N and NN in different parts of the speech test online. Test in the Russian language (Grade 7) on the topic: Test._nigning - and -n - in different parts of speech

Exercise 1.

Write adjectives by sticking - or -n . Forming them adverbs. Make up with adverbs of phrases. Which of the formed adventures can be used in a figurative value.

Disciplines ... having, wind ... y, time ... ny, tum ... y, revealing ... ha, friendliness ... ha, courage ... ha, attentive ... hay, surprised ... ha.

Exercise 2.

Form from the names of nouns adjectives, place them in alphabetical order. Put in the words of stress.

Land, grass, bone, craft, lunch, ax, mica, leather, canvas, celebration, government, unity, state, fatherland, fire, clay, straw, pumpkin, cranberry, bearers, water, tin, ice, flax, sand, Tree, rye, silver, wool, maneuvers.

Exercise 3.

From the complete communities, form a brief intersection of male, female, middle birth. Underline the suffixes of communities.

Packed, arranged, painted, built, packed, laid, outdated, separated, dedicated.

Exercise 4.

N or nn? Spish the communion and adjectives, selecting them suitable by senley.

Ironing ... Aya, cut ... whatever, drowned up ... Aya, cut ... whatever, wear ... Aya, land ... whatever, Udlin ... Aya, Soriva ... Oh, washing ... Aya, more beautiful ... Aya, Morza ... s.

Exercise 5.

Spariate, emphasize and explain the spelling. n.or nN..

Roasted goose, roasted sausage, fried in oil Pies, writing handsome, inscribed triangle, written by an artist, organized by sponsors Fair, Woven tablecloth, Golden tank tissue, rejected goods, militarized detachment, brought up, distilled water, placed posters, disqualified athlete, uninvited guest, Related prisoner, a recruited agent, made inscription, Wailed in Mundire Potatoes, purchased in the store things.

Exercise 6.

Rewrite by inserting the missed letters. Explain the spelling n.and nN. In communion and exclusive adjectives.

Balov ... Byhive child, Zamascular ... BY Entrance, Pull ... Aya Basket, Urgent ... Oh View, George ... Aya Firewood Machine, Roast ... Aya Machine, Loading ... Aya Machine, Archer ... Aya game, unheard ... Circlest circumstances, wound ... Soldier's hand, Gasha ... Lime, Negash ... Aya Lime, Name ... John Brother, Most ... Aya Road , Pisa ... Watercolor paintings, wound ... bodice, residue ... cylinder metal, asphaltirova ... Aya Street, Ambon ... Aya Snack, Noshe ... Aya Hat, Poja ... Cying Boots , Optore ... Blushing fence, an extinguisha ... Blossing, brooch ... hairy stone, lack of ... Aya meeting, purchase ... ache, shipped ... oa by fax letter, Issirm ... By economists, resources, insanity ... OE Property, unforeseering ... After circumstances, to arrange ... OE resistance, render ... OE face, diplomarov ...

Exercise 7.

Spinit, inserting missed H or NN (1 option). Make a nominal phrase.

1) Sodalass_ik, spoiled, medel_y, bond_y, oil_y, sow_y, sidewine, breaking, o'clock, Pokhlo_ik, frost_, arrings_e translacyto, revolutionary_ vago_y, sh_y, darment_a, surcharge, ch_y, rayo_y, millio_, hot, osli_y, falcons_y, snake_, licensed, layer_, it is quite modern.

2) Naive, submission, half-form_y, wisdom, unexpeared, hemp_y, veins_y, y_y, appellacio_y, evolucio_y, Collectivity, pogo_y, poulties RUTI_YE, SUKO_Y, SEASE_Y, POST, FOOT, FURGOY, ORLI_Y, SO_IK, Bee_y, diversion_y, filet, pensio_y, topless, subordinate_, girl spoiled_a.

Exercise 8.

Give the interpretation of the underlined words. Write down the nouns formed by switching from one part of speech to another.

Turn the NTC with the help of consoles.

Sample: Roasted - Passed

The exact, twisted, uriced, pushed, haired, steam, cathedral, knitted, painted, stew, salty, pressed, dried, gilded, sought, baked.

Exercise 9.

Turn N in NN using dependent words.

Sample: Roasted Fish - Fish Fried on Frying

Potted road, wicker hat, ice cream berries, painted walls, bleached ceiling, salty cucumber.

Exercise 10.

Spariate, inserting H or NN, distributing them into two columns. Disassemble allocated communion.

N. NN.

Light_aya playground, scatter_y student, leav_y example, purchase_a product, wound_a fighter, paint_y blonde, brown-colored walls, uncracker_a floor, organized by sponsors, RVA_AY jacket, tranquach_y sleeve, scrap_a line, broken toy, alarms, fry, fix undercuttrees.

Sorting_y, land_y, pess_y, polished_, carcashe_y, stunning, sort of, apparent, student, carcus_y in goose, injury_y, ironing, mining_y, silver_y., Calais_y, folded_, cut_, dismissaries_y, mazay, tiny.

Exercise 11.

From the full pieces to form a brief intersection of male, female and medium kind.

Collected snails, flooded carpet, burned candles, found traccanis, swap trees, flooded oven, lit? Corridor, enslaved people, a liberated country, jumped herbarium, thrown on the wind Money, purchased a ticket, a knitted sweater, a developed plan, decorated with a tree?, left castle, drunk horses.

