Heroic actions of people during the war. Fifty facts: the exploits of Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War

Feats soviet heroesthat we will never forget.

Roman Smyshchuk. In one battle destroyed 6 enemy tanks with manual grenades

For the ordinary Ukrainian, the novel is smashing, that fight was first. In an effort to destroy the company, who took a circular defense, the enemy introduced 16 tanks into battle. At this critical moment, Smithchuk showed exceptional courage: the subwoine enemy tank was closely, walked his running part with a grenade, and then throw a bottle with a Molotov cocktail was adjusted. After running out of the trench in the trench, the novel of Smithing attacked the tanks, singing towards them, and she destroyed six tanks alone by one by one. The personal composition of the company, inspired by the feat of the smash, successfully broke through the ring and joined his regiment. For his feat Roman Semenovich Smithing was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union With the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Medal "Golden Star" died Roman Smyshchuk on October 29, 1969, and was buried in the village of Kryzhopol Vinnitsa region.

Vanya Kuznetsov. The youngest cavalier of the 3rd orders of glory

Ivan Kuznetsov went to the front at the age of 14. Vanya received his first medal "for courage" for feats in battles for the liberation of Ukraine. I reached Berlin, showing courage not by years in a number of battles. For this, at the age of 17, Kuznetsov became the youngest full cavalier of the Order of Glory of all three steps. He died on January 21, 1989.

Georgy Synyakov. Saved from captivity hundreds soviet soldiers According to the system "Count Monte Cristo"

The Soviet surgeon was captured during the fights for Kiev and as a concentration camp in Custrine (Poland) saved hundreds of prisoners: being a member of the camp underground, issued the concentration camp documents on them as the dead and organized shoots. Most often, Georgy Fedorovich Synyakov used the imitation of death: he taught patients to pretend to those who died, stated death, the "corpse" was taken out with others who were really dead and dumped in the ditch not far away, where the plated "resurrected". In particular, Dr. Sinyakov saved life and helped escape from the plan of the Hero of the Soviet Union by Anna Egorova, who was shot down by August 1944 under Warsaw. Bruises lubricated it purulent wounds Fish fat and special ointment, from which the wounds looked fresh, and in fact perfectly delayed. Then Anna recovered with Sinyakov fled from the concentration camps.

Matvey Putilov. In 19 years, the values \u200b\u200bof his life connected the ends of the torn wire, restoring the telephone line between the headquarters and the squad of the fighters

In October 1942, the 308th Infantry Division was fighting in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plant and the workshop of the Barricades. On October 25, there was a coupling and guard Major Dyatleko ordered Matvey to restore a wired telephone connection connecting the headquarters of the shelf with a group of fighters that the second day the fighters kept the house surrounded by the enemy. Two previous unsuccessful attempts to restore the connection ended with the death of communicationors. The fragment of Mina Pututut wounded in the shoulder. Forceing pain, he is complement to the place of cliff of the wire, but was secondaryly wounded: he crushed his hand. Losing consciousness and without the opportunity to act as a hand, squeezed the ends of the wires to the teeth, and the current passed through his body. Communication was restored. Died with clamps clamped in the teeth.

Marionella Korolev. I made 50 serious soldiers from the battlefield

19-year-old Actress Gulya Korolev in 1941 voluntarily went to the front and hit the medical and sanitary battalion. In November 1942, during the battle for the height of 56.8 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe farms, Panshino Gorodishchensky district (Volgograd Region of the Russian Federation), the Guly literally brought 50 serious soldiers from the battlefield. And then, when the moral forces of the fighters dried up, he went to the attack, where he was killed. About the feat of the Guli Queen was greeted songs, and her dedication was an example for millions of Soviet girls and boys. Her name was carved by gold on the banner of military glory at Mamaev Kurgan, in honor of her village in the Soviet district of Volgograd and Street. The Book of the Queen is dedicated to the Book E. Fourth "Fourth Height"

Koroleva Marionella (Gulya), Soviet film actrix, heroine of the Great Patriotic War

Vladimir Hazov. Tanker, who one destroyed 27 tanks of the enemy

On the personal account Young officer 27 destroyed enemy tanks. For merits to the homeland of Hazov, the highest award was awarded - in November 1942 he posthumously assigned the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It was especially distinguished in the battle in June 1942, when the Hazov received an order to stop the coming tank column of the enemy, consisting of 30 cars, in the village of Olkhovatka (Kharkiv region, Ukraine) at the time, in the platoon of senior lieutenant Hazov, there were only 3 combat vehicles. The commander accepted bold decision: Skip the column and start shooting from the rear. Three T-34 opened aiming fire on the enemy, leaning into the tail of the enemy column. From frequent and accurate shots, German tanks lit up one after another. In this battle, which lasted a little more than an hour, did not survive any enemy car, and the platoon in full swing returned to the location of the battalion. As a result of the battle in the area of \u200b\u200bOlkhovatka, the enemy lost 157 tanks and stopped his attacks in this direction.

