Show corner kitchen and built-in TV. Mini TV in the kitchen: aspects of choice

The kitchen is a room that must be practical, functional and comfortable. To make the atmosphere here more pleasant and hospitable, many people decide to find a separate place for the TV. It fits easily into kitchen interiors filled with appropriate utensils and household appliances. Today we will find out where you can put a TV and what you need to pay attention to when choosing it.

What to consider when choosing a TV?

TV in the kitchen great solution. Many people prefer this addition to the kitchen interior. Luckily, there are many on the market today. different models similar technology. When choosing the perfect TV, there are a number of things to consider.

It is generally accepted that monitors with a diagonal of more than 20 inches are convenient and comfortable to watch, maintaining a distance of 2-3 meters. If the screen diagonal is even smaller and is only 15 inches, then in this case the distance should be at least 1.5-2 meters. Based on these parameters, it is worth choosing a TV for kitchens of certain areas. For example, if we are talking about a room of 15 square meters. m, for her it is better to choose a device with a screen diagonal of 14 inches.

It is important to take into account the viewing angle of the selected instance. This parameter demonstrates at what angle you can look at the screen so that there are no image distortions, glare and other defects. It is recommended to choose for kitchen TV movable bracket, because in rare cases people spend time in the kitchen, staying in one place.

Modern LCD models have a simpler and weaker viewing angle than plasma or LED devices. But you should not rely solely on the characteristics indicated by the manufacturers of equipment.

It is better to check everything and see with your own eyes in the store.

It is advisable to pay attention to the volume of the selected device. In the same living room background noise much less, but in the kitchen there is plenty of it: this is a working hood, and slamming cabinet doors, and a working multicooker, microwave. All of these factors will cause unnecessary noise that can block the sound of the TV. This is important to consider when choosing a specific model.

When choosing the perfect TV for the kitchen, it is important to consider all its characteristics and parameters. Let's get acquainted with a small list of types of these devices.

  • Liquid crystal. Reliable and inexpensive models, but not always suitable for the kitchen space due to the characteristics of the matrix. Really clear and beautiful picture on such screens it will be possible to observe only from a certain angle.

  • Plasma. Buying a modern plasma model, the consumer receives a picture of excellent quality, which will not be refracted and distorted at different angles. However, LED-screens are distinguished by a sufficient number of disadvantages. They are expensive, not considered durable, weigh a lot, are difficult to install on the wall and get very hot.

  • Embedded models. These types of TVs are seamlessly built into a headset cabinet or a pencil case. Such devices are supplemented with a high-quality cooling system, therefore back wall they do not heat up, being in closed space. Built-in TVs are recommended to buy for small kitchens where there is not much free space. These options are more expensive than standard ones.

Also, when choosing a TV for the kitchen, you should also consider its functionality. Some prefer to install such a technique so that it works as a "background". Others use all the provided configurations and it is important for them the presence of a usb port, tuner, high-quality digital picture, Smart-TV function. You should decide in advance how exactly you plan to use the TV in the kitchen and what functions you want to see in this device. Only after that you should go to the store to buy the perfect model.

Basic placement rules

Before looking for a place to place a TV, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of simple rules, which will avoid serious mistakes in the operation and installation of equipment.

  • Do not fix the TV next to the refrigerator. Vibrations coming from refrigeration equipment, are badly reflected in the operation of other electronics.
  • The screen must be located at least 60 cm from the stove. This should be kept in mind.
  • In no case should you install a TV near the sink. Such equipment must be located at least half a meter from it.
  • If we are talking about a small TV, its distance from the human eye should be at least 1.5 m, and if the screen is large, then this figure should be at least 2.5 m.
  • It is recommended to install the TV in the kitchen in such a way that there is always an air flow to it. Otherwise, the equipment will not receive proper cooling and will overheat, and this is not good. In many cases, the equipment has to be installed on a special bracket.
  • The height of the TV installation from the floor is important. The upper part of the device should be located at the same level with the eyes of the household. If the screen is seen by the hostess preparing lunches and dinners, then it can be placed a little higher, and if the TV is used to watch TV shows and movies while eating, then it must be fixed lower.

How can it be placed in the interior?

There are different ways to install a TV in the kitchen. It is allowed to hang it on an unoccupied wall, place it on a flat surface of a cabinet in a corner - there are many solutions. When choosing a specific place to place the device, it is important to take into account the design of the kitchen. The TV should organically merge into the atmosphere, emphasize the style of the interior.