Exercise 12.

Explain the differences in writing consonant words.

1) The girl is well brought up by parents. Girl obedient and pupil.

2) The meeting of our graduates of our school was organized this year. This student is disciplined and organized.

3) The thunder cloud was scattered by the wind, and the sun flashed again. You were scattered yesterday when I spoke with me.

Exercise 13.

Replace put supply offers involved in turns.

Sample. Take a suitcase on the road, which I brought you yesterday. - Take a suitcase on the road, brought me yesterday.

1) Everyone became interested in a report on nanotechnology, which was made by a professor. 2) In the fields that were sown with corn, shoots seemed. 3) In the apartment, which was recently freed, staged a repair. 4) We rested in a gazebo, which was found at the end of the alleys.

Exercise 14.

Rearrange the phrases in the suggestions with the faugible - brief communion or adjective. Rewrite and emphasize n.or nN..

Sample: sol...the task is to solve the task.

Growing ... Vegetables, finish ... Naya Discussion, Dutcher ... Naya Capture, Timeline ... Naya Help, Great Sygrus ... Another role, announced ... I have announced the results of the competition, drier ... nare linen , Scroll ... At the hooligans of the bench, Zakrosh ... ny on the attic skiing, was spoiled ... The public is touring, they receive ... in the evening telegram, serious and oxable ...

Exercise 15.

Insert the missing letters. Write examples in two columns: a) with brief adhesive; b) with brief communities.

1) The actor game was penetrating ... And the thrill ... a. 2) To consider housing issues of the ... S special commissions from representatives of interested departments. 3) sons of her coarse and non-form ... s. 4) Siberians are usually always cut ... s. 5) The plots of some works are complex and launched ... s. 6) The Court did not see the crime in this case, and the defendants were justified ... s. 7) emergency measures under the storm conditions were necessary and quite acquitted ... s.

Exercise 16.

Insert H or NN, specify the adjectives that are formed by adverbs. As they help in writing N and NN in adverbs.

Scare_o, despair_o, organized_o, Popar_o, infore_o, ozor_o, unseemly_o, sound_o, silence_o, teach_o, gathering, focus_o, tum_o, distorted_o, angry_o, ubra_o, respect_o, right away.

What two words are not adverbs? What part are they? How does this affect the writing n and nn?

Exercise 17.

Open brackets and insert where H or NN is needed, as well as other missed letters.

The girl is embarrassed_o smiled. 3) As soon as the guests diverged, it immediately became like (then) empty. 4) the audience began to clap pretermime_o. 5) Men cry (not) Delich_o. 6) I loved Tai_o. 7) Praise Received Equality_o. 8) Nazhas_o, he asks for the prophet about the shadows. 9) and Medle_o burned them to the morning. 10) He treated us goodstream. 11) And for many years (not) hearing_o passed.12) it looks luxurious_o.13) everything around was very sacrament_o. 14) Exhalation, we divided the friend_o. 15) But the elah_o love (not) in the case of.16) There are speeches - the meaning of the fact that Il is nothing, but it is without a waxing (not) possible. 17) She looked at me amazeled. 18) I came near the pharmacy. 19) It is impossible to tell Monoto_o.

Test on the topic "Spelling N and NN in different parts of speech"

1. What word is one n?

1) Skipped ...

2) the grass is trimmed ... and

3) unexpected ...

4) hears ... nya history

2. In what word is one n?

1) Freshly frozen ... haze vegetables

2) Sews stopped ... s

3) tied ... Hand

4) Knitted ... Baby Socks

3. In what word is one n?

1) generally accepted ... oo opinion

2) dried ... wing mushroom furnaces

3) Stylized ... Blue Interior

4) Ice cream ... Aya Fish

4. In what word is one n?

1) justified ...

2) spoiled ... born

3) the area is stupid ... and

4) Asphalt ... Aya Street

5. In what word is NN?

1) wounded ... bodice

2) leather ... oh chair

3) Yun ...

4) pupil ... ha

6. What sentence contains a word with two nn?

1) The work is made ... And flawlessly.

2) The task is resolved ... and right.

3) The girl is well brought up ... and parents.

4) a strict teacher and restrained ... and

7. What sentence contains a word with two nn?

1) Plots are built up ... s.

2) Employees of the enterprise are not normalized.

3) The courtyard was loaded ... Aya car.

4) Fields Skeyan ... s wheat

8. In which row is the "third unnecessary"?

1) Purchased ... Books, spoiled ... born, dried apricots ...

2) Furhozen ... th trails, unusted ... Guests, grass poison ... and

3) signed ... B Treaty, resolved ... Aya Task, pleased ...

4) Excluded ... School, briefly cut ... A, Raman ... Aha speed

9. In place of which numbers is NN?

At the end of the 19th century, Alexander Panchin was descriptive (1) of the invisible (2), the womb (3) skates, which allowed him to defeat the FI (4) and Norwegian swords.

a) 1,2; b) 2; c) 2.3; d) 3.4

10. At what figures are NN written?

Maybe the skates of the name (1) skates precisely because there was a tree (2) bikes, decorated (3) curl in the form of a horse (4) oh head.

a) 1,2; b) 2.3; c) 1, 2, 3; d) 3,4

Document's name Option number 1.docx

1 option.

