Tire garden beds. Crazy hands: beds of tires in my country house

With the return of fashion for all sorts of vintage, let's remember the old cute way to frame garden beds circles from wheel tires. Tires that have served their driving age are easy to get, it’s easy to cut and paint with your own hands, it’s not a pity to replace them with new compositions. Take a look at the photo - here they are unusual installations can be done at your dacha, giving the courtyard a unique charm.

It just seems that a flowerbed made of a tire is outdated and cumbersome. In fact, if you wish, you can create a real work of art from tires, and with minimal cost, which is relevant at current prices for everything. In addition to the penny cost, such a flower bed has a number of other advantages.

Advice. Choose your tires foreign manufacturers- they are much more pliable in work.

Having come up with the concept of a future flower bed, put the tire on a hard surface (asphalt, concrete, a piece of hardboard - whatever) and chalk a line on its side surface along which you will cut out the excess. Cut out the outline with a knife or jigsaw. Degrease with white spirit and paint immediately before the dust sticks to the rubber.

It is better to paint first with white paint, then with color: this way the finish color will be brighter and more even. Using two or three colors, you can create an ornament. When the paint dries, you can fill the flower bed with soil and plant the plants.

Tires can be placed directly on the ground, hung on chains or cables, and folded into pyramids. Plants are best selected with a small root system: crocuses, marigolds, begonias.

Attention! Before work, thoroughly clean the tire of dirt, even wash it under strong water pressure: this way you will protect the tools from quick blunting.

How to easily unscrew a tire for a flower bed

When arranging a flower bed, a tire can be presented to the viewer not only externally, but also inside. From the tire turned inside out, a flower-vase "a la Peterhof" is obtained, and if it is painted in marble, then no one will guess about its origin.

To make a flowerpot, you will need not a tire, but a whole wheel, with a disk. Draw a wavy or jagged line on the sidewall of the tire, which will become the outline of the petals, cut it out and proceed to eversion.

Flowerbed from an inverted tire

To do this, lay the wheel with the cut side down, step on the disk with your foot and consistently turn the edges of the rubber up. This is a job for a man, it requires considerable strength and protection of the hands with cotton gloves. Watch the video to see how this operation is performed. The result will be a flowerpot on a rounded metal leg.

Advice. If you plan to turn the tire inside out, it is better to take specimens with maximum tread wear: they are much softer.

Put paint on it, and not only on outside, but also on the inside, just below the level to which you plan to fill the soil. Since the flowerpot will be raised above the ground, it can be planted with ampelous plants: petunia, fuchsia, bacopa.

The most original tire flower bed ideas

The suppleness of rubber and the flight of fantasy of a gardener who is not burdened with extra money work wonders. Here are a few examples that are quite original and very simple ideas flower beds from unnecessary tires.

  • Wall flower bed. The cover is used in a vertical position. To do this, it is screwed to the wooden wall barn or bath. It will look good in a duet from a lushly flowering ampelnik (nasturtium, petunia) and climbing plant(beans), from the shoots of which you can lay a bright green wreath on top of the tire.
  • "Flower Mountain" This is a large facility for those who have a large plot and have accumulated a lot of old tires. They do not need to be cut or twisted: wash, paint each in its own color and fold into a composition. At the base of the "mountain" rests 6 tires, on them - 5 pieces, above - 3 pieces, one tire crowns the mountain, preferably a smaller one. In each, you can plant flowers of a certain type.

Hanging flower bed
  • Hanging planter "Bird of Paradise". The tire is cut into strips, from which the tail and handle are subsequently assembled for hanging. The beak, eyes and crest are glued with rubber glue. The finished bird is brightly painted and varnished, except for the inner part, intended for soil and plants. Small flowers are planted in the bird, for example, tagetes.

Your own garden is exactly the place where you want to show imagination and individuality. You can decorate it with anything, any old things, which usually accumulate a lot in the country. Try to make a flower garden from a car tire: time will fly by unnoticed, and the result will please everyone.

Many people believe that only an experienced specialist can develop a beautiful landscape design. But practice shows that such a point of view has nothing to do with reality. Everyone is capable of making a garden or a personal plot - there would be a corresponding desire.

Fundamentals of landscape design

To give or adjoining territory looked decent, often neither high professionalism nor significant financial costs are required. Everything can be used: fragments of bricks, stones, plastic bottles, old watering cans and much more.

Flowerbed of tires

For example, alpine slide, which is the object of dreams of many owners of suburban areas, may well be built without the involvement of specialists. The most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment and boldly combine different objects and objects.

Interesting. Often, old junk, which, it would seem, is time to throw it away, can do a good job in decorating the territory.

So, for example, from an old rickety chair you get beautiful stand for a flowerpot. With an old chest of drawers, if you tint it and decorate it accordingly, you can decorate any blank wall by planting bright flowers in its boxes.

