Hanging shelves shelves for flowers. Do-it-yourself stands with shelves for flowers

Flowers do not just decorate the interior and create comfort in the house. They perform a number of important functions: they attract positive energy into the house, create peace and harmony, save their owners from troubles and have a good effect on human health. Flowers also have healing properties. Aloe, for example, treats colds and wounds, and homemade geranium is useful for insomnia and nervous disorders.

Each plant is unique in its own way. And with careful attention and care, any flower will fill the house with joy and make the life of its owners happier.

But what if there are too many indoor flowers? They do not fit on the windowsill, they are placed on tables or even on the floor. It does not always look beautiful, besides, it gives the impression of cluttering up the room.

For the plants themselves, this is also bad. After all, most of them need a lot of light for normal growth and development. Some of them, like geraniums, for example, love the sun. And its lack will adversely affect the development of the flower.

To avoid these problems, to revive and decorate the interior of your home, buy plant stands. They can be purchased at a specialized store, via the Internet, and if desired, it is easy to do it yourself.

Types of plant stands

A flower stand serves several purposes: it provides the right conditions for plants, saves extra space, adds effect and style to the interior of the room.

Stands are floor, hanging (wall) and located on the windowsills. Which one to prefer depends on the plants in the house, the taste of the owners, the location of the room and the general decor of the room.

Floor stands for flowers have a diverse look and shape - very high and very low, wide and narrow, in the form of a ladder, flower bed or multi-tiered shelves. Multi-level shelves adapted to a group of colors. They are placed on different tiers so that they do not interfere with each other.

In the upper part they put flowers that love light. Plants that prefer partial shade can be placed under them. Single racks are intended, as a rule, for large plants: ficuses, palm trees, monstera, hibiscus, dracaena and others. Their pot is large and heavy, respectively, and the stand must be strong.

Recently, high floor structures are gaining popularity, occupying space from floor to ceiling. With the help of such racks, you can easily place a large number of plants in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe area. This will save space, which is very important for small city apartments. In addition, each flower will be presented in a favorable light.

Often decorative coasters for plants leave on the windowsill. As a flower stand on the windowsill, flat plastic or wooden lacquered structures are usually used.

Those who want to achieve originality and sophistication acquire Forged Products. They can be for each individual flower or for several plants.

Sometimes coasters are made in the form of a long rectangular metal box, in which many pots of flowers can be placed at the same time. This creates the appearance of a real flower garden. Such coasters are suitable for any, even the narrowest window sill.

The empty part of the wall is easy to decorate with beautiful flower. For such purposes, special stands are sold that are attached to the wall. It is advisable to use hanging (wall) stands for placing ampelous plants.

Manufacturing materials

The main materials of flower stands are plastic, wood, metal, glass stone. Plastic coasters light in weight. They are not affected environment, they can be easily placed outdoors.

Another popular material is metal. Its advantage in strength and durability, as well as opportunities for creative ideas. On one metal rack more than 10 flowerpots can be arranged. Forged coasters look especially elegant. Their shape and style are the most unusual.

So, jardinières are often found in the form of an elegant carriage, pyramid, barrel, ladder, cart, butterfly or treble clef. Professional craftsmen often create real masterpieces.

Metal flower stands are made in the traditional classical style, provence, hi-tech, or exotic, oriental. Such structures must be protected from moisture. Their disadvantages include a high price.

Wood is in great demand among flower lovers. wooden coasters for flowers are combined with country style or Provence. And the design of several steps will perfectly fit into the interior of a loft and high-tech. If desired, wooden products can be easily repainted in a different color, and this is a significant advantage.

If there are many plants of the same species in the room, for example, violets or streptocarpus, requiring the same conditions, wooden coasters are placed on the windowsill. In country or eco-style rooms, wicker wooden coasters will look good. But for such an exquisite composition, only small flowerpots are suitable.

DIY coasters

If you have the desire and time, you can make a flower stand with your own hands. The main thing is to get creative. For manufacturing, you can use any improvised material.