In kitchen set

One of the most popular and fashionable today are TVs built into the kitchen set (corner or rectangular). Usually fix such a technique next to dishwashers oh and other necessary devices in the kitchen.

With this arrangement, the system can be made both open and closed, hiding the equipment behind the cabinet doors. Such a solution will be especially relevant in the interior, designed in classic or Provencal styles. In such circumstances modern technology it will look disharmonious, but if you hide it, then it definitely will not spoil the overall picture.

Over the table

Placing the TV above kitchen table cannot be called the most successful. If you resort to said decision, while eating, it will not work to look at it comfortably, because it will be located too close to the eyes of the household. This can be bad for people's eyesight.

It makes sense to install a screen above the table only if it is not possible to find some more suitable place.

Above the fridge

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to install a TV above the refrigerator in the kitchen. Such a solution cannot be called the most successful and practical. Moreover, it is not recommended to put the TV on the very surface of the refrigerator. This can lead to such negative consequences:

  • increased consumption of electrical energy;
  • high probability of failure of both the refrigerator and the TV;
  • the negative impact of the energy field on the quality of products.

Instead of putting any brand of TV on top of the refrigerator, it is better to turn to other options for the placement of equipment. For example, you can choose this type of refrigeration equipment, which provides a separate niche for other devices, or it is possible to fix the TV above the refrigerator on the bracket(however, in this case, the screen will be too high).

other methods

There are other places in the kitchen space where you can place a TV.

  • Under the ceiling. This solution is optimal if the kitchen is too small and the household is used to having lunch in the living room or a separate dining room. If people, on the contrary, are used to spending enough time at the kitchen table, then this method will not work, because the technique will be too high. Installing a TV under the ceiling is best for hostesses preparing food in the kitchen.

  • Bottom. If you resort to such a technique, then the screen will attract a lot of attention, look more interesting and original.

  • On the wall opposite the dining area. This is the best and most common solution. In this case, it will be very convenient for households to eat and watch TV at the same time.

  • Above the headset. It is possible to hang the TV above the furniture, where there are no mezzanines. If the furniture set does not provide upper cabinets, then similar solution would also be appropriate.

  • In the corner. If we are talking about organizing a small kitchen space, then you can turn to installing a TV in the corner. The main advantage of this placement lies in the excellent view of the screen from all sides.

  • On the surface of the headset. If the kitchen set is of sufficient size and length, then not only devices for cooking and drinking, but also a TV can be placed on its surface.

Combining watching programs with dinner or cooking is quite realistic: you can install a TV both in a studio apartment and in a home with a small narrow kitchen. But in each case, the installation methods will be different.

The main thing when installing equipment is to take into account the area (number of square meters) and the features of furniture placement. It is also necessary to take into account the size and appearance of the TV, the location of the outlets. If necessary, you can use the services of a professional designer.

If the room is narrow and cramped, it is advisable to do without corner pedestals and other accessories. In this case, the best option is to hang the appliances directly on the wall bracket. This mounting method will save space. You can install the TV in the kitchen on the bracket yourself. During installation, the following safety rules must be observed:

  • you need to mount the device at such a height that children cannot independently reach it and turn the screen;
  • the latch must withstand a greater load compared to the weight of the TV;
  • so that the wires do not hang, they need to be hidden in a special small, inconspicuous box.

If you encounter difficulties during installation, it is better not to risk it and contact a professional who will give advice on placement and installation.

Designers say that the color of the mount should be in harmony with the TV. Recommended bracket colors are neutral or “cold” (gray, blue, metallic, wet asphalt).

Installation on a kitchen shelf: placement features

TV in the interior of the kitchen can be installed on the kitchen shelf. This idea is suitable for those who do not have the time or opportunity to mount a special TV bracket. When installing a TV in the kitchen, you should keep in mind:

  • there should not be any kitchen utensils near the screen;
  • a custom-made classic wall cabinet with a special shelf for a TV screen looks best;
  • the device must occupy a stable position, so it is placed not on the edge, but in the very center of the shelf.

Vibrating appliances (e.g. washing machines, dishwashers, microwave ovens) should not be allowed near the shelf. To prevent the screen from looking like an alien element, you need to carefully consider the design of furniture and accessories.