From improvised materials, you can make more complex structures, for example, having a metal rod at hand and flower pots, you can build a very interesting vertical flower bed.

Among domestic gardeners and owners of suburban areas, flowerbeds made of tires are in rather high demand. They will be discussed further.

Types of flower beds from tires

To start creating flowerbeds from tires with your own hands, you do not need special experience and knowledge. The most important thing is to have on hand necessary tools and have basic information.

According to the type of construction, flowerbeds from tires are:

  • low;
  • high;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • curly;
  • suspended;
  • round.

Round flowerbeds made of wheels are the easiest option to implement. All that is required to organize a flower garden is to take tires, paint them in arbitrary colors, fill them with soil and plant plants.

Interesting. To get an interesting composition from a material such as a tire, you can paint the wheel material in bright colors and, stacking on top of each other, form high flower beds.

As for multi-level structures, they are created from tires of various diameters. They are placed on top of each other according to the principle of a toy pyramid (in descending order of size) and filled with soil. This design is perfect for planting ampelous plants.

Layered tire construction

Hanging flower beds from tires are allowed to be fixed different ways: to a pipe, chains or a rope to a tree branch, etc. Only first you should not forget to cover the bottom of an impromptu planter with some material.

Step by step instructions

Before proceeding with the manufacture of flower beds from tires, you should decide on the dimensions and design.

flower bed

Do-it-yourself flower beds from tires look very stylish. To work, you will need a tire, a sharp knife that can cut thick rubber, and a marker (or chalk).

Flowerbeds in the shape of a flower Manufacturing work is carried out as follows:

  1. The cut points are marked with a marker.
  2. The tire is cut along the circumference in the form of zigzag petals (oval, semicircular or triangular).
  3. The tire is turned over and, leading the knife along the thickening, with reverse side tires cut out a circle.
  4. Along the circumference inside the tire, transverse cuts are made at a distance of 20 to 25 cm from one another, starting from the cut edge and to the end of the tread.
  5. The tire remains to be unscrewed, and the design of the flower bed is ready.

flower bed

Then you need to paint the product in beautiful colour, fill with earth and plant flowers. Oil paint works best. Other types of paint may peel off.

Flowerpot from an old wheel

Flowerpot from an old wheel

Another interesting workshop that would be useful to bring is devoted to making a stylish garden vase from a worn wheel. To work, you need to prepare a tire that has a disk, knife and marker. Then they act according to the following scheme:

  1. A zigzag line is marked along the circumference of the tire, along which it will then be necessary to cut.
  2. Cut the tire. To facilitate the work of cutting, it is recommended to periodically dip the knife in machine oil.
  3. Turn the cover inside out. It is better to turn out together and in parts.
  4. The vase is ready. Only the same paint job remains.

Important! Before pouring earth into such a vase, you must not forget to put a gasket on the bottom, in which small holes should be provided to remove excess water after watering.

Flowerbed chamomile from a tire

This is another simple and interesting option how to quickly make a flower bed in the form of daisies out of a wheel. For work, you will need several tires and a sharp knife. In general, the work will take no more than half an hour. step by step work looks like this:

  1. All tires are cut in half.
  2. Form a figured fence in the shape of a flower.
  3. Fill up the ground and plant the plants.

Form the core of chamomile from flowers. Alternatively, it can be laid out in the form of a circle from a material such as plastic bottle(bottoms to the top) or stone.

Flowerbed chamomile from a tire

If you approach the process of creating flower beds from tires creatively, original ideas will not keep you waiting. Answers to questions: is it worth it to use additional plastic material, how and with what to paint the wheels for a flower bed and what to end up planting in a flower garden, there are along the way.

Cache-pot parrot

To create an original planter in the form of a parrot from an old wheel, you will need the following materials:

  • tire with small radial tread;
  • a strip of iron for a clamp;
  • washers, nut, bolt;
  • spanners;
  • drill.

Cache-pot parrot

The work is done in the following order:

  1. With a knife, symmetrical cuts are made in the tire 2/3 along the bead ring.
  2. The side part and the protector are cut at a distance of 1/3. On the larger side, the side part is separated by means of a triangular cutout.
  3. The cover is turned inside out.
  4. Cut out the bird's beak from the side.
  5. A smaller part of the tire is cut along the entire length (the cut should be slightly larger than the size of the future beak).
  6. Using a clamp, insert the beak and compress the halves.
  7. Drill a hole with a drill.
  8. The halves of the head are pulled together with washers, nuts and bolts. (To make the head narrower than the body, part of the tire must be cut off).
  9. On the larger side of the tire, a tail is cut out.
  10. Paint the workpiece.
  11. A collar is made from an iron strip, with which the sides of the cache-pot are pulled together (as an option, an ordinary rope can be used).
  12. Color the parrot completely.
  13. Hang the pots on a rope or fasten with wire to a horizontal structure.

