Difficult riddles about household appliances. Riddles about household appliances

A selection of art words

on the topic "Household electrical appliances"

I see a socket down on the wall
And it becomes interesting to me
What kind of mysterious beast is sitting there,
Our devices to work orders?
The beast is called electricity.
It's very dangerous to play with him, my friend!
Keep your hands away from the current.
Do not rush to put your fingers in the socket!
If you try to joke with the current,
He gets angry and can kill.
Current - for electrical appliances, understand

Better never tease him!

What is included in the socket

Who with difficulty, and who in the hunt -
People go to work
But they can't
To do everything alone in the world.

They have an assistant who,
If necessary, move mountains.
He does not lie idle
And it runs along the wires.

Rushing like a predator in a cage
From outlet to outlet
And no wonder where he lives,
They write: "Don't get in - it will kill you!"

The joke can be cruel
Electric current -
And don't ask mom
You cannot approach him.

But if there is a case,
He will deal with it skillfully.
If sad, maybe he
Wake up the tape recorder.

He will sing to us and play,
Reading a fairy tale at night
It's just a pity that the singer
Show us no face.

If the music gets boring
The current will turn on the TV for us,
Every day is nice
Watch cartoons with mom.

To drink tea for everyone
We charge the kettle.
Turns water current
In real boiling water.

And recently allowed
Wash everything in the machine
Even plush mice
But not dirty babies.

Let's say thank you mom
That we know how to wash ourselves,
And in the pelvis spinning in it
Mom will not plant us.

After a soft foam bath
We blow dry our hair.
Current zealous oh-ho-ho
The wind blows from it.

He knows how to give heat!
He warms the iron for mom,
To in one go
Iron the table with linen.

In a refrigerator without electricity
There is no good.
Without his work here
All products will be lost.

The current is also friendly with a vacuum cleaner.
The vacuum cleaner sucks dust with its nose.
To breathe purity
We will not disturb them!

And when it gets dark in the window,
In the lamp, the light will be able to light.
We will become bolder with him
Even the darkest darkness.

The current is not afraid of work.
And why should we be lazy?
We'd better understand
What else to do with it.

toy refrigerator

Refrigerator Quiet

The song is murmuring.

Waving the white door

children calls:

Enjoy, children

for my inventory:

Grapes are woven here

In the tail of a pineapple

orange plays

with a peach in football -

Between two bananas scores a goal.

And on the bottom shelf

Residents are not sad

Here the carrot tickles

Strong cabbage side.

Over a ruddy radish

Legs dangling sausages ...

And on the top shelf

Cheese rolls in oil

And in snow-white sour cream

Creature is bathing...

Caution, children:

the door is closing!

Anatoly Valevsky

Household Appliances (Safety Lessons)

There are assistants in my mother's apartment,
They do a lot of work themselves:
In the rooms, the vacuum cleaner collects dust,
The washing machine washes things
Then these things are ironed,
The new computer is also our friend.
The microwave cooks dinner
The meat grinder gives minced meat for cutlets,
And the refrigerator stores food,
It just hums a little.
The stove cooks our delicious compote -
These helpers have a lot to worry about.
All Appliances needed,
However, we must be careful:
If you accidentally climb into the refrigerator
You can freeze - which is very sad.
If you jump into the washing machine,
You can die from electricity!
And with the TV the same trouble -
Never poke around in it!
Always be careful with appliances
This rule is easy to remember!

We have helpers

Do not give up in difficult times.

If mom is all in worries,
We get to work.
Here, at the request of “Help!”
Ironing dresses, ironing trousers,
All are able to our hands.
The vacuum cleaner makes a loud noise.
Our carpet shines like snow.

We haven't forgotten about underwear.
Washed, scrolled.
And then rinsed
Our hands are not tired.
Dry our things
Clothes shine with cleanliness.
We sat down for a minute

Watched TV.
Hear the phone ringing
Someone is in a hurry to visit us.
Put the kettle on the stove
Let's give our guests tea.
Our house is full of music
We dance and sing in it.
How to behave at home
We will learn in the garden.

What's the noise in this kitchen?
We will fry cutlets.
We'll take a meat grinder
Let's quickly check the meat.
Beat together with a mixer
Everything we need for the cream.
To bake a cake soon
We turn on the electric stove.
Electrical appliances are amazing!
It would be hard for us to live without them.
(E. Ignatieva)

Poem by M. Monakova “Sockets are not interesting to me!”