1. In what word is one n?

1) Skipped ... wines 2) the grass is trimmed ... and 3) unexpected ... y 4) hears ... nya me

2. In what word is one n?

1) freshly frozen ... hay vegetables 2) seams stopped ... s 3) tied ... nait hand

4) Knitted ... Baby Socks

3. In what word is one n?

1) generally accepted ... OE Opinion 2) Drying ... whatever in the Furnaces Mushrooms 3) Stylized ... Blue Interior

4) Ice cream ... Aya Fish

4. In what word is one n?

1) justified ... after 2)) spoiled ... bin 3) the area is stupid ... and

4) Asphalt ... Aya Street

5. In what word is NN?

1) wounded ... Ji Fighter 2) leather ... oh chair 3) Yun ... Age 4) Pupil ... ha

6. What sentence contains a word with two nn?

1) The work is made ... And flawlessly. 2) The task is resolved ... and right. 3) The girl is well brought up ... and parents. 4) a strict teacher and restrained ... and

7. What sentence contains a word with two nn?

1) Plots are built up ... s. 2) Employees of the enterprise are not normalized.

3) The courtyard was loaded ... Aya car. 4) Fields Skeyan ... s wheat

8. In which row is the "third unnecessary"?

1) Purchased ... Books, spoiled ... born, dried apricots ...

2) Furhozen ... th trails, unusted ... Guests, grass poison ... and

3) signed ... B Treaty, resolved ... Aya Task, pleased ...

4) Excluded ... School, briefly cut ... A, Raman ... Aha speed

9. In place of which numbers is NN?

At the end of the 19th century, Alexander Panchin was descriptive (1) of the invisible (2), the womb (3) skates, which allowed him to defeat the FI (4) and Norwegian swords. a) 1.2; b) 2; c) 2.3; d) 3,4.

10. On the site of which numbers is NN?

Maybe the skates of the name (1) skates precisely because there was a tree (2) bikes, decorated (3) curl in the form of a horse (4) oh head.

a) 1.2; b) 2.3; c) 1, 2, 3; d) 3, 4

11. In what word there are two letters of NN in the place of skip?

1) UTI ...

2) cleaner ... Aya Sea Fish

3) PAMTAMPOVA ... OE Letter

4) Knee fragmen.

12. In which row in all words missed NN?

1) Tin ... Blue Soldier, Hay Heside ... oh, no ...

2) Loaf ... whale, generally accepted ... OE Superiority, SUKO ... nya tablecloth

3) Substance ... OE Proof, Ovech ... Blue Tulup, Picks Pop ... About

4) Kova ... OE iron, Linova ... Aya Paper, Somehow ... hay meadow

13. In what version of the answer is all the words in which NN is written at the site?

1) woodwood ... oh warehouse, picture ... Aya Gallery

2) Glass ... Aya Tableware, Osie ... Yaya Weather

3) Stari ... OE Weapon, George ... Aya Machine

4) Wayside ... OE LINE, DIY ... OE Art

14. In which example is NN written on the site?

1) Horse Zinc ... A

2) Gray Nnane ... Costume

3) Read ... Books

4) Silver ... Aya Sugarnets

15. In which example is NN written on the site?

1) Commission to create ... and

2) It's not over ...

3) Twice Straul ... Aya Jacket

4) Wayside ... Aya Fabric

16. In which answer, all the numbers are indicated, on the site of which NN is written? Having laid hands in pockets of length (1) of a crash coat, a small little man benevolence (2) oh looked at the voyage (3) stallion, hotly and impatiently interrupted by thin legs. (L.andreyev)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 1,2,3 4) 1,2

17. In which answer, all the numbers are indicated, on the site of which n? Beds (1) with dilapidated, many times of styre (2) coats, from the roller cushions hide starch (3) angles of embroidered napkins. (L.Knyazev)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 2, 3 4) 1,2,3

18. In which answer, all the numbers are indicated, on the site of which are NN? Under the very window, blinned by the covers and pots on the necklaces of the twig (1) oh with a cool-headed bend woven, somewhere in the bottom dimly flashed with a crook (2) by the wind of the winding vessel. (Stadnyuk)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 2,3 4) 1,2,3

19. In what version of the answer all the numbers are indicated, on the site of which NN is written? Far into the rear was seen the forest, the shut-off (1) of a turbid finished haze was seen, and the cranes (2) by the clouds with the clouds were low-low-low-low clouds (3). (A.ANanyev)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,3

20. In what version of the answer all the numbers are indicated, on the site are written n? In the shelf between young officers was distributed (1) and rather naive, boyish, ridiculous game: teach the twins with different colors (2), unusual (3) things. (A.Kuprin)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,3

21. In what version of the answer are all the figures, on the site of which are written? The children jumped on their feet, and a man was filled to the fire. He was glad to see the skin (1) Okola (2) Iki, and on his head he was barking (3) Hat. (R. Fraerman)

1) 1 2) 1, 2 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,3

22. In which answer, all the numbers on the site are written n? On the wall hung the Izhevsk double bastard, and Stari (1), with the vensels of Peti photos (2) of the ancestors, who still retained the celebration (3), grathers near the tree (4) oh wide frame. (L.Knyazev)

1) 1,2,3 2) 2 3) 1, 2 4) 1,3,4

23. In what version of the answer is all the numbers on the site of which are written by NN? Two-storey houses With convex glazed (1) verandas, burned out of the road with neat parisades, stuffers decorate (2) figured in chugu (3) with lattices, cars are dry in front of the doors of garages, both (4) in the lower floors. (L.Knyazev)

