Kitchen set with TV. Placement of the TV in the kitchen

Choosing a TV for the kitchen is not a trivial matter. In addition to a small diagonal, a lot of factors should be taken into account here: viewing angle, case thickness, design suitable for a kitchen set or existing household appliances, and so on. What may seem unimportant in relation to a large "room" TV, here has a chance to be decisive.

So, what did the world's leading TV manufacturers prepare for our TV sets in 2018? different cuisines?

How to choose a TV for the kitchen?


Size matters, but in our case, bigger isn't always better. Rather, compactness and ease of placement are relevant. After all, in the kitchen, the TV should be simultaneously in the zone of comfortable visibility, not limit usable space and not interfere. Accordingly, you need to “dance” on the size of the room:

  • For small kitchens with an area of ​​​​6-9 m², models with a diagonal of 19-20ʺ are suitable;
  • For medium 10-15 m² - 22-24ʺ;
  • For large ones from 18 m², screens of 32ʺ or more can be considered, but then the selection principle will be the same as for any other room.

Viewing angles

The most important parameter for a good kitchen TV, because unlike the hall or living room, you often have to look at the screen from different angles. And it is unlikely that anyone will like the distorted picture that irritates the eye. It is quite comfortable when the horizontal and vertical viewing angles are from 170 °, and the best indicator today is 178 ° / 178 °.

Screen resolution

We will proceed from the fact that for the vast majority of kitchens, 19-25ʺ TVs are best suited, for which 2 formats are available: HD-ready 720p (1280x720 pixels) and Full HD 1080p (1920x1080 pixels). The first option will be quite enough for comfortable viewing of digital or analog television broadcasting, the second one will appeal to those who like to watch high-quality video from external sources.


Just like their kinescope prototypes, modern LED kitchen TVs can receive over-the-air analog TV channels using a connected antenna. But that's why they are modern, so as not to be limited to this simple action.

Several useful additional features:

  • Digital broadcast support. "Analogue" is no longer relevant and the image quality on LCD screens is traditionally low. Therefore, the minimum necessary requirement for a tuner is the ability to receive DVB-T2 digital terrestrial channels. DVB-C and digital cable standards may also be available. satellite television DVB-S2.
  • Availability USB port . Allows you to connect hard drives, flash drives to view videos, photos, audio files from them or record live broadcasts.
  • Smart TV with WiFi support. The presence of such a platform turns the TV into a full-fledged multimedia center with wireless Internet access. While doing kitchen chores, you can simultaneously watch movies, TV shows, listen to music on the network, or, for example, easily find the right recipes.

Installation methods

All TVs are equipped by default with stands for easy placement on a table, nightstand, shelf. For some models, they can be transformed into hanging device. However, special brackets are often in demand for the kitchen, providing the necessary distance from the wall, tilting, and rotating the display. They are purchased separately, and the appropriate format is indicated in the specification for the TV.

The place where they cook, have breakfast or dine with the family is equipped in its own way, many have a TV in the kitchen. Some housewives prefer to listen to news or good music during daily cooking. It is customary for many townspeople to gather with the whole family for dinner, at the same time watching their favorite series or talk show. The location of the equipment and the format of the TV block depend on these nuances.

It is very convenient to have this device in the kitchen, as there is always the opportunity to eat and cook under an interesting program or music channel.

Correct placement of the TV in the interior of the kitchen

Television is being inexorably replaced by the Internet, but today TV is in kitchen set remains one of the conditions of comfort. Often the old model is taken out of the hall and installed on the refrigerator, although this is an unnecessary burden on the unit. Others prefer to hang "plasma" in front of dining table on a free wall.

There are also more original ideas, for example, hanging a large chain from ceiling brackets. plasma panel- for zoning the interior in the kitchen-dining room or combined living room.

An important characteristic of the device is the viewing angle. This parameter shows at what angle you can look at the screen so that the picture is not distorted.