Girl: A neighbor came to visit us
We frolicked with her for half a day,
The needle was inserted into the socket,
From the socket - a column of fire!
We barely with a neighbor
managed to jump to the side.
My dad is a big connoisseur
We were told:

Boy: “In the outlet - current,
I give you this socket
I do not recommend touching
irons and wires
never grab!
Current invisible without hands
You might get hit!”

“It’s a problem without a refrigerator.

Food will spoil in heat.

And even our hungry cat

Not suitable for this kind of food.”

"The iron is like a steamboat,

He floats smoothly over the linen,

Wrinkled dress? - nothing!

He will smooth it out quickly.

Without microwave oven

Difficulty coping in the dining room

I cook and warm

Eating lighter and faster."

Be careful when handling the power source

You, baby, must remember:
Be careful with the socket!
You can't play with her
Put cloves in it.

Stick a carnation inadvertently -
And you get electrocuted
So hit that, I'm sorry
They might not even be saved.

The case will end in disaster -
The current in the outlet is very angry!!!

(G. Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva)

Everyone knows that iron-

A kind but serious friend.

The one who is familiar with the iron,

Doesn't play with iron.


1. House on legs
Window in the middle.
The window will light up
The movie will appear. ( Television )

2.It is with a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach
How his engine hums
He swallows dust and rubbish. ( A vacuum cleaner )

3. In the summer, our dad brought
There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Houses in summer and winter
Saves products:
Meat, fish, fruits. ( Fridge )

4. The ship is sailing,
Back, then forward. ( Iron )

5. This is a miracle device
Washes everything.
He is a helper for the hostess
What a miracle, guess what. (Washing machine)

6. I puff, puff, puff,
I don't want to get hot anymore.
The lid rattled loudly.
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!”. ( Kettle )

7. I clean everything in the apartment

I love dust and debris."(A vacuum cleaner )

8. “The main thing is mine

Laundry clean"

I not only know how to wash,

I can rinse, squeeze.(Washing machine)

9. “Electric miracle, different cooking dish.

Borscht or pickle will cook, and fry eggs.

Meat, chicken stew

And dry crackers .. (Electric stove)

10. “You plug me into the outlet,

When you want tea." (Electric kettle)

11. Irons dresses and shirts,

Iron our pockets.

He is a true friend in the household -

His name is... (iron)

12. Admire, look -

North Pole inside!

There sparkles snow and ice

Winter lives there.(fridge)

13. I have a robot in my apartment

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness

And it buzzes like a Tu liner.

He willingly swallows the dust,

Not sick, not sneezing ....(a vacuum cleaner) .

14. Not radio, but talking

Not theater, but shows ...(television) .

15. Hanging pear - you can not eat ...(bulb) .

16. Only me, only me,

I'm in charge in the kitchen

Without me, no matter how hard you work

Sitting without lunch ....(plate) .

17.If the button is pressed

There will be music...(record player) .

First load the laundry into it,
Pour the powder and plug it into the socket,
Do not forget to set the washing program
And then you can go to rest.(Washing machine)

Wrinkled dress? Nothing!
I'll smooth it out now
To work for me, not to get used to ...
Ready! Can be worn.(Iron)

Live there different products,
Cutlets, vegetables and fruits.
Sour cream, cream and sausages,
Sausages, milk and meat.(Fridge)

On the table in a cap and in a glass vial,

A friend settled - a cheerful light. (Desk lamp).

Hello dear readers! It's probably impossible to imagine modern house without a variety of household appliances. A washing machine and a vacuum cleaner, an electric kettle and a microwave oven, a TV and a computer have firmly entered our lives. Therefore, it is quite natural that, while learning the world around him, the child does not ignore all sorts of devices and devices that are not only difficult for him, but sometimes serve as a source of danger. We all know that the prohibitions and warnings “Don’t you dare touch!” or "Don't turn it on!" it is impossible to stop the curiosity of the little one. Curiosity will sooner or later take its toll, and the baby will reach for the “interesting car” that beckons him. Therefore, it would be more correct not to prohibit, but to introduce the baby to household appliances. How to do it? Take your child on a mini tour of the house, showing them various appliances, along the way reading funny poems and guessing riddles for children 5-6 years old.