TV built into a niche: advantages and disadvantages

V modern houses in kitchens, a special niche is often allocated for placing a TV, where you can place a screen of any size. You can also choose a recess from photographs and order production, or you can do it yourself, but in this case, it is recommended to consult with a professional designer, as well as call a measurer at home to clarify the height and other sizes. This type of installation is considered one of the most convenient, stylish and modern. The following advantages can be noted:

  • the screen is placed away from gas stove, so it is not exposed to high temperatures;
  • a niche with a “box” looks stylish and organic;
  • if you place a niche above a table or sofa, and not in a corner, it will be convenient for all household members to watch programs while eating. This best method location.

This method of placement helps to visually divide the room into two zones - for cooking (where the kitchen is located) and for relaxation.

However, there are also serious drawbacks. Firstly, in a narrow and cramped space, a niche will take up a lot of space. Secondly, if the furniture is not properly arranged, the screen may be too close to the table, and watching TV at close range harms your eyesight.

It is good to attach a hinged screen under the ceiling where there are children. This popular method is good because it helps to save space, this design looks stylish and modern. Here are the main benefits:

  • the screen is at a far distance on the wall, and during viewing, vision does not deteriorate;
  • this method is suitable for placing any area, divided into several zones;
  • children and pets cannot reach the TV.

If the device is small in size, installation can be carried out without a special bracket. This method is not suitable for TVs with large dimensions. When placed on a bar counter, dishes and drinks should not be near the device.

Drawer with retractable TV: where to install

V Lately convenient kitchen cabinets with a built-in retractable TV, under which a special shelf is allotted, appeared on sale. They allow you to protect the device from temperature and mechanical influences. When choosing a place to embed, keep in mind:

  • you need to place the bookcase at such a height that you do not have to stretch your neck while watching;
  • it will be convenient to install such furniture in a corner or place it opposite the door;
  • you should not mount such a cabinet next to a glazed balcony, near a window or near a mirror surface so that glare does not appear on the screen.

If finished construction does not include additional LED backlight, you should put the rack in the most illuminated place (for example, in the corner by the window). For the design to become original decoration interior, you can purchase a hanging cabinet with photo printing or hang an interesting decor nearby.

Choosing where to hang the TV on small kitchen, many decide to make a device for fixing equipment on their own and then build a TV into it. This is for anyone home master. In order to manufacture drywall box with your own hands, you need:

  1. Measure the TV and the drywall wall, determine the viewing angle. If nearby is air vent, it must not be covered with panels so that the hood works properly.
  2. Draw a small sketch of the interior.
  3. Apply markings to where the sheets will be installed.
  4. Run a cable for TV and for lighting, if necessary.
  5. Lay sheets and partitions.
  6. Perform lining.

After that, a mount for installing the screen is nailed to the wall with dowels. You can also use self-tapping screws.

Recently, modern original ways installation of a television screen in the kitchen interior. The main disadvantage of these placement methods is that they are not suitable for small square meters kitchenettes of old houses (Khrushchevs) built in Soviet time. It is very difficult to fit a TV in a small kitchen: it is not known where to put it. However, in modern apartments improved planning, these methods are quite acceptable, you can choose options for interiors designed in industrial style and in high-tech style. The main thing is that the TV screen in its place does not look like something alien in combination with furniture and accessories. The interior should be dominated by straight, strict lines.

Built-in TV in the kitchen always looks modern. You can buy such a device in any store. household appliances. This setup has many advantages over traditional options flat TV installation, because:

  • it optimal solution help save a lot of space;
  • instead of two household appliances, you can buy one, and this is a cost savings;
  • in addition to broadcasting radio programs, there is a radio, and some models even have Internet access (direct, wireless);
  • many kitchen models the function of playing discs and reading information from flash drives is supported.

However, there are significant drawbacks to this design. For example, the complexity of the repair. The more complex the device and the more functions it combines in itself, the more often it breaks down and the more difficult it is to fix it. A refrigerator with a built-in screen in the event of a breakdown will not be able to be repaired in every workshop for repairing household appliances. Another drawback is that in the event of a sudden overload of the mains or a power surge, both devices will fail at once - the screen and the refrigerator. Also, this design will not look organic if the interior of the dining room is designed in a rustic Provence style (furniture and accessories made of wood and natural fabrics). Under the refrigerator with a built-in TV, you should specifically purchase furniture in an urban style. And, of course, such a screen has a small diagonal with a small number of inches. It is impossible to integrate a forty-inch screen into the refrigerator.