There are quite a few original ideas regarding how to place the source of information. The choice of place depends on the size of the TV and the dimensions of the kitchen space (its functionality):

  • a small catering unit in the "dining room" or dorm room;
  • part of a studio apartment;
  • a large room with a fireplace, Russian stove or other "living" hearth;
  • one of country rooms allocated for cooking on an electric stove;
  • complete big room at least 6-8 "squares";
  • transformed kitchen space after redevelopment with attached warm loggia and a small living room.

Do I need to conduct TV in the kitchen. With the purchase of housing or after overhaul everyone can make a choice in favor of a convenient TV format. Its installation should organically fit into the interior, and the location level should be convenient for watching TV. The latest models come with Wi-Fi support.

It is better to choose a model with a high rate, because rarely does anyone spend time in the kitchen, sitting in one place.

What should be the size of the TV

In the kitchen, the one who cooks for the whole family, on average, spends from 1 to 5 hours. Plus time for breakfast, dinner, lunch and tea parties with sandwiches in between. It turns out that almost half the time passes here, especially if you fully cook and bake.

Many are accustomed to carefully watching their favorite programs and news releases, while others do not watch, only listen. This is also characteristic of knitters who know every phrase of TV heroes, but do not remember how they looked at a certain period of events. Similarly, with those who are used to cooking under " background noise”, distracting from the tedious process.

Experts advise you to think about where to hang the TV in the kitchen, even at the design stage.

The format of the TV depends on the form of viewing:

  • a small TV box with an antenna, which is preferred by truckers;
  • an old-style TV, which, after repair, was “written off” from the living room to the kitchen, in Vacation home or to the cottage;
  • a standard modern apparatus purchased on credit for the occasion;
  • a large plasma panel - for location opposite the dining set.

The place and height of installation depends on the circumstances under which you will use the TV.

Most often, hostesses consider television not as a form of entertainment, but rather as a way to distract from the protracted process of cooking. For some, this is something like a radio - a source of news. In many families, there is a tradition - to eat at the table in front of the TV. The height of the TV depends on the viewing method:

  • somewhere in the corner;
  • at eye level;
  • on the side of the cutting panel;
  • in a free furniture niche.

If it will mainly work during meals, it is placed low, almost at eye level of the seated person.

People addicted to television put on TV in every room and take a very responsible approach to choosing the attribute of “feeding” with information. Those who are more concerned with aesthetics try to integrate a "plasma" or a small TV "box" into the interior design. With any approach, watching TV should not bring discomfort. It's good to keep track of information without turning your head up.

Admirers of television are able to attach their "fulcrum" in the smallest room. It doesn’t matter if it’s large or small, but the TV should organically fit into the style of the kitchen interior.

Location options for video equipment:

  • on a rack, stand or support;
  • above the refrigerator
  • in a niche;
  • on a suspended structure;
  • on the partition for zoning;
  • in the cabinet furniture compartment;
  • on the bar;
  • on the corner shelf attached with brackets to the wall.

There are other options for placing a TV in the kitchen.

In the morning, news programs help to turn on the working rhythm and plunge into the thick of things with a cup of aromatic coffee with a sandwich. It doesn’t matter if the kitchen will be decorated with a large plasma or a small device, nothing should clutter up the free space of the Khrushchev kitchen or the combined living room with dining room functions. The main thing is how this "widescreen gadget" will look on the wall.

The main thing is that when viewing, you do not have to lift or lower your head too much, it is only permissible to slightly raise your chin.

Advice! The wall with the TV should not be overloaded with decor so as not to distract attention from the dynamic events on the screen.

TV installation and viewing angles

Attention! Most convenient option– swivel arm with small flat screen.

When deciding on a place for the "plasma", it is important to consider that viewing at an angle is not convenient - the color is distorted, the "picture" is blurred. This feature is typical for digital display.

Avoid direct sunlight on the screen - this can damage it.