Acquaintance with household appliances start with the kitchen. That's where there is something to stop the eye. Fridge, gas stove, microwave, kettle, meat grinder, toaster - each of these "smart machines" is worthy of a separate story. Explain to the kid the principle of their work - of course, in a simplified form - show the devices in action. Let the little one try to heat the water for tea, fry the crispbread, squeeze out the fragrant juice. Don't forget about riddles:

Four blue suns
Grandma's in the kitchen
Four blue suns
They burned and faded.
Shchi is ripe, pancakes are hissing -
Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.

(Gas stove)

Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.


They brought a box to the kitchen -
White-white and shiny
And everything is white inside.
The box makes it cold.


They stuffed her mouth with meat
And she chews it.
Chewing, chewing and not swallowing -
Sends to the plate.

(Meat grinder)

Standing in our kitchen
Magic box.
Today for lunch we
The stew is heated in it.


Got our dough
To a hot place.
Horrible -
Not gone
It became a ruddy bun.


Iron Mouth
Grabbed a sandwich.
Browned the sides
And - for now!

People still don't know
Who will be in charge in the kitchen?
But it is undeniable that the chief
All utensils will be…

The giant clenched his fist,
Made orange juice.


When conducting a tour, do not forget to ask your child questions: “Why do we need household appliances?”, “What do we use to cook our own food?”, “What device keeps food fresh?” etc. Invite the child to dream up and make up a story on the topic “What would we do without kitchen appliances?” Help the baby so that his story is coherent and consists not only of simple, but also of complex sentences. It helps the development of the child's speech, expands it vocabulary, teaches you to think logically and express your judgments.

In addition to appliances, the kitchen has a variety of utensils and utensils. There are also many interesting mysteries about them.

The bread saves
Does not give staleness.
For bread - a house,
He is good in it.

(bread box)

Tell me what to call it:
All holes in her teeth,
But beets, radishes, horseradish, carrots
She rubs deftly.

The boy knows, the grandfather knows,
How to cook your own dinner.
There is a cleaner on the stove -
Soup needs to be cooked...


Of iron, cast iron,
With a long handle and round -
Fry on it you easily!
What's this?


I keep hot
I keep cold
I am an oven and a refrigerator
I will replace you on the trip.

If well sharpened,
Everything is easy, he cuts very -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

Without what to sit at the table,
What can you not eat a salad without?
Like a movie horror story
Sticking his fingers into the salad...

If I am empty
I don't forget about myself.
But when I bring food
I will not pass by the mouth.

Ask your child: “What household appliances help us keep clothes, towels, bed linen clean and tidy?” Of course, it is a washing machine and an iron. Tell the little one that people used to wash clothes in a river or a trough using special board, and ironed with an iron, into which burning coals were poured. Show these devices in pictures. Explain how a washing machine and iron work. Let the child put things in washing machine and iron some handkerchiefs or towels. And, as usual, riddles:

There is a box in the bathroom,
Eye transparent and round looks.
It's interesting to look into the eye when
There is water in this box.

(Washing machine)

What an amazing car!
After that, everything is clean, beautiful ...
She washed away all the stains and dirt,
She squeezed everything herself, rinsed.

(Washing machine)

Sleeping on matter
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I'm angry and hissing:
I really don't like mint.

He floats on the sheet
Like a boat on a wave.
He is hostess good friend -

When telling your baby about various household devices, do not forget to teach him the rules for handling electrical appliances along the way:

  • Do not turn on faulty household electrical devices.
  • Do not use electrical appliances with a twisted cord.
  • Never touch wires and electrical appliances with wet hands.
  • Do not remove the plug from the socket by pulling on the cord.
  • Do not leave the iron, kettle on.

Invite your child to suggest which "smart machines" you forgot to mention in your story. He must remember the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, sewing machine, camera, fan. Our next riddles are about them.

Walks, wanders on carpets,
Runs nose around corners.
Where passed - there is no dust,
Dust and rubbish is his dinner.

(A vacuum cleaner)

He has a rubber trunk
With a canvas stomach.
How his motor hums -
He swallows both dust and rubbish.

(A vacuum cleaner)

In this little thing
A warm breeze set in.

This eye is a special eye:
He quickly looks at you
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.


Dries dry wind
My mother's curls.

Shoots like a machine gun
Sew a new dress.

(Sewing machine)

Our aunt needle
She led a line across the field.
line by line,
line by line -
There will be a dress for your daughter.

(Sewing machine)

Our device is like a living one:
Blows, turns his head.
In the summer of rest does not know
At home, the air accelerates.