How to turn a tire

It will take some effort to turn the tire inside out. To facilitate the work, it is recommended to make large cuts - up to the tread. First, turn one side out, then, slightly flattening the tire into an oval, do it completely.

If the forces are still not enough, you should cut the part of the flower bed opposite the petals in a circle to remove the steel cord. True, in this case there is a risk that the design will not keep its shape well enough.

Tire work

How to cut a tire

You will need a sharp knife to cut the tire. First, a small hole is made in the tire. Then a cutting tool is inserted into it and the material is cut according to a pre-made markup. The knife should be periodically dipped in water or machine oil. This will greatly simplify the task.

How to paint flower bed wheels

When the design is ready, it remains to paint. To do this, the surface is completely degreased (for example, with acetone or white spirit) and allowed to dry.

The surface can be additionally primed, but this condition is not necessary, since even without this the paint adheres to the rubber quite well. The painting process itself is no different from similar work on another object.

Planting flowers and care rules

Having dealt with the question of how to make a tire out of a car wheel and how to properly cut and overlay everything, it's time to understand what is best to plant in a flower bed of tires. Of course, there is no clear instruction as to which flower is best placed in flower beds made from tires made by one's own hands.

Tire with flowers

Nasturtiums look no less bright. But, when planting this flower in flower beds made of tires, it should be remembered that the culture does not tolerate transplanting very well. Accordingly, on permanent place growth nasturtium should be placed in the form of swollen seeds or finished seedlings in peat cups.

In addition, you can plant marigolds, verbena, violas and other not too whimsical flowers.

It is allowed to plant in homemade planters and perennials. It can be chrysanthemums, carnations, daisies, decorative onions and much more.

The main condition is that the flowers planted in tires should be unpretentious and require minimal care.

No matter how interesting the idea is, and no matter what variety of flowers is planted in an impromptu flower garden, the structure itself should be placed in such a way that access to it remains free. This will ensure that the plants are properly cared for. Only in this case, the use of tires as flower beds will be justified.

As for the care of flowers, it largely depends on what is specifically planted, and does not differ from the manipulations performed with a similar plant planted in open ground or flower pot.

Concluding the conversation about how you can make a flower bed out of a wheel, it is worth noting what is constructive solution as part of the creation landscape design has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • flowerbed durability;
  • good tolerance to temperature changes;
  • practically zero financial costs;
  • high level of aesthetics.

Rubber is a very malleable material, and the question should not be how to make a flower bed out of a tire (especially since it is very easy), but which variant of a flower garden is better to make from a multitude.

Do interesting flower bed with your own hands you can even from a car tire. Crafts from tires have long been a success for decorating the garden, and today we will tell you how to old tire make a simple mini-flower bed.

DIY tire flower bed

The easiest option is when you use the whole tires, putting them in the chosen place and filling them with earth. But before that, a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay or organic mulch must be laid under the rubber.

Such a mini-flower bed looks good from large tires, when the usable area is wide enough and allows you to place several rows of different plants, creating an interesting composition. It is advisable to choose for landing unpretentious flowers- tall zinnias in the center; marigolds, ageratum or cineraria - along the edge.

If you make the flower bed higher by placing the tires one on top of the other, this will create additional convenience when caring for it. In this case, you can plant an ampelous petunia or lobelia along the edges to hide the view of the cracked cord.

If you are using small car tires, then to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mini-flower bed, cut off the top with an electric saw or a special knife.

However, black tires themselves look gloomy and trite. Take it one step further and paint them a bright color. And you will see flower beds, and the whole garden will become much more comfortable and more fun.

How to paint flower bed tires

In order for the old and cracked tire to take a bright color well, the rubber is degreased with acetone or white spirit, first painted with white or yellow paint, and only then applied bright. Then the color will not fade and will last a long time.

Good advice: do not put a thick layer of paint - under the influence of rain and frost, it will fall off in pieces.

What brand of paint< использовать, в принципе, не имеет значения.

Special paint for rubber does not crack in the cold and covers cracks and depressions well, but is quite expensive. Feel free to use old enamel or oil paint, which was left from the last repair.

Paint in spray cans will also work - it is even preferable, as it penetrates well into the cracks and is applied in a thin layer. With such a can, you can make any pattern on a painted surface, and without much difficulty get a multi-colored base for a flower bed.

Paint your tires different colors and place them side by side or one above the other, or arrange them in a chaotic manner throughout the garden, or group them in one place - and your garden will noticeably come to life.

For those who know how to create crafts from tires using a special knife or saw, you can cut out flower beds in figurines of animals, birds or flowers with your own hands. If you need ideas and ways to make beautiful and intricate tire beds, I recommend reading another.

Used photos rlibunao, Jules.

original frames for garden plants can even be created from waste material: both the yard is decorated and the environment benefits. Learn how to make flower beds out of flower tires with your own hands in the country or in the yard. Evaluate the feasibility of such work, get acquainted with the methods of cutting, turning and painting car tires, with the nuances of their competent choice. Compare photos finished products and choose the master class for making an unusual flower garden that is suitable for the degree of labor intensity.