It is important to consider the distance to the screen. Often looking close is harmful to the eyes, vision gradually sets down. Therefore, it is important to determine a comfortable distance and optimal height, and only then decide which type of TV is more suitable for the kitchen:

  • lamp;

Sometimes there is nowhere to put the source of information, especially if it is an old tube model. It is necessary, as they say, to clean far away or higher. This place can be the space above the hood, although this is far from the most the best solution.

It is advisable to pay attention to the volume of the selected device.

The TV cannot be placed anywhere, even on the refrigerator, increasing the load. Often it staggers when it is opened and the door slammed. Above the stove is a dangerous decision, even if the TV is convenient to watch when cooking. A suddenly dropped device can cause a lot of trouble.

Features of TV placement: choosing the best place and mounting method

The kitchen is a specific room where different functional areas are combined:

  • a place for cutting products;
  • at the stove (the main stage of cooking);
  • dining room or guest part (for sharing meals and relaxing at the TV);
  • a few meters - free passage;
  • cupboards and cabinets, other places for storing food stocks.

If the use of a shelf is necessary for you, pick it up and all the rest of the furniture harmoniously.

If there is no powerful hood above the stove, a greasy suspension and fumes settle on the screen. This is especially true in a small area, and the monitor or screen has to be cleaned of sticky deposits that distort the image. It makes sense to additionally cover it with glass - for ease of cleaning. With some options, this is very easy to do, in others it is impossible. And some manage to hang a panel over the fireplace, which is not safe, even if they are separated by a thermal insulation shield.

Built-in headset option

Built-in appliances - perfect option, especially when it fits well in format and design. This solution is most convenient for someone who cooks at the stove, but does not follow the events on the screen much, mostly listens.

Appliances can also be placed on the shelves of a glass cabinet with a transparent door. practical option– smooth surface is very easy to clean as it gets dirty.

It is most convenient to integrate a small television set into corner cabinet furniture. In any kitchen there is a free shelf. It is better if it is a whole compartment behind a glass door. Then the question of practical care is solved by itself.

by the most in a simple way placement is considered the use of shelves. Some do nothing at all for this, and so there is a free shelf.

Mounting the TV on the bracket

On holidays and weekends, the whole family gathers at the table, and it is very convenient when there is a TV in front of the family having lunch and dinner. But the days of a magnificent feast and festive TV shows are passing, and the hostess with daily worries - the main "viewer" at the kitchen apparatus, has to turn it around.

A swivel bracket is the best solution when you have to watch news and TV series from different points, from the stove and from kitchen corner. The only condition is secure fastening on a selected point on a wall or free corner.

Installing a TV on a kitchen shelf

When there is little cabinet furniture in the cooking room, shelves are often used. They can be from different materials:

  • glass (on chrome holders);
  • wooden;
  • plastic (most often these are corners);
  • laminated chipboard;
  • decorative plywood;
  • MDF or plastic based on chip "halva".

The system can be made both open and closed by hiding the device behind the cabinet doors.

Important! When choosing a TV shelf material, it is important to consider several factors, including whether it will fit into the interior.

The glass base can be ordered at the nearest workshop, where, at the request of the client, they will make a shelf of any format and grind the cut. The thicker the material, the more reliable the shelf.

The TV must stand steadily, when making the shelf separately, it is important to make accurate measurements.

Useful advice! In order not to risk it, it is better to make rounded edges (no corners). A set of ready-made chrome fittings for mounting to a wall or in a corner can be found in any building supermarket.

It is not necessary to use clear glass. If desired, you can make (buy) something original, for example, a shelf made of smoky or black glass looks great under the equipment.

You can use your smartphone as a remote control and enjoy other benefits of high-end technology.

TV in a small kitchen - options with a photo

Any room with a limited quadrature creates a lot of inconvenience. We have to abandon the traditional kitchen set in favor of compact and stackable furniture, folding countertops and seats.

The device must be tested before purchase in order to choose the TV model for the kitchen that meets all the requirements for image quality.

Even in a small kitchen space, you can allocate space for a long plasma panel or an old lamp model.