For example, make your own hanging flower stand:

  • Take ordinary wooden boards and a strong rope.
  • For each board, make one wide hole for a flower pot and small ones in the corners for a rope.
  • Install the shelves, thread the rope through the holes, secure with knots.
  • If desired, you can experiment and repaint the shelves in other colors.

This fascinating process gives a lot of room for creativity and new ideas. A handmade item will be unique.

With the help of stands, you can easily place flowers indoors. In addition, properly selected jardinières will serve as a real decoration of the interior. A variety of photos of flower stands clearly demonstrate how significant and beautiful this small interior detail can be.

Photo of flower stands

Breeding flowers, for most housewives, is a very exciting activity. A small hobby gradually develops into a big hobby, filling all the free space with itself. It is good if the living area allows you to allocate the necessary territory to create a green oasis. But what about this sprout, which has no place on the windowsill, cannot be put on the closet either, the table is busy, and on the floor among the large flowerpots it will simply be lost.

A decision such global problem, become floor and wall options for shelves. The modern market offers a wide range of ready-made structures. Variety of shapes, structures and color schemes is amazing and has no limits. However, do-it-yourself flower shelves become a unique design solution and bring an unusual atmosphere to the interior.

Variety of solutions and materials

Before starting work, it is necessary to create an approximate plan for the arrangement of flowers, based on which the dimensions and features of future shelves will be determined. Depending on the type of plant, two main options are used:

  • wall;
  • floor.

The number of flowerpots located on the selected structures also divides them into several types:

  • Single. In most cases, they are used as wall hangings; small, densely flowering bushes or curly dense greens look very beautiful in them.
  • Double. For them, it is better to choose flowers with the same conditions for care. They can be wall and floor, for the second option, large tree-like plants are more suitable.
  • Multi-seat. Shelves occupy a certain section of the wall, the main thing is not to put very heavy pots in order to prevent falling, in the floor version you can place up to ten flowerpots.

All of the proposed options can be designed as corner shelves, so you get space savings and additional opportunities for design innovation. Fans of liana plants are offered ceiling shelves for consideration.

For your own invention of flower racks, you can choose and combine a wide variety of materials. Very often, many opt for a tree. Despite the environmental friendliness and versatility in use, do not forget that you can always find others at hand. interesting options that have their own advantages. We will consider some of them in more detail.

Plywood shelves

Plywood - perhaps this is the simplest and most cheap material, from which the flower shelves of the most various forms and sizes. If there is no plywood sheet in the house, a small amount of money will be spent on its purchase. The process of creating a shelf from plywood is not complicated. If you have the necessary tools, the task in hand will turn into a work of art in a short time.

In the beginning, you need to make a sketch. Here you can show unlimited imagination. The main thing is that the design obtained in the end should correspond to the initial purpose, be durable and withstand the intended number of pots.

When the canvas is ready, the saw cut edges are cleaned with sandpaper and holes are made for future fastening. The entire surface is covered with a special solution, due to which moisture resistance is increased and mold is prevented. After drying, the shelf is opened with varnish.

Creative people can demonstrate their talents by decorating the product with drawings, pasting it with pebbles or shells, and being creative.

For fixing wall options plywood shelves use metal corners or brackets, due to which they are attached directly to the wall.

Plastic rack

The most common place for placing flowers in a room is a window sill. Using such a plastic canvas, flower racks are created. You can buy it at almost any hardware store or order it from the manufacturer.

For the construction, you will need several nickel-plated pipes, fasteners, flanges for attaching to the floor and a pair of brackets, do not forget about the tools necessary for the job.

After the measurements are taken, the window sill is cut to the desired length. The next step is drilling holes for the pipes, two at the edges, it is important that they are parallel to each other, and one in the center. The length of the pipes must be the same, otherwise the design will be unreliable and shaky. Is fixed assembled rack with ceiling brackets and floor flanges.

The advantages of plastic racks are durability, they are not afraid of moisture, they are easy to care for.

Corner shelves for flowers

To create a corner shelf, you can use all the materials listed here. For small items, there will be enough leftover materials.

