconvenient or even dangerous to climb such a ladder.

Increased run-in step.

Making a winder staircase with your own hands

Unlike buying a finished product, self-creation of a running staircase with a 90-degree turn will avoid large financial costs. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a long and difficult process.

A more complex type of construction of a winder staircase with a 180 degree turn.

For greater clarity, it should be divided into several stages:

  1. carrying out calculations;
  2. parts manufacturing;
  3. installation of the structure.


Design is the most important step in creating a staircase. It is at this stage that the dimensions of the elements are determined, as well as the appearance of the structure. For this reason, special attention should be paid to preparation.

Designing consists of 3 stages:

  1. taking measurements;
  2. making settlements;
  3. drawing up a diagram.

First of all, you should decide on the localization of the staircase and take the appropriate measurements. In particular, the length, width and height of the space under the stairs. It is the location of the winder and the free area that affect the dimensions of the structure.

Good miscalculation of the space for the staircase.

The next step is to carry out calculations. Here you should build on the previous stage, and also take into account the optimal sizes. For example, the angle of inclination of the stairs, the number of steps, etc.
Produced drawing of a winder staircase with a 90 degree turn.

The staircase diagram acts as a visual aid. In addition, a neat and unhurried approach to drawing up a drawing will avoid many problems in the next stages. For example, questions about the size of individual elements or their compliance with the recommended parameters.

Execution of works

For the manufacture of parts and installation of the structure, the following tools will be required:

  • saw;
  • Sander;
  • drill;
  • welding machine (if there are metal elements in the stairs);
  • fasteners (bolts, anchors, screws).

Manufacturing and installation of the structure takes place in a certain order:

  1. load-bearing beams are made and attached to the wall;
  2. a support post is installed;
  3. steps are cut out;
  4. steps are installed on load-bearing beams (they should be mounted from bottom to top);
  5. balusters are inserted into the supporting beams;
  6. handrails are placed on the fence posts.

Space saving and pleasant appearance - this is a short description of the corner staircase with winder steps. This design will look great in any room, literally transforming it. Therefore, in order to get a beautiful and high-quality product, you should act very carefully and slowly at all stages of production.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, working with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist. Teacher of History and Theory of Culture ". Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

If the room has high ceilings, then you should also pay attention to the buildings from a series of steps with a 90-degree turn. To make the ascent safer, it is preferable to use an intermediate platform during the construction of structures.

Let's voice some of the features:

  • the space under the steps can be used for your own needs;
  • can, if necessary, have an approach from any side: stairs at ninety degrees right-handed and left-handed;
  • run-in steps during the construction of a structure are less in height than other types of stairs;
  • marches are at right angles, the intermediate platform is executed in the form of a square.

The most commonly used material in the manufacture is wood. In the production of 90 degree rotary wooden stairs, hard woods are used: oak, ash, beech. Or semi-solid: spruce, larch, pine. Wooden structures have always been famous for their grace. Plus, wood products will have a beneficial effect on health.

The presented structure, right-handed or left-handed, can be equipped with winders. Climbing a winder staircase with a 90-degree turn cannot be called very comfortable, since the inner side of its steps is smaller than the outer one. However, the design has a sleek look, and if properly positioned, it will significantly save space and will last for many years.

Calculation of a rotary staircase at ninety degrees

Calculating the dimensions of the finished structure is not an easy task. You can use special mathematical formulas, but it's easier to do this with the help of an online miscalculation calculator that can be found on the Internet. You will need the following measurements:

  • the distance between two floors (from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second);
  • opening length;
  • the width of the structure.

This is the minimum set of those parameters that you will need.
With certain knowledge and skills, you can carry out the calculation yourself. If not, then we recommend using the services of our professional measurer.

When building houses with more than one storey, a common problem is the limited space for installing stairs. The most suitable option in such cases would be a metal rotary staircase with run-in steps. Such stairs, due to the variety of shapes, will fit well into a modern interior and save usable space.