From a technical point of view, the TV is easiest to put on a shelf.

When buying a new TV for the kitchen, various factors are taken into account:

  • room dimensions;
  • screen diagonal;
  • device format;
  • fastening method;
  • degree of permission;
  • viewing angle;
  • functionality.

A flat screen is preferred as it doesn't take up much space. It can be hung or placed above the refrigerator.

For the kitchen, you can choose any model, whether it is small or large, modern or more traditional.

Swivel or rotating brackets make it possible to rotate the TV panel, which is easily removed when there is no desire or opportunity to watch programs.

A niche is allowed to be made in the premises of the middle, big size. In small ones, it will additionally hide part of the space.

Modern wireless models come with Wi-Fi support, they do not need an antenna, they only need a power outlet. They are preferred for small spaces. Even in such a kitchen, there is often too much furniture and little free space. A small TV monitor can be hung on the door or directly at the dining table. Proximity damages vision, but then the table has to be moved away and chairs or stools placed against the wall.

For the kitchen, it is better to choose models that are equipped with moisture protection. Such a nuance will be extremely useful for this room.

The easiest way to find a place in the combined kitchen is when a wall with an adjacent room is dismantled during redevelopment or modernization. Then the plasma is taken out into the next room or serves modern solution when zoning.

If an on-air digital tuner is built into the device, this will significantly reduce the number of wires in the kitchen.

It is best to build a large screen in a special niche. Very convenient when the screen rotates, thanks to rotary mechanisms or brackets. Such a device can be suspended from the ceiling or put on a rack with rollers.

It will be possible to install only a flat screen on the bracket, it will not be possible to hang a lamp screen.

Obviously, there are other options for those who like to cook, dine and dine in front of the TV. Before the holidays and on the eve of a magnificent feast, the housewives spend almost all their free time in the kitchen, and the TV greatly diversifies this time. Designers offer all sorts of ways to seamlessly integrate TV panels into a kitchen space of different styles - from classic to high-tech. Best Examples, where to put it or hang it - in the selection of photos.

It is not necessary to explain all the reasons that serve as a bunch of arguments in favor of buying a TV for the kitchen. Although a small TV in the kitchen, but you need it, and how. Is it worth spending on expensive model? Where is the best place to attach it to the wall? How does the design of the kitchen change with the advent of a TV on it, and does it change?

Of course, the choice of TV depends on the capabilities of the kitchen, in particular, on its area. There are several so-called basic recommendations that will guide you in your choice.

  • For a standard kitchen, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 9 square meters, a TV with a diagonal of 20 inches or less is suitable. Over 20 inches is overkill!
  • In a kitchen with an area of ​​​​up to 15 square meters, TVs with a diagonal of 25 inches or less are acceptable;
  • If the kitchen is spacious, then a TV with a diagonal of 36 inches or less is quite appropriate;
  • In a kitchen combined with a living room, or a studio apartment, there are no strict restrictions on the size of equipment, and a 40-inch TV is appropriate, the question is where it is better to place it.

There are other factors that guide the choice of a particular model. But you need to start from the safety factor in order to save not only vision, but also nervous system. So, for example, it is recommended to watch a large TV from a distance of 2.5 m. A distance of 1.5 is acceptable if the size of the TV does not exceed 20 inches diagonally.

The second most important factor is the viewing angle. How to mark the TV on the wall so that it does not reflect, does not obscure, does not interfere? In each case, the advice will be different. Do not hang the TV very high, it will be uncomfortable to watch. If it is already hung from the ceiling, then you can only watch it while standing.

The high-quality resolution of a TV for the kitchen is a point that cannot be disputed. Even at close range, you should see everything clearly, without blurring, etc. This means that the technique must have a high modern level contrast and resolution.

Positive feedback is collected by the current generation of TVs, among which it is customary to distinguish three types.