The technology for creating corner shelves with your own hands is very simple. From a chipboard sheet, a surface is cut to the desired size. A galvanized pipe is threaded into the prepared holes and the whole invention is interconnected by flanges. It is fixed on the selected surface with the help of brackets.

The next step is varnishing or painting.

To create a green space interesting solution there will be a kind of corner rack. As the shelves increase, they decrease, representing a pyramid. On this design you can arrange flowers different sizes using climbing plants On the sides.

Wooden flower shelves

Wood is one of the most reliable materials used in construction. Properly assembled and fixed wooden shelving or shelves adapt to any number of plants, regardless of size. In choosing wall-mounted wooden shelves, you can limit yourself to the most simple option. To do this, a timber of the required length is taken, varnished or painted and fastened with metal corners to the wall. If you replace the fasteners with leather straps, you get a creative design approach that brings individuality.

For plants in large flowerpots, wooden floor racks are made. They can withstand a lot of weight, allowing you to combine different types colors.

From scraps, even if of unequal length, a corner shelf is easily assembled. Flowering bushes diversify the boring life of corners with their bright colors.

For lovers unusual options wooden shelves are offered for consideration, combining several different materials.

The method of assembling wooden shelves or racks is the same as in the version with plywood.

Wall shelf for flowers made of wood and metal

When combining materials for flower shelves, we recommend choosing a combination of metal and wood. Welded metal carcass With wooden deck used for wall types of shelves and fits very harmoniously into modern interior.

For manufacturing, you will need a drawing with measurements, several rods, which will later create the basis of the shelf, and wooden plank for the partition. After welding the main part, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion solution and painted in the selected color. Next, a prepared wooden plank is installed, the finished product is mounted on the wall using self-tapping screws.

Considering this combination of materials in the floor options for flower racks, the main work is carried out according to the same plan. Preference is given to options in several tiers, and lovers of sophistication will like forged flower stands.

Glass shelves for flowers

The main location of glass shelves is usually in the window space. On such shelves, all plants will receive the necessary portion of light. Preparing for work, it is necessary to choose the right glass thickness. The best option is 0.5 cm. lower part tree, such a design can easily withstand up to ten small pots of flowers.

If handling a glass cutter causes some difficulties, it is better to seek help from knowledgeable craftsmen. Having provided the right dimensions, they will easily complete your task.

In addition to the glass, you will need iron corners with which the rails are attached. Shelves are placed on top of the rails.

Great importance is attached to the competent arrangement of flower racks and shelves. Following a number of simple tips, harmony is achieved between green space and the atmosphere of housing:

  1. If the floral variety is dominated by decorative flowers, it is better to use a wide floor rack. Its height should not exceed the middle of the height of the room, otherwise a visual distortion of the space will result.
  2. When placing flowers on tiered shelves, we use the rule from largest to smallest. Lush bushes are placed on the lower floors, and we gradually create a transition to miniature options.
  3. Making flower stands with your own hands, Special attention supports should be given. Large flowerpots require a strong and stable structure, especially if there are small children or animals in the house.
  4. A large number of plants placed next to each other on the same shelf should have the same conditions for care.
  5. Diversify by inventing interesting ideas and adding little accents. Any snag with an extraordinary approach, with the addition of artificial accessories in the form of butterflies or bugs, will turn into a masterpiece.

The use of flower shelves is not limited to the interior of the premises. Houses, apartments with balconies or loggias contain entire greenhouses. Owners of personal plots create incredible compositions on the territory. Refurbished ladders, bicycles and wheelbarrows are used as racks. Teapots, watering cans and other old utensils can serve as a hanging shelf. Such green corners become one with the owners, and self-designed racks and shelves for plants are an integral part of a small flower paradise.

84 photo ideas of shelves

What lovers of indoor flowers will not come up with in order to place their favorites more comfortably at home - capricious violets, spreading monsters and variegated dieffenbachia. After all, if there are a lot of flowers, then placing them so that they do not close the light to each other is sometimes problematic. Before you make a flower rack, decide on the place where it will be placed: against the wall, in the corner or on the windowsill itself.