The feasibility of making flower beds from tires

Used tires are a material in which any landscape designer who imagines how to make flowerbeds from tires with his own hands opens up new possibilities. It is the tire, and not just a sheet of rubber, that has certain advantages that make it easier to work with it:

  • Rough cost. Surely among the neighbors there are car owners who dream of parting with old tires. For them, this is rubbish, but for the artist, it is a future work of art that can only be rolled to the site or brought in the trunk.
  • Ease and speed of processing. Chalk, a sharp knife or a jigsaw, a grinder and a spray can of paint - these are all the tools needed for such creativity. A the simplest flower bed it is constructed from cylinders in half an hour at all: the tire is placed on the ground and “stuffed” with soil.
  • Durability. A rubber bed does not attract bacteria and fungi, does not rot, is not afraid of accidental impact and does not collapse under the influence of precipitation. If it cracks after especially severe frosts, it is easy to replace it.
  • Mobility. A flowerbed from an old tire is a one-piece structure, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to another place. To do this, you just need to remove the soil from it.
  • Possibility of transformation. Even handmade flower beds of tires over time can get bored. The easiest way to avoid this is to repaint the outside and plant other types of plants.

Figured flower bed from an old tire

Doubts about the advisability of decorating the garden with flower beds from tires are usually associated with the dimensions of the cylinders specified by the manufacturer. In a very modest area, they really can look foreign, and in a large area they can get lost. The problem is solved by combining tires with paths, benches, lighting elements, as well as building flower beds from several tires and multi-tiered compositions.

Lazy Option: Potted Plants Placed on a Stand

How to cut tires and how to do it right

When looking at a wheel that is so huge and rigid, capable of withstanding the weight of a loaded Gazelle or a powerful SUV, the question arises of how to cut car tire for a flower bed. In fact, rubber is even easier to deal with than plywood if you choose right tool for each stage of work, of which there are three:

  1. Ripping of rubber. The best tool for the first cut is a shoe knife. It can be made independently from the blade of a mechanical saw or a planer blade. The handle of such a knife is wrapped with several layers of electrical tape, which allows the knife to sit firmly in the palm of your hand. This is important as the rubber will resist the blade. The knife is inserted into the incision and moves upwards with the other hand, bending the rubber layer to the side with the other hand.
  2. Side processing. You can cut the tires for the flower bed evenly or in waves. In the first case, a shoe or other sharp knife with a thin butt is enough; in the second, it is better to use a jigsaw, the saw blade of which is periodically lubricated with grease or mortar laundry soap. Some craftsmen use a grinder with a small disc, but high speed entails strong heating and even burning of rubber with smoke and bad smell.
  3. Cord cutting. Steel cord reinforcement (breaker), which serves as the basis of the tire carcass, is cut with a grinder, less often with metal scissors. You can recognize the presence of steel in the breaker by marking Steel. The absence of such a marking indicates a nylon cord, which is cut with a strong sharp knife.

A car tire is more complex than it looks

Jigsaw - perfect tool for cutting old wheels

To cut a tire for a flower bed and not injure yourself, be sure to use tight gloves and goggles. Especially carefully should be handled with sharp metal cord threads - splinters from them are very painful. You need to work on a wide solid surface: a table or a piece of plywood laid on the ground. At in large numbers rubber dust, which distinguishes Chinese tires, a respirator will be useful.

How to choose and prepare a tire

Working tool for steel cord - angle grinder

If it is possible to choose the material for the flower bed, you can greatly simplify the work of processing rubber with your own hands. To do this, you need to use the data:

  • origin of tires: imported ones cut better;
  • seasonal appointment: winter more plastic;
  • service life: the more worn out, the more pliable;
  • cord material: metal will require more effort than polymer.

Well-preserved and brightly colored tread

The degree of wear of the tread should also be taken into account. A clear pattern of checkers will give additional expressiveness to the finished flower bed. But if you plan to turn the tire inside out, you need the tread as "bald" as possible.

In any case, the first operation to turn a tire into a small sculptural form is the cleansing of dirt. The tire is washed under a powerful jet of water from a hose. This will not only add aesthetics, but also protect cutting tools from rapid blunting.

Variants of flower beds from tires and master classes

The fantasy of home craftsmen knows no bounds - lovers of equipping personal plots with their own hands, they came up with dozens of options for decorating flower beds from tires.

Classification by shape and method of manufacture

Flowerbeds from old tires are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • horizontal single-tier - the most simple and unpretentious;
  • horizontal multi-tiered - the first floor of such a flower bed consists of 5-7 tires, three more on top of them and the last one crowns the composition;
  • vertical - a tower is made of tires, flowers are planted in the top and in pockets cut out on the sides;
  • in the form of agricultural items: teapots, carts;
  • in the form of various animals.