Alexander Mamkin. Pilot who evacuated 10 children at the cost of his life

During the operation on the air evacuation of children from Polotsk children's house No. 1, which the fascists wanted to use as blood donors for their soldiers, Alexander Mamkin made a flight, which we will always remember. On the night of April 10-11, 1944, ten children were placed on his plane, their teacher Valentina Latko and two wounded partisans. At first everything went well, but when picking up to the front line, the aircraft Mamkina was beaten. R-5 burned ... Be Mamkin on board one, he would have gained height and jumped up with a parachute. But he flew not alone and led the aircraft further ... The flame got to the pilot's cabin. From the temperature melted with a lot of glasses, he led the aircraft almost blindly, overcoming hellish pain, he was still firmly standing between the children and death. Mamkin was able to plant the plane on the shore of the lake, he himself could get out of the cockpit and asked: "Children are alive?" And heard the voice of the boy Volodya Shishkov: "Comrade pilot, do not worry! I opened the door, everyone is alive, we leave ... "Next, Mamkin lost consciousness, after a week he died ... Doctors could not explain how he could manage her person and safely to put her man, in whose face woven glasses, and from the feet were alone bones.

Alexey Maresyev. Test pilot, which returned to the front and to combat departures after amputation of both legs

On April 4, 1942, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called "Demyansky boiler" during the operation on the cover of bombers in battle with the Germans, Maresev plane was shot down. The 18th day wounded at the feet of the pilot first on the crumpled legs, and then crawled to the front line, feeding the bark of trees, bumps and berries. Because of the gangremen, his legs amputated. But in the hospital, Alexey Maresyev began training, preparing to fly with prostheses. In February 1943 he made the first trial departure after the injury. I achieved shipment to the front. On July 20, 1943, Alexey Maresyev during an air combat with superior enemy forces saved the life of 2 Soviet pilots and hit two enemy fighters FW.190 at once. In total, during the war, 86 combat departures made 11 aircraft of the enemy: four before injury and seven - after injured.

Rose Shanin. One of the most terrible lonely snipers of the Great Patriotic War

Rosa Shanina - Soviet single sniper of a separate platoon of sniper-girls of the 3rd Belarusian front, Kavaler of the Order of Fame; One of the first women's snipers awarded this award. It was known for the ability to lead an accurate shooting on moving goals with a doublet - two shots going on each other. On the account of Rosa Shanina recorded 59 confirmed destroyed soldiers and opponent officers. A young girl became a symbol of the Patriotic War. With its name, many stories and legends are connected, which inspired new heroes on glorious feats. He died on January 28, 1945 during the East Prussian operation, protecting the seriously edged commander of the artillery unit.

Nikolai Skorokhodov. Made 605 combat departures. Personally hit 46 opponent aircraft.

The Soviet pilot-fighter Nikolai Skorokhodov during the war passed all the steps of aviation - was a pilot, a senior pilot, a link commander, deputy commander and a squadron commander. He fought in the Transcaucasian, North Caucasian, South-Western and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. During this time, he made more than 605 combat departures, conducted 143 air combat, hit 46 personally and in the group of 8 enemy aircraft, and also destroyed 3 bombers on Earth. Thanks to the unique skirmish skirmism, he never was injured, his plane was not burning, he was not shot down, he did not receive any breakdown for the whole war.

Julbars. Mino-search service, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, the only dog \u200b\u200bawarded the medal "for military merit"

From September 1944 to August 1945, taking part in demining on the territory of Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria, a service dog named Julbars discovered 7468 mines and more than 150 shells. In this way, architectural masterpieces Prague, Vienna and other cities lived to this day and thanks to the phenomenal little Julbars. The dog also helped Sapers who were cleared of the grave of Taras Shevchenko in Kanev and the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. On March 21, 1945, for the successful implementation of the combat task, Julbars was awarded a medal "for military merit". This is the only case during the war, when the dog was awarded combat award. For combat merits, Julbars participated in the Victory Parade, held on Red Square on June 24, 1945.