When telling a child about devices that help a person in everyday life, it is impossible not to mention the TV, computer and telephone. Without them, we would not be able to get the news, watch movies and cartoons, communicate with our family and friends. Read a funny rhyme and make riddles:

It would be nice somehow
Look at the TV
See how in that box
Everything is arranged so cleverly.
Dad says, "Son,
There's a current going through there."
Well, I don't know
What is this current.
How is it on the wires
Does the cartoon come to us?
And where does he disappear to?
When is the button pressed?
Watch those channels
There are many in the box.
In general, the demon gnaws at me -
This same interest
And it's been almost three days
It scratches my hands.
I'd like to remove the back cover.
I'm trying to get the screw.
I can't unscrew my finger
Eh, I wish I had a screwdriver.

(V. Filenko)

He is faster than a human
Multiply two numbers.
It has a library a hundred times
I could fit in.
It is only possible to open
One hundred windows per minute.
It's not hard to guess
What is the mystery about...

(A computer)

What a miracle, what a box!
The singer himself and the narrator himself,
And besides, at the same time
Shows movies.


What is this box?
In every house he stands,
He himself will tell all the news,
Any film will show us!


What is this device?
He is happy to talk to you...
You are walking down the street
And you have a conversation with him.

(Mobile phone)

Now that your baby knows everything about household appliances, you can entrust him with simple housework: vacuum a sofa or carpet, iron small things, put food in the refrigerator.

Let's summarize your lesson.

So, today's tour of the house:

  • aroused the baby's cognitive interest in household items;
  • taught him the rules of work and safe handling of electrical appliances;
  • replenished his vocabulary, taught him how to compose a coherent story;
  • brought you many pleasant moments of joyful communication.

Dear readers, if our today's material turned out to be useful for you, tell your friends and acquaintances about the article. We hope that you will write about how your conversation with your child about “smart cars” went. We look forward to your feedback and comments.

We wish you all the best! See you next time!

In linen country
On the river-sheet
The steamer floats
Back, then forward
And behind him such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

He willingly inhaled the dust,
Didn't get sick or sneezed.
A vacuum cleaner

Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

Shoots like a machine gun
Sew a new dress.
Sewing machine

Cuts, rubs and grinds,
Performs many functions.
Food processor

In this box - the cold lives,
He guards our products.

The whole universe lives in it,
And it's an ordinary thing.

He has a rubber trunk
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums
He swallows dust and rubbish.
A vacuum cleaner

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Shows movies.

We don't know any more trouble.
Instead of us, she erases.
Washing machine

Nimble and tireless!
And how to stick his nose into the corners,
Instantly without debris and dust
All floors will become in the house!
A vacuum cleaner

The giant clenched his fist,
Made orange juice.

On the box
Round buttons.
Right there, in the corner
Handle with a tube on a cord.
Hear even without ears
He speaks like a nightingale.

I see dust - I grumble,
I will finish and swallow.
A vacuum cleaner

Walks, wanders on carpets,
Runs nose around corners.
Where passed - there is no dust,
Dust and rubbish is his dinner.
A vacuum cleaner

In summer the air cools
And the coolness saves us.
Air conditioner

A blizzard is running through the apartment.
The blizzard peered into the corner.
There she sucked in the dirt
And the cleaning began.
A vacuum cleaner

What is this window?
It contains cartoons and movies,
Zoo and carnival...
Choose any channel!

In the summer, our dad brought
There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Houses in summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruits.

Here comes the steamer
Back, then forward
And behind him such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

Standing in our kitchen
Magic box.
Today for lunch we
Chowder is heated in it.

Warms the air in the room
In the cold for people salvation.

I will tell you without boasting:
I will rejuvenate all my friends.
They come to me sad
With wrinkles, with folds,
They leave very nice
Cheerful and smooth.

We collected pears, cherries
Juice in winter will not be superfluous.
It got hot from work
Though she worked...

He swallows indiscriminately
Everything that is in the way.
If there is a lot of dust, litter -
All trembling with joy.
A vacuum cleaner

Looking at the screen in the apartment
We see what is happening in the world.

In this little thing
A warm wind has settled.
hair dryer

Steam only
Wholesome food.
Double boiler

linen river,
The boat is steel.
She floats -
The wave will fall.

In the round window
Wet clothes.
This laundress machine
We are erasing everything.
Washing machine

He walks and walks, but does not enter the hut.

It will go through two hundred times a day,
Although it always stands still.