This design option is no longer considered exotic, as it was nine or ten years ago. It is no coincidence that interior design specialists have invented a screen built into high-strength glass or any mirror. geometric shape. Usually, when the TV is turned off, it looks unaesthetic against the background of the environment, because it resembles a “black hole”. Dark TV in the kitchen light wall looks depressing. V Soviet years this problem was solved by covering the “box” with an embroidered tablecloth or a knitted napkin. Now a mirror surface is used for this. The main advantages of this design are as follows:

  • beautiful, original look TV zone, which looks good in the photo;
  • great space savings, since everything is beautifully and neatly mounted on the wall;
  • elegant wall facade;
  • no need for special mounts or clamps for the screen, since the mirror itself with a TV built into it is attached to the wall;
  • good lighting against the background of a mirror surface will look especially impressive.

There are some downsides to this option as well. Firstly, a device mounted in glass will be expensive. Secondly, a mirrored surface with a built-in TV will take up a lot of space on the wall, so this method of mounting the “box” will not be suitable for the smallest kitchen. Thirdly, glass, even high-strength glass, can break, in which case the fragments can damage the TV. Do not use this option if you have small children or pets at home.

In order for watching television programs at home in the kitchen to bring only joy, when installing the appliance, you must follow the basic technical requirements security. Before installation, check the condition of the kitchen electrical wiring. The appliance must be properly positioned or hung in such a place that it is not splashed with water and grease from cooking food. If these rules are observed, family lunches and dinners combined with watching TV will become more interesting.

A TV in the kitchen is suitable for many room options, the main thing is to choose suitable size, place and method of attachment. Find out which accommodation options are right for you. Also how to choose best models for the kitchen to be comfortable and of high quality. All this and more in detail later in this article.

small TV

Size plays important role when choosing a TV for the kitchen, because many are forced to abandon their original plans. If it does not fit, it must be discarded. Experts warn that installing a large TV in a small room is dangerous for your eyesight.

A fifteen-inch screen is allowed to be viewed at a distance of 1.5 m from it, and already 25-inch or more - at least 2.5 m.

The small screen is suitable for standard kitchens in Khrushchev, most other buildings. They are usually filled with furniture, so there are no extra seats. It is better to take a diagonal of 15-20 inches.

You can install a miniature screen different ways, to save space as much as possible, it is better to hang it with a hanging bracket. If the furniture, the walls do not allow you to attach to them additional fittings, you can use any shelf .


In a small kitchen, there is a risk of damage to installed appliances. She is regularly exposed harmful effects steam, splash water, oil, other factors. Therefore, when choosing a small TV, it is better to consider options with moisture-resistant, grease-repellent effects.

Large Models

This option is suitable for owners large kitchens in which you do not have to save space. This applies to residents of new buildings, in which the size of the cooking room is usually impressive. They combine two parts:

  • a cooking area in which the stove, sink, surfaces, appliances are located;
  • area for dining and relaxing.

Installing small models is pointless, because not only the hostess, but also all family members who came to eat will want to watch the movie. Therefore, it is recommended to place the screen so that it can be seen by everyone, with different angles large kitchen. For this, screens from 30 inches or more are used.

By type of technology, you can choose one of the options:

  • LCD. A proven option good quality. Among the shortcomings, a small viewing angle is distinguished - from some places the images are slightly distorted.
  • LED. The option is more expensive, offering a sharp image that is well viewed from everywhere. Among the shortcomings, the high cost is distinguished.

Kitchen with sofa

The combination of these two pieces of furniture became popular in the 90s. Then the kitchen was not only a place for cooking, but also for receiving guests. Today, despite the presence of special guest rooms in many houses and apartments, combining a sofa with a TV remains relevant.

First of all, they create comfort. There will always be those who want to relax while waiting for dinner, lie down on a soft pillow, watching their favorite show. The hostess herself will also not mind spending a few free minutes not sitting on a stool, but comfortably spread out.

Most design options involve the location of the sofa opposite working surface. Between them is a table and chairs. It is best to hang the screen on the side wall so that it can be equally clearly seen by both those who are lying and the hostess standing by the stove. When the guests sit down at the table, it is enough just to leave one of the small sides closest to the screen unoccupied.