Types of structures

Usually, a staircase with one flight is mounted to go to the second floor. This rise can be divided into two marches, then there should be a transition platform between them. To save space and for a more aesthetic appearance, this platform is replaced with run-in steps. Ladders are called ladders with steps in a shape resembling triangles or trapeziums, which are attached radially to one common support.

There are several types of such stairs.

  1. Screw. They look like a spiral. Completely composed of winder steps.
  2. Marching. Instead of transition platforms, there are run-in steps with a 90-degree bend.
  3. П - shaped. Parallel flights are interconnected by a bend of 180 degrees.
  4. Mixed. The lower marching and upper spiral staircases are interconnected by winder steps.

The requirements for turning staircases with run-in steps are quite strict.

When installing such a ladder, a comfortable, unimpeded and safe movement must be ensured. To do this, when designing, you need to take into account the following conditions:

  • the width of the step along the line of movement (where the foot directly steps) is not less than 200 mm, in its narrow part - 100 mm, and in the wide part - 400 mm;
  • the height of the tread should be equal on all marching flights and is comfortable for descent and ascent, the optimal is considered from 120 to 220 mm;
  • for comfortable movement, the distance between the ceiling and the steps should be equal to the height of a tall person plus 10 cm, but not less than two meters;
  • the recommended angle of inclination of the stairs is 30-45 degrees;
  • the angle of rotation should be equal to or slightly greater than the angle of inclination of the stairs;

  • handrails are installed parallel to the angle of inclination of the stairs at a height of 0.8-1.0 m;
  • the optimal width of the flight of stairs is not less than 0.9 m;
  • the staircase must be freely accessible;
  • the structure is located in a less visited part of the room, for example, in a corner;
  • the installation of a metal staircase in a wooden building must be done after the house has shrunk, otherwise a structural failure may occur.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all staircases, run-down stairs also have their pros and cons.

The advantages of these structures include:

  • the ability to install on the street and indoors;
  • saving space not only on the first, but also on subsequent floors;
  • thanks to the variety of shapes and designs, you can create a unique work of art that fits into any interior in an original way;
  • long service life;
  • reliability of the design.

The disadvantages include:

  • for safety and ease of use, precise design calculations are required;
  • high risk of injury and inconvenience when moving due to the width of the steps: wider outside and narrower inside (absent with proper design);
  • noise emitted when walking (eliminated by finishing the steps with a coating of wood, rubber, tiles, etc.);
  • painting or enamel coating is required, except if the structure is made of stainless steel;
  • high price both when buying a finished product, and when you make it yourself;
  • self-installation requires knowledge of welding production and related equipment.

Design of a revolving staircase with winder steps

One of the main stages in the construction of a staircase is design. It depends on it what dimensions and appearance the future interfloor passage will have.

Design includes the following stages:

  • taking measurements;
  • making calculations;
  • drawing up a diagram - a drawing according to which the rotary staircase will be mounted.

Initially, the location of the stairs is determined and measurements are taken of the length, height, width of the space under the flight of stairs. The type and size of the future interlevel transition depends on the amount of free space.

A corresponding calculation is carried out for each swing staircase.

Calculation of the number of steps

For a more accurate calculation, you can use the formula N = H1 / H2, where:

  • N is the number of steps;
  • H1 - span height;
  • H2 is the step height.

If the whole number did not work out, then it is necessary to change the height of all steps or only the first one. You can substitute a platform with a missing height under the flight of stairs.

Winders are not advised to install more than 3-5 pieces, otherwise the steps will turn out to be narrow and inconvenient for lifting.

For products with a sharp turn

At the initial design stage, the wizard determines the axis from which the stair bend radius is located. For a bend at an angle of 90 degrees, the axis is located at the junction point of the lines of the extreme straight steps in the flights. If the angle is 180, then right between the two spans. So that the steps are not too narrow, the axis can be moved out of the span by 1/8 of the width of the march.

The outer edge of the winder is equal to the interval from the axis to the outer edge of the straight marching steps. And also from the axis, you can draw arcs passing along the inner edge and the middle line.