Another interesting variety of flower beds made of waste rubber is hanging planters, with which you can diversify the wall of an outbuilding.

A dull brick is simply unrecognizable

How to mark rubber

To make a flowerbed of tires even, before cutting, you need to outline a line along which the knife or jigsaw will move. It is convenient to do this with chalk or a bright marker that will stand out against the graphite background of rubber.

The brighter the markup, the more convenient it is to work

The first line should be in the shape of a ring. It is carried out in two ways:

  1. Measure with a tape measure equal distances from the outer or inner edge of the tire, apply strokes (about every 10-15 cm) and connect them.
  2. Holding the chalk large or index finger, cling to the protector (or bead ring) with the little finger and lead the line.

To mark the petals, you will need an inner and outer line. Marks are applied to each, then they are connected with a wavy line of any style. At this stage, it is important to consider that petals less than 7 cm wide do not hold their shape well.

Four wheels and some paint - the result is a bright flower garden

Flower - quickly and reliably

The options presented in the photo in this section are among the easiest to manufacture, but quite effective due to competent floral decor. The following will help a novice landscape designer to make a flower bed out of tires: step-by-step instruction.

  1. Take four identical tires and rinse them thoroughly under running water.
  2. Set aside one for the time being, and on three, draw a line with chalk dividing each exactly in half.
  3. Cut the three marked tires with a cobbler's knife or a jigsaw.
  4. Paint all tires using a paint brush or spray can. Choose a color that matches well with the plants you plan to plant.
  5. Lay the tire halves in the form of petals, fill the flower garden with prepared fertile soil.
  6. Place the whole tire in the center of the composition and also complete with primer.

Flowers can also be cut from tires

Turtle - feel like you're in the Galapagos

To make a flower bed out of car tires with your own hands turned into genuine creativity, try making a turtle figurine:

  1. Prepare two tires for the flower bed. Leave one intact, and cut the protector from the other.
  2. Divide the protector into four equal parts, which will become the legs of the turtle.
  3. Make a short triangular tail from a piece of tread.
  4. For the head, take a flat bottle of household chemicals, for example, from Mister Muscle. Its neck will become the turtle's neck.
  5. IN whole tire make cuts and insert paws, tail and vial into them. Fasten with screws.
  6. Color the turtle, draw her face.

On a turtle bed in the garden, low bright flowers look good: tagetes, nasturtium, ornamental cabbage.

Frog - from princess to traveler

If the garden has a pond, plant a cute frog figurine on its shore. This idea is good in that the frog can be made without the laborious cutting of the steel cord. The main thing is not to regret the rich green paint.

Eyes from plastic bowls, paws from a hose and a rubber mat

The body of the animal is laid out from three solid tires in the form of a two-tiered flower bed. For the eyes, take tires of a smaller diameter and install them vertically.

Depending on the desired degree of glamor, they are glued with rubber glue or fastened with self-tapping screws long or short eyelashes, red paint draw "lips with a bow" or a simple smile. You can complement the image with an arrow, a crown or a pair of ceramic ducks.

Flowers in such a flower bed are placed behind the eyes and in the lower tier. Grasses and sedges are appropriate around the figurine, hinting at marsh vegetation.

Video: One hundred DIY garden frogs

Swan - white grace on a green lawn

If you have learned how to cut flower beds from tires with your own hands to decorate the garden, you can try to make a swan. This work requires some skill, since the part of the tire in such a figure must be cut, turned inside out and reinforced in a certain way. Consider the step-by-step process of the birth of a beautiful bird from rubber scrap.

Cutting tires - the most crucial moment

  1. Choose a tire with the most worn out tread for the flower bed, since curly cuts will have to be made on it.
  2. Using the pattern in the photo, apply the lines of the head, neck, wings and tail to the protector. Pay attention to the shape of the beak - this is the most difficult area. Some craftsmen make the beak in the form of an ordinary triangle, which makes cutting easier, but the bird loses its realism.
  3. At the nodal marking points, drill holes with a diameter of about 10 mm.
  4. Cut the rubber along the markings with a shoe knife or electric jigsaw. Start work from the base of the neck of the figure, leading the cut line to the head. To prevent the rubber from vibrating, it is recommended to cut both sides in parallel, 5-10 cm from each alternately.
  5. Finish the edges of the parts: clean the rubber and the ends of the cords. Flowerbeds-swans from tires attract children - you should take care of their safety.
  6. Turn the wings inside out.
  7. Strengthen the neck with a steel bar. To do this, drill two rows of holes in it and further through the entire body to the base of the tail at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. Pass the wire staples through the pairs of holes.
  8. Attach a steel bar to the base of the tail and fix the chest and neck of the figure on it, twisting the ends of the wires with pliers. Cut off the excess and give the swan neck a regal twist.
  9. Color the finished figure, emphasizing the beak and eyes. It will look especially impressive if it is planted (and attached with screws) in a lake from a tire painted blue.