TV types

  1. LSD version. Compromise of price and quality. But such TVs for the kitchen have a limitation of viewing points: not every angle will have an equally clear image. True, if the TV is wall-mounted, and you have purchased a good bracket, you can adjust a good viewing angle.
  2. LED TVs. The high resolution of this type of TV provides a high quality picture. You can watch this TV from anywhere in the kitchen. And another plus of these TVs for the kitchen is efficiency in terms of electricity consumption. Comparing this moment with standard models of equipment, we can say that the savings will be about 40%.
  3. Plasma TVs. The image in this type of television for the kitchen is obtained due to the glow of the phosphor under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Additional illumination is not needed for this technique, since the plasma cell itself is considered a light source. But there is one “but”, the models of such TVs for the kitchen are all large, at least 32 inches in diagonal, which means that this model can only be placed in a spacious kitchen, the size of which is at least 16 squares.

TV in the kitchen should not be, to put it simply, as representative as the main TV in the house, which is usually located in the living room. The main thing is its functionality, not size or fashion.

It’s not bad if kitchen TVs have a USB port, there is an opportunity WiFi connections. But these functions are modern models are usually included, but on the 3D function, for which, by the way, you have to pay extra, you can save. It is unlikely that you will arrange watching movies in 3D in the kitchen.

Corner kitchen with TV: bracket choice

And in corner kitchen there is more than one way to position the TV well. If you do not want to fix it on the bracket, and in the kitchen set there is a niche at the top where it will fit perfectly, a way out has been found.

But in most cases, you still have to purchase a bracket. There are some nuances in choosing a bracket.

Good TV brackets in the kitchen

  • Universal. Usually the size of the bracket depends on the dimensions of the TV, but there are universal models that are specially adjusted. Suddenly decide to change the TV, or use the bracket in a new place, for these cases you need a universal bracket.
  • Additional accessories. These are shelves for satellite equipment or boxes for protecting cords, convenient and compact.
  • Design. It would seem, what a difference, the detail is subtle. But if the bracket is bulky, does not match in color, it will be noticeable, conspicuous. And your task is to hide it.

In brackets, the types of fastening can be fixed, or they can be inclined. The fixed TV bracket places the TV close to the wall. It is simple, compact, reliable and inexpensive. The only negative is that it is not always easy to get to the connectors on the back of the TV with such a mount.

With an inclined type of mounting in the bracket, it is possible to adjust the angle of the screen. If the TV is at eye level, this requirement is mandatory. There is also a tilt-and-turn type of fastening, in which the position of the TV panel can be changed in the vertical and horizontal plane.

It is difficult to say which is the best bracket, it all depends on the features of the kitchen and your requirements.

Kitchen design with sofa and TV

The LCD TV in the kitchen should be in a place where A - it will be clearly visible from the intended viewing point, B - will not interfere with anyone doing basic kitchen chores. It would be nice to have such a TV in the kitchen, which makes this very kitchen more interesting, brighter, more modern, etc. For bright kitchen it is better to purchase a white TV, which will fit very harmoniously into the image of the room.

A modern kitchen is not only a place for cooking and eating, but also a gathering place for households and guests. For this purpose, a sofa is placed there, which, in most cases, serves as a TV viewing point.

The best option

Therefore, the most optimal design such a kitchen would look something like this:

  1. corner L-shaped kitchen in which the TV is located - either stationary in a niche, or in the same niche a TV on a bracket;
  2. On the opposite side of the sofa with kitchen table, while the sofa can also be angular with a twist to the window;
  3. At the same time, the table is preferably oval, it can be narrower, but long enough;
  4. The wallpaper is light, the floor is light, as there is a lot of furniture in the kitchen, and you need to free up space due to the lightest colors;
  5. On the window - almost transparent tulle, if there is a night curtain - let it also be light with an interesting pattern.

By the way, this kitchen design is often chosen by young families who live in a one-room apartment. Their kitchen serves as a living room, because small children sleep during the day, and their regimen is different, so they have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And TVs for such kitchens are a must.