Along the line of movement, it is necessary to set aside segments equal to the width of the foot, with a length of approximately 200 mm. Draw rays from the central axis through these segments. This will be the silhouette of future steps.

For a model with a smooth transition

Stairs with a steep transition are inconvenient for movement, therefore, a softer transition is often used.

In such a transition, the change of steps into a triangular shape begins with a marching flight.

For U-shaped stairs

  1. Initially, the contours of the cruise flights are indicated in the drawing. There should be ¼ of their width between them. The radius of curvature of the run-in section is equal to half the width between flights plus the width of the flight. Then, from the upper edge of the winders, this radius is laid down and the axis of the staircase rounding is found.
  2. After the radius of curvature has been found, the upper, lower arcs of the marching turn and the middle of the stairs are drawn from the axis.
  3. The next stage is the distribution of steps. It is recommended to start it from the center. Sections with a length equal to the width of the step are laid along the median line. This line should be exactly in the middle of the step, and the next steps are successively marked from this line.

In contrast to a soft transition, it is necessary to decide where the run-in section will begin. The fewer steps in this area, the safer and more convenient this area will be.

For stairs with a 90 degree turn

To save space and secure fixation, it is more convenient to install the structure in the corner of the room.

The calculation must begin with a drawing of a circle with a radius equal to 1/2 of the span width. In the future, this will be the median line on the run-in section.

With respect to the vertical of this circle, draw a line (pivot axis) at an angle of 45 degrees. The tangent line to the axes of the circle indicates the line of movement along the stairs. Then this line is divided into segments equal to the average width of the steps.

There can be two options for the distribution of steps:

  • the pivot axis divides the middle stage in half;
  • the steps are proportionally set on both sides of the pivot axis.

Then we find the point of intersection of the last step of the lower flight and the first step of the upper flight. This will be the center from which radial lines are drawn through the segments on the line of motion. This center can be adjusted in order to maintain the size of the outer step width of 400 mm and the inner one - 100 mm. These lines are the outlines of the steps.

The resulting drawing is a scaled staircase diagram.

To obtain more accurate dimensions, it is better to calculate in a graphic editor or a special computer program. The programs will allow you to create a three-dimensional model with all the parameters indicated.

The following programs are best known:

  • "Compass"- you do not need to have special skills to work in it;
  • SolidWorks- a program for the creation of engineering structures;
  • Consultec Staircon- will allow you to create a 3D project and calculate the necessary costs.

But the data obtained when drawing up a drawing on paper is enough to build a reliable and durable staircase. For the convenience of constructing and obtaining the most approximate dimensions, it is better to draw up such drawings on graph paper. This will make it easier to convert the dimensions to life size. And minor inconsistencies can be eliminated during the installation process.

Please indicate the required dimensions in millimeters

X- the length of the opening that the staircase will occupy
Y- height from the floor level of the first floor to the floor level of the second floor
E- staircase width
F- step ledge
Z- the thickness of the steps

C- the number of all steps
P- number of steps + platform

Calculating rotary stairs is a little more difficult than calculating straight stairs.
The stairs comfort calculation is calculated using a formula based on the step length.
The stride length of a person is from 60 to 66 cm, on average - 63 cm.
A comfortable ladder corresponds to the formula: 2 step heights + step depth = 63 ± 3 cm.

The most convenient stair tilt is from 30 ° to 40 °.
The depth of the steps of the stairs must correspond to shoe size 45 - not less than 28-30 cm.
The lack of depth can be compensated for by the step protrusion.
The step height should be up to 20-25 cm.

You can also achieve the convenience of a swivel staircase by changing the height of the platform.

The program draws drawings of the swing staircase with basic angles and dimensions.
The drawings show the general dimensions of the stairs, the marking of the top of the steps on the bowstrings, the angles of the steps and the main dimensions of the steps themselves.

Additional services

The company "Lesenok" offers a wide range of stairs with a turn of 90 degrees from pine, oak, beech, ash and larch. We guarantee quality, efficiency of production and installation, and our own production allows us to set affordable prices.