The sofa and the screen must be combined with each other, fit under general style premises. For a small kitchen, a practical one is chosen upholstered furniture, often shelves, drawers are built into it; in such a miniature interior, a small screen will look advantageous. A large TV is suitable for a spacious kitchen in which there is no need to save space.

Corner kitchens

L-shaped kitchen - a frequent option used in houses and apartments different layouts. Furniture is arranged in such a way that everything is compact, even in a small room it remains free place. The TV is conveniently placed in the corner opposite the L-shaped sofa, if available.

The corner kitchen is especially suitable for small rectangular rooms.

To plan the interior, taking into account all the details, follow these tips:

  • Usually L-shaped furniture is used in small rooms, so the TV should also be small.
  • The sofa may be absent, while all other furniture is angular. In such cases, the screen can be installed above the L-shaped surface.
  • Refuse wall cabinetsfreeing access to the TV. Some housewives cannot imagine a room without them, but when they are not there, the whole room looks more spacious. You can replace them with retractable, roll-out systems.

Best TV

To choose the best option, should be considered:

  • Diagonal. Large does not mean the best, because the main criterion for choosing its size is the size of the room. 32-inch and large screens can only be considered when the area is from 20 sq.m, like other rooms.
  • Viewing angle. A suitable parameter is 178/178 degrees. If it is not possible to buy such a model, you need to try to ensure that the angle both horizontally and vertically is at least 17 degrees.
  • Permission. The quality of the picture largely depends on this parameter. Two formats are commonly used on small screens: 1280x720 pixels and 1920x1080 pixels. Each of them is suitable for obtaining a high-quality image.
  • Functionality. Some people need a TV just to turn on background music, watch their favorite shows. Others pay attention to features such as support for digital broadcasting, the presence of a USB port, Smart TV.

The following models are recognized as popular options for small rooms: Thomson T19RTE1060, BBK 20LEM-1056 / T2C, for large rooms - Philips 24PHT4031, Samsung T24E310EX. Also, options with increased functionality, especially Wi-Fi support, are in increasing demand, LG 24MT49S-PZ is considered one of the most common.

Accommodation options

Those who have been installing TVs say that the easiest way to find a place for it is in the living room - opposite the sofa. In other rooms, you have to adapt to their size, take into account the presence of other furniture.

Much is left to the choice of the hostess, who spends more time than the rest of the family. The main rule is the remoteness of the screen from the washbasin, stove. You can choose the mounting method based on your preferences.

Built-in TV

Creating a special niche in the wall is one of better ways accommodation. It looks more original than just furniture on a shelf. This option appeared relatively recently, in the 90s no one heard about the built-in screen.

A niche is allowed to be made in the premises of the middle, big size. In small ones, it will additionally hide part of the space.

The niche is located spontaneously, any place is suitable for it. Some people like the design dining table. In families with small children, it can be placed on the wall of the central table, at foot level. Children will be happy to play on the floor with cartoons (suitable for large room, whose table borders on the seating area).

When designing a place for a niche, think about safety rules, remember the right distance from the eyes. If the screen will be above the dining table, the table should be large enough so that everyone sitting at it can freely look into it. If it is undesirable to do this from a certain angle, it is better not to put chairs there at all.

On bracket

An easy installation method that allows you to install the screen at any level without the use of other furniture, walls, surfaces. The bracket must have a swivel function so that you can easily turn the screen in the desired direction. Then you can look into it from any position: sitting, standing, being in different parts premises.

The advantage of this installation method is simplicity. The bracket is easy to mount, even inexperienced can do it. Also, this option is well suited for rooms. small size, for which 15-20 inch models are preferred.

It will be possible to install only a flat screen on the bracket, it will not be possible to hang a lamp screen. For old large models, you can only use hanging shelves, and then it is undesirable to do this. Due to the large weight of the model, it is very difficult to find a reliable, durable mount.

To mount the bracket, it is necessary to fix the bolts on a solid base - concrete or brick. New design solutions offer more interesting options installation: it can descend from the ceiling, be fixed behind the cabinet from above, so that the bolts will not be visible.

On the shelf

by the most in a simple way placement is considered the use of shelves. Some do nothing at all for this, and so there is a free shelf. Others, due to the structural features of the walls, the entire room, the material used in their construction, are forced to abandon the bracket.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this option, it can be given a beautiful design. If the use of a shelf is necessary for you, pick it up and all the rest of the furniture harmoniously. Then everything will look comfortable, being "in its place."