1) 1,4 2) 1,3,4 3) 2,3 4) 1,2,3,4

24. In which answer, all the numbers on the site are written n? The rooms usually reigned the mess: on some fabrics (1) beds were lying on Mandolin next to Tom Balzac, the kitten snapped, shifting the book of Darwin, on the table next to the neutubra (2) oh disadvantages of brooch (3) brushes and oil tubes (4) colors. (L.Knyazev)

1) 1,2,3 2) 3,4 3) 2,3,4 4) 2,3

25. In what version of the answer are all the numbers on the site of which NN is written? Now on big Table Nazin was abended (1) Barricades of the foot of books and folders, and the last time remaining the living place again after studying (2) about folders, Mashi (3) described texts, books, magazines, foreign (4) and Russians, and all of them Were decomposition (5) extended. (A. Solzhenitsyn).

1) 2,3,4 2) 1,2,3,5 3) 3,4 4) 4

Additional task.

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Document's name Option number 2.docx

Test on the topic "Spelling N and NN in different parts Speech.

Option 2.

1. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "Two H is written in adjectives formed using a suffix -n- from nouns with the basis on-n-"?

1) unprecedented 2) wooden 3) divine 4) long

2. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the Rule: "In the short suffering gestances of the past time, one is written-"?

1) sad 2) hurt 3) main 4) tamed

3. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the adjective formed by the suffix -n, from the noun, the basis of which ends on n, is written by NN"?

1) strange 2) unexpectedly 3) lowered 4) sleepy

4. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In adverbs, it is written as much as it was in the adjective, from which it is formed."

1) irritated 2) long 3) sure 4) patient

5. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "Two H are written in the adjective, formed from the noun with the help of suffix -enn-"?

1) military 2) outlined 3) painful 4) perpetual

6. In which word, the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In a brief adjective, it is written so much - how much and in full form of this adjective"?

1) stolen 2) reinforced 3) doubled 4) natural

7. In which word, the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "Two H is written in adjectives formed using a suffix -n- from nouns with the basis on-n-"?

1) stone 2) completely 3) lightweight 4) entrusted

8. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "NN is written in the full suffering communion of the past"?

1) impressed 2) measured 3) precious 4) full-fledged

9. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the Rule: "NN is written in complete suffering genthesis of the past"?

1) long 2) deserted 3) drawn 4) traveler

10. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In a brief assuctive communion of the past time n"?

1) violated 2) literally 3) need 4) shame

11. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bnot determined general rule (is the exception)?

1) wooden 2) applied 3) strangers 4) the only one

12. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the Rule: "In brief form Adjective is written so much, how much is written in this word in full form "?

1) frightened 2) brought 3) unemployed 4) desperately

13. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the names of the nouns, the so many letters n are written, how many they are written in a producing basis"?

1) mental 2) modern 3) vital 4) writing

14. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "Two letters n are written in adjectives formed using the suffix N from the nouns, the basis of which ends on the letter n"?

1) public 2) true 3) responsibility 4) moral

15. In what word spelling H is determined by the rule: in adjectives formed from the nouns with the help of suffix -in-, -an-, -yan-, is one letter n "?

1) Loss ... s 2) NOVAY ... AA 3) Estrast ... y 4) cranes ...

Super (1) Aya Chewa Track from Bora brought to Linden, where the paint (2) of the village hiding, which was a decomposition (3), but as a real Russian Terem.

1) 1 2) 1,2 3) 3 4) 1,2,3

According to M.Yu. Lermontov, Bright Odar (1) Aya Personality in the circle of insigniacy (2) And for misunderstanding and loneliness, and if it behaves compliance (3) about the "norms" of this society, then on post support (4) OE self-destruction.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 3,4 4) 1,3,4

The image of the "Time Machine", ascending to the city of Wells and his one (1) Om Roman, was not random for V. Mayakovsky: his utopias, devoting (2) vehicles of vehicles, was technological and there were bonds (3) s Hope for the development of technical progress.

1) 1,3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1,2,3

The sun was golden in the east, for the Tum (1) oh blue removal (2) forests, behind the white snowy bottom (3) is the awning, which looked from the low shore an ancient Russian city.

1) 1 2) 1,2,3 3) 1,2 4) 2,3

The story of A. Platonova "Juvenile Sea" was not written (1) A in conditions when, under the influence of deep in-law (2), their experiences, the writer greatly changed his artistic (3) by the system.

1) 1 2) 2,3 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,3

The monumental composition is performed (1) and from the stone and subordinate (2) and the overall idea is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe approval of Russia on the rivers and seas, in trade and this (3) cases.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1,2,3

In the picture, fragile exactly (1) the silhouette of the girl's individual (2) o is highlighted on the background of white (3) oh the wall, according to pearl shadow.

1) 1 2) 2,3 3) 3 4) 1,3

It's not over (1), guests came to the stamp (2) of the table, on which the rustic dishes were trapping (3) s: eggs, potatoes, cucumbers and cranberries (4) moles in clay (5) ohm jug.

1) 1,2 2) 2,3,4 3) 1,4,5 4) 4

And thick milk, flowing from the clay (1) of the wow, and the lush loaf in the skillful gun (2) of the basket, and the slipping napkin of the statement (3) by the artist in all the details and with special expressiveness.