Description and types of stairs with a turn of 90 degrees

The device includes two flights, and the angle of rotation is 90º. The 90 degree staircase is compact in size and is ideal for houses and cottages with a small area or non-standard layouts. In most cases, the installation is done in a corner.

There are two main types:

  1. Winder stair designs are compact and require a minimum of space for installation. It is worth noting the smoothness of the rise and the large selection of unique models.
  2. A ladder made of wood with a 90º turn with a platform is safer in operation. A niche is formed under the flight of stairs where you can put a closet, organize a storage room or install shelves for books or interior items.

Right-handed and left-handed ladders are on sale.

When choosing, you need to be based on the following points:

  • the presence of window and door openings;
  • the size of the interfloor space;
  • architectural features of the walls and ceiling.

When buying for help and advice, you can contact the managers of the company "Lesenok".

We will give you detailed advice,
to accurately assess the scale of the work.

3 requirements for the calculation and installation of stairs with a turn of 90 degrees

Various ladders with a turn of 90 degrees are fairly compact designs. Sometimes they are supplemented with special intermediate platforms. Although some craftsmen prefer to use winder steps in order to save space. Yes, it is quite possible to make such structures with your own hands. But this is an extremely complex process that requires accurate calculations.

Swivel stairs with winder steps are a kind of intermediate option between straight structures and more complex, spiral structures

Standard Requirements for Swing Ladders

The detailed instructions for the calculation and installation of the structure, posted in this article, will help to create not just a beautiful, but a truly reliable staircase that will serve its owners for many years. However, before starting to manufacture it, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for structures of such a plan:

  • the height of the staircase must be at least 2 m;
  • the length of the steps of the products should range from 80 to 110 cm;
  • the width of the steps (on a straight march) cannot exceed the mark of 37 cm.

The minimum step width for a pivoting structure is usually exactly 35 cm

But the height of the steps should reach 17 cm. Its increase will significantly increase the load when climbing the stairs, the photo of which is below. In addition, during the descent, these elements may well become traumatic. Separately, it is worth mentioning the width of the winders. In the middle part, it cannot be less than 20 cm, and in the narrowest - less than 10 cm, this is really important.

The height of steps on a straight flight cannot be less than 14 cm under no circumstances

After watching all sorts of videos about stairs posted on various network resources, you can understand that the aforementioned structure is considered not only extremely convenient, but also incredibly functional. However, during its manufacture, it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances. One of them is the optimal number of turning steps. For a structure with a width of 80 cm, it is recommended to use three such elements, no more.

An increase in the number of turning steps sometimes extremely negatively affects the level of convenience of a staircase

You should also pay attention to the dimensions of these steps. When calculating their dimensions, you must also take into account the size of the available protrusion. But the height of these parts should be the same in all parts of the structure being created.

The comfort of a 90 degree staircase is always calculated using a special formula based on the length of a person's steps. On average, it is 63 cm.Therefore, a really convenient structure corresponds to the following formula: 2 full step heights + optimal step depth = 63 ± 3 cm.

It is desirable that the inclination of the finished product does not exceed 40 degrees. The depth of the steps of the structure should range from 28 to 30 cm, but their height must be exactly 17 cm. Such calculation and installation instructions will allow you to create the required rotary product in a relatively short time.

The overall width of the structure is also very important. It directly affects the convenience of the applied turning steps.

Competent manufacturing of staircase structures: selection of suitable materials

In order to make a high-quality staircase with your own hands, you will need to choose good materials for it. Basically, rotary structures are made exclusively from wood such as:

    Beech. It is recommended to use it for rooms with high humidity.

Beech stairs always look incredibly attractive and graceful. That's why they became so popular Maple. Such a material has excellent resistance to various external influences, but small cracks often appear on it.

Maple wood has sufficient flexural strength, this must also be taken into account. Larch. This wood is extremely durable and tough.