Julbars, Dog Minno-Search Service, Member of the Great Patriotic War

Already at 7.00 on May 9, the telemaceraphone "Our Victory" begins, and the evening will end the celebration of the Grand Festive Concert "Victory. One on all ", which will start at 20.30. Svetlana Loboda, Irina Bilyk, Natalia Mogilevskaya, Zlata Ognevich, Victor Pavlik, Olga Polyakova and other popular stars of Ukrainian pop, Viktor Pavlik, took part in the concert.

Since 2009, on February 12, the United Nations International Children's Children's Day announced. This is so called minors who are forced due to circumstances to actively participate in wars and armed conflicts.

In combat actions during the Great Patriotic War, according to various sources, they took part up to several tens of thousands of minors. "Sons of the regiment", the pioneers of the heroes - they fought and sit on a par with adults. For combat merit awarded orders and medals. Images of some of them were used in Soviet propaganda as symbols of courage and loyalty to the Motherland.

Five minor fighters of the Great Patriotic War were awarded the highest awards - the titles of the Heroes of the USSR. All - posthumously, remaining in textbooks and books by children and adolescents. All Soviet schoolchildren knew these heroes. Today "RG" recalls their short and often similar to each other biography.

Marat Kazei, 14 years old

Participant of the Partizansky Detachment named after the 25th anniversary of October, Scout of the 200th partisan brigade named after Rokossovsky in the occupied territory of the Belarusian SSR.

Marat was born in 1929 in the village of Stankovo, the Minsk Region of Belarus, managed to graduate 4 grade of the rural school. Before the war, his parents were arrested on charges of hydration and "Trotskyism", numerous children "scattered" on grandparents. But the family of Kazyev did not call the Soviet power: in 1941, when Belarus became an occupied territory, Anna Kazay, the wife of the "enemy of the people" and the mother of small marats and Ariadnes, hid in her wounded partisans, for which she was executed by the Germans. And brother and sister went to the partisans. Ariadna was subsequently evacuated, but Marat remained in the detachment.

On a par with senior comrades, he went into intelligence - both alone and with the group. Participated in the raids. Used the echelons. For the fight in January 1943, when, wounded, he raised his comrades in the attack and made his way through the enemy ring, Marat received the medal "for the courage."

And in May 1944, when performing the next task, near the village of Horomitsky Minsk region, a 14-year-old fighter died. Returning from the task together with the intelligence commander, they came across the Germans. The commander was killed immediately, and Marat, shooting, harboring in a hollow. It was nowhere to go in a clean field, and there was no possibility - the teenager was seriously injured in his hand. While there were cartridges, kept the defense, and when the store was empty, took the last weapon - two grenades, from the belt. One threw in Germans at once, and with the second waited: when the enemies came closely close, blew themselves with them.

In 1965, Marat Casey was awarded the title Hero of the USSR.

Valya cat, 14 years old

Parisan Scouting in the Karmelyuk Dead, the most young Hero of the USSR.

Valya was born in 1930 in the village of Khmelevka Schepetovsky district Kamenets-Podolsk region of Ukraine. Before the war graduated from five classes. In a busy German troops, a boy collected a weapon, ammunition and passed their partisans. And he led his own little war, as she understood it: he painted and opened on the prominent places of caricature on the Nazis.

Since 1942, he contacted the Shepet's underground party organization and carried out its intelligence instructions. And in the autumn of the same year, Valya with his peers received the first real combat task: to eliminate the head of the field gendarmerie.

"The roar of motors became louder - the cars were approaching. Faces of soldiers were already well visible. From Lbov, half-closed with green helmets, Flamen sweat. Some soldiers have taken careless helmets. The front car was stuck with the bushes, followed by the boys. Valya raised, counting about seconds . The car drove, there is already armored vehicle against him. Then he rose to the whole height and shouting "fire!" One after another threw two grenades ... At the same time, the explosions were spoiled on the left and right. Both cars stopped, the front light up. Soldiers were swiftly frightened , rushed into a cuvette and from there discovered a random fire from the machine guns, "the Soviet textbook describes this first fight. The task of the partisan Valya was then completed: the head of the gendarmerie, the Ober-Lieutenant Franz Kenig and the seven German soldiers died. About 30 people were injured.

In October 1943, the young fighter explored the location of the underground telephone cable of the Hitler's rate, which was shortly undermined. Valya also participated in the destruction of six railway echelons, warehouse.

October 29, 1943, being in the post, Valya noticed that the punishers staged a cloud on a detachment. By killing the fascist officer from the pistol, the teenager raised his alarm, and the partisans managed to prepare for battle. February 16, 1944, 5 five days after his 14th anniversary, in battle for the city of Izyaslav Kamenets-Podolskaya, now the Khmelnitsky region, the scout was mortally wounded and the next day died.