1) 1 2) 1,3 3) 1,2 4) 1,2,3

25. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, in which the NN is written?

In the Lermontov "Song about King Ivan Vasilyevich, a young Ochrichnik and a remover merchant Kalashnikov" there are no negative characters, and more than (1) OE, elevated (2) OE PAST in general opposition (3) about the grinding of modern (4) astate.

1) 1,2,3 2) 2,3,4 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,4

Additional task.

Distribute words in two groups: 1st-brief communion, 2nd is a brief adjective.

The answer is confused ..., the memory of the Conference ... And, the population of the collection ... Oh, the gait of Medle ... A, help will provide ... A, Dal Tum ... And, the fighters of the wound ... s, the wines are prison ... and the position of the sove of ... oh, the road is empty ... A.

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Document's name Option number 3.docx

Test on the topic "Spelling H and NN in different parts of speech".

3 option.

1. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "If in the adhesive or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in the adverb, the writing of two letters n"?

1) responsibility 2) truly 3) excited 4) well-groomed

2. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In a complete passive communion, which has a prefix, is two letters n"?

1) concentrated 2) enlighted 3) putting 4) legitimate

3. In what word spelling H is determined by the rule: "One letter N" is written in short suffering gestances?

1) cavity 2) enclosed 3) cock 4) machine

4. In which word, the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In adjectives formed from the base of nouns using a suffix -enn, two letters n"?

1) contemporaries 2) vital 3) famous 4)

5. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In a complete passive part, having a prefix, is two letters n"?

1) Own 2) disassembled 3) It is 4) Military

6. In what word spelling H is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the uniform verbs of an imperfect species, one letter N" is written "?

1) freshlyproof ... oh 2) blur ... oh 3) rope ... th 4) mirror ... th

7. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule: "In the adjectives formed from the nouns with the Sufifix -One-, two letters n"?

1) selected 2) Morning 3) Announced 4) poisoned

8. In which word, the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "If in the adjective or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in the adverb, the writing of two letters N" is preserved?

1) Made 2) Instant 3) Slept 4) Silver

9. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule: "In a complete passing communion, which has a prefix, is two letters n"?

1) numerous 2) reached 3) appropriate 4) spring

10. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the nouns with the basis of N, is two letters n"?

1) Outgoing 2) Autumn 3) Enchanted 4) selflessly

11. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "If in the adjective or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in adveria, the writing of two letters n"?

1) illuminated 2) completely 3) input 4) unexpected

12. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule: "In short adjectives, NN is written, if there were two letters n"?

1) obtained 2) gradually 3) long 4) concrete

13. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "If in the adjective or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in the adverbs, the writing of two letters n" is preserved?

1) read 2) long-length 3) completely 4) littered

14. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In a complete prison, having a prefix, two letters n"?

1) district 2) well-kept 3) only 4) increased

15. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjective, formed on behalf of the noun, ending on H, with the help of a suffix, is it written two letters n"?

1) concrete 2) selfless 3) conquered 4) labored

16. In which answer is the correctly indicated all the figures, in the place of which one letter n is written?

In the foreground, the picture is brightly highlighted by a maiden figure in a snow-white dress with a punch (1) with sleeves on the background of the shapes (2) from the MAZ (3) soot.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2,3

17. In which answer is correctly indicated, all the figures are on the site of which NN is written?

Music S.S. Prokofiev demands from the listener a concentration (1) an astand, which will help the listener to comprehend the depth of the work, evaluate the unexpearance (2) solutions in the construction of melodies and harmonies, impeccurious (3) on logical forms.

1) 1 2) 1,2,3 3) 3 4) 1,3

18. In what version of the answer correctly indicates all the numbers, in the place of which one letter n is written?

Before this day, the archives have preserved accounts, brought (1) by the artist for delivered (2) to him oil (3) paints.

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1,3

19. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, in which the NN is written?

Away, on a cool limestone, designed by spills, in the morning (1) with rare air (2), the village with a white church and wind (3) mills is clearly seen.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2,3

20. In which answer is correctly indicated all the figures, in the place of which one letter n is written?

In the painting of the temple of Dionysius, he avoids what the main plot stroke of the depicting (1) of them could overshadow, and is achieving a rare persuasiveness of the composition (2) of the decision - in all the intention of the fresco, everything seems to be in advance (3) about.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2,3

21. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, on the site of which NN is written?

In the picture of Vermareeier "Ruchka" bridge extend (1) A, the power (2) oh tiled porch was washed away, the facades of the houses below lowered (3) by the removal.

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1,3

22. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, on the site of which one letter n is written?

In the late work of Salvador, they were given expressions (1) new artistic (2) tendencies - interest in classical clarity, internal harmony to her.

1) 1,2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 2,3

23. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, on the site of which NN is written?

Some pictures of Savrasov were small size; Write (1) they, for one to two hours, they mark (2) with charm of inspiration (3) improvisations.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 1,3 4) 2,3

24. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, on the site of which one letter n is written?

In 1844, for outstanding merits in painting by the artist I.K. Aivazovsky was awarded (1) about the title of academician and the instruction (2) about write all Russians (3) ports on the Baltic Sea.

1) 1,2 2) 2,3 3) 3 4) 1,3

25. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, in which the NN is written? Repetition - Loved (1) OE A.P. Czech arts (2) OE Means - in the story "Dressing" is the main way of building a work: Monoto (3) Axis, the expected situations, the monotony of actions, intelligence (4) on the mechanical reproduction, create a comic effect.