Shelving for indoor flowers
Rack for plywood flowers in 6 hours
Do-it-yourself wooden flower rack in 3 hours
Rack-shelf for flowers made of metal and wooden slats
Shelf for flowers from the windowsill
Corner rack for flowers
Glass rack for flowers
Plasterboard shelves for flowers

Shelving for indoor flowers

The flower rack can be wooden, metal, plastic, plasterboard. The glass flower rack looks very good. But in this case, you need to take into account the thickness of the glass and whether you can cut the glass yourself or it is better to contact a glass workshop. Often they use everything that is at hand, combining different types of materials. It all depends on what tools the master owns and what materials the hostess of the flower kingdom has chosen.

Rack for plywood flowers in 6 hours

Let's say you have a sheet of plywood on hand. A fairly durable and not too expensive material that can turn into an elegant flower shelf in just a few hours if you have a jigsaw and you can use it to cut smooth lines on wood.

What do you need? Materials: plywood - 1 sheet, nickel-plated pipe - 2 pieces, shelf fasteners - 2 for each shelf, varnish or paint, fixing tool. Tools: jigsaw, drill, sandpaper, tape measure.

Manufacturing technology:

1. We think over the dimensions of the shelves: we measure the place for which it is intended.

2. According to the measurements, we draw future shelves on a sheet of plywood. At the same time, their configuration can be either the simplest (rectangular shelves with rounded corners), or with all kinds of waves, the number and depth of which depend on you.

3. After marking, the shelves are cut out of plywood.

4. Fold the blanks on top of each other and mark the distance where the hole for the pipe will be located. It is important that this point exactly matches on all workpieces.

5. In two places on each workpiece, a hole is made for a nickel-plated pipe.

6. Workpieces are sanded with sandpaper (especially the ends).

7. We cover the shelves with furniture varnish, preferably several times.

8. We pass a nickel-plated pipe through the holes, fixing it near each shelf. It is important to ensure that the shelves are placed parallel to each other and perpendicular to the tubes.

9. The next step is wall mounting. It can be special staples, which attach to the back of the top and bottom shelves and to the wall. Here it is important to correctly mark the wall and use a drill to drill holes into which the self-tapping screws will be screwed. It depends on the size and strength of the fastening tool whether the shelf will fall under the weight of the flower pots.

Do-it-yourself wooden flower rack in 3 hours

Dimensions of the proposed rack: 23 cm wide, 60 cm long and 70 cm high. There are 3 shelves in total.

Materials: planks of wood (dimensions 3.5x0.5 cm, length - 2m) - 6 pieces, planks, the dimensions of which are 2x2 cm, length - 2m - 2 pieces, nails (size 25 and 40).

Tools: tape measure, regular hammer, wood saw.

Thin slats will be used to make the shelves themselves, and 2x2 slats will be used to make racks for the shelf.

Manufacturing technology:

1. We mark thin planks into pieces 60 cm long, after which we cut them. We get 18 bars.

2. We mark the planks 2x2 cm by 70 cm and saw them. We get 4 racks.

3. From the remains of the planks 2x2 cm, we cut out 2 bars of 23 cm each.

4. We take 2 racks, lay them parallel to each other on the floor and mark the places for the future fastening of the shelves. They must be accurately measured. The distance between the shelves depends on the height of the flowers you plan to place on the inner shelves.

6. Help is needed to assemble the entire structure. One holds racks with shelves, the other fixes the structure with nails (40th size).

7. Ready product varnished or painted.

Rack-shelf for flowers made of metal and wooden slats

Such a shelf will serve as a solid wall structure. After all, its racks are welded from metal.

To do this, take metal rods with a diameter of 7-10 mm or a corner (if the rack will stand on the floor) and weld a similar design, the dimensions of which depend on the wishes and the availability of space for the shelf. If the side bases are 90x20 cm, then this will allow you to place 4 shelves at a distance of 30 cm from each other. This is very convenient for placing undersized flowers, as well as ampelous ones. Tall flowers can be placed on the top shelf.