I will let you into any house,
You knock - I'm glad to knock.
But one thing I will not forgive -
If you don't give me your hand.

Meet everyone with one hand
The other hand - sees off.
Who comes, who goes
Everyone leads her by the hand.

I have friends - darkness,
I can't count them myself
Because who will pass
He will shake my hand.


Little black dog
Curled up lies:
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite
But he won't let me into the house.


Sometimes they take from me
Rivers have their source,
And in your hands I will open
I am any castle.

I'm all iron
I got into a hole.
You're in the house for nothing
You won't come in without me.

Tail in the yard
Nose in a kennel.
Who will turn his tail
He will enter the house.

He goes unnoticed
All day in your pocket.
You will come home without him -
You won't get into the house.

With a short beard
With a hole in the middle
I lie quietly
Ringing in my pocket.

I'm at the door, I'm at the castle
I'm in the musical line,
I'll unscrew the nut
I can if I want
send a telegram
And solve the riddle.


No driver, no wheels
And he brought me home.

Ride me almost
to the door of the apartment.
Managed it on the way
the passengers themselves.


wooden road
It goes up slowly.
Every step is a ravine.

What is this road?
Who walks on it -
Is he limping?

Window, windows

Not on the floor, not on the shelf
Looks into the house and into the street.

wooden fences,
And the fields are glass.

Many neighbors live nearby
And they never see each other.


I'm from home to the threshold
Only one step took a step -
The door closed behind
There is no path ahead of me.

I'm at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth,
Guess, friends
Where am I?

Home is like a home
One hundred pockets in it.
In every pocket
Beds with flowers.


Look under the window
There is an accordion stretched out
But the harmonica does not play -
It warms our apartment.

Under the window an accordion
Hot as fire.

Stretched like an accordion
Miracle stove under the window.

Water pipes

I carry water in me
We need water.
We swim without the hassle
If there is?..

If the river is in a pipe,
Comes running to your house
And hosts in it -
How do we call it?

water faucet

I am related to Moidodyr,
Turn me away quickly
And cold water
I will kill you alive.


Got our dough
To a hot place.
Got - not lost
It became a ruddy bun.

There is a brick hut,
It's cold, it's hot.

Our fat Fedora
Eating soon,
But when you're full
From Fedora - warmth.

In the hut - the hut,
On the hut - a pipe,
Noisy in the hut
Buzzed in the pipe.

People see the flame
And it doesn't extinguish.


On the roof of our gnome sits
And the sky smokes every day.

Sits on the roof of all above
Breathes smoke.


I do not chew, but I devour everything.

That, barely touching,
Turns wood into smoke?

No matter how much you eat
Never full.

Feed - lives
Get drunk - you die.


The house is small, but there are many inhabitants.

AT wooden house
Gnomes live.
Already such good people -
Give out lights to everyone.

This is a cramped house.
One hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It can flare up like a fire.

In a clean light
Small sisters are napping,
These sisters all day
They get a fire.


I was born in the oven
curled up in rings,
Dancing trepaka
And went to the clouds.

I am furry, I am curly
I am over every hut in winter,
Over the fire and the factory
Over the fire and the steamer,
But nowhere, nowhere me
There is no fire.

A white pole stands on the roof
And it grows higher and higher.
Here he has grown to heaven -
And disappeared.

No arms, no legs
And he climbed into the house.

fire and smoke

Father is hot and red
Sometimes he is dangerous.
And the son will fly like a bird,
He will not return to his father.


I climbed into the oven for the treasure,
I need it for the field.
What did the stove give me?
What is the name of the treasure?


The black horse jumps into the fire.


May melt, but not honey,
Not a lantern, but gives light.

Head on fire
The body melts and burns.

I want to be useful
There are no lamps - I will shine.


She looks like a pear on the outside,
Hanging idle during the day
And lights up the house at night.

The house is a glass bubble
And lives in it - a light!
He sleeps during the day, but when he wakes up,
It will ignite with a bright flame.

sun above the ceiling
Lights up late at night.

I brought the sun
For your window.
Hung to the ceiling -
It became fun at home.

Spent under the ceiling
Amazing lace.
Screwed on the bubble -
The flame lit up.

Electricity, electric current

Who's on the wire
Comes to the house to us?
To distant villages, cities
Who is on the wire?
Bright Majesty!

I run along the paths
I can't do it without a path.
Where am I, guys, no,
The lights won't turn on in the house.

electric meter

Very strict supervisor
Staring from the wall
Looks, does not blink:
Just turn on the light
Or plug in the stove -
Everything is spinning.