Larch is very resistant to decay. And in terms of strength, it is slightly inferior only to Oak Oak. This material is also considered incredibly durable. However, it is quite heavy, therefore such a nuance must be taken into account when working.

Oak stairs are very beautiful and reliable. But they are also more expensive than their counterparts.

In some cases, staircase structures, photos of which are posted in the article, are also created from pine. But it should be carefully checked for knots. Indeed, under the influence of high temperatures, the structure can deform. If the existing knots fall out, the structure will weaken significantly.

Yes, pine structures are far from the most durable. But their main advantage is considered to be quite acceptable cost.

What tools will need to be prepared in advance?

From the video about the manufacture of swivel stairs, you can find out that to create products of this type, you must definitely stock up on certain tools:

  • professional screwdriver;
  • drill and drills;
  • jigsaw;
  • perforator;
  • a good hacksaw for wood;
  • chisel;
  • file;
  • with an ax;
  • hammer;
  • gas wrench;
  • convenient side cutting pliers;
  • squares;
  • ruler;
  • level.

When working with the jigsaw, be sure to use special goggles and gloves.

In addition, the craftsmen should prepare several load-bearing bars with a section of 100x100 mm. However, it can be large. It all depends on the specific height of the march of the future structure. To create a staircase with a 90 degree turn, you need to use an edged board, the thickness of which is exactly 50 mm. It is also advisable to stock up on wood glue, special screws, anchor bolts, screws and corners.

Among other things, you need to purchase attractive balusters and handrails in advance. They will make the stairs more original.

Step-by-step installation of a robust design

The detailed instructions for calculating and installing the staircase, which are in the article, will allow you to easily make an aesthetically attractive product that will fit into any interior. To create a high-quality design with your own hands, the craftsmen will have to:

  1. Make a template in the form of a right triangle. It is desirable that his legs are equal to the height of the riser and the depth of the tread.
  2. Fasten the triangle securely directly to the guide rail.
  3. Mark out the stringers with a template and cut off the excess.

In the thinnest part, the width of the finished stringer should not be less than 15 cm

  • Install the support pillars, having previously hollowed out the grooves for the stringers in them.
  • Secure the upper ends of the elements using the prepared corners.

    In the process of installing kosour, you must very carefully monitor the level. Due to this, the staircase steps in the future will lie strictly horizontally.

  • Cut out the run-in steps from a rectangular board, adjusting them along the length.
  • Apply at least three coats of glue to the steps.
  • Cut grooves for steps in the posts.

    For the run-in steps, a board with dimensions of 900x900x40 mm must be used. And the height of the grooves intended for fixing these elements should be less than the thickness of the board

  • Modify the support structure from the outside.
  • Fasten the straight steps with longer screws.
  • Make the bottom flight of stairs on the bowstring.
  • Cut the end of the string exclusively at right angles.
  • At the end, balusters are usually installed, this is clearly visible in the photo. First, the craftsmen drill small holes in the steps and carefully fill them with glue. And then they make exactly the same holes in the balusters themselves (in the center). Dowels are used to secure the elements.

    In principle, it is allowed to fix the balusters with self-tapping screws. But this method is considered less reliable.

    Then the rope is pulled between the first and the last pillar. The optimal angle of inclination of the railing is marked along it. To prepare the balusters for installing the handrails, it is enough to carefully cut off the tops of the posts. And the railings are already attached with self-tapping screws. In general, the process of making a swing ladder is perfectly described by this video.

    The optimal combination of price and quality!

    Of course, it is quite possible to create stairs with a turn of 90 degrees on your own. But it is much easier to purchase ready-made structures with the help of our specialists in Moscow at the lowest prices.

    This ladder comes standard with a metal frame, one side railing and uncoated pine steps

    Do-it-yourself stairs to the second floor made of wood with a turn of 90 degrees: calculation and installation

    A lot of modern materials are offered for the manufacture of stairs. Nevertheless, wooden staircases in the interior of the house are the standard of impeccable style. It is the wooden structures that create the feeling of home comfort. The key points in the arrangement of the stairs are accurate calculation, high-quality manufacturing and correct installation. A ladder to the second floor with your own hands made of wood with a turn of 90 degrees can be installed due to strict adherence to the recommendations for the design and calculation of the structure. It will save useful space and provide free and comfortable movement on it.