In the process of welding, fastenings are provided on the upper inner edge of the structure, and crossbars for placing shelves. There will be 4 in total. Then, when the structure is ready, it can be painted.

In parallel, planks 0.50-0.60 cm long are cut out of bars 2.5x1.5 cm. You will need 20 planks. Then they are laid out parallel to each other face down and knocked down with the same planks, but short - 20 cm each.

The next step is to place the metal structure on the wall. To do this, use a molly if the wall is made of drywall, and ordinary self-tapping screws- for other types of walls. It is important to correctly measure the attachment points of the bases for the shelves. They must be in a parallel plane. Otherwise, the shelves will not lie flat on the crossbars. So, the distance between the fasteners is 50-55 cm. On the placed metal supports laying shelves. The entire wooden-metal structure can be coated with paint, or wooden shelves can be varnished, and metal shelves can be painted to match the rest of the room.

Shelf for flowers from the windowsill

For this you will need plastic window sill 3.90 m long, nickel-plated pipes (3 pcs.), fasteners (flange) - 3 for each shelf, brackets - 2 pcs.

Manufacturing technology:

Manufacturing technology:

1. An ordinary window sill is sawn into pieces of 1.3 m.

2. In the resulting blanks, 3 holes are made at the same distance: 2 along the edges of the rear wall and 1 - in the center at the front.

3. Pipes are cut to the required height. with the help of flanges and screws fasten the entire structure.

4. The lower edge of the pipes is fixed to the floor using the same flanges in 3 places. Brackets are put on the upper edge of two pipes placed near the wall and also fastened to the wall with the help of screws.

Corner rack for flowers

This design is most simply made of chipboard and the same nickel-plated pipes. It will take only 3 pipes of the length you need, several identical shelves cut with a jigsaw according to the pattern (triangular shape) and the number of flanges and screws corresponding to the number of shelves. Everything is assembled according to the technologies mentioned above. Measure seven times, cut once. At the top, the shelf is attached to the walls with brackets. For fixing, it is enough to place the brackets on the two outer corners.

Glass rack for flowers

Such a device is convenient in that if you place a backlight on top, then the light will penetrate all the shelves. You can make such a glass shelf using two wooden slats and 6 glasses. Of course, the shelves are made of tempered glass with a minimum thickness of 5 mm. Vertical slats can be made of wood. The size of the groove, which is made for fastening the glasses, and, accordingly, the strength of their fastening depends on their thickness. For shelves about 20 cm thick, the grooves should be about 10 cm. This means that the thickness of the rails should not be less than 20 cm. There may be other proportions, but they are more suitable for placing souvenirs and various small things on such shelves. Flowerpots weigh a lot, and if there are several of them, then pressure is created on the entire structure. In the design described above, one of the shelves below can be replaced with a wooden one.

Plasterboard shelves for flowers

Many shelving and shelving options are available in drywall. It can be either niches in the wall or ordinary shelves. In both the first and second cases, a frame is built, which is sheathed with drywall. From a decorative point of view, such a design wins a lot, but from a practical point of view - no. Flowers are water and it is impossible to guarantee 100% that moisture will not get on the material that deteriorates from it. Therefore, one of the options is drywall frame attach glass shelves. This design will look very advantageous with backlighting.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for flower racks. Photos clearly demonstrate that there is no limit to human imagination. Whatever material falls into the hands of the master, it can make durable and beautiful flower racks.

Indoor flowers can be found in every home and this is not surprising, because they create a cozy atmosphere with their help. They purify the air and simply decorate the interior of the room. Breeding indoor plants a fascinating activity, one flower appears first. And through a short time you can see how the room has been transformed thanks to several plants. In the near future, there comes a moment when flowers are everywhere, on shelves, bedside tables, window sills, cabinets, and their care becomes more complicated.

They require more space, and the flowers that stand on the windowsill block the light and it does not enter the room. Lighting becomes less, there comes a moment of discomfort and inconvenience. To prevent this from happening for flowers, it is better to prepare special wall shelves that do not take up much space, create cozy atmosphere, and if there are also flaws on the walls, they will hide them.