Behind the white door - cold, ice,
Santa Claus, friends, lives there.

North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.

There is a white house in the kitchen,
Solemn in appearance.
Like hard milk
Covered on all sides.

They brought a box to the kitchen -
White-white and shiny
And everything is white inside.
The box makes it cold.

Father Frost all year round
Lives in a white house.
It will be quiet and silent
It wakes up and grumbles.

Guess it fast, my friend
What is a snow trap?
Protects in the heat for us
Milk, sour cream, kvass.


He climbed onto the table from under the bench,
Looked around on the stand
Wagged a flexible tail,
He licked the folds off his tie.

Back then forward
The steamer is sailing.
Stop - grief!
Pierce the sea!

In linen country
Along the River Bed
The ship is sailing
Back, then forward.
And behind him such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

I'll walk a little hot,
And the sheet will be smooth.
I can fix bugs
And put arrows on the trousers.

A vacuum cleaner

Walks, wanders on carpets,
Runs nose around corners.
Where passed - there is no dust,
Dust and rubbish is his dinner.

We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And it buzzes like a Tu liner.

He willingly inhales the dust,
Not sick, not sneezing.

I breathe in a lot of dust
For you to be healthy.


They go with cargo -
stop without load.

I've been spinning all my life, not a person.

All day they move their mustaches
And they tell you to find out.

We walk at night, we walk during the day
But we're not going anywhere.

We strike regularly every hour,
And you, friends, do not beat us!

Eremushka has been going on for a whole century:
No sleep for him, no drench.
He keeps accurate count of his steps,
And yet it won't leave the place.

Knocking, strumming, spinning,
Nobody is afraid.
He counts his whole life
And it's not a person.

On the arm and on the wall
And on the tower above.
They walk, they walk smoothly
From sunrise to sunrise.

We don't sleep during the day
And we don't sleep at night.
And days and nights
We knock, we knock, we knock.


I don't knock in vain -
when necessary, wake up.

Daily at seven in the morning
I crack: "Get up porrrra!"

Clock hands

Two sisters next to each other
Run round and round:
Shorty - just one time
The one above is every hour.


I'll sit under my arm
And I'll tell you what to do:
Or let me walk
Or I'll go to bed.


Capricious Sandals
One day they told me:
We are afraid of tickling
Shoe strict ..?


There is a plate on the wall
An arrow moves across the plate.
This forward arrow
We know the weather.

Record player

No ears, but hears.
No hands, but writes.


Musician, singer, storyteller,
And all - a circle and a box.

gramophone record

I'm spinning, but not spinning
And a needle runs through me
I spin without getting tired
I talk, I sing, I play.


Brings a glass eye
Click once - and remember us.


Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus?
Look at anyone:
Clothes are worn on top.
He has her inside.


Four legs, one hat,
Needed when the family is having dinner.

Four brothers
live under the same roof
girded with one belt.


I stand on four legs
I can't walk at all.
When you get tired of walking
You can sit down and rest.

There is a back, but never lies.

There are four legs
But three do not go.

Itself is always worth
And he tells everyone to sit down.


Vanyatka in me at night
Before that, he will doze off sweetly,
That you don't want to get up.
What kind of thing am I?

A pillow sleeps on it during the day.
And at night - Andryushka.


Two bellies, four ears.

They stuffed us with feathers and fluff,
To be very soft.
We lie quietly under the cheek,
So that the dream is strong and calm.


I lie under your feet
Trample me with your boots
And tomorrow take me to the yard
And beat me, beat me.
So that the children can lie on me,
Flounder and somersault on me.


When I lie down
Without opening your mouth
In me, I will say, but honor,
Such emptiness!
Hurry, hurry summer
! And people will put
travel items
Into my big mouth.


Who went out with me in the rain,
That's why I'm like a roof.

He reveals himself
And he closes you.
Only the rain will pass
Will do the opposite.

Saves from the rain
And he gets wet.
Even though it gets wet
But it doesn't get wet.

I'm under a small roof
Went out for a walk in the rain.


Of cold rubber
And he knows how to heat.
Pour boiling water -
Then it will warm up.


Fingers on a rope
Keep a blanket.


The way watermelons are big
That, like apples, crayons.
They can't speak
But they can determine everything.


Mushroom pickers really need it,
You can't cook dinner without it
You won't go hunting.
What is this?..