Instructions in the photo:

Swans on stands, as if on waves

Vase - build a small Peterhof in the garden

The aerobatics of the transformation of tires is considered to be the manufacture of flowerpots with legs from them. It is worth turning the unsightly wheel inside out and painting it - in front of you is a masterpiece of landscape gardening art, which is difficult to recognize raw material.

Elegant flower pot

To create flowerbeds in the form of flowerpots, “bald” winter car tires of foreign production are taken - they are the softest. Serrated or rounded-wavy petals are marked on the sidewall, along which rubber is cut. At this stage, it is important to try to keep both sides of the cut neat, since one of them will become the edge of the vase, and the second - the edge of the stem.

Stages of turning a tire into a flowerpot

Turning the wheel is better with two people. It is placed with the cut down, for emphasis, they step on the disk with their foot, take the edge of the cut with both hands and pull it towards themselves. Gradually move in a circle, pressing down the protector in its most convex part. If there is a chamber inside the wheel, it is cut off at the end of the eversion. Due to the laboriousness of the process, it is recommended to watch a video on how to unscrew the tire for a flower bed with your own hands.

Video: How to turn out a car wheel

The tire flower vase is almost ready, but it looks like it was taken from the seabed. The rubber walls and the disc are cleaned, degreased and painted, and with inside also about a quarter of the height, since the ground level will be below the petals.

Geotextiles are placed at the bottom of the flowerpot so that the earth does not wake up in the holes of the disk. Drainage, soil are poured over the fabric and flowers are planted in a flower bed.

Gift for the hostess copper mountain

Painting flowerbeds from car tires

Now about how the wheels for the flower bed are painted and how to turn a boring tire into an interesting flower garden. The main requirement for paint is resistance to weathering.

Paint selection and technical points

They paint tires with enamels, oil, acrylic and automotive paints, nitro paints. To beautifully paint tires for a flower bed, you need to follow a few rules:

  • pick up bright hues so that the soil inside does not overheat along with the roots of plants;
  • do not apply too thick a layer of paint, otherwise it may crack, especially in harsh winters or in the heat;
  • remember the primacy of plants and not let the pattern dominate the flowers.

Bright colors set a festive backdrop for the yard

The design of flowerbeds from tires begins with their degreasing with acetone, white spirit or special liquids for rubber. When the used product has completely evaporated, the surface is cleaned with a very fine sandpaper. Then, as a primer, a thin, but continuous layer of white is placed - this will allow any shade to play in full force.

Paint is best applied with aerosol can, then it will penetrate into all the relief areas of the tread, but there is a high risk of soiling the grass around. Therefore, the tire is painted with a spray can, laying thick polyethylene under it. Each layer is given time to dry for at least a day.

You can decorate a bed of tires with your own hands with a brush. This is longer, but you can work by first installing the product in a permanent place. With the help of a brush, they also create more subtle patterns and drawings, emphasizing details and shapes.

Folk painting: bright, original, spectacular

Taking into account the general concept of garden decor will allow you to properly paint the tires for the flower bed, while they can:

  • leave monotonous;
  • decorate with stripes;
  • cover with a pattern using a stencil;
  • paint on the checkered tread;
  • turn into an ethnic flower garden.

Do not rush to throw away unusable tires. They will be burned, adding pollution to the air. Try to turn them into a unique man-made flower garden, which will decorate the garden and warm the soul. Bright, solid and almost eternal flowerbeds of used tires are a wonderful use for the creative impulses of a person living on their own land.

One of the usual country practices is the creation of flower beds in the form of different shapes from old car wheels. Such creativity has many advantages, and with the right approach, it can be turned into real art.

Using old car tires to create a flower bed is an almost win-win option for using these products. There are several advantages:

  • this is a profitable material - manufacturing will not take any money (only small expenses for paint are possible);
  • working with tires is simple and convenient, special efforts does not need to be applied;
  • this is a very interesting creative process, since it is possible to make structures of various shapes, and not from one tire, but from several at once;
  • rubber tires have a perfect round shape and are the best suited for making ordinary flower beds;
  • tires are durable - they will serve as a flower bed for many years, because they are not subject to decay;
  • by using rubber to decorate the site, you contribute to the overall ecological situation- in this case, the material is successfully used for practical purposes, and is not burned at the landfill, polluting the air with combustion products.

There are practically no disadvantages of using rubber - the only limitation is that many gardeners dislike tires for their unpresentable appearance. But this problem is easily solved - it is better to choose normal, solid rubber, and besides, with the help of paint and other decor elements, you can create a whole work of art from an ordinary tire. More on this below.

Using old car tires to create a flower bed is an almost win-win option for using these products.