    Accurate calculation of a wooden staircase greatly simplifies its installation, guarantees convenience and a long service life

    Types of stairs to the second floor. Photo of design of different models

    Before equipping your house with a staircase, it is necessary to determine exactly what type of staircase will be and from what material. The choice of the type of staircase system depends on its location in the room, the layout of the house and the individual preferences of the owner. The materials for their manufacture, given the rapid growth of technologies, can be a variety of samples: plexiglass and ceramics, natural stone and marble, metal and wood.

    Marching stairs are the most popular way of arranging stairs

    The main types of stairs are classified according to the type of load-bearing element:

    • marching stairs - on stringers or bowstrings;
    • spiral staircases - with a support in the form of a bearing rack;
    • staircases on the bolts - no-frame systems. The steps of such a staircase are attached to the wall, and are connected to each other with the help of bolts;
    • combined - when one system includes several types of structures.

    L-shaped marching rotary staircase with platform

    The main difference between the stringer structure is that the steps are fixed on top of the supporting element. While in bowstring systems, recesses are provided, where steps are inserted. Marching systems, in turn, can consist of several flights, interconnected by a platform or winders.

    The choice of one or another marching system depends on the location of the stairs in the room and the availability of the necessary space for its installation. In the case where space is limited, rotary systems of flight stairs are used. To connect different levels in private cottages, stairs made of wood are most often used. Such structures are quite lightweight, fit well into various interiors and can be made independently.

    Flight staircase with a turn of 180 degrees

    Numerous photos of wooden stairs to the second floor with their own hands confirm the popularity of the use of this material for stair structures.

    The ladders on the bolts do not have a frame in their design. Each step of such a staircase with the help of special fasteners rests on the wall on one side, and on the other, is connected in series with bolts. The structures of the stairs on the bolts have an openwork light appearance and are highly durable. Such stairs can be installed along the wall, which will be the supporting element, or anywhere else in the room - then a metal profile will act as a supporting structure.

    The variety of modern staircase systems in the interior is evidenced by do-it-yourself photos of stairs in the house to the second floor.

    Staircase with 90 degree turn with winder steps

    Types of rotary flight stairs

    Marching staircase systems can be straight and rotary. Straight flights in private houses are used when the dimensions of the rooms are spacious enough to install a long straight span. Most often, wooden rotary systems are used to connect the first and second floors. So, there are wooden stairs to the second floor with a turn of 90 and 180 degrees. They are called L-shaped and U-shaped, respectively.

    Marches of L-shaped stairs can be interconnected by platforms, two winder (turning) steps, three turning steps. The more the number of turning steps, the less convenient it will be to move along them. The structures of the stairs, installed in the corner and having a fence, include in their design a corner (support) pillar, on which run-in steps, balusters and a bowstring are attached. The corner post is installed on the base or can be suspended.

    Ladder structures with a turn of 90 degrees

    U-shaped staircase systems are constructively solved through a turntable or end steps. When arranging a U-shaped staircase, an important point is that the staircase railing in the upper projection should not intersect, therefore it is important to correctly calculate the staircase to the second floor. In both U-shaped and L-shaped rotary staircases, the use of winder steps allows you to maximally save room space.

    The space left under pivoting stairs is often used to advantage for storage rooms or cupboards. Some photos of stairs to the second floor in a private house with their own hands clearly demonstrate this.

    Do-it-yourself stairs to the second floor made of wood with a turn of 90 degrees: we design ourselves

    Many manufacturers today offer ready-made sets of elements for staircase systems. To order such stairs to the second floor, you will need to make clear measurements of the span height, determine the estimated width and length of the stairs and transfer the data to the selling company. However, this method will deprive you of the pleasure of making a staircase structure yourself, endowing it with individuality and originality.