In 1958, Valentina Kotika was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Lenya Golikov, 16 years

Scout of the 67th squad of the 4th Leningrad partisan brigade.

Born in 1926 in the village of Lukino Parfinsky district of the Novgorod region. When the war began, he got a rifle and went to the partisans. Slender, little growth, he looked still of all 14 years old. Under the guise of a beggar, I walked around the villages, collecting the necessary data on the location of the fascist troops and the number of their military equipment, and then passed this information to the partisans.

In 1942, he joined the squad. "Participated in 27 combat operations, destroyed 78 German soldiers and officers, blew 2 railway railway and 12 highway bridges, blew 9 cars with ammunition ... On August 12, in a new area of \u200b\u200bhostilities, Golikov brigade broke the passenger car in which Major General Engineering was located The troops Richard Wirtz heading from Pskov in the meadow, "such data is contained in its premium sheet.

In the regional military archive, genuine reporting of Golikov with a story about the circumstances of this battle is preserved:

"In the evening of 12.08.42. We, 6 people partisans, got out on the Pskov-meadow highway and lay near the village. Varnitsa. At night, there was no movement. Raw. From the side of Pskov, a small light car appeared. Went quickly, but the bridge, where We were, the car is quieter. Parisan Vasilyev threw the anti-tank grenade, did not hit. The second grenade threw Petrov Alexander from the ditch, got to Traverse. The car did not immediately stopped, and there was another 20 meters and almost stood with us. From the car, two officers jumped out. I Deli out of the machine. I did not hit the officer, who was sitting at the wheel, ran through a ditch towards the forest. I gave a few queues from my PPS. I got an enemy in the neck and back. Petrov began to shoot on the second officer, who looked around all the time, shouted and shouted He was shooting out. Petrov from the rifle killed this officer. Then together ran to the first wounded officer. The shoulder shoulder straps, took a portfolio, documents. In the car there was still a heavy suitcase. We barely raised it in the bushes (150 meters from the highway). Becoming E by car, we heard in the next village of Anxiety, ringing, cry. Grabbing the portfolio, shoulder straps and three trophy guns, we ran to our ... ".

For this feat, Lenya was presented to the highest government award - the medal "Golden Star" and the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. But did not have time to get them. From December 1942 to January 1943, the partisan detachment in which Golikov was located, with brutal battles left the environment. It was only a few survive to survive, but there were no laziness among them: he died in battle with a punitive squad of the fascists on January 24, 1943 at the village of Outrase Luka Pskov region, without surviving up to 17 years.

Sasha Chekalin, 16 years

Member of the partisan detachment "advanced" Tula region.

Born in 1925 in the village of Peschatsky, now the Suvorov district of the Tula region. Before the beginning of the war graduated from 8 classes. After the occupation of the native village of German-fascist troops in October 1941, he joined the fighter partisan detachment "advanced", where he managed to serve just over a month.

By November 1941, the partisan detachment struck the fascists a significant damage: the warehouses burned, exploded on the mines of the car, went under the incomplete enemy trains, the hour and patrols disappeared without a trace. Once a group of partisans, including Sasha Chekalin, staged an ambush by the road to the city of Likhvin (Tula region). The car appeared in the distance. Passed a minute - and the explosion spread the car into parts. For her, several more cars exploded. One of them, crowded with soldiers, tried to slip. But the grenade thrown by Sasha Chekalin destroyed it.

In early November 1941, Sasha was cold and run. The Commissioner allowed him to fly away from a proven person in the nearest village. But there was a traitor who issued it. At night, the fascists broke into the house where the sick partisan lay. Chekalin managed to grab the cooked grenade and throw it, but she did not explode ... A few days later, the torture of the fascists hung a teenager on the central square of Likhvina and no longer allowed to clean his corpse from the gallows. And only when the city was released from the invaders, the combat comrades of the partisan Chekalin buried him with the Military Humans.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Chekalina was assigned in 1942.

Zina Portnova, 17 years

Member of the Underground Komsomolsk and youth organization "Young Avengers", the explosion of the partisan detachment named after Voroshilov in the territory of the Belarusian SSR.

Born in 1926 in Leningrad, graduated from 7 classes there and on the summer holidays went to relax to relatives into the village of Zuya Vitebsk Region Belarus. There she caught war.