Choosing a TV for the kitchen should not be difficult: inexpensive, compact, good quality, suitable design. And the size in this case, of course, is far from the main thing - take care of your health and finances. Good luck choosing!

TV in the kitchen (video examples)

TV has become an integral part of the living quarters. A few years ago it was hard to imagine that he would firmly take his place in the kitchen. But today they produce special models that can be mounted directly above the sink.

It is the issue of placement that interests modern consumers the most. We offer you some interesting and practical way solutions to this problem.

TV in the kitchen

The easiest way to mount the TV on the wall with your own hands is to use hanging brackets. But it’s not about how to hang a TV in the kitchen using a bracket, but about how to aesthetically fit appliances into the interior of the room. Let's call it - short instruction to maintain style.

  • First of all, TV is the same household appliance as well as the oven and microwave. That is why placing it together with the listed equipment is a logical decision.
  • Installing all the equipment in one place avoids the extra attention that the TV requires when it hangs on the wall.

Note! The main suggestion in this method is the installation height of the TV in the kitchen, as it will be placed above eye level. This requires a comfortable and practical placement of the oven in the cabinet.

TV installed in one cabinet with kitchen appliances, creates unity with it, it can even be mistaken for some kind of microwave oven.

If you're remodeling your entire kitchen, then this is another answer to where to place your TV in the kitchen.

  • Initially, it is necessary to build an artificial niche from drywall. It should not be very deep, about 10-15 cm.
  • Then you need to finish it with the same material as all the walls.
  • After that, the TV is either mounted through a bracket, with the ability to change the angle of inclination, or placed on a stand.

This allows you to "disguise" the equipment as much as possible and free up space in the room.

If you don’t know where to place the TV in the kitchen, then use the kitchen set directly.

  • This requires making wall cabinet according to the size of the device.
  • It is necessary not to forget about the reinforcement of the shelf, on which the entire load will come.
  • IN back wall make a hole in the cabinet to pass the wires.

For your information! If you run the outlet right behind the wall cabinet, it will make it easier for you to route and mask the wires.

One disadvantage of this method is too big tvs will look ridiculous in cabinets, and the headset itself will lose its attractiveness. Therefore, devices that are not more than 72 cm in diagonal are allowed.

Another answer to the question of how to place a TV in the kitchen. Yes, it is not suitable for small spaces, but on the other hand, it is so convenient to watch your favorite TV shows from the opposite corner of the room.

This method does not require special mount, home appliance can be installed directly on the shelf top cabinet. The main thing is to position it so that the angle of inclination is perceived from anywhere in the room.

Interesting! A refrigerator can also serve as a support for a TV, if it is in harmony with it. If, for example, one appliance is light and the second is black, then this can lead to an imbalance in the interior of the kitchen.

Try to combine business with pleasure. And besides, answer the question, who will watch TV - you or the guests? Who needs it to be installed correctly.

This method may seem very strange to you, especially for those who first hear about the existence of waterproof TVs.

But it can be beaten in three ways:

  • Buy equipment that is overpriced. If you have no budget restrictions, then this TV will be a godsend for you. It can be placed directly above the sink, thus it will be convenient for you to watch programs when you are cooking and guests from the dining area can see everything.
  • Install a special frame that protects the TV from water. It can be ordered from transparent glass. This method can be cheaper than the first option, however, finding an organization that manufactures such cases is quite problematic.
  • Make a niche behind the sink and build a TV into it, covering it with an apron material from above. Such a device will look one with the interior, while it is protected from direct contact with water.

Note! Remember, it doesn't matter where you place the TV in the kitchen, it's how you install it that matters. After all, any room requires harmony in the interior.

If you have one free corner, then you can indicate the location of the TV in the kitchen in it.

You can use anything for this:

  • Corner shelf made of the same type of headset material. So you kind of add another piece of furniture on which your TV will be located.
  • Use one of several types of brackets designed for corner mounting.

Interesting! There is a type of mount that is mounted to the ceiling, if you are not sure about the reliability of your walls, then the ceiling mount is made for you.