As in other cases, the shelf cannot be placed above the stove, washbasin. It is best to make it to order, along with the rest of the headset, then it will become part of design solution. Many pieces of furniture initially include a shelf.

The TV must stand steadily, when making the shelf separately, it is important to make accurate measurements.

It will be of interest to you:

For standard kitchens apartment buildings(as a rule, we are talking about 9 m 2), experts recommend choosing TVs with a diagonal of no more than 20 inches. Define optimal size you can multiply the length of the kitchen by 6. You will get the minimum diagonal of the TV in inches, which will provide comfortable viewing.

So that you don’t have to approach the TV or, on the contrary, move away from it, from the intended viewing location. In addition, it is desirable that the TV is at the eye level of a seated person.

Do not place the TV in front of a window - sunlight will create glare on the screen and interfere with viewing. For the same reason, lighting devices should not be reflected on the TV screen.

Do not install the TV near a stove or sink. Water and grease can quickly damage appliances. In addition, such a neighborhood is dangerous for the life and health of people: you can be electrocuted. He does not like TV and installation on the refrigerator: vibrations can be detrimental to him.

If the kitchen is so small that a separate TV cabinet is an unaffordable luxury, hang the gadget on a special bracket. The screen can be mounted in one of the corners of the kitchen, on the wall or in the space of the kitchen backsplash.

For the kitchen today they release suspended models TVs. As a rule, they are installed under hinged kitchen cabinets and attached to outside cabinet below. These TVs are usually small size and

Great idea for studio apartments interior partitions. Between the kitchen and the living room, you can make a conditional partition with a movable part, and we fix the TV on it (make sure that the base can withstand its weight). Rotate the screen to where you need it at a particular moment.

The modern kitchen is a technically equipped room in the apartment. Compact - the last chord that completes the complete set of household appliances. The hostess spends a lot of time in the kitchen, and the TV will allow her to listen to the news or watch her favorite TV series without interrupting the current kitchen chores. It also becomes the reason that family members gather there more often and spend time communicating with each other.

TV in the kitchen interior

It differs from other rooms of the apartment by its great saturation. Elements are concentrated on its area different shapes and textures, which the designer combined into one whole. And if in other spacious rooms of the apartment a separate zone is allocated for the home screen, then the kitchen should organically fit into the existing composition. Designers recommend 4 options for how to place it in the kitchen:

  • Selection. This method is applicable for spacious rooms or if the kitchen is combined with the living room. A standard kitchen set will not completely fill the space, and the problem of completing the interior composition will be solved by a wall-mounted TV in the kitchen in combination with related decorative elements. This composition will be completed on the wall. With the advent of widescreen plasma models, Wall panel for TV.
  • Combination. According to this principle, it is placed when it is installed next to other equipment on a common facade. TV above the hood in the kitchen or next to it thanks to a similar appearance will form a complete composition with them. In the interior, you will get complete harmony if you use strict baguettes for curtains, and hang images on the walls in polished frames.

  • Hiding. It is used in cases where a hostess with a heightened aesthetic perception does not see any options to achieve a combination of a home screen with kitchen interior. Most often, this situation occurs when the idea to install a plasma arose after the completion of a design renovation. To resolve the contradiction between the desire to watch your favorite programs in the kitchen and the fear of shifting the focus in a thoroughly thought-out interior kitchen set.
  • Separation. Designers, when determining the location of the home screen in the interior, first of all take into account its ability to attract attention even if a bright and unusual object is located next to it. Therefore, if in the interior the hostess seeks to focus on a separate object, then placing a bright screen next to it is not worth it. original panel from decorative plaster close to plasma will lose all charm. The home screen is not recommended to be placed even in the same observable sector with the main element of the interior.

TV placement options

It is important not only to correctly place the TV in the kitchen from an aesthetic point of view. Its location should provide comfortable viewing, so the options for placing a TV in the kitchen depend not only on the design style of the room, but also on its size, shape and lighting. Nothing will be visible on a screen lit by direct sunlight. There is simply no place for a large plasma in a small kitchen, and it is not very comfortable to watch it at close range. A small TV in a small kitchen looks natural and proportional.

An easy way to determine the optimal diagonal for a home space is that six times the length of the space is the length of the diagonal in inches.