If sharpened,
It cuts everything very easily:
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.


Two ends, two rings
Carnations in the middle.

Experienced tool -
Not big, not small.
He's full of worries
He cuts and shears.

Look, we've opened our mouths
You can put paper in it.
Paper in our mouth
Will be divided into parts.


How did the godfather get down to business,
She squealed and sang
Ate, ate, oak, oak,
Broken tooth, tooth.

Rides, rides back and forth
Take it in the teeth
Breaks into two parts.

If the pines would eat
Were able to run and jump
They don't look back from me
Would rush off
And more with me
Would never meet
Because - I'll tell you
Not boasting -
I am steel and evil

The wood is eaten by the eater,
One hundred teeth in one row.


I rested my foot on the screw,
The talker lost his peace.


Where will rest the tail,
There will be a hole later.


He rang all day in the forest
Thick, whitish from hoarfrost,
And at night, going up to the fire
He fell asleep with his nose buried in a log.

A man is walking from the forest
Mirror behind the belt.

Bowing, bowing
Will come home - stretched.

I go to the forest - I look home,
I go home - I look back at the forest.

Wonderful friend:
wooden hand,
Yes, iron butt
Yes, scalloped scallop.

He is held in high esteem by carpenters,
Every day with him at work.

Although small in stature,
And accustomed to respect:
In front of him are oaks and maples,
And the birches are bowing.

A hammer

Titus went to work
Everyone heard.
He himself is thin, his head is a pood,
As it hits, it will become strong.


I'm all made of iron
I have no legs or arms.
I'll fit my hat into the board,
And for me it's all here and there.

They beat the boy on the cap,
So that he lived in a piece of wood.

Without a head, but with a hat.
One leg, and that without a boot.

Hammer knock-knock -
Sticks out on the wall of boughs.
Knocked again -
Will not be seen.

hammer and nail

A fat one will beat -
Thin something will beat.

I am the most lively worker
In a workshop.
I prick that there is urine
How I envy the couch potato
What is lying around without use,
I'll pin it to the board
Yes, how I will knock on the head!
The poor thing will hide in the board
You can barely see his cap.

iron someone
hit him hard,
And he's gone
The hat remains.


Body nimble like a snake
I screw myself into the board.


At the humpbacked horse
Wooden sides.
How do you hold it in your hand -
He slides across the board.

Along the wooden river
A new boat is running
Twisted into rings
Its smoke is pine.

I'm running bald -
I cut curls from my bald head.

glass cutter

On a mirror skating rink
On a single skate
He took a ride
And the whole skating rink fell apart.


This stone circle
Tools best friend
Whirl sparks above him
Sharp will make blunt.


They have hard work
All the time something is pressing.

Sewing machine

In a woolen meadow
Dancing thin-legged.
From under a steel shoe
The stitch comes out.

Needle and thread

I am small,
Thin and sharp
I'm looking for a way with my nose,
I drag my tail behind me.

holding on girlfriend
For my ear
Stitch alone
Century runs after me.

The craftswoman is walking
For silk and calico,
How small is her step!
He is called - stitch

I'm a one-eared old woman
I'm jumping on the canvas
And a long thread from the ear,
Like a cobweb, I pull.

Needle, needles

They are usually for sewing;
And I saw them at the hedgehog.

I am on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree,
And they are called...

He covers everyone in the world,
What he sews, he does not wear.

Thin-legged Zhelila
All dressed up.
On the very, poor thing,
Not even a shirt.


small head
Sitting on the finger
Hundreds of eyes
Looks in all directions.

On one finger
Bucket upside down.


Two slender sisters
In the hands of a craftswoman
All day diving into loops
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka.

Clothes brush

Who can't name me?
I look like a hedgehog.
I am from dust and stains;
I guard your dress.

Floor brush

All day our dancer
Glad to dance on the floor
Where he dances, where he waves,
Not a speck to be found.

Looks like a hedgehog
But he does not ask for food.
Runs through clothes -
Clothes will become cleaner.


Lots of friendly guys
They sit on the same pole.
How will they start to frolic -
Only dust swirls around.

Twisted, tied
planted on a stake,
And dancing down the street.

An old grandmother darts around the yard,
Maintains cleanliness.


Khlopotun Yegorka
Took care of:
I went dancing around the room,
Looked around - a clean floor.

Worth Erosh
Shaggy and disheveled!
Will dance in the hut -
Waving twigs.
For a dashing dance
Belted with a bast.