    DIY materials and tools for making wooden stairs to the second floor

    The use of wood in construction, including for the manufacture of staircase structures, is due to its high strength characteristics, environmental friendliness, ease of processing and a relatively affordable price.

    The width of the stairs is selected based on the convenience of movement and the availability of free space

    A staircase to the second floor with your own hands made of wood with a turn of 90 degrees can be made of the following hardwoods:

    • beech - used for rooms where high humidity is not observed;
    • maple - its wood is very stable, has sufficient bending strength. However, it should be borne in mind that maple is prone to cracking;
    • oak is an excellent building material. Possesses strength, hardness, rather heavy material;
    • larch is a decay-resistant, hard and durable wood. In terms of hardness, this breed is second only to oak.

    Marching rotary ladders are easy to move and reliable in operation

    Pine is sometimes used for stairs, but the wood should be checked for knots. Under the influence of the temperature regime, deformation of the staircase is possible, as a result of which the knots can fall out, and entail the weakening of the structure.

    When starting to manufacture a staircase, the wood must be thoroughly dried and treated with special compounds to make it resistant to moisture, mold and mildew.

    Elements of the main staircase with a turn of 90 degrees

    To make a staircase made of wood to the second floor, you will need:

    • bearing bar 100x100 mm (the section can be large, depending on the height of the flight of stairs);
    • edged board with a thickness of 40-50 mm;
    • handrails, railings, balusters;
    • joiner's glue for sealing all joining lines and gaps.

    For arranging a wooden staircase, choose well-dried and well-processed wood.

    A ladder to the second floor with your own hands made of wood with a turn of 90 degrees can be made and mounted using the following tools:

    • a hacksaw for wood, a set of drills, a chisel, a file;
    • screwdriver, puncher, drill, jigsaw;

    Helpful advice! When working with a power tool, follow the safety rules: use protective equipment (goggles, gloves), do not hold the cord of a working tool, watch the position of the wire to avoid damaging it, do not use the tool near open flames.

    • ax, hammer;
    • square, ruler, level;
    • gas wrench, side cutters (side cutters);
    • hardware: self-tapping screws, screws, anchors, corners.

    It is convenient to cut the wooden parts of the stairs with a hacksaw for wood

    Features of calculations of a 90-degree rotary staircase

    For the correct calculation and design of a marching rotary staircase, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features of such structures.

    The main elements in them are:

    • bearing beams - these can be stringer or bowstring beams;
    • steps - in rotary staircases, these are straight steps and rotary (run-in) steps, with the help of which the rotation of the structure is realized;
    • stair railings - includes balusters, railings and handrails.

    Prefabricated wooden balusters in a variety of colors and shapes

    The calculation of rotary stairs is carried out using:

    • geometric formulas;
    • graphic methods - here you need to determine the middle line of the span (march). In a curved structure, this line runs parallel to the inner edge of the structure at a distance corresponding to the middle of the step width. The radius of curvature of the turning step depends on the radius of the circle between the two spans.
    • You can use an online calculator to calculate, where you enter basic data: the length and width of the opening, the height of the steps, the thickness of the stringer and the protrusion of the steps.

    The choice and calculation of the staircase marching structure is determined by the width of the opening and the height of the room

    Calculation of a staircase made of wood to the second floor with your own hands: drawings, diagrams, tables

    When calculating a staircase made of wood to the second floor with your own hands with a turn of 90 degrees, you should decide in what way the turn will be ensured: by means of an intermarch platform or turning (winder) steps. Considering that stairs with a landing are installed in fairly spacious houses, we will give as an example a rotary staircase with winding steps.

    The dimensions of the stairs are selected individually, but it is worth adhering to certain recommended parameters:

    90 degrees

    Typically 90 ° swing stairs are popular with people with limited space in their home. This type of structure significantly saves space, while being compact. They are often installed in a corner, and under the steps, the owners organize pantries, putting useful inventory and various little things there. The advantages of such structures are also an affordable price, a large number of configurations and versatility. Thanks to the latter, they look great in any interior.