Execution of hinged flower shelves

For the manufacture of hanging flower shelves you can use any material, given the interior of the room where they will stand. It can be a tree of any species or tempered glass with chrome elements. In a residential area, metal shelves are often found on the wall.

An original solution will be a wall shelf made in the form of artistic forging. This is an exquisite and expensive product, which is complemented by floral patterns. This design will look great with houseplants. Hanging shelves on the wall are good because the flowers on them will stand neatly and orderly, they will not interfere with anyone, and caring for them is not as difficult as it seems.

Hanging structures can also be combined with other interior elements, for example, supplemented with artificial lighting. If the plants are big then the best option become metal wall-mounted, they have the most necessary characteristic - to withstand a lot of weight. And indoor plants such as violets can be placed on multi-tiered structures. Thanks to this original interior solution, it will be easy to care not only for flowers, but also for shelves.

The most important advantage of wall flower shelves is saving usable space and using it with maximum effect. In addition, these are also beautiful and practical products with which you can create comfortable conditions for indoor flowers.

Wall shelves for flowers made of wood

The traditional material for the manufacture of shelves is wood, it is a durable and high-quality material. He has beautiful external data, creates a feeling of unity with nature. In addition, the tree is in perfect harmony with the green leaves of plants, and if you wish, you can make such shelves yourself.

To create a hanging wooden shelf for flowers on your own, it does not take much time. But for a carved piece of furniture, you will need a special tool, knowledge and experience. Before starting work, it is necessary to choose the right thickness of the shelf so that it can withstand the weight of the pot, earth and flower, and does not deform in the future.

We should not forget about the fastening system, otherwise the residents of the house may suffer. Wooden wall flower shelf can be varnished or painted water-based paint so that it lasts for a long period of time and looks like it did on the first day.

Hanging shelves for flowers on the wall are easily combined with other similar elements, so you can create an original and unique interior. For example, hang shelves unevenly, on different levels and put the plants, it will turn out very beautiful. Hanging shelves are an original and beautiful element of the interior, they can be used to fill the empty space. As well as creating a small island of nature in your home, true plant lovers believe that this is an indispensable thing.

Wall shelves for flowers made of metal

Forged products have numerous advantages, including durability and sophistication. Special processing metal surface endows it with the ability to withstand any atmospheric phenomena, so such products are often found on the street. In the hands of a true professional, the metal acquires a unique shape, and if you combine it with a plant, you get an original composition.

Glass wall shelves

Glass has the ability to transform any room, while it does not take up useful space. For any modern interior, a glass wall shelf will become the main attribute. In addition, this material is durable and easy to care for. If you plan to create a shelf on the window, then you should pay attention to tempered glass. Such material transmits light well, this is its main advantage.

Plastic shelves for flowers

Plastic belongs to the category budget materials, suitable for those who want to decorate their home, but not spend a lot of money. These products are manufactured in a wide range of color palette. In summer, they are able to withstand environmental influences, but they are light in weight, so not every flower pot can withstand.

To get a stylish and modern interior in the room, it is necessary to select plastic wall shelves for flowers, taking into account pieces of furniture, shape and their colors.

Wall shelf for flowers by independent forces

If there is no experience, knowledge and time to make a flower shelf on your own, you can use the simplest tips. There are a huge number of ideas on how to make a simple wall shelf for flowers.

Option 1

Take a wide board, a few leather straps that lie idle, and fasteners. Belts can be replaced with leather bag handles, twine or other decorative elements. The board can be taken from wood or plywood, the wider it is, the more stable the structure will be. After sawing, rough edges may form, which should be smoothed out with sandpaper. Then the board is covered with stain, tinted with waterproof varnish, and painted with paint, the shade should be selected so that it matches the interior of the room.

While the board is drying, you should prepare decorative fasteners, two blanks are cut out of the belt, no more than 60 cm wide. Fold each strip and, stepping back 4 cm from the edge, make holes using a nail or drill.