In 1942, she joined the Olyoli Underground Komsomol and youth organization "Young Avengers" and actively participated in the distribution of leaflets among the population and diversions against the invaders.

From August 1943, Zina - the explosion of the partisan detachment named after Voroshilov. In December 1943, she received a task to identify the reasons for the failure of the organization "Young Avengers" and establish a connection with the underground. But when returning to a detachment, Zin was arrested.

During the interrogation, the girl grabbed a gun of the fascist investigator from the table, shot him and two more nazis, tried to flee, but was captured.

From the book "Zina Portnova" of the Soviet writer Vasily Smirnova: "I interrogated her the most sophisticated in the brutal torture of the executioners .... She was promised to save life, if only the young partisan admits in everything, calls the names of all underground workers and partisans. And again the gestapovtsy met with surprised their unshakable hardness of this stubborn girl, which in their protocols was called "Soviet Banditanka." Zina, exhausted by torture, refused to answer questions, hoping that it would be faster than it. ... Once on the prison court, prisoners saw how a very gray girl when her He led to another interrogation-torture, rushed under the wheels of the passing truck. But the car stopped, the girl pulled out from under the wheels and again led to the interrogation ... ".

On January 10, 1944, in the village of the village of Shumilinsky district of the Vitebsk region of Belarus, 17-year-old Zin was shot.

The title Zinaide's Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned in 1958.

During the Great Patriotic War, many Soviet citizens (not only soldiers) made heroic actions, saving other people's lives and bringing the victory of the USSR over German invaders. These people are rightfully considered heroes. In our article recall some of them.

Heroes of men

The list of the heroes of the Soviet Union, famous during the Great Patriotic, is quite extensive, therefore let's call the most famous:

  • Nikolay Gastello (1907-1941): Hero of the Union is posthumously, the squadron commander. After the bombing of the German heavy machinery, the Gastello plane was chopped. On the burning bomber, the pilot rammed the enemy column;
  • Victor Talalikhin (1918-1941): The Hero of the USSR, the deputy commander of the squadron, participated in the battle for Moscow. One of the first Soviet pilots who committed a taran of the enemy in the night aircraft;
  • Alexander Sailors (1924-1943): Hero of the Union is posthumously, ordinary, arrows. In the battle at the village of Chernushki (Pskov region) closed the ambrusura of the German firepoint;
  • Alexander Tashkin (1913-1985): Three times the Hero of the USSR, the fighter pilot (recognized as ASA), improved the battle's technique (about 60 victories), passed the whole war (about 650 departures), Marshal Aviation (since 1972);
  • Ivan Kozdadub (1920-1991): three times hero, fighter pilot (speaker), squadron commander, participant Kursk battle, it produced about 330 combat departures (64 victories). It became famous for the effective technique of shooting (for 200-300 m to the enemy) and lack of cases when the aircraft was shot down;
  • Alexey Maresyev (1916-2001): Hero, Deputy Squadron Deposit, Fighter Pilot. It is famous for the fact that after the amputation of both legs, using the prosthesis, was able to return to combat flights.

Fig. 1. Nikolay Gastello.

In 2010, an extensive Russian electronic database "Feat people" was created, containing reliable information from official documents on the participants of the war, their exploits and awards.

Heroes of women

Separately, it is worth allocating women of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
Some of them:

  • Valentina Grizodubova (1909-1993): The first pilot woman - the Hero of the Soviet Union, the pilot-instructor (5 world airares), the airlock commander, made about 200 combat departures (of which 132 nights);
  • Lyudmila Pavlichenko (1916-1974): Hero of the Union, the world famous sniper, an instructor in a sniper school, participated in the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol. Destroyed about 309 opponents, of which 36 snipers;
  • Lydia Litvak (1921-1943): Hero posthumously, fighter pilot (AS), commander of the squadron, participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, battles in the Donbas (168 departures, 12 victories in aviation);
  • Ekaterina Budanova (1916-1943): Hero Russian Federation posthumously (in the USSR it was listed missing), the fighter pilot (AC), repeatedly fought against the superior forces of the enemy, including on the frontal attack (11 wins);
  • Catherine Zelenko (1916-1941): The hero of the Union is posthumously, the deputy commander of the squadron. The only Soviet pilot woman who participated in the Soviet-Finnish War. The only woman in the world who committed a taran of an enemy aircraft (in Belarus);
  • Evdokia Bershanskaya (1913-1982): The only woman awarded the Order of Suvorov. The flyer, the commander of the 46 guards night bombarding air strike (1941-1945). The regiment was exclusively feminine. For the skill of performing combat missions received the nickname "Night Witches". Especially distinguished in the liberation of the Taman Peninsula, Feodosia, Belarus.