1) 1,3 2) 2,3,4 3) 1,2,3,4 4) 1,2,4

Additional task.

Distribute words in two groups: 1st-brief communion, 2nd is a brief adjective.

Option 3.

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Check how well you are ready for the task of A7 examination test associated with spelling N and NN in the suffixes of different parts of speech.

1. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "Two H is written in adjectives formed with a suffix -n- from nouns with the basis on-n-"?

1) unheard

2) tin

3) Majestic

4) Long

2. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the short suffering genthesis of the past, one is written one-"?

1) terrible

2) pretty

3) the main thing

4) learned

3. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the adjective formed with the help of a suffix, from the noun, the basis of which ends on n, is written by NN"?

1) Strange

2) Alpassed

3) omitted

4) Pocket

4. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In adveria, it is written so much as it was in the adjective, from which it is formed."

1) Ramane

2) Long

3) I'm confident

4) Patient

5. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule:"Two H writes in the adjective formed from the noun with the help of suffix -enn-"?

1) Military

2) Lighting

3) painful

4) perpetuated

6. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In a brief adjective, spelled so much - how much and in full form of this adjective"?

1) solved

2) Strengtha

3) tripale

4) Divine

7. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "Two H is written in adjectives formed with a suffix -n- from nouns with the basis on-n-"?

1) Stone

2) Top

3) freed

4) Attorney

8. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule:"In the complete passing communion of the past time is written by NN"?

1) drunk
2) Size
3) precious
4) full-fledged

9. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule:"In the full suffering gestances of the past time is written by NN"?

1) Long
2) wounded (what?)
3) Drawn
4) Traveler

10. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In a brief assistant communion of the past, n"?

1) Educated
2) decisive
3) need
4) Pain

11. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bnot determined by the general rule (is the exception)?

1) wooden
2) Brought
3) Built
4) the only one

12. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule:"In a brief form of adjective, it is written so much as written in this word in full form"?

1) frightened
2) delivered
3) Nevostranna
4) Desperate

13. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "The names of the nouns are written as many letters n, how many are they written in a producing basis"?

1) mental
2) Modern
3) vitality
4) writing

14. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "Two letters n are written in adjectives formed using the suffix n from the nouns, the basis of which ends on the letter H"?

1) Public
3) responsibility
4) moral

15. In what word spelling H is determined by the rule: In the adjectives formed from the nouns with the help of suffix -in-, -an-, -yan-, is one letter n "?

1) Loss ... s
2) Read ... Aya
3) empty ...
4) Geese ...

16. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule:

1) Responsibility
2) authenticity
3) excited
4) United

17. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule: "In a complete prison having a prefix, two letters n"?

1) Concentrate
2) Lighting
3) strangers
4) Wall

18. In what word spelling H is determined by the rule: "One letter N" is written in short suffering communion?

1) Oslin
2) Turning out
3) Sparrows
4) mechanically

19. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the foundation of nouns with the help of suffix -enn, is two letters n"?

1) Contemporaries
2) vital
3) glorified
4) just

20. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule:

1) Own
2) forked
3) Note
4) Military

21. In what word spelling H is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the smooth verbs of an imperfect species, one letter N" is written "?

1) Freshly ... s
2) Beloch ... oh
3) Doom ... od
4) Corrosen ...

22. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the nouns with the help of a suffix -enn, two letters are written"?

1) suspended
2) Morning
3) endured
4) Posted

23. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "If in the adjective or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in the adverb, the writing of two letters n"?

1) Slow
2) Risk
3) Slept
4) Hardware

24. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In a complete prison having a prefix, two letters n"?

1) Number
2) Blinding
3) responsible
4) Autumn

25. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the nouns with the basis of n, are two letters n"?

1) Naked
2) Springnaya
3) Enchanted
4) selflessly

26. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule: "If in the adjective or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in the adverb, the writing of two letters n"?

1) snow-covered
2) Top
3) empty
4) Nigandanny

27. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule: "In brief adjectives, NN is written, if there were two letters in full adjective?"?

1) Charped
2) Gradually
3) Length
4) Moon

28. In what word spelling NN is determined by the Rule:"If in the adjective or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in the adverb, the writing of two letters n"?

1) read
2) Lengone
3) Top
4) Railed

29. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule:"In a complete prison having a prefix, two letters n"?

1) District
2) Well-groomed
3) the only one
4) Advanced

30. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjective formed on behalf of the noun, ending on H, with the help of a suffix, is there writes two letters n"?

1) concrete
2) selfless
3) challenged
4) thoughtful

Test "Spelling H and NN in suffixes of different parts of speech."

1. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "Two H is written in adjectives formed with a suffix -n- from nouns with the basis on-n-"?

1) unprecedented

2) Wooden

3) Divine

4) Long

2. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the short suffering genthesis of the past, one is written one-"?

1) sad

3) the main thing

4) Priuschen

3. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the adjective formed by the suffix -n, from the noun, the basis of which ends on n, is written by NN"?

1) Strange

2) Suddenly

3) omitted

4. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In adveria, it is written so much as it was in the adjective, from which it is formed."

1) irritated

2) Long

3) I'm confident

4) Patient

5. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "Two H writes in the adjective formed from the noun with the help of suffix -enn-"?