Little Erofeyka
Belted shortly
On the floor, hop-hop -
And sat down in a corner.

Khlopotun Yegorka
Took care of:
I went dancing around the room,
Looked around - a clean floor.


A snake crawled into the yard,
black and long
The snow was poured with water,
Didn't yawn at work
Worked for a day
There is a skating rink in the yard.

Riddles about household appliances

      (Answer: Tape recorder)

      We have a robot in our apartment, -
      He has a huge trunk
      The robot loves cleanliness
      And buzzes like a liner: "Too-oo"
      With great desire swallows the dust,
      But not sick, not sneezing.

      (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

      He swallows indiscriminately
      Everything that is in the way.
      If there is a lot of dust, litter -
      All trembling with joy.

      (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

      He willingly inhaled the dust,
      Didn't get sick or sneezed.

      (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

      He has a rubber trunk
      With a canvas stomach.
      How his engine hums
      He swallows dust and rubbish.

      (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

      I see dust - I grumble,
      I will finish and swallow.

      (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

      Trunk pulls,
      And the robot itself.

      (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

      Walks, wanders on carpets,
      Runs nose around corners.
      Where passed - there is no dust,
      Dust and rubbish is his dinner.

      (Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

      Lives without a language
      Doesn't eat or drink
      He speaks and sings.

      (Answer: Radio)

      They speak in Moscow, but we hear it.

      (Answer: Radio)

      Not a human,
      And he's talking.

      (Answer: Radio)

      On the wave, on the wave
      Music floats to me.

      (Answer: Radio)

      This is how the house is: One window,
      Every day in the cinema window.
      The whole universe lives in it,
      And the thing is ordinary.

      (Answer: TV)

      The whole universe lives in it,
      And it's an ordinary thing.

      (Answer: TV)

      On my friends screen
      That the seas rustle in the fog,
      That fruit shakes the garden.
      There are programs for children.

      (Answer: TV)

      Turn the magic circle
      And my friend will hear me.

      (Answer: Phone)

      (Answer: Phone)

      In the linen country
      On the river sheet
      The steamboat is sailing
      Back, then forward
      And behind him such a smooth surface,
      Not a wrinkle to be seen.

      (Answer: Iron)

      Here comes the steamer
      Back, then forward
      And behind him such a smooth surface -
      No wrinkles to be seen.

      (Answer: Iron)

      Strokes everything it touches
      And if you touch it, it bites.

      (Answer: Iron)

      Smoothes out wrinkles
      Hot man.

      (Answer: Iron)

      Back then forward
      The steamboat is roaming.
      Stop - grief!
      Pierce the sea!

      (Answer: Iron)

      I won't boast:
      I will rejuvenate all my friends!
      They come to me sad -
      With wrinkles, with folds,
      They leave very cute -
      Fun and smooth!
      So I'm a reliable friend

      (Answer: Iron)

      In this little thing
      A warm wind has settled.

      (Answer: Fen)

      south wind,
      Housekeeping necessary.

      (Answer: Fen)

      It will ignite with a bright flame.

      (Answer: Lantern)

      The house is a glass bubble
      And the light lives in it.
      He sleeps during the day, but when he wakes up,
      It will ignite with a bright flame.

      (Answer: Lantern)

      What will this eye look at -
      All the picture will convey.

      (Answer: Camera)

      This eye is a special eye.
      He quickly looks at you
      And will be born
      The most accurate portrait of you.

      (Answer: Camera)

      feeds the house
      Ice cabinet.

      (Answer: Refrigerator)

      In the belly - a bath, in the nose - a sieve, on the head - the navel. One hand, and that one on the back. What's this?

      (Answer: Kettle)

      He has a big belly
      Not a hippo at all.
      He raised his trunk-nose,
      But, however, not an elephant.
      And he puffs through his nose
      On the stove like a locomotive.

      (Answer: Kettle)

      In a woolen meadow
      Dancing thin-legged -
      From under a steel shoe
      Stitch crawls out.

      (Answer: Sewing Machine)

      There is a boy in my house
      Three and a half years.
      He ignites without fire
      There is light throughout the apartment.
      He clicks once -
      We have light.
      He clicks once -
      And the light went out.

      (Answer: Light Bulb)

      He got on the table
      From under the bench
      looked around
      On a stand
      Flexible ponytail
      Tie creases

      (Answer: Electric Iron)