Fig. 2. The pilots of the 46 guards airlock.

05/09/2012 Modern Motion "Immortal Regiment" originated in Tomsk, designed to honor the memory of the heroes of the Second World War. On the streets of the city, the inhabitants carried about two thousand portraits of their relatives who participated in the war. Movement has become massive. Every year the number of participating cities increases, even other countries. In 2015, the action "Immortal Regiment" received official permission and passed in Moscow immediately after the Victory Parade.

For a long time, there are fights. One after another veterans leave. But the heroes of BOB 1941-1945 and their feats will forever remain in the memory of grateful descendants. About the brightest personalities of those years and their immortal acts will tell this article. Someone was still very young, and someone is no longer young. Each of the heroes have their own character and their own fate. But all of them were united by the love of the Motherland and the willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of her good.

Alexander Sailors.

The pupil of the orphans Sasha sailors hit the war in the 18th age. Immediately after the infantry school, he was sent to the front. February 1943 issued "hot". The Alexander's battalion was in the attack, and at some point the guy along with several comrades came to the environment. It was not possible to break through to her - the enemy machineuses were too tight. Soon the sailors remained alive alone. His comrades ran under the bullets. Just a few seconds it had a young man to make a decision. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the last in his life. Wanting to bring at least some benefit to the native battalion, Alexander Satrosov rushed to the ambrusura, closing it with his body. Fire slag. The attack of Krasnoarmeys in the end was crowned with success - the fascists retreated. And Sasha went to the sky with a young and beautiful 19 year old guy ...

Marat Kazei

When the Great Patriotic War began, Marat Casey was only twelve. He lived in the village of Stankovo \u200b\u200balong with his sister and parents. In the 41st ended in the occupation. Marat's mother helped the partisans by providing their shelter and feeding them. Once the Germans learned about it and shot a woman. Left alone, children, not long thought, went to the forest and joined the partisans. Marat, who before the war managed to finish only four classes, helped senior comrades than could. He was even taken in intelligence; And he participated in the undermining of German echelons. In the 43rd, the boy was honored with the Medal "for the courage", for heroism, manifested during a surroundings breakthrough. The boy was wounded in that terrible battle. And in 1944, Kazahi returned from exploration with an adult partisan. They were noticed by the Germans and began to fill. Senior Comrade killed. Marat shot down to the last cartridge. And when he had only one pomegranate, the teenager dismissed the Germans closer and blew himself together with them. He was 15 years old.

Alexey Maresyev

The name of this person is known to every resident of the former Soviet Union. After all we are talking About the legendary pilot. Alexey Maresiev was born in 1916 and from childhood he was dreaming heaven. Even transferred rheumatism did not become an obstacle to the dream. Despite the prohibitions of doctors Alexey entered the flight - took it after several vain attempts. In the 41st stubborn young man fell to the front. The sky turned out to be not as he dreamed of. But it was necessary to protect their homeland, and Maresyev did everything for this. Once his plane was shot down. Alexey, wounded in both legs, managed to put the car on the territory captured by the Germans and even somehow get to his. But the time was missed. Feet "devoured" gangrena, and they had to amputate. Where to go to a soldier without both limbs? After all, quite a cripple ... But not from these was Alexey Maresyev. He remained in the ranks and continued to fight the enemy. As many as 86 times, a winged car with a hero on board managed to climb the sky. 11 German aircraft shot down Maresyev. The pilot was lucky enough to survive in that terrible war and to feel the thrilling taste of victory. He died in 2001. "Tale of this man" Boris Polevoy - this is a work about him. It was the feat of Maresev inspired the author to writing it.

Zinaida Portnova

Born in 1926, Zina Portnova teenager met the war. At that time, a native resident of Leningrad was visiting relatives in Belarus. Being in the occupied territory, she did not sit down aside, and entered into partisan traffic. Adhesive leaflets, established a connection with the underground ... In 1943, the Germans grabbed the girl and dragged into their lair. During the interrogation, Zina managed to somehow take a gun from the table. She shot her tormentors - two soldiers and investigator. This was heroic deedwho made the attitude of the Germans to Zina even more brutal. It is impossible to transfer the words of torment, who experienced a girl during terrible torture. But she was silent. Neither the word failed to squeeze the fascists from it. As a result, the Germans shot their prisoner, and without achieving anything from the heroine Zina portor.