    • Pine
    • Pine
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right
    • Pine
    • Left
    • Right

    If the room has high ceilings, then you should also pay attention to the buildings from a series of steps with a 90-degree turn. To make the ascent safer, it is preferable to use an intermediate platform during the construction of structures.

    Let's voice some of the features:

    • the space under the steps can be used for your own needs;
    • can, if necessary, have an approach from any side: stairs at ninety degrees right-handed and left-handed;
    • run-in steps during the construction of a structure are less in height than other types of stairs;
    • marches are at right angles, the intermediate platform is executed in the form of a square.

    The most commonly used material in the manufacture is wood. In the production of 90 degree rotary wooden stairs, hard woods are used: oak, ash, beech. Or semi-solid: spruce, larch, pine. Wooden structures have always been famous for their grace. Plus, wood products will have a beneficial effect on health.

    The presented structure, right-handed or left-handed, can be equipped with winders. Climbing a winder staircase with a 90-degree turn cannot be called very comfortable, since the inner side of its steps is smaller than the outer one. However, the design has a sleek look, and if properly positioned, it will significantly save space and will last for many years.

    Calculation of a rotary staircase at ninety degrees

    Calculating the dimensions of the finished structure is not an easy task. You can use special mathematical formulas, but it's easier to do this with the help of an online miscalculation calculator that can be found on the Internet. You will need the following measurements:

    • the distance between two floors (from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second);
    • opening length;
    • the width of the structure.

    This is the minimum set of those parameters that you will need.
    With certain knowledge and skills, you can carry out the calculation yourself. If not, then we recommend using the services of our professional measurer.

    Purchase and ordering methods

    If you decide to buy a run-in or with a platform rotary structure at ninety degrees, then you've come to the right place. The company "World of Stairs" in Moscow offers a wide range of ready-made right-handed, left-handed and universal designs, which you can find on our website. We also have the opportunity to order a product according to an individual sketch. In this case, you need to contact the operators and describe to them your wishes for the future building. The price will also be calculated individually. If you want specialists to contact you themselves, then send an application via e-mail. Our employees are always glad to new clients and are ready to help them in their choice.

    The prices of all goods correspond to the quality. Also, we always have discounts and promotions.

    Delivery of the finished structure is carried out in Moscow at a time and place convenient for you. It is possible to use the self-pickup service.

    Choose high quality - buy and order stairs in our company in Moscow!

    Swivel ladders 90 degrees

    The Stil-T company produces and sells 90-degree rotary ladders, which have another name - L-shaped. This is due to the fact that if you look at the structure from above, it looks like the letter G. Depending on the wishes of the customer, the turn can be performed through the platform or through triangular (run-in) steps. If we talk about convenience, then the option with a platform is the most convenient, but this design takes up more space.

    Selection of stairs by parameters

    Ladders found by parameters

    Open stairs on a metal frame, series LT

    Graceful stairs on a reliable metal frame made of thick steel sheet. Ladders are made according to individual dimensions. Choice of steps: solid wood, metal, glass, stone. Fences can be forged in a classic style, or in a modern style: stainless steel, glass, wood and their combinations. Ladders are made to order, the production time is from 3 working days to 4 weeks, depending on the configuration you choose.

    Stair geometry options:

    Closed stairs on a metal frame KO series

    Classic closed stairs with wooden steps on a solid metal frame. The frame of the staircase - two metal stringers from the channel, provides the staircase with tremendous strength and rigidity, and the wooden steps create comfort in use. From the bottom, the staircase is hemmed with plasterboard or wood. You can lay out a wall under the stairs, and you get an excellent additional room. If you need a staircase in a modern style, a stainless steel or glass fence is installed. If you like the classic style, completely wooden or forged fences are installed. Ladders are made to order, the production time is from 3 working days to 4 weeks, depending on the configuration you choose.

    A SOCKET instead of a lamp - a do-it-yourself nozzle