Gallery: flowerbeds from tires (25 photos)

To make a flower bed from a tire, you can do nothing with it - just paint it in a beautiful color and wait until it dries. Can you make something beautiful out of it? decorative item, which will decorate the site not only thanks to the flowers, but also in itself.

The manufacturing technology is simple, and even a woman can do it. It is important to take into account several nuances, which are described in detail below.

The choice of tires for the manufacture of flower beds and garden figures

If the farm has not 1-2 old tires, but a whole “collection”, then it is worth choosing the most suitable product correctly. You need to be guided by the following considerations:

  1. Imported tires fit better than domestic ones, since rubber is softer in texture, has a fine structure, making it much easier to work with.
  2. If you choose between winter and summer tires, then preference should be given to winter, since they are more durable, and in this case there is less risk of damaging the material in the process of working with it.
  3. Oddly enough, but the more the tire has been in use, the better, since in this case the protector is subjected to severe wear. And this makes it easy to turn the product on the wrong side, which is very useful in work.
  4. Of course, if you can choose between heavily worn, unsightly items and more attractive items, the choice will be for the latter. Also it is better to take rubber without persistent, non-removable pollution.

As for the size, it all depends on the gardener's imagination. Theoretically, tires of any diameter are suitable - the main thing is that they harmoniously fit into the overall composition, if it is planned to make several flower beds at once.

Imported tires are better suited than domestic ones, since rubber is softer in texture, has a fine structure, which makes it much easier to work with.

How to properly turn a tire

In fact, There are three important tricks to master when working with tires:

  1. You need to learn how to turn them right.
  2. There is a need to master the art of cutting the material in the right places and bending the corresponding parts.
  3. Finally, you need to figure out how to properly and beautifully paint the tire.

If you turn the tire inside out directly, without any tricks, most likely you will have to call a man. And you can handle it on your own. You can turn the tire out quite simply if you make small cuts so that they reach the tread. The technology is as follows:

  1. First, the product is turned inside out on one side.
  2. Then the rubber is compressed so that its edges practically converge (top and bottom).
  3. After that, the work is completed from the other side.

How to make a flower bed out of a wheel with your own hands (video)

Tires are painted with ordinary paints on drying oil(water is quickly washed out by rain), but here it is important to pay attention to several recommendations that are due to the process of the subsequent operation of the tire (long stay on open sun, design features):

  1. It is better to choose paints in light shades, since they reflect the sun better than dark ones - the tire and the soil in it will not heat up so much.
  2. You need to apply paint in 2-3 layers, choosing the golden mean: too thin a layer will quickly subside, cracking from temperature changes and washed off with rain. A layer that is too thick will start to flake due to the same factors, since the paint will not adhere well to its own layer.
  3. It is better not to be lazy and paint a small inner layer closest to the outer part. In this case, the appearance of the product will be much more beautiful, besides, it will last longer.
  4. Before applying a layer of paint, the tire must not only be washed and dried well, but also treated from possible grease contamination - this is done with gasoline, acetone or oil paint solvents.
  5. In addition to applying the main layer, it is not forbidden to create your own patterns - if you can’t draw with your own hand, you can safely use stencils that are cut out of ordinary cardboard.
  6. Finally, by color scheme you need to decide in advance, based on the flowers that are supposed to be planted, as well as from the composition of the tires, if several flower beds are used at the same time.

Important! The most convenient and quick way to paint a tire from an aerosol is with a special can. You can buy such a product in an auto shop.

Tires are painted with ordinary paints on drying oil

How and with what to cut a tire

Since the tire is cut in decorative purposes, then this is done by creating a certain pattern (most often - petals). That's why you need to cut not with a knife, but with a jigsaw, optimally - electric.

When working, you can use saws different sizes, which are easily inserted into the jigsaw. The choice of a particular file depends on the subtlety of the intended pattern.

Of course, before starting work, you should plan the corners, the interval of the pattern, mark it on the surface, and only then proceed to sawing.

Important! If the outer edges are sawn very easily, then as you approach the edge, sawing will go harder - so you need to work as long as the plane is maintained. As soon as the downward turn begins, you can stop sawing.

You need to cut the tire not with a knife, but with a jigsaw, optimally - electric

Making flower beds from tires

There are a lot of options and ideas for making a flower bed from a tire - from a simple raw tire to complex options in the form of whole compositions of these products.

A simple tire flower garden: fast and tasteful

If there is no time and effort to work with sawing, and even more so turning rubber out, you should not refuse to transform your flower garden with a flower bed from a tire.

The best option is to use a high flower bed, from a truck. In this case, you can not use additional supports.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The tire is thoroughly washed from dirt and dried.
  2. You can make 8-12 cuts in the shape of a petal and remove the inside - you get a very original look.
  3. According to a predetermined plan, paint is applied to it and, if desired, patterns.
  4. Outside, the tire can be decorated with stones that are glued to the cement base - in this case, few people will be able to identify the source material, the product will look very rich.