Andrey Korzun

Andrei Korzuna in the 41st turned thirty. At the front, he was called on immediately by sending to artilleryrs. Korzun took part in terrible battles near Leningrad, during one of which received a serious injury. It was November 5, 1943. Fadaya, Korzun noticed that a warehouse began to fire with ammunition. It was necessary to urgently extinguish the fire, otherwise a huge strength threatened to carry a lot of lives. Something like, expired by blood and tormented from pain, artillery dresses to a warehouse. Forces to remove the chinel and throw it on the flame at the artilleryman did not remain. Then he covered fire with his body. The explosion did not happen. Survive Andrei Korzun failed.

Leonid Golikov

Another young hero - Lenya Golikov. Born in 1926. Lived in the Novgorod region. With the beginning of the war went to partition. The courage and decisiveness of this teenager was not to occupy. Leonid destroyed 78 fascists, a dozen enemy compositions and a couple of bridges. The courage, which was in history and the German General of Richard von Virtsz - exactly his hand. The car of an important rank took off to the air, and the Golikov took hold of the valuable documents, for which he got a star of the hero. A brave guerrilla was killed in 1943 under the villages of Outrash Luke during the German attack. The enemy significantly exceeded our fighters in quantity, and they had no chances. Golikov fought until the last sigh.
These are only six stories from the great set of those that the whole war is permeated. Everyone who passed her, who at least a moment brought the victory is already a hero. Thanks to Maresyev, Golikov, Korzun, sailors, Kaza, Portnov and millions of other Soviet soldiers, the world got rid of the brown plague of the 20th century. And the award for their exploits was the eternal life!

What kind of exploits of the Great Patriotic War do we know? Alexander Sailors, who closed the ambrusura; Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, which the fascists spent; The pilot Alexei Maresiev, who lost both legs, but continued to fight ... It is unlikely that someone can remember the names of other heroes. Meanwhile, people who have committed impossible to protect their homeland, a lot. Their names are called the streets of our cities, and we do not even know who they are and what. The editors decided to correct this situation - we suggest you learn about the 10 most incredible exploits of the Great Patriotic War.

Nikolay Gastello

Nikolay Gastello

Nikolay Gastello was a military pilot, captain, commander of the 2nd squadron of the 207th Fallen Bombarde Aviation Regiment. Before the Great Patriotic War, Gastello worked as a simple mechanic. He passed three wars, he received the rank of captain a year before the Second World War.

On June 26, 1941, the crew, who commanded Nikolai Gastello, flew to hit the German mechanized column, located between the Belarusian cities of Molodechno and Radoshkovichi. During the operation, the Gastello Airplane was bridged with an anti-aircraft gun shell - the plane caught fire. Nikolai could catapult, but instead he sent a burning plane to a German column. Before that, for all the time of the Second World War, no one did this, so after the perfect gastello feat of all pilots who were solved to go to the ram, called Gastellovcans.

Lenya Golikov

Lenya Golikov

The Lenya Golikov, during the Great Patriotic War, consisted in the Leningrad partisan brigade as a brigade scout of the 67th squad of the 4th. When the best practices began, he was 15 years old, he left the partisan squad when the Germans seized his native Novgorod region. During his stay in the partisan brigade, he managed to participate in twenty-seven operations, destroy several bridges in the enemy's rear, destroy ten compositions, transported ammunition, kill more than seventy Germans.

In the summer of 1942, next to the village of Varnanti Lenya, Golikov undermined the car in which the German Major General of the Engineering Troops Richard von Wirtz was driving. As a result of this operation, Golikov was able to produce important documents in which the German offensive was said. This made it possible to rip the preparing attack of the Germans. For this feat, Lenya Golikov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He died in the winter of 1943 in the winter of 1943, near the village of Outrase Luka, he was 16 years old.

Zina Portnova

Zina Portnova

Zina Portorova was the explosion of the partisan squad named after Voroshilov, who acted in the territory occupied by the Germans. When the war began, Zina was in Belarus on vacation. In 1942, at the age of 16, she joined the underground organization "Young Avengers", where at first she was engaged in the fact that the anti-fascist leaflets were distributed in the territories occupied by the Germans. Then Zina got a job in the dining room for the German officers. There, she was performed a number of sabotage, the Germans did not grab it only miracle.

In 1943, Zina joined the partisan detachment, where he continued to engage in sabotage in the rear of the enemy. But soon thanks to reporters who switched to the side of the Germans, Zina was captured, where it was subjected to cruel torture. However, the enemies underestimated the young girl - torture did not make her give her, and during one of the interrogations, Zina managed to grab the gun and kill three Germans. Shortly after that, Zina Portnova was shot, she was 17 years old.