  1. It should not interfere with the cooking process. You can not sacrifice the workplace of the countertop for the sake of its installation;
  2. The mounting method must first of all be reliable and safe, all electrical wires are completely hidden.

Harmless to the eyes and comfortable for the perception of the image distance from the screen is a distance equal to 4 of its diagonals. For a standard kitchen, the viewing distance does not exceed 2m, which corresponds to a screen size of 15-20 inches.

When choosing a location for the home screen in small room there are not so many opportunities to combine aesthetics and comfort. All options for placing a TV in a small kitchen are more practical:

  • Wall mount. This method will allow you to use the hanging headset cabinets for their intended purpose, for storing kitchen utensils, without allocating space for a TV. To do this, either special brackets are used, or a separate shelf is built. You need to choose a place so that the image is clearly visible from any point. Shelf for TV on the wall can be open, in the form of a stand, or maybe closed. In this way, you can fix the TV above the door in the kitchen, when the closed shelf is a continuation of the top row of the headset.

A small kitchen TV located in the corner will not take up much space and will be well viewed.

  • Built in kitchen unit. Rational option - manufacturing order kitchen furniture with a home screen shelf. Therefore, the TV, which is planned to be hidden in the headset, is purchased in advance.
  • The optimal height for placing a TV in a small kitchen is the top tier. You can consider the option of mounting to the ceiling. Such an arrangement will not hamper the kitchen space, and the adjustable angle of the hanging brackets will allow you to tilt the screen so that it will be convenient for viewers sitting at the table to watch it.
  • On sale there are appliances with a built-in TV and models with a folding monitor, designed specifically for small kitchens. A refrigerator with a TV will save the hostess from searching for it separate place, and the folding version is attached to the lower partition of the wall cabinet, and when folded it will be invisible.

Placing a TV in a large kitchen is devoid of such difficulties. The hostess is not limited in choosing the model and where to place the TV in the kitchen. Usually, large and expensive models are installed in spacious kitchens, for which a separate area is allocated. The operating conditions of equipment in such a room are more gentle, since it is less exposed to pollution from a functioning stove and sink.

A large TV in the interior of the kitchen is installed in the following options:

Central location on a kitchen island or on decorative partition dividing the interior of the kitchen into two zones. On the island, the home screen is hidden in the tabletop, and on the partition it is mounted at a height of 1.5 m. In both cases, a 180 0 turn function is provided.

Wall arrangement. In this case, the home screen is the centerpiece decorative design walls. The design of the kitchen with a TV on the wall is the most diverse. For the hi-tech style, they use a laconic frame framing the screen, and for the empire style, they perform an installation with decorative fireplace in the dining area. The design of the wall with TV, panel and fireplace makes the kitchen with the living room cozy.

The location of the home screen is chosen away from the sink or stove. In this way, you can protect equipment from premature damage. In order not to pull long wires, you need to take care of the sockets in advance at the place where the home screen is installed.

The TV mounting technology is determined by its type and installation location. Lamp devices in the kitchen are rare, but in many families they are still in working condition. Therefore, after the owners purchased for the room new model they find use in the kitchen.

CRT devices are heavy, so its installation options come down to finding a solid foundation:

  1. To the refrigerator. This option is feasible if the refrigerator and lamp apparatus are the same age. Older models are lower than modern ones, so there will be enough space to install a TV. Due to the inconvenience of such an arrangement, TV sets are not watched, but listened to, and soon he will receive the role of a radio receiver.
  2. On the tabletop. Lamp devices are bulky, so there will be no space left on the countertop for cooking.
  3. Installation on hanging shelf. This option for mounting a TV on the wall is the most logical. When installing the shelves, pay attention to the strength of the fastening.

To install flat models, 3 mounting methods are used, each of which is equipped with appropriate fittings:

  1. Attachment to the bottom baffle wall cabinets with movable brackets. small plasma TVs they are attached to the kitchen using just such brackets.
  2. A hole is cut in the door to be built into the kitchen wall module. WITH inside with the help of crabs and self-tapping screws, the TV is attached.
  3. Mounting the TV to the wall is carried out using decorative panel, rigid (fixed) or flexible (tilt, tilt-and-turn, universal) bracket. This type of fastening is the most reliable, since the brackets are made of metal, and their installation is carried out using anchors.


The kitchen does not need a representative TV, which is installed in other rooms. This room needs functionality and organic combination.