The best option is to use a high flower bed, from a truck

How to make a vertical flower bed from old tires

It is not at all necessary to place the tire simply on the ground along its larger side - you can take advantage of the fact that the groove is airtight. Accordingly, there is enough space for small flowers, and it will look much more original.

One option is to make a vertical flower bed in the form of a bird:

  1. A pattern is outlined according to a pre-prepared pattern - for example, in the form of a parrot: for this you need to cut out symmetrical feathers of the wings and tail.
  2. According to the pattern, appropriate cuts are made.
  3. Then the tire is turned inside out and painted in bright colors.
  4. You can hang such a tire by a hook. This is very convenient to do with an uncut protector. You can also hang it by the handles, which will remain in the form of a circle from the uncircumcised part.

Important! In the case of flower beds of this design, it is important to make holes under the bottom, otherwise the water will have nowhere to drain. The soil should also be watered periodically - rain will not always be able to get in if the upper part is not cut off.

How to make a swan from a tire with your own hands (video)

Hanging flower garden from a tire

Tires can be made hanging flower beds- and not only from vertical ones, as described above, but also horizontal ones.

Mounting options:

  1. For a hook hanging from the edge of a roof or pole.
  2. With a rope stretched over a tree.

If you weigh a horizontal tire, you need to take care of the container that fits into it and is held by the edges.

From tires you can make hanging flower beds

Flower beds from a car tire in the form of a swan

A classic, but not obsolete, use of a tire is the manufacture of a swan.

There are 2 options:

  1. Horizontal swan.
  2. Vertical swan.

Manufacturing technology vertical flower bed next:

  1. Marking is done taking into account the fact that half of the lid is the bird's neck.
  2. On the surface you need to draw a head with a beak, a body and a tail.
  3. All parts are cut along the contour - it is better with the help of a grinder.
  4. Then the design is carefully turned outward.
  5. The swan is painted and installed in the chosen place in the garden.

A classic, but not obsolete use of a tire is the manufacture of a swan.

Other interesting tire flower garden ideas

If there are a lot of tires, then there are much more ideas for creating a flower garden:

  1. Multi-tiered flowerbeds of tires of the same size, made up like a house of cubes.
  2. Multi-tiered flowerbeds of tires of different sizes, arranged in the form of a pyramid.
  3. Flower beds in the form coffee cup on a saucer.
  4. Flower beds in the form of a flower (petals are made from semicircles).
  5. In the form of a real flower on a pedicel - one tire will serve as a flower with loose petals, the other - in the form of a stem.
  6. Flower beds in the form of flowerpots.
  7. Flower beds in the form of pieces of furniture (for example, trellis).

Tires can make a flower bed

Choosing plants for flower beds from tires

Theoretically, many flowers are suitable for such beds, but since it is undesirable to disturb the structure often, it is best to plant perennials with bright flowers and beautiful greenery, for example:

  • zinnias;
  • crocuses;
  • daffodils;
  • pansies;
  • peonies;
  • cornflowers;
  • Adonis;
  • periwinkle;
  • daylilies and many others.


If a whole composition is made of flower beds, then it is better to plant the highest plants in the center, and lower plants along the edges. In this case, it is important to skillfully combine flowers, as in ordinary flower beds.

Many flowers are suitable for flowerbeds from tires.

Other products from old tires in the country

Of course, not only flower beds, but also a number of others can be made from such valuable material. useful devices, which will not only decorate the site, but also will allow you to diversify your leisure time on them:

  1. Swing for children they are made of one strong tire, to which a metal chain clings and is attached to welded racks or to a powerful tree.
  2. Another option swing - in the form of a vertically located horse. This is a very exciting idea - hardly any of the neighbors have such fun.
  3. The swing can be made not suspended, but ground- for this, the tire is cut exactly in half, the seat is made of a durable board, and the attraction for the kids is ready. In this case, it is important that the internal structure is sufficiently rigid.
  4. All kinds of animals from tires- Another one original version uses: centipede, birds, frogs.

Swings for children are made from one durable tire

We make a simple fence from car tires

A very practical and at the same time original option for using tires is the manufacture of a fence. This will require at least 40-50 old tires of the same size.

The technology is as follows:

  1. Tires are stacked on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern.
  2. They are fastened with ordinary self-tapping screws.
  3. Plants can be planted in the top row - climbing plants are especially suitable, for which you need to additionally carry out cords.

Of course, that such a number of tires may not be. Then there are more familiar options:

  1. Tape fence (from tires completely cut and stretched in a straight line).
  2. Fencing in the form of semicircles.
  3. Fence in the form of tires laid and fortified vertically.

A very practical and at the same time original option for using tires is the manufacture of a fence

Amazing figures from old tires by sculptor Yong Ho Ji

Some things seem implausible until you can see them in practice. For example, the fact that the manufacture of tires from different shapes can be turned into an independent direction of applied art.