Young guard

Young guard

Thus called the underground anti-fascist organization, which led its activities in the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern Lugansk region. "Young Guard" included more than a hundred participants, the youngest of which was only fourteen years old. The most famous members of the "Young Guard" are Oleg Kosheva, Ulyana Gromova, Lyubov Shevtsov, Vasily Levashov, Sergey Tylenyn and others.

The participants of this underground organization produced and distributed leaflets in the territory occupied by the Germans, and also committed sabotage. As a result of one of the sabotage, they were able to deal with a whole repair shop in which the Germans cleared tanks. They also managed to burn the stock exchange, from where the Germans hiped people to Germany.

Traitors issued the participants of the "Young Guard" to the Germans just before the planned uprising. More than 70 members of the organization were captured, subjected to torture, and then were shot.

Victor Talalikhin

Victor Talalikhin

Viktor Talalikhin was the Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 177th Fighter Aviation Regiment of Air Defense. Talalikhin took part in the Soviet-Finnish war, during which he managed to destroy the enemy's four aircraft. After the war, he went to serve in an aviation school. During the Second World War, in August 1941 he knocked down a German bomber, going to the ram on him, and stayed alive, choosing from the cab and descending on a parachute in the rear to his.

After that, Viktor Talalichina managed to destroy five more fascist aircraft. However, in October 1914, the hero died during participation in the next air battle Near Podolsk. In 2014, Victor Talalikhin plane was found in the suburban swamps.

Andrey Korzun

Andrey Korzun

Andrei Korzun was an artillersmith of the 3rd counter-follower artillery corps of the Leningrad Front. Korzun was called into the army at the very beginning of the Second World War. His battery fell under the squall fire of the enemy on November 5, 1943. In this battle, Andrei Korzun was seriously injured. Seeing that the powder charges were adjusted, because of which the warehouse with ammunition can take off to the air, Korzun, experiencing the strongest pain, crawled to burning powder charges. Forces to remove your chinel and cover it with her, he no longer had, so he, losing consciousness, covered him with himself. As a result, the korzun explosion fell did not happen.

Alexander Herman

Alexander Herman

Alexander Herman was the commander of the 3rd Leningrad Brigade Partisan. Alexander served in the army since 1933, and when the Great Patriotic War began, he went to scouts. Then he began to command a partisan brigade, which was able to destroy several hundred railway compositions and cars, kill thousands of German soldiers and officers. Germans for a long time They tried to enter the partisan detachment of Germany, and in 1943 they managed it: the detachment was surrounded on the territory of the Pskov region, and Alexander Herman was killed.

Vladislav Khrustitsky

Vladislav Khrustitsky

Vladislav Khrustitsky was the commander of the 30th Separate Guards Tank Brigade on the Leningrad Front. Vladislav served in the army since the 20s, in the late 1930s he graduated from armored courses, and in the fall of 1942 he began to command the 61st separate light tank brigade. Vladislav Khrustitsky distinguished himself during the Iskra surgery, which gave impetus to the future defeat of the fascists on the Leningrad Front.

In 1944, the Germans have already retired from Leningrad, but Vladislav Khrustitsky's tank brigade fell into a trap under Volosovo. Despite the fierce fire from the enemy, Khrustitsky on radio conversion handed over the order "stand to death!", After which the first went ahead. In this battle, Vladislav Khrustitsky died, and the village of Volosovo was released from the fascists.

Efim Osipenko

Efim Osipenko

Efim Osipenko was the commander of the partisan squad, which he organized with several his comrades immediately after the capture of his Earth by the Germans. Osipenko detachment made anti-fascist sabotage. During one of these sabotage officers, Osipenko was supposed to throw under the German railway line-made explosives made from grenade, which he did. However, the explosion did not happen. Without a long time, Osipenko found a railway sign, and a stick attached to him hit a grenade. It exploded, the composition with food and tanks for the Germans went under the slope. The hero survived, but lost sight. For this operation, Efim Osipenko received the "Partiz of Patriotic War" medal, it was the first award such a medal.

Matvey Kuzmin

Matvey Kuzmin

Matvey Kuzmin became the most elderly participant in the Second World War, who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but, alas, posthumously. He was 83 years old when the Germans took him in captivity and demanded them through the forest and swamps. Matvey sent his grandson forward to warn the partisan detachment that was next to them. Thus, the Germans fell into the ambush and was broken. During the battle, Matvey Kuzmin was killed by a German officer.