  • Build a TV in a corner wall cabinet. Unfortunately, you will have to sacrifice space in this closet, but such a place can be called ideal for small appliances.

The method is quite laborious, this will require a special mount, but in any case it justifies itself. It can be placed in a closet or on a wall (if space permits). However, there is a minus of this method - it will take a lot of space, which may not be enough in ordinary apartments.

If you are puzzled over the question of where to place the TV in the kitchen, then you may like this option.

It will take some effort, but small apartments this is very efficient.

  • It is necessary to make a hole in the wall between the kitchen and the living room a little larger than the size of the TV. Enough for 1-2 cm from each edge.
  • After a through window has appeared from room to room, it needs to be ennobled, leveled with a level and finished with a neutral material.
  • After installing the TV, fix it through the footboard on which it stands. Can be used ordinary self-tapping screws or glue.

As a result, you have a big favorite TV for two rooms. This is relevant for one-room apartments when the installation of two devices is difficult due to the lack of free space. And also in cases where buying a second TV is not possible due to a limited budget.

Note! The wire must be in a free position so that it does not stretch when the device is rotated 180 degrees.

This option is suitable for those who often cook and in those rooms where dinner Zone moved from the kitchen to the living room. Ask how to position the TV in the kitchen so that the screen is horizontal? Easy, for this you need to embed it in the island, straight into work surface using a protective glass over the screen.

For your information! You can also make a retractable device, only this will require an expensive mechanism, and the TV itself must be a small device.


And now we provide you with a few photos in which you can visually find the answer to the question of where to hang the TV in the kitchen. At the end of the article there is also a video with tips and recommendations for installation process. We wish you good luck and inspiration!

Do you need a TV in the kitchen, of course you decide. Probably the answer to this question depends on the time spent in the kitchen, oh technical feasibility TV operation and from your love to constant TV broadcasting. At the same time, the answer depends little on the electricity supply and antenna, they can always be done, and places in the kitchen can easily be called 10 ways to install a TV in the kitchen.

Type of TV for the kitchen

Range modern TVs, expanded significantly. This concerns not only manufacturers, but also broadcasting technologies.

Along with TVs operating from stationary television antennas, it is not uncommon for TVs to operate via Wi-Fi networks, carrying out TV shows via the Internet.

Therefore, it would be appropriate to divide kitchen TVs into two types:

  • LED, LCD TVs with the ability to install on brackets, stands and walls;
  • Smart TVs that work like a computer, broadcasting TV programs from the Internet via Wi-Fi.

The fundamental difference between these two types of TVs is the need to connect a low-current cable to a stationary or portable television antenna.

It is important to note that these two types of TVs differ in price. Smart TVs are several times more expensive than LED and LCD TVs.

As you can see, there are many warnings, and all of them can be attributed to the kitchen.

It is hardly appropriate to install an LED TV, in simple case, above the kitchen sink, above the stove, next to the gas stove, in the blank kitchen cabinet. On the other hand, in the places listed, except for gas stove, you can put (hang) a TV in a protected case with IP65 or IP66, which are usually sold as bath TVs. They are perfectly protected from moisture and splashes.

Waterproof TV in the kitchen

Conclusion 1. The choice of where to install the TV in the kitchen is related to the choice of the type of TV. If you want to put the TV above the sink, buy a TV in a secure case.

  1. Eye level installation
  2. Standing against a table
  3. Installation opposite the kitchen;
  4. Ceiling installation;
  5. Window sill installation.

Custom TV installations in the kitchen

Modern technologies allow you to install TVs in the most unusual places outside the kitchen, for example:

TV above the sink

If there is an irresistible desire to put the TV above the sink, you can buy a bathroom TV in a protected case with IP65 and install it above the sink.

Waterproof TV in the kitchen Mounting the TV on a Ceiling Bracket

TV in the door

In conclusion, it is worth remembering the TVs already mounted in household appliances kitchen, refrigerator.