1) Military

2) scheduled

3) painful

4) perpetuated

6. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In a brief adjective, spelled so much - how much and in full form of this adjective"?

1) Kidnapped

2) Strengtha

3) doubled

4) Natural

7. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "Two H is written in adjectives formed with a suffix -n- from nouns with the basis on-n-"?

1) Stone

2) Top

3) Lightweight

4) entrigated

8. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the complete passing communion of the past time is written by NN"?

1) Fitted
2) Size
3) precious
4) full-fledged

9. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the full suffering gestances of the past time is written by NN"?

1) Long
2) desert
3) drawn
4) Traveler

10. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In a brief assistant communion of the past, n"?

1) violated
2) Literally
3) need
4) Shame

11. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bnot determined by the general rule (is the exception)?

1) wooden
2) applied
3) strangers
4) the only one

12. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In a brief form of adjective, it is written so much as written in this word in full form"?

1) frightened
2) Brought
3) unemployed
4) Desperate

13. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "The names of the nouns are written as many letters n, how many are they written in a producing basis"?

1) mental
2) Modern
3) vitality
4) writing

14. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "Two letters n are written in adjectives formed using the suffix N from the nouns, the basis of which ends on the letter n"?

1) Public
3) responsibility
4) moral

15. In what word spelling H is determined by the rule: In the adjectives formed from the nouns with the help of suffix -in-, -an-, -yan-, is one letter n "?

1) Loss ... s
2) writing ... nya
3) empty ...
4) cranes ...

16. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "If in the adjective or communion, from which the adverb is written, the NN is written, then in adverbs, the writing of two letters N" is preserved?

1) Responsibility
2) genuine
3) excitedly
4) Well-groomed

17. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule: "In a complete prison having a prefix, two letters n"?

1) Concentrate
2) lined
3) Puttonia
4) Legal

18. In what word spelling H is determined by the rule: "One letter N" is written in short suffering communion?

1) Crane
2) concluded
3) Petushina
4) mechanically

19. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the foundation of nouns with the help of suffix -enn, is two letters n"?

1) Contemporaries
2) vital
3) glorified
4) just

20. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule:

1) Own
2) disassembled
3) just
4) Military

21. In what word spelling H is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the smooth verbs of an imperfect species, one letter N" is written "?

1) freshness ... s
2) Beloch ... oh
3) Doom ... od
4) Corrosen ...

22. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the nouns with the help of a suffix -enn, two letters are written"?

1) suspended
2) Morning
3) Opened
4) poisoned

23. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule: "If in the adjective or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in adverbs, the writing of two letters n"?

1) Made
2) Instantly
3) Slept
4) Silver

24. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In a complete prison having a prefix, two letters n"?

1) numerous
2) Revered
3) appropriate
4) Springry

25. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjectives formed from the nouns with the basis of n, are two letters n"?

1) Naked
2) Autumn
3) Enchanted
4) selflessly

26. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "If in the adductional or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in adverbs, the writing of two letters N" is preserved?

1) Lighted
2) Top
3) Own it
4) unexpected

27. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the Rule: "In brief adjectives, NN is written, if there were two letters in full adjective?"?

1) received
2) Gradually
3) Length
4) Concrete

28. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "If in the adjective or communion, from which the adverb is evaluated, the NN is written, then in the adverb, the writing of two letters n"?

1) read
2) Lengone
3) Top
4) Railed

29. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In a complete prison having a prefix, two letters n"?

1) District
2) Well-groomed
3) the only one
4) Advanced

30. In what word the spelling of the NN is determined by the rule: "In the adjective, formed on behalf of the noun, ending on H, with the help of a suffix -n-, writes two letters of H"?

1) concrete
2) selfless
3) conquered
4) Prolimed

Check these tasks.

Test on the topic "Spelling N and NN in different parts of speech"

1. In what word is one n?

1) Skipped ... wines 2) the grass is trimmed ... and 3) unexpected ... y 4) hears ... nya me

2. In what word is one n?

1) freshly frozen ... hay vegetables 2) seams stopped ... s 3) tied ... nait hand

4) Knitted ... Baby Socks

3. In what word is one n?

1) generally accepted ... OE Opinion 2) Drying ... whatever in the Furnaces Mushrooms 3) Stylized ... Blue Interior

4) Ice cream ... Aya Fish

4. In what word is one n?

1) justified ... after 2)) spoiled ... bin 3) the area is stupid ... and

4) Asphalt ... Aya Street

5. In what word is NN?

1) wounded ... Ji Fighter 2) leather ... oh chair 3) Yun ... Age 4) Pupil ... ha

6. What sentence contains a word with two nn?

1) The work is made ... And flawlessly. 2) The task is resolved ... and right. 3) The girl is well brought up ... and parents. 4) a strict teacher and restrained ... and

7. What sentence contains a word with two nn?

1) Plots are built up ... s. 2) Employees of the enterprise are not normalized.

3) The courtyard was loaded ... Aya car. 4) Fields Skeyan ... s wheat

8. In which row is the "third unnecessary"?

1) Purchased ... Books, spoiled ... born, dried apricots ...

2) Furhozen ... th trails, unusted ... Guests, grass poison ... and

3) signed ... B Treaty, resolved ... Aya Task, pleased ...