Given the parameters of the shelf, markings are made on the wall, holes are drilled and dowels are installed. It is necessary to make loops for fastening from the belt, and screw in the screws, it remains only to fix the board. To create harmony, you can make two such identical shelves on one wall.

Advice ! It is necessary to check the reliability of the resulting flower shelf so that the design does not warp from the load of the pot. If this wall shelving, then you should check the quality of the fasteners.

Option 2

A shelf for indoor plants can already be made from finished material, which is sold in a regular hardware store. Chipboard boards covered with film or glass are suitable, but with it you need to additionally purchase corners for fastening. The simplest design on the wall for flowers resembles bars.

  1. On the wall, 2 points should be noted, the distance between which should be equal to the length of the board, you can retreat 5 cm from the edge.
  2. Using the screws and the obtained measurement data, the fastenings for the shelf are prepared.
  3. A board is laid on top of them and the shelf is ready.

Option 3

To create wall-mounted flower shelves, a variety of items are used, for example, furniture or food boxes, they are made from slats. With help sandpaper the surface is well cleaned, then painted and varnished. Such products, made independently, will perfectly fit into any interior of the room. Glass is suitable for decorating a room in a minimalist style. In some cases, additional natural material can be used, for example, tree branches or saw cuts.

An additional video will show you how to make a wooden shelf for your favorite indoor flower

Quite often, men give gifts to women, and often these are flowers, various Jewelry, clothes and other beautiful things. That's just what to give a real hostess? Few men realize that a woman will be happy with flowers in pots and will be no less pleased if you make flower shelves with your own hands.

This is enough handy thing for any home that is rich in flowers. Read the article and just know how you can independently create shelves for flowers and your own home with your own hands, and it is not necessary to have a special education for this and generally be a master in this matter. Just enough to buy necessary material and correctly calculate everything, and then the matter is done quickly and easily.

Perhaps your workshop already has a piece of plywood, and if not, then just buy it at a hardware store and it's not so expensive. You can create a shelf from a small piece of plywood for beautiful flowers and just to please your beloved soul mate. Even ordinary and simply inexpensive plywood is able to hold flower pots, a certain thickness of such a product is quite convenient, both for these flower pots and for various flower vases. Think over the originality of the design and you can safely turn this material not just into convenient shelf but also in stylish design solution.


  • A sheet of paper is strictly emery;
  • Construction roulette;
  • Drill with a special convenient nozzle for creating holes for mounting pipes;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Varnish on wood to choose from or paint;
  • Pipes can be galvanized or nickel-plated can also be taken with a small diameter here “calculation of two pipes per shelf”;
  • The plywood sheet itself is exactly this size, and so that you can also cut out all the elements necessary here.

Manufacturing process

First, it is worth considering the place where the new do-it-yourself flower shelf will be located on the wall, it is worth carefully evaluating the place itself and the desired dimensions of the product. Think over and choose the most appropriate size of the product in this place.

After you have prepared all the tools you need in the case from the previous list, you can already start creating a drawing on the plywood itself. Immediately apply all drawings of the shelves to the sheet and double-check all dimensions. In order for the new rack to easily fit into your room interior, you should slightly modify the design. You can always leave aside boring and straight strict lines and come up with some interesting wavy, curved lines for a new product. They seem to be quite effective.

After you have sketched the actual dimensions on the plywood, you can pick up a jigsaw and start cutting out each shelf. It is important to follow all the lines and do the cutting carefully and without errors, so that each shelf has excellent external data, you should not rush at this stage. Follow all the contours of the elements and everything will work out.

After the shelves have been successfully cut out, it is worth double-checking all sizes and evaluating how beautifully you were able to cope with such a task. If desired, at this stage, some kind of shelf can be immediately redone, that is, cut out again if the dimensions do not converge and in general, if they were not cut out as neatly as you would like. The holes required for the current installation of pipes should be applied to its uppermost workpiece.