4) Excluded ... School, briefly cut ... A, Raman ... Aha speed

9. In place of which numbers is NN?

At the end of the 19th century, Alexander Panchin was descriptive (1) of the invisible (2), the womb (3) skates, which allowed him to defeat the FI (4) and Norwegian swords. a) 1.2; b) 2; c) 2.3; d) 3,4.

10. On the site of which numbers is NN?

Maybe the skates of the name (1) skates precisely because there was a tree (2) bikes, decorated (3) curl in the form of a horse (4) oh head.

a) 1.2; b) 2.3; c) 1, 2, 3; d) 3, 4

11. In what word there are two letters of NN in the place of skip?

1) UTI ...

2) cleaner ... Aya Sea Fish

3) PAMTAMPOVA ... OE Letter

4) Knee fragmen.

12. In which row in all words missed NN?

1) Tin ... Blue Soldier, Hay Heside ... oh, no ...

2) Loaf ... whale, generally accepted ... OE Superiority, SUKO ... nya tablecloth

3) Substance ... OE Proof, Ovech ... Blue Tulup, Picks Pop ... About

4) Kova ... OE iron, Linova ... Aya Paper, Somehow ... hay meadow

13. In what version of the answer is all the words in which NN is written at the site?

1) woodwood ... oh warehouse, picture ... Aya Gallery

2) Glass ... Aya Tableware, Osie ... Yaya Weather

3) Stari ... OE Weapon, George ... Aya Machine

4) Wayside ... OE LINE, DIY ... OE Art

14. In which example is NN written on the site?

1) Horse Zinc ... A

2) Gray Nnane ... Costume

3) Read ... Books

4) Silver ... Aya Sugarnets

15. In which example is NN written on the site?

1) Commission to create ... and

2) It's not over ...

3) Twice Straul ... Aya Jacket

4) Wayside ... Aya Fabric

16. In which answer, all the numbers are indicated, on the site of which NN is written? Having laid hands in pockets of length (1) of a crash coat, a small little man benevolence (2) oh looked at the voyage (3) stallion, hotly and impatiently interrupted by thin legs. (L.andreyev)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 1,2,3 4) 1,2

17. In which answer, all the numbers are indicated, on the site of which n? Beds (1) with dilapidated, many times of styre (2) coats, from the roller cushions hide starch (3) angles of embroidered napkins. (L.Knyazev)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 2, 3 4) 1,2,3

18. In which answer, all the numbers are indicated, on the site of which are NN? Under the very window, blinned by the covers and pots on the necklaces of the twig (1) oh with a cool-headed bend woven, somewhere in the bottom dimly flashed with a crook (2) by the wind of the winding vessel. (Stadnyuk)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 2,3 4) 1,2,3

19. In what version of the answer all the numbers are indicated, on the site of which NN is written? Far into the rear was seen the forest, the shut-off (1) of a turbid finished haze was seen, and the cranes (2) by the clouds with the clouds were low-low-low-low clouds (3). (A.ANanyev)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,3

20. In what version of the answer all the numbers are indicated, on the site are written n? In the shelf between young officers was distributed (1) and rather naive, boyish, ridiculous game: teach the twins with different colors (2), unusual (3) things. (A.Kuprin)

1) 1 2) 2 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,3

21. In what version of the answer are all the figures, on the site of which are written? The children jumped on their feet, and a man was filled to the fire. He was glad to see the skin (1) Okola (2) Iki, and on his head he was barking (3) Hat. (R. Fraerman)

1) 1 2) 1, 2 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,3

22. In which answer, all the numbers on the site are written n? On the wall hung the Izhevsk double bastard, and Stari (1), with the vensels of Peti photos (2) of the ancestors, who still retained the celebration (3), grathers near the tree (4) oh wide frame. (L.Knyazev)

1) 1,2,3 2) 2 3) 1, 2 4) 1,3,4

23. In what version of the answer is all the numbers on the site of which are written by NN? Two-storey houses with convex glazed (1) verandas burned out from the road with neat palisades, the porches decorated (2) figured in chugu (3) with lattices, cars are dormant in front of the doors of garages, stroke (4) in the lower floors. (L.Knyazev)

1) 1,4 2) 1,3,4 3) 2,3 4) 1,2,3,4

24. In which answer, all the numbers on the site are written n? The rooms usually reigned the mess: on some fabrics (1) beds were lying on Mandolin next to Tom Balzac, the kitten snapped, shifting the book of Darwin, on the table next to the neutubra (2) oh disadvantages of brooch (3) brushes and oil tubes (4) colors. (L.Knyazev)

1) 1,2,3 2) 3,4 3) 2,3,4 4) 2,3

25. In what version of the answer are all the numbers on the site of which NN is written? Now, on the Big Table, the Nazin was abandoned (1) Barricades of the foot books and folders, and the last time remaining in the middle again, after studying (2) about the folders, Mash (3) described texts, books, magazines, foreign (4) and Russian And all of them were decomposed (5) are disclosed. (A. Solzhenitsyn).

1) 2,3,4 2) 1,2,3,5 3) 3,4 4) 4

Additional task.

Distribute words in two groups: 1st-brief communion, 2nd is a brief adjective.

The answer is confused ..., the memory of the Conference ... And, the population of the collection ... Oh, the gait of Medle ... A, help will provide ... A, Dal Tum ... And, the fighters of the wound ... s, the wines are prison ... and the position of the sove of ... oh, the road is empty ... A.