Already cut blanks can be superimposed on each other and simply drill the marked holes for the pipes. It is important to observe the diameter of the holes created so that they are no more and no less than the pipes themselves.

You can safely take on the processing of plywood blanks. They should be cleaned with prepared sandpaper. It is worth paying special attention to the end parts of each part.

Working with color involves covering every detail after carefully washing down with colorful coatings. You can take any to your taste. It can be any kind of wood varnish or paint. It is better to cover in several layers. This procedure is important to obtain a smoother surface. We fix on the wall.

It remains only to check the finished structure for the necessary strength and you can please the hostess with your own creative ideas.

If you are interested in how to make a do-it-yourself flower shelf using wooden shelves, then see detailed instructions on the example of a model of three shelves.

There is a small rule: it is worth creating wooden shelves no more than 60 cm long, no more than 23 wide and preferably no higher than 70 cm.

Manufacturing process:

Stock up on strips with a small thickness. We cut further 18 thin blanks, since each individual shelf will consist of a certain number of elements. The length of each element is 6 cm. Racks for a color rack are easy to create from bars.

To create such bars, you can take dimensions of 20 by 20 mm and they are cut every 70 cm, including 4 pieces.

It is now necessary to cut out the elements for such a future design, approximately 23 cm in length.

This can be done from the cut bars remaining in the work.

Next, you need to lay the shelves on top of each other, install two racks and create marks for places among future similar fixtures. Now an equally important point in determining the places between the shelves themselves. After all, it is further planned to install pots on the shelves themselves and the heights of the flowers are always different, so you should carefully consider how comfortable the height will be and at what distance to create such shelves from each other.

Each shelf consists of six pieces of small shelves. Shelves can be easily attached from the end side using ordinary studs of the required length. It is most convenient to take nails with a length of about 2.5 cm for such a case. After such an installation is successfully completed, it is worth processing all uneven edges with an emery sheet.

During the installation of the shelves, it is worth positioning the product so conveniently that the master can easily hammer in these nails and at the same time hold the current rack.

After the product is ready, you can give it a shine using varnish or simply paint it with paint. Here, in order for the surfaces to be even and smooth, it is worth processing carefully and in several layers.

Also, a do-it-yourself floor-standing flower shelf in manufacturing will always be simple and easy to use, besides, it can be easily installed in one place and then, if desired, simply moved in the right direction.

Such an elegant shelf is fastened only with the help of special metal racks. They can be welded using a special jumper. Such a shelf will become not only convenient, but also an unsurpassedly durable thing for storing flowers in own house.

In the case when you plan to mount such a shelf directly on the wall, you should additionally purchase special metal rods with a mandatory cross section one cm in size.

If you plan to install the shelf just on the floor, you should prepare special corners.

We also analyze the place where the finished structure will be located and begin to come up with a drawing and just what sizes it will be finished work.

With the help of welded rods for this type of shelf, it is worth connecting metal constructions. This will help create additional support and the highest resistance to stress.

It is also worth applying the method of metal strapping immediately for 4 tiers of the product. In tone for the interior, it is worth applying paint immediately to the welded finished elements.

Next, along the length of the shelves, cut planks of wood with dimensions of 25 by 15. The size is required 60 cm. With the help of wooden bars, it is worth connecting such elements only after they are evenly laid on a flat surface. Lay them out strictly in parallel, so that in the end the design is quite even. Bars should be used for connection with dimensions equal to approximately 20 cm.

Now it remains just to attach the finished assembled shelf, using self-tapping screws of a special length, to the wall. It should only take into account such a simple rule that the current distance between two marks for fastening should not be taken less than 50 cm. In order for the metal frame to be strictly parallel to the floor, it should also be used in current work and a special device called a level.

In the end, it is worth painting the shelves. For this purpose, you can use different kinds of paints or simply use a special wood coating in the form of a ready-made varnish of a colorful material.

There are many more types of flower shelves that you can make yourself at home. The most convenient is a shelf for flowers on the windowsill with your own hands, installing it is no more difficult than a regular shelf, but using such a shelf for the hostess is just a pleasure.